I’m currently on the road.
I am just chiming in to say it was very nice of Joe Biden to allow Israel to start a war with Hezbollah and the CIA to support another coup in Venezuela.
We haven’t considered the possibility that a senile Joe Biden might stumble into a war with Iran or send American troops to die for Israel in Lebanon before the 2024 election. Joe’s political career is over anyway.
My thoughts and prayers are with those who are working on their effortposts to blame what has happened over the last 24 hours on Trump. They told us in 2020 that Joe Biden would be better for the Palestinians and would be less likely to start a regional war with Iran.
“They told us in 2020 that Joe Biden would be better for the Palestinians and would be less likely to start a regional war with Iran.”
Like everything else in the media, an (((inversion))).
Diversity is our strength.
Looks like diversity is their strenght too. MoA has nice overview why they desperately want US troops in.
Israel Might Well Fall Apart
somewhat premature comment on the conflict between the Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and Minister of National Security (and convicted radical) Itamar Ben-Gvir
The disintegration of the Zionist society is happening earlier than expected. This will exacerbate the more Israelis become aware that war failure is inevitable. Civil war is very likely, but almost a third of the population (liberals & affiliates) would leave rather than fight.
This is not a clash between two officials, this is an ideological clash between two schools of thought who are at the complete opposite spectrum.
This will not stay between Ben-Gvir & Gallant/Halevi, it will become a conflict between the
army and the police/militias.
Juri, I’m glad to see you’ve found Moon of Alabama (based in Germany not Dixie), which has some of the most intelligent political-economic comment threads on the internet.
All US Presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson are Zio-Puppets going back with maybe one or 2 exceptions(JFK,?). Iranian General Soleimani was assassinated while Blompf was in office and now this Hezbollah guy got killed on Sleepy Joe’s watch. The US’s completely Pro-Israel MidEast policy has been exactly the same since ’63.
“US Presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson are Zio-Puppets going back with maybe one or 2 exceptions(JFK,?).”
…..Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower
…I deeply suspect (((FDR)))
We want Hezbollah Bros dead. So, the Israelis did our bidding at the sperged out provocation of Sand N@ggers killing Israeli kids. Got what was coming to him. Although, I’ve heard reports the Israelis missed him.
We don’t hate the innocent like you do Christ killer. See there, you are not just like us, and race is not a social construct do you see it kyke? Do you see it?
“ace is not a social construct do you see it”
Of course they do. It’s just an act to fool gullible goys.
Fukkin’ fool…those were Druze kids whose families hate Israeli occupiers. The only Americans who have an actual quarrel with Hezbollah are those who worship lying scum kikes.
Tikkum Olam, you really are just a loud mouth no nothing sometimes. The Druze in Israel are big supporters of the state and serve at considerably higher rates in the IDF. Only the Circassian Israelis have a higher rate of service in the IDF.
Hezbollah deliberately targeted civilians knowing it would kill, men, women, and CHILDREN. They did it because they are Sand N@gger savages, outlaws against the Nationa and enemies of humanity. Doesn’t anyone here at OD know the facts?
“All US Presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson are Zio-Puppets going back with maybe one or 2 exceptions(JFK,?).”
A Papist Nazi of course points out the one Papist President until Biden Shit his pants Papist as being not a Zio-Puppet. In reality, JFK was totally linked with the Jews. He was the first elected public official to re-state the Judeo-Catholic heiarchy’s long held statement that America was a nation of immigrants. He is also the first public elected official to say we are a Judeo-Christian nation.
Both statements angered the eff out of the old Yankee establishment which still had in its ranks a substantial American nationalist core. Cabot-Lodge actively campaign against Kennedy on the issue. Massachusett3s back then still was predominantly Yankee and had a pretty ferocious Yankee working class. But it wasnt enough to overcome Papist election theft and he lost to Kennedy scion of bootlegger Irish Papist Joe Kennedy.
The idea that all Presidents since Wilson were Zio-puppets is just more insidious subversion against America’s founding nation and another means of gaining more Papist converts from a demoralized Protestant electorate. Try again Papist.
AGB is like a horse going down the track with blinders on, right in front of his nose are nefarious popish plots, straight ahead. The Pope and his followers are everywhere, responsible for all the troubles of the world. No doubt this is a Hasbara tactic we have seen before; distract, divide and conquer from his paymaster’s endless trouble making.
Regarding JFK and Our Greatest Ally’s nuclear policy the record is heavily in favor of the papist JFK nefariously plotting with the Pope to prevent nuclear proliferation and war. The dastardly plot for peace he and the Pope cooked up involved not trusting Our Greatest Ally’s promises that their Dimona nuclear plant, producing plutonium, was for “peaceful” purposes. After the Israelis deceived the Eisenhower administration regarding the purpose of Dimona it’s not surprising JFK didn’t trust them. No wonder AGB hates JFK, he was a president who made preventing nuclear war his top concern.
” . . . Declassified documents reveal that more than any other American president, John F. Kennedy was personally engaged with the problem of Israel’s nuclear program; he may also have been more concerned about it than any of his successors. Of all U.S. leaders in the nuclear age, Kennedy was the nonproliferation president. Nuclear proliferation was his “private nightmare,” as Glenn Seaborg, his Atomic Energy Commission chairman, once noted. Kennedy came to office with the conviction that the spread of nuclear weapons would make the world a much more dangerous place; he saw proliferation as the path to a global nuclear war. This concern shaped his outlook on the Cold War even before the 1960 presidential campaign – by then he had already opposed the resumption of nuclear testing largely due to proliferation concerns – and his experience in office, especially the Cuban Missile Crisis, solidified it further.”
“AGB is like a horse going down the track with blinders on, right in front of his nose are nefarious popish plots, straight ahead. The Pope and his followers are everywhere, responsible for all the troubles of the world.”
There is overwhelmingly more evidence of Popish plots and treason not just now but throughout history than there is of this incessant “Duh, Jews” done it accusation that you Anti-Semite Spergers (Asspergers) talk about. In fact, since Trump radicalized the normies, its all you guys got to talk about and oh, National Socialism. Gay as phuck.
“No doubt this is a Hasbara tactic we have seen before; distract, divide and conquer from his paymaster’s endless trouble making.”
Sometimes the ridiculousness of these incessant “Duh, Jews” and “Hasbara troll” makes me think you guys are the actually Mossadis or perhaps even more dangerous, russkis spionskis.
“Regarding JFK and Our Greatest Ally’s nuclear policy the record is heavily in favor of the papist JFK nefariously plotting with the Pope to prevent nuclear proliferation and war.”
JFK initiated the largest nuclear buildup up in US history far outpacing even Eisenhower. He also, thankfully, realized a nuclear deterrence only strategy was stupid in the face of irregular warfare that has been the rage of commies and papists alike.
JFK responded by forming the one singular command responsible for most of our victories during and after the Cold War, Special Operations Command. To this day, even though most Green Berets and Special Operators are Prods, the SOCOM training post is named after the Papist President and he is still well respected amongst the fraternity.
Even musicians got in the act to promote special forces command. At Kennedy’s behalf (the Kennedys were heavily involved with Hollywood and the music syndicate and equal to “Duh, Jews” in influence) the Papist mob helped market the unofficial anthem of the Green Berets. Ask Robert Browning the truth of it.
