Holy sh*t. I might actually be able to tell the truth on YouTube again. This will send shockwaves through all of big tech and the intelligence agencies pic.twitter.com/DEhgMgpxZx
— Clint Russell (@LibertyLockPod) November 8, 2024
Trump's plan to abolish the trans agenda! pic.twitter.com/svfZP6Uot3
— Martinez Clips (@martinez_clips) November 9, 2024
#BREAKING: President-elect Trump plans to withdraw American troops from norther Syria, per RFK Jr.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 9, 2024
Donald Trump told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he will work to end the war in Gaza Per @axios
— OSZ (@OpenSourceZone) November 8, 2024
REPORT: Major companies make plans to slash production in China as Trump prepare to take office – Axios
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 8, 2024
There it is. Trump plans to impose rightwing policies like voter ID on blue states where he is deeply unpopular. pic.twitter.com/dMjW6CeAvf
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 8, 2024
Breaking: Trump Team considering relocating The Environmental Protection Agency out of Washington DC per @nytimes
— OSZ (@OpenSourceZone) November 8, 2024
BREAKING: Senior advisor to President-elect Trump says administration will focus on ending Russia-Ukraine war rather than gaining back Russia-occupied territory – BBC
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 9, 2024
Well… will you look at that. pic.twitter.com/dAiPY2TbAr
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) November 8, 2024
JUST IN: President-elect Trump asks trade protectionist, Robert Lighthizer, to "run US trade policy" – Financial Times
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 8, 2024
Trump is also reportedly set to offer the commerce secretary job to Linda McMahon, who co-chairs the transition team
Three days since Donald Trump's historic landslide and already….
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2024
– The EU says it wants to buy American natural gas to avoid Trump's tariffs.
– Putin says he will sell Russian oil in US Dollars.
– Hamas is calling for peace.
– Zelenskyy held a private phone call with President…
JUST IN: Putin says Russia is ready to restore relations with the United States
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) November 7, 2024
Mexico's migrant caravan breaking up after Trump victory per @Reuters
— OSZ (@OpenSourceZone) November 8, 2024
Trump winning is emboldening people who self-censored. You love to see it ? https://t.co/5wvJOO5tX2
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) November 8, 2024
JUST IN: Jared Kushner has ruled out being in the next Trump administration – FT
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 8, 2024
Senator-elect Jim Banks says on CNN says he hopes at least 15 million migrants are deported under Trump's watch pic.twitter.com/778ZjUK502
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 8, 2024
I’ve been flagging these on X.
In many cases, let the record show that activists either 1.) voted against this out of pure antisocial rage to “own the conservatives” or 2.) encouraged White people not to vote for Trump.
Note: As usual, we will see how it goes when Trump actually takes office, but nevertheless I wanted to share the good news because I know it isn’t being shared elsewhere.

Trump is in incredible danger.
Almost 2 million Russian and Ukrainian lives have been lost.
What’s one more goy?
“Trump winning is emboldening people…”
So true!
I think Trump’s strong public character is one of the major reasons the libtard media opposed him, because courage is contagious.
The very last thing the established libtards want is a courageous right.
Joe Rogan is the same philosemite got who is married to a jewish mud shark who recently said something to the affect, “When jews begin to get blamed, civilizations are in collapse.”
Theo Von grew up on with David Duke as a neighbor, so he understands the JQ/JP.
“When jews begin to get blamed, civilizations are in collapse.”
When Rome crushed Israel they had 2 centuries of prosperity, power and peace, it was the golden age of Rome.
Good news about Kushner. Hopefully that means Mike Pompeo will also be kept away. I also hope that Tulsi is rewarded with a position somewhere.
“Hopefully that means Mike Pompeo will also be kept away. I also hope that Tulsi is rewarded with a position somewhere.”
