The stories the media won't touch:
— Will Stancil (@whstancil) October 31, 2024
-Donald Trump's inner circle including many open neo-Nazis and white nationalists, including Elon Musk
-Trump's long history of sexual assault
-Trump's history of criminal corruption
Any of the three would dominate election, if a Dem
Also, this is actually the most important story of the election: the way Trump and his most fervent supporters have reintroduced searing bigotry and racism into American politics, in a way that matches – and frankly, sometimes exceeds – what America saw 50 years ago https://t.co/lKf5HRD9Rb
— Will Stancil (@whstancil) October 30, 2024
You may have me blocked but you can't escape the Pumpkin, William….. @whstancil pic.twitter.com/FcBWSH4NxM
— Linda (@AlfredAlfer77) October 29, 2024
Emily Youcis carved a Will Stancil pumpkin.
In light of the polls, it is a very, very spooky Halloween for libtards out there. We appear to be poised for the imminent collapse of American Democracy.
Note: Hopefully, I should have my schedule sorted out now. Just like in 2016, my Twitter addiction has been in overdrive following the latest updates on the election.
Hey, if y’all are looking for a reason to cast a vote for Trump – there’s finally a decent one.
As the Dark Lord sayeth: By the bowels of Cthulhu, I beseech thee, vote and vote again. As many times as they will permit thee, vote, dammit, by all means, vote for Donald Trump!
I’ve actually been able review and analyze your tweets, organize other people to respond to them (As a true Patriot and dangerous operative, and not a fake one like most people in Der Movement I am still banned from X). Simultabeously I comment ebd fairly prodigiously on your OD pet project. So, why can’t you do it too?
On the other had I dont have two kids and a third on the way. But still, like a month without new articles or comments. The place has become a cesspool of obvious Northern Papists and Fake Southrons getting off on smearing OD by repeatedly saying “Duh, Jews.” Sad. I hope you respond more here in the future.
I haven’t seen it.
I’m increasingly convinced though that it turns people into retards.
My youngest son is now a 1-year-old and is at the stage where he is walking and has to be constantly monitored. Otherwise, he will fall or put something in his mouth. Even when I have free time, which is rare, I am constantly interrupted. As a result, Twitter is becoming my preferred platform
Do what is best for you and your family.
But if you ever start broadcasting on shortwave/pirate radio/etc let us know. That would be neat. “Voice of America”…well maybe…”Voice of Confederate America”…
Pirate radio in North America
I’m going to be on White Rabbit Radio this afternoon
no it won’t be the voice of the confederate (Republic’s) of America but the voice of one pushing second coming of a son of a jewess global “EARTHLY’” monarchy who’s deity is the “one” dual gender he-she god …
“ In the preface to THE NAME: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God, Mark Sameth clearly lays out the purpose of his book. He writes that his thesis is “that the God of the ancient Israelites—the God of Abraham, universally referred to in the masculine today—was originally understood to be a dual-gendered, male-female God.” He goes on to write that the “personal name of God is a cryptogram. The priests of ancient Israel would have read the letters in reverse as Hu-Hi, meaning ‘He-She’” (ix). [Reviewer’s note: the word for “he” in Hebrew is pronounced “hu,” the “u” sound like the double o in the word moon, balloon, or swoon; the word for “she” in Hebrew is pronounced “hi” – the letter “i” being here pronounced as an e-sound..”
https://www.academia.edu/76470166/Sameth_Mark_The_NAME_A_History_of_the_Dual_Gendered_Hebrew_Name_for_God and https://sacred-texts.com/mas/sof/sof26.htm
There is no difference of the tyranny of mass democracy, ie. the tyranny of the majority (ie. not a Republic) and the tyranny of absolute monarchy.
The lie of a “heavenly” kingdom —-> “ There’s only one conclusion you can draw by taking the prophecies of the Bible literally, says New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson. Someday soon, a Jew named Yeshua – or Jesus, as he’s known in the West – will rule the world from Jerusalem. In his new book, When a Jew Rules the World, Richardson paints a picture of what that one-thousand-year reign will be like, along the way blow-torching the notion that gentile Christians have “replaced” the Jews and Israel as the people of promise.“ ~ https://www.logos.com/product/220293/when-a-jew-rules-the-world-what-the-bible-really-says-about-israel-in-the-plan-of-god https://joelstrumpet.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/When-a-Jew-Rules-the-World.pdf
Christianity (Judaism lite) hasn’t been subverted, it is a jewish subversion.