“After the Israelis deceived the Eisenhower administration regarding the purpose of Dimona it’s not surprising JFK didn’t trust them.”
Actually, Israel’s nuclear program was mostly built with French help. That was Israel’s greatest ally back in the day. That changed starting with Kennedy who reversed most of Eisenhower’s sanctions on Israel for daring to ally with the Anglo-French to put down Sand N@ggerism aka Nasserism.
“No wonder AGB hates JFK, he was a president who made preventing nuclear war his top concern.”
I dont hate him, see above. But let’s be honest, he was corrupt and got elected through a stolen election like our next Papist, Biden Shithispants. He also initiated the Civil Rights movement on the South going far beyond Eisenhower’s program of enforcing Brown v Board of Education, to a full assault on his fellow Democrats solely because they were Protestant Nationalists.
” . . . Declassified documents reveal that more than any other American president, John F. Kennedy was personally engaged with the problem of Israel’s nuclear program; he may also have been more concerned about it than any of his successors. Of all U.S. leaders in the nuclear age, Kennedy was the nonproliferation president.”
Every President wasnt afraid of nuclear proliferation until Kennedy? As if Eisenhower or Truman were like, “Nuclear Proliferation? What about it? Its for the birds.” You are obviously a liberal still enchanted with the Judeo-Catholic controlled media creation of Camelot, a brave President, and other myths. Like only Kennedy dreamed up nuclear counter proliferarion.
In reality, Kenney wasn’t very competent in most of his actions. Kennedy screwed up the Eisenhower organized covert war against Castro. He and his staff chickened out at the Bay of Pigs and abandoned the Cuban patriots caising such a disaster that scores of US citizens were captured we were forced to oay tribute to get them back. Kennedy, used Mafiosi instead of his own vaunted Special Forces to kill Castro. Then when that program went tips up he en betrayed the Mafiasi and started persecuting them.
In general Kennedy pissed everyone off and got his head blown off by a Cuban agent, who was a ?Papist and just like Castro and Kennedy. Problem was Kennedy wasn’t a Jesuit unlike Castro and Oswald, and was going after the Papists enforcement arm, the mafia. So, he was expendable. The rest was history. Who knows he might ve became a better President, or he just would’ve continued flailing and ended up like our only other Papist President, and sh!t the bed entirely.
Indeed. That Hasbara paid and trained troll is as jewish as usuary and cultural marxism.
It is unfortunate that some folks are deceived by such on obvious bad actor. His posts are so full of outright lies that I am surprised that Unit 8200 keep him employed tbh.
His latest stunt is to use a soft “anti-semitic” slur “hymie.” See goys, I am one of you.
Btw, you are correct on the joint mossad-CIA operation in assassinating JFK.
Both Alan Dulles and James Angleton were philosemites that had eyebrow deep ties to mossad, and like Ben Gurion, they hated JFK.
“Indeed. That Hasbara paid and trained troll is as jewish as usuary and cultural marxism.”
Literally more White and American than your ilk Gay Latino.
Zalman Shapiro, NUMEC, and pissraeli intelligence.
AGB is correct that Israel’s nuclear program was first helped by the French as a joint project but under Charles de Gaulle France pursued its own nuclear project alone after its first nuclear test in 1960. The French government correctly assessed that a joint Israeli nuclear project would cause endless troubles with Arab countries. The U.S. Government was prohibited from sharing nuclear weapons technology except with the UK because of the 1946 Atomic Energy Act.
This is why David Ben-Gurion, former Prime Minister of Israel wanted U.S. nuclear technology even though President Kennedy refused him. The Israelis didn’t take no for an answer as you have pointed out. This is the root of speculation that Israel was involved in the Kennedy assassination. President Kennedy was an immovable object to their nuclear ambitions.
LBJ was thoroughly compromised and turned a blind eye to the theft of enriched uranium from the Apollo enrichment plant in Pennsylvania, perhaps as much as 600 Lbs. The enriched uranium was shipped to the Dimona plant and used for making weapons. This is in keeping with LBJ’s horrible record as President including the USS Liberty incident in 1967.
“US Presidents going back to Woodrow Wilson are Zio-Puppets going back with maybe one or 2 exceptions(JFK,?).”
Absolutely correct – Trump will not be delivering a damn thing for non-jews
November 23rd 1963 to be exact, Schlomo.
Btw, I saw you and your boys rioting over the right to sodomize and murder Palestinian prisoners, and rape and murder Palestinian women as war prizes.
You and your tribe are the cancer of humanity.
You are accurate. You have the correct view of the “It’s the Papists’ fault” disinfo strategy.
The U.S. is stretched thin now. There aren’t enough weapons, ammo, equipment or troops, especially intelligent White guys to run the high tech military equipment reliably. Another big war in the middle of a presidential election cycle will stretch the military to the breaking point, a terrible dilemma for the scumbag politicians.
On the one hand, do they tell Our Greatest Ally “Sorry, no troops for you?” Hardly, to ask is to answer. Do these scumbags call for conscription in the middle of an election cycle, a policy both candidates have been assiduously hiding until after the election? It seems unlikely the dusky hued types will cooperate with conscription for Our Greatest Ally anyway, especially the Moslem types.
It would be ironic if the idiot Democrats, having their ridiculous “convention” in Chicago for the first time since 1968 are beset by anti-war rioters again with another demented President who also withdrew from the race leaving his vice-president to carry the 100 Lb. bag of shit known as the “Democrat Platform” across the finish line. I can hear the colored lady screaming “Racism!” already as the White guys she reviles refuse to vote for her.
“I can hear the colored lady screaming “Racism!”
The future of America, mongrel misfits.
If Biden does these things, then I’ll admit that it can’t get any worse under Trump. I don’t think he will. I’ll bet you $1.
“If Biden does these things”:
Presidents of the U.S. are mere figureheads, a puppet-mouthpiece of the system. You could as well elect a concrete block. Do you really believe that your Presidents “do things”? You deluded voters! Just keep voting more and harder, “for the lesser evil” and so on.
Jews are really on an assassination blitz these days. Never forget Huey Long. Makes me think they’ll circle back around for the Don that got away before November.
“Jews are really on an assassination blitz ”
Assassination and subterfuge have always been a primary method for them, back to Roman times.
“Even the best of the gentiles are to be killed”
On another side note, according to Iran, Israel also struck down Hamas Political Director in Tehran. Israel denies this so it could’ve been anybody. For it to occurr in the capital suggests a complicated and daring mission.
Ismail Haniyeh has been living openely in Qatar as the political director of Hamas. But, due to rules of the game, Israel and its allies haven’t targeted him there. The last time, one of these known Jihadis was living openely in Qatar and was killed, it caused an international uproar. So, Israel and US have been loath to attack directly in Qatar.
However, Ismail left Qatar and traveled to Tehran to attend the inauguration of Iran’s new President. After he left the inauguration, some sort of explosion occurred. Iran said it was a missile attack which obliterated him and his entourage. Multiple casualties are reported.
No one is admitting this attack and for it to occurr in Iran was pretty daring. Obviously, someone got close to him enough to make the hit happen. The Political Director has already lost three sons in fighting in Gaza, essentially wiping out this family. Take that Haji.
