Longshoremen Union Strike Holds Economy Up For Ransom

Normally, I am sympathetic to unions, but I have taken an instant dislike to Harold Daggett who is the leader of the Longshoremen’s Union, mainly because of thick Yankee accent and the way he has threatened to ruin other workers all over the country who live a far more precarious existence. He comes across like a corrupt Democratic mob boss … an unsympathetic Frank Sobotka.

New York Times:

As the strike shutting down East and Gulf Coast ports enters a third day, the man behind the work stoppage shows no signs of relenting.

Meet Harold Daggett, 78, the president of the International Longshoremen’s Association. He is taking advantage of organized labor’s resurgent power to pose a major challenge to the American economy in the name of higher pay for his members.

“We’re going to show these greedy bastards you can’t survive without us,” Daggett said in a speech on Tuesday as the I.L.A.’s roughly 45,000 members walked off the job at more than a dozen ports. The union is pressing major shipping companies for steep rises in pay and benefits, including a 61.5 percent increase in wages over six years.

But Daggett isn’t stopping there, demanding limits on ports’ adoption of automation technology despite the U.S. falling behind other global terminals in efficiency. …

New York Times:

But the few truck drivers who were on hand tended to be critical of the dockworkers, accusing them of jeopardizing paychecks for many in pursuit of raises reaching more than 60 percent over the next six years.

“It’s not realistic in this economy,” said Joseph Green, a truck driver who was headed to Massachusetts, pulling a container he had retrieved from the port on Monday. After that, he expected to be without work. “I’ll come back empty and wait until those guys finish negotiations,” he said.

As is typical at ports around the country, truck drivers in Newark express resentment toward longshore workers, describing them as veritable aristocrats of the docks. Dockworkers deny access to bathrooms, the drivers complain, even as they are forced to sit in their cabs, sometimes for hours, waiting to pick up containers. …

“CORPORATE GREED VERSUS WORKER RIGHTS,” declared signs wielded by picketing dockworkers outside the marine terminals of Newark. “NO WORK WITHOUT A FAIR CONTRACT.”

But the people feeling the most direct heat are other blue-collar workers who are paid much less than the dockworkers, whose wages — after accounting for overtime — often reach $200,000 a year. Truck drivers are rarely unionized, and frequently operate as independent contractors, with minimal job security. …

The ports in China are being automated. This is what we need to do here.


  1. The FBI says he is in the Genovese Mafia family. The New York Italian Mafia has controlled the Teamsters for 70 years or more. We need to get a nation of our own, away from all that garbage.

    • So the Mob is still controlling those container ports? That would explain why US ports are so far behind technologically from other countries, especially Red China.

    • @Rangewolf and Hunter Wallace

      “The FBI says he is in the Genovese Mafia family.”

      So basically, the Papists, not “Duh, Jews,” control all the ports of the South from Brownsville TX to Alexandria VA. They are so powerful, they can practically shut down the entire economy at the call of the Pope, or call off a strike to do the same at the call of a Biden Papist. Funny that is what I’ve been saying all this time. Its not like something new either. It’s been going in for a long time, and with no Jews, only Papists.

      Sadly, OD Southerners like Courtney and Hunter are like Blanche and Stella, in a “Streetcar Named Desire.” Basically, Southern belles hanging around with common Northern White Ethnic Papist Rif Raf who sometimes abuse them.

      But, because they alternately flirt with Nazi larping or delusions about past grandeur, they can never escape the screaming Stanley Kowalski’s they let into a website which is about and for Southern identity. Instead even after the Blanches correct these Ellis Island rif raf like Pro-Southern Courtney does, the Hunters eventually sultry like saunter down the staircase to sordidly re-embrace the Nazi Papists at the mere scream of their name and “Duh, Jews,” in the same sentence.

      • Another link to Rangewolf and Hunter Wallace,

        “The FBI says he is in the Genovese Mafia family. The New York Italian Mafia has controlled the Teamsters for 70 years or more. We need to get a nation of our own, away from all that garbage.”

        Its the Papacy, a foreign power who pulls the final strings in this web. They got the Irish mob and the Sicilian Mafia. Around his council are all the old Pappist dynasts of Europe, Papist Bankers, Papists capitalist, and Papist mobsters. This dark web is whats feeding off America the most.

        Long ago they planned to get all the Prods to worry about “Duh, Jews” to misdireft from their own take over of the Rightwing nationalists (like Gage, Feuntes, and Heritage Foundation), and in general replace us with Latinos and others as part of the Great Replacement. They think long term. Including this recent strike.

        You want your country back from this garbage? You gotta remember who has occupied it. How they did it. Where they started it. When they arrived. Then you can begin building the Christian Nationalist infrastructure in the last part of America, where Americans exist in large numbers, with extensive community ties, and long historical roots, the South. Yet, may we ever remember the brave Patriots from the past who first stood up to these maggots. And won….for awhile.