Actually, Pompeo was ruled out this morning. Its likely Tulsi will be offered a position. The question is will she take it. There are other opportunities for the RFK-Tulsi faction in MAGA. I predict these two will probably finish off the GOPe in the next four years and will do so in California and/or New York.
Two things should be abolished.
1) voting machines.
Machines can always be tampered with and subject to failure.
Paper ballots can be recounted , confirmed and repeatedly tested.
(Indelibly marked ballots, none of this punched chad nonsense.)
2) winner-take-all states.
Electors should be proportional to votes cast.
The Constitution obviously does not even call for a mass vote by the entire population. It is supposed to be done by electors chosen by the State legislatures, equal to each state’s number of Senators and Representatives.
You do not want Congressional Districts determining electoral votes, given that the Democrats are setting up a system where federal and state courts overturn Republican gerrymandering and uphold Democratic Gerrymandering.
I didn’t mean that.
I mean electoral votes proportional to popular vote within a state.
@United States of AIPAC,
“Two things should be abolished.
“1) voting machines.
Machines can always be tampered with and subject to failure.”
Actually, scantron machines and other types of mechanical scanning machines are increadibly difficult to tamper with. Its the computer digital machines such as used by Dominion, which are easier to tamper with, but still, no machine is full proof.
“Paper ballots can be recounted , confirmed and repeatedly tested.
(Indelibly marked ballots, none of this punched chad nonsense.)”
Actually one of the easiest methods of tampering with votes is the human oriented counting process. Its open to mistakes, outright bribery and fackery. Using hand counted paper balloting methods were the political racketeer groups like Tammany Hall in NYC, and the Combine in Chicago, preferred method of vote rigging. The reason we have machines on counting was due to human corruption.
Getting rid of machines is what the ((Cartels)), ((Mafias)), and ((Mobs)) want the most. What we need is a combination of the two which provides a more accurate vote, is auditable, and has strict chain of custody. The Papists don’t want that which is why they push Paper Ballots as the sole cue (its worse than the disease) to computer corruption.
“2) winner-take-all states.
Electors should be proportional to votes cast.”
If we did that, the Presidency would mirror Congressional elections. It would be more Parliamentary in the governing process. At which point people will say just make the Congressman the electors. Which is what they was back in antebellum America. So, unless you want AOC electing the President, and contested elections which end with the House of Representatives choosing the President, you better keep winner take all for electors.
What we should do is involve the elector candidates and the elector college more involved in the Presidential campaigns and administrations. Basically require President candidates to have Parliamentary style question time at each state Elector College candidate meetings. Imagine 50 State oriented debates cobtrolled by Presdiential candidate supporters.
A real Electoral College would end the corrupt nature of allowing globalist corporate media running debates and much of campaigns, replacing it with people who actually have direct skin in in the game. The Elector College candidates could organize the grass roots, who would question Presidential candidates in public, and who would work in the subsequent winning administration. This would help pull American political leadership from the gutter were it remains for now.
Wouldn’t hold my breath.
Other than tariffs, Trump didn’t do anything significantly different from his predecessors, just occupied space.
Charlie Kirk is probably just making stuff up.
I’m gonna watch Russia Today, today and see what they have to say.
I’m expecting Trump to stay the course set by Tony Blinken and Kushner before him.
And if he does do anything different, it’ll probably be something bad, like starting a war with Iran, or even Mexico, under the guise of wanting to go after the cartels, when really it’s because they want access to Mexico’s resources.
I heard Mexico is attempting to nationalize its energy sector, uncle Sam hates that.
“@Karl Logan,
“And if he does do anything different, it’ll probably be something bad, like starting a war with Iran, or even Mexico, under the guise of wanting to go after the cartels, when really it’s because they want access to Mexico’s resources.”
My estimate is a second War Against Mexico is more likely than a war with Russia. Some sort of military intervention is even more slightly likely there than in Taiwan. As it is, Mexico has been a major disruptor to US interests, and has continually interfered in America’s internal affairs for generations. Its interventions have only grown bolder and more powerful, until today, there are more Mexican covert intelligence staff inside the US than any other country in the world.
