BREAKING NEWS: The Fox News Decision Desk projects that former President Trump will win Pennsylvania. pic.twitter.com/assv0ANYj6
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 6, 2024
It’s over.

BREAKING NEWS: The Fox News Decision Desk projects that former President Trump will win Pennsylvania. pic.twitter.com/assv0ANYj6
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 6, 2024
It’s over.
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Hail Trump!
I think he is too old, I foresee him declining like Biden.
And so it begins ..
How long until the next assassination attempt?
The left doesn’t play nice.
Spencer has become more pathetic
Fuentes the Fudge-Packin’ Federale is even worse. After endorsing the same candidate endorsed by all the war-pigs, he now flips on a dime and pretends to be the world’s greatest Trumptard. Spencer outed himself as a war-pig in that tweet. No surprise that Mr. EUSSR endorsed the whore as a pillar of ‘stability’.
Spencer is more pathetic than certain “formers” because he’s not a repent or a former, he’s still “white nationalist or imperialist” but continue to say that left-wing liberals can help white people and can save from wokeism and globalism. In the last tweet he said that Kamala is not woke but centre-left……..what an inability to analyze reality.
“Donald Trump Elected 47th President of the United States”
Donald Trump Elected 47th (((President))) of the United States – let’s hope not…
How long before Trump agrees to take in “only” a few thousand Gaza refugees, just women and children? One year later there will be a million Gaza “refugees” here followed by at least another million from Gaza and the rest of the Near East as Our Greatest Ally bombs everything in sight with U.S. made F-15s dropping U.S. made 2,000 Lb. bombs, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer? Our Greatest Ally plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank (at least) and drive out most of the population to the U.S. and Europe.
Any U.S. politician who opposes this resettlement will find the FBI’s blackmail archive from Epstein, P. Diddy etc. used against them pour encourager les autres. Trump will do what he is told, he will not do the right thing. The best one can hope for is ending the Ukraine war, some deportations and a few hundred miles of wall built on the Mexican border. The country is well beyond the point of fixing, that opportunity was squandered multiple times by the Republicans for their thirty pieces of silver.
” Our Greatest Ally bombs everything in sight with U.S. made F-15s dropping U.S. made 2,000 Lb. bombs…”
and most of the Gaza population driven out to the U.S. and Europe, to breed with us Whites so that no pure blood Whites will exist.
The kike and traitor (it’s genetic)Jonathan Pollard (ashkenazi globalist bro’s neighbor) who spied for
pissreal, and gave away cold war
intelligence “Crown Jewels” to mossad. Pissreal exchanged that beyond Top Secret information with the USSR for jews living in the Soviet Union being allowed to go to pissreal.
It was President Donald Judas Trump who signed off on allowing Pollard to move to pissreal where he was hailed as a hero.
Last March, after Ireland, Spain, and Norway broke of diplomatic relations with pissreal, and Irish barristers stated at the international court of justice the case of war crimes committed by pissreal, Pollard went on pissreali TV channel I24, and said that all Palestinians in Gaza should be deported to Ireland.
It figures. Good catch, I didn’t see that one but I knew about Jonathan Pollard who was directly responsible for the deaths of people who spied for the U.S. He doesn’t have a grain of remorse either.
I love the sound of commie tears in the morning.
It sounds like VICTORY.
Don’t spike the ball just yet.
Lots of lawfare for CPUSA (D) RAT POS vermin to use.
Heads you lose tails the jews win. Very exciting. Can’t wait to find out what antiwhite BS he’s going to come up with.
yep, didnt vote, felt great
Same here, Gary. Although I did briefly consider voting for Dr. Jill Stein, like David Duke.
I wrote in Gerald Celente. My conscience is clear.
Zog selected the CIA guy Vance. Yale, Skull and Bones, CIA. Pure 100% AstroTurfed fake Hillbilly. Closeted homo, married to his pajeet Hindu CIA handler. Vance is their man. This Trump is disposable.
The Red Edomite Rothschild wing of the CIA’s manufactured duopoly gets the nod. The Blue Lodge has to wait for next time.
For the players in the game, Red Shield and Blue Lodge people, this is all intensely real. They are contesting over contracts and handouts, trillions of dollars worth. People like Elon.
