Donald Trump Returns To Butler, PA

I haven’t done any horserace polling articles.

I still think Trump is on track to win the 2024 election.

  • Trump is polling stronger against Kamala Harris than Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
  • Trump is tied with Kamala Harris in the RCP average in the battleground states and she is only leading by 2.2 points nationwide. She is short in the Electoral College
  • At this point in 2016 and 2020, Hillary and Biden were up by 4.1 and 9 points respectively
  • In 2020, Trump was polling so badly that the polls had him losing Ohio and Florida. He is currently ahead in Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona. He was losing North Carolina at this point to Hillary and Biden in 2016 and 2020. He won both times
  • Pennsylvania is tied. Hillary was up 7.5 points in 2016 and Biden was up 6.5 points in 2020.
  • In Wisconsin, Kamala Harris is up 0.8 points. At this point, Hillary and Biden were both up 5.5 points. Trump beat his polling in Wisconsin by 6 points in 2020.
  • White college educated liberals are far more likely to respond to polls than White working class Trump voters. Response bias is giving Kamala an illusory edge
  • In key states like Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, Republicans have been registering more new voters than Democrats
  • Gallup Party ID has found a Republican electorate in Q3 2024

The bottom line is that Kamala Harris looks weak compared to Hillary and Biden. Trump had virtually no chance according to the polls in 2020 and ultimately lost by half of a college football stadium in three states (Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin). This was in the middle of a once-in-a-century pandemic.

I am sure that some people will say in the comments that I am shilling for Trump. Feel free to persuade me that Kamala Harris is winning this race. The strongest case for that is Dobbs and abortion and Democrats doing better than expected in 2022, but that was a midterm election which favors Democratic voters and the GOP won the popular vote and the House like the polls suggested.


  1. We hope Trump win, even Musk in the utmost years seems to have changed for the better, although I don’t much trust those who say one thing one day and another the next day.

    P.s. in the last period this website has become a site against Irish, Spanish and Italian Catholics?? I do not blame the owner of the website who has always been open to nationalists from anywhere in the Western world, but some commenters are trying to say that the guilt of everything is of non “WASP” europeans.

    • I don’t support attacking other groups for no reason but I think a lot of the anti non-WASP person stuff you are seeing is a reaction to a lot of the far more common anti WASP talk that is very common in our circles. As a Protestant Anglo Celtic person from the South I get tired of it. I don’t hear any other group in our circles get attacked so openly by commoners in comment sections and by the leadership in our movement alike .

      You will constantly hear leadership in our movement on podcasts attack English people, Protestants, Anglo-Saxons , British people, WASPs or whatever, while highly praising Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans, or Germans. Meanwhile openly attacking a non WASP group is very taboo. You also have a growing pro Catholic sentiment in our circles who blames Protestants for all sorts of things.

      I won’t get involved in this battle of who has caused the most problems for our race and who has accomplished the most good, but especially when looking at the history of America in particular, attacking British Protestants has very little merit. I will leave it at that. A lot of us are tired of it. I won’t come into comment sections attacking other groups for no reason, but I will come on and defend my own group, as I have done, which in itself shouldn’t be offending people.

      PS- I didn’t even begin to go into the anti WASP garbage so common in our media and academics or Hollywood, where these movies and shows will come out portraying the evil WASPs of the 1890s being mean to Southern and Eastern European immigrants. The WASP hate comes from all sides. It is pathetic.

      • CFA,
        Just take it as a badge of honour. Weaker groups love to attack those who’ve had a bigger impact on world history than their group has. It’s a coping mechanism for them.
        At least we’re noticed. We’re noticed because we’re interesting.

      • Well said Mr. CFA. Like you, I’ve seen Protestants attacked on one website after another. Prods are easy targets — look at all tv movies where we’re portrayed as glib simple minded bigots.

      • @Courtney
        If it were up to me there should be no hatred among white people, if we are not united even among us white right-wingers we will never win anything. To me whether one is WASP or French, Spanish, Italian, etc. is the same thing. We have an almost common culture and we all have an interest in defending white European civilization from the left and opponents from other continents.

      • @Courtney
        “… but I think a lot of the anti non-WASP person stuff you are seeing is a reaction to a lot of the far more common anti WASP talk that is very common in our circles… I don’t hear any other group in our circles get attacked so openly by commoners in comment sections and by the leadership in our movement alike .

        You will constantly hear leadership in our movement on podcasts attack English people, Protestants, Anglo-Saxons , British people, WASPs or whatever, while highly praising Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans, or Germans. You also have a growing pro Catholic sentiment in our circles who blames Protestants for all sorts of things.

        there should be no hatred among white people, if we are not united even among us white right-wingers we will never win anything” – Agree, totally !

      • Hi Courtney,
        Please note just a couple of anti wasp publications or podcasts that you reference in your comments. I read and listen to a lot of stuff and I would like to see what you find offensive. Be well ?

        • Smeagle,

          Jaye Ryan and Hunter Wallace have both met me at various events so they can attest to what I am about to say about my role in our movement. I am friends with a lot of big names and have appeared on their shows and have written articles for them. I don’t feel right calling people out by name but I will be happy to be specific about the criticisms I speak of.

          It is very pervasive in our movement for Anglo Saxons or British people to get openly ridiculed for this and that in regards to how we “ didn’t quite measure up” throughout history or how we did this and that wrong. Meanwhile Eastern Europeans are constantly worshipped. If someone doesn’t notice this discrepancy so common in our circles then I really wonder if they are actually listening to as many shows as I do. It is very common for even Anglo Saxon leaders themselves to bash their own people. Eastern Europeans are constantly put on a pedestal in comparison. I mentioned Southern Europeans too. They don’t get worshipped as much as Eastern Europeans but they are most certainly protected from ridicule in our movement. I also mentioned Germans. The historical reason they get worshiped is obvious.

          Again, I am surprised someone who follows our movement closely doesn’t notice this sort of thing. I personally think that all white groups have strengths and weaknesses. This business of prominent British people in our movement, as well as people with British ancestry in our movement, constantly criticizing their own group while hardly ever complimenting it, is doing nothing to bring white people together. It just makes a lot of people in our circles with British heritage angry and bitter. And of course non British people are guilty of the Protestant British bashing too but I focused on British and British ancestry people here because it is far more disgusting when they do it.

          I would say that maybe Scandinavians and Dutch people… maybe even French people….. are groups that get bashed too, but it doesn’t happen nearly as often.