Of course, Mexico already is in a unofficial alliance with China and Russia. With China, the alliance takes the firm of both legal and illegal trade and official diplomatic agreements. Much of the industrial production pulled from China is being sent to Mexico and other third countries like Vietnam, Phillipines and Indonesia. Only a portion is set to come back to US as of now. Additionally almost all of the precursor elements for fentynal and other narcotics shipped from Mexico comes from China. As to Russia, Mexico has recently signed an agreement to enter Putin’s competing international banking and economic bloc and like other ((Neo-Nazis)) here opposes Ukraine.
Because of these agreements and ongoing statements by the regime, in case of war with either Russia or China, expect Mexico to be an unofficial co-belligerent against the US. Right now Mexico has massive assymetrical superiority over the US in the border states and is spreading it to places like Hunter’s fishing hole. If they succeed in expanding in the next few years, expect sudden “accidents” to happen to people like Hunter should they write articles opposing Mexico’s interests like restricting illegal and legal immigration. In fact, it might be already happened. It will happen once Trump engages to secure the Border.
Given Mexico’s growing assymetrical superiority, inexorable covert take over of local governments, and the neighborhood by neighborhood, town by town, county by county colonization of America which has seen it become the dominant power in the Southwestern US, Mexico would rather not engage directly with America and just keep the good times rolling. It benefits Mexico to keep America away from border and Mexico. That is why you see relatively little violence inside places like El Paso in Texas, where many Cartel leaders live, but massive violence inside Juarez, right across the border in Mexico. Its also why you saw Mexico interfered in our elections in 2016 and 2020 and even in 2024 to stop Trump.
If Trump fully implements a true mass deportation, and the current ((Latino)) Leftist regime reacts with force, expect mass civil insurrection directed by Mexico’s massive diplomatic presence in the US. Mexico’s diplomatic corps is the largest of any country in America. Its arguably got the largest espionage network in the US of any country. Combined with what the cartels have, Mexico will bring out a full scale covert war including propoganda, psychological operations, assassinations, electoral interference, bribery, intimidation etc.. America will have a hard time keeping anything in the Southwest if it is simultaneously engaged with a conflict in Ukraine, in the Middle East, or with China.
Thus, its possible and the wisest option, to see Trump react immediately with massive military force on the border to secure and stabilize the situation to face down Mexico, until we can secure the interior. Something along the lines of the Mexico-American border war of 1910-1922 which saw 150,000 army troops and scores of thousands of State scouts and rangers deploy on the border and eventually invade Mexico during WWI is what Trump should implement to throw Mexico off while the Federal internal securuty apparatus is reprogrammed and deployed to roll up the Cartels and Mexico’s Diplomatic staff inside America. Given the scale of the problem, 150,000 troops is too small and will require anywhere from 350,000 to 600,000 troops to secure the border.
Whatever size of Trump’s intervention to secure the border, its certain violent engagements will take place between Cartel smugglers, covert Mexican forces, and Mexican nationalists. So, yeah, things are going to get spicy with Mexico. This has less to do with securing Mexico’s energy, than straight national survival. There are now almost more Mexicans in the Southwest than there are Whites. Texas is down to 45% White. Alabama and other southern states are rapidly filling up with Mexicans and are the principle reason places like Georgia are tipping Democrat. Its almost certain a main conflict is going to occurr in the border with Mexico. It wouldn’t be the first, nor even the second time. Its been ongoing to one degree or another for quiet some time. Now it’s time to reduce it to a mere shootout or two. But, if you think that can be done with Spec Ops sneaky squirrel snake commando stuff think again. There’s just too many heavily weaponized beaners and corrupted Gringos from Hunter’s Fishing hole down to the Northern Mexico.
