Great news.
The Jacob Dix case ended in a mistrial in June. Now, his charges have been dismissed altogether.
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (CVILLE RIGHT NOW) – Charges against Jacob Joseph Dix, the Ohio man accused of using a flaming torch to intimidate counterprotesters during a 2017 gathering of white nationalists in Charlottesville, have been dismissed. The dismissal follows a mistrial declared last week after jurors deadlocked on whether to convict Dix under a Virginia law that criminalizes burning objects with the intent to intimidate.
Henrico County Commonwealth’s Attorney Shannon Taylor, who served as special prosecutor in the case, had initially indicated plans to retry Dix. However, after further consideration, the charges were formally dropped earlier today in Albemarle County Circuit Court.
Dix was one of 11 individuals indicted last year under the state’s “intimidation by fire” statute, passed in 2002. Five others have pleaded guilty. …
There is nothing we can do about the past.
As we recover from Charlottesville, we cannot afford to make the same mistakes again.
It was 7 years ago. Get over it already.
Tell that to the courts, DOJ and FBI.
But ……
How much has this lawfare taken out of his life ?
How much has he had to spend, lost income too ?
GD rats, using our legal system to intimidate and deny us our civil freedoms !
It’s not OUR legal system. If it was, no one from UTR would have been in any legal jeopardy.
You know what I mean.
The basic framework and structure was designed by our ancestors, which has been hijacked and twisted by the tribe of malice.
Yes, we know that, but not everyone that reads OD is up to speed.
Free speech is the alternative to violence. Our overlords are busy closing all the doors to free speech everywhere in the West. I can only conclude they want violence.
Dix is walking away because he was lucky enough to get a legitimate judge. Could have just as easily gone the other way.
The process is the punishment.
When you’re arrested by the police, say literally nothing to them. Just give them silence. I’ve been been arrested once in my life in a case of mistaken identity. I told them at the point of arrest they’ve mistaken me for someone else, and that I had nothing else to give them. I was literally silent from that point, on. They wasted my time, so I wasted theirs. Pigs are not on your side.
“When you’re arrested by the police, say literally nothing to them. Just give them silence.”
Having been arrested here and overseas a number of times, I can agree with that assessment. I’ve tried both, talking and the silent treatment.
When I was persecuted by political opponents who provided falsified info, I thought providing factual info would appraise them of the truth. It did not. The process was the punishment as someone elsewhere noted. About the only time speaking helped was when I engaged in appealing to their political ideology as a means of encouraging mutiny. That was fun. But, in general its better to give the silent treatment.
Becoming a good resistor when imprisoned takes experience and talent. A good point of reference would be to read up on whatever books are out there by people who have been imprisoned and especially books put out by the armed forces or intelligence services on S.E.R.E. activity. Do it now, because if Trump loses, we will all, or have some close who will be imprisoned, at some point in the future.
Precisely. We must learn when to speak, and when to shut up.
The left will not silence me. The police will not make me speak.
Are you a professional protester? I’ve never heard of someone being arrested multiple times here and overseas.
I never said I was arrested for protesting. Enough said. Nonetheless, it is a fact, men of action generally have at least one arrest, sometimes for stupid reasons sometimes for righteous reasons and sometimes for both.
Was it not Anglin prior to the event who did not attend and constantly published “do not forget your tiki torches”, …. Just sayin….Entrapment Snakes everywhere, be careful were you “step” …
I don’t know anyone who knows him IRL. I know almost everyone.
anglinn us the most persecuted from this event
Julian Assange had it worse, after years being locked in the cramped embassy and more years in the UK’s notorious torture prison (Belmarsh) with his health broken, and headed for more torture in the U.S. prison system, that would have been fatal, he barely escaped due to immense and unrelenting worldwide public pressure.
Anti-war and real Left opposition to the system tend to have it worse than you far-right wingers have it when you stray off the far right reservation. “You won’t know or feel you’re on a leash as long as you stay close to the peg.”
