Biden vs Trump https://t.co/nljqtFfMzo pic.twitter.com/RiO2TcsP3p
— ib (@Indian_Bronson) November 16, 2024
Massive upgrade pic.twitter.com/aRD8e9rP5G
— Still Boneless (@still_boneless) November 15, 2024
This is a refreshing change from the Star Trek: Discovery administration pic.twitter.com/ZtBLQtRJNB
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) November 16, 2024
Scariest photo to the Deep State right now pic.twitter.com/SEELc3PHSK
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 16, 2024
The trend continues.
? Donald Trump announces Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) for Attorney General pic.twitter.com/CILgsSFlmT
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 13, 2024
Your next Secretary of Interior. pic.twitter.com/EusuYWav5P
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) November 15, 2024
? BREAKING: President-elect Trump is expected to appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services – Politico pic.twitter.com/nxU9xIRjom
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 14, 2024
President-elect Trump has picked former Democratic congresswoman-turned Trump supporter Tulsi Gabbard to be his director of national intelligence https://t.co/sTHlZdbq8E pic.twitter.com/XijgxtujtR
— CNN (@CNN) November 13, 2024
?BREAKING: President Trump Just Announced Pete Hegseth @PeteHegseth as Secretary of Defense Congratulations Pete!!!
— AJ Huber (@Huberton) November 13, 2024
Thanks to President Trump do the right thing for WE THE PEOPLE! Let's Make America Great Again! pic.twitter.com/yPT364QUqj
NEW: Mark Halperin predicts that all 5 of Trump's blockbuster Cabinet appointments may get confirmed – Gabbard, Hegseth, RFK, Gaetz and Noem.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 15, 2024
"I continue to put my finger on the side of it is more likely that all 5 get confirmed."pic.twitter.com/0f0AFwwcE0
Donald Trump is on track to appoint the least diverse and least Jewish Cabinet of our lifetimes.
MIGA cabinet all the way.
No way Gaetz gets confirmed. He resigned and now he gets the ethics investigation against him dropped. How convenient.
@SC Rebel,
“No way Gaetz gets confirmed. He resigned and now he gets the ethics investigation against him dropped. How convenient.”
You are looking at it the wrong way. He gets confirmed by the GOP and they in turn are spared. They got the goods on him and he them. All is good. Modern politics in Post-America America.
Aryan 8200, there is no active ethics investigation against Gaetz to drop. That has long been over. They investigated and found out that Gaetz is completely innocent.
Gaetz doesn’t have to be confirmed. Trump can simply use a recess appointment as Obama did more than once.
Yep. MIGA all the way. Fk Trump. Watching all these people hoping and coping after these 8 years is pretty blackpilling.
Stephen Miller is a Jew, but a right wing Jew.
Tulsi Gabbard to my knowledge is Indian.
Marco Rubio is hispanic.
I would be more optimistic about the Gabbard pick if it was for Secretary of State. But, instead he placed Rubio there.
I kind of see us (me and hunter) as having opposing predictions. I think Trump will be a foreign policy sell out, he appears not to. Only time will show who is right.
@Heavy Metal Gearman passenger plane robber,
“Stephen Miller is a Jew, but a right wing Jew.
Tulsi Gabbard to my knowledge is Indian.
Marco Rubio is hispanic.”
Yes, Stephan Miller is part Jew, but its part Southern Jew. So there. He gets easy access to all the clubs. Unlike Ashkenazi Worker Jew types like Graucho Marx who aren’t invitable.
Tulsi is mostly American. Her father was half Samoanhalf American. Her mother was mostly all American with a part, like as in very small part, American Indian. If we lived in Spanish Empire times she would be described as a Castica and mostly European. Her Hindu religious upbringing was due to her mother who went all New agey, but she was mostly raised Protestant. Tulsi is though versed well in Hinduism and describes herself as a kind of Christian Hindu. She just need a little nudging from the missionary side (snark).
“I would be more optimistic about the Gabbard pick if it was for Secretary of State. But, instead he placed Rubio there.”
Marco Rubio is an Evangelist Catholic. It means he might be a Catholic but he isn’t really a Papist. He was for a long time part of a Protestant church, but enjoys the liturgy and so goes to an Evangelical Catholic CChurch.
Marco Rubio is definitely a Big America foreign policy guy. Its why all the really bad foreign adversaries hate him, like the Castro Brothers, the Ortega gang, Venezualan Sun Cartel (which tried to assassinate him), the North Korean “Redacted name” crime syndicate, and the CCP. They are all freaking out. In fact the CCP says Marco Rubio isn’t allowed to visit China. But he can visit Hungary. So, Rubio is the opposite of Dickhead and the Gay Grand Inquisitor. So, he gets this Prods full support.