If, Mexico really is hostile to the US, If, it’s only because America is an imperialist neocolonial state.
If Mexico wants more socialism than you guys have, that’s Mexico’s business, not yours, you shouldn’t use that as an excuse to plunder them.
America only has itself and maybe Israel to blame for all its problems.
Just finish your wall (which Trump won’t do of course because he’s a neocon, not a paleocon, nor a national populist) and deport illegals.
Stop invading and occupying other countries, enforcing the petrol dollar at gunpoint, stop extorting them, disrespecting them, sanctioning them and funding terrorists.
Maybe spend money on infrastructure and affordable housing either through the private sector by getting rid of nimbyism, excess taxes and regs, or through the public sector by spending billions on government housing instead of on terrorism, ethnic cleaning and genocide like you usually do, and maybe you wouldn’t have so many people addicted to drugs because there wouldn’t be a housing crisis.
BRICS is not your enemy, you guys are your own worst enemy, and the enemy of the whole world.
I am pro-BRICS-Mexico.
We need BRICS-Mexico as a counterbalance to American imperialism and Israeli neocolonialism.
You guys have become the world’s pariah, the enemy of humanity.
Oh and lastly, America doesn’t need the so called ‘developing world’ to traffic children and drugs, you and Israel are the undisputed masters at that, that’s what the Epstein saga taught us.
And it’s not just the Jewish Mafia, the Italian Mafia and the Irish Mafia, it’s the Anglo-mafia, yes it’s the English, the English, the English have been playing this game since before the opium wars and rest assured they’re playing it now.
Remember the words of Jesus, ‘1st remove the log from your own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the twig from your brother’s eye’.
We know what neoliberalism/unfettered capitalism means in practice, it means cutting taxes on the rich, cutting spending on the poor, and borrowing trillions to spend on corporations, imperialism and genocide.
You can keep it.
Fox News reports Marco Rubio, Bill Hagerty and Rick Grenelle are the potential choices for secretary of state.
Mike Waltz and Mike Pompeo are the potential choices for secretary of defense.
All 5 of these men are warmongers infected with Neocon ideas.
Now Benny Johnson is reporting some good news:
Trump will not include Nikki Haley or Mike Pompeo in his administration.
This is what needs to be done. The very worst warmongers in the Republican Party need to be blacklisted.
Don’t forget POS Christian zionist to the bone marrow pencil neck Tom Cotton has been mentioned as SecDef too.
I followed his presidency and your blog closely during the Trump presidency. I would be cautiously optimistic given that Trump can be easily misled and have his interests diverted. Remember how his first order of business during his first term was tax cuts?
There is no good news. Some people are delusional. Except the tariffs. He might do that. The rest is hopium.
Better circumstances ?
“Self-Censorship is Rising”
You’re ‘cherry picking “whitepills.”
Have you seen what Colonel McGregor and Michael Tracey have said about who Trump is surrounding himself with? It’s not only McGregor and Tracey, but many other top shelf non-liberal analysts that are cautioning MAGAtards to not get ahead of themselves.
Michael Tracy did good work, getting Lutnick to admit he would seek input from Jared Kushner. Kushner was subsequently forced to clarify that he will not play a role in the new administration.
Tracy was right to point out that Mike Pompeo’s foreign policy views are identical to Liz Cheney’s. Trump subsequently announced that Pompeo and Haley would not be serving in his administration.
Kepp up the good work, Mr. Michael Tracy!
As far as deportation goes, I hope DJT focuses on fixing just the Red states first and just completely ignores the Blue states if possible. Let the Red states receive the benefits first to clean up their societies and start building success that will continue to grow during his four years in office.
So deport all the illegals out of the Red states first, especially those states run by competent Governors such as Texas and Florida. And make all the other changes (that the Blue states will fight against) in the Red states first and work though all the unexpected gotchas and get the Red states cleaned up as best as possible. This will cause all these illegals who aren’t caught and deported in the Red states to flee into the Blue states and burden their welfare systems to the max.