          • @Courtney and Marcel,

            “You will constantly hear leadership in our movement on podcasts attack English people, Protestants, Anglo-Saxons , British people, WASPs or whatever, while highly praising Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans, or Germans. Meanwhile openly attacking a non WASP group is very taboo. You also have a growing pro Catholic sentiment in our circles who blames Protestants for all sorts of things.”

            Nations are a people united by a common blood, language, religion, history, and culture. A Nation-State is a nation in a distinct geographical region.

            Nations have always existed. Look no further than the Bible which records the genealogy of the nations to the time of the Exodus. The ancient Germans and Celts as well as the Greeks and Latins had similar recordings.

            In ages long past, Man communed and spoke with God and his host. They informed man in developing philosophy to describe the spiritual world in which Man lived. In turn, that philosophy created religion. Before there were States, there was religion. Before there was cities there was religion. All of mankind has gone thru this stage, with what sages of old said first was a time of great magic, when man was one with wind and air and water and earth, and the gods walked with men. 

            One sees this on the Bible. The ancient antedulevian world wasn’t divided by nations but by the most ancient Patriarchs. They were the great judges of their era. Back then there was neither priest nor king, but judges, diplomats, holy men, etc. The ancient sages say not until the time of the lost islands in the West, commonly called Atlantis, Avalon, etc did the judges, philosophers, Holy men, finally merge to become the great priest kings before it fell beneath the wave and her descendants formed the part of the Nordic-Atlantic race which stretches from Morocco to Norway. Its culture and descendents still cement the Nordic European and even many other peoples.

            Likewise, the Romans and Greeks, whose central ethnicity was part of this group kept the old ways. Their mages, scientists, philosophers descenddd from the so called Atlanteans and Aryans attempted to restore part of that most ancient glory. Before they too had kings, they had judge-diplomats, so called Bridgemakers between people, gods, and the elements betwixt. These so called Pontifaxi, were the oldest and most sacred order of the Roman classes. The families eligible for these offices were the nobility of these Greeks and Romans. They traced their lineage to the heroes of myth some of whom existed just after the great flood had sundered memory leaving nothing but crums of heroic tales to remember how the age of Kingship became established.

            The Nordic Europeans kept the old ways the longest. Even after Rome had cemented into its materialistic culture, the free Germans kept their sacred white horses which ran freely in primordial forests and pastures where few men tread. The sacred groves with their Great Sacred Trees breathed and shivered without wind and no bird could be heard under its canopy if any man even dared to enter. It was Roman imperial tyranny and overreach resulting in the great German uprising which finally separated these people into two different civilizations, north and south.

            The Celts also kept this, especially in the North and West of Britain and in all of Ireland. There. The bards and wizards would again be found in the aftermath of fall of Rome. Kings and Druids and Christian priests existed side by side with Anglo-Saxon Skalds and Pagan priests, weaving their magic and invoking their ancestral divination back on the land once again, purging Britain of the taint of late Rome and restoring the old Nordic spirit. Another division of Europe had occurred.

            The final split was caused by the newly resurgent Papacy. It alone had retained the old Roman world. It was controlled by high ranking Roman nobility from across the former Empire, and especially in Italy. It managed to Baptist Clovis, King of the Francs, and henceforth used them against the Papacy’s German Gothic enemies. This led it to encourage Charlemagne to wage a war of cultural genocide against the Saxons, resulting in the destruction of its holy groves, sacred tree, and murder of most of its nobility.

            This in turn caused the Saxons blood relatives, the Danes, Norse, Geats, Swedes, Wends, to go on a Pagan Holy War which ultimately led to the the Europe we know today and the three fold division of Europe.

            The point of this long narrative is to explain that while we are all related, and some more than others, blood, history and language, are huge divisions which are only bridged by religion. But, even here there is division between Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Europe which are easily seen and make full integration close to impossible. So, obviously, there is going to be problems inside a broad White race separated by civilizations, nations, dynasties, and above all religion that is being forcibly integrated. None more so than America, which started out as British Protestant,  thanks to traitorous Yankee oligarchs, is now occupied at the top and below by a bunch of Papists, whose leadership has always wanted to submit is English speaking Protestant Christians to their neo-Roman tyranny. 

          • Coutney from Alabama is the best .

            One of the greatest women in America I have ever met .

            A real classy Southern lady

            Plus a great mom to her son and daughter .

            My mom is really the only woman I ever knew who could compare to her .

            Gif bless Courtney from Alabama and all those like her .

            God bless the South .

    • “If it were up to me there should be no hatred among white people…”

      Arguing with history is like yelling at the wind. The best we can try to achieve is mitigate and manage such conflicts. Until Russia invaded Ukraine, we as a race, had pretty much succeeded. That is why Putin is called a race traitor by many rightwing nationalists in Europe.

      “…if we are not united even among us white right-wingers we will never win anything.”

      Basically that is the point of NATO. Sadly, rightwingers have abandoned NATO to centrists and leftwingers. But there is glimmers of hope. Nordic rightwingers have been making huge advances in their region and simultaneously have joined NATO thereby increasing Nordic Rightwing Protestant representation in NATO.

      Not surprisingly, this hasnt been greeted positively by many, who have instead resisted it. Indeed, it has caused absolute apoplexy and confusion in Papists, whether “rightwing” ones like Fuentes, or Leftwing ones like Biden. This alone illuminates a bunch of “White” nations haven’t been being honest in their collaboration for the race.

      “To me whether one is WASP or French, Spanish, Italian, etc. is the same thing.”

      That is a very Hypenated American Catholic thing to believe. The French would be appalled at being called the same thing as the English. While, the English would be appealed to be compared to all the Wogs in Continental Europe. Likewise, must gumbahs in New York City absolutely look down on Southerners. The idea that all Whites are White, is very American Papist exceptionalism.

      “We have an almost common culture and we all have an interest in defending white European civilization from the left and opponents from other continents.”

      It is certain there is a common European civilizational culture. Or at least there are three, Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox. We do strive to find common standards and values. But, the last 50 years has seen that become an objective in and of itself, leading to many, especially Protestant countries, to be take advantage of.

      For example, in the Russian language, there is no word or idea which defines conspiracy. In the words, without such a definition, it is entirely natural for two or more Russians to gather and plan to implement an evil and malicious design that benefits them under some justification. On contrast, even Sicilians recognize the Mafia as a thing set apart and tainted. So, no, we aren’t exactly all brothers under the skin. But at least us Whites are all distance cousins.

      • @Aryan Globalist i said the thing above because I’m Italian so is offensive to me and others like Spanish or French to be called inferior race. I’m not religious and I don’t care about the Pope but I’m not happy to hear weird things like Italians are inferior, etc. I live in Northern Italy, so I’m far from Sicily. Sicilian people don’t rapresent all Italians, is like to say that Californian people rapresent all USA. So me thing is that among white doesn’t exist an inferior race and we have similarities.

