Hurricane Milton Approaches Florida

We are safe here in Alabama, but one of our old friends from Florida has evacuated Hillsborough County and is spending a few days here with us to ride out the storm.

Note: For the record, I do not believe in any of the conspiracies floating around about weather manipulation. After Katrina, we had a long stretch of mild hurricane seasons. There is nothing surprising about a few bad hurricanes hitting the Gulf Coast. There were several of these in 2005 like Katrina, Rita and Wilma. It was bound to happen again and we were due for it. At the time, climate change activists predicted that hurricanes were going to get worse after Katrina, but instead they ebbed. It is a natural cycle that makes people on both ends of the political spectrum look like retards.


  1. Hurricanes aren’t getting worse, there’s just more people living everywhere. Where there might have been 200 people living 35 years ago, now there’s 4500. The country is being flooded with vermin from Delhi or Calcutta or God knows where while FEMA dicks around and makes excuses.

    Maybe billions should die.


  2. “The definition of insanity is rebuilding FL over and over again after hurricanes and expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein

    • Between hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts, blizzards, excessive heat or coldness most of North America is continuously getting bad weather and always has. Rebuilding is inevitable. Yet, our race has turned this land into the envy of the world.

  3. No one ever mentions the earth’s shifting & weakening magnetic field, which protects the earth from the sun’s ion and particle emissions. It’s claimed that the earth’s magnetic field has weakened by 10% per decade since 1920.

    • @Morris Harvey,

      “No one ever mentions the earth’s shifting & weakening magnetic field, which protects the earth from the sun’s ion and particle emissions. It’s claimed that the earth’s magnetic field has weakened by 10% per decade since 1920.”

      Ahhh, now there is a comment, the wise would look into. Certain three letters agencies saw this happening generations ago and made forecasts on it. Basically, so called global warming or the even dumber named climate change, aren’t mostly man mad at all. Its caused by galactic forces, pretty much out of our control.

      Our planets in their respective revolutions travel through in their course of their various orbits through those galactic forces. They are conducted thru these via the constellation gates by that great heavenly orchestra directed by that great architect and creator, God. He, has provided for signs and portents in the sky to inform his children of their evolutions, mistakes, glories, and warnings and to show the Grand progression of their world across the universe.

      It is said we are now in that second great baptism. The first one was of water in the time of Noah. The second is said to be a baptism of fire. If what the three letter agencies found was true generations ago, there is little we can do. So, if the change of the magnetic spheres around Terra (Earth), is as massive as it appears, and is causing the Poles to shift massively as well, then there is little we can do but erect barriers around our homes, our communities, our states, our countries. For with this wave of fire will come not just air and earth changes but mass movements of people. Time for games is over.

  4. Hanlon’s Razor is probably most applicable to the failed response to the first hurricane. They are getting their heads bashed in over it in the media, so hopefully they take this one more seriously.

    If there is a state in the world that can weather a cat 5 hurricane hitting it head on, its florida.

    No way its not a total mess either way but, thats some consolation.

  5. The $750 given to each American caught up in the hurricane is money that could have been used to help with the Israeli war effort or with poverty in Africa….or a new school in Bangladesh in addition to the billions already given annually. 😉

  6. “. It is a natural cycle that makes people on both ends of the political spectrum look like retards.”

    Yep, so true .
    This is as natural as volcanoes and earthquakes, we live on a dynamic planet.

    One thing not mentioned often enough, hurricanes often have tornadoes inside them, especially in the eye wall. This can account for the sporadic and capricious destruction. A tornado with 300 mph winds is far more devastating than a hurricane with 150, by a factor of 8 ( the power in wind velocity is proportional to the cube of the wind speed).

  7. Too bad we have over 40,000 troops in the Mideast, protecting israhell, they could be so much help in evacuation and storm prep. Israhell is first and foremost.

  8. Don’t discount it so fast. This government weaponizes everything. They have long tried to manipulate weather. During Vietnam War they seeded the clouds to flood NVA supply routes. This country considers everything as a potential weapon of war.