Bomb, bomb, Iran, no matter who is (s)elected?
Si se puede!
No Great Reset Leap Forward without WWIII.
Plan/Prep Accordingly.
They’ve been spoiling for war with Iran for many years. Fortunately, saner heads have prevailed, so far that is.
“They’ve been spoiling for war with Iran for many years. ”
“Iran is just weeks away from having a nuclear weapon”, said for over 40 years.
I don’t know….Netanyahu’s cartoon bomb drawing was pretty convincing.
The events in Venezuela have nothing to do with the CIA. Is it that hard to accept that the people there have a desire to change their government and therefore refuse to accept these fraudulent elections? It seems to me that would be a good development also for the US, as it will probably lead to less migration – and thus less car accidents caused by Venezuelans.
“these fraudulent elections”:
They’re being called “fraudulent” because the U.S.’s fraud didn’t work well enough. But the U.sury S.ystem won’t stop trying, there being “more than one way to skin a cat,” in order to gain full control of the world’s largest oil reserves, and to remove every trace of dreaded socialism from the face of the earth and from recorded history.
“it will probably lead to less migration – and thus less car accidents caused by Venezuelans”:
Possibly, but one thing is certain: A successful coup by the U.S. to install a puppet like Gonzales, Guido or Machado will lead to even greater suffering for the vast majority of people than they are suffering now under the brutal U.S. sanctions. If the U.S.’s endless imperialist war ever stopped, Venezuela and the other Latin American countries would not only go “pink,” they would go red, and an economic boom would begin, not just “growth” but a real boom benefitting the workers, and millions of Latin American economic refugees who were drawn to the U.S. homeland would begin moving home, and your “nation” will experience a shortage of cheap labour.
“…and millions of Latin American economic refugees who were drawn to the U.S. homeland would begin moving home, and your “nation” will experience a shortage of cheap labour.”
Which is why millions of people haven’t fled commie countries or why the East German province of the USSR never had to build a wall to keep people IN!
Yesterday the U.sury S.ystem and its colonial proxy Israel also murdered the real, de jure Palestinian president Ismail Haniyeh, who was attending the inauguration ceremony in Tehran, Iran, using its extensive network of Jewish spies and assassins in Iran. Haniyeh was the overwhelming Palestinian people’s choice for president of Palestine, but the U.S. ignored the result of the election when it didn’t go the U.S.’s way and instead gave the presidency of Palestine to its reliable puppet, Mahmoud Abbas, who the Palestinian people had soundly rejected, with only about 5% of the vote. If Palestine had ever been allowed to have another election since then, the Hamas party candidate Ismail Haniyeh would have again won by a landslide.
Political assassination is an international war crime, but the U.S. does it all the time, because the U.S. does not need to respect international law, and morality, and God. The U.S. can do any crime it wants with impunity BECAUSE THE U.S. HAS THE MONEY FOR IT, the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, the real “GOD” Mammon that the U.S. “we” REALLY “trust in” – because wealth (not the imaginary “common wealth of the American people,” but the private wealth of the “Aryan” elites) is power! Might makes right; money is the might; and the money comes by theft from (exploitation of) the labour of billions of working people. Uncounted millions of working people’s taxpayer dollars are spent maintaining and directing the U.S.’s worldwide spy and assassination network that is constantly assassinating or attempting to assassinate elected officials and popular leaders all over the world, for the sake of the protection and advancement of the super-wealthy “Aryan” elites and their haut bourgeois allies, the one percent.
In front of a large crowd and television cameras, the U.S. almost assassinated Nicolas Maduro the President of Venezuela, using a small drone, while he was making a speech. The U.S. made dozens of failed attempts to kill President Fidel Castro. Any “rogue” popular leader, independent journalist or honest educator could be murdered at any time.
Israel (actually the U.S.) had already murdered most of Ismail Haniyeh’s family in recent months. In just the last nine months, the U.S. murdered the President of Iran (by a helicopter “accident”), the leader of Hezbollah (yesterday), the REAL President of Palestine, and many other elected officials, besides at least 186,00 common people in Gaza. mostly women and children (more every day), and ALMOST succeeded in killing Donald Trump, and Robert Fico the President of Slovakia who almost died. President Thomas Sankara…I could go on and on, the list of murdered victims of the system of class and private wealth is almost endless. Abraham Lincoln offended The Bankers with his Greenbacks. Julius Caesar offended the Roman aristocrats/oligarchs/plutocrats with his care for the common people. The process or mechanism is obvious, historical and common-sensical.
By coincidence, Meredith, YouTube recently brought to my attention the following …
(“Once Upon a Time in Paris”)
I say “by coincidence” because YouTube alerted me to that video shortly after you had suggested to our fellow commenter Marcel that, as a non-leftist, he was defective not merely morally but ethnically. “What kind of Frenchman are you?” were your words, and you went on to rehearse the relevant history, i.e., how the exertions of the French revolutionists were thwarted by the establishment, in France, of bourgeois governance. That, in standard Marxist style, was your smear-word: bourgeois. I’ve never grasped its meaning, but I guess it’s the favored smear of leftists and the avant-garde both. I wish I myself qualified as truly bourgeois, just so I could have the satisfaction of knowing you and your ilk would be pleased to stand me in front of a machine gun.
Anyway, as I looked at the paintings in that video, I was struck that you would regard them as a horror show, a repulsive spectacle of bourgeois something or other. In fact, you regard the YouTube that enables persons worldwide to view the video as a bourgeois horror, too. You regard as a horror everything except your own moralizing.
I’ve already said it here, at Occidental Dissent, but I think it important that I say it again and again: I wouldn’t push you out of the path of a moving car, especially if it were on a lovely street, being traversed by lovely persons, like those in the paintings in that video.
Re: “you would regard them as a horror show, a repulsive spectacle”:
John, I don’t find the Paris street scene in your video “repulsive” at all. It is beautiful, and see no problems, unless there is something I didn’t notice that you did. Well, I can imagine that the horses could be overworked, as they often were in those days.
Re: “bourgeois. I’ve never grasped its meaning”:
It is simple to grasp. The word itself is French- and ultimately Latin-derived, referring originally to people of the medieval fortified towns and cities – essentially urban people or “town people,” as opposed to the then-much-larger class of rural peasants, and the very small but powerful class of nobility including the royals who owned most of the wealth along with the Catholic church. Its more recent meaning however is “of the middle class,” either the lower or the upper (the petit bourgeoisie or the haut bourgeoisie) middle class or the middle class in general. There is no strict line of division or demarcation between the petit and the haut, but the “upper middle class” tends to be wealthier and own more real property (often more than one house) and have more income from interest, rent, a small for-profit business, and other sources other than their own personal labour, and it is naturally allied with the upper, capitalist class including the royals, the nobles, billionaires, the CEOs and “captains of industry” who live primarily or entirely by extracting value from the labour of others – whereas the much larger LOWER middle class depends mostly on their own personal labour, working for an employer, with perhaps some additional income from small investments or a very small business. But the vast majority under capitalism, as under feudalism, are the lower class, the proletarians (urban workers) and the “middle peasants” (very small farmers) who live entirely by their own labour, and do not have any employees, interest income or rental (landlord) income at all. So your class identity is determined not only by the amount of wealth and real property you own, but also by the source of your wealth – your own personal labour or by theft of some of the value of the labour of others. But someone who may not actively exploit workers at all – having no renters, no employees, no for-profit business customers, no interest income at all – may still be considered middle or upper class because they have inherited “old money” and/or real property that was gained by the exploitation of workers by a previous generation. I hope that makes sense to you. “Bourgeois” is not really a “swear word.”