        • “Italian so is offensive to me and others like Spanish or French to be called inferior race.”

          Well, I know how you feel. Southerners, and WASPs in general, are inferiorially called, depicted, and treated in both law and society in the very country they made. The origin of this situation was caused by the submersion of Yankee WASPs in the Northeast by Catholic immigrant Italian, Irish, German, Polish, etc. In reply, those immigrants submerged most of their identity under a shallow form of American assimilation. In turn, that was transfered into other forms of society thru corporate, media and academic institutions, especially because such institutions were primarily centered in the North East.

          Over time, because the North East was the geopgraphic center of power, meant that assimilated hyphenated Americans who were settled in this region, rapidly rose up the ladders of power. Over time, through a combination of numbers, thuggery, conspiracy, and treason by the upper echelons of the Yankee ruling class, these foreign origin Papists became an equal part of a Judeo-Papist-Yankee ruling class which now occupies America.

          We now live in a situation where the American people have been subordinated to an alien ruling class who obviously don’t look to advance the interests of the American people. Instead it looks to advance the globalist interests of the multi-ethnic ruling class. The Papists are increasingly dominant in this Combine, mostly due to the 1965 Immigration act, passed mostly thru the efforts of those very Papists. Today, the American people now only predominant in one geographic area, the South.

          It is not a coincidence that the South is now being targed in a vast campaign to destroy her ethno-geographic American heritage, replace its community leaders, with Northerners, Blacks, and immigrants, and finally finish off the American people. Most of this effort has been pushed by Papists, which has mentioned above, include the hyphenated Americans of foreign descent. Waking up so called Southern identitists to this situation and countering the incessant and wrong-headed focus on Jews is the principle reason people like myself have been writing here.    

          “I’m not religious and I don’t care about the Pope but I’m not happy to hear weird things like Italians are inferior, etc.”

          Recalcritrant Papists are a sizable percentage of the broader American Catholic community. This is a good thing, and is part of the long term slow assimilation of them into the American people. But, much of the cultural baggage of Catholicism as well as their various old world ethno-national baggage remains. Pointing this out is necessary for finding solutions to ensure the survival of the Southerners. I don’t think anyone here has said they are inferior, rather their superior position is discussed.

          As to Italians, I understand they have their own superior-inferior issues, such as Italy ends at the Tiber. To encourage part of your journey toward assimilation, consider that outside of the Irish, Italians have the highest intermarriage rate outside of their ethnic community in North America. For example, I am proud of my partial Italian and French heritage, especially its American origin in the South. We’ve done our geneological research, and they are arguably one if not the most colorful, adventurous, and brave group. That being said, I am proudly majority British American and Southron. So, when Papists, especially non-Southerners come here or in other American Patriot groups to push their ethnic agenda, frame Jews for their own Papist conspiracies, and attempt to take over the American Nationalist movement, I and others will fight it.

      • More lies. The Nordic countries laughably referred to Schlomo as “Protestant nationalists” are fully post-Christian Woke Globo-Pedo – probably like our troll himself. In contrast, Russia has outlawed the entire LGQBT and jails anyone promoting such filth. Now they even have dropped the language requirement for people like HW and Courtney to obtain visas and leave the utterly rotten and depraved Empire which AGB supports. EUSSR and it’s NATO enforcement arm are 100% woke and need to be overthrown along with the rest of the empire. That’s not Russia’s job (or China’s) and AGB naturally follows the gaslight media narrative that Russia “invaded” the NATO/LGBQT crime-colony set up on its border and run by jews and their native (including catholic) lickspittles for benefit of Pope Larry Fink et al.

        While it’s foolish to think Russia is some kind of salvation for the remnant in the west (he’s struggling to save Russia), allying and supporting the Empire of Lies, Sodomite Jewish filth like Zelensky, evil war pigs like Cheney, Bush (all nice “Protestants”, by the way) plus rotten “Catholics” like the Bidens to run a fake-country which had been part of Russia since the time of Catherine the Great to advance Jew-Sodomite agendas at the behest of slime like fat War-Sow Nudelman, Poofter-Prot Lady G, et al reeks of treason. AGB is essentially telling the white boys to go and fight for War-Sow, Zelensky and Satanyahoo because that’s what a real white nationalist should do. He’s either a historically illiterate moronic heretic who follows folks like Hagee and the vile reprobate Cyrus Scofield (may both rot in hell) or (more like) is another jewish hasbara covering for the Synagogue of Satan and its ceaseless campaign of evil.

        The Nordic formerly Protestant countries in Europe are worse off and more fully into woke self-hatred than even the formerly Catholic and Orthodox ones (though these are all catching up rapidly – having largely abandoned any pretense of faith). The problem in every country in Europe are foreign (Jewish) and sellout elites (native) coupled with being gaslit and drenched with propaganda and filth emanating primarily from (((Pedowood))) in Murika, which can’t be nuked soon enough. The root of the west’s problem is neither Protestant nor Catholic. It’s apostasy (unbelief) and heresy. Neither Russia nor China could change this even if they wanted to – and why the hell would they are nice “Christians” in places like South Carolina keep electing filth like Lindsay Graham, who would be burned at the stake in a sane place.

        Oh, and there has been a word in Russian for “conspiracy” for centuries. It’s zagavor and the definition is very similar to that of the English conspiracy: plans by a group of people to do something evil or illegal conducted in secret. Most here aren’t falling for your (((hello fellow white people))) schtick here, Schlomo. Go back to Lady G’s office or your troll-farm in muh’Izrael.

        • Exalted Cyclops, I know you are talking to AGB, but I believe all white groups have strengths and weaknesses. It is true that in Europe Protestants are the more liberal than Catholics, but in America historically and in the present day, Protestants tend to be more conservative. This is a fact. Yes, there are traitors like the Bushes etc and AGB pointed out how New England Protestants have been traitors. In the rest of the country outside New England, Protestants are some of the most conservative white people there are. When people point out how dumb the South is for supporting Neocons, I fail to see how whites elsewhere in the country are any better.

          In regards to Russia, I don’t think this plan of Westerners moving there in droves is really going to get far. I think a lot of people in our circles have blind admiration for Russia. They have plenty of their own issues. You can find videos all over YouTube of Russian natives talking about how foolish far right Westerners are for thinking Russia is such a great place.

          I personally have great pride in what my ancestors built here in America….. the founders, the pioneers, and Southerners during the Civil War and after, and their descendants who became cowboys in the Western states. These were great people. I don’t feel right jumping ship and giving up on what they built. I have very little interest in going to Russia. I would move to Scotland first.

