Hurricane Helene Destroys Western North Carolina

Hurricane Helene only grazed us in east Alabama.

We didn’t even lose power. It has caused a historic level of damage in the Southern Appalachians though. The storm surge was also terrible in Florida and much of south Georgia is without power.


      • Why should you care about Israel? They’re the ones using your tax dollars, controlling your congress, and attacking your free speech.

        • So let’s say you give the Palestinians their country tomorrow, how does that help us? All that happens is we’ll get six million more Jews in America and Muslims will continue swamping us throughout the West.

      • Since you actually identify as being with the Gay Old Pedoburo, let’s flip this question around. Why should we, or any American, care about Israel? Just as an aside, the Muslim world is considerably larger and more populous than OUR GREATEST ALLY EVAAH.

        Billions to Israel and nothing to help Americans in a disaster. Satanyahoo (who got 59 standing ovations before the congress of whores, including all but one of your fellow Gay Old Pedos) doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but Jews (which is typical of all jews). Why should we give a damn about him??

  1. Trump says he will deport people who hate Israel. Who do you think he will deport first the illegal alien or an Israeli hater. Stick it to Trump. Harris Walz 2024

    • Guess I’m on the list for deportation, then. Thank goodness, it would be an easy way out of this jew hijacked country.

  2. I cannot imagine the horror of watching your child and parents drowning. Nature does not care who lives and dies. The cause may be debated, but climate change is real. Storms are getting more frequent and more extreme.

      • I’ve worked outdoors for over 40 years. I can see a difference in that time. Global average temperature records keep making new highs. You find it hard to believe that 8 billion humans and everything they do can affect the atmosphere and the oceans?

  3. That dude at the top who was crying he has no home to go to tore out my heart. With all the shekels we’re spending on jew wars we could have all those people back in new homes.

  4. Not one word in the media out here or anywhere really, as far as I can tell. I barely even notice it on some of the websites that are purportedly on the right. Its clear the area doesn’t matter because its filled almost entirely with Americans, i.e. British Protestants. So, not enough N@ggers or Sp!cs to qualify.

    To the media, that area is populated by people set for disposal by the regime. For the absentee politival lord Vichy Republicans, who mostly represent the area, the area is mostly a vote plantation meant for political exploitation by Congresscritters. It serves as a kind of rotten borough to place pliant RNC donor collaborators. All political capital wrung from the area is sent to the occupied coastal zone.

    Therefore the area doesn’t qualify for any aid by outsiders. In turn, it doesn’t really get any attention from the occupation media. This state of affairs should be publicized to the oppressed locals in a manner to wake them up in realizing their predicament, thereby, priming them for future agitation against their oppressors. Deo Vindici!

  5. Speaking of Hurricane like extremes, we get a taste of what will Destroy Western North America with unlimited invasion courtesy of our Prez.

    “The Moment She Realized She Killed Two People”
    (watch the standard unfolding we all come to expect)

    • Leon Bond the third! Lol.
      Must be an American thing to have names that make you sound like someone of influence.
      In Australia, he’d just be…..Leon Bond.

    • The White people in the video, in spite of their tragic losses have apparently learned nothing. The blacks in Minnesota hate the Whites, it is an irreconcilable difference. The grieving mother talks about how the young people killed had gone to St. George Floyd protests and how the White guy killed participated in a car club with Hmong and Hispanic members, noting his Pokémon anti-racist points. Apparently none of those wonderful members went to the funerals, they couldn’t be bothered.

      White liberals are a plague, shocked when their colored pets bite them yet refusing to acknowledge nature’s truth; All Men are not created Equal. Only Whites (apparently) are susceptible to such deep, vicious, self-destructive conditioning, like Pavlov’s dogs, that lies like equality, democracy, Our Greatest Ally etc. are true. Every other ethnic group is encouraged to advocate for their self-interest except for Whites for whom it is illegal.

      The major lesson is that it’s past time, long past time to walk away from the GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire: its wars, its wonderful “Our Democracy”, the whole mess. Without Whites holding it up GloboHomo would collapse. They want us dead, six feet under, don’t help them.

    • Oh yes, “Our Greatest Ally” will surely have the graciousness to turn down their next several tribute offerings to help out their American brothers!

      • But we have over 40,000 troops deployed to the Mideast.
        I don’t suppose 40,000 men could help evacuate people at risk, and all the millions of tons of equipment could be used in rescue operations.

        The other side of the planet is more important.

  6. This is truly a hurtful thing to see, yes, prayers for our people, for the Highlands of the SOUTH …….. madam presidente HARLOT harris, is so inspiring, with all her care and concern, …… we must stick together folks, HELP each other all we can ……

  7. The jews will of course completely ignore this and send even more money to Israel and Ukraine. And Hunter Wallace will argue that ZOG does not exist and that if we are more polite or diplomatic, then these white people will somehow get the support from “their government”.