    • You’re wasting your time trying to open a mind that is just interested in saying what he thinks is necessary to be regarded as “serious.” As if.

  9. Zog could steer hurricanes by 1970. That is completely trivial for them now. Normies don’t want to know about it. They respond with CIA buzz phrases and ad hominem name calling.

    There is no way to change this. Normies just don’t want to know. So be it

  10. I became a conspiracy theorist probably thanks to my dad. When I was little I would hear him ramble on about how the Chinese were going to beat the US to functional weather manipulation weapons. For the longest time I didn’t take it seriously, and then I found out before marrying my mother he had been an EPA employee who quit after the three mile island incident. He has turned out to be right on way too many things, even though some of his most exotic claims remain, well, exotic. As far as weather manipulation, it’s been done before, and the areas “cleared” by Helene in NC are very… convenient to very powerful interests. In Tampa Bay, after Helene, there was a lot of very weird local govt and Fema action to prevent contractors picking up the debris immediately. Hundreds of small business haulers and landscapers were turned away from dump sites, which were only open at the last minute by actual state troopers. The untold story for this one is the sheer quantity of debris that is left from Helene that can turn into projectiles, and that will turn the area into a giant garbage dump after Milton goes through.

  11. Racism caused this hurricane, everyone knows it. The proof is the pictures of all the colored people wandering around aimlessly walking through four feet of filthy water after the storm passes. Hurricanes are racist.

  12. For those who say this is weaponized weather attack, and think to blame the US government, Jews, WASPs, Prods, etc, they should consider that CENTCOM and other unnamed commands are located in the path of the hurricane. These commands collectively directly control over 100,000 men, of which at least half are now in CENTCOM’s geographic area of operations (Middle East). So, I guess it’s not “Duh, Jews.” Probably not the Prods or government either. Who could it be?

      • Naturally. AGB wants to say it but even he knows how ridiculous he would sound, worse than normal. The Hasbara manual calls for sowing religious dissension amongst Christians but one must use a judicious approach at all times lest one become a laughingstock. Too late now though.

  13. Joe Joe Brandon can’t use his lazerz and divert the hurricane?
    BlackRock has some big shekels to make in North Carolina but those rube mouth breather American hicks live there.
    Hurricanes are a construct of the white male patriarchy and obsolete in the Benetton Rainbow Stew Bubble Up Utopia.
    We voted on it because we are helping.

  14. So liberals have been yelling 24/7 for decades now that the weather/climate is being “controlled” by man through the effects of their actions they claim causes global warning and then someone suggests that the government is controlling the weather and then they go absolutely crazy…How about this “theory”? The LAND itself is vomiting out the inhabitants for all their ungodly unclean sins and all these natural catastrophes are because we’re sinning big-time 24/7…I have some words I can show you that were written down in a book several thousand years ago where God says the LAND ITSELF will vomit the inhabitants out if they commit certain sins that includes incest, adultery and homosexuality in this infamous list . You want some good weather? Well, have all turn to God and quit sinning that just might do it and go ahead and call me crazy — I will take that as a badge of honor…

  15. These brutal hurricanes seem to happen on the Atlantic Coast, Florida, spill over in to the Mid South every other year.

    Seems like our people should be better prepared for them, put in state of the art flood controls, sewer systems, build houses out of stone and brick not wood frame houses or trailer parks.

    Look at all the money locals us spend on College (in name only) football even high school football and NFL football stadiums. Why can’t that be invested in flood control infrastructure?

    That said, very good to see (White) locals in places like East Tennessee helping their/our kin folk neighbors and understanding the Biden Harris, Garland J, BLM hate White people admin and Romney Christian Zionists, DIck and Liz Chaney Military Industrialist war mongers $ trillions for Israel and J Ukraine President, nothing for regular White folks in Appalachia .