          • Courtney,

            Moving to Scotland, which is utterly post-Christian, completely cucked and totalitarian as North Korea – just look at the recently retired ‘leader’ of the Scottish National Party for an example – would literally be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. I don’t think moving to Russia is a seriously viable option for most as their kids would end up as Russian ultimately. I do agree with your take on Protestants vs. Catholics outside of the coastal regions like the NE and totally cucked regions like Minnesota, where Tampon Timmy (an ELCA Lutheran) comes from. That being said I also contend that the root problem is a deeper one than Catholic vs. Protestant. As the God-Man himself asked: Of what use is salt which has lost its saltiness, apart from being tossed into the flames?

            Nobody ever gets excommunicated now from even “conservative” (see Rev. Dabney’s take on the meaning of that particular scam) churches regardless of what abominations they practice and advocate. The sin of no forgiveness now is “racism” – a term first used by Richard Henry Pratt, a Federal bureaucrat in the late 19th century who is better known for the phrase “Kill the Indian in a person, and save the man.” Pratt used the term against those who objected to his gaslighting and brainwashing techniques. Most of what refers to itself as Christianity today (Catholic and Protestant alike) is dedicated to an amped-up version of Pratt’s notion applied to one group only: killing the white person – spiritually if not physically – in order to save the negro and please the jew.

          • PS: Pratt, who also commanded the Buffalo soldiers at Ft. Sill, was a typical northerner of his era with utopian ideals about assimilation – which would today be considered as very ‘conservative’. He would likely be horrified at what has been wrought from his ideals by the Church of Woke, but the root of the problem was there from the start – the lie that one can create heaven on earth. Pratt’s notion is not unlike to the one propagated in the USSR under the name “New Soviet Man” some decades later. A cheap imitation of conversion and redemption – doomed to fail.

          • Exalted Cyclops, fair enough. We don’t have to keep going back and forth. I promise I don’t intend for this to sound mean….. it is just how it sounds while typing….. but your comment about Scotland was what I was predicting you would say. I was just making a statement that I stand with my blood before fleeing to another location entirely. First here in America, then second would be the British Isles, and then my last choice would be elsewhere.

            I really am disgusted with how much Anglosphere whites are giving up on their ancestral lands. Do they think we can just move everywhere else? We can’t, as you acknowledged with Russia. And Russia has its own problems that Scotland doesn’t have. No place is really currently so much better than another place when comparing all factors.

            In regards to Protestants and Catholics in America, what I say is actually true overall and is based on voting patterns. White Protestants as a group vote more conservative than white Catholics and it has always been this way. It isn’t until recently that the gap started narrowing. And I can’t think of any white Catholic parts of the country that are as religious as white Protestant areas are in the South and West.

          • @Courtney and Exalted Russbot,

            “Moving to Scotland, which is utterly post-Christian, completely cucked and totalitarian as North Korea – just look at the recently retired ‘leader’ of the Scottish National Party for an example – would literally be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

            Comparing Scotland to North Korea is utterly insane. Scotland has low church attendance rates, due to the simple fact the Protestant churches have been hijacked by subversive crypto-Papists and Commies. They’ve simply seceded, retreating to their community Bible groups, newly formed small churches who aren’t recognized, or walled themselves religiously in their homes. The problems with Scotland are almost all due to the hijacking of their institutions by Leftists and Papiats.

            Indeed this take over was facilitated by Papists. They constitute about 15% of the population and inevitably give the margin of victory to atrocious vile and wicked Scottish Nationalist Party. The same party also garners the 10% or so of N@gger Scotland. In total the SNP can count on at least 25% of the vote being Anti-Scottish. The rest of Scottish voters must choose between Green (Republican Corporate Woke), Conservatives (Royalist Corporate Woke), and Labour (Trade Union Woke). But ask the sentiments of the average Scottish voters, e.g. the non-Papist, non-N@gger, non-Euro immigrant, and you will find them definitively on the right and no where near being close to North Korea.

            What has occurred is the Papist EU and predomonintly Papist American powers have obtained a stranglehold on the political system and made it impossible for the average Scottish voter to express his real interests. In contrasts the North Korean Gooks deserve the government they got because that is actually how they are culturally.

            “That being said I also contend that the root problem is a deeper one than Catholic vs. Protestant. As the God-Man himself asked: Of what use is salt which has lost its saltiness, apart from being tossed into the flames?

            Nobody ever gets excommunicated now from even “conservative” (see Rev. Dabney’s take on the meaning of that particular scam) churches regardless of what abominations they practice and advocate…..”

            You continually and deliberately try to reframe the issue regarding the Papists. You cite the fact they are Novus Ordum Papists and not conservavite or whatever. The issue isn’t whether they are liberal or conservative, nationalist or globalist. The point is they are an un-American institution and a threat to our American national interests..

            As a heriarchial, top down authortarian institution, they are far more organized, wealthy, and globally oobfluential than “Duh, Jews,” and consider the Pope to be infallible and superior to any other ruler, who acts as Christ on Earth. This is blasphemous and tyrannical. They also provide protection and worn with a host of criminal and hostile powers whether its groups like the Mafias or families like the Pelosis.

            Whether they are right or left, the Papists are organized as an authoritarian institution which propagates an authoritarian mindset in its followers and uses its inflience to obtain temporal power over non-Papist governments. They could be extreme reactionary conservative throne and altar from top to bottom. We wouldn’t want that either. It is anathema to our Anglo-Saxon Protestant ideas of liberty, well ordered and representative government, common law, and limited powers, where people are involved with a Christian Reformed ecclesiastical institution they have inflience over at the congregational level. 

            The problem with Papists, is they are Papists. Whether right or left. They are culturally and religiously incompatible with the American nation, and given the scope, power, and wealth of the Papacy and its aims, Papists are a threat to our liberties. Much, much, much, more than Jews, their influence is more pervasive and subversive to the American body politic than the few million Leftwing Jews who live here.

          • Schlomo, from the Synagogue of Satan, continues with his endless stream of lies, half-truths, the desseminations of same and distractions. All tried and true practices of the hasbara playbook.

            @Courtney: Unless you intended to move to Scotland to re-evangelize the place – and are prepared to pay the price (perhaps with your life – as in North Korea), any move there or to any part of the UK would be “out of the frying pan and into the fire”. The British Isles are totally post Christian. There’s a reason Britain is nicknamed as “Cuck Island”. Here’s some of the latest. As the excellent Protestant Christian Vox Day notes: It’s only a “trigger warning” at this point, but we all know that an academic ban on teaching Christian history, and eventually, Christian literature, is coming eventually.

