?Breaking Now?: President Joe “Dank Brandon” Biden addresses President Trump defeating Kamala Harris in the 2024 election: https://t.co/LiSgqyzTYA pic.twitter.com/OP00Fz2xzp
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) November 6, 2024
Why I'm voting for Kamala Harris. pic.twitter.com/WpRVWSGuPd
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) November 2, 2024
White men: Don't vote for Donald Trump pic.twitter.com/Z0kynto8BW
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) November 5, 2024
Just cancelled out Richard B. Spencer's vote. pic.twitter.com/zIMtOhBZ3J
— Frasier Payne (@MeinGottNiles) November 5, 2024
Richard Spencer’s latest fantasy is that the 2024 election was “the last election.”
As usual, Spencer and other activists who have the political IQ of a cantaloupe have been proven wrong. Kamala Harris lost. Jon Tester lost in Montana. Everyone that Spencer voted for lost. Trump won in a landslide and is currently ahead by 3 points in the national popular vote.
Best of all, Dark Brandon just came out and gave a press conference in which he announced that there would be a peaceful transfer of power to Trump in January. The DOJ is folding on the Jack Smith cases against Trump. Judge Merchan is considering throwing out Trump’s conviction in the Stormy Daniels case. This is a total Trump victory over Spencer, libtards and embittered activists!
Never trust a man with effeminate mannerisms and gay voice.
Guy looks like a fed too, and I pretty much never say that about anybody.
I agree.
But if Trump appoints Lyndsey “Lady G” to a cabinet secretary position, you better get used to it. His Southern accent will put the ‘fabulous’ in Southern MIGApedes sweet tea.
They’ve been trying to destroy Trump beginning in the wake of the 2016 election with the Russian collusion crap. It only intensified since then but they utterly failed. Stirring up George Floyd style “protests” not a good look for them in the present-day reality. Going away quietly, albeit in a sea of tears and grief, is the best option for now.
To think I once respected this guy(Richard Spencer). He is now as utterly irrelevant as Joe Biden’s dog.
Once someone comes across with that affected Harvard accent, eg William Buckley, I dismiss them as gasbags.
Spencer said that Kamala is centrist and not woke…… I don’t understand on what planet this guy live….. And he has still smart people like J.F.Gariépy hanging out with him. He’s totally weird, with his religion and reasonments seems to have strategy but in reality is only capable of spewing meaningless crap.
The US is set to experience the experience the same kind of political consolidation by a party or political figure as occurred in Turkey and Hungary. It is sad to see one of the oldest democracies slide into authoritarianism like this.
Our host here tends to sneer at concerns about “our democracy” but perhaps that is because he has always taken its existence for granted. The rule of law, competitive elections (where the government does not unfairly limits the chances of the opposition), these are all things one only tends to miss when waking up one day in a country like Russia. Let us hope that kind of unfree society is not copied in the West
“(where the government does not unfairly limits the chances of the opposition)”
You mean like the democrats did by having Harris replace Biden in a manner to avoid primaries or an open convention? Or discouraging RFK Jr. from participating in the primaries, preventing him from getting on the ballot or resisting the removal of his name from the ballot when he withdrew from the race? THAT kind of democracy – rule by democrats?
they are wont to trade in a heart beat their several sovereign confederation Republic’s for a global so called “second coming” theocratic “anointed one” neo-feudal monarchy and be the willing doulos of said monarch …
When I see Spencer, I think of how the Brimelow, Taunton, Taylor, and remnants of the Regnery networks saw Spencer as the dawn of a new era of young Turk activists for the Nationalist Right. They give him money, they gave him corporate and non profit vehicles, they gave him platforms, and essentially like stupid high school boys, dropped all their cute girlfriends to fawn at the new hot chick, only to be made a joke of by her at the Senior prom. They never recovered. Brimelow’s been on a doom spiral ever since, which went over drive when he dug in at “The Castle” waiting for hordes of orcs sent from the Tower of New York City like a depressed King Theoden. Sadly, he has spurned his Ranger, so unlikely to see any happy ending.
