Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt


The article that I wrote this morning is the understatement of the century.

About Hunter Wallace 12419 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Pathetic country, pathetic candidates, pathetic people.

      Jews really have a strong stomach to deal with such losers.

      • “Pathetic country, pathetic candidates, pathetic people.”

        Yeh, the product of 4 generations of jwish social/media control.

      • “Pathetic country, pathetic candidates, pathetic people.
        Jews really have a strong stomach to deal with such losers.”

        seems odd to me if we’re such losers, the Jews would look elsewhere to find a target to exploit Akhenaton…

    • @Charlie,
      When Trump’s enemies commit lawfare against him, shoot at him, etc, they’re just handing more votes to him on a platter.
      If they left him alone, Biden would likely win the election, marking an organic end to Trump.
      The Left are both aggressive and stupid.
      Trump will be secretly ecstatic about the attempt on his life.

    • “Trying to jail and then kill Trump”

      As half the posters on this forum predicted, months ago.

    • Plz, oh plz, let the shooter be the libtard of all time, so people can see their true nature.

      • US of AIPAC,

        Sounds more like a combination of CIA MK ULtra, and DHS (i.e., Secret Service and FBI) in cahoots that failed because they aren’t the same competent and lethal deep state functionaries they were in the 1960s.

        So far, this Zoomer wannabe assassin has no social media footprint which for his generation seems unbelievable. He donated shekels to a shitlib NGO, but was registered as a republican. Kind of schizo.

        • To November, Nick, etc

          The progressive group he signed up for was ACT BLUE. It offered access to a bunch of events, info on upcoming campaigns, and news. I knew several GOP operatives who signed up for it, including myself, solely for the inside intel. The Democrats sent a mass email to new voters, like Thomas, and he probably signed up for similar reasons or to placate his mom. He signed up in 2021 and was purged like many of us in 2022. I wouldn’t take his membership in it as evidence of being a progressive.

          What we know is his father was originally registered as a Libertarian and his mother registered as a Democrat. Like so many Libertarians, after Trump got elected in 2016, the father re-registered as a Republican. The mother remained Democrat. The household was split like many American households, especially in the North were the aftershocks of Ellis Island era rif raf immigration continue to plague the region. They appear to be Papists.

          Thomas Mathew Crooks originally registered as a Republican in 2021 when he turned 18 and became eligible to vote. He appears to have been into hunting, was a member of gun clubs, and was noted as rightwing by his peers and a bit of a loner. Perfect Incel fresh meat for Nick Fuentes.

          Indeed, there are reports Thomas was a follower of Nick Fuentes and had a Discord account which was involved in that milieu. Its looking increasingly like this attempted assassination was rightwing Papist plot in which Nick’s hysterionics of Papist Holy Wars, Inquisitions, Hitlerian imageries, and recent Anti-Trump anger agitated a young man into going full Anal First. But of course, keep looking for Jews and grifting. By the way, what happened to all the money, $200,000 plus taken from the cancelled AFPAC event?

          Note: The Gay Grand Inquisitor admitted on his show that he found out the recent AFPAC IV event was cancelled by the location 48 hours prior but he didn’t tell anybody. Instead he showed up with all of his equipment and squatted at the location anyways. That’s why the cops showed up and trespassed him. Then he complained he was being cancelled, had his followers march around like he was wronged, and then he pocketed the money and fled. What a fag.

        • “was registered as a republican”

          As Exalted Cyclops points out, this is a Democrat trick to disrupt Republican primaries in states with a closed primary.

    • ” president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.”

      Lemme think, who is head of the DOJ….hmm Garfunk…?

        • Yep, every SS agent protecting the pres candidate should be a buffed gorilla. They are better bullet sponges, offering more shielding and a greater deterrent.

    • “Tucker Carlson has made an explosive prediction that former president Donald Trump will be assassinated as the next logical step after his indictments. ”
      …… 315 days ago

        • Nobody cares about Papists.The Jews are our tormentors.The Papists are just fags like you.Except you are a fag working for the Jews.

    • Can’t blame them for everything….it’s not a good look. Suspect appears to be a White kid with unknown motive. That’s why I was hoping they would get him alive. Now there will be endless speculation and conspiracy theories.

      • No, there will be ample evidence of his motives even with him dead. He’s left some trail.

      • The retard 20 yr old is the patsy.The whole thing is staged.Trump’s ear was probably sliced with a razor like the old wrestling trick.There was a lot of blood but very little tissue damage.So Trump gets a big win in Nov and the Jews get WW3.Mark my words.Lots of commenters worry about the GOP but both parties owe fealty to the Jews.All our Presidents,Speakers of the House,Senate leaders,etc have photos of them at the wailing wall with Jewish beanies.This is a ritual they go through to show subservience to the Satanic Jews.But people can keep hoping Trump or the GOP will save the day.Rep Massie’s healthy wife suddenly dies after he tells that every GOP member has an AIPAC handler.

        • Most of the leaders you mention are Papists. Going to the Wailling Wall is an act in popular conformity and victim unity for vote sympathy. Nonetheless, the real power is still the people actually going to the Wailing Wall.

          Its clear you don’t like me bringing attention to the fact of Papist power in the US and the world, and their being the predominant cause of our problems. Its probably because you are a Papist yourself and my words are screwing up some Deep State Palist op. Good!

          So, listen. I am going to tell you how to ask for forgiveness and atone for your past actions while saving yourself from physical punishment by your fellow Papists. When the priest gives you the sacrament before your fellow Irish Republican Terrorists, don’t swallow it. Pray to the Lord almighty that henceforth you will not partake in communion with those fellow evil doers. 

          Instead, ask for God’s forgiveness for having blasphemed his name in your past actions. Then go outside, spit out the waifer, and swear before God you will now work against the Church of the Whore of Babylon. Then get on your knees and ask for Christ’s forgiveness. Then ask God to send you the Holy Spirit to find a secret Protestant to help you on your walk back to the light and rescue you from the clutches of those fiends you have surrounded yourself with all these years. Go find God.

        • Also, both parties owe fealty to a Judeo-Catholic-Yankee combine. Until you take your blinders off, you will miss the full scale of your enslavement.

    • “Probably a Jewish Assassination attempt ???? Fuck the Jews”

      As usual, the Anti-Semite Spergers (Asspergers) can’t help themselves at Obsessive Dissorder (OD). In reality, it looks like the now dead would be assassin was a bloody Papist.

      Yes, reports are coming out that he was a Papist. Also reports are saying he was registered a Republican. There are rumors he was also a follower of Nick Fuentes.

      The Gay Grand Inquisitor has been villiyfing President Trump, since the Gay Latino was excluded from the President’s money circle. He still out and out says he follows the Pope like the good little Jesuit that he is.

      Like the little worms following the Gay Latino, the would be assassin had poor military skills. The 200-300 meter shot fired by Thomas Mathew Crooks is a perfect range for a decent marksman using a rifle. Although he took what sounds like about 5 shots before having his head exploded by a Secret Service Sniper, Thomas couldn’t hit the President but with a grazing shot.

      They don’t make Jesuits anymore like they used to. Blame Nick for their decline in physical ability. Speaking of Jesuits I am going to give you a list of names:

      Elector Frederick V Gustavus Adolphus
      Antoine de Bourbon
      Duke of Guise Francis
      Admiral Gaspard de Coligny
      Vassy Congregation
      King Francis of France
      Queen Elizabeth of England
      Cecil of Oxbridge
      Sir Francis Walsingham
      King James I
      1607 Parliament
      President Jackson
      President Lincoln
      President McKinley
      President Kennedy
      President Reagan
      President Trump

      These are names of leaders assassinated or almost assassinated by Catholics, almost inevitably Jesuits. It is by no means even close to being exhaustive. I would note that only President Kennedy on that list is considered a Catholic. All the rest are Protestants. Kennedy, although a Papist, was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, a Jesuit Papist. His sister was also educated by Jesuits and eventually joined the intelligence community where more Jesuit viper nests are to be found.

      • “As usual, the Anti-Semite Spergers (Asspergers) can’t help themselves at Obsessive Dissorder (OD). In reality, it looks like the now dead would be assassin was a bloody Papist.

        Yes, reports are coming out that he was a Papist. Also reports are saying he was registered a Republican. There are rumors he was also a follower of Nick Fuentes.”

        As usual, the Semite Spergers lover, Aryan Globalist Bro, loves to deflect from the
        Semites …

        • Incorrect. How could it deflecting when he isn’t Jewish but reportedly a Papist? If, the reports are wrong and he is Jewish well then your asspergers might be right. Even an bad clock is right once a day.

      • Ashkenazi Globalist Hasbara Troll,

        You are so clumsy when you project and deflect away from your tribe’s malevolent and pernicious book of tricks.

        The wannabe assassin’s ethnic background is English and Scottish, so very big doubt he was affiliated with the RCC.

        You blame everything on the obviously corrupted Vatican that your own tribe pulls the strings on both in front and behind the curtain.

        Hopefully, few here believe your forked tongue lies.

        • @November

          “The wannabe assassin’s ethnic background is English and Scottish, so very big doubt he was affiliated with the RCC.”

          Why do you say his ethnic background is English and Scottish? There are few reports about his religion let alone his ancestry.

          Its quiet possible the reports about him being a Papist are wrong. Its also totally conceivable that he is English and Scottish ancestry but still a Papist.

          I am betting like most people in the North East he is a White Mutt with some heavy Irish Catholic ancestry. But, I could be wrong.

          What I am not wrong on is the fact he is not Jewish, and he is a registered Republican of righwing viewpoints.

          “You blame everything on the obviously corrupted Vatican that your own tribe pulls the strings on both in front and behind the curtain.”

          I am not even a lick of Jewish. I am probably more Southern and British than Hunter. I am certainly more Protestant having been deeply raised in traditional Protestant Christianity. The Jews don’t control the Vatican. What a clown world you live in.