So the bourgeois acquire their wealth by theft—but “bourgeois” is not really a smear.
Those Paris street scenes of what look to be mostly persons who are neither proletarians nor middle peasants and who are walking along areas that look to be made up of, say, shops, eateries, and entertainment venues—where theft is taking place—are beautiful.
I’m feeling you’re being disingenuous, Meredith.
Re: “shops, eateries, and entertainment venues—where theft is taking place—are beautiful”:
You are correct, I hadn’t noticed or thought about those bourgeois shops when I looked at the pictures. Well, those little enterprises are generally less harmful and better-looking (in my opinion) than the big capitalists’ “big box” stores. Many people believe Las Vegas is beautiful. China’s analogous “Sin City,” the former Portuguese colony of Macau, has been a corrupting influence on the Chinese people who visit there to gamble. Also, note that many so-called “festivals” in the U.S. are not traditional events, but really nothing but SALES events. Consider the effects of bourgeois entertainment.
Re: “So the bourgeois acquire their wealth by theft—but “bourgeois” is not really a smear”:
They do acquire some of their wealth by “theft” or exploitation and “buy cheap, sell dear” retailing, although on a smaller scale than, and usually less directly than the capitalist class does. By the way I just noticed that you wrote “smear” not “swear word” in your previous comment. You make a good point about the “smearing,” and I stand corrected. Words like “Papist,” “Talmudic,” “warmonger,” “Zionist,” “capitalist” and “bourgeois,” and also “communist,” etc., can be used and often are used in an emotional (angry), unkind way (as smear or swear words) as well as in an objective manner. I must strive to be strictly objective in my use of the word “bourgeois.” Thank you for your comments.
“I hadn’t noticed or thought about those bourgeois shops when I looked at the pictures.”
Spare me, Meredith. That’s like saying you noticed nothing at all of those pictures, which are love letters to bourgeois Paris, as a Marxist would call it, the Paris wrought by the industrial and technological development that was enabled by establishment of the right not to spend (or private property, as it’s generally called). Though I’d never have guessed it, you are apparently not a first-rate Marxist, who, in viewing or even contemplating the world recorded by those paintings, would have to suppress the urge to vomit (or kill, as his mood might be).
“They do acquire some of their wealth by ‘theft’ or exploitation ….”
I don’t understand why you placed the word theft in quotation marks there. It’s the very word that you used, without quotation marks, in your comment to which I replied.
“Well, those little enterprises are generally less harmful and better-looking (in my opinion) than the big capitalists’ ‘big box’ stores.”
At age seventy, Meredith, I can remember the American department stores that were every bit as nice-looking as those little enterprises—spectacular in some cases. See https://savingplaces.org/stories/retro-roadmap-wanamaker-organ-light-show-philadelphia-holiday-tradition Unless my memory is way off, the big-box stores, which are little more than warehouses, with no real customer-service staff or attractive merchandise-display, arose only after Lyndon Johnson’s socialist-in-all-but-name Great Society program set in motion the destruction of much that was gracious in American life.
“the right not to spend (or private property, as it’s generally called)”:
So “the right not to spend” really means “property.” One would think it meant literally a “right not to be forced to spend money.”
Incidentally, PERSONAL property does exist in socialism, including the personal ownership of a car and a house or apartment, but not “private property” in the sense of ownership of multiple cars and homes and apartments, and lands and resources far beyond personal need.
“I don’t understand why you placed the word theft in quotation marks”:
It was placed in quotes because it was the word that had been used in a way unfamiliar to you, which was being defined or explained by the synonymous more familiar use of the word “exploitation.”
“Lyndon Johnson’s socialist-in-all-but-name Great Society program set in motion the destruction of much that was gracious in American life”:
Post hoc fallacy, “after this therefore because of this.” Johnson or the Great Society program was not the cause of destruction of much that was gracious in American life, and Johnson was far from being a socialist, and the expansion of welfare during his term was a populist fake-socialist distraction, while the criminal war in Indochina was being fought, and an internal, domestic psychological war was also being waged against the domestic anti-war, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist movement.
Thanks for the scenes from the great downtown Philadelphia stores, truly beautiful, with the large pipe organ too. I believe the stores sold much better quality merchandise, tailored well-made clothes, shoes that fit, in those days.
“So ‘the right not to spend’ really means ‘property.’ One would think it meant literally a ‘right not to be forced to spend money.'”
It means the right not to spend, the right not to be forced to expend oneself, in the form of money, time, whatever. To keep our exchange here simple, I added the “or private property, as it’s generally called,” since “the right not to spend” is the essence of what’s meant by property, and “property” is a common term, more or less generally understood. The “right not to spend” and “property” are not quite synonyms, because most persons would probably not regard forced labor as a violation of a property right—but its essence is identical to that of a property violation: It’s a forcing of expenditure, the same as taxation for, say, welfare programs, or the running of a manufacturing enterprise by the government.
As I say, I try to avoid coinages in comment-exchanges at blogs. My terms for capitalism and socialism are “integrism” and “rupturism,” but to keep things simple, I generally don’t use those on the internet.
“Incidentally, PERSONAL property does exist in socialism, including the personal ownership of a car and a house or apartment, but not ‘private property’ in the sense of ownership of multiple cars and homes and apartments, and lands and resources far beyond personal need.”
I’m aware that socialists or Marxists make that distinction, which I personally regard as a pseudo-distinction, but whether it’s a distinction is, in the context of this exchange of ours, a minor point.
“It was placed in quotes because it was the word that had been used in a way unfamiliar to you, which was being defined or explained by the synonymous more familiar use of the word ‘exploitation.'”
Hmm—I don’t think anything in the wording of my comments suggested I was mystified by your use of “theft.” Maybe you put it in quotation marks because you yourself have doubts about the aptness of it.
“Lyndon Johnson’s socialist-in-all-but-name Great Society program set in motion the destruction of much that was gracious in American life”:
“Post hoc fallacy, ‘after this therefore because of this.'”
It’s not a fallacy. My sense at the time was that the changes that were taking place in and after Johnson’s years would lead to the (negative) changes of which I’m speaking. When, in other words, certain actions were taken by the government, I expected certain (negative) things. Those things eventuated. If, to cite an imaginary parallel, I say to someone, “If you do that, you’re going to set your garage on fire,” I can’t be charged with the post-hoc fallacy if, after the person has acted against my advice, his garage goes into flames.
“Johnson was far from being a socialist, and the expansion of welfare during his term was a populist fake-socialist distraction ….”
Your knowingness, Meredith—your incessant knowingness, as I would say, your constant not-being-fooled—is, to my mind, pseudo-cognition. I tune it out reflexively.