The Rabbis who generally control it all have a lot going on. The war for greater Israel in The Middle East, the war to establish a 2nd Jewish homeland in Ukraine, the ongoing secret war to oust Xi Jinping, who is not repeat NOT taking orders from them, the move to abolish cash amongst the people they call Goyim, and their ongoing attempt to destroy our food supply and replace it with insects, which will weaken us and kill us off if successful.
Trump will support them in all of this, and whatever else they want. But it won’t be enough. He will be replaced. The Rabbis like Trump, but the CIA does not. Vance is Langley’s man, so they will replace Trump. And Elon and Tucker and Fat Alex will support it. They all work for the agency.
I respectfully disagree. I think Trump will be allowed to serve out his term this time. He’s pretty much a lame duck, at this point as he would have been if not for the Deep State’s collective tantrum. With the entire bureaucracy of resistance undermining him at every turn, they could have killed populism then and there without all the clumsy assassination attempts.
So, IMHO, the Usual Suspects belatedly realized that their coterie cut off its nose to spite its face where Trump was concerned. Biden has all but destroyed the Anglo-American Empire and there will be no soft landing on China OR India (both of whom have joined BRICS to take down American monopoly money). It seems that both have territorial ambitions of their own and won’t allow this coterie to reduce them to junior partners.
They desperately need young White men brimming over with Toxic Masculinity to fight their wars. DEI as well as CRT has decimated the ranks of the military. Revile them then recruit them is a big fail and I predict Then Draft Them is going to make the Fedsurrection of January 6th look like a walk in the park.
Last, thanks to CRT and DEI taught in our educational systems, we see more videos of People of Color assaulting the most privileged of White oppressors, the Jew, especially if he is wearing a yarmulke or dressed in that peculiar ultra Orthodox fashion of theirs.
I can’t see the Jews of Europe or the USA feeling comfortable or safe with millions of Palestinians and other Arabs being allowed to immigrate to the USA or other countries with European stock. I notice that Ben Shapiro is no longer comfortable with the browning of America and is supporting Trump’s promise to deport illegal aliens and building the wall to keep the cartels from smuggling drugs and people over the border.
Trump HAS to deliver this time or any hope that young White men will enthusiastically support JD Vance as President – and I agree with you that he is the man who they want to order boots on the ground in any future efforts to expand their hegemony.
Trump is going to have his hands full trying to restore the economy. The experts warn that we need to buckle up for a severe recession after Trump gets sworn in. The one positive about the Biden Administration is that they knee-capped Israel after destroying the American military. That means that the only thing that Trump can safely offer them is no interference if they go full-force against Hamas and Hezbollah. But they will have to do their own fighting.
We will see what happens with Vance assuming Trump can hand off a stable economy and a replenished military. I don’t think that the CIA is that crazy about continuing to be Mossad’s underlings. Nor do key military men. Vance may fulfill the job requirement to support Israel and fight Anti-Semitism, but he may want to be President of a strong country. He could pleasantly surprise us all.
In any case, we learned something from this election. We can’t go back to sleep now that Trump has been reinstated. We need to take a page or two not only from the Democrats with their early voting and ballot harvesting but from the AIPAC guys. Where we find fun and creative ways to remind our Clowngress Critters that we are watching them. Very closely from now on
I wouldn’t say they “knee-capped” Israel. They still get a steady supply of munitions and some of the best weapons systems. Just signed a deal for a new supply of latest generation F-15’s.
@Tikkun Olan:
Yes, but according to Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin’s whining, the Biden Administration is “slow-walking” lethal aid to Israel.
They’ve toned it down since Trump was elected, but I notice that neither Shapiro nor Levin are so gung-ho about fighting Russia down to the last Ukrainian, especially when most of the weapons that would go to Israel are being used up in America’s proxy war against Russia.
In any case, between Ukraine, Taiwan, and hot spots all over the world, our troops are stretched far too thin as is to be assisting Israel. Especially when you take to DEI and CRT driving a lot of the Whites from the military and keeping a lot of Whites from being recruited.
Will he pardon the jan 6 protesters ?
Maybe if they are rappers or j*wish.
are any of them jewish?