One good thing about this law, is that it can be used to prosecute people who burn the US Flag, the Virginia Flag, the Gasden Flag, even the Confederate flag. Of course the big question is what District Attorney or State Attorney would do so. But, that’s the point of politics. You’ve got to engage to get the right people in who will uphold the law, especially against the Anti-American front.
Boo f’ing woo.
So, burning flags is wrong and illegal, but burning civilians in Dresden, Gaza, Toyko, Vietnam, et al is A-OK?
Only sociopaths and psychopaths would be good with such a sickening morality.
White phosphorus AKA “Willie Pete” is being used by the terrorist IOF Air Force which is a war crime because it burns whatever it touches.
Palestine has also been used as a testing ground for some kind of new gas. The U.S.’s Khazar-krainian proxy has also used (has apparently been testing) chemical weapons several times against Russian forces, sending some to the hospital who didn’t don gas masks quickly. The terrorist U.S. proxy has been trying for months to blow up the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhizhia (one of its weapons got through and set a cooling tower on fire a few days ago) and more recently the nuclear power plant at Kursk. These wars are existential for the system and it will stop at nothing, release of radioactive material, chemical, biological weapons, anything. The soil in parts of the Gaza concentration camp has been known to be heavily contaminated by some radioactive material, probably depleted uranium, for years now. When you participate in the U.S. “elections” you give your explicit consent to all this evil. Paraphrasing Theoden in the Lord of the Rings: “So much death! What can men do against such reckless evil?”
I am proud to have used wiley pete on Sand N@ggers. We conducted a flanking maneuver against them up a small hill of mixed ruined phucked up buildings and nature, in which they had fortified themselves with reports that they had some hostages.
While another team fixed their position and pinned them down to their front we went up the hill and then down it on their flank. We popped smoke and threw grenades before us, shifting the fire of the other team to allow us to assault the enemy. But the grenades also ignited the area of shrubs, and small and splintered trees that were in front of us, causing damage to their initial line and concealing our force as we shot through, closed with the Sand N@ggers and overran their position killing most.
We got some of the hostages; the others had already been executed, found inside a room in another ruined building, all women and children. We found one Sand N@gger held inside a hole underneath some metal and rock and stone, screaming he would kill the infidel with him. Inside was a young girl. Somehow she managed to break free despite him attempting to drag her back inside. She said there was more than one Jihadi deeper inside.
Rather than engage with them further we dropped Willey Pete in to burn the whole nest of metal and stone and force them out. Their screams in Arabic and the smell as it burned still bring a smile to me to this day. It smelled, like, well it smelled like victory.
Note: I’m an equal opportunist America Victor dude, so I’d use the stuff against any enemy combatant of America, not just Sand N@ggers, especially scum bag enemy illegal combatants like that lot. Fire and sword, thats war, true America Victor style.
The origin reply had a slight error. Important enough to get a point across by reposting.
I am proud to have used wiley pete on Sand N@ggers. We conducted a flanking maneuver against them up a small hill of mixed ruined phucked up buildings and nature, in which they had fortified themselves with reports that they had some hostages.
While another team fixed their position and pinned them down to their front we went up the hill and then down it on their flank. We popped smoke and threw grenades before us, shifting the fire of the other team to allow us to assault the enemy. But the grenades also ignited the area of shrubs, and small and splintered trees that were in front of us, causing damage to their initial line and concealing our force as we shot through, closed with the Sand N@ggers and overran their position killing most.
We got some of the hostages; the others had already been executed, found inside a room in another ruined building, all women and children. We found one Sand N@gger held inside a hole underneath some metal and rock and stone, screaming he would kill the infidel with him. Inside was a young girl. Somehow she managed to break free despite him attempting to drag her back inside. She said there was more than one Jihadi deeper inside.
Rather than engage with them further we dropped Willey Pete in to burn the whole nest of metal and stone and force them out. Their screams in Arabic and the smell as it burned still bring a smile to me to this day. It smelled, like, well it smelled like victory.