        “Then may the Christian Lord guide our hands, in creating the Christian Nationalist movement, rebuilding our Patriot Christian hosts, and STRIKE DOWN THEIR ROMAN POPPERY!”

    • @Rangewolf
      Wow ! Just wow, we do need to get a nation of our own; one that helps OUR people all through their lives – not service the Jews

  2. Here is yet another example of why our Grand Dad AH was THE best leader of our people – he understood the real dangers of BOTH selfish Corporate Employers like the $14 million a year (not a Je*) fat ass CEOs of Tyson Foods, who fire White American workers and exploit illegal alien migrants for slave wages AND selfish or J marxist Labor organizers who attack our people’s national economy by unreasonable demands.

    Unlike false Conservative Anglo American leaders such as Margarette Thatcher and Ronald Reagan who broke the UK Coal Miners Union for bringing down prior Conservative Torrie Party governments or Ronald Reagan breaking the Air Traffic Controllers and going with Corporate leaders to flood the USA with millions of illegal low wage workers that Reagan gave full US citizenship… Grand Dad, AH implemented practical Socialism Nationalism – no way Je* BlackRock or Walmart, Tyson Foods could get away with f*#&@ over the White German workers under Grand Dad’s real Socialism Nationalism.

    Here’s two excellent quotes from AH’s MK:

    “National Socialist workers and National Socialist employers are both servants and guardians of the Folk community as a whole.
    Volume 2, Chapter 12

    Just as surely as a worker sins against the spirit of a real Folk community when, without regard to the common welfare and the survival of a Folk’s economy, he uses his power to raise extortionate demands, an employer breaks this community to the same extent when he conducts his business in an inhuman, exploiting way, misses the Folk’s labor force and makes millions out of its sweat. He then has no right to designate himself as national, no right to speak of a Folk community; no, he is a selfish scoundrel who induces social unrest and provokes future conflicts which, whatever happens, must end in harming the Folk.
    Volume 1, Chapter 12

    I recommend just presenting Grand Dad’s sound position as your/our own position now, don’t make it a AH doctrine, this just gets brainwashed White American TV addicts to reject anything associated with Grand Dad.


  3. The ports in China are being automated. This is what we need to do here.

    Robots are union busters…I guess unions will try to unionize the robots next…

    The South once had slavery to help with the work. They now need to turn to mechanical slaves — robots — to help them do the work.

    Hopefully, the robots will not “run away” or “go on strike”. (Put extra “malware” protection on them to make sure… Oh no, we’ve been hit with the “Nat Turner Virus”! Really??!” It was the “Longshoremen Virus” last week!)

    • “Harold Daggett earned $728,000 last year from the ILA, plus $173,000 as President of a local union ”

      And how much under the table ?

      • @Goose,

        ““Daggett” is an English surname with possible French origins. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

        Personally, I support the strike and the right of the Longshoreman to strike and obtain better wages. Dagget chose a propitious time to do it. The Longshore is hard work, the times are often uneven, it takes time to move up to get good paying positions, while working at decent pay but hard, dangerous, and night conditions. Sometimes, they don’t work at all and don’t get any pay.

        Still my point in illuminating the Papists, is that so many Papist and dumb dumb rednecks here at OD are worried about “Duh, Jews,” while ignoring the more proximate threat. This point you are all missing about Daggett’s strike, is that while he is doing a good job, the fact all parties including him, took a deal so fast, also underlines the real role Papist leaders play on our country. A role you all here ignore. 

        So, Dagget, is a Paddy Papist through and through. Plenty of Irish names have English even French origin names. Take for example, the Paddy Papist, Evan de Valera founder of the I.R.A. He had a super Anglo-Norman name. Yet he was a deep mayo sauced, bomb throwing, gun shooting, pen writing, spy encrypting, murderering, propagandizing, Irish founder of the I.R.A.

        The Irish Papist mob strong suit has always been Labor organizing and before that political organizing as well as contraband smuggling (e.g. ports and borders). Despite having all that muscle, for various complex organized criminal and historical reasons, the senior position at the ports is handled by the Sicilian Papists. Regardless, both are Papists, which in turn means, the Papists have a stranglehold on a trillions and trillions of dollars of trade. Not a Jew in sight though.

        Note, the Bidens are deeply intertwined into both the Irish and Sicilian mobs and probably the commies to boot. Biden has direct connections to Jesuit Irish Papist Mobsters, his wife Jill, has direct ties to Jesuit Sicilian Papist Mafiosi. They had their honey moon together behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War after personally visiting some Lefty Pope. How many politicians spent their honeymoons behind the Iron Curtain? They also are long time personal friends of current Jesuit Pope Francis and probably kiss his ass and felate him when they meet. With ties like that, when the Longshoreman Paddy Papist Daggett gets a phone call to take the middle deal, he says, “Yes, Mr. President!”

