— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 21, 2024
My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best… pic.twitter.com/x8DnvuImJV
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 21, 2024
Powerful words from Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/ANK0lJQLAf
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) July 21, 2024
Gonna be wild when they tell him he dropped out. https://t.co/5hULauYbwb pic.twitter.com/nYaSj9l2Is
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) July 21, 2024
When Biden wakes up tomorrow, boy is he in for a surprise.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 21, 2024
??**KAMALA HARRIS 2024**??
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 21, 2024
“Unburdened by what has been!” pic.twitter.com/uwd0rY3hC7
JUST IN: Alex Soros says 'it is time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump'
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) July 21, 2024
It’s time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate we have. Long live the American Dream! ?? ? #Harris2024 pic.twitter.com/KG09YnWHZK
— Alex Soros (@AlexanderSoros) July 21, 2024
Live shot at the Democratic party pic.twitter.com/zQQQinU7Xb
— Not Jerome Powell (@alifarhat79) July 21, 2024
To recap:
- They rigged the 2016 Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders
- They rigged the 2020 Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders
- They picked Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee in 2020
- They picked the unlikeable Kamala Harris to be his running mate
- They rigged the 2020 election against Trump by using COVID to change election laws
- They have been lying and covering up Joe Biden’s condition for years
- They were Ridin With Biden until he embarrassed him by shitting the bed at the debate
- They told him he had to give up the presidency. He resisted them for less than month
- They had Trump indicted on over 90 felony charges
- They launched a coup against Biden by cutting off his fundraising and embarrassing him with leaks to the media
- They said that Biden was leaving the race on Sunday
- They have succeeded in toppling the sitting President of the United States
- They are currently in the process of picking their next puppet
This is how Democracy works.
Democracy must be saved from Trump who represents his own voters.
Note: As many have noted, Joe Biden is going to be furious when he wakes up and hears about this.
God exists. Now Richard Spencer, the super implicit “white supremacist” who betrayed all his followers and allies has to defend the first black woman president. I love it. I did not think one guy could have his face smashed so deep in the mud of life but here we are.
Have Apollonians officially endorsed Kamala yet?
Oh, they will!
All evidence points to god being quite similar to a young boy who takes fun in torturing insects with a magnifying glass.
All evidence points to mankind being quite similar to a moron who takes fun in banging his head into a wall.
The most embarrassing election in the History
Most pleasant….Jew World Order is coming down in flames and our side is winning big. Uncle Donald is draining The Swamp as he promised.
In honor of the new presidential candidate,
Everyone, join in, sing along …
Well, they’ll stone you and say that it’s the end
Then they’ll stone you and then they’ll come back again
They’ll stone you when you’re riding in your car
They’ll stone you when you’re playing your guitar
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
…..question is, will she be wearing kneepads to the DNC convention ?
The kneepads will be beneath her pantsuit. They’ll be getting a workout no doubt. She’ll probably have her SS detail carrying several gallons of mouthwash too.
Yesterday, in the Biden household,
Jill,”Joe you’ve got to get your rest for the upcoming Trump debate”
Joe,” ……….. Who’s Trump”
Kamala will do fine because all U.S. Presidents are bad. It doesn’t matter who becomes the next President of the U.sury S.ystem. ALL candidates are bad, very bad. Only proven, committed class-and-usury candidates can run and win in your capitalist “democratic elections.” The system cannot be reformed, improved or removed by voting. Don’t waste your precious time and energy being confused and distracted from seeing the whole sick “forest” and learning how to remove it by focusing your attention on little “trees” like election polls and who gets to be President.
“The system cannot be reformed”
It’s the electorate that has been corrupted. There’s just no way you can maintain our republic with the dimwitted voting.
“It doesn’t matter who becomes the next President ”
I’ll strongly disagree. Do you want to hit the wall at 5 mph or 50 mph ?
