Nikki Haley: “If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, we will get a President Kamala Harris. You mark my words. He cannot win a general election…He can’t get independents. He can’t get suburban women.” (Jan. 2024) pic.twitter.com/1P9lTig0eL
— Republican Voters Against Trump (@AccountableGOP) July 22, 2024
CNN begrudgingly admits that suburban women went for Trump & were not motivated by the Dobbs decision pic.twitter.com/29E2bEfdQQ
— Kingsley Wilson (@KingsleyCortes) November 6, 2024
"If Trump l?s?s, it is w?m?n's f?ult."
— socksgrypr (@scksgrypr) November 3, 2024
– Nick Fuentes pic.twitter.com/MHZ5qfGHAx
I’m thrilled by the election results.
For most of October, I was glued to X. I wasn’t updating Occidental Dissent because there was too much information coming in about how early voting was going. We don’t have an Election Day anymore. We have an election season in most of the key battleground states. By Election Day, upwards of 70% of the expected vote had already been cast in Nevada, North Carolina and Georgia.
As I followed the early vote returns, a few things became crystal clear: 1.) black turnout was going to be down, 2.) Republicans were putting up historic leads in early voting and 3.) women were outvoting men. Either Donald Trump and Republicans were on track to win in a rout, OR, the race was much closer because Republican and Independent women were breaking for Kamala Harris. We could see clearly who was voting in states with party registration. We couldn’t tell how they were voting though.
Kamala Harris had a simple strategy.
As with Hillary Clinton, the shot of her campaign was a full throated appeal to women. She would be the first female president. Donald Trump was responsible for the Dobbs decision. The election was a referendum on women’s rights. She put all her chips on driving up the gender gap, mobilizing women and specifically on winning over Republican and Independent suburban women. The Selzer Poll on the eve of the 2024 election which had Kamala Harris winning Iowa was based on the assumption that Harris was winning women in a landslide and closing the gap with men. It was highly unlikely, but it wasn’t implausible that Republican and Independent women were responding to her messaging.
Kamala Harris went down in flames because of White women. Trump won 60% of White men, but he also won 53% of White women. He won 61% of White non-college women and 42% of White college women. He won 92% of Republican men and Republican women. 61% of White non-college women voted for Trump. The smaller than expected gender gap combined with the defection of the low propensity men to Trump doomed the Harris campaign. We knew it was over when Loudoun County, VA – the wealthiest county in America – was 95% in and Harris was only ahead by 17%.
Here is how White women voted by state:
Alabama – 82% for Trump
Arizona – 49% for Trump
Nevada – 52% for Trump
Georgia – 71% for Trump
Pennsylvania – 51% for Trump
North Carolina – 61% for Trump
Michigan – 51% for Trump
Wisconsin – 48% for Trump
Iowa – 52% for Trump
In all of the battleground states, the key voter was Krystal. Would the Krystals show up and vote for Trump or would they be swayed by the abortion messaging of the Harris campaign?
There was never any question about how married White women or religious White women were going to vote. In Arkansas, 69% of White women voted for Trump because White evangelical Protestants are so much more rightwing than any other demographic group. How would the not really religious, moderate, Independent, maybe some college White women – the Krystals – swing though?
In my opinion, the funniest part of this election is how Nick Fuentes and the Groypers and other activists who hate White women made a huge public scene about not supporting Trump, and even went so far as to prematurely blame White women for his defeat. Incels and other burned out cynical losers who base their entire identity on hating women and not voting were humiliated on Tuesday when Trump won in a landslide largely because women came out in force to vote for him in early voting.
They were right that it could have easily been otherwise. Nikki Haley repeatedly made this same argument. Trump couldn’t win because of women, suburban and Independent voters.
This election was rigged just like the last few ones were rigged. Trying to analyse these “results” seriously is no different to analysing a pro wrestling match. The winner was already selected before, the only criteria being who is more beneficial to the jews. For this election Israel was the number one concern, thus the ZOG Israel faction convinced ZOG neoliberal faction they should win.
“election was rigged ”
How can you say that, with entire Jewish media slamming Trump 24/7, with every Jewish commentator slandering Trump from every direction?
The “media” is OVAH. no one believes anything those talking heads say anymore. they literally had nothing to do with this election.
I don’t agree.
I believe they have a powerful influence on many people.
Without the Jewish smearing of Trump his victory would have been over 360 electoral votes.
Trump would have had an overwhelming landslide win.
