I will be live tomorrow with Brad Griffin of Occidental Dissent discussing the election and others current events @LutherEnjoyer
— Tim Murdock (@eurorabbit) August 26, 2024
(links below) pic.twitter.com/dEohiyQHEj
— Tim Murdock (@eurorabbit) August 26, 2024
Tune in!
I will be on around 5 PM EST.
Horus was interesting back when he was selling Bob Whitaker and talking about nazi space pyramids (or whatever that was). Now that we actually have a map to Neuschwabenland, he’s interviewing you. Some people grow backwards.
Bob and Tim succeeded in mainstreaming the term “anti-White.” The Right has now embraced anti-anti-Whiteism. We are getting close to normalizing explicit pro-White politics. The taboo on White identity politics erodes a little every day.
IMO, this is what matters, not esoteric Nazi stuff like space pyramids or “Neuschwabenland,” which most White people will never grasp and which as a practical matter is totally irrelevant
Commiserating about the good old days of National Socialism gets us nowhere.
Bob would be quite proud of where we are today.
Hunter, no one has covered this yet. HIAS was informed some immigration inspectors were coming to check out their operations, so they TORCHED all the records of the immigrants they had files on:
Joe biden, the epitome of self serving scum. Bring us all down with them isn’t exactly good governance.
Brad, with this post i visited the X account of Tim Murdock and I only just found out that a few months ago passed away Robert “Azzmador” Ray…… I remember him talking in the Vice documentary on Charlottesville.
Sad for the loss.
Yes, I heard about that
He had heart issues and an arrest warrant in Charlottesville. I have heard he didn’t seek medical care to avoid arrest. Not sure though if there is any truth to that
I discovered this……someone opened a website dedicated to the memory of Azzmador
Marcel – Thank you for providing that link. I had heard of Azzmador’s death, but did not know that someone had a website archiving his broadcasts/podcasts, and I will enjoy very much hearing his voice.
” a few months ago passed away Robert “Azzmador” Ray…”
He was a heavy smoker.
Before WNs address any political issues, good health practices should first be addressed.
See Hunter thats where youre wrong. They just give you enough to keep you entertained and “engaged” in the “political process” meanwhile there will be little if any deviation from what the actual decision makers want. You will have Trump to get you and your team excited for 4yrs, then theyll give the other team a win to keep them engaged. I’ve been following “identity politics” for long enough to know that ALMOST every activist with a platform is handled, with the occasional rare exception. Thinking you are “making a difference” in this is delusional. Thinking Elon Musk is somehow on your team, or even skirting that, is delusional. I’m not saying be depressed and give up or whatever, there are just better things to do with your time and energy. Including esoteric “space” nazi stuff (except that space is fake, of course).
My view is that reading about esoteric Nazi stuff like UFOs in Neuschwabenland is a complete waste of time. It causes activists to lose touch with political reality. In fact, the vast majority of activists would be better off – more practical, persuasive, effective – learning nothing about the Third Reich. They would be better off playing tennis which at least would keep them in better shape.
“My view is that reading about esoteric Nazi stuff like UFOs in Neuschwabenland is a complete waste of time.”
Actually, its a major psyop gateway. The rabbit hole of Nazi esoteric stuff doesn’t end at New Swabenland. It just begins there (You literally might have to travel tk Antarctica). Once you follow the warren of holes and find the right one, you will reach the final gateway. Then, THEN, and only THEN, do you find the truth.
Basically, “Duh, Jew,” is at the apex of an interstellar perhaps inter galactic satanic Demon Lizard Empire. Once you find that truth, you will have uncovered all the secrets. At that point, the Nordic elders will send you a secret decoder with which to decipher the code sent at a certain time on radio, tv, or podcast. At last you can then retire the wisest and smartest Neo-Nazi gauletfurher in your area just like this wunderkid did in 1947.
“In fact, the vast majority of activists would be better off – more practical, persuasive, effective – learning nothing about the Third Reich. They would be better off playing tennis which at least would keep them in better shape.”
Incorrect on the former and correct on the latter.
Too bad tennis wasn’t included in the 1936 Summer Olympics. There would have been a very good possibility that they would have added more gold medals to their already most in games total.
There is some more Third Reich information for the masses.
I’d give you two thumbs up if I could. Great comment!
Muslim Bigots protesting in Utah (at 3:00 mark) (spurred on by Jewish Bigots); to start disruptions in America
Meanwhile , we’re waiting OUR Re-founding in our cultures – we are definitely WAITING !
” HITLER SPEAKING ENGLISH – First Speech after PRISON – (The Re-founding of the movement)”
Are you a professional poker player lol? Show your eyes. Are you agents or something?