Iran Attacks Israel Again

We have our first October Surprise.

I’m still not impressed by this face saving barrage:

  • Initially, we heard that Iran had fired 400 missiles at Israel, but the estimate was reduced to 180 missiles later on in the afternoon
  • Iran notified the United States it was attacking Israel before the strike
  • Iran allegedly used hypersonic missiles that hit a lot of their targets
  • Some of the missiles were intercepted by the U.S. Navy
  • There doesn’t appear to be much damage in Israel or even casualties
  • Israel is vowing to strike Iran tonight with U.S. support

We will see if it goes beyond the usual tit-for-tat like in April.


          • Definitely true. Several videos have shown a lot of Iranian projectiles slipping clean past the legendary Irony Dome and slamming hard into Zionist cityscapes. The immaculate Dome appears to be a bit rusty now. Yeah, zero casualties, right….

    • When You do not hurry then slow motion attrition war is most deadliest form of fighting. Low intensity attrition destroys not only resources but also morale. Starting from Jews in Israel and follow with their supporters in US and West, everybody understand that this shit may last forever.

      Defending Israel with enormous cost with no end in sight. Jew in Israel also understands that there will be no peace, only endless war and misery and maybe it is time to move out.

      And Donald understands this. 10 years ago media hysteria destroyed every opponent, today media hysteria barely has any effect. 10 years of permanent psychosis made everybody immune to their propaganda. So slow motion erosion of media credibility worked and destroyed media influence.

      So slow grinding destroys everything, short intense fighting destroys only items directly attributed to fighting and leaves main sources of enemy power intact. Typical example, WW I. Barely 15 years after Versailles, Germany was back on foot and touted guns again.

      This is not victory. Victory is long term outcome with enemy permanently gone. Short term virtue signaling is worthless. For example, when The Donald would have been able to build his Great Wall, it would have been taken down already by now.

      • “Defending Israel with enormous cost with no end in sight. ”

        So long as there is an israhell there will be no peace.

        • @US of AIPAC,

          As long as there is a pissrael, flag draped caskets with White Gentiles primarily from the American South will keep filling cemeteries for its wars of aggression and genocide.

          OD’s resident hasbara troll likes the status quo.

  1. As Putin has said, “just overwhelm anti missile systems with numbers”.

    Combine decoys, countermeasures and barrage attacks and any anti missile system will be compromised.

    • Yep.

      The Persians have been very patient.
      I suspect they have been building inventory of missiles and drones to counter any retaliation strike by Israhell.

      I wonder what was hit and how many israhellis were killed? We’ll never get the truth from Israhell.

      Betcha the departure lines at Ben Gurion are over a mile long.

  2. If not for the help of USA, Israel would have already disappeared. I’m not talking only about the last attack….. Also other attacks over decades.

    • Israel disappearance is not enough. When 6 million more Jews moves to white countries then our situation goes worse. And other nation problems go too. With 6 million more infiltrators, there is a great chance that at least some of the white countries will be turned into full scale Jewish war machines like pre WW II Soviet Union or modern Ukraine.

      Jews must be taken out globally. Burning down this Synagogue of Satan in the Middle East is not enough and may make problem worse. Russia and Iran, also Trump and other choose very wise slow Jew canning tactics. And lets not forget the Samson option. When anyone drives by his hometown synagogue, do we think how many gallons Siberian Plague or other substance are prepositioned in the synagogue basement for us ?????

      Jew will force us to fight for them. They openly tell us that is they go down, they take Europe with them. ‘

      This article is more than 21 years old
      The war game
      “””…..In this situation, he went on, more and more Israelis were coming to regard the ‘transfer’ of the Palestinians as the only salvation; resort to it was growing ‘more probable’ with each passing day. Sharon ‘wants to escalate the conflict and knows that nothing else will succeed’.

      But would the world permit such ethnic cleansing? ‘That depends on who does it and how quickly it happens. We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.’….”””

      As we see, plan of slaughtering all Palestinians and dropping nukes on Europe is very old. So everybody, including Iran and Trump must act very carefully.

      • @Juri

        “As we see, plan of slaughtering all Palestinians and dropping nukes on Europe is very old. So everybody, including Iran and Trump must act very carefully.”

        While its possible perhaps even probable that Israelis have considered if not prepared for that contingency, its difficult to believe they would use their meager nuclear resources to focus on NATO capitals.  With their extensive surveillance, counter intelligence, and law enforcement services, NATO and allied security services would be a tough nut to crack in order to emplace munitions to back up such a blackmail operation.

        Its more likely they would focus on doing that to the Moslem capitals. There in the Middle East, success in emplacing such munitions is more likely to have occurred. Additionally, there in the Middle East, quiet threats regarding these munitions, at the right time, would have more uses for leveraging the negative situations caused by the Moslems. Such scenarios rarely if ever happen with the West. As a result the effort of placing them in Western capitals would have very little payoff in contrast to placing them in Moslem capitals.