Now, the Blue states are going to fight against DJT tooth and nail; use the courts, against anything he tries; cause social unrest through their shock troops — Antifa, BLM, other crazy radicals on the streets; fight against and stop Hitler with whatever it takes; delay, delay, delay, resist, resist, resist, take to the streets and burn down their own stuff (that would help)…
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Deportation should at first be limited to gang-members and other criminals paid by NGOs to invade. At the same time, RICO cases need to be brought against biznisses and NGOs, including Churches, who’ve been profiteering from the invasion, including the arrest of their assets. Most immigration lawyers involved in the racket should be charged with treason and disbarred. That’s going after a few hundred-thousand instead of the gaslight media visions of Holocaust trains filled with brown wymyn and children headed across desert to Mexico – who presidente is some “Papist” with a very Mexican name of Sheinbaum.
Talk is cheap. We’ve heard it all before. It’s way too early to tell much of anything at this stage and even HW stated he didn’t expect much from Trump 2.0 except it would be a respite from the unending war against whites we saw with “Biden” and the string-pullers. What’s far more important is what whites do with this respite. Their salvation will come only from their own repentance and rejection of the numerous lies they’ve been marinated in for decades running.
Defund the sanctuary cities and the sanctuary states.
Make Antifa the #1 anti-terrorism priority. Every Antifa member who has ever committed a crime needs to be brought to trial.
That would be another useful step in encouraging millions of invaders to self-deport. The invaders pouring across are not Mexicans – that was more the case in the 1990s and the Bush years. Even a surprising number of Mexicans have returned to Mexico after making and saving money. Mexico itself has been enriched by welfare payments from USGOV. These should stop at once. Most of the invaders since the Obama era have been drawn from Central America, Haiti (even those who were employed as cheap labor in distant Chile), Africa, China and elsewhere around the planet. Cutting off federal funds from sanctuary cities and states would be another useful step in encouraging self-deportation. Trump would need a cooperative congress to completely carry out the defunding of such states and cities. As I noted above, it’s way to early to start counting chickens but the nixing of Pompeo and Haley are unquestionable good signs. Supposedly Don Jr. has a lot more influence now which may be another white pill. Don’t forget Raskin’s threat though. A lot can still happen between now and January 20th.
Defund the sanctuary cities and the sanctuary states.
USe the interstate commerce clause to punish areas and hiway funding. That’s the surreptitious method libtards used to force so many woke policies.
Deny military contracts to areas not enforcing immigration laws.
That will really hurt.
Pastor Rick Wiles of TruNews explained succinctly why the DOJ will not pursue antifa and their financiers because if you follow the shekels, it will lead to wealthy jews.
That clip of Wiles making his case during the jewish instigated riots and carnage of 2020 can still be found on places other than jewtube.
First and foremost, the Trump Administration needs to do two things:
Defund the NGOs and audit them to see if they are funneling dirty money from SOROS and the cartels as well.
Go after corporations that have fired Americans to replace them with foreigners. Start with a handful of the big ones to make an example of them. Make it clear that ALL companies and corporations will be investigated eventually and if they haven’t cleaned up their act by the time they are investigated, things will go very badly for them.
Go after landlords who have jacked up the rent and/or engaged in “no fault” evictions to house illegals. I think both the corporations that fire Americans to hire foreigners and evict Americans to house foreigners could be prosecuted under racketeering.
Allow deported illegals with “American children” one of two options. Pull up their anchors and take them with them or sign over their parental rights to the state so that they can be adopted/fostered by Americans.
Congress must pass a bill that ends birthright citizenship. Especially to a child whose parent(s) are here illegally.
Ending birthright citizenship would keep a lot of illegals in the advanced state of pregnancy to squat and pop a benefit-sucking “new American” from sneaking into the country and providing no housing or jobs would make the ones already here self-deport.