“I kind of see us (me and hunter) as having opposing predictions. I think Trump will be a foreign policy sell out, he appears not to. Only time will show who is right.”
Basically,Trump’s got a Populist Nationalist GOP coalition war fighting cabinet. Its poised to raise political and if necessary military conflict against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Still they would rather only fight under the best circumstances and for America’s most vital interests. The rest of the time they play hard ball with diplomacy, trade, finance, and covert action. Trust me, we need that kind of strategy. This is the best cabinet I’ve seen a Republican either contemplate having or actually producing since Reagan. It’s probably even better.
Hegseth describes himself as a “recovering Neocon”.
I hope he makes a complete recovery.
Someone please give that man a copy of Pat Buchanan’s book “Where the Right Went Wrong”.
Even better would be Pat’s “A Republic, not an Empire”.
Death of the West too.
“Hegseth describes himself as a “recovering Neocon”.
I hope he makes a complete recovery.
Someone please give that man a copy of Pat Buchanan’s book “Where the Right Went Wrong”.”
Correct. I posted a link in a comment I made a few days ago about Hegseth making that statement in an interview on the Shawn Ryan podcast show. For whatever reason, it wasn’t made public on OD.
I believe Hegseth has rea Buchanan’s book and found parts of it illuminating. Mostly dealing with using blood and treasure only for America’s clear vital interests in which we get something out of it. But, he didnt like the underlying Anglophobia that is in some of Buchanan’s later books. Hegseth is a hard Prod too unlike Papist Buchanan. Regardless, Buchanan would probably approve most, if not all, of what Hegseth has publicly stated on foreign and military policy.
Hegseth appears to be exactly what is needed at DOD. He’s a soldier who has seen what happens when wars are started and run as covers for massive money-laundering and other criminal activities for the benefit of the donor class. He is a serious opponent of the entire Church of Woke / DIE BS which has reduced the military into a clown show. In light of Milley and other clown brass refusing to obey Trump’s direct orders in the previous term, Hegseth is exactly the kind of officer will clean house of the clowns and see to it that orders are obeyed. This does not happen overnight with such a massive and utterly corrupt bureaucracy. The Cheney/Bush/Haliburton wing of the Gay Old Pedoburo is apoplectic over the choice and that of Gabbard. Always a good sign.
Not only least Jewish, but most importantly least PAPIST! There haven’t been this few Palists in a GOP Cabinet since at least GHW Bush, probably even Richard Nixon or perhaps even Eisenhower.
That is the real reason so many of your ((commentators)) are black pilled and angry. Lesson learned. If you want to be successful, don’t involve Papists in your movement, politics, or operations.
Those darn Catholics, see how US politicians send billions to the Vatican, criminalize all criticisms of the Pope and keep declaring that Catholicism is core to America’s foundation.
@Aryan uprising,
“Those darn Catholics, see how US politicians send billions to the Vatican..”
Oh right the darned poor Catholics who don’t get any money from the US? Right? But, actually, Catholic Charities gets $1,500,000,000 per year of our tax dollars. Other Catholic organizations receive another $1,000,000,000 from our tax dollars. The Roman Catholic Church in the US alone directly received $5,000,000,000 plus per year. The US Catholic dioceses receive another $3,000,000,000 per year of our tax dollars. Then those effing Papists receive billions more overseas from our tax dollars in foreign aid. Lastly think of all those Latino Papists being transported by your tax dollars to colonize your country, so they can vote and pay more of our taxes to the Papacy.
Upwards above $12,000,000,000 per year of our tax dollars goes to those so called darned Papists just in the US and more billions directly to their Imperial Global Church. That doesn’t include the billions more given to individual Papists directly by the US government in the US which represent the largest bunch of welfare moochers and corporate crony capitalists in the country. It also doesn’t include the billions more given to Papist controlled governments and people across the workd. The aid those pesky Jews gets is dwarfed by what we give Papists. Israel gets around 3.5 billiom dollars per year. But keep being a fool for the real powers dominating and oppressing your life and the life of this country.
“…criminalize all criticisms of the Pope and keep declaring that Catholicism is core to America’s foundation.”
Try critiquing the power and influence of the Papacy inside the US government let alone Papist strongholds like New York City and Chicago and see what happens to your career and business. Meanwhile, they are trying to retcon the Christian revival movement and even Southern identity nationalism as historically built upon the Papacy. Nick Fuentes literally calls for it while getting some of your tax dollars via Papist individual and institutional donors. Some of the money he gets to support criticizing the money we give Israel, so he can get it instead, is your own tax dollars. You being played a fool.
