I’ve been very busy.
I was also on White Rabbit Radio with Tim Murdock on Friday. We spent nearly two hours catching up on the latest in the 2024 election since our last discussion in late August.
My current prediction: Trump +1 in the national popular vote, Michigan a pure toss up which could go either way.

Americans, go vote and send Trump in the white house and Kamala at home!!
Enjoyed the interview HW, still excellent with technical difficulties!
Deo Vindice
Trump markets himself as a peace-loving, anti-war president. The Democrats (Biden & Kamala) market themselves as being very pro-Palestine, pro- Muslim, pro-diversity, etc. Yet each camp, Trump and Kamala will risk WWIII to protect Israel wholeheartedly. In that both Kamala and Trump are fully 100% on board and in agreement. They have no choice but to protect Israel at all costs. Israel is like the Queen Bee and the USA and its puppet presidents are the fighter bees. And all of us are the worker bees sending our tax dollars to them. Nice little system, eh?
Will America turn out in enough numbers to save itself from substitution?
Why, didn’t the above even figure as a slogan for the GOP during the election?
Since the old Republican Party started the Civil War, and the new Grand Old Party which was put together out of its broken parts in 1876 positioned itself as a solidly Northern interest group, and the GOP of post 1965 has supported immigration, is the GOP itself complicit in its own cornered position and should he deserve continued Southern support?
If America doesn’t come out in enough numbers to stop its substitution from the Papist foreign horde, the GOP is finished as a party. Under defeat, its almost guaranteed to either remain a gelded man sex servant of colored Papist masters, or to split apart and live on the run in various regional outposts of resistance.
The GOP, in the 2024 campaign, yet once again, and yet even under an avancular if inchoate America First President leader, has failed to articulate a real strategy of America First in the manner of the Compact for America of 1994. There is little Congressional strategy backing the President’s abstracted America First aims. Granted it has for its Senate leadership a literal Chinese agent, known as “Cocain” Mitch “China Doll” McConnell, a man so disreputable and powerful he literally puts on Chinese whore style lipstick in public yet isn’t held accountable. Still, its amazing that aside from a few Congressional races, and a small band of activist leaders and organizations like America First Legal led by (((Stephen Miller))) (apparentely not even Prods could b found to form a patriot org like Miller did), there is few coordinated agitation on national survival. Slogans like “Save America From Occupation” is the the obvious next level of agitation. The $100 dollar bill is on the street, all it takes is a rightwing nationalists to get the courage and take it.
Meanwhile, the election is tomorrow. Many ask why we should vote given all the above. We know the GOP’s refusal to end illegal immigration, let alone legal immigration not only led to the extinction of its State parties in California, New Mexico, New York, Illinois, etc, it led to a Jihadi attack that killed thousands of Americans which caused a twenty year war and hundreds of thousands more dead. The war effort was half assed and was abandoned miserably to an ignoble end in 2021. But, if we don’t vote we guarantee full occupation and substitution especially in the South and ensure the South remains disorganized for any future resistance.
It is necessary to vote and be activists inside the GOP, because it is how we give us time to further organized and resist better, and earn political influence inside the GOP. If we win, we have more time to hold the the GOP hierarchy to account and fight inside the party to fully take it over and fully implement the America First agenda.
But, come tomorrow, if we lose, we are in bad shape. Yet, even in the occupation and substitution under such conditions there is a path for victory and recovery by being active within a regional Republican Party. We must look to how our ancestors, in the total ruin and aftermath of the War of Northern Aggression did it. We must see how they resisted the evil coup de etat made by Radical Republicans in 1867 which destroyed all Civil government and took virtually every White vote away and substituted it with the Black vote. We must study how they slowly and inexorably rolled back Radical Republican occupation and redeemed their states.
Should tomorrow be our worst fears, then the resistance begins. It also means the break up of the GOP. It will not survive such a defeat. The GOP is now a White and Southern Party. White Southerners have the ability to seize total cobtrol of the power now. They certainly can do so in a potential defeat where a regional party remains the only hope for resistance.
Whether victory or defeat happens tomorrow, it is time for White Southerners to seize control of the party. One of the first things they can do to achieve that is ensure their identity is understood and respected. Victory or defeat tomorrow, it is time Southerners, the largest ethnic group in the GOP, demands the Party apologize for Reconstruction. If we run on this, we substitute the Judeo-Yankee-Papist combine that runs it. No, we substitute the GOP. Tomorrow offers a potential bright future come whoever wins the election. We just need to play it right. Demand an apology from the GOP for Reconstruction.
The polls always “get close” at the end because the government tells them to get close, to make the fraud seem plausible. If Trump is really winning the popular vote, he’s going to do well in the swing states.
What are the odds he really wins the popular vote count? I mean I don’t believe it’s a legitimate count of legally cast ballots. The notion that the negro males and hispanics are breaking for Trump is not very credible.
In a fair election, I’d say Kamala didn’t have a prayer. However, we know the score.
Remember Roy Moore!
Imagine thinking you’re in control of election results after 2020.
Trump will win because he is the better option for our greatest ally. Big surprise. The right totally wins. Lets flood the country with mystery meat but legally. Yay.
Brave AI is already declaring Kamala the winner.
“The race was extremely close, with some sources indicating a margin of victory as small as 0.9% (Harris 48.7%, Trump 47.8%) in the final tally.”
Probably I just can’t vote today, I have been crying constantly, after watching videos of both Trump and Vance talking about Peanut the Squirrel. There so many were expecting they would campaign on deporting some of the 50 million existing illegal invaders, but no the issue is about Peanut the dead squirrel. This illustrates the absolute seriousness of American elections, but also illustrates how a squrrel’s life was wasted. Don’t they know squirrels are useful? During the depression they kept people in the rural Southland healthy. My Grandma Bessie would send my mom out with a .22 Remington to get breakfast, which was usually a squirrel or a rabbit or one of each. They practically lived on squirrel stew. But Peanut, here I am crying again, what a waste of a life. He would have made a fine stew.
Rangewolf that’s the funniest dissenting comment ever!
I’m voting for you as President!
You win! Your comment Rocks!
I met some hillbillies and rednecks that made ‘sloppy joes’ from squirrels using a crockpot. They said it was good. Maybe, it is.
These are the same types of people that made jerky out of roadkill, so…
I respect Tim’s POV on the election.
His take on Political Cesspool was the best of the night.
Jaye/Jack Ryan pledging eternal loyalty Zion Don was the most cringe take on The Political Cesspool that I had heard in 2024.