Urban street gangs are domestic terrorists worse than fagtifa inho because they are always a clear and present danger. Whereas fagtifa gets released seldomly. Both should be dealt with harshly and permanently at the local, state, and federal levels of governments.
Hate to be a party pooper but if even 1% of all of this ever comes to pass I’ll be surprised. I haven’t forgotten the disappointments from his 1st term. Trump is still Trump. Hope I’m wrong but not betting on it.
A big mistake that we commonly make is overinterpreting the recent past
For whatever it’s worth I reluctantly voted for him, not with any great expectations. The thought of the affirmative action VP winning was too much to bear.
You have no evidence that is true, especially when it comes to Zion Don.
“What’s past,is prologue ” is a time tested proverb of human behavior.
Putting Stephen Miller and Tom Homan in charge of immigration is about as clear a signal as it gets that Trump intends to follow through on his mass deportations plan
yep. gonna be the same shit.
anyone interested should go watch “Trump and the Jews” recent deep dive by blackpilled
if even 1% of all of this ever comes to pass I’ll be surprised.
Some folks haven’t learned the lessons of “Once bitten twice shy, ” and “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.”
It is especially sad when they are dealing with a lying conman with a track record of backstabbing people for several decades.
As Mark Twain wrote, “It is easier to fool people than convince them that they have been fooled.”
“In many cases, let the record show that ((activists)) either 1.) voted against this out of pure antisocial rage to “own the conservatives” or 2.) encouraged White people not to vote for Trump.
“Note: As usual, we will see how it goes when Trump actually takes office, but nevertheless I wanted to share the good news because I know it isn’t being shared elsewhere.”
Basically, the Papists shiite the bed during the Trump campaign. They tried to take over the movement which splintered under their control and proved poor in performance during the election. Whether it was the likes of ((Nick Fuentes)) trying create a groudswell to justify having a seat at the campaign table, eliminating non-Papists at Patriot student movements, headlining every single White Nationalist, White Patriots, White Conservative event, infiltrating and attempting to hijack the Trump campaign, or trying to demoralize White Nationalists into not supporting Trump thereby costing him the election, ((they)) all failed in their objectives.
For example,, AmRen front loaded nothing but Anglophobic Papists like ((Irish)) Republican ((Keith Woods)) and garnered zero support from Trump campaigners. ((The Gay Grand Inquisitor)) and his calls for establishing the ((Inquisition)) in America or creating an authortarian Papost movement merely highlighted the danger of having Papists support in the Trump campaign. The exposure of ((Arizona Republican Actists)) and their ((Patriot)) supporters working to attempt a coup de etat at the RNC convention didnt make any sense until another ((Activist)) tried to assassinate Trump and it was revealed ((General Flynn)) was the candidate to replace dead Trump. Lastlt, the Papist attempt to seize control of a new Patriot international student political group failed and exposed the ((saboteurs)) as hateful and incompetent trolls.
Even here ((Activists)) went so far as to encourage Whites to not vote for Trump. The incessent anti-Trump campaigning by so called leaders and mid level supporters of the “The Movement” revealed them as Papists. As mentioned before other ((Activists)) went even further trying to assassinate and replace him with a Papist at the RNC Convention. They even had an entire think tank primed to fill the subsequent administration with Papists with Project 2025, which has been dutifully jettisoned. Nonetheless, enough White Patriots came out to support Trump to stop the bleed of based voters.
All in all, Trump 2024, did the same thing to the Patriot Movement that it did to the Establishment. It illuminted the incompetence, infiltration, corruption, and out right treason within the Movement and the full extent of Papist and actual ((Nazi)) infiltration on the right. Meanwhile, enough Protestants remained to simply outmaneuver the sobatage and gather victories for Trump.