          • Since the Vatican was bankrupt by 1830 and had to borrow from the Rothschild cartel in order to defend (hire mercs, buy weapons) their Papal States against rising Italian nationalism, the Jews started having a level of control from that point forward. The final subversion campaign began in earnest after the fall of the Papal States and Vatican I (1870), which resulted in even more borrowing. The Jesuits were heavily already infested with marranos even long before 1830. By the 1920s the lavender mafia was already established in several seminaries, by the late 1950s they controlled a majority of the Catholic hierarchy. Vatican II, ratified under the Sodomite Paul VI in 1965 marked the end of any independent Catholic Church. From that point forward they’ve marched the to same klezmer tune that every other “Christian” church in Clown-World marches to: Juden über alles.

            You forget (or deliberately obfuscate) the Satanic Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. Your ‘papist’ monomania is no different than someone with Jew monomania. The oligarchy contains non-Jews and not all jews are part of the Kosher Nosetra (though all but a tiny sliver non-elite jews obey it out of fear). The Kosher Nosetra itself if merely one component (albeit a major one) of the Satanic cartel, cabal or whatever term we want to use for the criminal oligarchy who rules over Clown-World.

            It is valid to point out that all of organized Catholicism is working hand-in-glove with WEF, Great Replacement/Open borders and the whole Clown-World program to enslave the entire planet to their evil agenda. It’s also true that Catholic Charities are a huge component of the whole open-borders cluster of NGOs profiteering from the invasion (though there is no shortage of Prots involved also, not to mention Jews). There is also no shortage of Catholics who are making money from owning and operating Abortion mills. With the excommunication of Archbishop Vagano we’re now seeing the final stage of the destruction of Catholicism whereby any who question the Woke dogma will be expelled.

            Protestantism is no better off than the Roman church is and in some ways is even further down the hole into Woke Satanism. The Clown who’s Archbishop of Canterbury is a devil headed for the pit every bit as much as Anti-Pope High-Fellatin’ Franny the Pedo is. All of the so-called “Mainline” churches are now Church of Satan (Woke doctrine), as are not a few of the so-called ‘Evangelicals’. One possible blessing of so-many denominations is that the blob is not in total control of all of them. Thus a small remnant remains.

            Your endless efforts to deflect from the longstanding (2000 years and running) demonic hatred of nearly all Jews (90-percent or more) directed towards Christianity and Christians in particular and white gentiles in general is why you’re labelled as a Hasbara troll here. If you’re not actually a Jew, you’re a dispensationalist heretic. Your support of the Clown-Nazi regime run by a Jew cokehead in the fake-ass country “Ukraine” is just another tell (among many). If various Jew organizations are supporting Clown-Nazis over there you can bet that they are likewise supporting those operating (like Fuentes) over here. Catholics, like yourself and Jews, support the handless pianist of Kiev in their stated quest to overthrow Russia and China, seize their assets and enslave their populations (while our own borders are wide open and undefended).

          • > The literal Archbishop of Canterbury is an ethnic racial jew.

            And folks wonder why I make the gesture of ‘devil’s horns’ (index and pinkie) whenever I pass one of those Satanic Witches’ Covens referred to as the ‘Episcopal Church’. I wouldn’t surprise me one but if High-Fellatin’ Franny the Pedo-Pope is of marrano ancestry either. That’s why AGB’s ‘papist’ tourette’s tick is just a mis-direction. There are very, very few organized ‘Christian’ churches in Clown-World who are NOT controlled by jews and other Satanists.

          • @Exalted Cyclops

            Part One

            “Since the Vatican was bankrupt by 1830 and had to borrow from the Rothschild cartel in order to defend (hire mercs, buy weapons) their Papal States against rising Italian nationalism, the Jews started having a level of control from that point forward.”

            I am glad you are reading some history at last, but you are still making it psuedo-history to fit your narrative.

            Yes, the Vatican was in bad financial straights at that time. The ancien regime had mostly been overthrown. What remained was heavily wounded. The money from the Papist monarchs was severely reduced. Meanwhile, the Vatican’s imperial power was still overstretched.

            The Rothschild’s you reference were the Neapolitan branch and it was directed by the Bourbon (Papist) King of Naples. It was done at extremely good terms. So good, that it bankrupted the Rothschild’s of Naples, and when the Kingdom was overthrown by Pro-British Garibaldi, the loan was nullified. The Jews never controlled the Papacy.

            “The final subversion campaign began in earnest after the fall of the Papal States and Vatican I (1870), which resulted in even more borrowing.”

            Again true. But so is the statement, “you borrow enough money from the bank you eventually own it.” All of the Vatican’s loans were chiefly done thru Papist dynasties. When they were overthrown, often by Protestant Masons (Grand England) sometimes by Catholic Masons (Grand Orient), sometimes by Papist Jesuits, sometimes by Leftists, they lost most of their assets and the Vatican ended up taking them over. As a result, the Vatican established its own bank, which became powerful even as the silly Popes claimed they were prisoners of the new Italian Kingdom after they conquered the Papal States.

            The Papist church during this era was going thru profound transformation in its temporal power. Gone were the days of Church and Altar where Papist dynasty could tax the people on the Pope’s demand and send to Rome the proceeds. Gone were the days of Papist State power and wealthy dynasties that bestowed upon the Pope’s ecclesiastical institutions vast amounts to of money.

            What the Popes did was become a corporate commercial banking power, second to none. The Papcy controls the world’s largest confederation of charities, trusts, foundations, and non governmental organizations in the world. Every single Papist controlled bank and every single Papist dynasty puts a reserve into the Vatican’s banks thereby making the Papacy’s combined financial institutions the world’s largest. While you all focus on the “Duh, Jews,” and “Duh, Rothschilds” you fail to see the much more powerful, widespread, and numerous Papist banksters. World history is moved by these pukes and you guys keep missing a key driver of globalism.

            “The Jesuits were heavily already infested with marranos even long before 1830.”

            There were some “Conversos” and Christians of “Marrano) background around Loyola. The later was a pure Basque Spaniard and he was helped by in forming the Jesuits with other White Catholics. The marranos and conversos around Loyola  were all subsequently moved aside and even purged in the decades during the Jesuits rapid rise to power.

            Their subsequent Counter Reformation crusade to burn Protestants priests at the stake, assassinate Protestant temporal rulers and authorities, and genocide entire Protestant communities for the Counter-Reformation was pushed by the entire Papacy but the Jesuits were the SS shock troops of it. If you want a good and entertaining movie to watch about the early history of this era which eventually caused the creation of the USA as a refuge for Protestants, watch this movie.

            St Bartholomew’s Massacre was the original Red Wedding. There all the Protestant nobles had gathered for a wedding between the Protestant and Papist dynasties for the peace od France only to be murdered by the Papists. This was repeated in various ways all across Europe for decades. Plans are undoubtedly being drawn to do to us here in the USA.

            With all the millions of Foreign filth Catholics, especially Latino ones now inside the US, the Jesuits are readying similar mass murders of Protestants, especially Southern ones. Indeed, we know that there are some here who would like to repeat such a grand Counter Reformation crusades and slaughter Protestants like Hunter. To them, we warn you, don’t do it. You not only will be defeated, you will consign your souls to hell.

          • @Exalted Cyclops

            “By the 1920s the lavender mafia was already established in several seminaries, by the late 1950s they controlled a majority of the Catholic hierarchy.”

            Oh please, the Papist Priests were the ORIGINAL LAVENDER MAFIA. Their “celibacy” requirements have been attracting Gay leaning Incels like Nick Fuentes since celibacy was mandated in the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. These gay bisexual incel Priests have been running various types of Lavender mafias for centuries. The so-called modern Lavender Mafia, is itself a creation of the Jesuits and Leftists, not the other way around.

            “Vatican II, ratified under the Sodomite Paul VI in 1965 marked the end of any independent Catholic Church.”

            Why? There is no fundamental logical reason Vatican II did anything to subordinate the Papacy to anything just because they ditched requiring Latin Masses or changing language to make various sacraments more understandable. This is a trope psuedo-rightists like to use to gather credulous Catholics into their grifter ops.

            “You forget (or deliberately obfuscate) the Satanic Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. Your ‘papist’ monomania is no different than someone with Jew monomania.”

            Just to get to balance in discussion of events on this comment section requires I point out the Papists roles. I mean in the face of such idiocy that the assassin at the Trump rally was really a Jewish plot, I’ve had to detail several times how he seems more a Fuentes Fanboy than a Jew. Overall, the “Duh, Jews,” type of b.s. is nonstop here in the comment section, which apparently delights in making outlandish statements to satirize Hunter’s thoughtful articles.

            “The oligarchy contains non-Jews and not all jews are part of the Kosher Nosetra (though all but a tiny sliver non-elite jews obey it out of fear).”

            La Cosa Nostra is not afraid of the Koser Nostra. The former easily has more firepower. However, LCN is more careful with the cartels, which are Catholic like themselves. In turn, all are justifiably afraid of screwing with intelligence services, especially from the US and UK.

            In contrast, Oligarchs can usually depend on navigating both the mafias and the services to flourish and make deals with both and public officials. Rarely do they make mistakes and force reactions from the mafias. When they go down, its usually because they screwed with both and even then only go down thru sanction of the intelligence services.

            “The Kosher Nosetra itself if merely one component (albeit a major one) of the Satanic cartel, cabal or whatever term we want to use for the criminal oligarchy who rules over Clown-World.”

            That’s a more nuanced and correct way of looking at it.

            “Protestantism is no better off than the Roman church is and in some ways is even further down the hole into Woke Satanism.”

            Incorrect. Protestant dogma is not fatally erred. Papist dogma is fully erred. Protestant Churches are by nature congregational and confederational. The Papist Church is a single, unified, autocratic, institution. Protestant Churches were formed to free themselves from a church was was heavily corrupted and satanized centuries and centuries ago. They are now suffering under an insidious Jesuit directed Papist campaign of subversion. Yet, even still, the balance of Protestant congregations remain free in contrast to the corrupted tyrannical Church of Rome.

            “The Clown who’s Archbishop of Canterbury is a devil headed for the pit every bit as much as Anti-Pope High-Fellatin’ Franny the Pedo is.”

            Why do you say this? Just because he is 1/4th Jew, and maybe not even that?

            “All of the so-called “Mainline” churches are now Church of Satan (Woke doctrine), as are not a few of the so-called ‘Evangelicals’.”

            Not true. Methodists and Presbyterian sects remain true, while dissident traditional congregations are the majority in many other mainlines, and separatist Protestant denominations have been founded to replant the seed.