“It’s the electorate that has been corrupted”:
I agree that the electorate is thoroughly corrupted, the vast majority of them (including even many of the poor lower class) believing in the “American Dream,” worshipping Mammon instead of Christ, displaying what Ayn Rand (Rosenbaum) called “the VIRTUE of selfishness.” The class and usury system rewards those who can do “it” to others before they do “it” to you, the opposite of Christ’s rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. But even if most of your electorate were converted to true Christianity they still could not VOTE their way out of the evil system. Even the most vigorous, and lucky, attempts to remove capitalism and replace it with socialism THROUGH THE BALLOT BOX have failed. Half-way measures such as “socialist” states that don’t really belong to the people (that are run by the rich on behalf of the people) will revert to full capitalism, as is about to happen to Venezuela now: “The U.S. Government is set to win back control over Venezuela on July 28th. The idea is to impose a savage libertarianism, again (…) The reason why a vast majority of Venezuelans will be voting for González is that this will be the only way they can get the U.S. Government’s virtual blockade of sanctions against their country lifted so that maybe the enormous mass poverty that those sanctions imposed upon them will likewise end. However, that favorable outcome for the poor of Venezuela won’t happen, and here is why: González is secretly committed to privatizing Venezuela’s gas, oil, and other resources, as well as a “broad program of privatization of companies and public assets,” including the currently entirely free-to-the-public educational system and pension system, all of the Government’s assets to be auctioned off to investors from throughout the world so as to produce profits from the poor to increase the wealth of investors throughout the world, and, so to increase yet further the economic-inequality indexes throughout the world. The ideology that ‘justifies’ this is “libertarianism” synonymously “neoliberalism” but by either name referring to the extension of the economic theory known as “capitalism” as being the foundation of the political theory of “libertarianism” synonymously “neoliberalism.” It is designed to increase liberty for the rich at the expense of the poor, and to impose a model of ‘human rights’ in which those ‘rights’ depend entirely upon two things: how much wealth the individual owns, and how much charity will be given to that person by others (obviously, especially by the rich, who have plenty of money they can give to individuals who please them)”: https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/07/21/this-better-not-be-right-u-s-government-is-set-to-win-back-control-over-venezuela-on-july-28th/
“There’s just no way you can maintain our republic with the dimwitted voting”:
What republic? Republic (res publica) means a thing of the people, a political economy belonging to A PEOPLE, run by and for the people, NOT by an upper class elites (and their upper middle class allies) supposedly on behalf of the people. Lowering the average IQ of the U.S.’s thoroughly mixed “homeland” population (I don’t call it a people) is not what prevents revolution. Even animals know when they are being mistreated.
“’It doesn’t matter who becomes the next President’ – I’ll strongly disagree. Do you want to hit the wall at 5 mph or 50 mph?”:
I overstated, a little. Without socialism you will definitely continue hitting the wall, but maybe not hit it quite as hard with a populist puppet like Trump in charge versus a Kamala puppet figurehead supposedly in charge. But your populist hero or “lesser evil” won’t remain in charge very long. Then you will go from the frying pan back to the fire. The system will double down with full neoliberalism to make up for lost time as soon as the debt crisis that caused it to allow populism passes.
Any form of socialism is illegitimate an unjust within the frame of a multi-ethnic society.
No. The outmoded class exploitation system CREATES mixed “society”! Do you want even more mixing? By remaining with the system-conserving Right Wing of politics, you help to create even more damage. Otherwise, you could be helping to bring in the better system (socialism) and the unnatural mixing of “human resources” for private profit will stop, and some of the mixing that has been done will sort itself out, naturally, as like attracts like, both culturally and genetically. Choose the good and more good will come.
As a Latino I’d prefer Michelle Obama but I’m satisfied with Kamela Harris
As an Anglo, I don’t care what your preference is.
Ramon Castillo, as someone who enjoy’s taco’s and rerun’s, I’d prefer Ricky Ricardo …….
So Ramón would prefer Big Mike. Methinks Ramón needs to go and signup for the GOP. He’ll find lots of his preferences there.