LOL….Catholics are bashed on all the time without consequence in the USA. Not that I care. They never should have been let in to begin with.
Tikkun, really? I hardly ever hear Catholics get bashed. It isn’t the 1890s anymore. Protestants are the religious group allowed to be bashed more than anyone. I once came across a Catholic on YouTube complaining about some “ war on Catholics “. As a Southern Baptist Protestant I wanted to tell him “ hold my beer”.
Not only the USA, in the EU the core Catholic countries Italy and Spain hold Germany hostage and bleed the German taxpayer with its parasitic theft of 1 trillion Euros through the EU’s TARGET2 debts.
Add to that the recurring bailouts for the pensions of Catholic countries paid by the German taxpayer (Greek bailout…).
In Europe it is not the politicians but the taxpayers who send billions to the “Vatican”, in Europe taxpayers or private companies (it depends on the country) are forced to pay the church taxes.
Correggi il mio amico patriota italiano y allemano! The Papacy is even more ingrained in the EU than it is in the US. In fact, the EU was a Papist project from day one. Add onto that influence other European nations’ internal constitutional facts in which churches have actual say in policy and receive money from the State, like in Germany, and Europe is quickly becoming Romanized.
Germany now, is almost half Papist, unlike after WWII when it was 2/3rds Protestant, and before WWI, when it was almost 3/4ths Protestant. Most of the gains made by Papists were losses the Protestants suffered during the World Wars (Protestants served in larger numbers to their ratio in both world wars) and the loss of Eastern Protestant communities and the influx of German Papist colonies after WWII. After WWII Germany dropped to 60% Protestant. But the biggest gains by Papists, were made under the years of the Nazis and later the EU when millions of non-German Papists moved from other parts of Europe to Germany and stayed.
Today Germany is about half and half Protestant and Catholic. In turn Germany has become more Leftwing, a drift possibly due to this demographic change. But, plenty of Catholic counties have been rightwing. Italy, is a perfect example of political changes driven by Catholic culture that returns it to a more centrist rightwing government. But, now Germany has loads of Moslem immigrant citizens too. So, they are pretty screwed. All the result of the EU project.
The EU is now pushing a Global Papist agenda from the top and a migrant Catholic agenda from the bottom. For example, everyone here complains about the Black Africans settling in “Catholic” Ireland. Except that what they don’t understand is they are mostly Black African Papists. In Southern Europe, the Papacy cbampions the movement of Latin Americans to places like Spain, France and Italy and encourages the resetting of Moslems to the more Protestant Northern Europe.
Why is the Papacy doing this? Because those traditionally Catholic countries’ populations are not really subservient to the Papacy anymore. They may remain culturally Catholic. But they are increasingly apathetic if not hostile to the Papacy. As a result, while loads of money now flow into the Papacy from big conglomerates run by upper class and oligarch Papists, they see a slow descent in payments by the common people. So, the Papacy is fine continuing global migration patterns when it replaced apathetic Papist Italians with Latino Americans, and manages the inflow of Moslem immigrants by transporting them to Protestant Northern Europe.
If anyone looked at the facts, they would see this pattern. But, the mindless morons here are so fixated on the Duh Jews, they are incapable of seeing any other power politics except thru the lens of their anti-Jewry, and especially anti-Israelism. Many here actually say if voting harder for Clamydia Kamala destroys Israel AND America, its worth it. But then, most of those people are Papists, so in my opinion the real logic of their animus isn’t even Anti-Jewry. That is just a deflection. What really is the cause of their animus is Anti-Anglo-German Protestantism. What this secret cabal really wants, is to bring down Protestant power until it is forced to submit to the Papacg for pure survival.
Brad has a serious problem with his ship here at OD. Basically, its infiltrated with Papist Provaceteurs, and even worse, Leftist ones, most of whom pretend to be Fascists, Nazis, Rigthwingers, etc and all who pretend to be Patriots. Their incessant ad reducio absurdum of all arguments to Duh Jews, should cause most readers to give pause. All we can do is present the facts like you did about Europe so other non-conspirators can see whats going on. Well done.
It is true that most Muslims came into Germany thanks to Italy, Greece, Spain letting them trough, they know they would not stay in the south but go on to Germany.
But even without the Muslim problem, there is still the problem of free movement in the whole of EU. The worst criminals from Mediterranean countries can move freely into Germany.
With TARGET2, Papist Italy is holding Germany hostage : if Italy or Germany leaves the EU, it means that Germany will be bankrupt and German taxpayers lose all their money in banks and pensions due to Italy
and that is happening after Germans have bailed out the pensions of southern Catholic countries
because the EU TARGET2 debt system has allowed Italy and Spain to become parasitic robber barons
This is explained in these articles
Here is an explanation of TARGET2:.