As an aside, no one can blame Camel’s failure on Obama. He told the DNC this would happen. The Obammy’s were pushing hard for Mark Kelly, who would have won easily. But the combined force of the Clinton faction and the huge numbers at the DNC that just hate all white people and especially opposed a white nominee, won the day for non whiteness and failure. But Obama specifically warned them Camel was a loser, and he backed Mark Kelly.
Joe Biden endorsed Kamala as a big F U to the Democratic Party in revenge for not letting him run for a second term.
I am cautiously optimistic now that Trump has won. I do not see this as a victory for Whites, but as potentially giving us a few years of breathing room as American continues to decline, albeit at a slower pace than if Kamala had won. Trump is not going to be our guy this time around, just as he was not in 2016. Let us not forget that the nightmare summer of 2020/BLM riots/Covid lockdown/vax deployment all occurred under Trump’s watch. Let us be glad that radically anti-White Kamal did not win, but let us not deceive ourselves about who Trump is or what he is likely to do for us.
Trump is worse because he is understood by the plebs as pro white, which is course isn’t the case because that would be illegal.
@Fox Mulder:
Trump may not be Pro-White but he is NOT Anti-White and that is the best we can do right now. Ironically, I think that any Pro-White direction in politics is going to be fueled by what Leftists call the “White-Adjacent,” Mestizos like Enrique Tarrio and Castizos like Nick Fuentes.
Question is, will he drop the ball a second time ?
Yeah, it is the political equivalent of a child’s game from an earlier ear called “kick the can.” Eventually, you get to where the can or “breathing room” is no longer in play, and then it’s game over.
Enjoy your faux victory because our enemies didn’t just go home and pout. They are going to make sure that next time you get a noose for a necklace and necktie.
In 2002, Trump told New York Magazine of Epstein: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
And then this filth— http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/02_09_16_melaniatrump_complaint.pdf
Trump is a skank boning machine and the jews have the kompromat on him. The only way for Trump is to admit to his sinful shameful past and ask to be forgiven… I do not think he is capable. He does not trust the American people enough. We shall see.
> “Donald Trump completes the greatest comeback in American political history”.
Cannot really argue with this statement.
> I am cautiously optimistic now that Trump has won. I do not see this as a victory for Whites, but as potentially giving us a few years of breathing room as American continues to decline, albeit at a slower pace than if Kamala had won. Trump is not going to be our guy this time around, just as he was not in 2016.
He never was our Guy and never will be our guy. At the end of the day he’s still a puppet of the oligarchs (as was the whore). It’s been this way for many decades running so the chances of anyone ever being in whites’ corner is basically zero. That’s all kind of besides the point anyway. The real question is what will the remaining white populace – soon to be a minority in their own lands worldwide – do with the possible breathing room they’ve been granted? Go back to watching Talmudvision? Take back their churches? Build very strong communities resistant to the work virus or go back to negrolatry and dinduball? If whites unite to become a coherent force, things could genuinely change for the better. Nobody else can do this for whites. They have to do this themselves and in order to do so they will have to reject the falsehoods they’ve been believing with respect to just about everything. We saw what happened last time Cheetohead was Kang Cyrus. So an opportunity presents itself. Let’s not waste it this time around please.
At the very least, they should read “The Turner Diaries” and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but not to be used as a blueprint or plan for action, instead as an awakening ‘aha’ moment.
May, with the tiniest chance, they might do what you understand will not happen because ‘their guy’s is in the Oval Office.
We can keep tally on how quickly and which “promises” are reneged on. My first guess would be #1 on day 1.
1. On Day 1, “we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history.”
2. “My very first day back in the White House, I will terminate every single open border policy of the Biden-Harris administration, and we will seal the border.”
4. “We will end inflation and make America affordable again.”
5. “I will terminate the Green New Scam,” and end the electric vehicle mandate.
6. “We will pass massive tax cuts for workers” that include no tax on tips.
9. Shortly after regaining the Oval Office, “I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled … quickly.”
10. “I will prevent World War III.”
11. “I will restore peace through strength.”
14. “I am going to keep you out of wars.”
15. “We have people at the top [of the military] that are woke, and they’re all gone. We are going to get rid of them so fast.”
16. “We are going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety and beauty better than they’ve ever been before.”
17. “We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation … and clean it up, renovate it, rebuild it.”