            “One possible blessing of so-many denominations is that the blob is not in total control of all of them. Thus a small remnant remains.”


            “Your endless efforts to deflect from the longstanding (2000 years and running) demonic hatred of nearly all Jews (90-percent or more) directed towards Christianity and Christians in particular and white gentiles in general is why you’re labelled as a Hasbara troll here.”

            I dont deflect from Jewish Christ denying or spiritual hate. I argue against political and temporal b.s. against Jews. It serves as little purpose as to constantly drone on about how Koreans and Japs follow satanic shamanism and aren’t good Christians. You guys are clearly being influence agents for enemies of the US and its allies. Call me Hasbara troll does protect you from being called an Arab lover and Hamas propagandist.

            “If you’re not actually a Jew, you’re a dispensationalist heretic.”

            Falsley conflating my geopolitical, diplomatic, or foreign policy beliefs with theological ones, serves your overall argument nothing.

            “Your support of the Clown-Nazi regime run by a Jew cokehead in the fake-ass country “Ukraine” is just another tell (among many).”

            As is your support for the Euro-Asiatic part Mongol led Russian imperialists. I am glad I support a 100% White Christian country led by an agnostic ethnic Jew with a Christian wife and children against a majority non-Christian and only 65% White country led by a Buddhist-Tatar and his harem of non-Christian wives and children.  

      • Anyone using “Bro” is suspected of being a Yankee pussy Jew.Thanks for defending the Jews.Are you a Fed or an actual Jew? Sure Catholics are a cult and Hell bound but the great Martin Luther was once fooled before he saw the light.On the other hand Jews willingly pledge their souls to Satan.So when you down Catholics thats fine.But when you down Catholics and blame them for things we all know the Jews have done then you are full of shit.Definitely a FED.

        • Talk about deflecting. Its a tried and true tsctic of informants, assets, agents, and officers to point other people as spies when they themselves are the actual spies. I’ve pointed out factual inconsistencies and responses from you and other northern Catholics is to call out fed. The assassin wasn’t a Jew. Period.

    • My best guess is that it was all staged to inflate Trump and the GOP to a big victory.Why? So they can get the big war they’ve wanted.Notice the GOP is even more slavish to the Jews(at least openly)than the Democrats.Both parties are Jew owned anyway.I can’t think of any other reason the Jews would waste a guy who has his head up their asses all day every day.So what I’m suggesting is that maybe the blood was fake.Or maybe the shooter just went for the ear(only 130 yards which is nothing to a sniper).Outcome:Trump wins big and goes big for WW3.I do know that my logic tells me this was a staged event.

      • Notice how a non-Jew shot at the President but its still the Jews, according to Rebel Roy. When lightning strikes a tree, Rebel Roy can be heard screaming out “Duh, Jews!” The event was staged? Get a grip. Trump barely survived an assassination attempt by a Papist solely by Divine Providence. He has now entered mythic status and no Papist can change that. Even if he is destroyed in this physical world, he will merely become even more powerful.

  1. Wow

    Remember George Wallace populist candidate for President on the Democrat side – Wallace won Michigan.

    Wallace survived an assassination attempt, was in a wheel chair for the rest of his life , but what was worse:

    George Wallace like Lee Atwater became a Born Again and renounced his supposedly wicked racist past.


    ( I know one old reader doesn’t t want me to ever write that)

    • “Sigh
      ( I know one old reader doesn’t t want me to ever write that)”
      ^^HA!! Even if you weren’t referring to me, I’ve been a reader since 2015, despise the “sigh”; and, yes, I’m old. You’re an institution, Jaye Ryan. You have my respect.

      As to the article, I do believe this is assassination attempt is a political earthquake. It’s difficult to be shocked in year 2024, and this was shocking only in that it didn’t happen sooner. As usual, none of the institutional entities that vilified Trump will even be mildly reproached. These are the same entities that incessantly demonize White people.

      • I bet you are a fat Jew sitting in a bunker in Tel Aviv.Or maybe a fag in New York or even D.C.making dirty shekels working for Uncle Schmuel.

      • Probably “the church of cannabis” if you’ve ever read some of what Peter Hitchens and Alex Berenson write you will know that the odds are that most of these deranged killers have a past history of long term cannabis abuse and have become so unhappy and self destructive due to the Chemical affecting the mind just like those SSRIs do. We don’t really have much info at all about this Crooks guy yet. Might not be a factor but just speaking generally the ods are that we find out the dude was a stoner like that Crimo guy who killed those people at the 4th of July Parade, the guy who killed John Lennon, etc. They are showing some older photos of him looking sort of like a young white Trayvon but I did see one outlet that had a more recent photo with long hair and a beard looking sort of like the addict character on Netflix’s “Travelers” sci fi show. Seems a suicide by a troubled kid who wanted to become famous just like that Chapman guy who killed John Lennon.

        • Interesting and reasonable assessment. Long term cannabis use is clearly destructive to mental health. There is no such thing as intemperate use of anything that leads to anything other than destruction. Most cannabis users end up at best as libertarian do nothings or as leftwing pacifists mind walkers like this dude at worse (also a major victim of TDS).

    • The Anti-Semitic Decalogue-Joseph Goebbels, November 16, 1941

      1. The Jews are our destruction. They started this war and direct it. They want to destroy the German Reich and our people. This plan must be blocked.

      2. There are no distinctions between Jews. Each Jew is a sworn enemy of the German people. If he does not make his hostility plain, it is only from cowardice and slyness, not because he loves us.

      3. The Jews are to blame for each German soldier who falls in this war. They have him on their conscience, and must also pay for it.

      4. If someone wears the Jewish star, he is an enemy of the people. Anyone who deals with him is the same as a Jew and must be treated accordingly. He earns the contempt of the entire people, for he is a craven coward who leaves them in the lurch to stand by the enemy.

      5. The Jews enjoy the protection of our enemies. That is all the proof we need to show how harmful they are for our people.

      6. The Jews are the enemy’s agents among us. He who stands by them aids the enemy.

      7. The Jews have no right to claim equality with us. If they wish to speak on the streets, in lines outside shops or in public transportation, they should be ignored, not only because they are simply wrong, but because they are Jews who have no right to a voice in the community.

      8. Don’t let the Jews appeal to your sentimentality. (Ed: Or their diversions towards fake enemies, such as “Papists”). If they try, realize that they are hoping for your forgetfulness, and let them know that you see through them and hold them in contempt.

      9. A decent enemy will deserve our generosity after we have won. The Jew, however, is not a decent enemy, though he tries to seem so.

      10. The Jews are responsible for the war. The treatment they receive from us is hardly unjust. They have deserved it all.

      The Holocaust happened. And your race deserved it!

      • DP84

        Excellent quotes, all of it.

        “6. The jews are the enemy’s agents among us.”

        “The jews are a race of spies ” ….. Napoleon

        • I forgot to give a hat tip to Dr. Thomas Dalton for those above quotes. His essays are published on National Vanguard, and his recent one, “Two Decalogues for the White Race,” is where I got those quotes from.

          I’ve evolved in my worldview and priorities since becoming a White Nationalist in 2012. It can fairly be said that I’ve migrated slowly from the mainstream of Der Movement to the vanguard. Once upon a time, Kevin DeAnna, Richard Spencer, and James Edwards were the major influencers on my thinking. These days its William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, and the writers and leaders of the National Alliance.

          At heart, I’m a Right Wing Modernist, or a Right Wing Progressive. My ideology and values make me a man of the Right. My sensibilities, lifestyle, and temperament make me a Modernist.

        • Its literally retarded to say this in response to an attempt by a Rightwing Republican Papist to assassinate Donald Trump. I eagerly await to be corrected that he was in fact a Jew, but instead know “Duh, Jews” will continue marching like dumb dumbs.

      • Dr Goebbels is my favorite after Hitler.An intellectual who like Hitler truly cared about the Germanic peoples and setting things right.Himmler,Goering etc could be said to want power or wealth but only the good Doctor and the Fuhrer made no deals and no compromises.These two men understood the evil of the Jews and I believe they will be rewarded by the good Lord for fighting the true enemies of the Cross.The Jews consider them so dangerous that a 79 year non-stop hate campaign against them was instituted.That in itself tells me they were pure of heart.May the Lord bless them and bless us with two more such leaders.They are needed.Thank you for all those great quotes.

      • DP84 is Literally a Nazi lover, who likes to regurgitate Nazi propoganda from WWII that are so outrageous, they probably made most Germans blush during the war.

        Still, you also note how speaking about Papists is a Jewish plot. Apparentely, you probably think the Old Queen Bess was a Jewess as was Queen Elizabeth during WWII.
        In reality, the Papists were behind the Nazis and behind attempts to assassinate both Elizabeths. They failed spectacularly.

        In contrast, we managed to blow up Hitler, kill many of his aids, and my own Grandfather shot to pieces Hitler’s lair in the Alps just barely missing him. We got very close and deep into Nazi Germany and killed many Papist Nazis. Looking forward to infiltrating and stopping them again.

        • 1. Catholics don’t have real power and haven’t since at least the 1960s. Your diversionary tactics don’t fly here. This isn’t a Klan rally in 1925. None of us here are Protestant Nationalists. Jews have all the institutional power.

          2. Why yes, such “Nazi Propaganda” I’m spewing. That phrase has about as much meaning as “Racist” or “White Supremacist” these days. Its a snarl term. Maybe you can hop in a time machine to 2010 and pull that shit at a Tea Party rally. The Boomer crowd will love you. Double points if you bring a token black guy on stage with you. “God Bless Y’all!!”

          The Nazis were basically right about everything, and I think the defenders of its legacy should drop all pretenses of downplaying or dismissing the Holocaust by owning the fact that The Jews Deserved It!

          Two years ago, in the spring of 2022, I binge watched “The Handmaids Tale” so I could get an idea of how Jews really see us. Turns out, there is a better show and a better showrunner for that purpose: Eric Kripke, showrunner of “The Boys.” In him and his scriptwriting is everything Hitler and the Nazis attempted to exterminate. A pity that they failed. May the second attempt be more successful!

          • “Catholics don’t have real power and haven’t since at least the 1960s.”