            This is the kind of evil Schlomo thinks we should send troops to support and it is now indeed what NATO and the EUSSR stand for – especially their fake and gay colony Ukraine, run by a Jewish dictator who outlawed the Orthodox church (only the CIA-established “Ukrainian” Orthodox church remains legal (which is as “Christian” as Justin Welby’s Anglican rainbow-LGQBT temple to depravity). Russia only intervened in the Russian populated areas of this fake entity – largely cobbled together by the quarter-jew Lenin – after his precious Azov Nazis, etc. murdered some 15,000 civilians starting in 2014. Merely opposing our tax dollars going to such evil – and recognizing Russia’s right to defend itself – is not being a Russian fanbot any more than recognizing any nation’s right to defend itself against attack. Putin has been very slow to respond and far too willing to give concessions to a rabid evil (the Empire of Lies which AGB shills for).

            Get this one:
            > Ukrainian cultural longuistic norms have been integrated into Russia.

            Like anal sex? Coprophagia? Pedophilia? Servile cuckery a la Britain to Jewish masters?? The whole rainbow of wickedness is celebrated in Jewkraine. It’s outlawed in Russia, even under the liberal-at-heart Putin. What a brazen liar you are. Stop pretending you’re one of us, Schlomo. You will never be so.

            BTW, your idol the no-hands maestro of Kyiv was chumming it up recently with the Pedo-Pope Fwancis in Rome the other day. Funny you omitted that one, not to mention the massive money laundry operated for the Biden crime family there. They’re papists too.

            As I noted in my previous, the Catholics in the US are worse off than Protestants overall. HW and Courtney are telling the truth here. Vatican II destroyed an already ailing Catholic Church, which never really recovered from the French revolution, the collapse of the Spanish Empire and the following wars in Italy. The Vatican had to borrow from the Rothschilds by the 1830s, which basically sealed their fate. The Sodomite infiltration was well under way by the 1920s and they now own the whole thing – serving the Synagogue of Satan in every way. Roma delenda est

            Schlomo’s game here is the usual one: (((hello fellow white protestant))) while making false arguments that the “Papists” are the power behind the usury cartel, which is mostly (not entirely) jewish and 100% Satanic. The fact that I like to throw “Protestants” like the Bushes, Cheneys and Lady G of SC in his face should not be taken as a personal insult, but as a warning to be careful about gloating over what has happened to Catholicism – whatever its errors in the distant past were. You are in the crosshairs of Schlomo’s boss (Satan) just as much as the remnant of traditionalist Catholics even now being excommunicated by the Pedo-Pope Hi-Fellatin’ Fwanny. It’s the old divide et impera game.

          • Exalted Cyclops, I don’t really know, in this last post, if you are talking to me or AGB at times, but to clarify, I don’t support fighting Russia, nor do I support most if not all of our wars in recent decades. I don’t agree with AGB on everything but I agree with what he says in defense of Protestant British people who constantly get attacked in our circles. It is getting to be gratuitous.

            I love my people and what they accomplished both here in America historically as well as in Great Britain and her other colonies. They haven’t done everything right but you can say that about any group.

            I am aware of the current issues in Great Britain. I choose my blood over fleeing to some foreign place like Russia. I am not backing down from that statement. Russia has problems too.

            The people in our circles who think all Anglo Saxons everywhere need to leave “ horrendous “ North America, Great Britain and Australia, need to explain where exactly we are all supposed to go and how exactly is it noble for us to just surrender our nations to other people. Makes no sense to me at all.

        • @Exalted Cyclops,

          Whoa, looks like Exalted Cyclops got really triggered up over this. Exalted Russbot’s funny attempt at proving the Russian word Zagovory is equal conspiracy merely proved he is a Russian clown boy. Fortunately, I know enough Russian to prove this tragicomic attempt is wrong.

          First, it is true the Russian word Zagovory is the closest equivalent to conspiracy. But not because it literally means conspiracy. It is the closest because there is no literal word equivalent to conspiracy. Zagovory is the closest because it has to do with magic, an art generally looked at distrustingly of not distastefully by historical European nations. It was nonetheless accepted. That word has equal meaning with spell, enchantment, wizardry, as it does with plotting. This goes to the etymological root of conspiracy which is a type of plot. But, the point to consider is that plotting in English, isn’t evil. Instead, plotting is planning a desired objective end in association with expected outside influences usually in opposition to the objective end.

          Therefore, Zagovory is even more related to the word conjuring. The later is about creating a desired end by two or more people or entities. They do this by plotting and conjuring forces of a more futuristic or even supernatural nature. This means one of the persons in the conjuring can of course be a divine or infernal entity. This means conjugation is more closely related that’s conspiracy to the Russian word.

          This can be explained by understanding the etymology and definition of the English word conspiracy. In English common law, conjuring a plot with an infernal spirit has a malevolent end, which makes it a conspiracy. In turn, conjuring a plot with another person for an evil end is also a conspiracy. A conspiracy was a type of conjuration with a malevolent end or malicious purpose. All conspiracies are conjugations but not all conjurations are conspiracies. This is why conspiracy is etymologically rooted in conjugation.

          Thus, by definition, a conspiracy is a plot to bring harm to another for an evil purpose. In Russian, the Russian word Zagovory is related to conjuring but there is no sense of moral judgement or difference between a good conjugation or an evil conjugation in its meaning. The Russians never made the step the Anglo-Saxons and other Western people made in defining and differentiating plots between two or more people for wicked purpose as opposed to those which might have a neutral or good purpose.

          This is why studying languages is so important in understanding foreign cultures. It os a window to the internal moral framework and culture of the people. That Russians think conspiring is okay is why Russians are different than American and British peoples. This is why the idea that all White people are alike is stupid and wrong. It’s also why importing into the Anglo-Saxon people racially incongruous people such as the Russians is wrong headed. In turn, this is why allying with Russians will always be problematic.

          In contrast, the Ukrainians actually have created a word Zamova, which although rooted in the Russian word but has the additional moral judgement as found in conspiracy. It’s noteworthy that Ukrainians have this but Russians don’t. It points to the historical division between the two people, despite being closely related. Ukrainians don’t thing conspiracies are okay. That is why the salvation of Russia lies not in Mongol allied Moscovy but in sacred Kiev, the true holy city of the Rus. Hopefully Ukraine will conquer Russia in spirit and finish Russia’s redemption.

          “More lies. The Nordic countries laughably referred to Schlomo as “Protestant nationalists” are fully post-Christian Woke Globo-Pedo – probably like our troll himself. In contrast, Russia has outlawed the entire LGQBT and jails anyone promoting such filth.”