Trump is back to save Israel from them and (((America))) from us, period.
Activists are obsessed with Israel.
Even among Jews, it is like their ninth or tenth most important issue. Normal White people care about the economy, immigration, health care and other issues that have a real impact on their lives.
AIPAC owns Congress and Israel has controlled American foreign policy for over 20 years. It’s a pretty important issue.
“Activists are obsessed with Israel.”
I think many are just cowed to say …. JEWS !
I’m proud to say that I don’t share this opinion or mindset. Those who are do are completely out of touch with reality. It is you who are obsessed with Israel, not the country. The economy was the top issue because we have just experienced the worst inflation in a generation. This is why there was a fairly uniform swing across the country away from Kamala Harris.
Wow it looks great! A fantastic beginning. Big Pharma lobbyist Susie Wiles appointed Chief of Staff, and Jewish Warmongering Neocon Brian Hook appointed head of the State Department transition team. BOOM. Winning.
lols. and RFK jr sidelined already. yep the winning goes on. /sarc.
I’ve had a pet theory for a while now that abortion is not a “real” issue, in practical terms of how it actually affects peoples’ day-to-day lives, because there’s been a large reduction in unwanted pregnancies. 2024 ain’t 1974.
I’ve never seen the stats on this, and I’m sure they’re out there, but I have seen the stats on [reproductive] sexual activity among fertile-age Americans, and it’s way down. These kids aren’t having sex! Not like their parents or even grandparents. And we already knew that birthrates are way down as well. Whatever one’s stance on abortion is at the moral and principle level, it’s just not nowhere near as relevant or impactful to peoples’ actual lives like it was 50 years ago.
Rise of inceldom, and online porn and OnlyFans modelling, dropping sperm counts and testosterone levels, girlbossism and feminism, wider access to all sorts of contraception and birth control – all of this taking a hatchet to pregnancies. Even a reduction in alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is down among young people, and we all know the role alcohol has played in unwanted pregnancy in the past.
It was a mirage of an issue, propped up by a loud minority and cynically exploited by a Kamala campaign that really didn’t have much else to run, and it didn’t resonate with White women because it’s just not that relevant right now.
I think that is at least partly the case. At the time of the Dobbs decision – which finally wisely returned the issue to the states – I asked: Why now? The pro-lifers ended up kind of winning the war in a way even with abortion being enshrined as a sacred constitutional right by judicial fiat. The rate of abortion was lower in 2022 than it was back in 1973 when the blackrobed philosophah-kangz deemed the practice a sacred right. Ironically, it also will ultimately have the effect of moving the issue off the federal slate – not that the Terminally Stupid Party had sense enough to understand this. It was a major source of endless grift from the Gay Old Party. Instead of dropping the matter in 2022 they instead enacted the most extreme restrictions possible in several states – which the gaslight media naturally put to use in creating a Handmaid’s Tale fantasy to sell to women.
It’s a fundraising and GOTV strategy for BOTH sides.I have no problem with democrats and minorities limiting their population growth. We now have to make sure they can’t import their replacements.
Well said. And if you look at the stats, most abortions are poor negro and latino women from high crime zones, most of which can’t even read or write, and certainly don’t vote. The abortion issue is 100% contrived psyop designed to trigger evangelicals dreaming of a theocracy…
Also IMO lots of women in America like to be the bossy bitch , but they don t like other bossy bitches not in politics , not in movies .
Lot s of women like to be like , look like Mrs Trump and Hackie Kennedy .
They don t like to be told they can t run for office or have careers but they really want to be glamorous GF and moms .
Nobody likes feminists
” lots of women in America like to be the bossy bitch”
Is that ever the understatement.
“Nobody likes feminists”
Jews do.
Good article. When I look at the states listed above where Hunter shows the percentage of white women who voted for Trump in each, I can’t help but notice an obvious pattern. I will give everyone a hint: separate the states where the percentage is over 60% from the states where the percentage is less than 60% , and what do you notice about the two groups created?
For those of you who keep bashing polls and statistics, nobody is saying they are exact representations of the population with 100% accuracy. What we are saying is you have to look at overall patterns like the one I hint at above. These are patterns we keep seeing over and over again after every election by the way but aren’t allowed to talk about enough because of “ divisiveness “.
I think you’re right.
Besides, what’s the big deal.
Most women who would want an abortion already live in a state with legal abortions, West Coast or Northeast. For those that live in a state without abortions it’s only aa few hours drive to a state with legal abortions.