The Taunton network essentially turned into ghosts, shil the Regnery network was burned to the ground on Spencer’s silly activism which combined drinking, sexual escapades, and dog whistling to Nazis, ending with him casting the hole thing down into flames. But, for some interventions, Spencer would’ve burned the entire Nationalist Right to the ground.
This happened not because of Jews. It happened because of ((Papists)). The ((Regnery)) vehicles were transfered to Spencer because he claimed to have become a Papist and refuted his Episcopalian mother’s upbringing. In this he was like Brimelow who likewise abandoned his Anglican faith and been flirting with Popery. Spencer knew how to press the right buttons.
The problem with Papists, is when things didn’t go their way, they usually embrace neo-Roman paganry thinking and go apocalyptic in their responses to setbacks, burning everything down in an orgy of drinking, battle, and thoughts of Valhalla. Lame.
Spencer voting for Kamala because she will continue the Empire is a laughable end to the career arc. It could only be topped with him coming at as the Bisexuality leader of a bunch of Fascist Papists under the control of the Kremlin. But, its sad to think of all the non-Papists, especially the Prods, who allowed their Protestant networks to be coppted by these Papists and be destroyed in the Papists provocations, smears of associations, and betrayals. Southrons should take this Spencer case as an example of what happens when you let Papists into your organizations.
Finally, as to the rest of Spencer’s ridiculous and manifestly false reasons as to why he is voting for Kamal, the most outlandish is how she is a continuance of stability and the American Empire. Aside from the fact Spencer spent most of his time wanting to destroy the American Empire and replace with his fictitious Neo-Roman Papist Empire, Biden-Harris has been absolutely catastrophic for the American Empire. Its literally being deing destroyed before our very eyes. Whether its the loss of 7 Embassies to revolutionaries, the loss of Afghanistan, the turning of Iraq into a Shia Mafia State, the re establishment of a Russian power in the Middle East, the reduction of American military in the Middle East, and most important the collapse of the border, the American Empire is on its last legs.
Overall, Spencer makes complete inversions of the truth. He now supports Ukraine when originally he supported Russian revanchism. He now supports the American Empire, when earlier he wanted it dismantled. He claims Harris is a continuance of stability when she is in fact the continuance of a Commie coup de etat in America. Finally, the very idea that Spencer is a Nationalist instead of a fraudulent opportunist is a joke. Its time to take stock of what guides people like Spencer and ensure such types never enter our ranks again.
Spencer is absolutely loathsome. I didn’t know he was an anti-Russia warmonger. No concern about the prospect of nuclear war. Judas got his 30 pieces, I guess Richard his too.
All very good signs. Dickey Spencer needs to take Nicky the Gay Grand Inquisitor and head off to some place more to their liking – perhaps France or Londonistan are fake-and-gay enough. Why anyone ever took either seriously I’ll never know.
If the clowns Merchan and Jack Smith drop the BS cases, the path is possibly largely cleared to a second Trump term. (The can always make another assassination attempt of course). What he’ll do this time around of course is a whole different set of questions. As for the Church of Woke: Do not ever forget even for a minute who and what these people are and what they believe. They’ve only gotten worse since that poll was taken.
(The can always make another assassination attempt of course).
That’s my greater fear.
The left always talks about love, acceptance, toleration etc. until you disagree with their opinions, then it’s murderous rage “punch a Nazi”,”he’s a Nazi, kill him”.
This is the reason I loathe the libtard and leftists, they’re all hypocrites.
Still obsessing on that fag? Let it go.
The Alt-Right leadership such as it is is composed of catty Betas who would rather hurl insults at one another and play games of one-upsmanship than work together toward any White Nationalism or betterment of the White population. The Far Right in its current state is actually just one big joke.
Richard Spencer deserves his name , a real Dick.
Us big-brained nibbas voted for Dr. Jill Stein or Dr. Cornell West. Or better yet, we didn’t vote at all.
