Trump on Liz Cheney: "Let's put her with a rifle standing there with 9 barrels shooting at her. Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face." pic.twitter.com/Mtx1fbLtwE
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 1, 2024
Timothy Snyder on Trump's comments about guns being trained on Liz Cheney: "These are not the sorts of things that American politicians have said in the past. This is very unusual, like Trump referring to 'enemy within' or 'vermin.'" pic.twitter.com/6ovKgFZCvz
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 1, 2024
Liz Cheney issues a response on X to Trump's comments: “This is how dictators destroy free nations. They threaten those who speak against them with death. We cannot entrust our country and our freedom to a petty, vindictive, cruel, unstable man who wants to be a tyrant.” pic.twitter.com/aRTLvQ92Fm
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) November 1, 2024
Stop the endless wars. Vote Trump for peace! pic.twitter.com/hZL6oPyj6S
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 1, 2024
Trump defends his Liz Cheney comments by amping up the incitement even further: "She kills people." pic.twitter.com/ObIwZsTm46
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 1, 2024
What happened to Trump?
Where was this Trump during the 2020 KAG campaign?
Everything that has happened over the last month or so – the McDonald’s stunt, the Joe Rogan interview, Biden calling Trump supporters garbage, Garbage Force One, Liz Cheney facing a firing squad, Kamala Harris screaming about “fascism” as her closing argument – is reminiscent of 2016.
Oh, for God’s sake, they’re criticizing Trump’s vocabulary.
“He don’t use pretty words, he don’t talk pretty.”
He’s calling out Cheney for being a war hawk, while her miserable ass is safe. He’s saying she doesn’t risk anything while advocating extreme violence, called ‘warfare’.
Trump is too terse, he speaks in abbreviated terms that allows his adversaries to twist his meanings.
I think Trump is stupid like a fox.
He has to know that his opposition is going to twist his words.
However, he also knows that, thanks to social media, anyone and everyone can see what he actually tweeted or posted.
This accomplishes two things in a double punch. It exposes the media as a bunch of leftist Democrats with anti-Trump bias and it makes people – who would be inclined to tune him out or ignore him – pay attention to his words.
Not only that, you have the conservative radio talk show hosts echoing and amplifying what Trump is saying and what the media is doing because they then spend hours poking fun at and “owning the libs.”
I wish Liz Cheney would go hunting with her dad.
Bwah-ha=ha! Yes absolutely. Hunting with Darth is similar to hunting with Koba back in the old Soyuz. His bodyguards dreaded the hunting trips as one or more usually ended up getting hit with bird shot. For all his badassery, Stalin was a crappy shot.
MSNBC is putrid, from every angle.
They always present a twisted narrative.
“Xenophobia and Hate Speech Are Spiking Heading Into the Election”. Nytimes
Tsk , tsk
Trump’s rhetoric is good. It was a fine shot he took at the lesbian swine Cheney (and her pappy Darth). They deserve much worse than some sharp criticism – like decades of involuntary servitude in a labor camp if not outright execution for treason.
Yeh, but he’s clumsy in the brevity of what he says.
He should have said something like, “let’s put Liz on the battlefield and let her confront the violence and terror of warfare”. His statements are just vague enough so that the libtards can twist them into something he didn’t mean.
Honestly, I think the above distortion of Trump’s statement is a sign of desperation from the obsolete media, they can see Cumala is going down in flames and they’re doing everything to smear Trump.
Trump stirs up the hornet’s nest of unhinged shitlibs and otherwise fanatical Trump haters. It’s actually comical.
Trump had a perfect description of these Washington establishment types, its easy to sit in a nice safe office and shoot your mouth off about democracy. They don’t have to go off and get shot at defending it.
. . . or actually defending other countries’ borders while 2,500 miles of U.S. border with one of the worst countries in the world is wide open.
Telling the truth makes one an enemy of the State. The Lügenpresse, serving the role of Pravda in the defunct USSR, hysterically shrieking about Trump, has become irrelevant. This is a sign of the drastic decline of GloboHomo and their desperation to prevent their loss of power and possible accountability for their crimes.
Even if Cackling Kamala wins, Whites, including those who voted for her, will not support wars for Taiwan, Ukraine or Our Greatest Ally. War is the health of the State but without Whites GloboHomo’s war machine fails against a serious opponent. At some level every government needs some level of cooperation from the populace and when that disappears, it’s lights out for the no-good bastards in charge. Failure will completely discredit the Deep State no matter what figurehead is Mr. President.
Failure is coming no matter who is elected.
Here is the diverse U.S. Navy: https://x.com/i/status/1834993910227042692
@12AX7 I hope you are right. It gets so frustrating talking to conservative, Trump-voting boomers. (BTW, I’m a boomer and so are most of my friends.) One of my boomer friends is trying to talk his grandson into joining the military “to straighten him out and give him job training.” I asked him, “Are you nuts? We’re on the verge of WWIII and you want your grandson to go into the military? A military that’s totally woke?” No response.
Hello Mr. Koch;
Good for you for speaking up for your friend’s grandson, the military today is no place for white guys. This has been made plain by such luminaries as BHO, Gen. Milley, Sec. of Defense Austin (who looks like Idi Amin) et al. Take them at their word, they are worried about their careers, “White rage” and base names like Fort Bragg, not a successful military that is currently used anyway for other nations’ defense.