            The GOP nominee to be the next VP is Catholic, the current President is Catholic, the majority of SCOTUS us Catholic, the past four Speakers of the House were Catholic, the majority of the Intelligence Community leaders are Catholic, Catholics own more wealth in the US than Jews, the overwhelming majority of illegals and legals are Catholic, and your are an innumerative and ignorant bigot. And probably a Catholic.

          • “None of us here are Protestant Nationalists.”

            Then none of you are actual Southern Nationalists, since Southern Nationalism is a Protestant Nationalism thing. That makes you all fake and gay.

            Hunter, why are all these Southern Protestant hating  Northern White Catholics commenting and disrupting all of your efforts here at OD? No wonder all the Movement’s effort went no where. They were all Papists pretending to be Nazis to mess you guys up.

            “Why yes, such “Nazi Propaganda” I’m spewing. That phrase has about as much meaning as “Racist” or “White Supremacist” these days. Its a snarl term.”

            No, it’s literally just a term. Like 1% of the population actually believes the b.s. you speak while more than half just hate you as a traitor.

            “Maybe you can hop in a time machine to 2010 and pull that shit at a Tea Party rally. The Boomer crowd will love you.”

            Well, if that were true then it would work in elections better than we need to “Holocaust harder” since there is way more Boomer Tradcons than Millenial NeoNazis. Oh, wait, it does work better. 

            “The Nazis were basically right about everything, and I think the defenders of its legacy should drop all pretenses of downplaying or dismissing the Holocaust by owning the fact that The Jews Deserved It!”

            Spoken like a true Commie intent on agitating Rightwingers to go full retard. Good acting. I see you are trying to do the kind of thing the Federal Law Enforcement Academy would give an award and make you a teacher.

            But, you went to far. You went full retard. You never come back from that b.s. Ask your alter ego Nick. He’s never come back from being a Nazi with a Black Guy in a gimp mask. FLEAC won’t give an award for that. It was full retard. Never go full retard.

        • > In contrast, we managed to blow up Hitler, kill many of his aids….

          Who’s this “we” kemosabe? The folks who actually brought down Germany (at horrific cost) which led to the Austrian painter’s suicide were the Russian peasant armies fighting for the motherland, not clowns like you. The bitter irony of Hitler is that he could have been remembered as a great leader had he not fallen for the jews’ trap by invading Poland. Samuel Untermeyer, the same über-Zionist Satan-spawn who funded the total reprobate Cyrus Scofield’s heretical Bible, declared war on Germany in 1933. Hitler was apparently oblivious to the significance of this declaration.

          Ironically, there were other Zionists who were actually working with Hitler in the early years to re-settle jews to “British” (City of London) Palestine. Hitler had a soft spot for the Brits and even allowed their trapped army to escape at Dunkirk. They repaid this mercy by firebombing Dresden and other German cities, incinerating countless civilians. As for the Hitler fanbois here, name me a single Rothschild, Warburg or other bigshot jew who died at the hands of the Gestapo or SS. Even the detestable Frankfurt Schul managed to handily flee to Murika, where Marcuse and his nest of vipers came up with critical theory to completely subvert and destroy a once-great nation – now reduced to a woke clown ghetto. Some call this ‘Hitler’s revenge’. Maybe the Austrian painter’s heart was in the right place but he was nowhere near tall enough for that ride. Learn where he went wrong.

          The center of Jewish usury power was not in Moscow, but in London and New York. Stalin was already moving against the rat-faced Jew Trotsky and liquidating his nest of supporters. The smart thing to do would have been to improve his relations with Stalin and Japan, kill only elite Jews while working with the Zionists in palestine to re-settle non-elite jews there (thus undermining the City of London and setting up a conflict of little jew vs. big jew), then proceed to destroy the British and French empires which would have left their American satrapy and FDR puppet alone and open to overthrow from American patriots. He could have advised the Japanese to back off on attacking the US until the after British and French empires were destroyed (by which point it would have been not needed). He may well have left a great Germany and Europe as his legacy. Instead all that’s left now is a deracinated continent of pathetic cucks who worship negroes and grovel to rodentine jews daily.

          • “Who’s this “we” kemosabe? The folks who actually brought down Germany (at horrific cost) which led to the Austrian painter’s suicide were the Russian peasant armies fighting for the motherland, not clowns like you.”

            If it wasnt for the Western Allies, Germany would’ve rolled over the Soviets. The Soviets were only kept in the war due to massive economic aid from the West and the large scale military operations like in North Africa and Mediterranean campaigns, DDay and French campaigns, and the Air War over Germany. Had the Allies not tied up such large and critical German forces and disrupted German industry, but still provided economic aid to the Soviets, the Germans still wouldn’t stopped the Russians.

            “The bitter irony of Hitler is that he could have been remembered as a great leader had he not fallen for the jews’ trap by invading Poland. Samuel Untermeyer, the same über-Zionist Satan-spawn who funded the total reprobate Cyrus Scofield’s heretical Bible…”
            The Jesuits were behind the funding and promotion of the Schofield Bible.

            “Hitler had a soft spot for the Brits and even allowed their trapped army to escape at Dunkirk.”

            Hitler never had a soft spot for anything except for getting golden showered by Eva Braun.

            “They repaid this mercy by firebombing Dresden and other German cities, incinerating countless civilians.”

            Only Germany terror bombed civilian cities.

            “The center of Jewish usury power was not in Moscow, but in London and New York.”

            Thats the main center if usury period. Not just Jews but Catholics too are prevalent there. Also, there are other centers were Jews few but Catholics are still predominant. In fact, Catholics are the largest number of ethno-billionaires in the world.
            As the other What if Alternate History of Hitler, the fact is, Hitler was too bigoted and stupid to conduct such subtle politico-diplomatic warfare Its not even certain it would’ve been successful as the other powers don’t like to see their pawns (like the rich Jews you mentioned) killed off or pinched off by other powers. Thats whats going on now between Putin and the West, and he’s having a tough go at it.

          • Thanks for proving both your total ignorance of WW II military history and repeating more lies. You’ve now basically outed yourself as either a jew or a retarded goyische hasbara troll in their employ. Always standing up for the Synagogue of Satan regardless of how many crimes they commit. Any church worthy of the name (none left in the west) would excommunicate you.

            Hitler’s main problem is that he let his ego get in the way of achieving any long-term objectives. It’s a common flaw in such characters and frequently their undoing. The Soviet army took a lot of terrible hits from the Wehrmacht but they were able to pull back their industrial infrastructure to east of the Urals and reform due to a far larger population base to construct the huge force which ultimately drove the Germans back to Berlin. This would have happened regardless of the aid from the ‘allies’. The aid helped in enabling the Russians to speed up the inevitable once the Germans’ advance was broken at Stalingrad and Kursk so it ultimately saved lives. Hitler was already at war with Britain and France when he invaded USSR. A really stupid move. Two thirds of the German army was wasted attempting the same fool’s errand attempted by Napoleon.

            The Americans did not capture Berlin, the Russians did. They bought it with far more dead than France, Britain, Italy and the US combined. The western front and the southern front in Italy sped up the ultimate defeat of Germany but they managed to held western Europe and most of Italy through early 1944 – with a just a third of their army. Hitler had some decent generals who advised against a three-front war, but he wouldn’t listen to their good advice. That’s why I take issue with the Hitler fan-club. Why use a failure as your model? Find a better one. Hitler is worth studying mainly for seeing the places where he went off the rails – which ultimately led to the disaster that Germany is now.

        • “my own Grandfather shot to pieces Hitler’s lair in the Alps just barely missing him”

          Thanks for making it perfectly clear to everyone who reads this site that you are nothing but a liar and a troll.

          • Obviously your ignorance of military history is as large as your ignorance of contemporary American politics. You have no standing to comment on my ancestry or what they did in WWII. Your just a little Anti-Zionost Papist out to be edgy for clout chasing. Not virtuous and not American. You ain’t one of us.

    • That was meant for Aryan Globalist Bro. AKA, the resident Mossad agent tasked with monitoring and dissenenating disinformation on Occidental Dissent.

      • Excellent DP84.I just wrote a comment about that FED Aryan Globalist Boob.Question is why Hunter continues to allow his mis-directions on this site?

      • @Exalted Cyclops

        I meant to say even with Allied economic aid, the Germans wouldn’t have been stopped by the Soviets. The point is that without Allied military campaigns in the West which took critical warfighting resources from the Nazis, the Soviets would’ve been rolled over. At best they would’ve been reduced to a Siberian-Asiatic despotacy.

        The fact is, the Germans came close to crushing the Soviets in the first two years. The German invasion was diverted for a very important six months due to British intervention in the Balkans, which in itself caused the Germans to miss their invasion objective of Moscow before the Winter.

        Another example that diverted critical resources, was the Afrika Corps. Though comparatively small to the Eastern Front armies, it took a critical number of armor and troops from the German War effort that had been detailed for Germany’s Southern offensive. Its likely that with them Germany would’ve siezed Baku and the lower Volga.

        Also, the Germans relies heavily upon Axis forces from Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Italy. Britain’s war in the Med took a huge number of troops away from the Southern campaign.

        Overall, 1/3rd to 40% of Germany’s warfighters were detailed toward fighting the Western allies throughout the war. Huge numbers of troops, artillery, and above all tanks were used against the Western Allies instead of the Eastern Front. The Battle of Kursk would’ve been won by the Germans but for this diversion.

        By 1942-43, the Germans were approaching the Caucus mountains and poised to seize all of Russia’s oil production. They had approached Moscow and had surrounded Lenningrad. The Sovietd had lost almost its entire European Army and most of its heavy weaponry. Only the Siberian and Turkish Armies remained and were smaller in comparison to the European armies. They lost Ukraine, which historically was their best military. It looked over for the Soviets by 1943 and without the Western Allies at this time, the Soviets would’ve been rolled over.

        The idea that the Soviets somehow magically got all its industries moved East of the Urals is a myth. Moving giant factories and fixed smelters and tools isn’t a thing. The idea that the Soviets had an inexhaustible supply of troops and weaponry is a lie. By war’s end, the Soviet Union was a desolate and empty country compared to 1939. It never fully recovered. In the maelstrom of the Eastern Front battles, that 35-40% more German and 150% more other Axis troops would’ve been the deathblow to the Soviets.