        On the other hand, its almost certain Russia, China, and non-state actors have attempted this and perhaps even succeeded in emplacing them in Western capitalsq. According to former GRU Col. Lunev, the Soviets emplaced scores of small nuclear and other deadly munitions throughout the West. NATO itself has created compact nuclear devices as well, perhaps to do the same thing or at least use them as battlefield nuclear devices.

        At one time, the Soviets attempted to gain US and British compact nuclear warheads. An enterprising US Intelligence officer managed to insert one into a Soviet espionage network. It was promptly brought back to Moscow before the Politburo subsequently freaked out considering it was a plot to detonate it and kill them all. After unveiling the cargo, they found a simple timer, a written warning with a smiley face, but no nuclear weapon.

        Obviously threats to NATO and Western countries like what you are warning, have been ongoing since like the 1950s. The Soviets, Russians, and non-state actors, not the Israelis, are the biggest instigators of these secret crisises. Its even led to the creation of specialized intel-security teams whose job is to intercept WMDs and destroy the networks. If you doubt it, consider such potentialities were considered in books in the 1950s and in films in the 1960s. If you think the Israelis are the problem, you aren’t opening your eyes.

    • Israel has run a trade deficit nearly every year since at least the late 1960s. The Shekel is not a reserve currency like the US dollar which can be created in large quantities to satisfy international transactions. Israel’s current standard of living would not be possible without massive inflows of cash from foreign aid, donations from diaspora, overseas investments, profits of criminal activity and central bank intervention.

  3. Basically, Iran’s ballistic missile attack was as much a failure as its ally, Nick Fuentes’ Groyper War 2.0 campaign.

    It should be noted that in areas of the country and the internet, various campaigns have been launched to destroy Hezbollah and Hamas ally, the Nick Fuentes Groypers, e.g. exposing Nick’s membership with the tranny ally Dollhouse network, leaking out their secret online meetings, and hacking and leaking their phone and computer systems. This all happened simultaneously with various Israeli commandos kinetically wiping out Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists, tunnels, and bunkers.

    Seeth harder Gay Grand Inquisitor, you screwed with the wrong person.

  4. Russia, China, North Korea and Pakistan should all donate a portion of their nuclear weapons to Iran. ZOG will never stop with just Iran, they want to rule everyone, by having Iran launch nuclear weapons on Israel it will make the world safer for all non ZOG states. If they don’t have the stomach for this, then provide the means to wipe things like Mossad HQ, the Knesset and Netanyahu, it again will make them much safer from.

    • “ZOG will never stop with just Iran, they want to rule everyone, by having Iran launch nuclear weapons on Israel it will make the world safer for all non ZOG states.”

      I get that you hate ZOG because you conflate Zionists with everything anti-nationalist, and gay pedo globalists. But really, Zionists aren’t that aligned with them. Some of course are but many are not. Zionists are just people who think Jews should be resettled back in the Middle East, especially Israel. One can be for that and not be for Gay Pedo Globalism.

      Globalism is really the cause of everything that most people here rail about, not Zionism. Whether its submersion of National identities into a global shopping mall, smothering religion under secularism, and supporting individualist expression no matter how demonic and evil, these are promoted by Globalism. These are the attributes of neo-liberalism, not Zionism.

      If the Jews and Europeans existed in the Middle East in numbers proportional to the populace back in the 1930-1950, millions of Jews and European aka Whites, would be living peaceably and bringing diversity and added value to the respective countries like Iran. At one time Iranian cities were mostly populated by educated and  westernized Iranians. Women didn’t walk around in Burkhas, men didn’t walk around like they just came off a camel, and schools existed which taught classical liberal conservative philosophies and advance methods of engineering, architecture, planning, and the arts.

      Imagine an Iran with a couple million Europeans and upwards of a million Jews. Imagine an Iran were traditional Western intellectual pursuits were promoted by the regime. Imagine Westerners investing, leading, and managing the oil and energy sectors of Iran. Imagine an Iran were the old nobility was restored and helping to advance Iranian traditions to new heights of artistic, religious, and and philosophical heights.

      Its all possible. But not with the current regimes in power. They refuse to allow Europeans and Jews to be protected by law. They refuse to allow them any representation in government. They refuse to restore their properties that were stolen by criminal Ayatollahs. They refuse to allow them to immigrate and naturalized. But, they demand that the nations of Europe, and Israel and America do that for millions of Iranians and Middle Easterners who never had any involvement in our countries except negative ones. Thesw regimes are not just the enemies of Israel, they are the enemies of the West. Imagine them gone. Imagine a Middle East were Jews and Christians can walk freely and exist in the millions. Imagine it and it can be done.   