Many young guys are at loose ends after graduating high school. Choosing between dead end jobs in a rotten economy, a worthless, expensive and useless “education” in GloboHomo’s college indoctrination centers or four years minimum active duty military followed by four years in the inactive reserves, liable to be called back into service are all bad choices. Many times the military training doesn’t even translate into civilian jobs depending upon the MOS one is trained in. In the past life offered more and better choices in a much better country.
I hope your friend’s grandson avoids the military and finds some good, rewarding and useful purpose while he is still young. Half the battle is avoiding the bad choices in life.
“Many young guys are at loose ends after graduating high school.”
Yes, because our schools don’t teach trades, as many foreign nations do. They leave young people adrift in a turbulent social culture. Even Ben Franklin spoke about this in mid 1700s, how young dutch girls all learned accounting in school so they could run a business, unlike his American partners.
The Hitler Youth gave young people productive directions for their energies. No, unlike TV it wasn’t about marching and military drill, it was about hiking, camping, sailing , learning skills etc.
The colored people wouldn’t do well in high level trades requiring advanced skills. It’s difficult to imagine the coloreds setting up sophisticated apparatus for scientists to run experiments in biotech companies or welding exotic alloys in an inert atmosphere as two examples. Running milling machines, presses, metal lathes etc. in a machine shop is beyond their capabilities for the most part from what I have seen. Spectrometers, frequency analyzers, oscilloscopes etc. are just more of the White man’s voodoo, all magic and incomprehensible.
An interesting, useful trades program, whether it’s auto repair, diesel engines, electrical, building, mechanical etc. requires intelligence, curiosity and dedication to complete, they aren’t easy programs. Once again there would be the problem of the programs starting out 1/3 White, two thirds non-White and graduating 90% White into high paying jobs with little if any debt.
Inequality would strike again and everyone knows, All Men are created Equal so the trades program would just be more White oppression. Combined with the blue haired, lesbian school teachers hating trades type jobs, liability laws, parents wanting their boys to get a suit-and-tie executive job (there aren’t many now), and many younger people having never fixed anything or built anything it’s a miracle society hasn’t just broken down already. Besides, with “financial engineering” all you need to do is buy another one once something breaks, the stores will always be stocked and the money will always be good.
” it’s a miracle society hasn’t just broken down already.”
Just wait until the last of the boomers retire.
I think we’ll see an abrupt decline in society and major leaps in prices .
What you said about skills of POC is absolutely true
Many machining companies left Detroit and moved to Korea, seeking competent skilled labor.
What’s only said in hushed conversations, how affirmative action killed much of the manufacturing in the Rust Belt.
Tucker Carlson’s speech at the Trump rally in Madison Square Garden was excellent:
Please share.
Oh, Trump uses such vile language.
How about ol’ Joey Biden calling Trump’s supporters ‘garbage’, then trying to have it redacted from the official transcript?
That’s just perfectly acceptable /s
Fingers crossed that another Marxist foreigner doesn’t become President.
Donald Trump: Liz Cheney Wouldn’t Be Such a Warmonger If Guns Were Pointed At Her Face
put her in Israel on front lines, see how she changes
“Her father decimated the Middle East, and other places, and got rich by doing so.”
Never did I think I’d ever witness a candidate for President who has a good chance of “winning” say something like that. And one running on the Republican ticket no less.
Trump bombed more than Obama, and deported far fewer. Wars in several places and he ended NOT ONE. I am headed home to Virginia Monday for the first time in months. I can’t wait to vote against that Jew Trump on Tuesday.
Dr. Duke, Warren Balogh and I will be voting for Dr. Jill Stein. Phooey on Zion Don and Komrade Kamala.
Stein wasn’t even on the ballet in this God-forsaken shithole of a state (IL), whose governor is literally Jabba the Hutt. I would have considered casting a vote for her just to deny one to Kumswallowallah the Kolcutta-Ho. Oddly RFK Jr was on the ballot below Trump (who never had a snowball’s chance in hell here). Harris was naturally there on top. I voted only for locals. Everything else is totally rigged.
Tue Jan 21st, 2025
National Squirrel Appreciation Day
With their bushy tails and quick movements, these little creatures are a joy to watch as they scamper through the trees and hunt for nuts.
Squirrels are one of the most common animals that people see on a regular basis. These little creatures with a fluffy tail are practically everywhere–in cities, parks, college campuses and forests. They might live in trees or dig a hole in the ground to serve as a home. Some people might even say that squirrels are nuts for nuts, and can last through the harshest of winters without much trouble at all.
Squirrels have the ability to adapt to their environments quickly, they have a decent memory for some of the best locations for food, and they are super soft and fluffy. National Squirrel Appreciation Day encourages people to learn whatever they can about these creatures and admire them for their resilience in the wild.
How to Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day
National Squirrel Appreciation Day is a fun excuse to have a celebration on a random day in January. Share this holiday with friends and express that love for squirrels and try out some of these other ideas with the intention of enjoying the day and honoring squirrels…
— daysoftheyear dot com
this will be on the day after the inauguration next year 2025…
Trump is just using anti-war people. This is obvious if you know his history. There isn’t much difference between Trump and Bush.
Matt Parrot is back with a new post!
Matt Parrot is one of the best – on par with Kevin MacDonald and James Edwards.
Sociopathic, zionist, shabbos goy Rudolph Guliani needs to enlist in the IOF. That POS is a chicken hawk too.
Sinwar walked the walk.