Johnson’s programs were “rupturism,” violation of the right not to spend. Because, as I’ll repeat, I avoid using my coinages such as rupturism, I used the more common word “socialism.” Whether socialism might have some technical definition that wouldn’t embrace laws like the ones Johnson advanced is of no importance. Those persons who call programs like those of Johnson’s “socialism” are using the term fairly, if, as I say, maybe not technically. The usage reflects their understanding—maybe an unconscious one—that those programs have socialism’s essence, i.e., they are inconsistent with a right not to spend. Any law inconsistent with the right not to spend is rupturism. It doesn’t matter whether it’s socialism in some technical sense or in some grand, Marxian sense or merely, say, in the form of a one-room, tax-supported schoolhouse.
“I believe the stores sold much better quality merchandise, tailored well-made clothes, shoes that fit, in those days.”
In some respects, they might well have, in those evil, capitalist days of which your ilk had nothing good to say at the time. In our post-Johnson rupturism, much is degraded, though technological advance has allowed some degradation to be avoided. As I’ve said here, at Occidental Dissent, my sense of post-Johnson America is confirmed—or so I often think—each time I enter a convenience store and pass near the candy shelves. Before Johnson, the aroma there was of foods—chocolate, nuts—or so, as I say, I often think. God knows what the smell now is, as manufacturers are burdened by rupturism, which forces them to take all sorts of shortcuts. That’s probably worth an essay: “Lyndon Johnson: Destroyer of the Candy Bar.”
Re: “socialism in some technical sense or in some grand, Marxian sense or merely, say, in the form of a one-room, tax-supported schoolhouse”:
So, public education is evidently a violation of “the right not to spend,” whereas private education, to the extent that it is paid for by the parents or by charitable, voluntary private contributions, would not violate the right not to spend. I suppose you would say that nationalized medicine, a universal public health system like most nations have, would also violate the right not to spend, but the current system of for-profit “health care industry” to the extent that it does not receive subsidies and is paid for directly by the sick and dying or by insurance companies that also make a profit, does not violate the right not to spend. Is this your position?
Yes, Meredith, that is my position.
The artist referred to, and the accompanying music, are from the era known as the Belle epoque. It was a zenith of French culture in numerous respects: architecture, the visual arts, and music. All down the toilet now, thanks to moronic French following the lies of jews and their treasonous elites. The result is the type of abomination on full display at the opening of the Paris olympics. Clown-World at its epitome. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The lies of “Duh, Jews?” Seriously, a few hundred thousand Jews are responsible for the degradation of French culture via the North African invasion, via haute couture faggotry, brothelism, Industrial Agriculture, McDonald’s, etc?
Let’s dissect some of that accusation.
First, the Middle East North Africa (MENA) invasion was sparked by Decolonialization. That in turn was caused by American diplomatic insistence on decolonialization, as well as our refusal to support France’s Algerian campaign against Islamo-Fascists. That was first made clear when in 1956, we Congressionally de-listed the Barbary Corsairs as enemy combatants (a historical targeting that had been previously used to justify American covert and military intervention in North Africa from 1805-1945). This provided further justification for America to deny French request for Article 5 NATO support in the late 1950s. Both followed the worst betrayal in American history, sanctioning and embargoing NATO allies UK, France, and Israel for attempting to retake the Suez Canal and stop Sand N@ggerism aka Nasserism. Note, these were all done AGAINST Jewish interests.
Lastly, the North Africa invasion was accelerated by Cuckservative Arch-Papist Valery D’Estaing. Although he took the name of prominent American Patriot supporter and French Protestant D’Estaing from the War of Independence, he is a fake Jesuit Papist. It was he who expanded MENA immigration to France outside of just French North African colonials and supporters. Not one Jew was involved in that.
In fact, the Jews mostly attempted to support French colonialism, as there were hundreds of thousands of them in French Africa and were targets of the Islamo-Fascist anti-colonialists. All these Jews except for a few noteworthy Communists, supported White suoremacist colonialism. Well, except for a noteworthy Jew who financially supported the PLO, attacked Western Oil Interests, backed “The Jackal,” and alarmingly, also supported various rightwing Papal Integralist groups. Its the latter group whose modern members now proliferate in Occidental Dissent, the Groyper movement, and National Socialists. So, basically you are all ironically working for Judeo-Bolsehiviks. IDIOTS!
Okay, how about Haute Couture faggotry? The first big supporters after WWII all happened to be Vichy French collaborationists who were too wealthy to take down after the war. Onto the Olympian Blasphemy of the Paris Olympics. Thomas Jolly the Director of the Blasphemous event, is from Normandy and lived with his grandparents. He actually is not fully Norman, but has typical Latino heritage like many modern Frenchman, as the Nordics were culled during France’s Papist Wars of Imperialism. As Catholics, his grandfather was part of the Papist Magisterium and taught catechism as a Jesuit. Its probably were Thomas Jolly was fingered up the rear like most Papist catechismists, such as Nick Fuentes, since that is a thing with Jesuits.
Thomas Jolly’s Lawyer is Patricia Moyersoen, who was raised in French high society around Paris, but whose family appears Alsatian-Lorrainian and is another Papist. She also is involved in Papist dominated EU sports clubs that have ties to Irish Papist organized crime.
An actor and mc of the event was “Barbara Butch,” a current DJ, lesbian activist and all around fat retard. She actually is of Jewish descent and her parents were both far leftist activists and trade unionists.
Fhe Fat retard’s laywer is one Audrey Msellati, another Papist, who appears to be partly of Italian origin. Msellati’s popery level is unknown but she “represents” artists and their guilds and has connections to organized crime, another Papist dominated sector.
Another main actor in the Tableau of Blasphemy is “Nicky Donn” aka Nicholas Sanchez. He is part Spanish and part French. Don’t have much info on his family, except they are ethnically Papist. They travelled alot, probably as itinerant phuck up drug dealers and artists. He now lives in San Francisco, California.
Lastly, the whole thing was politically backed by Anne Higaldo, the current Mayor of Paris. She is another Jesuit educated Papist. Her family were originally Spanish communists. Her grandfather was sentenced to death by the Franco regime for terrorism. They immigrated to France where Ann was brought up in a Jesuit Papist atmosphere, and consequently attended Jesuit directed social studies in law program. Her sister lives in Hollywood, a huge Papist controlled crime center dominating backstage media. Its thru her that “Nicky Doll” got to join Thomas’ Tableau of Olympic blasphemy.
So, here we have an international racket of Papo-Bolsheviks causing utter turmoil in the Western world, just like Jesuits have always done prior to full scale revolutionary activity. The whole thing reaks of Papo-Bolshevik revolutionary subversion, not of Judeo-Bolshevism. But, because you are all backed ultimately by a well known Leftist financier, he has you focused on the wrong target. But, by all means, keep making the same mistake riding the “Duh, Jews” crazy train.
You can find out more about the Olympic Blasphemy and the righteous hatred these Jesuit Papist around by reading here.
Don’t forget the U.S.’s colour revolution that is underway in Venezuela, funded by millions of dollars of NGO and CIA black budget bribe money being handed out (but no Victoria Nudelman cookies, this time) to the “protesters and activists”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKMjEdUR5wM
Here, an intelligent and beautiful, REAL genetic Semite explains her positive view of the situation in Lebanon:
Sounds like they got several of these guys. Its surprising how successful they’ve been penetrating the missle defenses of Iran given that we’ve been told for decades Iran is a fortress of a country, Impossible to penetrate.