Not all ruling in the coming Kingdom of God with Christ will technically be Jews if that is what you are suggesting. Abraham will be in the Kingdom and the tribe of Judah came into being several generations after him. Plus, there is a House of Israel and a separate kingdom — the House of Judah (the Jews + Levites + Benjamites (the Apostle Paul was a Benjamite)).
@Secesh and Hunter Wallace,
“Do what is best for you and your family.
But if you ever start broadcasting on shortwave/pirate radio/etc let us know. That would be neat. “Voice of America”…well maybe…”Voice of Confederate America””
Yes. Family comes first.
Double Yes on the radio. A very good idea including the name. Perhaps the Voice of Confederate America could be a radio program. There also could be a radio program for Wallace. Maybe one for myself and others. Perhaps include Edward’s. That would be enough content to run several shows on various stations across the South and elsewhere.
Talk radio has gotten pretty blaise. Most shows are typical GOP lite. Despite the success of many of our issues making it mainstream, there is little response from politicians, except our leader, Trump. Even less on media. Having such shows would undoubtedly win huge audiences.
However, we see what has been done to people from Alex Jones, to Edwards, to Brinelow. Perhaps, there would be a problem getting let alone keeping sponsors. I always feel we are like 20 years behind things. Obviousky there was more support from sponsors 20nuesrs ago, and more people who would take up sponsoring, especially in the South. But, there were few shows filling the market needs. Now there appears to me more shows, especially Podcast, but less sponsors. I think the former small and mid town Southern likely sponsors have been gutted.
Regardless, Hunter has consistently shown here polling and research showing that many of our views are increasingly mainstream. Immigration is the easiest to talk about, with likely enogh sponsors to get it going, but still no one is taking about it on the radio. Same with Southern heritage defense in the South.
The hundred dollar bill is there laying in the street. Eveeyone is walking by, afraid to pick it up. All it takes is one person….
Happy Halloween!
to you too, to you too
Hunter, I’ve enjoyed this website for several years now and it’s obviously yours to administer as you see fit. But (rhetorically speaking) you just can’t let nearly three weeks go by without an update. If your unable to do it due to personal matters or other commitments then suggest you retain someone like Jaye Ryan and or others to fill in while your busy.
I agree
Jaye did an interesting article some years back about ‘What’s wrong with South Carolina?’. It’s only gotten worse since then and it’s a recurring pattern throughout the country. Perhaps an update is in order??
Well, my family briefly spent some time in SC. They had a saying that Yankees came there as tourists and Damn Yankees came there to live.
They had a Damn Yankees Club. For Yankees who moved there to live. My family almost joined it, but my father was transferred elsewhere. Still the place was beautiful and the people were wonderful.
I think too many people from outside the region moved there and, of course, the Military Industrial Complex set up operations there in answer to the hostile reception that a very anti-war West Coast (at the time) gave them.
I miss your posts, Hunter, but Jaye is also an interesting writer and Aryan Globalist is always an entertaining as well as a creative read for this “Papist.”
Hope your new daughter is a happy, healthy baby who, very early, starts sleeping through the night.
Too bad white folks have such an allergy to working cooperatively. In a nation of over 200 million whites I’d think that at least a few dozen would be able to work together for their own preservation, much the more advancement.
Nope, nope, can’t work together now, but wait until their rear is in a bind and they’ll expect everyone to rush to their aid.
@Heymrguda and Hunter Wallace,
“But (rhetorically speaking) you just can’t let nearly three weeks go by without an update.”
You should’ve seen Hunter totally sperging out on Twitter. Hunter is like me, he loves to research and dig into things. He’s done some prodigious work on the election campaigns. Even with a comparative lack of engagement, he’s work was pretty valuable for pols. I used them for some of our people on the election trail.
He’s also done some political satire work, usually by reposting. For example, he discovered for us (GOP), this hilarious faux witch woman who incessantly skewers this awful prog liberal scalawag Democrat from North Carolina who went rogue on us in Minnesota. He’s a strong leftist influencer, but she’s done a real job on him, with the most recent one featuring the Holloween movie theme song running in the background with video skits satirizing his image and positions. He’s such a little biatch, he’s had a meltdown. I hope Hunter can repost something on it here.
My point is that Hunter appears to have gotten off on Twitter and felt it was giving better returns than posting here. If he posted his stuff here, all he would likely get would be counter signaling cuz “Duh, Jews.” So, I get it. Still, it was a bit of a let down to not see his posts, read the A.S.Spergers, or answer my neo-nazi and Papist opponents here.
Hunter, I’d also be more than happy to help post some articles some professional articles here to fill in gaps.