Kamala has an opportunity to distance herself from Biden’s policy on Gaza. Once you go all in it, you can’t really come back for that, but Kamala has an excuse that she wasn’t really in charge. If she does distance herself, she may put the race back in play.
Trump is more pro-Israel than Biden, but the Democratic base has a divide over Israel that the Republican base does not have.
But if she does distance herself from Biden and does not support Israel, particularly if Israel ignores lam-duck Biden and escalates the wars agains Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, the (((big donors))) cut off the funds. But you’re correct that Trump, his base and (((big donors))) are all on the same page.
A dopey DEI derelict replacement for Jo Jo Brandon?
Such high powered intellects the CPUSA (D) has.
Really only good for burning it all down better.
Burn it down better. That’s a fine slogan.
Imagine getting stuck with Kamala as your nominee lol. Dems seething.
You’re projecting good sense onto Dems.
They’re so delusional they’re probably overjoyed.
Don’t project sense onto other people, nearly always a mistake.
Cynical view. Democrats have basically conceded and are clearing the way for Kamala because they don’t want to be associated with the loss and want to run in 2028, while Harris will be remembered as the person who lost to Trump.
Do not underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter and the hatred and cheating ability of the Democrat coalition.
Civil War 2.0 is going to be interesting.
I’m moving to Bali.
The entire anti-White power structure will coalesce to portray the dim-witted diversity bitch, Kamala, as the second-coming of Obama, in female form. The Whitey-hating rhetoric is about to go nuclear, with Donald Trump portrayed as the avatar of White people — even though, of course, he is not.
I fear the horrible woman actually has a good chance of getting elected.
Thanks to Phil Giraldi for finding that the parents of Thomas Crooks are both licensed “behavioral care specialists” in Pennsylvania, and that, in their own words they “identify as Jewish.”
The Patsy me thinks was getting some MK Ultra style “behavioral care.”
He didn’t shoot anyone. He never got high enough on the roof to get a shot. The HSD Zogbots were in the same building and had a line of fire. So the shots came from them. Trump’s fake blood was put on him when they pulled him down and yanked off his shoes ( the calling card). If you are shot in the ear by an AR-15 with a .556 round then your ear is gone and much of your head.
Giraldi BTW is retired CIA and posts on Unz and elsewhere.
What? Where did this come from? That Crooks like looks as unjewish as you can get? Really sounds like disinformation to me. Besides, how many Jews do you know who live in tiny, 60 year old houses like we saw taped off by cops for the investigation. My take is this is just going to be another Incel immersed in video games and weed who lost the plot.
The link is not from Giraldi himself, but posted in the comments section. The parents stated they were “embraced their Scottish-Jewish ethnicity”. There have been jews in Scotland to loot and enslave the locals in their usury-scams for a long time so it’s hardly surprising that Crooks would not have the typical rodentine jewish face, nor is it likely the parents have it. The fact that both parents are headshrinkers (a ‘science’ founded by the con-man Freud) argues for the truth of their claim as the field is a major jewish racket. As Livia Soprano (Nancy Marchand) stated in the TV series: “it’s just another money-making racket run by jews”. Which is pretty funny because the series was largely a jewish production. Still there’s always this dogma in Satanism which requires them to tell you what they are up to. What a perfect way to do it – through the rantings of a demented old woman.
Curently, the initial reports of the religious background of ((((Thomas)))) = ((((Papist)))) are not available anymore. This is not surprising given that the FBI is a Papist controlled institution. The Papists are opposed to Trump. The only ones supporting Trump are now being outed as subversive ((((Fuentes)))), or coup plotters ((((Patrick Byrne)))).
If Thomas was a Protestant everyone would already know by now. Just like lack of race description is always a proxy for non-White, so is lack of religious description being proxy for Papist. Right now, there is almost no publicly available info on anything regarding Thomas’ family background. While, it is possible it could come out he is somehow of Judeo-Scottish ancestry it is laughably small. But, hey, with Papist controlled FBI trying to investigate a Papist Deep State conspiracy to assassinate Trump, the might rewrite the evidence.