          First, comparing the ruling elite to the rest of the population in those countries is dishonest. This explains why nationalist rightwing parties promoting traditional Protestant Christian culture are now part of the ruling regime of all those countries and are making advances to become the ruling party. The Baltic countries are fighting to end such filth as well.

          Second, Russia doesn’t make homosexuality criminal, but rather forbid political organizing on its behalf. Some of Putin’s closest advisors are homosexual. So, Russia is far away still from Europe’s historic traditional moral norms as are the rest of Europe. Poland and Ukraine on the other hand have stricter laws than even Russia.

          “Now they even have dropped the language requirement for people like HW and Courtney to obtain visas and leave the utterly rotten and depraved Empire which AGB supports.”

          It would help Russia, if in the long term, it brought back all the Russians it colonized the near abroad with, encouraged the Russian Christian diaspora to return, and allowed millions of Britannic, American, and Western and Central Europeans to settle in Russia. I foresee a day, when 20% of Russia is made up of those people and Ukrainian cultural longuistic norms have been integrated into Russia. At that point, combined with the rest of Russia’s ethnic-cultural core, Russia will be a Christian great power of the world and a bulwark against the hated East.

          “EUSSR and its NATO enforcement arm are 100% woke and need to be overthrown along with the rest of the empire.”

          The EU, should definitely be dismembered. It’s a Papist conspiracy to subjugate all of the world. But NATO is a good thing. It’s a collective security wall for Western and Central Europeans and North Americans. Obviously, we need to create one which would include Central and Eastern Europeans and Russians. The combined two would be enough to overcome and defeat the oncoming tidal wave of color.

          “That’s not Russia’s job (or China’s) and AGB naturally follows the gaslight media narrative that Russia “invaded” the NATO/LGBQT crime-colony set up on its border and run by jews and their native (including catholic) lickspittles for benefit of Pope Larry Fink et al.”

          An interesting integration of Papist and Moscovite lies. Russia categorically invaded Ukraine thereby breaking 75 years Brother’s peace. Hundreds of thousands of good and brake Eastern Slavs, Russ bros, Russians and Ukrainians are now dead. A negotiated settlement could’ve gotten what Putin wanted at the end of the day. But, he obviously saw that it would be better to seize a corridor to Crimea and become an enemy of the West than hope for a change in Western leadership that we have all been trying to make. This makes our attempt at change all the more problematic. Tragic.

          “While it’s foolish to think Russia is some kind of salvation for the remnant in the west (he’s struggling to save Russia), allying and supporting the Empire of Lies, Sodomite Jewish filth like Zelensky, evil war pigs like Cheney, Bush (all nice “Protestants”, by the way) plus rotten “Catholics” like the Bidens to run a fake-country which had been part of Russia since the time of Catherine the Great to advance Jew-Sodomite agendas at the behest of slime like fat War-Sow Nudelman, Poofter-Prot Lady G, et al reeks of treason.”

          Lol. Talk about triggered. Sorry Exalted Russbot, but Ukrainians are more Christian, White, European, and civilized than Mongol infiltrated, Moslem settled, atheistic leaning organized crime ridden, filthily corrupt “mother” Russia. Just because Ukrainians have the partial backing Papist Bidens, Jewish Nulands, etc doesn’t make Ukrainians worthless scumbags.

          After all, British American patriots became close allies of the hated French Papists to secure their independence. In turn, I happen to support Ukrainians effort to secure their independence from a regime intending to subjugate them, just like the Ukrainians did under Czar Catherine, when she sent some Cossacks and Ukrainian sailors to help Washington and John Paul Jones.

          “The Nordic formerly Protestant countries in Europe are worse off and more fully into woke self-hatred than even the formerly Catholic and Orthodox ones (though these are all catching up rapidly – having largely abandoned any pretense of faith).”

          Note at all. Norwegians, Danes, Finns, and the Balts, are among the most patriotic of any European counties. Most of their so called immorality, stems from a wrong headed libertarian thought process that came about in the 1960s and was never truly accepted by the majority of the populace. LGBTQ is a recent fad which is being strenuously resisted. What we should be doing is working with them thru NATO to encourage a return to their values. In turn, that is what we need to do with a Trump and future right-leaning administrations. Bitching about Zelensky accomplishes none of that.

          “The problem in every country in Europe are foreign (Jewish) and sellout elites (native) coupled with being gaslit and drenched with propaganda and filth emanating primarily from (((Pedowood))) in Murika, which can’t be nuked soon enough.”

          Certainly Hollywood is a major problem. But it’s just a tool. It happens to be a tool that is highly Papist influenced. If you swing a stick around Hollywood, you will either hit a Jew or a Papist. In fact, Joe Kennedy, father of JFK, was the King of Hollywood. To this day the Papists run the behind the scenes sets and figure prominently in management. Just look at all the non-Jews in Hollywood, almost all are Papist.

          Exalted Russbot, you are obviously triggered over criticisms of Russia and promotions of Ukraine. But, the reality is that Russia has all sorts of problems we don’t have and which are as fatal as our own unique problems. It’s okay to criticize your Mother Russia. In fact, it would help Russia become a better place as it could navigate her towards true European Christian redemption. Then, she might fulfill the her ancient promise. Until then, we must trust the Russians to always be conspiring something.

  2. It will be a miracle if Trump survives past Election Day. The Iranians are going to wax Trump. But it won’t be the Iranians it will be the jews killing Trump and blaming it on the Iranians. It is good to know Trump is backing Bibi to the hilt. Good to know.

  3. Listening to Trump speak is like being stuck with your Boomer Reagan-loving Conservativard uncle in a fishing boat for 3 hours as he gets gradually drunker.

    • “Listening to Trump speak is like being stuck with your Boomer Reagan-loving Conservativard uncle in a fishing boat for 3 hours as he gets gradually drunker.”

      ^^That is the perfect summation of Trump’s rhetorical style! The man does say some retarded things.

  4. It appears that vote fraud is a non issue to you. You don’t even mention it. Part of the reason the Dems launched covid in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party was enable the Dems to change voting laws. There is no more “election day” in America. Elections drag out for weeks or even months with the mail in ballots and recounts. Big city prosecutors are all elected Democrats. They wont prosecute Democrats for vote fraud. The FBI sure as Hell isnt going to investigate Dems for anything.

