“Worse Is Better“ For Donald Trump

“Worse is better.”

I decided to write something about this old chestnut last night.

As the theory goes, it is better for mainstream conservatives to lose. It is better to have Democrats in power doing awful things because this radicalizes more people. After four years long years of the Trump presidency, I was exhausted and ready to move on and bought into this in 2020.

Four years later, we can say “worse is better” has produced a major backlash to the Joe Biden presidency. Conservatives have been radicalized to some degree. Life has gotten objectively worse across the board for most people under Joe Biden. Inflation has raised prices and impoverished millions of people. We are embroiled in a war with Russia which was unimaginable in 2020. Israel has launched a genocide in Gaza. Ketanji Brown Jackson sits on the Supreme Court. Over 8 million illegal aliens have flooded across the border in less the four years. Joe Biden has exceeded my worst expectations as president.

If Donald Trump had narrowly won the 2020 election, he would be preparing to exit the political scene and would likely have been diminished by the post-pandemic malaise that Biden inherited. The backlash to the demise of Roe v. Wade would have been much stronger without Biden in office and taking the blame in the 2022 midterms and in the 2024 presidential election. Instead, Donald Trump is more popular than ever and is poised to sweep back into power in a landslide. The Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity will also make Trump much more powerful than he was before. “Worse is better” has extended the Trump era until likely 2029 and given him the opportunity to leave behind a very different legacy.

If the goal of “worse is better” was to move on from Trump, it has had the opposite effect by extending his lease at the center of our political life. If it was to radicalize conservatives to the point that they embraced secession or started an armed insurrection or embraced National Socialism, it has failed. None of those things have happened or seem likely to happen after this election. If the goal was to “teach Republicans a lesson” about taking the White vote for granted, they still haven’t learned the lesson.

In what ways has it been a success?

As we all know from experience by now, we succeeded in making rent and groceries more expensive. We succeeded in making nearly everything else we purchase more expensive than it was four years ago. We succeeded in flooding our communities with illegal aliens. We succeeded in raising interest rates. We succeeded in getting around half a million people killed on both sides of the war in Ukraine. We just didn’t succeed in getting rid of Donald Trump or the GOP in the process of stacking all of these Ls.

I’m sorry that I haven’t had the time to write anything this week.

I have been dealing with the fallout of that illegal alien with no insurance driving into my wife’s car and totaling it. We have spent the last week taking care of that and car shopping. It has been a huge pain in the ass because interest rates are so much worse than they were four years ago. It is finally over and we succeeded in getting a new car and driving it home late last night.

Anyway, this post was provoked by sitting at the car dealership yesterday, reflecting on my misfortunes, scrolling through Twitter and watching clips of Joe Biden losing his mind as the media turns on him. Donald Trump wasn’t spending his first night in prison. He is on top of the world right now and preparing to accepting the Republican nomination at the convention next week.


  1. Do you have any preference for Trump’s VP Pick? Vance seems like the best option, ideologically and electorally speaking.

      • I think the assassination attempt changes his choice for VP. He will go for a loyalist now. Maybe someone like Flynn? Let’s hope he chooses someone not on the original shortlist.

  2. Whatever you think of him, he never would have lost in the first place if not for the Covfefe virus. We would be coming up on the end of his Presidency and looking at the new set of clowns put up for the American voters by the system.

      • “cruising to reelection until COVID and George Floyd”

        Both synthetic events.
        One created by a bungling jew financing virus enhancement.
        The other a media spectacle created by jewish media.

  3. “worse is better” is nothing but thinly disguised defeatism.
    An excuse to do nothing, in vain hopes that other people will wake up and embrace the crusade.

    People who advocate “worse is better” have never seen ‘worse’.

    • In order for worse to be better, there has to be a viable alternative. If there isn’t an alternative, it will just create pent up demand which someone like Trump will fill. We will end up right back where we started except it will be “worse” on our end.

  4. So they totaled the car, which is not surprising given today’s prices of repair. If you keep the car and take whatever pittance is given by insurance, you’ll not be able to obtain liability, only collision (at least in most states). The other choice is to buy a new car, which usually means going into debt for a number of years. Any word on whether the invader from Venezuela was allowed in under the Zion-Don or Joey Shitpants puppet yet?

    The invader of course is de-facto immune from lawsuits, as is the treasonous regime which allowed him in (possibly multiple times) as are the numerous churches, NGOs, etc. all facilitating the invasion. It’s not literally impossible, but it’s a lot more difficult than it should be because law schools only allow Church of Woke acolytes and the bad actors already have buildings full of shysters to do their bidding. It’s like the old lawyer joke about God wanting to sue and Satan asking him just where he expected to find a lawyer.

    • We finally bought a new car yesterday.

      He had fake insurance on the police report. I doubt he gave the cop his real name or true residence. I could sue him, but it would probably be just a waste of time. These people blow from town to town.

      • “We finally bought a new car yesterday.”

        Then you are one of the few who can qualify, as dealers are saying that most people can’t.

      • Just out of morbid curiosity,

        What will you do if another illegal wipes out your new car ?