Note: I’m an equal opportunist America Victor dude, so I’d use the stuff against any enemy combatant of America, not just Sand N@ggers, especially scum bag enemy illegal combatants like that lot. Fire and sword, thats war, true America Victor style.
“White phosphorus AKA “Willie Pete” is being used ”
Was used in WW2 by allies to disable the German forces at D-Day, otherwise allies couldn’t have defeated the German gun emplacements, they were too strong.
“that’s the point of politics. You’ve got to engage to get the right people in who will uphold the law, especially against the Anti-American front”:
It is impossible to make the system to “uphold law” against itself, as in Matthew 12:26, “if Satan be divided against itself….”
“One good thing about this law, is that it can be used to prosecute people who burn the US Flag….”
“Good” because it gives more power (more legal clout) to the people WHO ARE ON TOP OF THE ECONOMIC PYRANID) – if you think that is good!
The form of government, legal system, financial system, central banking, Zionist foreign policy, educational failings, and inner city problems would still be present with secession. Secession in and of itself is not the solution. All of your work would still be in front of you even with a national divorce. The fact that you cannot see that just shows your ignorance.
Secession is the solution.
1. Educational failings – the result of Brown vs. Board of Education which was imposed on the South by the Supreme Court which turned the public schools and universities into an experiment in social engineering to achieve racial equality. Non-Southerners wanted it and used the courts to get it. It was not something anyone here wanted
2. Zionist foreign policy – breaking up the United States itself brings about the demise of the American Empire and the ability to project power into the Middle East
3. Inner city problems – the result of decades of federal civil rights laws that made our cities uninhabitable. Imposed from the outside by Congress and the Supreme Court by White liberals in other parts of the country who wanted us to live this way. An insoluble problem created by the Voting Rights Act
4. The legal system – would not be a problem if Southerners were left alone to make our own laws without the interference of outsiders
5. Form of government – The current form of government does not work because of political polarization which is the result of deep and growing cultural differences. The result is gridlock which would be eliminated by secession which would create a more homogeneous nation state.
6. Financial system / Central banking – dissolving the Union would necessarily require us to create a new currency and banking system
Give us a National Divorce. Draw borders around the South. The vast majority of our problems like unwanted immigration instantly goes away.
It’s not the answer if you are an ethno nationalist. If you are fine with race mixing, LGBTQ, Jews controlling the new Southern nation, and dictating the foreign policy, central banking, and universal suffrage then sure. The idea you have that if you just break away from DC then everything will go back to 1950 you are delusional. All of the states that have secession movements are diametrically opposed to your views. Look at this;
I am an ethnonationalist.
White Southerners have a different history, culture, religion, ethnic makeup and political preferences than other White Americans. That’s why a separate state would work for us.
Race mixing – anti-miscegenation and segregation laws used to exist here. Federal courts overturned those laws for White libtards in other parts of the country.
LGBTQ – Gay marriage was banned in every Southern state until Obergefell. Same story. Overturned to satisfy White libtards in other parts of the country. Alabama and other Southern states have banned the transgender stuff.
Jewish control – The vast majority of American Jews do not live here and secession removes their influence over our political system. See Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
Universal suffrage – Yet another Yankee idea imposed on us at gunpoint by the 14th Amendment
Central banking – Secession also “Ends the Fed” here
Alabama has a large black minority. We do not have the politics of Vermont or Oregon or Minnesota or Massachusetts. This is proof that blacks are less of a problem than White libtards
Even if you got secession, Jim Crow laws are a thing of the past and they will not come back even without the fed. White Southerners are not by and large racial separatists anymore that is over. The average White Southerner doesn’t identify as a race. LGBTQ rights are growing and most young Southerners support LGBTQ rights. So when the older generation dies off it’s all over the place. I just came back from Savannah Georgia which is a traditional Southern town yet there were pride flags everywhere yet not confederate flags at all. All 3 of the Southern states who have secessionist movements support universal suffrage. So again it’s going to be the law of the land even if secession happens. Jews go to destroy anything they can and the South is no different. They will infect a new Southern nation. TNM says a new independent Texas will have an anti semitism law, and support Israel. Every country in the world has Rothschild central banking minus 6 so it will happen in a free south. If blacks are not a problem then you shouldn’t mind your kids going to a school with more blacks then, or live in an area majority black. Again none of your points will hold even if secession happens.