An Italian entrepreneur buys production facilities from a German mechanical engineering company for one million euros. The whole thing then runs as follows:
The German company delivers the facilities to the Italian entrepreneur
The Italian transfers the amount to his commercial bank (money flows)
The Italian’s commercial bank transfers the amount to the Italian central bank (money flows)
However, the Italian central bank does not transfer this amount to the European Central Bank, but only shows at the ECB that one is guilty of a million euros (no money flows)
The ECB informs the German Central Bank, i.e. the Bundesbank, that it now has a claim of one million euros to the Italian central bank (so there is no money here)
The Bundesbank transfers 1 million euros to the German entrepreneur’s house bank (now money is now flows again).
The German entrepreneur’s commercial bank transfers the amount to his account (the entrepreneur has his money, but it comes from the Deutsche Bundesbank)
And now the best comes: This procedure builds certain euro countries, especially Italy and Spain, systematically debts to Germany in mutual trading, for which no upper limit was set. This means that target debts can be accumulated in any amount towards Germany, without the balance that has to be compensated for at some point. Thus, the Target2 billing system works such as a printer press for unlimited loans-which can now burst at any time, and will burst if Germany or Italy leaves the EU.
Who was the last Catholic Secretary of State? Byrnes (under Truman) from South Carolina was raised Catholic. Oh, right, Madeleine Albright, that crypto-Jewish woman who supposedly “discovered” she was Jewish! One of your favorite types of people, right Globalist Kike Bro? So Rubio is picked for Secretary of State, you have Ratcliffe for CIA, that horrible Zionist wench Stefanik to go where Nikki Haley was, and a Kennedy. Yeah, hardly any Papists! As if nominal Catholicism has any role in politics in contemporary society.
“Who was the last Catholic Secretary of State? Byrnes (under Truman) from South Carolina was raised Catholic. Oh, right, Madeleine Albright, that crypto-Jewish woman who supposedly “discovered” she was Jewish!”
She was a Papist. She was born and raised a Papist. Her parents were Jews, specifically Catholic Court Jews, of a type that once was fairly prominent in Central Europe. British Secret Intelligence Services helped her family and many other Czechs escape the Nazis and establish resistance lines and governments in exile. Her parents lived in London and were eventually shuttled in between the various THEN Anglo-American Protestant academies and communities.
As a result of this cosmopolitan and security upbringing, she and her family were quickly identified by the US National Security Establishment who groomed her to work for their Judeo-Papist-Yankee combine which took over from the British Protestant Establishment during the early Cold War. Her career arch is the story of how effed up the 20th century was and not coincidentally ended a far more Catholicised shit sandwich than before.
Rubio is an Evengelical Catholic. His subservience to the Papacy is almost zilch. Ratcliff on the other hand was born a Papist Crook County Illinois, one of the headquarters of the Judeo-Papist-Yankee combine. He is a Catholic Carptetbagger who actually displaced a far more conservative Dixiecrat Democrat Republican of impeccable America lineage. Ratcliff now goes on to head the predominantly Papist CIA. I fully expect him at some point to drop his sheep’s clothing and reveal the wolf underneath. Or perhaps he won’t.
At any rate, I never said this was an all WASP run Cabinet, but that it was the least Jewish and Papist Cabinet in living memory. Until Trump we didnt have a single Prod on SCOTUS, during a time it reviewed many cases that dealt with our Constitutional liberties and not surprisingly voted along Papist Absolutist lines. Which goes to show how infected with Judeo-Catholocism the government has been foe the last coule generations and not coincidentally was a total soup sandwich, as most Papist governments are usually. The Papacy doesn’t like strong Nation-States, unless led by a Dictator who serves it.
Good lord, goys appointed to top political positions.
I must be hallucinating.
“Good lord, goys appointed to top political positions.”
Yeah, and with virtually all with sworn allegiance to Israel
Yep, it’s pathetic.
Trump picked billionaire Howard Lutnick as commerce secretary.
That’s no goy. Who knows who he’ll pick for treasury, Irving goldfinklebaum ?
@United States of AIPAC,
“Trump picked billionaire Howard Lutnick as commerce secretary.
“That’s no goy. Who knows who he’ll pick for treasury, Irving goldfinklebaum ?”
Yes, its true he is Jewish. The amazing thing he is also a protectionist. Its also true, that despite the eternal “Duh Jew” talk here, Jews come in all shapes and sizes. Nonetheless, its also true that when it comes to economics, they are almost exclusively free traders. Perhaps in mercantile times they weren’t and opposed free trade cuz it disrupted their vested interests, but in contemporary times, most Jews have been promoters of Free Trade. Likewise, today, Protectionism threatens their vested interests, and many are opposed to it, like most financiers, including Papists and Protestants.