Seems a moot point.
Unless you’re a female leftist harpy who wants to tell everyone what to do.
Yes, females of both sexes.
“those of you who keep bashing polls and statistics”
Selzer Iowa poll, Nate Silver, stan Greenberg and other failures.
“can’t help but notice an obvious pattern.”
I think most of us already had a firm intuitive idea of that pattern, without any poll.
Stan Greenberg told Southern Demoncrats that his polls showed that running on an anti-gun platform was a sure road to winning. It lead to a total slaughter of Southern Demoncrats. Anyone with better than room temperature IQ knew that the South was avidly pro-gun.
How Southern demoncrats could be so stupid as to follow a dumb Jew pollster ?
It is true that some exit polls should be taken with a grain of salt. I said this on X on election night. The AP Votecast Survey is usually accurate. We won’t have a definitive answer to how this or that group voted until the validated voter survey from Pew comes out next year.
The original polls that come out can possibly be shifted a couple points or so in a year but they seem to be accurate when looking at how groups vote compared to each other. Which whites in the country are the most right wing? Which groups vote the most democrat? That sort of thing. And the margins separating different groups are usually not that far off.
Some things are just elementary political knowledge like White evangelical Protestants being much more rightwing than other Whites and White atheists being vastly more leftwing. This is controversial among activists who are concentrated in the secular to atheist stratum of the population that doesn’t identify with the Left. It is under 3% of all atheists in America, but a lot of people are making the jump. Richard Spencer, for example, embraced and voted for Kamala Harris
I notice a lot of people are in denial in our movement when comparing regional differences between whites as well as when some of them claim Catholics are more conservative than Protestants. This is why I like this stuff so much. And people are also in denial about how white women are historically the only group that votes Republican with white men.
Yep, southern whites sure have some enviable bloc voting rates. Not much has gone right for southerners the past sixty years, but they definitely get top marks in the threat detection department.
The simple answer is that native White women in the South are evangelical Protestants.
White evangelical Protestants are the most rightwing group in the country. This is why like 80% of White women in Alabama voted for Trump – again. Elsewhere, White women who do not have this ethnic, cultural and religious background are more leftwing. The same is true of White men. To no one’s surprise, Vermont, Washington and Oregon voted for Kamala Harris.
“To no one’s surprise, Vermont, Washington and Oregon voted for Kamala Harris.”
Those who are most isolated from the blessings of diversity.
Did you see, unlike the rest of the nation, Washington became more blue in this election ?
Someone else pointed out that every state Harris won has no form of voter ID requirement – in print or with photo.
Then why did Roy Moore lose?
The more I look at it the more it seems to me that inflation was the real killer for the Democrats. My initial gut reaction was Gaza and it did have a profound effect but the across the board shift can only be attributed to the galloping inflation that’s been going on since Spring 2021.
53% is a slim majority. Trump is still below Romney’s 59% of the entire white vote. What this means is that Trump dipped in to the Democrats’ base and stole some votes. The culprits are Gaza and inflation. The Democrats’ brutal crackdown on those protests on and off the universities had consequences. Inflation has been ruinous for everyone, especially poor people and those trying to buy a home. I think the women who tipped the scales were simply voting with their wallets. Abortion was a concern for sure, it won everywhere except Florida, a state dominated by old people, but inflation and Gaza were worse for different reasons.
In terms of social conservatism and what not, there’s nothing about the incoming administration that is really inherently conservative when you consider the resounding success of abortion in all the state elections. Women are still approving abortion. If they approve abortion, what other parts of the sexual revolution would they not also approve? Republicans ran against transgenderism hard but it was all couched in the vaguely pseudo-feminist rhetoric of “women’s sports.” It was never confronted head on as being inherently disgusting and unnatural. Trump threaded the needle on the abortion issue by relentlessly deferring to state’s rights, which is basically a non-answer but his personal charm allowed him to get away with it, and so the issue faded from view. Ironically this election wasn’t really about women and abortion. Inflationary devastation and the ongoing, umitigated fiasco in the middle east shattered the Dem base.
“ Women are still approving abortion”
I don’t support abortion but to be fair, the same amount of men approve of it as women. I have seen polls that show they support it more. I know “ polls aren’t entirely accurate “ but the numbers have at least got to be pretty equal based on what we see. Men just don’t incorporate it into their voting as much though.