That could have been the Supreme Leader himself just as easily. Maybe the idea of toppling the Iranian Regime isn’t so far from being realistic after all.
This conflict has been so beneficial to us, I don’t think people understand. Just having the public discussion about our relationship to Israel in the context of this is normalizing the discussion/criticism of their influence on our policy, which is so often clearly not in our national interest.
This has done more in a year than 70 years of edgy antisemitism ever could. Its incredible how fast things are shifting.
It doesn’t matter who wins 2024, they can’t paper this over once people start to ask whats in this for us, its over.
I saw it late last night
Hezbollah recently flew a drone over Haifa, an important industrial city where Israel’s only oil refinery and several power plants are located. It is an important production center for weapons such as Iron Dome also. The drone sent back video of several square miles of territory which Hezbollah published on its website causing an uproar in Israel.
It appears that small drones, being mostly plastic, with a small radar cross section, using electric motors with no heat signature are exceptionally difficult to detect. This may have been how the Hamas leader was assassinated in Tehran, with an undetectable drone carrying only a few ounces of explosives flown directly at him and detonated only inches away from him. Shooting down such a device is extremely difficult apparently since its position must be detected before it can be intercepted and it’s not visible on radar or infra red detectors.
I thought questioning election results was a threat to democracy.
Dear” United States of AIPAC”-Eisenhower was not a Zio-puppet president? He passed the 1957 Civil Rights Act and sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock with bayonets pointed at the backs of white school children to forcibly racially integrate white school children against their will. I think he was a Zionist stooge- he also refused to feed and shelter surrendered German troops in the aftermath of WW2-killing about a million of them due to starvation and exposure, and in violation of the Geneva conventions. Remember that his West Point classmates nicknamed him “the terrible Swedish Jew”.
You’re right, he was a bastard in racial matters.
I was thinking more in terms of direct Zionist kowtowing, like kissing the wall. I was being too generous , typical for me .
I’ve been so blinded by people like Nixon putting a Jewish traitor in one of the most powerful positions, Kissinger.
“He passed the 1957 Civil Rights Act and sent the 101st Airborne”
I’d always attributed that to his ardent Christian upbringing, “Jesus loves the little children, red and yellow, black and…..” etc. and living in isolation from blacks.
(He never had to serve in an ‘integrated’ military. He’d always enjoyed the peace and safety of segregation.)
The first stage of the U.S.’s “colour revolution” or “regime change” operation is underway in Venezuela. If the legitimate, democratically-elected government endures it through the next few days, the U.S. will move on to the next stage which will be tightening the brutal sanctions to the point of complete strangulation. All of the U.S.’s right-wing puppet states in Latin America such as Argentina, Chile and Dominican Republic, are recalling their ambassadors and breaking relations with Venezuela, in solidarity with the U.S.
A new colour revolution operation is beginning in Hungary, too, where the U.S. has selected a Hungarian version of Juan Guaido to replace Orban. The New York Times which earlier promoted Juan Guaido, has a “news” (propaganda) headline that says: “Peter Magyar soars in Hungary.” The same crime pattern is repeated all over the world and the U.S. isn’t even trying to hide it anymore.
The U.S.’s colour revolutions do sometimes fail, as in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Georgia recently, but the U.sury S.ystem will never stop trying, and CANNOT stop trying. This is an EXISTENTIAL struggle to survive by the outmoded capitalist system.
Funny how this Venezuela stuff flares up right before Zion Don (probably) gets elected. ZD and his Circle Of NeoCons spent a good deal of time and effort in the first term farting around with Maduro and Venezuela. Even the DC Propaganda Factory of Hollywood was in on the act with a whole season of Amazon’s “Jack Ryan” dedicated to a plot involving Venezuela which usually means the Tribe is involved in some kind of foreign intrigue fuckery being it real or imagined.
Zion Don’s National Security Advisor, and Hero of Zion award winner admitted that while he was in the West Wing they had tried but failed to pull off a coup de états of the Maduro government.
Some USZOG apologists would probably cheer to see (((our))) petroleum corporations sucking up Venezuelan crude oil, as they applaud USZOG’s outright theft of Syrian oil using both US military personnel and mercenaries.
The thing you fail to grasp is that Marxism is merely the flip side of the usury racket you correctly identify as the root of the problem. By and large, Marxist elites worked much as our present unaccountable elites do: amassing wealth by looting and other asset-stripping schemes so they and their cronies will achieve their objective of becoming a permanent ruling class of the entire planet. The few nations who completely separated from the financial system were immediately destroyed. Even those nations who are making noises about detaching (Russia, Iran and China) are targeted with sanctions, wars, insurrections and ‘color revolutions’. The Clown-World oligarchs want their great-reset, depopulation, etc.
Despite Xi’s apparent efforts to shovel out the Augean stables overflowing with corruption, numerous Clown-World connections remain entrenched in China. Ditto for Putin, who’s managed to chase away some connected clowns but not all of them by any means. It’s not impossible that both are in fact co-opted and merely serving in some kind of approved opposition role for the time being. Iran obviously has some serious security problems as well.
With respect to Gaza, it’s rather telling that the bulk of the Arab would could care less about what’s happening. None of the major Muslim states in the region (Egypt, Saudi, Jordan, Turkey) have lifted a pinky to alleviate. Instead we’re treated to colonists from such countries carrying our demonstrations demanding we pick up the white man’s burden – though they themselves do nothing concrete (like moving back and joining Hamas, the Houthis or Hezbollah). You need to go beyond the failed theories of Karl Marx, which have an even worse historical record than those of everyone’s favorite Austrian painter. The butcheries of various communist regimes dwarf those of the Nazis. They’re not very well covered though because of a (((certain group’s))) longtime involvement with the moron’s dream of a “classeless utopia” – where some folks nevertheless manage to be more equal than the others (zeks).
“You need to go beyond the failed theories of Karl Marx (…) the moron’s dream of a classless utopia”:
Socialism is not “Marx’s theory.” Marx was not a moron, but also not the originator of socialism, not the original thinker. Socialism is in fact the natural, default human condition. Primitive communism is pre-historic, pre-dating the development of agriculture when class inequality and large-scale exploitation of labour, and organised priestly-cultic religion used to justify it, became institutional. Socialism predates feudalism, which in turn predates capitalism. It is implicit in the Gospel, in the New Testament, and even in writings of a few O.T. prophets.
“failed theories (…) which have an even worse historical record than those of everyone’s favorite Austrian painter. The butcheries of various communist regimes dwarf those of the Nazis. They’re not very well covered though because of a (((certain group’s))) longtime involvement”:
Socialism as such has never failed. Socialist and semi-socialist republics have always been in war mode, under constant attack by the capitalist system. Rather than “withering away,” the state has needed to remain very strong against the constant attack by Imperialism. Nevertheless, socialist states can fail through internal corruption (usually being fed by the external enemy) and especially by betrayal (as with Yeltsin and Gorbachev). Most of the “butcheries” you refer to that are “not well documented,” never happened, including the “Ukrainian Holodomor” (hoax), Trotsky’s (and Khruschev’s) lies about Stalin’s “Great Purge,” and Solzhenitsyn’s tale of “The Gulag”: https://www.greanvillepost.com/2018/10/09/the-truth-about-the-soviet-gulag-surprisingly-revealed-by-the-cia/ Mao Tse-tung is also falsely accused of great “butcheries” when in fact he saved more lives and did more good than perhaps any other human leader in human history. No nation ever rose so quickly from deepest poverty as China did during the three Mao decades, and under Mao’s leadership China also saved the independence of Indochina and half of Korea. You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.