I’ve spoken with Lutnick before, many years ago when he was advising trade negotiations. I have always been a protectionist and used the opportunity to wedge the issue before someone who might have some influence on the negotiation. It was the first time I had found anyone involved in international trade, let along international financial trade who not only knew what Protectionism was, but knew its historical role in developing American wealth. I advocated strongly its use in negotiation and also in helping to better manage financial trade support for the US dollar. He wasn’t exactly on our side at the time but it was clear he was sympathetic and believed it could be helpful in dealing with the unlisted negotiation opponent. In the end, he said it would be along time before it gained acceptance in politics but that it would be good to see it brought up. He also said he would deny it if I ever told anyone he had said that. But that was so long ago, he wouldn’t deny it now. As it is, Trump is now being another avatar for our Americanism, by promoting Protectionism.
Point is, that Howard is a convinced Protectionist. He has advocated tarrifs and apparently, has been a secret tarrif supporter for a very, very long time. For whatever reason, despite being an international financial trader with Cantor Fitzgerald, a crypto-currency and electronic trading guru, he is well versed in industrial tarrif policy and plans to implement it. Basically he is another Stephan Miller, but for Trade. We welcome him. Plus, he is also a good amd decent human being who has suffered directly from the effects of globalism. His brother and many of his friends were killed on 911 at the Cantor Fitzgerald office, as he would’ve too, but for a first day of kindergarten for his child. God is good and works in mysterious ways.
If we can get a couple more Conservative Nationalist Southern/Western Protestants in the Cabinet and add it with other appointments to say FBI, Homeland, DIA, NSA, etc, we will have the most non-North Eastern dominated government since God knows when. Seeth harder ((NadSacks)).
You are imagining Robert E. Lee and will get Hal Lindsey. And the Northeastern Quack RFK Jr.
Had a Pope only granted King Henry VIII’s request for an annulment from Catherine of Aragon, you would be a “Papist,” too. Unless, as many here suspect, you’re Jewish. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It seems you’re just deflecting when you suggest there is a secret cabal of Catholics trying to subvert the country.
I myself go with the George Carlin School of Thought – “It’s a big club and [I’m] not in it. During my time in South Carolina and visiting relatives who had resettled in other parts of the South, I heard references to “The Old Boys Club.”
I thought then and still do that that reference is still apt, but as a bow to modernity we could update that to The Old Boys and Girls Club.
I do think that Trump’s new Cabinet picks – especially when you see that virtually all of them are Milennials is a good sign. Vance is 39, and all but two others are in their forties. Rubio and Walz (sp) are in their late fifties.
I’m in the Boomer demographic (more Wonder Years than Vietnam Protest era) and frankly, I am relieved that Trump is going with younger people than my generation. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell, to name a few, represent an excellent argument for term limits.
I am very excited to see what this younger Cabinet of his comes up with.
“Had a Pope only granted King Henry VIII’s request for an annulment from Catherine of Aragon, you would be a “Papist,” too.”
The presumption that all British Protestants are British Protestants because of a divorce argument five hundred years ago is laughably absurd. The history of the Anglican Church is one of increasing reformation and would’ve occurred without Henry VIII, or if the Papacy had granted the annulment and Henry VIII and the Anglican Clergy not set up an autonomous Church.
In fact, the Anglican Church wasn’t truly independent but was in communion with the Papacy until Henry VIII’s son, Edward went full independent. King Edward was excommunicated and eventually assassinated by Papists. Then it was in communion again under Henry VIII Anglo-Hispanic daughter Mary (despite being Hispanic she was Nordic like all true Western Europeans, White, with Strawberry Red Hair, Blue-Grey Eyes).
The Anglican Church remained in communion with the Papacy even under Elizabeth the First. Not until the first third of her reign did the Anglican Clergy and the Parliament as a whole vote to separate from the Papacy and then only after that Anti-Christ in Rome declared Elizabeth illegitimate.
In reply to the formal independence, the Papacy excommunicated her and promised Heaven amd Eternal Salvation to anyone who would assassinate her. Each assassination attempt failed as did a couple of invasions from multiple fronts.
The Anglican Church ultimately left the crazed Papacy for multiple reasons, none of which had to do with Henry VIII. That annulment merely served to create a basis for ecclesiastical autonomy not formal church independence. But even that ecclesiastical autonomy was eventually superceded by re incorporation into Rome for many decades after the death of King Edward son of King Henry VIII.