    • Nobody pays attention. It’s part of the normalcy bias suffered by normies – unaware of how totally gaslit they are. They still believe the stream of lies which gushes out of lie-machine 24 x 7 x 365. There’s not much point in even attempting to warn any more. Not even the famously tough and cranky Appalachian natives will take up arms against the federal goons who are seizing aid collected by church groups and re-routing to diversity. Guess they just are so defeated they want to lay down and die. Heartbreaking. Russia’s ‘traditional values’ visa is looking better every day… This site has become home to a satanic neo-klown hasbara troll who lies 24 x 7 x 365. A typical Republican – fake and gay “opposition”.

    • “Part of the reason the Dems launched covid in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party was enable the Dems to change voting laws. There is no more “election day” in America.”

      OUTSTANDING point John Holmes! Ballot rigging as been a tried and true effort of Papist Democrats in America for nearly two hundred years.

      For various reasons, the GOP not only abandoned its vigilance against it, they themselves advanced the laws which opened the door to new forms of ballot rigging. Among the greatest of these was mail in voting over weeks and weeks. We don’t have election day, we have ballot rigging season.

      If the Southerners don’t restore one day paper balloting with pre 2000 system checks, restore restricting voting rights laws to criminals, restrict registration periods, increase residency requirements for voting, and increase identification requirements for voting, the South will be ground down as rapidly if not more rapidly than the West was ground down. 

  5. Whatever you think of Trump (not telling you to vote for Trump) any White person who votes for Harris is either seething with pathological self-hatred or is a moron.

    • Either just as you say – and there and many millions of whites who fully embrace the insane suicidal Church of Woke dogma that Kali-Kumswallowah and Tampon Timmy represent – plus a tiny segment who are taking an accelerationist notion that Harris et al will bring about the empire’s collapse faster than Trump. This notion, for which there is scant proof, is quite dangerous at this stage as most whites remain asleep in their normalcy bubbles or have given up – despite the open evil of the “Biden” administration.

      In a irredeemably corrupt and evil state like the one I’m presently in, there’s zero point in casting a vote for Trump as there is no way in hell he’ll have any electors in a de-facto one-party state. The Gay Old Pedoburo here is represented by folks like (((Adam Kinzinger))) and Liz Cheney – not merely the typical GOP worse than useless but outright evil enemies who would be burned at the state in a sane world. I’ll either vote whatever third party is allowed on the ballot or not cast a vote for president.

  6. Two major Crypto Jews, Trump and Musk, there in Butler. Trump is daily promising to start a nuclear war for his fellow Jews, and the Zombies love it. Americans cheering a Jew that promises to destroy whatever is left of this place. It is nothing new. Throughout history the peasants never had any sense. Dumb as rocks. They still are.

    We needed a Jeremiah or John The Baptist, but all we have are dumb dogs that won’t bark. I am talking about the pastors. All dumb dogs, stupid dogs, corrupt dogs, that refuse to bark.

  7. Meanwhile … elsewhere…
    “Migrants Enrich UK With Massive 51% Surge In HIV Cases To 15-Year High”

    Though “Diversity is Our Strength” is a cornerstone mantra of woke leftist ideology, it’s been steadily crumbling as people across the West observe the many real-world downsides of uncontrolled migration. Health officials in the United Kingdom have just hit that cornerstone with another sledgehammer, reporting that HIV cases in the UK soared by 51% last year to a 15-year high.
    According to a new report from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the UK counted just over 6,000 new cases in 2023. Notably, for the first time, more than half of them (53%) were attributed to people who were originally diagnosed outside the UK. Of that set, 75% of the carriers are African. The migrants are also spreading the disease amongst each other after arriving — 253 diagnoses were attributed to people who’d been in England less than two years.
    However, rather than reasonably calling for the government to pump the brakes on immigration, public health types are instead reflexively spouting Marxist blather — such as National Aids Trust chief executive Robbie Currie, who told the Telegraph that “the latest published HIV data in England shows clearly that a continuing lack of equity and equality is standing in the way of people being able to live well with HIV.”

    Similarly, Terrence Higgins Trust chief Richard Angell said “Today’s new figures show people from ethnic minorities face an increasing burden of HIV, with rising diagnoses and worse health outcomes than the population as a whole.”

    Africa is far and away the world’s largest cauldron of HIV: A whopping two thirds of the world’s HIV-diagnosed population live in the continent. Meanwhile, 23% of the work and study visas issued by the UK last year were given to Africans.

    In addition to compounding the peril of the disease, the surge in the UK’s HIV-positive population also represents a public financial burden in a country with a socialized medicine scheme that’s already under stress. The lifetime cost of managing an HIV patient in the UK has been varyingly estimated to be between £73,000 and £404,000.

    • “Diversity is Our Strength”

      Another Jewish ‘slander slogan’, anything to demean and degrade WHITE folks.

  8. “sure that some people will say in the comments that I am shilling for Trump. ”

    You’ll always have detractors.

  9. I am not sure if this will help or not. But this Catholic vs Protestant thing is not good. Personally, I am neither one. My mother was Catholic and my father was Protestant, so I don’t hate either one.

    But if you know the Scriptures it talks about a GREAT MAMA WHORE, a fallen/evil church. But most people seem to forget that she had daughters and as the minister I used to have would say and those daughters came out of her in PROTEST and they are all daughter whores themselves!!! I don’t think I need to explain it any further. I should be quite evident. The whole false system of worldly Christian religion is not following the Word of God! So be kind to one another. You may be surprised one day after Christ returns that what you believed was not as accurate as you once thought.

    End of mini sermon which I don’t like to do…

    • Catholics vs Protestants is just one of the many things that Whites ridiculously choose to divide themselves over – “I watched with glee as your kings and queens/fought for 10 decades for the gods they made”

      • Divide et impera. It’s not exactly a new strategy. Even so, like the old Colt-45 Malt-Liquor ads directed at dindoos crowed: It works … every time.

  10. The security state WILL NOT ALLOW Trump to be president.

    Trump seemingly wants to prevent WW3 and return us to the Bush years of controlled endless war in the Middle East.

    This is not part of the plan.

    The current mood of these madmen is “de-escalation through escalation” and the forced meme “Billions must die”

  11. The anti white divisiveness you see on here is unfortunately part of what this website is intended to do. HW consistently does this by labeling all northern dwelling whites as atheist yankees with whom southern whites can have no solidarity.

    He argues for secession and southern nationalism while the South is more non white than the North. Somehow that would be winning, if Southern Whites could live in a polity where they are more outnumbered.

    • 1.) I have never claimed that all Northern Whites are Yankee atheist libtards. Those people are one group that lives in the region. They dominate lots of states, but not others like Ohio, Indiana and Iowa. The ethnography of the North is complex. It is not as simple as the South where one ethnic and religious group is still dominant.