18. I will sign an executive order that cuts federal funding “for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the shoulders of our children.”
19. I will defund any school that has a vaccine or mask mandate.
20. “I will keep men out of women’s sports.”
21. “I will fully uphold our Second Amendment.”
23. “We will restore, very quickly, free speech.”
24. “I will secure our elections.”
#23….except for those who criticize Israel.
Hail Trump!!!!
I overestimated abortion and underestimated Gaza. The decisive factors was both a collapse of Democrat turnout compared to 2020 and a substantial conversion of minority voters to Trump in 2024. The only explanation is Gaza. Inflation is awful but it was already awful in November 2022.
Abortion can’t be pure gaslighting because attempts to enshrine life it into state law failed repeatedly. Democrat voters were simply turned off. There was a massive grassroots disaffection within their base.
Good job everyone especially B/Hunter.
Everyone here and related places kept our cool, didn’t do anything to embarrass the Trump Campaign and yeah, we won a battle – nothing even remotely close to winning a/the war.
Now let’s consolidate this win, hopefully get some tough staff members, cabinet appointments.
Let’s hope for a quick cease fire in the White brothers War in Ukraine and removal of that horrible Zio pervert comedian p president of Ukraine.
Secure the border. Start using US Military against the Mexican cartels.
Maybe Fox News will rehire Meagan Kelly and Tucker Carlson or Elon Musk will start a new TV news network.
Great job everyone – especially BG/Hunter are work and discipline paid off.
> yeah, we won a battle – nothing even remotely close to winning a/the war.
Amen. Very important to keep in mind. Even K-Mac is somewhat over the moon. Greg Johnson, as SF poofter I don’t have a great deal of respect for, has a celebratory but nevertheless thoughtful response. There are still a lot of white people who need to be deprogrammed from the suicidal mind-virus they’ve been infected with.
Greg Grindr Johnson was wrong on Ukraine, and is the pontiff of the gaycist dissident right.
Johnson and his allies are simply right wing neoconservative Richard Spencers.
Great job everyone.
Has anyone else noticed, there has never been a successful Vice President running for President or assuming office ? The only one in my lifetime I can remember that was elected President after being Vice President was George HW Bush Sr., my least favorite President in my lifetime.
Look at all the failed VPs to President or didn’t get elected:
Gerald Ford
Walter Mondale.
Al Gore
Dan Quayle
Now Kamala Harris
OK I forgot Biden – “Sleepy Joe” was elected then he lost 90% of his brain.
There is a curse on VPs in our nation.
Basically, reading the comments here reveals who the most prodigious commentators are at OD as expressed by this algebraic algorithm:
(((Papist)) + Leftist) × (Pretend ((Neo-Nazi)) + FED) + Anti-Semite Sperger =
Pissed off commentator on OD crying like a biatch that Trump run.
I am happy today. Not sure why only 59% of white men voted for Trump and 52% of white women. Both percentages are over 50% but should still be higher. There are a lot of white people in America I will never figure out. God Bless the South where whites of both sexes vote Republican typically at numbers well above 60%….sometimes even as high as 80%.
This happened before and all his regime did then is obey his jew masters, it will be no different this time. I just want to know if Hunter Wallace has the guts to admit he was wrong when the inevitable happens, or will he continue with his ZOG delusions?
Aryan uprising, Hunter has said many times that he doesn’t expect Trump to do anything. That is the sensible position. I personally was rooting for Camel, because it would accelerate Texas Secession. Now, Texas will not secede, possibly ever.
Let’s look at the other side of the secession coin: Yes it’s less likely Texas will pull the trigger but more likely that California (a one-party state) will take the leap. Whites have zero representation in California – apart from poofter billionaires. Guv. Greathear might even have the cojones to do it. He has a 100% rubber-stamp legislature (not unlike the Roman senate in the imperial era) so there’s basically nothing to stop him other than the vast sums of federal fake-money pouring in.
There was a mid 50s white guy who cleans the floors and toilets flipping out at work yesterday banging shit around. Turns out I had googled him in the past and ten years ago he did a stint in the penitentiary for going around our local Big 10 campus showing a bunch of coeds his dick in the campus grocery stores and coffee shops. Figures, sexual perverts are pretty much the number one demographic in hating Trump along with black women.