      • The only reason Iran has a theocracy is because the UK and US butt buddies overthrew the legitimate government in 1953 out of greed and arrogance. But you’ll never see either country admit or take responsibility for any of their many manipulations and mistakes.

      • Sez the hasbara who trolls endlessly for everything anti-nationalist (NATO, EUSSR, fictional-reserve usury-rackets, etc.) and the gay-pedo globalists who run clown-world – as long as they’ve the proper kosher bloodlines. Iran would be insane not to nuke up. They’re obviously on the menu. For a (not so) small example of the kind of thing regularly endorsed by this “friend”, take a gander at the head of totally fake-and-gay nation (NATO-Zio colony) Ukraine’s Holodomor Museum. Peak Clown-World.

  5. If the U.S. Government gets all bollixed up in a big war supporting Our Greatest Ally look for China to seize Taiwan, there will not be a better opportunity. The U.S. Navy and Air Force are already depleted, partly because of DEI initiatives that have decreased combat effectiveness and partly because of extensive, long term deployments in the Near East and elsewhere. Munitions and spare parts have gone to Ukraine and Israel in huge numbers and U.S. industry cannot manufacture sufficient replacements.

    DEI in action on a nuclear submarine! Yikes!

    Other problems too:

    The Army has its problems with diversity too:

    China would be fighting within a few hundred miles of its coast if it attacks Taiwan while the U.S. would be fighting about 7,000 miles from the West Coast. The U.S. Navy and Air Force doesn’t have the logistics and reserves to fight any kind of sustained combat especially when the Near East gets first priority for everything. China also has the world’s largest economy and a real economy, manufacturing everything. The U.S. industrial base was sold off mostly in the 1980’s under the guise of “Free Market Economics” when that great “Conservative” Ronald Reagan was Mr. President. What did the great “Conservatives” conserve anyway, I didn’t get the memo?

    • Army has its problems with diversity too:

      That’s been going on since WWI, varying only in degree.
      Battle of the Argonne Forrest was started by ‘spooked’ black troops firing at boar hunters.

      Blacks cause trouble, WHITES suffer and pay the consequences.

  6. It’s scary to think that during this event, The LBTG Jews where at under ground night clubs , dancing to the music of Vicious Pink in Tel Aviv.

    To scary to imagine!

  7. Hopefully Obama, Biden and John Kerry succeed in building Iran’s nuke program. Maybe Biden can have Loran Defense Systems sell the technology to Iran to shrink nukes so they fit on missiles on his last week in office. Bill Clinton did that with China. If we ever get nuked by China it will be with technology that Clinton sold them. For a bribe. Biden likes bribes. C’mon Joe. Do it. Ur a democrat. You cant be held accountable. The blow back might reach golden boy Obama. You have immunity. Do it.

    • Yes, Bernard Schwartz, one of The Usual Suspects, was CEO of Loral Space & Communications who paid bribes to Bill and Hillary to allow Loral to sell satellite technology to Peking which drastically improved their nuclear weapons launch capabilities. BTW, the Republicans knew about this and did nothing about it. They are even worse scumbags than the Democrats.

      Here is the NYT/Lügenpresse weeping bitterly at the death of the notorious traitor, Bernard Schwartz, at the tender age of 98, hilariously describing him as “anti-war”. They say the good die young and there’s your proof. Buried at the end of this hagiography of a scumbag businessman is an oblique reference to the Loral scandal in 1996 that helped shift the strategic balance of power against the U.S. and in China’s favor. Bernard Schwartz and Bill Clinton sold out the U.S. for thirty pieces of silver like someone else I read about.

      Money, the Achilles’ heel of the U.S. and China knows exactly how to exploit it; with lots of bribes.

      • It’s good to see there are still some who know of this treason. That’s what they should have impeached Beelzebubba over, not the stained blue dress. At least his pal Epstein immortalized that blessed even in a painting which really needs to be put in the Capitol rotunda. That way all of the attending whores can genuflect before it.

  8. report CLAIMING Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, killed. UNCONFIRMED.

    CONFIRMATION: An initial damage assessment reports that Nevatim Air Base was so badly damaged that it is now inoperable. At least 20 F-35 fighter jets are confirmed damaged or destroyed, as well as tanks, gas platforms, vehicle repair stations, and hangars.

    UNVERIFIED CLAIMS coming in saying Mossad Headquarters was “completely destroyed.”

    • Provisionally, I’ll believe this.
      I’d like to see confirmation, satellite images and ground video..

      Notice the polar opposites.
      Israhelli’s bomb hospitals , schools, civilian homes.
      Persians attack military targets.
      Says a lot about the collective ethics of each.

  9. “Clinton sold them. For a bribe. Biden likes bribes. ”

    Isn’t that the foundation of the Democratic party?

    • . . . yes, and the Republicans also. It’s the nature of the wonderful “Our Democracy” system we enjoy, a political system based upon bribery and extortion.

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