    • “And Hunter Wallace will argue that ZOG does not exist and that if we are more polite or diplomatic, then these white people will somehow get the support from “their government”.’

      ^^I’ve NEVER seen/read Hunter Wallace express that sentiment in any shape, form or fashion in the 8 years that I’ve been reading this blog on a daily basis.

  8. Don’t look to the Biden administration for more than superficial help. The people in the SE U.S. are considered deplorables by the U.S. Government, double deplorable according to Hillary’s latest pronouncement. GloboHomo is not coming to help, only to wreck things. The necessity for personal preps cannot be emphasized enough.

    When it’s time to man GloboHomo’s legions for Our Greatest Ally then the U.S. Government’s forceful presence will be noted. The ridiculous election is only about a month away then GloboHomo will show its fangs.

    Dementia Joe answered “no” when asked if he were sending more U.S. troops to the Near East. The Deep State answered “yes” today, more troops are being sent to the Near East. I guess we know who is in charge and it ain’t Dementia Joe or Cackling Kamala either.

  9. More Black Hurricane like ‘fun’
    (expect more fun as they pour into The USA)

    “Woman Laughs After Burning Cashier Alive”

  10. This could be one of the worst floods in US history but so far there’s been very little overage of it in the ZOG media. Hardly surprising, since most of the victims are rural, conservative White Southerners. I had been seriously thinking of eventually moving to Franklin, NC because it was so remote and peaceful. Of course the pajeets who run kwikie marts in that area are trying to price gouge their White neighbors, while the greasers are busy looting and robbing.

    • I lived in Vermont when a named tropical storm hit in Aug 2011, roads, houses, and cover bridges gone, to get to work or any supplies I had to drive off road to the Massachusetts then back in Vermont for two months until a bridge was repaired. Lesson learned I meet new folks next to pulled together to repair and get ready for winter! Some times you’re on on your own, hard lessons to learn!

  11. Divine displeasure in nature should be taken as a warning to all.

    Its been noted in circles, that the two hardest hit States, with the most casualties, were North Carolina and Tennessee. It so happens both states in the last few months removed sacred memorials to their respective State’s War dead from the War. Its also noteworthy, that the regions hit are were some of the most Anti-Southern bigotry exists (Ashville) as well as regions which were mostly Union sympathizing during the war.

    In fact, Tennessee’s totally dominated GOP legislature actually just voted overwhelmingly to allow the Papo-Commie controlled US Geographic Names board to rename Clingman’s dome after Tennessee’s vicious and hated enemies, the Cherokees. Tens of thousands of Tennessean men, women, and children were massacred or died fighting to defeat the ruthless Cherokee savages and open up the state to American settlement. The storm’s apogee, by Divine Providence, accordingly crested at Cligman’s Dome, now named Kuwohi.

    This wouldn’t be the first time that Divine and ancestral angelic power has made its curses known to the feckless descendents in the South who have allowed this to happen. We pray for the losses, and pray more, that that those who have lost so much will take this as Divine correction, restore their faith in the old religion, and stand against the demonic forces behind the cultural genocide of the temples, tombs, and memorials of their fathers. 

    • Fox0 I wondered if ANYONE was going to point out the ‘very odd’ COHEN-cidence of both Lithium and Quartz deposits, and SIGNED CONTRACTS with MINERS to make that ENTIRE AREA a strip mine by 2030 at the latest.

      This was a HAARP event. I’m pretty sure no one in Asheville had flood insurance. But, during COVID they all had UKRAINE signs and “LOVE IS LOVE” placards in yard after yard of homes @1 Million, when the wife and I drove through on a visit.

      God is not mocked. AGB- this is Divine Judgment, AND DEMONIC INTENT coupled together.
      Suddenly, Russia’s “Shared Values Visa” looks better and better…. if only we can avert WWIII, before hand.

    • What a cohenkidink! Pope Larry Fink is no doubt smilin’ big. It’s even worse than 12AX7 notes above. The Clown-World regime and its goons are behaving as they always do: We from d’gubmint n we beez here to hep, YT

      UPDATE (via Vox Day): If that wasn’t bad enough, members of the 82nd Airborne, based in North Carolina, are being denied passes to go home and help their families, because the clowns in Washington deem it more important for them to be on call to go and fight for Israel [OUR GREATEST ALLY EVAH], as despite all of the billions and billions in US funding provided over the years, apparently there are doubts that the IDF can defeat a Lebanese militia without their assistance.

  12. An important truth that cannot be emphasized enough. The Obama-Harris Church of Woke types are obvious and openly state this – despite the fact that millions of white normies gaslighted for decades running – refuse even now to believe their lying eyes. Every single church in the west is infested with these monsters and all major denominations are under their control.

    More insidious are the Gay Old Pedoburo, who tell you they stand against the above gang as they surrender endlessly to them.

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