    • Yes and Rep. Massie exposes AIPAC and then his wife just dies.Its the Jews as usual.They had Wallace shot by their dupe Arthur Bremer.

      • Arthur Bremer was a Papist. The assassination of George Wallace was a Papist plot just like the push for desegregation. It was intended to crush Protestant American, especially Southern, identity. The Papists have always pushed race mixing and crushing Nordic Protestant identity just like their ancient Roman imperialist forefathers.

  2. Trump just had fifty million extra votes fired at him. Nothing helps him, or the Right in general, like the peaceful, tolerant Left does.

    • Yes. If the Deep-State does not actually kill him – but why would they? It’s not as if he’s an actual threat in any meaningful way to them. Still, we’re not talking about rational actors with the deep state so anything is possible. In any case, the sympathy vote alone will boost his numbers so that even if the D-jerseys dump Mr. Depends and put in Guv. Greathear from Californistan to make the soccer-moms tingle, Zion-Don has a very serious shot at winning even with massive vote-fraud.

      • As bro Nathanael has said, “they don’t fear him, but they fear those he empowers”.

      • This was a typical Jesuit plot. They will usually use patsies and cutouts that have some sort of popular backing to deflect from their role and make it look like a lone martyr. This is especially the case when the target is someone who has built a secure following like Trump. Then they will need to show some sort of popular resistance still exists and is behind it. Causing dissension within the target’s base as a result of the attack is also important. Thus, the use of a Papist rightwinger.

        A true Deep State assassination would’ve had to have happened in his first term when he didn’t have a widespread base yet. A Deep State assassin then couldve pulled it off and not been found or escaped. But, once the target has a secure following yet still has a substantial resistance, like in the case of Trump, it is necessary that a no escape assassination attempt will be conducted using the cover of some popular resistance, in this case a rightwing Papist.

        Trump has now survived most of the levels of assassination vulnerabilities. Its unlikely they will try another direct approach again, and even less likely it will be a leftist as this would set up the popular left for segregation and annihilation. No, the next type of Jesuit directed assassination to be used against Trump will most likely be poison, accident, or making it look like a foreign power did it, such as a jihadi detonating before him.

    • Shooter is dead – nice and neat. They don’t leave pesky loose ends after the event like they did with Lee Harvey Oswald any more. And for anybody who thinks some civil war is going to kick off until the internet is shut off, all of the Walmarts are closed and people watch their kids starve nothing is going to happen.

  3. Take that naysayers! #The Storm has finally begun to begin commencing!

    Finally, we are on the cusp of kabbalah tree of life zio don taking off his long worn disguise he’s been wearing all this while as part of #The Plan.

    Insiders have confidentially revealed that trump will soon address all tru American Patriots from atop the Freedom Tower’s spire in jew york city.

    Trump will be encased in a special floating glass tent with cutting edge black light projectors aimed right at him.

    You probably ask, “heh, purty kewl, but to what purpose!?”

    The purpose is for trump to reveal his True Self.

    He’ll deliver his fiery speech from the floating glass tent atop the spire atop the Freedom Tower and at the climax will take off his shirt which will allow his Patriot body to be soaked in the blacklight projectors rays of blacklight

    When the blacklight rays reach Trump, they will reveal what the jews have always suspected but been incapable of discovering (even though we all knew about #The Plan)

    The blacklight will reveal Trump has had a giant SWASTIKA tattoo across his chest in special ink rumored to contain jew tears.

    When this glorious superman style discarding of his fake shabbos goyim jew ball licking disguise is unleashed, #The Storm will commence with MASSIVE coordinated raids by Navy Seals & Delta Force who are now in place to ELIMINATE Trump’s and America’s as a whole enemies in a purge so deliciously brilliant Lenin and Josef Stalin will be nodding with approval from Hell.

    The word is out that the badass Navy Seals & Delta Force who are to lead this mission (in close cooperation with Putin, who has naturally been part of #The Plan the whole time) will take out the entire jew bank Federal Reserve along with the entire elite of Satanic hollywood along with all of congress (& Netanyahu too).

    See naysayers, logic and truth are bullshit. You didnt #Trust The Plan, so you got Joe Biden. Trump is proving himself to be even greater than Hitler.

    Bye bye jews!

  4. “The article that I wrote this morning is the understatement of the century” – Why do Millenials always feel the need to make everything about them?

    • To be fair, they were badly failed by their parents, and by the “over-teching” of society.

    • In no way did the quote you included indicate that the author felt “the need to make everything about them.”

    • While Hunter sometimes acts like he is a millenial, and sometimes even says he is a millenial, he is solidly a generation Xer. For political devious reasons, various social engineers have been trying to flatten the curve of generational cohorts and Hunter has fallen for them, chiefly to indulge in his paleo-Millenial pathologies. In reality generational cohorts range from 20 to 25 years, with the difference being cusp cohorts. Furthermore, there does appear to be a divide within generational cohorts separated by ten years. This means Hunter is definitely in the X cohort no matter how you divide up American history.

      Sociogically, Hunter belongs to the Generation X cohort which spans from 1965-1990 at maximum and 1965-1985 at a minimum. But, actual generational methodology even throws the Generation X category out the door. This is because, most of these generational historians blantently monkey around with the generational year methodology to suit their political viewpoint.

      History starts in America in 1607 and due to birth statistics, its generational history starts in 1610. Accordingly, the 20 year generations brings us in the post war era from 1950-1970, 1970-1990, 1990-2010, and 2010-2030. Under this scenario, the age group now called by everbyody as Generation X, is still the generational cohort of Hunter Griffith.

      I know Fishing Skipper Hunter likes to claim he is Millenial and his kids as Alpha, to entertain his fantasies that things have gotten bad but now a bright future awaits us in newly reset Generational America, but its not the case. Hunter’s children belong to the last generation. Things are only getting worse in the coming years, as the last American history generation hasn’t even been born yet.

      In sum, the fact is, Hunter is a Xer and his kids are Zoommers now matter how the years are constructed. At best (or worst) Hunter displays certain aspects of Millenials, and when he does, can be described as a Paleo-Millenial. Many Xers have these pathologies and they grow stronger in the cohort the closer they get to that 1990 dividing line. So, I suppose, yes, Hunter was acting very Millenial with that statement of his. Bloody Millenials.

    • Look at the picture at the top of the page, why isn’t Trumps head down? How did they know there was only one guy doing the shooting?

      • As I understand it, Trump defied his SS escort to stand up and pump his fist at the crowd – showing them that he was still alive. It was a brilliant move to be sure. He has a gift for working an audience, which is a real plus in his line of work.

        • “It was a brilliant move to be sure”
          and courageous, he couldn’t have known if their were multiple shooters.

          Compare that to the congressmen who cower under congressional benches on Jan 6, scared witless of unarmed protesters.

  5. If Trump was a real national populist instead of a fake one supporting a genocide in Gaza to MIGA, this would be riveting, harrowing.
    Instead it’s just more insane clown drama from a batshit carnival country, empire (teetering on the brink, maybe? Maybe not).
    Which clown candidate will incite a clown to kill the other clown candidate?

  6. GEEEEEEE something totally predicted, even by “not” CIA *ucker Carlson. Just some lone nut got through secret service and local police. Nobody shot obammer, shitpants, dipshit Dub-ya, and cocaine clinton, weird…….still no suspect in the dump shooting, TOTALLY NOT THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY…………………………………………………………………………………………………

  7. I didn’t know there was collateral damage…..INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY……….Good job. Dump’s like a folk hero revolutionary now……….Good job…….

  8. 2 inches to the right and Israel would have been in big trouble. How would they get their hands on the West Bank otherwise?

    • They totally own the D-jerseys also so they would get it regardless. Also, given what a total joke and clownfart the Gay Old Pedoburo is, any Trump replacement would be at least as big of a jewfellator as Zion-Don is.

  9. Regan got shot, We know the 80s after that with Military build up and the stock market!

    So will the economics improve? Or a draft?

    As the Cars song goes?

    let the good time roll!


  10. This is his Teddy Roosevelt moment. This makes him one of the great American presidents.

  11. Major failure by on-site security. Shooter was spotted by bystanders who tried to alert authorities. Was perched less than 200 feet away on a roof out in the open.

    • “Major failure by on-site security. ”

      Planned failure ?
      Oh, oops, “how could we have guessed a shooter would use an elevated firing position to assassinate a presidential candidate.
      Like that’s never happened before.”

      Garfinkle probably barfed up his bagel when Trump walked away.

      • Both Eric Prince and Larry Johnson (former pros in the field) think the SS was in on the plan. Yes the DIE hires are there to help screw things up so they can pass their participation on them should things start to unravel. The nearby warehouse normally would have been under continual watch from drones, etc. The civilian in the stands off to Trump’s side who was killed was a retired fire chief there with family, who were devastated.

        Our prayers to this man’s family that the Lord may provide strength and comfort for their horrific loss.

  12. Imperialism is a very bloody business that is absolutely intrinsic to the capitalist system. As the imperialist Commander-in-chief, Donald Trump murdered many Syrians and Afghans using missiles, bombs and sanctions, and thousands of Palestinians using the Israeli colonial proxy that he supplied with U.S. weapons and other “aid” during his first four-year term. He also murdered Qassem Soleimani who was on a diplomatic peace mission. Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers,” and “all those who take the sword (of violence) will die by the sword.” The sword of violence and God’s judgment barely grazed Trump’s head today, while one hundred more Palestinians were actually murdered by the U.S. using its colonial Zionist proxy and U.S.-supplied weapons, following the U.S.’s precise satellite targeting directions.

    The real deaths and sufferings of millions of victims of imperial violence deserve just as much attention as this near-death of one of the perpetrators of capitalist imperial violence. But if you are personally pleased with how the system works for you, because you happen to be well “positioned” in it (if you are comfortably bourgeois, upper middle class) then you probably want ignore the victims and crimes of the system and instead focus your attention on “Trump versus Biden,” and participate in the so-called “election” and pretend that the private profit system is essentially good, or that it can be reformed by “populism.”

    The Bible says truly the love of money (instead of people) is the root of all this evil. You cannot serve both God and Mammon.