It’s correct most of pro-American objectives will not be made in full by the next Trump Administration, or perhaps it will. But, it certainly won’t be a continuation of another 4 years of disastrous rule by either ((Joe Biden)) or Kamala Harris, whose Administration is clearly the worst government America has had in its entire history. Those who supported to keep the Bide -Harris campaign in power have been verified as Papist Democrat, Infiltration, Destruction, and Sabotage ((DIDS)) and are righteously deligitimized.
If there was ever the correct circumstances and conditions for the major reforms Trump says he wants its now. He now has the tools and the crystal clear mandate.
There is no excuse for these things not to happen, and he is already under extreme pressure to perform.
The negativity and fatalism in here is, as usual, self defeating and not constructive. There’s a reason our flavor of the right wing will have no say in any of this. We routinely squander any appeal we do have on frivolous argumentation about stuff that isn’t even relevant anymore.
Jews are literally being chased through the streets in the Netherlands by people they imported into europe, and israel is besieged from every side and nobody wants to help them anymore. They are no longer our biggest problem. Our own impotence, lack of virtue, poor physical health, lack of faith and general cynicism are. Our obliterated families are. Our poor leadership of our families is.
We really need to focus on rebuilding the foundation of the white family, and the trump agenda as stated is exactly the environment in which that can be done.
If he does even half of what he wants to do, i’ll support him to the bitter end, and to the hilt. Its time to take a side and accept the outcome. Forces beyond our control have shown a tremendous grace in providing this opportunity, and I won’t look back on these years and remember that I was just tossing peanuts from the sideline while other people, normies, were putting it all on the line to at least try to save the republic which, for all its flaws, just demonstrated that it can still function for our interests.
Guys like charlie kirk. How much shit have we given that guy in the last ten years? He was a nobody shit posting kid. Now he is part of trumps transition team telling him don’t let Nikki Haley or Pompeo back in the administration. That dudes campaign operation on the ground made a world of difference for the election. That could have been us. We had that opportunity and squandered it.
There has never been a better opportunity in my lifetime for this kind of movement in the right. Until a week ago, the probability it ever would have happened in our lifetime was virtually zero. And we played no part in it.
Elon musk, joe rogan, charlie kirk, steve bannon. These guys have moved mountains at great personal peril. Trump himself, his family. Tucker carlson. We should be so lucky to have people of this quality give a flying fuck about normie whites, but they have anyway.
This is a friggin golden opportunity if there ever was one. Its way too early to already be overdosing on black pills…again.
Fuentes has never been right. Groypers are a sad minority of weird internet addicts. They need to go to church and get a job. That will fix them.
Fuentes is fake-and-gay. A fed to boot. His alleged popularity is probably fake as well. He’s a different flavor (supposed über-traditionalist Catholic monarchist – who would have been executed by an actual Catholic monarchist like Spain’s Franco) of the same scam represented by Spencer. An error actual trad Catholics like Barnhadt make is an assumption that Mexico represents this reserve of pre-Vatican II catholicism. The Mexican revolution of just over a century ago established a Bolshevik-style system who immediately launched a war on what an old pastor of mine called “God-fearing Catholics” (called Cristeros in the subsequent civil war) – which they won (though the Cristeros did manage to win some concessions). Mexico, a one-party socialist regime from 1920 until sometime in the 1980s (when a fake 2nd party was allowed to run), actually introduced things like gay-marriage even before they were imposed by judicial fiat in the USA. It was the western hemisphere HQ of the Lavender mafia for a time, until they moved north to the US. There is a reason Evangelical Protestantism has been gaining a serious foothold in Mexico and elsewhere in the former Catholic stronghold of Latin America.
Porfirio Diaz, the Mexican caudillo of the late 19th century had a saying to describe the place in the era before WW I: Poor Mexico. So far from God and so close to the United States.
Looks like RFK Jr. has been put forward for Sec. of HHS. Big Pharma ain’t pleased. That’s a white pill. It’s not even December tho….
*Embrace the hopium! (but be sure to go all the way to the end)