I did this in California for several reasons. First, Trump is not called Zion Don for nothing. Second, he was not going to carry the state. Third, though I disagree with just about everything the Green Party stands for, I largely agree with their foreign policy. Hell, they even want independence for Puerto Rico. Who can argue with that? Finally, it was a big FU to the California democrats who run and ruin this state.
I am hoping Trump’s over the top support for Israel will tie the consequences to the policy. Harris will accompany the bombing with a word salad about peace. Maybe the media and the abortion fanatics criticism of Trump will spill over to Israel.
I took a very similar position to yours. IL is not much different from CA, except perhaps the Southern part (where I am) would someday have the balls to separate from the Chicago mob (Judeo-Papist – to borrow a term from our resident hasbara) who literally controls the entire state. The Repuke party is a sick joke – just as in CA. Jill Stein wasn’t even on the ballot so I didn’t cast a vote for Presidente as all 19 electors in this God-forsaken state – whose governor is the literal spittin’ image of Jabba the Hutt – were locked in for the whore anyway. I don’t think Trump (the clown) even bothered to show up here, though there were lots of Trump signs on farms and in small towns throughout the “downstate” as the Chicago mob refers to it.
So what do you think the chances are of Guv. Greathair pulling off a secession move should Trump actually do something other than offer a repeat of his miserable performance from 2017-2020? CA is a one-party state, like this one. Maybe some folks in this part could get together with others who were not in the pockets of the usual suspects and form a downstate party to actually resist Jabba and his homies.
here’s how they make fun of us; what if this was about Muslims pulling one over on Jews?
you’d never hear the end of it…
“Neo-Nazi Pulls Off Surprise Victory In Long-Held KKK District | Onion News Network”
I like your upbeat attitude. Even though a Trump win in itself doesn’t go far enough (even for my own much milder goals), it’s important for motivational reasons to enjoy that winning feeling from time to time. The alternative is to remain mired in the rut of negativity your movement is famous for. (Wasn’t it online WN that gave the world the “blackpill”? Or it may have been some MGTOW losers where I first heard it, I forget now. In any case, I’ve never encountered a blacker void than blackpilled WN.)
I hope you understand that MGTOW was a jewish psy-op to drive another wedge between White men and White women.
That being said, any heterosexual White male will never be truly MGTOW. They will just be less inclined to put up with “s$&@ tests” and other BS games women like to play.
MGTOW is the inevitable consequence of feminism, it was pre-planned that way. What better way to get white gentiles from having children and forming solid strong families?
“Oy vey, such a perfect plan”. *Rubs hands*
The first step to any meaningful change is to stop living a deluded life. This “winning feeling” is basically nothing more than celebrating your Jewish masters, it’s more pathetic than any of those things you mentioned.
The sign language stuff is extremely annoying and unnecessary. But it’s done to provide the illusion of being a compassionate liberal. Biden was f’ed over by Kamala and the Democrat Party, but he got his revenge with that “Trump people are garbage” remark. It forced Kamala’s campaign to go into damage control mode during the final days before the election.
I did not feel much towards this election. I’m just fed up with politics. I did get gaslit by the media on the abortion issue. There was a track record for it and abortion did succeed heavily in all the state elections except I think Florida. Americans apparently needed two more years of galloping inflation to get aggravated by prices and the Gaza fiasco had much larger political repercussions than I expected. The Democrats’ base was shattered.
Harris has a shy personality that is ill suited for politics. She probably is an intelligent woman but she was way too afraid and awkward in front of a camera. You could tell she was a puppet for her ideological campaign handlers. Walz is an overly performative moron. Trump at this point is an empty vessel for Republican orthodoxy. He is very old and worn down, and was in it because his life depended on it. I don’t expect much besides the usual stuff.