For England, what solidified independence from that Whore of Babylon in Rome, was the voice of the people, the reforming clergy, who after witnessing decades of the Papacy’s Anti-Christ behavior rightly rejected the authority and power of “St Peter’s” throne. In turn, the Papacy’s use of espionage, assassination, subversion, and military force encouraged the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish to aid Reformers throughout Europe successfully helping the independence of many other European national churches. Overall, it was the British people who rejected the Papacy and ensured the partial success of the Reformation not King Henry VIII. This, is why the Papacy hates the British people and their Protestant monarchs the most in the world even more than than the Germans who initiated the Reformation at the State level.
“Unless, as many here suspect, you’re Jewish. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
Such people have activist ?. They are a type of ? which propagandizes that a Jew is behind whatever ill befalls not only any nation but any person in the world especially anyone or anything that deviates from “their” narrative. Almost all of these activist ? are Papists, which determines their purpose. Ultimately, they are doing it to sow dissension and confusion in what should be a Anglo-Protestant identity movement, the Southern Nationalist Movement, and to take over their legitimate grievances and channel them into a Papist subversion of the entire Anglo-Protestant framework and America itself. Such people merely reinforce my arguments and encourage all of our movements to have a No Papist Need Apply membership policy.
“It seems you’re just deflecting when you suggest there is a secret cabal of Catholics trying to subvert the country.”
Its quiet obvious there is a secret Papist cabal to subvert America. Immigration being their chief weapon to destroy the Protestan nations. It is no coincidence that the chief architects and promoters of the subversion thru immigration of every Protestant country originated with a Papist. Indeed, the greatest conspiracies facing America right now aside from China, are Papist cartels, colonists, and mafias.
In our our own country, our present immigration policy was shaped by Papists, chiefly Edward Kennedy, a notorious Papist and Anglophobe. The vile man ran the entire operation to sign America’s death warrent, the Immigration Act of 1965. He and other Papists were also behind the effort to unseat Nixon thru Watergate and restaff the GOP with Papists. Just one of many examples to prove my point.
Today, the country is being highly colonized almost exclusively with Papists colonists, mostly Latino Papists. Almost all state reactions to control its after effects, like the 911 attack, are answered with typical Papist style tyrannical measures again promoted and staffed by Papists. Meanwhile, loads of White ethnic Papists moved on down South to join up with Latino Papists in transforming Hunter’s Fishing hole, Occidental Dissent, Amren, VDare, etc into Papist Occupied zones. Now all are on their last legs, descending into a fever swamp of pointing Jew at everyone and everything, promoting neo-Catholic traditionalist unAmerican b.s., and elevating Papists to every senior position in whatever club or movement that represent Anglo-Protestant communities. This subversion is clear as day for those with eyes to see and ears to read, and a mind to think.
“I do think that Trump’s new Cabinet picks – especially when you see that virtually all of them are Milennials is a good sign. Vance is 39, and all but two others are in their forties. Rubio and Walz (sp) are in their late fifties.”
None are millennial. Those picks are all Gen X, who cover the years 1965-1985. Even Hunter is a Gen X as is JD Vance. That Generation is an interesting generation which historically are reborn wedged between utopian fanatics (Boomers)(Puitans), etc and disreputable fantasists (Millenials)(Planters). Historically, the generation usually appears in the last days of an epoch to save that century, epoch, and polity from total annihilation.
Thus, it was Gen X who pushed Trump to take over in 2016, whereas Boomers wanted a ((Ted Cruz)), ((Rick Santorum)), or Bush Yankee, while Millenials had meltdowns cuz, well just because. It was Gen X that got him re elected both times. In turn, Gen X is the generation that will undue most of the Boomer and Silents stupidity (Civil Rights, Immigration, Vanity Projects, etc).
Tragically, in keeping with their analogous generations in American history they will get little credit. Late in their age they will be called upon to even serve in battle or certainly on leadership. In victory they will remain as senior elders and leaders to generations who survived the chaos or knew nothing of it. Gen X will merely be looked upon as strange old people who did something with whispers of heroism or such from those who remember, and then the younger onlookers will go merrily on their way.
Same thing happened to Gen X’s analogous generation at the birth of America. No one remembers the people who saved the colonies in the 17th century from early Spanish Indian Wars, the Great Eastern Indian Wars, and Absolitist controls, except as the last of the people who wore tall wide brimmed hats, had long hair, and spoke a strange Elizabethan style accent. Hunter and our ilk will be forgotten except where it matters most, in the halls of our ancestors. There they will greet us and say, “Ya get’em Papists againe didn ya!” But, there will be other Xers, who will be damned for failing to arise as Destiny demands. Their ghosts will haunt novels and night stories for centuries just like their analogous ancestors haunt novels and scary stories today like some of the Protestant Privateers who rejected the call for help and went evil Pirate instead.
