I just want to say thank you
— Mark Longo (@marklongoonx) November 3, 2024
for the bottom of my heart for all the
support yall have showed me and my wife. This is an absolute tragedy hope we can get justice.
Retweet this message to spread the word ??
Big thanks to @elonmusk #Peanut #Justiceforpeanut pic.twitter.com/8UX3iARZLM
We’re going to meet @realDonaldTrump soon
— Mark Longo (@marklongoonx) November 3, 2024
Thankyou for the continues support
Spread the word ????#JusticeForPeanut#JusticeForFred pic.twitter.com/BPHEz9I2eG
Thank you @elonmusk
— Mark Longo (@marklongoonx) November 3, 2024
No words can explain how thankful I am for you and everyone who is fighting against injustice.
?? pic.twitter.com/aWszXvdkxj
It’s time to vote out a government that will kill a pet squirrel but will gladly allow 600,000 criminals with 13,000 murderers & 16,000 rapists knowingly into their country. Maybe P’nuts murder will be the catalyst for real change & awakening as to our govts broken priorities! pic.twitter.com/g2ykG2ORaN
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 2, 2024
— Peanut The Squirrel (@pthe_squirrel) September 9, 2024
The Groypers political acumen is 0.
— Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) November 2, 2024
They've been wrong for months & are defending the MURDER of Peanut the Squirrel. Bad politics & really stupid, even if you don't care about the squirrel.
Crypto Kamala backers who've been wrong on it all and their "Groyper War" was a joke. pic.twitter.com/ArFxb9KwAi
I posted this yesterday morning when the story about Peanut the Squirrel was going viral, but I took it down after learning that the statement from the Trump campaign was fake. Over the past 24 hours, Don Jr. and Elon Musk picked up the story and have leaned heavily into it. Also, I woke up this morning to learn from the owner Mark Longo that Peanut might still be alive. He isn’t confirmed dead.
One more thing … yes, I have heard that the owner is a pervert who has an OnlyFans porn page. I don’t think that matters. Even if that is true, it doesn’t mean the squirrel deserves to be put to death by the state. Most White people are pet owners and are just reacting to a cute domesticated squirrel that does tricks on TikTok. I shouldn’t have to explain this. If you can’t grasp that the overwhelming majority of White people do not like seeing pets harmed, I honestly do not know what to say to you.
“they got me, donny”
— doomer (@uncledoomer) November 2, 2024
“its okay squirreljak, i will be your justice. your retribution. your vengeance.” pic.twitter.com/L84Ju0AusT
Social media star Peanut the squirrel was taken by authorities in New York and euthanized. His owners Mark & Daniela Longo came on TMZ Live to talk about the insane raid on their home, how they found out Peanut was killed and what this means for their animal sanctuary. pic.twitter.com/PYnx5QlQYS
— TMZ Live (@TMZLive) November 1, 2024
The owners of #Peanut the squirrel are going nuclear on government officials in New York, accusing the state of abusing power and wasting taxpayer funds to seize and kill their pet. Watch their full interview on @TMZLive here: https://t.co/1rXzVTABx1 pic.twitter.com/rtHpBOl14x
— TMZ (@TMZ) November 1, 2024
We will avenge you, Lord Peanut. pic.twitter.com/6iWxw2i8iK
— T (@AlaskanTom) November 2, 2024
Justice for Peanut https://t.co/3VFZO0gOvS pic.twitter.com/1x78LPjReS
— ib (@Indian_Bronson) November 2, 2024
President @realDonaldTrump will save the squirrels ?? ?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 2, 2024
RIP P’Nut pic.twitter.com/yoIBV0Okpd
When I saw this story floating around on X, I assumed it was the latest stunt by the Trump campaign like “they are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats” in Springfield. It was just too perfect of an example of the Eternal Yankee and progressive government overreach on the eve of the 2024 election.
No, it was a real squirrel that was a social media celebrity on TikTok and Instagram. No one can say it is fake. They took it from its home and exterminated it to test it for rabies.
Two days after he was seized from his home in New York, Peanut the Squirrel has been euthanized.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Chemung County Department of Health announced through a statement on Friday afternoon that both a squirrel and raccoon confiscated from a residence on Wednesday had been euthanized to test for rabies. The statement said a person involved in the confiscation investigation was bitten by the squirrel.