I am however glad that Richard Spencer lost yet again. People in many cases deserve forgiveness and second chances, but some simply do not. I look forward to relishing future Spencer embarrassments. I especially like how a few years ago after Apollonianism collapsed he tried to go his own way behind a Substack paywall and the Alex university after he finished his public raging over incels i.e. traditional men on Twitter; for about the entirety of 2021 he was doing ritual Twitter spaces over incel genocide and other such topics with “Mark” and other “Apollonians.” Getting it out of his system. During this he was repudiated by the Radfems for being a creep after he tried to eugenically outreach to them, then Apollonianism collapsed and the 5%ers abandoned him in 2022 after the Russia invasion. He had nowhere to go. So, he holed up in a paywall to try and build a new Apollonian audience without incel i.e. movement anon interference. His paywall era predictably failed because people have long since stopped trusting him and then he was faced with the awful option of crawling back to….the incels! LOL. Now he has to post all of his rants and spiel to the public for free, wide out in the open on Twitter and he does nothing but get ratio’d constantly and spit on. This is Spencer’s Endgame. I suppose in a way it IS the “last election.” I’m sure whoever is following Mark is casually liking Spencer’s tweets here and there but nobody is going to pay $500 for a “college semester course” to hear Spencer talk about how the Tragedy of Hamlet is tragic because Hamlet was an incel and Hamlet won. He still desperately tries to find an ally in the online right these days. Fuentes weirdly came into the picture not long ago, probably because Spencer wanted to subvert the juvenile AF Gen A audience. That apparently failed and now he is on to sleazing Richard Hanania, I mean Richard Hoste. His life is beyond ruined but he keeps digging downward, and that is a good thing!
” She probably is an intelligent woman but she was way too afraid and awkward in front of a camera. ”
You’re way too generous in your judgement.
Brainless blow-job vending machine is a more apt description of the creature.
Here is a much better way to “cancel out” Richard B (as in bull) Spencer’s vote:
André Rieu – España Cani
WTF is a Dick Spencer and who are these people?
Go influence yourself.
Need a good laugh?
Libturds donated $442.7 million to Kumswala.
Cue the Goodfellas laughing gangsters.
Will Joe Slovo Brandon leave his lazers for MIGA Trumpstein?
Get ready for bomb, bomb, Iran, yes you can!
A peaceful transfer just means a bunch of jews is being replaced by another bunch of jews in all positions of power. This is not a victory for Trump, it is just ZOG being in total control. I don’t support Spencer, but Wallace being excited for his jew rulers is equally bad.
“it is just ZOG being in total control.”
They aren’t in total control. They’re powerful, but far from being omnipotent.
Bring back dueling (besides banjos/guitars).
Let all these “politicians”, “activists”, “con artists”, etc start shooting each other and do us all a favor…
A duel is an arranged engagement in combat between two people with matched weapons.
During the 17th and 18th centuries (and earlier), duels were mostly single combats fought with swords (the rapier and later the small sword), but beginning in the late 18th century in England, duels were more commonly fought using pistols. Fencing and shooting continued to coexist throughout the 19th century.
The duel was based on a code of honor. Duels were fought not to kill the opponent but to gain “satisfaction”, that is, to restore one’s honor by demonstrating a willingness to risk one’s life for it. As such, the tradition of dueling was reserved for the male members of nobility; however, in the modern era, it extended to those of the upper classes. On occasion, duels with swords or pistols were fought between women.
Legislation against dueling dates back to the medieval period. The Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215) outlawed duels and civil legislation in the Holy Roman Empire against dueling was passed in the wake of the Thirty Years’ War. From the early 17th century, duels became illegal in the countries where they were practiced. Dueling largely fell out of favour in England by the mid-19th century and in Continental Europe by the turn of the 20th century. Dueling declined in the Eastern United States in the 19th century and by the time of the American Civil War, dueling had begun to wane even in the South. Public opinion, not legislation, caused the change. Research has linked the decline of dueling to increases in state capacity…
United States
…By 1859, 18 states had outlawed dueling outright, and with few exceptions, traditional dueling using seconds and formal rules of conduct had largely died out in the US by the 1870s. In 1891, Kentucky passed a law that anyone sworn into any statewide or county office or judgeship in Kentucky must declare under oath that he or she has not participated in, acted as a second or otherwise assisted in a duel, a law which is still in effect.