“I’m in the Boomer demographic (more Wonder Years than Vietnam Protest era) and frankly, I am relieved that Trump is going with younger people than my generation. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell, to name a few, represent an excellent argument for term limits.”
“I am very excited to see what this younger Cabinet of his comes up with.”
You get no argument from me.
“Today, the country is being highly colonized almost exclusively with Papists colonists”
Yes, but those papists have much higher birth rates. I know Sicilian papists with 10 children, living on welfare and crime.
You cannot stop the Papists.
I think that it’s not very politically wise to attach oneself to Trump. It’s much smarter to do what Jared Taylor is doing, which is to distance himself from Trump while still claiming Trump is better than Harris (this is still debatable, but I suppose the case can be made on immigration and transgender issues). The idea is that when Trump inevitably betrays his followers, you don’t want to be attached to it.
You won’t profit if Trump does come through, but will pay a price if he doesn’t. There’s no profit to endorsing Trump but the potential for a lot of loss in terms of credibility.
There’s no real profit to looking at what the majority of people believe and then adjusting your beliefs to fit in. It just makes you look stupid when the majority of people are proven wrong. The short term gain of having more people is offset by the long term penalty of looking like a clown.
I think DJT is trying to repair a totally wrecked beyond repair “car” that the Dems will wreck again when they come back in power. Seems such a waste of time/money/brains/lives/etc.
I appreciate all that he, Musk, Bannon, Vance and others want to change but this will only last until the Dems take it “out for a spin” their first day back in power and total it again and we are back to square one (or even farther back) — Déjà vu all over again as Yogi Berra would say…
Unless DJT deports all the Communists/Marxists/Dems/radical Leftists/etc on his day one the only really new start we here in the South would ever have is:
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
“‘More Winning!’ Ben Shapiro Celebrates Trump Assembling an Israel First Cabinet”
The link mentions one Sohrab Ahmari discussing how the new team isn’t into moralizing, nation building, and picking fights, but lunches back really, really, hard. He calls it Jacksonian Hawkism. Whatever.
I am okay with us being called that. If anyone here thought Trump would be some sort of second coming of Libertarian pacifism in which the US government and Empire would be sold off, they were deluded.
Contradistincly, just because we punch back really hard and have a couple of Jews in the Cabinet, doesn’t make the Trump Administration Israel First. Everyone knows Trump is pro-Israel and perhaps even Philosemitic. But that doesn’t make him an Israeli Firster American Seconder. Otherwise, we would have to call Jared Taylor a Jew Forster and a White Seconder.
I don’t see Ben Carson in that photo, who I’m pretty sure is returning as HUD Secretary. He is one guy basically nobody has anything bad to say about and someone who has been loyal to Trump for a long time. Soft spoken, honest and Christian unapologeticically. He is a great addition. Yes, HUD Secretary really needs to be black. Its the only way anything gets done in the inner cities is if one of their own is doing it. I’m fine with it.
As I recall, Carson was one of the few decent folks who served in Trump’s last term. There were so many swamp dwellers in that administration that Carson must have felt more out of place than being the keynote speaker for a conservative conference.
He’s a Seventh Day Adventist Negro, so no problem for the Globalist Zionist Bro.
“He’s a Seventh Day Adventist Negro, so no problem for the Globalist Zionist Bro.”
That is true. We get along famously. One of his ideas in his office was my own. I haven’t seen him in years, and of the many politicians I’ve met, he is one of the few I’ve missed.
I say now is the to start breaking the power of the Washington establishment. Abolishing the CIA would be good, giving mind control drugs to civilians, germ warfare, assasinating foreign leaders It would take 3 hours to list their crimes against the world.
“I say now is the to start breaking the power of the Washington establishment. Abolishing the CIA would be good, giving mind control drugs to civilians, germ warfare, assasinating foreign leaders It would take 3 hours to list their crimes against the world.”
Now hold on. I know many of the people here larp at Libertaranism, but the fact is thats a foolish project. As Exalted Cyclops has pointed out, we didnt elect President Trump to deregulated corporations, give massive tax cuts to the rich, and privatize the government. We elected him to put boot to ass and secure our country and our posterity. To do that you need tools of power.
The fact is the CIA and many other organizations were set up for that reason. We don’t have regulations on corporations because government power, but because it was necessary to restrain corporate power. We didn’t set up the CIA because government power but to restrain foreign power. We didn’t set up the Bureau and other Feds to suppress the nation but to suppress the national criminals.