Catholic Crusader,
Where are you getting your stats from? Most young Southerners support LGBTQ? I doubt it. You mention a Southern city that has pride flags everywhere. Funny thing is is that I notice a strong correlation between how liberal a Southern city is and how many Northern transplants it has.
How do you know how most Southerners feel about themselves? Even if we don’t have the racial awareness we did in the 1960s, a lot of Southerners still see themselves as a distinct group. I see it all the time.
“White Southerners have a different history, culture, religion, ethnic makeup and political preferences than other White Americans”:
The South has a history of using Negro slaves. Even within the White portion of the population there was class structure. The South was capitalist with some vestiges of feudalism.
“The vast majority of American Jews do not live here”:
Charleston, SC was the centre of Jiudaism in the U.S. until the 1860’s when the centre of gravity moved to Manhattan. There is a large and growing Jewish precence in the Charlotte, NC banking centre, and in urban Tennessee, Georgia, SC, and of course Florida and Virginia. Are you expecting a voluntary exodus or implying there would be deportations?
You seem to imply that universal suffrage will end.
Ending “centeal banking” is not the same thing as ending all private for-profit banking, and nationalising everything monetary and financial.
“I am an ethnonationlist” is impossible, in my view, without being a socialist first of all. Pas de république sans paysans: No republic without the peasants. No freedom without equality.
” breaking up the United States itself brings about the demise of the American Empire and the ability to project power into the Middle East”
The very reason it will never be allowed.
It’s power, pure power and they will never let go.
The idea of session is a nice idle for summer days laying on a grassy hill watching clouds go by.
The exact defeatist thinking they have gaslite you into believing … stand or DEI!
Not being defeatist, just think that’s the wrong approach.
“United States of AIPAC
AUGUST 29, 2024 AT 1:03 PM
Not being defeatist, just think that’s the wrong approach.“
Exactly what is the “right” approach… some ethno-alien global monarchy?
Even if you did successfully succeed uszog wouldn’t grant you any nuclear weapons and you’d be another vassal state under the uszog hegemon, like the UK or Germany, subjected to the same woke pressures.
Charlottesville is ancient history by now.
Not to zog prosecutors.
Well, well, The Catholic’s and the Socialist’s, Neither of you, is in any position, to offer up insult to the SOUTHERN REPUBLIC, you offer people nothing ……. Your HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE of BLOOD, DARKNESS and BONDAGE, will surely DIE, along with the rest of your lies, MYSTERY BABYLON will fall, GOD’S WORD DECLARES it and GOD WILLING, WE SHAll bring THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC on line, when it does fall, we will RESIST, THE ANTICHRIST and the BEAST SYSTEM, we will feed our MASTER’S SHEEP and fight for the HONOR of the LIVING GOD, WE LOVE and CARE about our people, wherever they are …….
Umm, Terry? Take your Andrew Hislop and get your brain washed. The RC is a mess (many Trad RC’s know this) but the facts are there- they have the prior claim and the greater validity for ANY aid to Reconstruction/Reconquista of Christendom/America . I’ve reiterated these points (much to many’s disgust on this board) so I’m not going to rehash that. Go read my prior posts.
But don’t think that pre-schism Orthodox Catholic thought, awareness of racial separateness I Cor. 15, and a scriptural directive NOT to race-mix Tob. 4:12 were all NOT part of a Christendom consensus, centuries before Luther woke up.
Universal and Universalism are two vastly different things.
What ALL of us need to do, is start with the reality that, IF WE ARE TRULY CHRISTIANS, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR IS ONE OF US. Before any other positions, stances, etc.