      2.) Those people have no solidarity with us and have been aligned with blacks and other non-Whites for generations. They are the reason why it is impossible to “Take Back America” or “Make America Great Again.” They are the reason why a White ethnostate would never work too because they would take it as a personal declaration of war on them and dedicate their lives to destroying it.

      3.) Obviously, I believe that Southern non-Whites are less of a problem than White Northern libtards and given the choice I would choose to separate from them 100 out of 100 times. They are the difference between Alabama’s politics and the politics of America as a whole

      If it was just us and the blacks who live here, our problems could easily be sorted out. Nearly every major problem that we have stems from sharing the same country with insane White people who live in other parts of the country who elect presidents, control Congress, appoint federal judges who strike down state laws, etc.

      One more thing … Virginia and North Carolina are great examples of the mischief those people cause when they move here and take over. Virginia used to have a demographic mix like Alabama and Arkansas until all the White Northern libtards moved into NOVA, Richmond, Cville amd Tidewater. Look at what they did to Monument Avenue.

      • DC, MD and northern VA is where a large portion of the federal bureaucracy live, particularly the most influential people. They vote overwhelmingly hard left. When a democrat is elected, they execute policy with a vengeance. When a republican is elected, they obstruct policy and leak to the media.

  12. Harris is STUPID.

    She shared the stage with Liz Cheney, and praised Dick Cheney, at a campaign rally in Wisconsin.

    Wisconsin is the most antiwar state in the nation, by a number of metrics.

    • Indeed she is. Not only a whore, but an aggressively stupid whore. What does that tell you about the millions of white women, soy bois, and Church of Woke types who are going to vote for her?

      Our host provided a handy summary of these type of white people:

      > Those people have no solidarity with us and have been aligned with blacks and other non-Whites for generations. They are the reason why it is impossible to “Take Back America” or “Make America Great Again.” They are the reason why a White ethnostate would never work too because they would take it as a personal declaration of war on them and dedicate their lives to destroying it.

      This is a superb point and the truth it highlights profoundly undermines the notion of white nationalism.

    • That is an honorable position. I’ve only vote in the state and local races for some time now. The federal races are totally rigged and every bit as meaningful as elections in Zimbabwe.

  13. If Donald and Elon weren’t filthy rich no one would pay attention to them.
    They have no substance, no interesting ideas, values, vision or opinions.
    Some people just look up to them because they’re wealthy, that’s all.
    Donald inherited his money. He’s a funny guy, but that’s it.
    Elon is a successful businessman, but apart from that he’s just a dork.
    Both are a complete waste of time.

  14. When people tell me Trump is just like Hitler I respond with: “No, that is incorrect. Hitler was a much better speaker and had superior organizational skills than Donald Trump.”

    • @Whitelash Revolution,

      Zion Don and none of his current family members or ancestors are good enough to take Hitler’s beloved German Shepherd Dog Blondi for a walk. They only qualify for picking up her poop.

  15. On domestic issues there will be zero meaningful differences (in case people forgot the time Trump was president). The only choice is whether ZOG will start WW3 in Ukraine or in the Middle East, but even there it is very hard to detect who is the bigger warmonger.

    • For what it’s worth, a whole long list of war-pigs (Cheneys, Bushes, Bolton, et al – fine Protestant stock plus more than a few Catholics and “conservative” jews like Kinzinger) – folks the old “Papist” Buchanan refers to as “The War Party” – have endorsed Kween Kali-Kumswallowah and her pedoface sidekick Tampon Timmy.

      • @Exalted Cyclops,

        We both know that the hasbara jew speaks with a forked tongue. Like mossad, he too makes war by deception.

        I remember a bible thumper told me many years ago that satan can cite biblical passages better than the most knowledgeable clergyman or layperson, and ashkenazi globalist cabal hasbara troll is the same in vomiting tales of Anglo Protestant folklore and mythology.

        Caveat emptor to those that buy into his “It’s not duh joos but the Papists” zio-op.

  16. There is no disunity between White Ethnics and White Southerners. We are the two most racially aware groups in the US. We made up the base of the old Democrat party, and fight against integration together during the 60s. We now make up the new Trump coalitio
    together. Our main enemy has always been the Northeastern Anglo Elite, the descendants of of Puritans and Roundheads. They lost control of this country, and that’s a good thing, but we are still left with their poisonous ideology today and that needs to be defeated.

    (please note; play from 30:22 for twenty-four seconds; for the best laugh ever !)

  18. “That is a very Hypenated American Catholic thing to believe. The French would be appalled at being called the same thing as the English. While, the English would be appalled to be compared to all the Wogs in Continental Europe. Likewise, must gumbahs in New York City absolutely look down on Southerners. The idea that all Whites are White, is very American Papist exceptionalism.”

    Likewise, Northern Italians and the Lega Nord look down on Southern Italians, etc.

    Or Celine’s Narbonoïdes, a term invented by french writer Céline to describe some ethnic garbage from the south of France. We wanted to get rid of them when Vichyist France was divided in two, but Alas, Destiny didn’t permit it.

    In Celine’s words:

    « La France n’est latine que par hasard, par raccroc, par défaites, en réalité elle est celte, germanique pour les trois quarts. Le latinisme plaît beaucoup aux Méridionaux francs-maçons. Le latinisme, c’est tout près de la Grèce. La Grèce, c’est déjà de l’Orient. L’Orient, c’est tout près de la Loge ; La Loge c’est déjà du Juif. Le Juif, c’est déjà du nègre. Ainsi soit-il. La bougnoulisation du Blanc par persuasion latine, par promiscuité maçonnique. La France est aryenne, pas du tout juive, pas du tout nègre. La partie solide de la France, l’anti discoureuse, a toujours été la partie celte et germanique ; la partie qui se fait tuer, la partie qui produit, la partie qui travaille, la partie qui paie est celte et germanique. Dix départements du Nord paient autant d’impôts que tout le reste de la France. La partie non celtique de la France cause et pontifie. Elle donne au pays ses ministres, ses vénérables, ses congressistes hyper-sonores. C’est la partie vinasseuse de la République, la Méridionale, profiteuse, resquilleuse, politique, éloquente, creuse. »

    « Zone Sud, peuplée de bâtards méditerranéens, de Narbonoïdes dégénérés, de nervis, Félibres gâteux, parasites arabiques que la France aurait eu tout intérêt à jeter par-dessus bord. Au-dessous de la Loire, rien que pourriture, fainéantise, infect métissage négrifié. »

    « Ces frivoles Méridionaux sont la cause vivante de l’avilissement des consciences, de l’abaissement moral et politique de la France. »

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