      • Hunter;

        Even if you were to obtain a judgement for 50K in damages in only one day of court, with a pro bono lawyer working for you and you could properly identify the scumbag it would do no good, he has no assets. Your case is a prime example of anarcho-tyranny in action. The U.S. Government and its agents (NGOs, “charities” etc.) caused this trouble for you and your family and you have to eat the costs while the scumbag Venezuelan probably gets a check from some charity so he can “start over”.

        How any decent White person can support GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire, the epitome of anarcho-tyranny, is beyond my understanding.

      • Please publicize your real personal experience in your state and local area .

        Contact on a one on one manner and state political and cultural representatives and explain what happened with this illegal alien to talking your wife s car and endangering her life .

        This will give a person true life story that open borders , non enforcement of our immigration laws and insurance laws is a bad thing .

        Maybe ask for Tyson Foods $14 million a year far as””&) CEO who just LOVES migrant labor to pay for your new car .

        Maybe check out of America 1st Legal wants to take your case .

        Every dark cloud has a silver lining .

    • This illegal invasion has brought a new foul creature into our midst…the Zambo from Venezuela. Mexicans are Spaniards mixed with Aztecs, but Venezuela also ads blacks into the mix making them much worse. I bet Muduro is taking one straight from Castro’s playbook with the Mariel Boat Lift and emptying his prisons of his worst criminals and giving them a one way ticket to Laredo. There are some phenomenal crimes recently by these zambos.

      Even the soccer moms must be aghast with just how bad Biden’s puppeteers have made it. Maybe they are figuring out that they were gaslit about “Trump” all along. Seeing Biden for just a few minutes Thursday evening when flipping the channels while cooking was shocking. He was clearly senile, it’s like that Star Trek episode where the planet has a senile leader propped up in front of the microphone on TV except this is real. Even the densest dummy has to wonder who is really in charge? I think that a significant portion of the elites themselves have changed their minds on leftism and want it gone. Is Biden being put out there on purpose? I don’t think stuff happens by accident, it’s like they took away his meds and replaced them with a placebo like on Better Caul Saul. Either that or he’s really gone downhill so even the medicine doesn’t work anymore.

  5. “succeeded in making rent and groceries more expensive”

    This is not the terminal event.

    The lies of inflation being only 3.3%, when it is really 11.4%, zog not making the correct cost of living adjustments, are resulting in the impoverishment of consumers which is going to result in a steep economic slowdown.
    When this occurs there will be a drop in federal and state revenue leading to a funding crisis in government. At some point we will see federal crisis that dwarfs the
    2008 banking crisis.

    The 200 trillion dollar question is ‘WHEN ?’.

    • I know as a fact that the generic 8 pack of Hamburger or Hotdog buns at Walmart used to cost 89 cents just a couple years ago but now cost $1.45 Over a 50% increase. Everything else is more as well but those I do remember. All the TV commercials Trump needs to run in October needs to show real price tags from 2019 contrasted to those today. That will knock sense into even the dullest voter the way the Willie Horton ad summed it up for the older generations who composed the electorate that gave Dukakis the boot. Speak of politicians concealing their health, anyone remember that Tsongas guy who was running for President back then? Remember how he said he had beat cancer and was fine to be president during the primaries? The TV commercials of him swimming like he was a strong as Phelps? Then a year or two later there was an announcement on the nightly news that he had succumbed to cancer.

    • > The 200 trillion dollar question is ‘WHEN ?’.

      Nobody knows the answer to that question. At some point all ponzi schemes and related rackets self-implode. Some kid will pop-up to point out that the Grand Poobah of Bankstastan is really just Gen. Butt-Naked (the proverbial ‘black swan’ event) and the great gold-painted coprolite towers will all crumble into toxic dust – first gradually then suddenly – because enough finally see through the racket. That doesn’t happen until a sufficient percentile of the presently gaslit/brainwahsed/stupefied herd of cattle sees the nakedness of those in charge.

      In terms of causing more people to see reality, Joey Shitpants and his followers running amok for four years have done more to open the eyes of the stupefied than Trump ever did during his four-years of tweeting fury signifying nothing. The actual ‘worse is better’ argument is that you want the most reckless financial idiots from the asylum running it to ground so they’ll bring the whole rotten system down faster because fewer zeks die that way. The ruling cartel’s desire for our extermination is stated openly now so it’s either some die while others survive to fight against the orc-armies already in place or we all just line up in the cattle-cars or in front of ditches to face the end the rulers have planned for us. The ruling cartel’s ability to create endless money ex-nihilo is literally infinite as long as there are enough takers buying into their scam. The non-infinite factor are the number of suckers willing to accept the old SHIT is really GOLD spiel. Reducing the number of suckers, whether it’s via pain or simple argument is what will ultimately ZOG to fall. Some are so gaslighted/brainwashed that only pain will enable them to hear the argument for turning away from this. Others are simply lost forever. It’s going to be ugly either way.

  6. > “Worse Is Better“ For Donald Trump

    That’s true. In fact, Trump even stated he wants the old shitstain to be his opponent.

    • Biden may be inadvertently handing Trump an economic time bomb. Only time will tell.

