Axios: Hurricane Helene Now Deadliest Hurricane To Strike U.S. Mainland Since Katrina

Helene is officially one of the worst hurricanes of our lifetimes.


Hurricane Helene’s death toll surpassed 200 on Thursday as rescue crews searched for survivors, one week after the major storm made landfall in Florida and brought flooding rains across the U.S. Southeast.

The big picture: The at least 215 deaths confirmed so far make the storm the third-deadliest of the 21st century, after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (1,392 deaths) and Hurricane Maria in 2017 (at least 2,975 deaths).

State of play: The “only other hurricane deadlier than Helene over the past 60 years was Camille,” per Yale Climate Connections.  

The death toll from this is likely a lot higher than then 200 that has been reported. Helene was the Hurricane Camille of the 21st century.


  1. Regarding problems dealing with culture, race, economy, weather, warfare, health etc, the term ‘all by design’ is entirely applicable. A certain racial/ideologic group currently has a death grip on this world. NS Germany, using intelligence, honesty, honor, racial cohesion and ancient influences, solved problems or made huge progress in a matter of months and years. Given more time, healthy possibilities would have been limitless.

    $640 million given to the culture destroying White genocide invader agenda. Again, like the $454 million given to protect the jew…640 ÷ 330 = 1.92 million dollars to each US citizen. Imagine that. Not that we should get it, but it goes to show the misappropriation and complete judaic criminality of this entirely anti White government.

  2. As long as the (((Biltmoore Estates))) can be fixed first all is good!

    Seriously, my Heart goes out to those folks!

    God Bless Dixie!

  3. Here is one of the worst scumbags, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R. Kentucky), Senate Republican leader’s Twitter feed. It’s all about Our Greatest Ally without one word, One Fucking Word about the catastrophic hurricane as of Oct. 1st, days after Hurricane Helene did its damage. Guess what, Our Greatest Ally needs more, they always do.

    He couldn’t care less about his own people and that’s how the majority of them feel. The people struck by the hurricane are double deplorables according to Hillary so they deserved it. A Tennessee National Guard unit is still getting deployed to the Near East, departing Sept. 28th to Texas first then Kuwait in spite of the hurricane damage to Tennessee. I guess their helicopters are needed more 7,000 miles away than they are needed 30 miles away.

    How any White guy can serve in GloboHomo’s military after this is beyond comprehension. Until recently Dixie provided a disproportionate number of men to the U.S. Military; all branches. Let this be a wake up call to those who are still asleep.

    They want us dead, six feet under, all of us including the White “liberals” and “conservatives” who refuse to believe the truth. They will go last but they must disappear too because they are White. It really is that simple.

  4. ” scumbags, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R. Kentucky), Senate Republican leader’s Twitter feed. It’s all about Our Greatest Ally”

    It’s all about the bribes and payoffs.

  5. Red states need to go their separate ways. Not just the southern states. We need all of red state America to secede and form it’s on country! Then it could grant Russia a 99-year lease on Mobile Bay since most Russian ports freeze solidly in the winter. The Confederacy lost because it had no allies. The United States won its revolution because the French navy was a counterforce to the royal navy. At least this time red state America should find no shortages of allies should it become an independent nation because the U.S. at one time or another has pissed off just about every nation on the planet.

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