Crude so-called ‘quick-draw’ duels, though in reality very rare, were also fought to uphold personal honor in the western American frontier, partly influenced by the code duello brought by Southern emigrants. The quick draw duel is a common trope in a gunfighter story in most Western stories, although some of the few real life Wild West duels that did occur included the Wild Bill Hickok – Davis Tutt shootout and Luke Short – Jim Courtright duel. Gunfighters Jim Levy and Tom Carberry became infamous for participating in at least two quick draw duels in their lifetimes. Besides quick draw duels, more formal European duels were also fought in the Old West such as those participated by former cowboys Hugh Anderson and Burton C. Mossman. Settlements such as Tombstone and Dodge City, attempted to prevent these so-called duels by prohibiting civilians from carrying firearms by local ordinance, with little success. Instead, conflicts were increasingly resolved by the formation of organized law enforcement and the institution of judicial process.,,
— Wikipedia: “Duel”
Biden was f’ed over by Kamala and the Democrat Party,
He got his revenge on the Demoncrats by endorsing Kamala, she was the turd in the punch bowl.
“Trump people are garbage”
Complete parallel to Hillary’s foot in mouth “deplorables” comment.
Yeah, I don’t recall any recent Republican candidate calling the opposing voter base trash or garbage.
I am impressed.
That was Biden’s best speech.
Don’t get me wrong. His speech was full of his usual dystopian lies about what a great job he had done in his make believe world of someone not living in reality while the rest of us are being destroyed by his maniacal devastating policies: murdered/beaten/threatened/IDs stolen/etc by criminals pouring through our borders, facing poverty as prices soar and we have to cut back on what we eat and spend money on, etc, etc, etc. And no, our elections are NOT secure. How can elections be secure when not all those who vote are not being required to show a valid ID? You are on the side of criminals if you do not require voter ID. Come on! You can’t logon to your online banking account without a correct login name and password. Casting a vote should be much stricter than that.
What I am talking about was his delivery and not what he was saying.
He was never really President so by departing he will no longer be living this “presidential” lie and he must have felt inspired since he was getting back on or headed towards the right track…(or maybe the teleprompters and hidden “sound transmitters” coached him to make it sound good.)
Go Brandon… and don’t you come back…no more…no more…no more…
White Nationalist Greg Johnson’s best buds over in Ukraine are shooting Trump supporters in effigy.
You’re a great American Greg.
Johnson’s main concern is the dwindling supply of blonde catamites. I expect he cares little about the mindlessly evil slaughter of brother-on-brother wars. If things keep going in the very bad direction they are with whites, he’ll have to learn to appreciate some Haitian walnut sauce with his pizza.
The smart people on the left voted for Jill Stein if she was on their ballot or they didn’t vote, the smart people on the right voted for the libertarian party or the constitution party if they were on their ballot or they didn’t vote.
The ‘I’m with stupid’ people, which is the vast majority of people, voted for one of two neocons, Kamala or Trump, for WW3 with Russia, Iran, China and genocide, for WW3 and genocide over change.
Fantastic article now up on unz.com titled The Kosher Candidate, just in case some of you believe Drumpf represents you. A casual mention is “the billionaire New York Jew Howard Lutnick, who heads Trump’s transition team.”
That is the Jew who was in the news two weeks ago for posting that he was working closely with the Chabad Lubavitch son-in-law Kushner as they determine who will be who in the new Trump administration.
Try to remember, Trump’s brother Fred was the President of an all Jewish fraternity in college. After his death, the Jewish/Israeli newspaper Forward spoke with Fred’s former fraternity brothers. Several of them said Fred’s story was that the family is Jewish, parents and all, and that he had always been a Jew.
That would include Donald.
Some of you are even happy that this Jew got elected. The Kosher Candidate, up on Unz, explains what really happened.
It is not going to be like last time. Drumpf will never face the voters again. He is free to go totally Kosher, and he will. It is going to be far far worse than last time.
I am skeptical of Trump, but did you ever consider that Lutnick is a liar? They are kind of known for that. Did you consider that Fred was possibly lying for personal gain?