    Please be on the look out for populist, celebrity folk heroes stepping up on this – I heard the last time I was in Knoxville TN that there is a Jessie Ventura style ex WWF fake wrestlers that’s a mayor or something. Our people go for celebrity WWF fake wrestlers, SEC football coaches, Dolly Parton country music stars not policy wonks.

    • They happen in the Gulf of Mexico too, especially since it’s relatively shallow and the water can get extremely warm. The FL state government deserves some praise here as they have done a better job at essential preparedness for these than FEMA, who is now dedicated to “equity” instead of helping storm victims.

  16. jews Are Behind Resettling Haitians in Pennsylvania

    Amazing! Christopher Rufo reports that Jews are most actively involved in resettling Haitians in Pennsylvania.

    The “Jewish Family and Community Services” has resettled thousands of Haitians “for the past year and a half” signing them “up for welfare programs, including SNAP, Medicaid, and direct financial assistance.”

    Jews have have become rich doing this; in 2023 alone they made $12.5 millions in revenue, with Jewish executives collecting huge salaries, “all subsidized by the [white] taxpayer”.

    They don’t care that many of the Haitians are violent criminals and rapists who eat cats.

    The goal of “the Jewish Family and Community Services” is to replace whites and turn the US into a multiracial state where whites are reduced to a marginalized and hated minority.

    • “whites are reduced to a marginalized and hated minority.”

      They’re all about destroying edom and we’re edom.
      They will never forgive or forget the destruction of the second temple.

      “Judaism is a religion of vengeance ” Meir kahane

  17. 2023 Video: Biden Promises Gov’t Will Increase Number & Intensity of Extreme Weather Events
    “Oh, he’s just senile and mis-spoke!” No, I think he is telling us the truth here. The government has been able to create storms and openly did so with Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War. They are waging war against White America.

    “He who controls the weather, controls the world.”
    Vice president Lyndon B. Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962)

  18. If FEMA can’t provide adequate compensation and provisions in either of these hurricanes, what will happen in a national disaster, like economic collapse?

  19. Lookup Operation Popeye in Wikipedia. The US military has been using cloud seeding as warfare since Vietnam. Not saying that happened here, but don’t dismiss weather warfare as kookery. Some capabilities do exist. Can they steer hurricanes? Probably not. But cloud seeding is easy.


  21. What I can’t understand is all the overhead power lines strung everywhere. Sure, it’s probably too expensive to put very high voltage lines underground, but the stuff in neighborhoods could all be buried.

    When my German cousins came to visit the USA for the first time and stayed with us in the suburban Chicago area, they were amazed at all the wires (power, phone, cable) strung up on poles in the backyards. I asked how it was different in (West, at that time) Germany. They said that after WWII, everything was above ground because they had to quickly rebuild. But over the following decades, lines were gradually moved mostly underground.

    For what we’ve wasted on wars, we could have put done the same.

  22. Berserker Kankerjoo Arron shows up here on Yom Kippur, the Kankerjoos New Year, the day they pray the Kol Nidre to Satan. And it said “we are tired of speech.” The Swinenjoos are tired of speech. We already knew that.

  23. Congratulations to the Southern hero John Hill (descendant of legendary Confederate General A.P. Hill) for all his efforts and many others who have exposed this occupation government’s total incompetence with all their DEI hires and their worthless FEMA failing to help the Southern people in their time of need. This gives me a glimpse of a coming CSA Southern nation when we will have our own government that doesn’t hate us and look down on our people and call us using pejorative terms such as rednecks/racists/etc.

    I think from this time forward that when the liberals declare some White person (and it is never a person of any other race but the White race) a “racist” (and historically this is not a real criminal or sinner and even their god Abe Lincoln himself attacked the black race in his political speeches and used the N-word many times in these same speeches) they need to be challenged and forced to confess that what THEY ARE ATTACKING is a white person and they themselves are the ones full of hatred and bigotry. And these anti-White haters need to be called out for all their extreme hatred they have for White people (mainly Southern White people). So let’s put the spotlight on the attackers of our White people and expose the real HATERS. The SPLC should be immediately shut down for all their anti-South hatred/bigotry.

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

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