“showing a bunch of coeds his dick ”
Anatomic realism.
Just helping with their biology studies.
Was his name Bill Clinton?
According to the Times of Israel,79% of “American jews” votes for Harris. That was the largest jewish support for a democratic presidential candidate in 24 years.
So the sexual pervert numbers seem to be accurate.
” Not sure why only 59% of white men voted for Trump and 52% of white women. ”
I’m not sure why > 0.0% voted for Kamala.
JP Sears weighs in…
TRUMP WINS!!! – News Update
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Well polls are once and for all a steaming load of BS. What happened to the phantom 81 million? More turnout during the scamdemic, huh? Kind of hard to rig outright without a largescale psyop going on isn’t it. Anywho, the cokes were gifted the government and the paypal mafiosi like Musk and Thiel will get a return backing Dump and Israel stays in charge of American politicians. If anything good could come from this it’s that they better get to the damn deportations ASAP.
And even a word from Dank Brandon.
Folks, we have people in our circles falsely reporting on their shows and podcasts that Trump got like 75% of white men and 69% of white women nationally. This isn’t accurate. That is the Georgia exit poll. If you go to the actual NATIONAL exit polls in CNN etc…they have white men at 59% and white women at 52%.
I am disturbed by the amount of big names in our movement repeating the wrong stats to their audiences. These high numbers of 75 and 69 aren’t even close to what recent past elections have been showing. As much as I would like those high numbers to be true, we need to have a realistic discussion as to why only 59% of white men voted for Trump and 52% of white women. Neither number is as high as it should be for those two groups.
All that aside, I am happy about the win!
Update: Now the stats are 60% white men and 53% white women. In any case, people should be going to the source for their information to check for updates instead of passing around misinformation.
What’s defined as white, jose gonzalez and maria echeveria ?
Any racial stats used by government or media are highly suspect.
United States of AIPAC, well either way I know the people in our circles make a huge fuss about these stats after every election especially when comparing white men and women. I personally don’t think either sex of whites votes as high for the Republican candidate as they should, at least in every national election I have voted in. State elections are a different matter. In my state, and other red states especially Southern ones, whites of both sexes vote very high Republican.
People in our circles don’t trust the (((MSM))) and their polls with very good reasons.
Some folks in are circles are Charlie Brown believing that Lucy is going to let him kick the football this time.
November, yes people in our circles DO in fact believe post election polls. Just about every podcast or show host in our circles makes a big deal after every election of deciphering how different demographics voted. Entire articles are written about the topic. You can’t convince me that most leaders in our movement don’t take post election polls with some degree of seriousness. The topic over how white women vote compared to men especially gets beaten like a dead horse constantly. Pre election polls are entirely different and have a leftist bias since they are usually based on phone calls when conservatives are working.
You yourself mentioned in a comment how you trusted a poll from Israel on how Jews voted. Where did Israel get those stats? Had to come from America. In any case those results are very similar to what our own post election polls always reveal for that group.
Why do we see the same patterns over and over after every election if our post election polls are nothing to go by? Blacks typically vote Democrat in the same percentages every election. This election black males shifted some which is what was predicted. Same with Hispanics when looking at how their males voted this time. White men usually vote somewhere around 60 percent give or take for the Republican. White females are typically, just 5, 7, or sometimes 10 percentage points different. Whites in the South vote for the Republican in higher percentages than most of the rest of the country in every election.
Well, people in and out of circles shouldn’t really give much credence to polling, especially in as polarized an electorate as we have in USA, and when the (((MSM)))) are openly hostile to Trump and retardicans as a rule.
That being said, on Monday, the day prior to the election, national polling showed Trump vs Harris as a 50-50 split. It didn’t turn out that way, correct?
Going back to 2016, pollsters and ‘talking heads’ has HRC beating Trump in a landslide with a 90%+ chance of becoming president. Again, they were way, way off.
So, you try to get me with a gotcha when I posted about 79% of american jews voted for Harris.
There have been a few times recently where I was going to rebuff your comments, but thought that it wasn’t worth my energy, and on another occasion, Jaye Ryan suppressed my reply.
Edison Research was the polling company responsible for the 79% jewish votes going to Harris. From the looks of the owner and senior staff, it looks like a very jewey company, so they would probably be the best at gauging who jews voted for.