  7. Addendum on a debt crisis.

    Trump showed utter debate incompetence when Biden mentioned his plan to tax the rich would generate 500 billion over 10 years. That’s only 50 billion per year, absolutely nothing in terms of our national debt.

    ‘Tax the rich’ is only an euphemism to get a tax bill started, then once in Congress, it becomes a tax on the working middle class.

    The public always falls for that ‘bait and switch’ trick.

  8. For those who think it’s bad now with Dementia Joe as Mr. President (and it is) you ain’t seen nothing yet if Cackling Kamala becomes Mr. President next, even if only for a short time. It would be ironic if on the 50th anniversary of President Nixon’s forced resignation over nothing in August, 1974 Dementia Joe is forced to resign for good reasons. At that point it’s Cackling Kamala, Come on Down! You won the Booby Prize. You are now Mr. President, like it or not.

    It’s hard to imagine Cackling Kamala as Mr. President, going on TV, announcing that China’s invasion of Taiwan Will not Stand: We (meaning conscripted White guys) will assemble the world’s greatest military and take Taiwan back like D-Day, 1944. The shrieks of laughter would echo from Peking to Moscow and back to Washington. Cackling Kamala couldn’t rally a troop of girl scouts to sell cookies door to door, never mind rally the country around another stupid war, 8,000 miles, away for Taiwan Asiatics.

  9. ” …After four years long years of the Trump presidency, I was exhausted and ready to move on and bought into this in 2020.

    Four years later, we can say “worse is better” has produced a major backlash to the Joe Biden presidency. Conservatives have been radicalized to some degree. Life has gotten objectively worse across the board for most people under Joe Biden. Inflation has raised prices and impoverished millions of people. We are embroiled in a war with Russia which was unimaginable in 2020. Israel has launched a genocide in Gaza. Ketanji Brown Jackson sits on the Supreme Court. Over 8 million illegal aliens have flooded across the border in less the four years. Joe Biden has exceeded my worst expectations as president.”

    I wouldn’t get too comfortable HW; Trump will PROPABLY just extend Biden presidency.

    • That’s the problem in a nutshell. They’ll flee the frying pan to jump into the fire because most simply cannot understand that Joey Flim and Donny Flam are working for the same boss.

      One person in the crowd was killed along with the shooter. Details unknown about the person killed in the crowd. Vox Day has this update on details of the event:

      > UPDATE: Some people spotted the shooter with a rifle crawling up the roof about 150 yards away from the platform and tried to warn the police and the Secret Service for several minutes, but the Secret Service didn’t do anything until after five shots were fired. They also witnessed Secret Service snipers shoot and kill the would-be assassin.

      > If you watch the video, you can hear the first shots are fired, then 2-3 seconds later, nearly twice as many shots are fired even though Trump is down and covered by agents. I suspect the second series of shots are the Secret Service snipers taking out the shooter.

  10. Kicking the can another four years will not save any of us. The inevitable economic collapse followed by social collapse.

    Trump will be a lame duck by 2026 midterms. SCOTUS’ recent ruling may allow Zion Don to extend his relevancy as POTUS through “Official Acts,” but he has disavowed the center-right Agenda 2025 already and continues to surround himself with Israel First neocons.

    Whatever possible improvement a second Trump presidency provides will be fleeting, and ugly reality will be back in full force by 2027-2028, if not earlier.

    I believe what Whitney Webb says in this video. She knows who is in control.

    A very 1984 jewish controlled dysptopian future is the planned reset.

  11. Post

    See new posts
    Whitney Webb
    Jul 11
    So insane to me that people think Papi Warp Speed is truly an anti-establishment candidate.
    Whitney Webb
    Just to be clear, since every time I tweet about one of the 2 main candidates people get triggered, all politicians lie and are compromised garbage. I have long said that both parties are run by organized crime and US elections are bread and circuses of an illusory “democracy”
    10:07 AM · Jul 11, 2024


  12. HW! They just tried to whack him. We were an inch from having our orange boomer jesus.

  13. You’re really not a car guy are you? Lol!
    I haven’t bought a new vehicle since 2013.
    Because I’m so bogged down with the mortgage, levies, rates and other taxes, I’ve calculated it will be 2029 before I’m financially ready to consider another car purchase.
    I say to anyone who lives in a centralised city area near everything; if you don’t need a vehicle, then just don’t own one. The money you save will easily pay for other life expenses.

  14. HW,

    Sorry you went through another one of those Dem-provoked attacks by one of their invading minions brought in to replace all of us evil “racist” scum-of-the-earth White people.

    If Joe Biden’s people are responsible for letting that guy loose here in the USA then send the total bill to Joe Biden. Remember, he has stated that he doesn’t believe in immunity and was even very mad that Trump has it and stated so. Biden wants no immunity. Okay, take him up on it and send the bill to him so he can pay you before they get rid of him — before he gets deported himself from his high office of POTUS. He might even skip town as well before they catch up with him to remove him.

    Hope/pray you get compensated. Biden and the Dems caused this catastrophe.

  15. “Biden and the Dems caused this catastrophe.”

    They’ve been causing a long chain of them since 1965 and before.

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