“In the end, ALL THE CHURCHES will serve Antichrist.” – Fr. Seraphim Rose
“Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God.” – I John 2:22
What is the denial of Christ’s Incarnation? DENYING THAT GOD INCARNATED IN THE FLESH OF ADAM- a pure, white, sinless flesh, of the genetics of the First Adam. Everyone KNOWS this. THEY HIDE THEIR SHAME, as Adam and Eve hid themselves from the Lord God, when the first sinned – which some have said was the sin of miscegenation of Eve with Satan. (Check out Christogenea, and many of the older commentaries of the first centuries, the Celtic Church, etc.)-
How? Why? Because the very WORD, ‘A-dam’ means ‘fair, ruddy, able to [visibly] blush’ – Characteristics ONLY of the WHITE MAN.
As Genesius’ Lexicon points out “The Arabs distinguish two races of men; one RED, RUDDY, which we call WHITE, the other BLACK.” (the rest of that definition is BS- no one believed they were of ‘one blood’ until at least the 1600’s!)
“And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” – I Cor. 15:45
Therefore, ANY assembly that WORSHIPS THE NON-WHITE, is a DE FACTO HERETICAL ASSEMBLY – a ‘synagogue of Satan’ as St.John calls it- which is a ‘cohen-cidence’ as to who is following SATAN. Because the same CULTS that worship the N-word, also IDOLIZE the JEW!!!
The SBC (as all protestant sects) was an aberrant CULT, before. It has now damned itself thrice. No salvation in Protestant-schism. Nor in Bergoglio’s Rome, if we’re being honest. We need to go back BEFORE 1100A.D. in our theology.
Fr.JOHN+ Thank you, for your response, it’s nice to hear from you ……. I’m not looking for conflict, with two certain parties, but they send agents on this site, to insult and harm the SOUTH/SOUTHERN PEOPLE, then their is a PROBLEM, I will not take back my statement, I will not surrender my faith, not interested in inviting myself, to someone else’s party, anyway, it is, what it is and HONOR requires a response, from time to time ………with my regards SIR …
The South deserves to be free of the Yankee leviathan, I fully agree. But it’s the North as well, that needs to be free of such Scalawags as Walz, (for example) who is running roughshod over the vast majority of the folks in my home state of Minnesota. People there (outside of the Arrowhead, St. Paul, and Mine-fagopolis) UTTERLY LOATHE this son of a bitch.
And rightly so. ANYONE who is that demagogic, deserves ALL our loathing and imprecatory prayer.
Agreed, Sir. May God grant us all Victory, in His Name, Alone.
Yankees now mostly live in Papist occupied territories. In some places, like New York City, they live in Judeo-Papist occupied territory. Today, former bastions of Yankeedom like Massachusetts are mere Provinces of the Roman Papacy. In other places like Minnesota, the old combine of Yankee-Judeo-Papist still reigns with Yankees in ever slight preponderance.
But even in places like this, Yankee Protestant cobtrol is slipping fast. For instance Tim Waltz, a Papist, governs a majority Protestant State. He is a typical Jesuit trained Papist who put together a coalition of liberal Yankees, Papists (especially dumb German Papist Midwestern types), vaccuous Scandinavian Protestants, Jews, and Non-Whites. He then brought Minnessotta and Minneapolis to the ground.
Yankees did this to themselves. They did it to achieve absolute socio-economic dominance over their hated brothers, the Dixies. They did it thru immigration of mostly Papists with a special Jewish gazpacho sauce to the mix. Then after achieving dominance thru Judeo-Papist support, the Yankees found themselves demographically weakened and eventually shoved aside.
Now, we have these crazed Papists like Waltz running around like clown jokers all over America, and using our military might to do the same across the world like Biden. Northeast Yankee America has been hijacked by Papists. Now so has majority Protestant Minnesota. It was hijacked because Yankees are damned fools. Say goodbye to Minneapolis and say hello to Papist joker America.
FT.JOHN+ Yes, plenty of good folk, living in these so-called BLUE states, as far as that goes, good folks in these METRO AREA’s, just because, we have folks, without SOUTHERN zip codes, they are not excluded, they are not forgotten, not by a long shot …….
I’m not looking forward to her being our attorney general.