Even they said that their exit polling was limited.
Edison Research, which conducts the poll for the consortium, surveyed voters in 10 states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin — and not the two states that are home to the most Jews, New York and California. Results released Tuesday night and Wednesday morning did not break down responses by religion in individual states like Pennsylvania or Michigan, battlegrounds where both campaigns had heavily appealed to Jewish voters and where some had told pollsters and journalists they were considering switching parties to vote for Trump.
Maybe, the (((MSM))) count jewish men and women as White, their votes depressed the percentages of White men and women that voted for Zion Don.
I covered this on X and foreigners like Atlas Intel nailed the final margin in all the swing states.
It is true that polling is corrupt because of the legacy media polls, but I was able to figure out what was going on.
Good point. Another example of the amount of work which needs to be done by our side. Regardless of what one may think of Vox Day (and I have some disagreements with him too), there is a tremendous point he has made repeatedly: We must build our own platforms. He’s put his money where his mouth is, too. We need our own statistics and polling info, not ones operated by the usual suspects (who have been endlessly feeding everyone lies for decades). Assuming Trump is allowed by the deep-state to actually assume office – keep in mind they can still jail him, plus numerous other tricks – there is much work to be done. A reliable stats organization is just one item of many.
Voxday is absolutely correct about building our own platforms.
A German woman married to a Spaniard with five beautiful children told me several years ago that we needed our own Netflix, in order to get our message out.
She was one of those rare women who was more based on race,the JQ, and Western civilization than her husband. She has brought him closer to her ideology, especially after having children.
We must build our own platforms.
Amen to that.
We have so little, a few underfunded courageous individuals, like HW, trying to take on a Herculean task.
We don’t even have a comprehensive outline or course on judaism. Duke has done some , martin Luther, theo frisch, but not enough.
The Lutheran church doesn’t even reveal what Luther said about the jews. No wonder we allowed their infiltration.
@Courtney et al:
Those are voters who IDENTIFIED as White. Thanks to the “post-racial” President Obama, a lot of Whites started identifying as Hispanic thus the term “White Hispanic.”
I still maintain that support for the systemic Anti-Whiteness of the Left by actual White people is a mile wide and an inch deep.
It used to be noticed only by White Separatists the number of White Liberals who live more segregated lives than the most ardent Klansman. Their money insulates them from a lot of the race-mixing initiatives by the Left.
A friend of mine used to know this leftist White woman who made sure that her daughters went to a very expensive, exclusive boarding school in Virginia. Needless to say it was Lily White and both her daughters met and married young White men from upper crust families.
Osama Bin Laden said, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse.”
Success has a thousand fathers – and mothers, it would seem – so we should support this right leaning populism that is subtly shifting Pro-White as much as we can while vetting young candidates that even more fit the bill than JD Vance and his Hindu wife.
Thanks for this information, Courtney from Alabama.. I had heard that 75/69 number and thought, “Wow! That’s more like how White people should behave!” (though disgusting that any White person at all would vote for Camel)
Deflating, but always better, to know the TRUTH.
Thanks, again.
No problem! Thanks.
Look for the post-election mentality unhinged videos. They are >90% White/European women and men being hysterical and throwing tantrums.
It’s sad and pitiful, but they have been the jews main targets for gaslighting since Gentiles first came into contact with jews.
Whites in 2024 are physically and mentally unhealthy. Too much propaganda and easy living. There’s your answer.
“I am happy today. Not sure why only 59% of white men voted for Trump and 52% of white women. Both percentages are over 50% but should still be higher. There are a lot of white people in America I will never figure out. God Bless the South where whites of both sexes vote Republican typically at numbers well above 60%….sometimes even as high as 80%.”
Exactly Courtney. The South retains its American identity precisely because it is the only region that still has a British American majority populace. As a result, they understood their interests lay with pushing Trump.. The rest of the country’s White population polled low for a number reasons. But, aside from not being true American nationals, the reason why they polled lower was so many conservative nationalist ethnic Whites followed the lead of Nick Fuentes and didn’t vote, or Trump failed to people mobilize them in the campaign. Without the implicit American identity, it was easy for them to disengage.