    • “The sword of violence and God’s judgment barely grazed Trump’s head today, while one hundred more Palestinians were actually murdered by the U.S. using its colonial Zionist proxy and U.S.-supplied weapons, following the U.S.’s precise satellite targeting directions”:

      And yesterday, while “you all” were paying so much attention to the drama of Trump and Biden, one hundred MORE indigenous people were murdered (and over 400 wounded) by the U.S.’s colonial proxies with U.S.-supplied weapons and targeting directions, within the walls of the Gaza concentration camp. The Lancet, a prestigious journal, reported that probably more than 186,000 Palestinians have been genocided in Gaza since October (when the probable number of uncounted corpses still under the rubble, or blown apart or incinerated, and all the famine and disease deaths are added to the official, known-to-be killed directly by the Israelis, death toll. If this percentage of the U.S. population were killed, the population of the U.S. would be reduced by over 25 million.

      “The real deaths and sufferings of millions of victims of imperial violence deserve just as much attention as this near-death of one of the perpetrators of capitalist imperial violence”:

      The entire Right, including the “far right,” the moderates, the fake left, and populists, all belong to the capitalist system of class exploitation and imperialism, and as such, they really couldn’t care less about deaths and sufferings of ordinary people, expendable, lower-class human resources. Your state, your military, all of your so-called democratic government, belongs to and exists to serve and protect the elite capitalist class. Your so-called “elections” will never be democratic, and it makes NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL which of the twin right-wing parties’ right-wing candidates (Trump or Biden) is “elected” to be the next puppet figurehead of your “republic.” It is a shame to give so much attention to the system’s false and evil political drama. It is empty, lazy mindedness. God gave us brains and He expects us to use them, to see the forest (the nature of the system) not just trees (like Trump and Biden), and learn how to replace the evil, outmoded class system with a much better, class-less one.

  13. All commie rat POS vermin are dejected that he survived?
    No room for homegrown useless idiot subhuman commie RAT pos vermin.
    No way we coexist on the same land mass any longer.
    No room for commie.

    • The Left are trying to destroy Civilization. And they wonder why things have become so polarized and antagonistic. Of course we cannot coexist.

      • “The Left are trying to destroy Civilization.”

        They’re succeeding, at a very rapid pace.

      • “The Left are trying to destroy Civilization.”

        No. Socialism (the genuine Left) is the force of fraternity, and unselfish service, that BUILT civilisation, and indeed it IS civilisation, whereas The Right (including the fake left) is the opposite force of selfishness, greed, jealousy, envy, competition/exploitation, class and imperialism that works to destroy civilisation, human life and the natural environment.

  14. They’re saying the shooter was 150 yards from Trump, and missed. How is that even possible?

    Another film angle showed a counter sniper behind Trump that was facing the correct direction to have seen the shooter, but didn’t return fire.

    The first oddity points to an incompetent lone wolf. The second to a coordinated stand down.

    Smh something is way off here.

    • It’s about 250 meters. As you know thats actually perfect range for a rifle he is rumored to have used. He did a nice low crawl to get into position. So, his movements to contact were pretty good for a civilian. Still, yeah, five shots at that range? He sucked! Of course he sucked, he appears to have been a Nick Fuentes fan. Maybe he was shooting at someone else and Trump was at best a secondary target?

      I want to know how the Secret Service sniper got him. Hearing the reports of one, pause, then two, three and four quick shots, followed by a fifth, and then a different report of One SINGLE SHOT, and silence, gave me the GET SOME vibes all over again. Nice dopamine fix for my rather unremarkable life now.

      Also note, the good old boy Redneck Americans chilling out noticed the shooter first and tried to warn the police and secrer service. Had they been allowed to habe been armed like Americans in old old political rallies, they would’ve eliminated the assassine before anyone else was killed. Instead, we had to wait for a professional.

      When seconds count, the cops are always minutes away. Keep and carry.

      • SS sniper did nothing until the shooter fired eight shots. One shot seems to have grazed Trump in the ear, though there’s some talk of a monitor shattering nearby from a hit which sent shards of glass Trump’s way – slicing his ear. Other shots killed a retired fire chief sitting with his family in the stands off to Trump’s side and seriously wounded another spectator. SS was very likely in on the plan. Like every other fed agency – corrupt to the core. Just another fine day in Clown-World. Maybe this shit-show could serve to cause Trump to face reality but until he orders his devil-worshipping son-in-law and daughter to never darken his door again that’s very unlikely to happen. As in LOTR, Jared Wormtongue will continue to bewitch the hapless fool. Got to hand it to him for standing up and pumping his fist to his supporters though. That picture alone will likely win him the presidency unless the gang in charge decides they will not allow it.

      • > Also note, the good old boy Redneck Americans chilling out noticed the shooter first and tried to warn the police and secret service. Had they been allowed to habe been armed like Americans in old old political rallies, they would’ve eliminated the assassine before anyone else was killed. Instead, we had to wait for a professional.

        > When seconds count, the cops are always minutes away. Keep and carry.

        Good point. It was a very different world back then, though. The professional allowed eight shots to be fired before responding (which is very suspicious). If Trump had not turned his face to look at another part of the crowd he would likely be dead. Shooter Crooks was very unlikely a pro but probably had some kind of training, perhaps via Antifa. Supposedly the gun belonged to his father.

        I suppose Crooks could have been shooting at the retired fire chief who was killed if he’d had some kind of run-in with him during his Antifa activities, but what are the odds of this? Slim to none I expect.

    • “They’re saying the shooter was 150 yards from Trump, and missed. How is that even possible?”

      Headshots are very difficult, small area and the most animated part of the body, especially for a gesturing speaker at a podium.

      Thank God!

  15. “Why do Millenials always feel the need to make everything about them?”

    Because the media has taught them to be self-centered.
    They are more easily manipulated when only concerned about themselves.

    In reality, most all Americans are selfish hypocrites, not at all concerned about the plight of other WHITES. There are few exceptions.

  16. LOL, when does the Civil War start?

    “Where’s my shoes?”

    What a pathetic joke. It’s as if they make fun of White people to prove they can. Embarrassing.

  17. Those few of you that know anything about false flag shootings know that they always leave shoes at the scene, as a calling card. Sandy Hook, dozens of other well known false flag shootings, the shoes are there.

    So, after the SS officer shot Trump through the ear with a bb, why was he yelling over and over, “let me get my shoes”?

    They had removed his shoes, to leave as a calling card.

    So they pierced his ear. In the Old Testament when some man acquired a lifetime slave, he pierced the ear of the slave. It was the mark of the slave, it identified the man as a slave.

    This was not an attempt to kill him, but it was both a message and a warning.

    Of course, perhaps no one here will reject the Zog narrative. Americans always believe the Zog narrative, with few exceptions. They “saw” it on TV or the net, and believe it.

    But they lie to you, they always lie to you. By way of deception they wage war, and you believe the lies like Pavlov’s dogs. Or maybe you don’t. The choice is yours.

    We cannot free our Southern nation until we free our minds of the Mockingbird Media, the Matrix of Deception.

  18. Curse of Tippecanoe

    The Curse of Tippecanoe (also known as Tecumseh’s Curse, the 20-year Curse or the Zero Curse) is an urban legend about the deaths in office of presidents of the United States who were elected in years divisible by 20. According to the legend, Tenskwatawa, leader of Native American tribes defeated in 1811 at the Battle of Tippecanoe by a military expedition led by William Henry Harrison, had cursed the “Great White Fathers”.

    Since 1840, eight presidents have died in office. Seven of them were elected in years divisible by 20: William Henry Harrison (1840), Abraham Lincoln (1860), James A. Garfield (1880), William McKinley (1900), Warren G. Harding (1920), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1940) and John F. Kennedy (1960). Two former presidents elected in applicable years, Ronald Reagan in 1980 and George W. Bush in 2000, did not die in office…

    This assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump means this curse almost took his life and therefore he must be the legitimate President and actually was the actual winner of the 2020 election (I always thought that since Dems hate voter ID that makes them cheaters automatically, automatically) that was stolen from him by the Dems.

    Of course this situation could change should something similar happen to citizen Biden before this presidential term is up…

  19. What astonishing incompetence. The Secret Service snipers seem to have had no trouble at all sighting and reaching the would-be assassin, just moments after he’d fired, yet his perch, from which he himself seems to have had no trouble sighting and reaching the stage, was apparently not something they’d been monitoring.

    U.S. Secret Service—Jumping into Action as Soon as You’ve been Shot.

    • “What astonishing incompetence”

      You’d almost think it was planned ‘incompetence’.

      • Now that you say that, AIPAC, I find myself wondering whether Cheatle, the woman who heads the Secret Service, simply doesn’t care whether Trump has adequate protection. To her, it may be, he’s simply the man responsible for the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade—to hell with ‘im. That sounds crazy, but …

    • Yeah. Having done event work for the big guy a few times, something failed here. I always did a walk around looking for potential hides, and then I would ask security coordinator to walk with me to show me what they had and vice versa.

      During those times only once did I find a hide that Secret Service didn’t have a site on (at least from the coordinator position). Even then, it was still covered by the counter sniper team, just a little out of vector of fire. We fixed it. Perhaps this is what happened here? Still the assassins brains are now all splattered. I have my suspicions on the assassins movements but if correct, suggest something sinister, so I am going to keep quiet until more info is made public.

      Not like most guys on campaign trails are like me, but this does seem to have been a little shoddy. Secret Service guys are pretty good. Its a grueling job. The Secret Service teams have to heavily rely upon local and state support.

      When I controlled a large outside event for the big guy, it was a security nightmare despite having a heavy counter sniper force, and heavy local law enforcement support. There were numerous chances where command, control, and communication, couldve broken down and left holes in the security cordon. Its likely this is what happened here.

  20. Ringo ” Why do millennials always feel the need to make everything about them ?” Because they are out of balance, they have more information, than common sense, a profound lack of wisdom, a profound lack of experience, but their arrogance, their vanity, is their Achilles heal ……..but who in politic’s, isn’t a crook, isn’t a whore, isn’t a phony ? Who ? J.D. Vance, founding stock, WHITE BOY with a beard, he will be good for WHITE BOY morale ……

  21. Antifa, linked to PKK/YPG terror group, involved in Trump assassination attempt

    Antifa, a left-wing anti-fascist political movement in the United States known for various acts of violence, is reportedly involved in the assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump on July 13. Many members from Antifa allegedly received training from the PKK/YPG terrorist organization in Syria.