“The butcheries of various communist regimes dwarf those of the Nazis.”
The atrocities committed by the judeo-Anglo_American regimes/Empires over the past 120+ years surpass by millions whatever “butcheries” were done by “Nazis.”
Can we focus more on attacking Jews and leaving the Anglo part out of it? I know other white groups get picked at too in our circles but Anglo Saxons or whatever we want to say “ British “ or “ English “ or whatever get attacked more than anyone. It is odd because most people who attack them do it while living in countries created by Anglo Saxons/ English/ British. Most of the people in red states have this heritage. If there has to be a future war for our people who will be doing a large portion of the fighting?
Can we focus more on attacking Jews and leaving the Anglo part out of it? I know other white groups get picked at too in our circles but Anglo Saxons or whatever we want to say “ British “ or “ English “ or whatever get attacked more than anyone.”
I totally agree Courtney. But, as you can see there are plenty of wolves in sheep clothing here at OD. They actually do wish to harm our people.
“It is odd because most people who attack them do it while living in countries created by Anglo Saxons/ English/ British. Most of the people in red states have this heritage. If there has to be a future war for our people who will be doing a large portion of the fighting?”
They would like nothing more than to see our people defeated in our attempt to regain the commanding heights of power. They also want to see our people divided across various regions further ensuring theur total immiserstion and subordination.
But let’s one thing clear. They are not our people. They are neither Christian, Anglo-Saxon, or Patriotic.
They are idolaters, slave soldiers to Rome, drunk of the blood of saints.
They are atheists, mind zombies, drunk on scenes of Nazi and Commie propoganda from WWII.
They are White ethnic rif raf, descendents of Ellis Island grifters, gangsters, and racketeering, drunk on the money of ill gotten gains.
They are Christ deniers, engaged in subversion and terrorism, drunk on the foreign supplied lucre.
These are not our people. They wish to harm our people. We intend to stop them.
At least the jews are biological enemies. Anglos were the Earth’s champion race traitors for hundreds of years. Attacked and provoked their cousins any chance they got. Now they are destroying themselves, too.
The Anglo elites bear a massive share of the blame for the mess we’re in. They do not deserve a free pass for their crimes any more than the jews do, or the Jesuits or the upper level Masons (not talking about the local lodge here – unless your local lodge is in Paris). All of what was once known as ‘Christendom’ is circling the drain – fast. All of the organized churches in the west (no exceptions) are literally enemy territory now. They might as well remove the crosses and any other Christian symbolism, erect an altar to Baphomet (Satan) and start the child sacrifices and set up the temple brothels to raise money. Along with jews, they are all behind the invasion of every single western country. Catholicism is led by a Pedophile Anti-Pope, Anglicans by a woke pervert, und so weiter. There basically little if any resistance to pure evil. Just take a gander at the latest outrage from Vermont: members of the jewish-run teachers’ union can forcibly vaccinate your kids without parental permission. The author of that article has been stating “homeschool of die” for at least a quarter-century, and James Dobson told Christian parents to remove their kids from public school 35 years back. Did many take the excellent advice offered? Obviously the answer is no. Far too few did. So here we are.
Even the Anglo poet Kipling offered some stellar advice well over a century ago:
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!>/i>
I guess we get to experience the terror and slaughter since far too few even made a half-assed attempt to take the excellent advice. Even so, in the midst of the utter darkness a once-beautiful city now reduced to a vile Satanic sewer, hope still remains – shining like the jewel at the bottom of Pandora’s box. I wonder what would happen if many of the native French wallowing in the shit would just look and see, get on their knees in that place (Sacré-Coeur means Sacred Heart) and asked their humbly creator for mercy. Despair is another trap of the enemy.
Yes they do. They probably exceed those of the Marxist regimes as well. That does not excuse slaughters carried out by either the Nazis or the Marxists, just put it into context. The dead from the opium campaigns carried out by the ‘British’ drug-lords (((Sassoons))) alone was massive.
“Yes they do. They probably exceed those of the Marxist regimes as well.”
There is no factual numerate example to justify that statement.
“The dead from the opium campaigns carried out by the ‘British’ drug-lords (((Sassoons))) alone was massive.”
First, regarding the Sassons, the fact is they were involved in the opium trade strictly as an ancillary commodity to their international trade with the Chinese. Their were loyal to the British Empire in its long war against the Chinese Empire when they could’ve turned to the Chinese instead. Good for them.
Second, as to Opium, there was no “opium campaign,” conducted by the British against the Chinese and neither they or the Sassoons victimized the Chinese. They did not start the Opium trade. The opium trade pre-existed the arrival of the British or the Sassoons into India or China.
Rather, the British stopped opium from becoming a currency of trade in the UK, USA, and Europe, which is what the Chinese were attempting to do. The Slopes were the ones engaged in an insidious plot to poison the “round eyes” and “soulless ghost” people of the West. Just like they are doing now.
The reality is there was a long term trade between India and China that pre existed the arrival of the British. Until the 1700s, India was more industrialized than the West. Until the 1800s, China was more industrialized than the West.
Pottery and Tea alone from China was bankrupting the UK by the 1700s. By then, the British had through economic and military campaigns had subordinated the Indians politically, a role solidified by the Battle of Plessy in the late 1700s. As a result, the British had full control over India originated international trade. could manage the trade with India to benefit Britain over the long term. So India was no longer a threat. But, China remained an existential threat.
In contrast to India, the British couldn’t control or manage trade with the Chinese, who were still more industrialized than the West by the early 1800s. Not only were the British, Indians, and Americans beginning to face industrial and silver currency trade imbalances with China, but do to deliberate Chinese government policy, opium was spreading through out the West both as a commodity for users and traders.
Only thanks to the British superior position in India were they able to smother the opium trade from there into the West. But with China there was no such opportunity. Instead, the Chinese continued sending Chinese colonists and their organized tongs to settle the West and take control of trade and spread opium.
India, remained China’s largest trading partner. So the British turned the Chinese strategy of opium trade against them demanding opium be used currency of trade between India and China. Instead of losing silver to China, the British lost it to the British Raj in India, who could then repatriate it back to Europe. A process they couldn’t do with China.
Everyone feels sorry for the Chinese being victims of some British (((Sassoon))) originated plot. Bullsh!t. The Chinese had been using and trading it for centuries before the British arrived. The Chinese developed a deliberate government policy to use opium trade to subvert the West. The British just used Jiu-Jutsu politico-economic tactics against the Chinese, and so the Chinese lost. Eff them, eff those slopes to hell and eff all you Sinicized zombies repeating their Anglophobic talking points.
You are an innumerate Nazi Papist. Spreader of lies and subversion, deception and demoralization. A Jesuit Fifth columnist.