Peanut the Squirrel, who boasted 534,000 followers on Instagram, was taken from his home in Pine City, New York, by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation on Wednesday morning. Peanut, also known as PNUT, was the beloved pet of content creator Mark Longo. In more than 1,400 posts shared to Instagram, Peanut can be seen munching on waffles, jumping through hula-hoops, and greeting Longo home from work. …
Peanut is going mega viral on X.

Tue Jan 21st, 2025
National Squirrel Appreciation Day
With their bushy tails and quick movements, these little creatures are a joy to watch as they scamper through the trees and hunt for nuts.
Squirrels are one of the most common animals that people see on a regular basis. These little creatures with a fluffy tail are practically everywhere–in cities, parks, college campuses and forests. They might live in trees or dig a hole in the ground to serve as a home. Some people might even say that squirrels are nuts for nuts, and can last through the harshest of winters without much trouble at all.
Squirrels have the ability to adapt to their environments quickly, they have a decent memory for some of the best locations for food, and they are super soft and fluffy. National Squirrel Appreciation Day encourages people to learn whatever they can about these creatures and admire them for their resilience in the wild.
How to Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day
National Squirrel Appreciation Day is a fun excuse to have a celebration on a random day in January. Share this holiday with friends and express that love for squirrels and try out some of these other ideas with the intention of enjoying the day and honoring squirrels…
— daysoftheyear dot com
this will be on the day after the inauguration next year 2025…
Today marks the 1-year anniversary of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department raid on Hilary and Matt Jacobs for distributing political and religious literature protected by the First Amendment and the Georgia State Constitution. There is no court date, and I don’t expect there to be one since their arrest and incarceration were unconstitutional, and a violation of their civil rights under US Code Title 18, Sections 241 and 242, aka deprivation of rights under color of law, is a federal felony. Alas, there’s been zero legal accountability despite the fact that the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia committed numerous federal felonies. If the Jacobs were Jews, Blacks, or faggots, the FBI would’ve arrested these jackbooted thugs, but our corrupt judicial system is allowed and encouraged to violate the civil rights of White Americans with impunity. Here’s the documented evidence against the corrupt Douglas County Sheriff’s Department in Georgia. https://occidentaldissent.com/2024/08/26/free-speech-under-attack-in-georgia-2/
P.S. I also have the video footage of the raid led by Major Matt Gray of a dozen deputies for free speech
Another example of Trump’s natural talent for rhetorical attacks upon his enemy. Vox Day has taken up the attack and expanded it here (P’nut’s with Harambe now).
Day also pointed out some interesting background on this fine example of Karens’ operation with totalitarian regime run by the D-jerseys in one of their several one-party states (NY – where Repukes are worse than useless). The SWAT-style attack on an animal shelter was launched by two Karens (quoting Day here):
a) One is a woman from Texas, Monica Keasler, who repeatedly called in the complaint to the NY police because she saw a video of a squirrel on the Internet ;
b) And, of course, the just-following-procedure police officer, a literal Karen named Karen Pryzklek, ordered the raccoon put down due to an obviously unfounded suspicion that a squirrel defending itself might, in theory, have rabies, would just as readily follow an order from her superiors to napalm an entire neighborhood.
While it’s obviously rhetorical in nature, there’s nothing untrue about his points. Two white females both no doubt supporters of the stupid whore selected by the criminals running the D-machine. No better than Haitians.
See, see, see Trump is a compassionate person. He may not give a crap about dead Palestinian infants and toddlers, but he cares about squirrels. That makes him a compassionate and caring person, right?
Maybe it’s a kike rat with a bushy tail?
I wrote in P’Nut the squirrel for POTUS & Fred the raccoon for VP.
To hell with USZOG and Intenational jewry.
“I have heard that the owner is a pervert who has an OnlyFans porn page.” Haha, doh. Pardon me for being crude but with all degenerate crap in the American culture cesspool, I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy, his girlfriend and the girlfirend’s black stud were including the poor squirrel in their material. Rallying behind weird liberals is…..weird. You’re right about pets and how Whitey’s care for them like family, me included, but dressing them alone is really weird. Anywho, yes of course the state was way out of line (or maybe it put the squirrel out of it’s misery, who knows) but the so-called right rallying behind this is stupefying.