In regards to 53% not being a good number, white men weren’t that much further ahead in that regard. Everyone always focuses on the percentage white women vote at but not the gap between them and white men. If white men voted republican at 90% every time or even 70%, which they don’t by the way, I could understand why so many people bash how white women vote.
There are plenty of garbage men out there. How else can something like Onlyfans become successful? White averages are typically split near 50% because of the Yankee cultural divide. White men lean further right by no more than 10% and vice versa for women, give or take. It’s been like this for eons with the blacks voting well over 90% consistently as a bloc, etc. I don’t know all the stats for each of the state elections where abortion was on the ballot. Men tend to be more apathetic about abortion whereas women have to carry the kid which makes them more vulnerable in general and dependent on men, which is a big no no, so I assume there is a bigger spread. When it came to voting for either Trump or Harris, abortion doesn’t seem to have been the decisive factor.
The eye opener for me this election in terms of statistics was how Trump captured a substantial portion of the youth vote 18-29. That has Gaza/Inflation written all over it. Haley or Desantis would have squandered that discontent but Trump’s novelty fully absorbed it.
Since we now live in a society of “strong independent women” where women have to also pay bills, the ability to afford life superceded anything else in this election. And even then 53% for Trump is only slightly better than a split.
I think if we were living in normal economic times where there wasn’t massive inflation the past 3.5 years, white women would have gone to Kamala.
At the end of the day, women are like water: they take the shape of the container (society) you put them in. They will only have conservative values if the society they are in is conservative. That’s why you see white women voting for Trump in such high rates in Southern red states.
The problem with your post is you think Nick Fuentes or incels or whoever are losers but his description of women based on where he is from is (unfortunately) accurate.
There needs to be some kind of middle ground where we don’t hate women but also acknowledge their severe limitations.
In regards to “ only 53% of white women voting for Trump”, well for white men it is only 7 percentage points higher, which is close to what the gap usually is. So 40% of white men DID NOT vote for Trump. Yes there is always a gap between the two but there is a large minority of both white men and women who vote against their interests.
There are always going to be panderers and weaklings looking to score cheap points by pretending that women are somehow guardians of morality and that so-called “misogynists” are just losers. Male feminists are well-known to be some of the biggest covert misogynists – they have whores for mothers. Only when women are raised in families where they know their place can they be strong adherents of traditional morality. And that requires giving men the freedom to use force.
A pollster was interviewed on a talk show. He said that White women who supported Harris were all single, most White women who supported Trump were married. Every White woman with a White baby supported Trump.
White Nationalists are populated by men who tend to be contrarian. Women tend to be more pragmatic. Women’s support for leftism is a mile wide and an inch deep. If Trump and Vance succeed in taking this country to right-wing conservative, many of these women will also be social conservatives.
The average woman will always conform to the mower powerful culture. It’s a self-preservation technique for both her children and her.
The fact that the majority of White women once again voted for Trump does not surprise me with these economic and border issues set off by the Biden-Harris administration. I imagine that those in Blue areas may even be registered Democrats but voted for Trump. They’ll go back to bashing Trump with their Democrat friends. That is why the Democrat Party was so surprised.
These people are literally brain damaged:
Yeah, Poopy pants, resign just so that we can pretend she was president for one day. That’ll show everyone that Democracy is safe.
Queen Chlamydia the BJ Vendomat reigns supreme (for a day).
Very interesting article. A lot of those non-college white women are working their butts off every day at marginal jobs. They are far more aware of nuts and bolts economics – what things actually cost at the local grocery – than university-edumacated airheads with advanced degrees in sociology, feminist theory, etc. Abortion wasn’t as important because real life issues clearly got a lot worse under the Church of Woke policies of the folks who put forth the Harris sockpuppet. Maybe some of these ladies even figured out that Dobbs didn’t much effect the ability to get an abortion except in certain states. I suspect these white working women sensed the true Kamala Harris – who has never been anything but a backstabbing, climbing whore – and voted accordingly. Good for them.
OT I know but very interesting. I imagine there will be a government investigation of this school, they will be found ‘out of compliance’ with a list of government regulations a yard long (they are out of compliance, that’s partly why they are successful) and they will be shut down. They will then have to meet teachers’ union and diversity standards so they can join the miles long list of failed government run schools. This school is a big middle finger to diversity and the edumacion racket, one of the most expensive and destructive of the numerous grifts, rackets, frauds and self-dealing that constitute what passes for an “economy” in der Heimat of the glorious GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire.