Trump’s support among Whites cratered to 54% from its high of 59% in 2016. In that election, Trump was more explicitly Pro-White, had White advocates, and talked White Populism. This time it was the opposite. A VP who was an American, but married to a Dot. Lots of non-Whites advocating Populism. Lots of non-Whites talking about betrayal of their Gibs, by the Democrats. The Dems countered that with mobilizing more White liberal cat ladies.
Meanwhile, the White share of the vote exploded to 72 maybe even 74% of the voter population. Simultaneously, the non-White share of the vote in absolute numbers was depressed. Finally, Trump increased his support from Hispanics going upward toward 39% in many places and with Blacks going up to around 20%. The result was a slight victory by Trump in the balance. Had his White share lost even another 1% he would’ve needed another 14% of the non White vote or he would’ve been defeated. This should be our message.
Indeed, had Trump gotten the same percentage of support among Whites he had in 2016 of around 59%, or even emulated the Bush era of 62%, and even had he the same non-White vote in those years which was less than in 2024, this race wouldn’t have even been close, it would’ve been a Trump landslide. Nonetheless, the media is now promoting incessantly that a bunch of Nick Fuentes-lite style Latino young men broke for Trump. That Latinos in general are now going for the GOP, and Dems can’t count on Blacks anymore.
This is patently a lie. Blacks voting at 80% isn’t Blacks breaking for Republicans its Blacks going back to Reagan and Bush Sr years. Same with the Hispanic vote. But, saying it was non-Whites who got him over the finish line is of course a message that will buttress the thousands of consultants and their workers who’ve tried to justify the trillions of dollars speny on political campaigns promising that Brown and Black people are going GOP. That is why it will become “The, Message.”
Right on cue, these Bush linked consultants are positioning themselves at the table for jobs in the incoming Trump Administration, because of “their” victory. The Media is promoting “The, Message,” which the consultants use as evidence to disguise their failure. Meanwhile, the Deep State, also appears to have accepted the inevitability of a Trump Administration. In fact, given certain media organs (NYT, WAPO, etc) and covert heralds of the intel and military community (Bustamante, Ryan, various interventionist writers and teachers) there is far, far, less resistance to the idea of his administration in the Establishment than in 2016 or 2020. All of this combined is worrying.
In turn, the media appears to have been given its marching orders. While there were examples of the infamous shrieking, crying, and hair pulling like in 2016, most were quite the opposite. First, loads of infamous propagandists have been moved out. Second, almost all the legacy media featured relatively unknown handlers guiding the discussion toward even adult style analysis. I found this one both particularly strange yet also satisfying to finally hear real reporting after decades of incessent and vacuous propoganda.
Their conclusions are what are striking and disturbing. They almost all made the point of saying this is a new Republican Party that the country has accepted to lead. They called it populist and working class. All good so far, but, with this caveat, “The, Message.” You see, it was a “diverse, and more Latino and black GOP” that won the election. That it was Latinos people of color that brought victory. What they are doing his creating the justification to see out the GOP’s White base, in return for multicultural populism.
This is pure disinformation meant to reinforce the talking points of our enemies within the GOP and the ruling Establishment. Having scattered them since 2016, they’ve just reshuffled the cards, reorganized, and incorporated some of the Trump MAGA narrative, such as populism, whist retaining the primary objective, national substitution and replacement of Whites with non-Whites. If we can keep to our main talking points we can finally make racial and national identity the primary and main public political discussion in the years ahead. OD, in the years ahead, could become one of the “IT” sources for the Rightwing American Populists.
I have to congratulate Trump for conducting a campaign that was even more entertaining than his first one in 2016. For that reason alone he deserved to win. If I was religious I might even say that God was on his side. But he had better turn into the “Nazi Fascist dictator” that the Establishment accuses him of being, because they are going to throw everything they’ve got at him and at his supporters. I doubt he’ll get much accomplished in his second term but at least it will not be boring.
Koshervative Christian Nationalists at The Heritage Foundation are not only responsible for the hyped “Agenda 2025,” but they are the retardican allied organization behind “Project Ester” too. Project Ester will “weaponize jews.”
Both retardicans and Christian Nationalism are worse than nothing.
Philosemitic In-Chief Zion Donald Judas Trump will be 6 million percent in favor of this.
The only question is which jewish supremacist will be Trump’s USAG?