Muh thunderbolt, HW! Meanwhile, scuttlebutt says Israel just bombed the IRGC dude that planned their failed missle retaliation the last round. Think Bibi got the green light or something cause this is quite the escalation.
Thoughts and prayers for Eric Striker.
It has been a rough couple days. I am looking forward to hearing how all this is Trump’s fault and how Biden or Kamala will actually restrain Israel
Well, we know that two heartbeats away from the Oval Office Mike Johnson (Retardican-Louisiana) who addressed netanyahu as “His Excellency” certainly did not ‘pump the brakes’ on escalating the terrorist, genocidal, zionist entity lust for expanding its war either.
What’s the deal with Striker ?
King Hussein of Jordan is half British traitor to both muslims and Arabs who allows the zionist terrorist entity to use their airspace for their war crimes.
It is almost inconceivable that some colonel or General in the Jordanian military doesn’t liquidate him, and replace him with an Arab nationalist.
One hypothesis that is floating around in regard to the heinous terrorist assassination of Hamas’ political leader in Iran is that the jew’s plane lauched its missile from the crypto-jewish nations of Azerbaijan or Armenia.
If the Armenian government allowed the jews to use their nation’s airspace as a launching pad, they deserve whatever happens to them. After all, israel and crypto-jew turks were supplying Azerbaijan military force with weapons during their recent hostilities with Armenia.
“King Hussein of Jordan is half British traitor to both muslims and Arabs who allows the zionist terrorist entity to use their airspace for their war crimes.”
The Anglophobic pattern of hate and subversion continues. Of course the Nazi Papist Mr November Autumn Groyper hates the King of Jordan, America’s most important Frontline ally in the Middle East.
Assuredly, the Nazi Papist would probably line to see the last of the Hashemites destroyed. Everything November supports is aimed at destroying Protestant Whiteness, Anglo-Saxon community, and old allies of the Anglo-American alliance. Going after the Hashemites, long time allies of ours is typical.
Commies, Nazis, and Papists have been doing this since the first British colonists arrive anywhere. It started with Virginia Dare, the first English Protestant born in America. Her colony was destroyed and she was likely captured by Spanish Papists during the Armada days. The Papists were aided and abetted by Indian Savages organized by Jesuits.
VDare, named after her, has likewise been captured and is now been sold into slavery by Papists. Like Virginia Dare’s colony, the Papists, were aided and abetted by modern day savages in New York, organized by Jesuits, the super N@ggress Letitia James.
The pattern continues. November’s sole job is to deflect from noticing this pattern thru provocation and disinformation like his statement above. He will be corrected again in the future and made an example of what to watch out for, regardless of his stupid sock puppet accounts on OD.
Ashkenazi Globalist Cabal Hasbara Troll,
Nice try trying to deflect from the sodomizing, torturing, and murdering your criminal nation’s army is partaking in. The goyim know.
You check every box on the checklist on the how, why, and what a jew would attempt to influence Gentiles’ actions and opinions. Your obviousness is equivalent to a full moon on a clear night. In other words, you glow light blue and white.
Only an israel first duel citizen, but one loyalty to the flag with the devil’s footprint in the middle to shill for the Hashemite traitor that owes his throne to the cut-throat and backstabbing judeo-British establishment elites, zio-American intelligence, along with pissraeli security the form of former IOF, mossad, and shin bet.
All the Hashemites are highly paid whores that care nothing for their nation, and its citizens. None of them have any legitimacy in Jordan, Iraq, or Syria.
“King Hussein” of Jordan receives almost 2 billion USD/year in a nation of approximately 11.4 million for his betrayal to Jordanians in hosting the infidel judeo-American military bases, and allow the terrorist zionist occupiers of Palestine use their airspace to launch attacks against other muslims in the region that oppose the zio-pigs.
The British Foreign Office refers to Jordan as “one of the UK’s most trusted allies in the Middle East. With our close royal, political and security links, the relationship is a modern, dynamic partnership serving the interests of both countries.”[1]
Both countries share a close relationship in part because of the Hashemites, the royal family and leaders of Jordan, who received British help to overthrow Ottoman rule in the country during World War I and the Arab Revolt.[2] In the aftermath of the First World War, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate over several territories in the Middle East, including the area that would become Jordan. Britain established the Emirate of Transjordan in 1921 under the leadership of King Abdullah I, a British protectorate until its independence in 1946. Ties remained close and Britain continued to provide military and financial support to Jordan.
That alone tells me that that Hussein is compromised, and his position as king invalid. He is nothing but the well paid cuck of MI6, Rothschilds, zionist US State Department, and CIA.
Your jewish and Limey slur of “Papist” doesn’t land. It is well known that I was baptized and raised Episcopalian. That being said, my relatives that were/are Catholic were always better on the JQ/JP that my Protestant relatives by leaps and bounds.
I have no respect any nation and its people that conspired with jews against the Afrikaners in the two Boer Wars, led the starvation blockade against Germany in the aftermath of WWI, instigated WWII in Europe with the first ever war guarantee to Poland, celebrate both Churchill and Arthur “Bomber” Harris as heroes. By their acts, I know them, and by your post, we know who and what you are, and who you represent.
If the average British or American Anglo believed as King Edward VIII, Mark Collett, David Irving, David Duke, and their like, instead of being more of your POV, we’d get along just fine.
Zog isn’t interested in a coup in Venezuela. They are interested in Guyana next door, which Venezuela happens to claim is theirs. Lots of sour crude in Guyana, just what the refineries in Texas are set up for.
Israeli cocksuckers get to do whatever they want and have American suckers pay for it. Kikes have dragged this country straight to hell. Imagine being the only country on the planet that stands with these maniacs every time. Pathetic.
Ritual human sacrifice at the summer Olympics in the formerly White country of France.
My upbringing makes it hard for me to sympathize with modern women, who so often deserve exactly what they get, because they insist on getting it. I don’t understand why women with any dignity at all would participate in this dangerous farce. I don’t know what to make of this.
Add this to the blatantly anti Christian opening ceremony by queers, these Olympics have been a huge public display of western pathology. Overall, probably a huge positive.
HW, its off topic, but I thought it was poignant enough to warrant a mention.
“don’t understand why women with any dignity at all would participate in this”
(((Media))) controlled society.
I really don’t think most of you want to acknowledge the power of the media.
Okay Gay Latino Papist. With this Dimona project, I see you are playing the song we gave you a few years back. Everyone knows your guyses game now though. So, what makes you think its gonna work with a few YouTube channels, some Bots, and your Twitter dudes?
From RT (Russia Today) yesterday, June 5th:
The U.S. was also preparing to assassinate Vladimir Putin, and the head of Russia’s Ministry of Defense Andrei Belousov, at the parade on Navy Day in St. Petersburg. “According to the deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Ryabkov, whose words were heard on the air of the Rossiya TV channel, a few days before the parade, Belousov contacted the head of the US Department of Defense, Lloyd Austin, by phone and urged him to convince Kyiv to abandon its plans. Earlier, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov spoke about Putin’s enhanced security measures….” This was one of many failed plans and attempts by the U.S. to assassinate Vladimir Putin.
Arabs are cringey sand apes. Why haven’t they bombed israel lol. They are obviously scared to escalate because they are spending so much time thumping their chests and telegraphing the retaliation.
Its all so tiresome.