Nowhere does the genius reporter mention of course that the school is basically %100 White which more than any other factor accounts for its success. I wonder how Baltimore public schools are doing? No doubt turning out geniuses by the ton.
Tons of expiring rocket-scientists, medical researchers and rappers – not to mention land whales and water buffalos.
The above Julia roberts commercial shows a script agenda conceived by a (((devious))) mind, with an underlying distrust between a woman and her husband. Also, it implicitly teaches manipulative deceit.
I know the sort of mind that thinks in those terms.
No way in hell those “white women” would ever vote for a real pro white candidate like David Duke. They just finally figured out that Trumpstein is a cuck who is blending colored men with whites by turning them into fake conservatives. You all are forgetting that women are the root cause of Americas decline. It was mostly them who pushed for civil rights.
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any states where White women are responsible for our decline. Usually, White men and White women vote for the same candidate.
“ They just finally figured out……”
This isn’t a new thing. Historically white women have only voted for the democrat twice and you have to reach way back for that.
Women are the weakest link of 100% unabashedly pro-White European political movement.
“voting” lol
Big Jew wanted Trump, they got Trump. Period.
All they had to do was not steal it.
Trump is back to save Israel from the and (((America))) from us, period.
Watch and see.
This is nonsense.
They “wanted” Trump so bad that the plan was to imprison him for the rest of his life. LMAO
Oh, they wanted Trump. Netanyahu is already making plans to “finish the job” so that that the Gazan refugees will finally seek refuge in Europe and America, leaving all of that beachfront property to Zionists for condos and the carnival.
The only bigger pro-Israel shill than Trump is John Bowman, who will be POTUS before the midterms.
The plan was to sue him for hundreds of millions of dollars in civil court amd imprison him for the rest of his life. They really wanted him to return to power. The only people stupid enough to believe this are activists
I disagree. Activists give up a $6,000 per new baby refundable child tax credit and $3,000 each for every other child under 17 in exchange for “liberal tears” which are not flowing.
They were stunned at first but do not care now because the MAGA, Cornyn republican, Michigan Muslim, Zionist, and wait for it… Latino men coalition is going to be a trainwreck.
Whites give Trump and republicans their votes for nothing, but Latinos and Muslims expect something in return and they will get it. Latinos want White skilled labor jobs (no union needed) and influence in the republican party.
Muslims want Palestinians out of Gaza. Guess where those refugees will end up?
Meanwhile when no one is looking, Elon, Peter Thiel and Jeff Bezos are looking for 2 trillion to cut from seniors, the poor and government jobs that will not affect their corporate subsidies (welfare). JD Vance is the empty vessel waiting to be filled with their agenda, as long as Trump goes through with green cards stapled to immigrants with college degrees.
Vivek is telling MAGA to lay off Biden now, the election is over. Really?
Most white women are pro abortion, they want that option to kill, especially if it is a niglet, which is very common with them. But both candidates were pro abortion this time. Trump made it crystal clear he is pro abortion and he would not ban any of it. At least he was honest about that.
I now see posts coming out of the campaign that Kennedy (RFK) is being dumped. He was useful up until election day. That betrayal was 100% predictable, and Kennedy knew it. He has only been hoping that Trump will keep him out of jail and alive. He has stepped on a lot of powerful toes. And the billionaire New York Jews are in charge of the transition. There will be no room in there for RFK.
Secession is the only way forward.
How do you know that most white women are pro abortion? And how many white men are pro abortion in comparison? I am talking about if we examined this issue alone and not how people vote. Or both.
I waiting for a plausible explanation of the 10 million more votes Biden received in 2020 than Harris received in 2024. They didn’t go to Trump or third party candidates. There aren’t enough muslims to have sat out the election over Gaza. These voters weren’t turned off by Fox News and Russian disinformation because they watch “trusted news sources”. They didn’t die from Covid because they believed Biden and got their vaccines. They didn’t suddenly turn racist or misogynistic after voting for Harris on the ticket in 2020. Biden certainly doesn’t have rockstar charisma exceeding even Obama that no one else can hope to match.
It’s a real mystery.
Part of the lower turnout is undoubtedly due to four years of being blackpilled on Joe Biden.
The mystery of the missing voters though can be explained by the absence of Zuckbucks in 2024, COVID era rules on ballot harvesting and various changes in election laws in states like Wisconsin and Georgia since 2020. Basically, they used COVID to harvest millions of phantom ballots. I hope the incoming Trump administration investigates it and gets to the bottom of it. Democrats in Pennsylvania went into 2020 with a whopping 1 million vote lead in early voting which for some reason which vanished in 2024. Who were those people who voted for Joe Biden in Philadelphia?
