About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It ain’t gender.

    Gender is a grammatical attribute.
    Sex: female
    (More damn confusion of our language. Eventually we’ll be reduced to animal grunts, like you know, it’s like, umm , whatever.)


  2. HW, no ‘stem on the apple ‘ this time.


    Willow is a great name.

    I hope she lives long and prospers in uninteresting times.

  3. Congratulations Brad!

    I hope she’s blond.
    If the american government would allow me a visa, it would be easier to travel to the US and see blond people in real life since I live in Mexico City, surrounded by mudbloods, and the last time I see blond people was in the 1970s when I made a trip to England to see the English roses.

    • Hello Mr. *real* César Tort.

      Are you the same guy from the deranged Nazi blog “Western Darkest Hour?”
      I stumbled upon that blog about a year ago and it was all about your hate for Jesus Christ and your obsession with Nazism, Hitler and blondness!
      Yet Hitler and most of his subordinates were not at all a blond volk. Hitler in fact looked like a Turkish taxi driver in his late years

      If you’re the same guy I’d suggest to you to seek professional help !

      • I hope that by now the readers of Occidental Dissent know that the above “Cesar Tort”, a Brazilian impersonator is not the real César Tort. I have been saying this for some time now but, for mysterious reasons, whoever moderates this site is still accepting comments from this troll-stalker (who has been impersonating me in racialist forums).

        I, the real Cesar Tort, never use my full name on the forums. And as for OD, I no longer comment here (except for exposing the troll who pretends to be me). So any comment where you see my full name, rest assured that it is this Brazilian stalker who hates me because, in my blog, I tell the truth about Latin America.

  4. @United States of AIPAC and Hunter Wallace

    “It ain’t gender.

    “Gender is a grammatical attribute.
    Sex: female
    (More damn confusion of our language. Eventually we’ll be reduced to animal grunts, like you know, it’s like, umm , whatever.)”
    Another of those uncommon moments when US APAIC and I agree. Gender is a quality or state of being represented in language but having a being in and of itself. It doesn’t represent sex.

    For example, Human Males have masculine traits, and some feminine traits, but they are a masculine force. Vice versa for Females. Other creations are similar whether trees or animals. So, pretty much any nouns. A noun is itself an existence of something. Spiritually we come across the form of the noumenous, that moment we feel something in existence outside of physical representation, that is spiritual if not divine.

    This is how Latins and Anglo-Saxons were able to understand and conjour the spirit of a place, thing, person, group, etc. But when it came to the physical representation, it’s reality was only understand in its ability to procreate by sex. Ergo, Male and Female. You have a female daughter, that is her sex. She is not a feminine something.

    Years ago, when you were just getting going, I got in a slight debate with Uncle Jared over the clause in the US Declaration of Independence regarding the savages and their lack of distinction of all sees and classes in their ruthlessness of warfare. He tried to argue it said gender.

    I think he was just trifling with me, as I had just prior engaged in an argument with Dick, over control of the microphone during question and answer. Regardless, I said there weren’t gendered humans, but biological humans, and the Founders knew it as such. So it definitely was written sex not gender. I mentioned that his point sounded like a prog argument, as it was even then known to me what was going to be their vile strategy.

    Thus, you sir, are the proud father (male, masculine parent) of a baby girl (female, feminine child). She is a creation from you and from you, to God. Likewise, we actually have a host of things we give different genders too, but biological sex is only given to those which two different biological sees form.

    For instance, ships aren’t female, they are feminine, thus they were still called a she, but ships are not biological. In contrast, there are other creatures, who are Male and Female, but they are not masculine or feminine, regardless of whether they have a quality as such.

    We have four genders used to describe the quality of things: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter, and Common. A good way to learn them is to learn Latin and/or Anglo-Saxon, like your least favorite hero, Winston Churchill. Then you can go tell those autistic retard progs off in various gendered forms.

    This war of estupidation on the English language is increasingly becoming clearer as a game to divide, subvert, and demonize. Wise up. Learn from the Gods of the Copybood Headings, like young Winston did, and learn to wipe the floor with those assphucks just like Young Winston did.

  5. Thank you, Lord. I had a feeling…. And now her brothers will have someone to learn how to oversee, guard and cherish, as you do your wife. Congratulations and God Bless, Brad.

    P.S. start picking out pink paint colors and lots of lace. Make her a southern Belle.

  6. Bravo! I bet the wife is happy. Honestly every man should have at least one daughter. I’ve been blessed with three. However, I also have three bathrooms.

    • “. I’ve been blessed with three. However, I also have three bathrooms.”

      Hahaha 🙂

  7. HW,

    I recommend that you get “Babies on Board ” decals for your rear car window in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole just to cover all possible bases.

  8. Congrats! May you be blessed with many more.
    Now that you have a larger family you will see why those of us “Preppers” have worked so hard to prepare for the coming storm/collapse.
    Our kids.

  9. I’ve been bad at not congratulating you on these. Two boys and a girl. Wow! I’m happy for you and Renee!

  10. Congratulations. I foresee a bigtime Daddy’s Little Princess about to be born.

    Here’s to a happy, healthy baby girl.

  11. Congratulations.
    I’m sure you’re grateful to finally have another female in the household to balance the score a little. I’m sure you’ll instill sensible and wholesome values for her.
    Let her have a childhood. The complex world of politics and social issues can wait fifteen or sixteen years.

  12. So great to hear this good news about your up coming daughter. I hope she is healthy and spirited like her mom and dad.

    Hey Hunter – are you interested in taking a break from OD – maybe fully concentrate on work, family and local stuff.

    IMO you should start running for very local political stuff.

    I’m offering to run OD for awhile if that works best for you. I think we know each other and our work, outlook. I’ll keep a lot of the Southern history, Southern cultural outlook.

    My “Vandy Boys” (Sounds like Gay Neil Sedaka 1960s song) pulled off the greatest SEC upset of #1 ranked Alabama last week.

    How ‘Bout them ‘Dores

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