    The assailant, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks by U.S. security services, has ties to Antifa, known for its radical activism and reported connections with PKK/YPG operatives in Syria.

    Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to declare Antifa a terrorist organization.

    It is also known that Trump wants to withdraw from Syria. This raises the question: “Was Trump targeted by those who want to prevent the U.S. withdrawal from Syria?”

    Currently, the U.S. is the largest financier of the PKK/YPG, a terrorist organization with close ties to Antifa – of which Crooks was a member…

    So, the good/fine people in Charlottesville were not who the Dems and news media claimed they were.

    Here is a list of over 600 Antifa people who were at Charlottesville causing the riot because they were ones who initiated the fighting against the United the Right people who turns out now to be the good guys after all…and these radical Antifa and other asorted radical liberals were the bad guys as we knew all along…LOCK ‘EM ALL UP!!! EVERY ONE OF THEM!!!

    List of Antifa Members at Charlottesville

    • Yeah, he could be antifa. Although Crooks has been noted to have been a registered Republican, there has been a huge uptick of infiltrators into the party from the Left. It is not beyond reason that this guy is one such person. But, so far, we have info out that says he was Papist, Republican, and listed to Nick. But lots of Antifa who fit that background as means of infiltrating. There are even some who undoubtedly not just read OD, but comment on it.

      • Crooks was too young at the time to be at Charlottesville but on the Antifa list the following were identified as being from PA:

        *2. Daryle Lamont Jenkins (Leader): Philly, PA
        47. Jon Ziegler AKA Rebelutionary Z: Montrose, PA
        70. Bernadette Christopher Morrell Karpf: Philadelphia, PA
        156. Courtney Bowles: Philadelphia, PA
        169. Mark Tinkleman: Philadelphia, PA
        221. Jordon Rooney: Pittsburgh, PA
        222. Dave Wright: Pittsburgh, PA
        233. Robert John Winant: Philadelphia, PA
        *246. Lindsey Elizabeth Moers: Philadelphia, PA
        *247. Shawn Menne: Moorestown, NJ/Philadelphia, PA
        399. Chenjerai Kumanyika: Philadelphia, PA
        400. Saadiqa Kumanyika: Philadelphia, PA
        *426. John Andrew “Andy” Mulligan: Perkasie, PA
        *427. Caeden Famiglio: Philadelphia, PA
        571. Xavier Torres de Janon: Philadelphia, PA
        *638. Thomas Jackson Massey: Philadelphia, PA
        *643. Michael J Longo Jr.: Philadelphia, PA
        *648. Brian Bozicek: Philadelphia, PA

        If Crooks can be linked to any of these or other names on the bigger 650 list then he could be linked to Antifa.

      • PA is a closed primary state and Dems were instructing their faithful to register as Repukes in order to derail Trump in the primary. Fuentes is probably a Fed informant. He was in the building on 1/6/21 and no charges have been filed, as with other feds. Crook seems to have been involved with Antifa, who are basically FBI stasi in training.

        • “Fuentes is probably a Fed informant.”

          Very likely, he takes some of our essential tenets and pours crazy sauce all over them, monarchy, catholic rule etc.

    • And the government totally doesn’t have any influence with antifa. They’re just innocently punchin nazis in the face lol, well that was big under obammer, under shitpants it’s shoot em up.

  22. You don’t have to wait a full day for the sketch to keep on giving. Aside from the inside job of the “secret” service, police had snipers everywhere, yet the shooter strolls in with one of those highly concealable rifles, has plenty of time to setup his shot in plain sight, and was even ****** spotted by Dump supporters before he took a shot. Just a lone nut…….riiiiiiiight.

  23. The government is so incompetent, their faggot assassins can’t even get a crack shot with all the help.


    Readers are adviced to follow discretion and we are not liable for any misinformation or mistakes in the article.

    Who is Thomas Matthew Crooks and his Political Affiliation?

    Posted on July 14, 2024

    Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as the suspect who shot at Donald Trump at his PA rally. Crooks was 20-years-old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania which was about 40 miles south of the Butler rally. An AR-15 was reportedly recovered at the scene. Crooks was apparently shot in the head after he tried taking out the former president.

    Thomas Crooks, the man who tried to kill Donald Trump donated to Joe Biden on Inauguration Day.

    Sept 20, 2003

    Age and Location
    Crooks, 20 years old, from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, approximately 40 miles south of the Butler rally.

    Weapon Recovered
    An AR-15 was reportedly recovered at the scene.

    Crooks was apparently shot in the head

    Voted For
    Hillary and Joe Biden (Family Affiliation, since he did not have legal age)

    Background of Thomas Crooks

    Thomas Crooks, aged 20, has come up in several intelligence reports recently. He lives in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and is known for his extreme views and involvement in violent incidents.

    His parents home is a rundown 1,067 sq ft property built in 1950 that sits on 0.26 acres. They bought it on 5/12/1998 for $87,500. It’s located at the same Bethel Park, PA address.

    Crooks has been arrested multiple times for charges related to causing trouble in public and assault.

    Investigations into Crooks’ background reveal links to radical groups, including online associations with people promoting drastic actions against perceived enemies.

    Reports suggest Thomas Crooks has been involved in activities aimed at causing disruption and unrest in different parts of the United States.

    Seattle Protest (2023): Thomas Crooks was reportedly involved in a violent Antifa protest in Seattle, characterized by clashes with law enforcement and property damage.
    Portland Unrest (2022): Crooks allegedly participated in a riot in Portland, Oregon, where Antifa members clashed with counter-protesters, resulting in multiple arrests.

    Minneapolis Demonstrations (2021): Crooks was purportedly part of Antifa actions during demonstrations in Minneapolis, marked by confrontations with police and incidents of arson.

    Thomas Crooks Affiliations
    • Portland Black Bloc: Known for aggressive tactics during protests.
    • Seattle Antifa Collective: Coordinated anti-fascist actions across the Pacific Northwest.
    • New York City Antifa: Notorious for confrontations with far-right groups.
    • Los Angeles Antifa Network: Organized counter-protests against alt-right rallies.
    • Chicago Anti-Racist Action: Dedicated to combating white supremacy in the Midwest.

    Readers are adviced to follow discretion and we are not liable for any misinformation or mistakes in the article.

    • That is counter to what all agencies and main stream media are sourcing. However, if social media reports by citizen reporters turns out to be correct then the entire frame of reference changes. But, as of now, reports by friends of Thomas Mathew Crooks say he was a Republican Rightwinger. Its possible there is another Thomas Crooks in the country but is entirely different than the shooter. Interesting development.

  25. Dan Bongino: (a former Secret Service agent)
    I want to repeat, and can absolutely confirm, the USSS Director Kim Cheatle has repeatedly turned down requests for a larger security footprint around President Trump. Despite knowing the threat level is catastrophic.
    Resign tonight.

  26. Just a heads up, the Jewish website politico has revealed the process, in an interview with a DNC insider.

    They don’t need anyone to resign. Under the rules all they need are 600 delegates to petition to throw the convention open, and it is. Once they open it, everyone is uncommitted.

    So, they can do it. They all know it. There is a lot of fake drama going on, about stubborn Joe and evil Jill and what not. That is all fake.

    The real struggle is of course, who? Who gets the nomination? Who gets the VP slot?

    One thing I didn’t know, after the nominee picks a running mate, he has to be approved by a majority of the delegates. The delegates can reject the proposed VP.

    Still no idea who it will be, but the actual process is now revealed.

    Also, on the recent shooting hoax, people like the magnificent James O’Keefe and Elon Musk among hoardes of lessers, are posting that “secret service failure” doesn’t cut it. The level of failure is so extreme that it seems deliberate. This is promising.

  27. Uh, not securing every rooftop within a 1000 meters ?
    Seems just a little too lax. Suspiciously so.

  28. Many questions:

    If Trump had been killed, what would anybody do about that?
    Will there be a second attempt?
    Will the American public proceed under the commonsense general understanding that this attempt was by the US government and the people who constitute, and not merely a random lone actor?

    • “Will there be a second attempt?”

      I strongly suspect there will be.
      With garfinkle heading the DOJ, they’ll just relax security and let nutcases have their opportunities.

      This is the same pattern as Berlin in the 1920s, the Jewish police chief allowed communists to attack anyone they chose, without any consequences.

      Same people, same patterns.

  29. The Antifa connection, if indeed there is a connection, needs to be followed upon! This could be political gold!

  30. In a Guardian interview in June, Steve Bannon – a Trump adviser and former White House chief strategist – spoke of his concerns that the Republican nominee would be assassinated before the election in November.

    “It’s my number one fear,” Bannon said, speaking before he began a four-
    month prison sentence for defying a congressional subpoena. “Assassination
    has to be at the top of the list and I believe that the woman that’s running the
    Secret Service part is not doing her job”…

    — In a post on X

  31. “After numerous attempts to remove candidate Trump from the political arena – using first legal tools, the courts, prosecutors, attempts to politically discredit and compromise the candidate – it was obvious to all outside observers that his life was in danger.”……. Kremlin spokesperson

  32. Dementia Joe and his Pravda/Lügenpresse reporters are now calling for something called “Unity”, that is their new slogan, “Unity”. This call for “Unity” comes after years of calling Trump (and his “deplorable” followers) monsters who should be eliminated from the face of the earth. They aren’t too particular about how they are eliminated either.

    What “Unity” means is the Left’s vicious criminal behavior (such as Antifa riots) goes down the memory hole, simply forgotten, no consequences. The Left’s “Unity” also means their enemies surrender to their tender mercies. After the Left’s enemies surrender they fully intend to meet out their version of “justice” i.e. retribution far and wide, a reign of terror, no mercy. The Left will not quit after this incident, just put things on pause for a while, a tactical political decision.

    Right now the Left is simply perplexed how the shooter could have missed his opportunity from 120 yards away with a .223 round. The Secret Service did give the shooter a great opportunity that will not come again. Instead the damn fools handed Trump the White House on a silver platter, possibly the whorehouse known as “Congress” too.

    • ‘unity’ is just a neo-marxist term for,’you yield to all my plans and principles and abandon all of yours’.