Sailer just raised another factor which may have flipped a fair number of white women against the whore. In addition to being the kind of feminist who sucked her way to the top of the greasy pole, she’s a big supporter (and profiteer) from the whole Tranny Industrial Complex which has arisen with the Church of Woke. White suburban soccer-moms are not so keen on this particular racket in most parts of the country. As HW and Courtney noted, the white women in the South tend to be evangelicals who are more likely to be appalled at this BS to boot.
” Who were those people who voted for Joe Biden in Philadelphia?”
The dead people didn’t show up very much this time around.
. . . second prize is two weeks in Filthadelphia. (Old WC Fields joke)
“Basically, they used COVID to harvest millions of phantom ballots. I hope the incoming Trump administration investigates it and gets to the bottom of it. ”
Yet you don’t believe the 2020 election was rigged ?
White women with two brain cells should have voted for the tangerine turd out of their own safety.
Though I doubt that Trump will deport 10 million illegals. The prospect of ridding America illegals aliens that are sexual predators had to be close to being an impetus to voting for Trump, as the prices of milk, eggs, beef, et al.
White women are the main targets of POC sexual criminality whether they are here legally or otherwise.
Exit polls differ on giving white women credit for Trump winning:
* Harris wins 45% of white women voters nationwide; Trump wins 53%. Trump’s share is down 2 percentage points from a 2020 exit poll.
The primary reason Kamala lost is because she was ten million fake ballots short of the Biden total. This is because of the Jews.
As for the real votes, Kamala lost because of men, period. If it were up to women, she would have won. A few more white women voted for Trump because they’re married and influenced by their husbands. A couple percentage points of white women going for Trump is no more than the negro and hispanic men voting for Trump because they’re not going to vote for some Hindu-Haitian Witch. White women shouldn’t get any credit when nearly half of them support Kamala.
Incidentally, Catholics gave Trump 56% of the vote, which is right in line with the white vote overall. It’s important to remember that “Catholic” in America is really a cultural/background identifier, it indicates someone who was baptized Catholic who has neither joined a Protestant or “Evangelical” sect or become a confessed atheist. Because the Catholic Church has not seriously catechized Catholics for nearly 60 years now, baptized Catholics views are more representative of the population as a whole, as opposed to having views showing serious religious adherence. Considering that many Catholics are non-white, the 56 percent support for Trump should be seen as a sign that white Catholics are generally more conservative than Yankees, and practically as conservative as Southerners, given that white Southerners (represented by Brad’s history) identify as conservatives as a means to avoid black rule.
Republicans win because of white men. White men need to be first in line, instead, they’re last in line when it comes to representation.
Maybe this is what persuaded the white wymyms to vote for Doktor-T. You have to wait to the end for the best part though.
The Pro-Abortion pack only obliquely addresses the Silverback Guerrilla in the room. Rape. The Color of Crime is disproportionately Black on White per FBI records, which they stopped making public. And those were reported rapes.
Thanks to the Democrats going full-force Blacketty-Black, any White woman who has a confrontation with Blacks has been ridiculed – Barbecue Becky, Permit Patty – and/or seen her life ruined: social ostracism, job loss, etc. I imagine any rape reports have dived dramatically since George Floyd overdosed under Derek Chavin’s knee.
That’s why the Republicans didn’t see their red wave in 2022. None of them was politically savvy enough to make no changes to what was going on in their state with abortion or have the voters of the state vote on an abortion referendum. Which is why things backfired so miserably.
White women are easily manipulated by Jewish media. They associate rap with masculinity, have tattoos, hate kids, think white men are pathetic and have had their natural nurturing instincts rerouted to helping refugees and minorities, hating white men.
This has been a long-going process, starting with the Gloria Steinheim (jew) national resisitance aping, where women needed to dissociate from men like black people in the Empire needed to separate from their fellow white subjects (also a Jewish canard). Then the whorishness started with Madonna and it’s all about thoting and manipulating men. The last point of degeneration before old-age extinction seems to be making themselves shrill and unattractive.
Jewish Hollywood’s last White male sex symbol was Brad Pitt (65 y/o) and the last White female sex symbol was Jessica Simpson (45 y/o). The hate-rape of White women by the semite (Weinstein-esque) phase is over. Now it’s the denigration and infertility stage for white women.