        Meanwhile, down in Mobile, Alabama another Irish Papist mob outfit and another Sicilian Papist Mafia Family runs the port. It so happens this city of Redneck Southern Crackers who are the majority White ethnicity, and who go shooting, have lots of ties to the country and swamps were bodies can get lost, nonetheless have no control of the city or the Port. Instead, they are mere wage slaves in the city of their ancestors. A city which had a long time Mayor who was an Irish Papist, and who chopped off the head to the memorial of a prominent Southern Confederate that Hunter is descended of. Its groups like that which are funneling money to the SPLC and Antifa cultural terror war, and N@ggers who dig up Southern war dead. No Jews were involved or harmed in the making of the preceeding documentary script.

  4. “Normally, I am sympathetic to unions,”

    Me too….HONEST UNIONS.

    USZOG has been too lax in getting organized crime out of the unions. Teamsters central states pension fund has been a bank for the mob for over 70 years. The jew mob used its funds to build Las Vegas.

    Of course, it was organized crime that helped the US Navy keep the docks going in WWII. Lots of Italians wanted to strike and stop shipping war materials to Europe, they were in contact with their relatives in Italy and they favored El Duce.

  5. Whatever he is, I truly dislike East Coast Bastards. These scumbags think they deserve a 60% raise? Already making six figures. It would be at the expense of everyone else.

  6. Seatrain was the world’s most efficient transportation company, the jew mob wrecked the company with sabotage because they wouldn’t make payoffs to the mob.
    Totally ruined their NYC hub.

  7. “The ports in China are being automated.”

    With the many innovations of their European engineers.

    Chinese are smart, like the Gulf Arabs, they hire the brightest minds, F diversity and DEI, they want the best.

  8. West Coast ports have been switching over to robotic, humanless, battery-powered automation. Now E Coast ports will start rapidly automating as well. Egomaniacs like Dagget are their own worst enemy and if he is associated with a crime family he probably isn’t long for this world because the #1 cardinal rule of the mafia is to not bring attention to the enterprise.

    • E Coast ports will start rapidly automating as well

      With intermodal cargo boxes, it would seem that total automation would be easy, certainly simpler than the Japanese humanless robotic factories.

  9. @Robert Browning and Hunter Wallace,

    “Harold Dagget is Irish.


    No kidding. So, some are finally figuring out about the Irish Paddy Papist mob and their cohorts from the Mafia. Despite the efficacy of supporting workers overall in this strike, the fact it is being done in Southern ports by a Paddy Papist is a perfect example of what I’ve been writing about.

    In the east coast its one of the Papist Sicilian five families and in the Gulf Coast another. Equal and in between them and the corporations with the workers, is the Papist Irish Mobstets. Not a Jew in the mix. Straight up Pasta and Mayo with Chianti and Whiskey. Meanwhile, the Redneck Southerners are getting raped and blaming “Duh, Jews.”


    Figure it out lads. There was a time when the Mafia and Mob quaked at the thought of going South. And when they did they often didn’t last long. But today, the Papist Democrats can run the entire Southern ports from Virginia to Texas. How did it happen?

    Somehow a bunch of hard knocking Southern crackers started going on Jew Snipe hunts while the ports, filled with hard Southern boys, became taken over by guineas and bog Irish pukes. Long before Richmond’s monument avenue fell apart, some dago crime lord gutted the area and prepped it for takeover. The Stoney family from New Jersey and New York was brought in by that dago crime family and probably knows the Daggets.

    So, keep Nazi larping and watch your towns turn into sh!tholes. Or wake the eff up and start organizing to resist the real threat. When you look at the respective forces, there is no reason some Paddy Papist has oversight over Virginia’s ports so his network can funnel cash from the North and overseas into leftist outfits to agitate smelting down Confederate memorials and their dead.  

  10. I just hope that when I’m 78, I’ll have better things to do than make a general pest of myself. He’s got what, five years left in him?
    I’ll be travelling, enjoying the grandkids, my music and bikes. One has to know when their time is past and live while they can.

  11. Well they settled that fast. A 60% increase in pay. From average of $140,000 a year to about $200,000 a year. A pittance in that industry.

    Zog has been putting out 10 and 15 year old pay spreadsheets online, showing wages of 13 dollars an hour for the dockworkers. A lot of people fell for that.

  12. And holding America for ransom worked. 60% pay raise with no promise to not strike again after the fake election. Im so sick and tired of seeing evil win over and over and over again in this Tower of Babel that used to be a country.

  13. Good for the union, they should squeeze the owners for everything they can. Everyone should try to get the most money they can for their work. And if the economic instability helps Trump win the election, even better.

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