      • But it goes both ways…Trump/Trump’s people know how to play both sides as well. It now appears that the pro-Trump judge has dismissed his classified documents case…essentially turning hungry vicious shark Jack Smith into canned tuna…at least for a while maybe…

        U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump in an order Monday morning over the manner in which special counsel Jack Smith was appointed.

        “The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution,” wrote Judge Cannon, who was appointed to the bench by the former president…
        — NPR, “Judge dismisses Trump documents case over special counsel appointment”, 2024-07-15.

        • Their lawfare strategy has failed, it actually boomeranged on them. I guess that’s why they went for option number two, which also failed, boomeranging bigly, again.

          What will option three be? A foreign war requiring us all to “pull together” as “Americans”, whatever that means? That’s my guess, a war for either Our Greatest Ally or Taiwan Asiatics or if Dementia Joe’s keepers really fuck up, both at the same time, a guaranteed national failure.

          When JFK and Premier Khrushchev of the (former) USSR were preoccupied with the Cuban Missile Crisis in October, 1962 China used that opportunity to attack India and seize disputed territory along their shared border. Both the USSR and the U.S. were considered enemies by China at that time, the U.S. the greater enemy. China set peace terms with India after the Cuban Missile Crisis was over, retaining most of the territory they seized.

          If the U.S. is all bollixed up fighting in the Near East that will be a good time for China to seize Taiwan. The U.S. Government won’t be able to stop China. The war for Taiwan will be a brief one with China settling the Taiwan question on their terms like they did with India in 1962.

  33. From Imperium Press:

    Trump failed as a president by virtually every major metric, but he has done more damage to the machine than any American in a century. Not because he is a strategic genius, nor even on our side, but because he is mythic in scope. He has undermined the progressive myth, however slightly, and this has been enough to start it toppling.

    Yesterday he was shot and survived the assassination attempt.

    Our guys need to understand why he has power over half the American public. It’s not that they’re dumb. It’s that he has a myth.

    We wrote an article on this last month:

    If the regime does make a martyr of Trump, they will have written his myth. But they have already made him into a criminal. If they don’t martyr him, they admit that Trump is above the law. Either he is a myth, or above the law—and who else is above the law but the sovereign? This is the latest in a series of “painful catch-22s” that the regime has suffered at the instigation of Trump himself.

    Our rulers are absurdly incompetent nincompoops. Consider the scope of their failure. They have taken the most powerful, secure, self-running political machine in the history of the world—liberal democracy—and in a single generation have managed to squander it. They have put themselves in a terrible position, where one man is now the avatar for an oppressed people—the numerical majority, who are descended from religious extremists and whose revolutionary blood has been awakened.

    Our rulers have concocted a no-win scenario and stepped into it. This scale of incompetence can only be described as mythic. What happens next could be the beginning of a new era.

    • That’s the probably best explanation I’ve read for Trump’s popularity and the visceral hatred directed at him by the Blob and its orc-armies of shitlib acolytes. Like Obi-Wan in Star-Wars, if they strike him down he’ll become more powerful than they could possibly imagine. He will then become the kind of mythological figure which may well produce enough believers that they’d be willing to do whatever was needed to bring down Clown-World.

  34. Since Bidens terrible debate I have been back on the Trump Train. Have to get Old Joe out of office.

    Tucker Carlson had predicted this might happen and it turns out the Shooter is 20 years old. Just a young skull full of mush who half his life has had public school indoctrination against Trump.

    I recommend Christian Nationalists begin fervent prayer circles for Trumps safety!

  35. When I heard the news, my first feeling was “what took them so long?” The left has been baying for Trump’s death for years. Then, I remembered that line from Beckett: “Will no one rid me of this priest?”
    Said by King Henry about Beckett, a former friend and ally gone to the other side. I’m neutral. It’s hard to believe this was just one lone “nut with a gun.” We’ve heard that line for decades, and it is funny how the “nut” conveniently gets killed.
    Then, I’ve alway wondered if Antifa has some loose cannons that are not quite under government control. If there is a deep state, why not a deep state within the deep state?
    And if this was actually to reassure Trump’ “landslide” victory so he can go about and do the deep’s bidding once re-elected? I’m waiting to see what turns out.

  36. “My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember that while we may disagree, we are not enemies,”
    Joe Biden

    The same Biden that said, ” we have to put Trump in the bullseye” …… What filthy hypocrites all libtards are!

  37. November at others please PLEASE don’t start speculating on wild, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories of sinister groups, people you don’t like.

    Wild Conspiracy theories is the bane of the American Right wing.

    Libtards also have always done this going back to 1963 when CBS News Libtard commentator trounced his judgment that the entire White Conservative city of Dallas TX was guilty of the Assassination of President Kennedy.

    “Hate Killed President Kennedy”….

    Actually it turned out that a pro Castro Communist assissinated President Kennedy, his motive was most probably in response to the many, many Kennedy administration attempts to assassinate Cuban Communist leader Fidel Castro.

    Yeah, I know, after all those terrible years of Lib Leftist Ted Kennedy representing the Kennedy Family, it’s hard to believe that in 1960-63 that John F Kennedy, his Brother Robert Kennedy and his father Joe Kennedy were strongly anti Communist. But they were.

    John F Kennedy and his father Joe Kennedy even had lots of good things to say about Adolf Hitler.

    Please, everyone don’t jump to conclusions or go off the deep end (AGAIN) in to the paranoid, conspiracy theory mad MAD World that everything is a conspiracy, nothing is real, nothing is at is seems.


    It’s bloody hot here in Chicago – that’s not a conspiracy, it’s just Mother Nature, Seasons and the season is Summer.

    Lots of shootings, murder and mayhem here in metro Chicago, by…. this certain people the media doesn’t want to really describe other than “youths” then there are Football distractions or some more talk about “Root Causes”.

    Our worst ever BLM Mayor Johnson says the “Root Cause” of this worst ever Black murder and mayhem was….

    Richard Nixon getting elected President in 1968. Apparently Richard Nixon’s evil White racist spirit is still, STILL causing a “Climate of racism and injustice”… yep, White people apparently have supernatural powers to CONTROL THE CLIMATE FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.


    So let’s not let go off the deep end here like our worst ever BLM Mayor Johnson.

    November and others, please take a break, get some fresh air and excercise and let the truth facts come out.

    • @Jaye Ryan,

      Okay. If you want to believe that the CIA, Mossad, et al stopped working on Svengali methods of mind manipulation in the 1970, that’s your prerogative.

      In the aftermath of 9/11, the undercover FBI agents of muslim and Arabic backgrounds radicalized and encouraged disaffected military age muslims in America to commit acts of terror.

      Look at the plots by the FBI on both the BS kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whittiker, and the January 6th ”
      insurrection.” Those are some of the ones that have become public.

      “Wild Conspiracy theories is the bane of the American Right wing.”

      Nope. Being naive enough to not fully grasp the banality of evil the establishment are capable of is. Followed closely by rightoids that still shill for government(s) and politicians that say a few based things that never ever become policies and laws (i.e., Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown to kick, only for Lucy to pull it away at the last moment, and Charlie Brown falling on his ass for the umpteenth time).

    • “Wild Conspiracy theories is the bane of the American Right wing.”

      The reason the “conspiracy theories” spring up wild is because we don’t nourish the well-established ones sufficiently. So kooky BS about Iran and Q can be sold by the Jews, while the Podesta brothers slither back into important positions.


  38. Conspiracy theories…how about media/left-wing/anti-Right Planted Fake Conspiracies?

    Remember Dylann Roof … he had a manifesto but no, that wasn’t good enough for what the Left and fake right-wing people (think NIkki Haley) needed. Then they found it — Roof holding a Confederate Flag. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These Communists/Marxists/etc are still are have a feeding frenzy 9 years later on the South’s monuments/icons/history/heritage/etc.

    We on the Right need to scan high and low to find our BINGO item (not lies but the real truth) that we want to be the big story before the Left using AI craft theirs. “Jack Corbin” where are you?

  39. Some more ‘food for thought’ on the potential fallout due to the botched assassination of Trump will or could be brutal ATF, FBI, DHS enforcement of “Red Flag” gun laws that Trump already has supported as POTUS.

    Bye. Bye. Second Amendment.

    William Barr Jr, the converso jew who was Zion Don’s USAG already made ‘wrongthink’ and “Majority Report” ‘pre-crime’ as an arrestable offense.

    With all of J.D. Vance’s documented connections to the Deep State’s domestic spying agencies and enablers, Big Hooked Nose very likely will be watching and listening to you quite soon.

  40. July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds

    His first and last “rodeo”.

    Would-be Donald Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks wrote a chilling online message that hinted to sinister plans for the day he shot up the former president’s Butler, Pa. rally over the weekend.

    “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,” the 20-year-old gunman allegedly wrote on Steam, a popular online platform where gamers communicate with one another, Fox News reported.

    The foreshadowing message was revealed to US senators during a briefing with top law enforcement officials on Wednesday…
    — NY POST

    • Besides turning our cities into ghettoized slums and much of America into north Mexico, zog has turned young WHITE males into gaming dweeb incels, lashing out in any direction to get attention.

      We don’t have anything like the Bund or Hitler Youth to give young people a positive direction.

      Young people do need direction.

      • Even this post on Steam supposedly made by Crooks is being questioned as being authentic.

        (When is the AI-generated video of Crooks waving a Palestinian flag going to appear? Or maybe just the Confederate Flag since it worked so well against Dylann Roof. Any day now…)

        Will Crooks’ father be charged since he owned the gun Crooks used? Are there any official “guv’ment photos” of Crooks’ body showing that he is really actually 100% dead (even the photos could be faked)? Inquiring distrusting-the-feds-minds want to know all this crap, etc, etc.

        Make everything transparent for public inspection so they can check off all (and I do mean all) the “boxes”. “1984” (at least the suspicion of its existence) is here. Plus almost every politician (masquerading as an elected official) are now owned by a hidden tremendously rich Jewish elite and those few politicians being treated with contempt who do not bow to these rich Jews is a sure sign of total corruption in government from the top to the bottom.

        We (at least the South who has been waiting for over 150 years now) need a new start!

        Secede Now!

        May God Save the South!

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