Lastly, most Social Workers are Papists, and often followers of Papist Social Gospel which preceded Jewish Socialism. In early days in America, Protestant, especially Yankee, Social Gospel leaders weeee dominant. But, the days of Protestant Social Gospel domination ended with Papist backed Civil Rights Revolutionaries who annihilated them in the Northern Big Cities during the 1970s. Read Thomas Wolfe “Mau Mauing the Flack Catchers” for fictional novel of the final days of Yankee Social Gospel leadership in the urban areas.
The balance of information against the context of a Papist coup de etate to seize control of the MAGA rightwing and the Trump GOP Presidential campaign ((((Fuentes, Flynn, Byrne, Heritage, etc)))), is to strongly pointing toward a Papist Jesuit style assassination attempt. Aiding them is the general ignorance of Americans to the Papist threat despite the whole country being invaded by millions of Papists. The Papists will try again at Trump after their Jesuit Boy failed.
“They are currently in the process of picking their next puppet”
that puppwt is trump. if I believed the president ran anything at all I would vote for Kamala just to accelerate the demise of this jewish hoax we live in
not voting
The question is who would crash the system faster and leave it in a state that could be more easily salvaged?
That’s still an open question. There are cases to be made for both models of puppet: Cheetohead ‘Kang Cyrus’ has a case for it based on his over-the-top ass-kissing for Schlomo, which will awaken more whites to the whole history of their Satanism, subversion, inversion, etc. On the other hand, the cackling whore ‘Heels-Up’ is at least as ridiculous as Shitpants Joey is. It’s war with either bogus “choice”, which is basically analogous to Henry Ford’s famous color choice for the Model-T (you can have it in any color you like as long as it’s black).
Besides the salient question of which will burn it down better, another one is which will result in more whites surviving and able to grasp reality so the scales start to slide off their blind eyes. The white man has to save himself at the end of the day – or put in Christian terms come to grips with his own real failure (not the imagined ones created by lying jews and their toadies) and repent to start the long march away from this madness.
The system is hopelessly rigged so it matters little who you vote for at any level except maybe local and state. As noted by Vox Day, who’s often very perceptive, the Yale Hillbilly (who is said to have a very W. F. Cuckley vibe) is an example of how thoroughly things have been infiltrated and corrupted. We’ll get to see shortly when Satanyahoo visits the biggest little whorehouse in Murika just how totally the gathered sex toys dance and jiggle to every utterance from their bosses’ designated representative. Also note that it’s not High-Fellatin’ Franny who’s there to get the endless ovations, but Satanyahoo himself.
If she picks a woman or Obama’s husband Michael she has my vote.
Although the president obviously runs nothing at all there is no way they cant screw things up even more.
Biden’s campaign managers shouldn’t have proposed that early debate with Trump which, just purely coincidentally, was one month after Biden told Netanyahu that if he escalated the retaliator attack on Iran, “Israel was on its own”.
Now what happens if, during the campaign, Israel ignores lame-duck Biden and escalates its wars on Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran? Whoever the democrats run will either have to support or condemn Israel. Supporting Israel will piss of the democrat base. Criticizing Israel will anger the (((big donors))). There is no middle ground to waffle through. A Kobayashi Maru scenario.
Trump, will support Israel which his base and (((big donors))) overwhelmingly support.
Heard an interesting theory. Biden was supposed to look like shit and lose AND Trump was supposed to die and everyone was supposed to know the state did it. Hillary vs Haley, magatards go nuts, new state mandates to take guns away from evil whites etc
Good analysis. Note, Joe Biden hasn’t been seen or heard of except a supposed type written letter since just prior to the attempted asassination. The state of tension in such a situation is made for a final coup de etat to take place with an authoritarian government replacing Constiutional government. A ((((Fuentes)))) wet dreamm he openly has discussed with his captains according to our sources.