Stancil’s mug reminds one quite a bit in ways of Tampon Timmy’s. From the same shitlib state of course. That’s pretty good trolling with the pumpkin!
“From the same shitlib state of course. ”
What is it that makes WHITES from the Minnesota Wisconsin axis be such cold libtards? Is there arsenic in the water ? Is it living in a safe bubble, free from the realities of race ?
That’s really a far more important question than the JQ. It’a not just the upper midwest or Scandicuckia either. There seems to be some defect in whites generally which blinds them to those who intend real harm. I asked a similar question over at Unz. I don’t have a cogent answer to the question but we can trace threads of this self-destructive tendency fairly far back in history. The spiritual sickness is more advanced in places like Minnesota and Scandicuckia than in places like Poland or Hungary, but it’s found in all white populations save those who are Muslim (maybe). The Frenchman Houellebecq almost stated that <a href="https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/on-the-appeal-of-islam"Islam offers a way out and there is some evidence to backup his near-position (though there is counter-evidence as well). The linked review by NLF is a decent one of Houellebecq’s book which is one of the more thoughtful ones written in recent times.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Stancil’s mug reminds one quite a bit in ways of Tampon Timmy’s. From the same shitlib state of course. That’s pretty good trolling with the pumpkin!”
Yes, thats the one. I saw it too. Hilarious. Stancil is actually from North Carolina. On the other hand there are loads of Yankees down there and is face does fit the profile of the typical Yankee soy boy. I tried to see of he was a Papist, and could only find he is anti-religious and generally attacks the Papists. So, he’s probably either a Yankee Protestant or a Southern Prod, and has gone pure leftard up in Minnesota. Just, reading a few of his work annoyed me to no end and reading his favorite fan’s tweets, made my day.
Given Stancil’s North Carolina origin, Hunter could easily do a work up on him.m that would fit nicely with OD objectives.
Note, I responded not realizing that Hunter’s post was all about the guy I saw. Twitter blocks me from even links unless I out up a VPN. I just saw the links. I hope Hunter does more work on this Stancil fellow. He’s got connections.
LOL at people who check out from Halloween because it is “demonic”.
Mostly some religious books sect, like Jehovah’s witless.
*kooks*…. Damn autocorrect.
“LOL at people who check out from Halloween because it is “demonic”.”
Such thinking stems from Yankee Puritans. They literally ruined Christmas and all seasonal religious holidays for everyone and for some generations obliterated them entirely as their Anti-Popery jumped the shark.
We in the South, despite being well aware of the Popish threats and plots and error, if not devilish dogma of the Papists, nonetheless were far more even keeled with our cultural ways. We always had a bit of old medieval Christian and even pre-Christian regalia. One of my grandfathers had an uncle who would regularly run out naked with his wife and make love in the fields before planting on full moons. He said its what made his crops so good.
That kind of old tyme Christian even old primitive pagan religious thinking was not uncommon in the South. In the North while they had their cunning folk and looked to see God’s will in nature, they were decidedly less so. They viewed things like All Hallows Eve, Astrological planting, and seasonal folk celebrations as Popish nonsense. A true Southron says otherwise.
Ironically, the anti-cultural Puritan way of thinking is more prevalent in the South and Southwest today than it is in what remains of Yankee Prod North, especially amongst Bible Evangelical Churches. The later have so purified their religions that there is nothing left but a book and a couple of old dudes arguing it out. Its sad really to see the lobotomization of cultural knowledge and change in intellect within our Southern communities. That needs to be fought against.
So, go out and celebrate All Hallows Eve when the stars, constellations, and sun and moon, are at the tipping point in their calculations and when the spirit and earth realms are closest. Don’t forget All Saints Day, when we celebrate the Christian soldiers and martyrs this day, November First. Also Don’t forget All Souls Day, for praying for the common believers and unbelievers, and the ancient ancestors tomorrow on November Second.
Decorate your lives with the colors of autumn and the harvest. Wear old style dress as costumes, not just to dress stupid and slutty, but hauntingly traditional and ancestral. Its a time for Bible reading, folk songs, and for the intellectual, the old gods. Push back against Satanic materialism and commercialism of our old ways or their replacement by indigenous day or Banana N@gger Day of the Dead. Bring out the old fay folk and dance with them….In Christ of course like a good Southerner.
Ho Brad, welcome back! Glad to hear from you again. I hope you and family are well.
Happy Reformation Day to everyone (except Aryan 8200). And remember to Voat Harder. The Swamp needs it to legitimize their picks.
Emily and Warren have a fantastic podcast on Odysse called Modern Politics! I encourage everyone to watch.