If these tools have begun to fail or not lived up to their mission or have been misused, that is not a reason to abolishing them all together. Its a reason to reform, reshape, and restaff them. What the Administrative State needs is a purge. What it needs is an enama. It shouldn’t be destroyed wholesale.
Fact of the matter is that a large group of Americans have been effed up since they were born and have caused chaos in the streets and in the halls of power for multiple generations. This includes White Americans, especially White White ethnic Rif Raf up North, with their gangs, rackets, brothels, speakeasies, narcotics dens, music halls, drug trades, smuggling etc. So, when some of them decided to get money in return for taking drugs under clinical supervision, what’s the problem if the studies were used by the CIA? If these crooks wanted to organize narionally what is the problem with the Feds organizing to stop them?
Meanwhile, there has been plenty of foreign interference in this country and it became widely prevalent in the late 19th century before we had all these federal forces. They’ve been assassinating our people for ages. Its only fair we organized and stopped effing about and replied in turn. The world outside of America is even worse than inside. Its a dangerous world that requires patriotic dangerous men to fix it in America’s interests.
Frankly, I dont have a problem with what the CIA or Feds do. What I have a problem with his intelligence politicians, inter agency appointees, partisan officers, and powerful families using them for their benefit and gain. Wjat I have a problem with is our elected leadership class being unfit to lead such powerful institutions. That can be changed by reforms in staffing, appointments, how we elect our leaders etc.
Overall, getting rid of the CIA and Feds, without replacing them with something better would merely lead to the destruction of an America that would have already fallen by now but for those organizations having stood in the hole in the wall all these years. Its literally the American people’s fault we got to where we are, even if they were misled. We need to own up to it and think of better solutions than Libertarian larping and imagining that romanticized viewpoints of the past would magically come back if we just snapped our fingers and abolished certain institutions.
In a world filled with such darkness and atrocities, may this bring some peace and beauty to your day or night.
More Trump Picks:
Pastor Huckabee as White House Press Secretary.
Huckabee is creating a program to use a Protestant Prayer and Invocation at the opening of every White House Press Meeting.
This of course will cause more splodey heads amongst the atheist dominated Left, the Papist media itself, and the Papist dominated Democrat Party.
It will also cause gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, tearing of clothes, by our local ((NadSack)), ((Neo-Pagan)), and other Papists pretending to be Leftists, pretending to Nazis, pretending to be Rightwingers.
I hope Paator Huckabee follows thru thereby forcing many of the demonic forces around our media to flee to the lower rings of hell.
I also hope this is the beginning of the end of nearly $12,000,000,000 we give to that foreign power, the Papacy, which far outweighs anything we give to Israel.
In previous comment I miswrote Huckabee as White House Secretary. He is the Ambassador to Israel. The miswritten information was regarding a discussion he had about the White House Press Corps and a suggestion he help write the invocation to it. Huckabee thought it was such a good idea he is helping to draft the proposal for the White House Press Prayer to the new White House Press Secretary and will use it for his own Press Briefings as Ambassador to Israel. If the new Lady Press Secretary uses it, I expect Huckabee’s Protestant prayer and invocations to be copied throughout other pr3ss briefings by other departments.
When all is boiled down to gravy, just be realistic about what Trump can, and can’t achieve.
He should endeavour to deport illegals and crims, and return manufacturing to American workers. He needs to pull back from foreign conflicts beyond the understanding of everyday people, and reduce foreign aid spending that should go to homeless people and domestic problems.
What he can’t do is remove a race of people who though a constant nuisance, have been on US soil for like, 405 years, and were brought over against their will.
And remember, under Americas flawed political system, Trump must be gone by 2029, and is unlikely to be replicated. China, the illegals,the left,etc, will just bide their time and wait him away.
My point is…..you WILL be underwhelmed and disappointed.
Gaetz cannot be confirmed. This is why the Red Party sits idle every two years while the Democrats steal Senate seats. They want a majority, but only barely, so patriotic nominees cannot be confirmed.
It is true, however, that Trump could seat him while the Senate is out of session. Maybe he even will do it.
2 Hindus and a chink, too. WASP WINNING.
They have the fatherless “Vance” as VP though, he was a Marine, reminds me of Stonewall Jackson. Oh wait, he converted to Catholicism and has a Hindu wife.
These rich business men and politicians who have made profit off these illegals need to be rounded up right now and put in prison or deported along with these illegals. They are going to try to wash their hands in the coming weeks of their involvement in illegals entering and working in this country. Need to catch them before their act changes suddenly to they didn’t do nothin’.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
PS: Biden should be impeached and jailed right now along with his open borders czar Harris.
Build the wall, make it tall and deport them all!
German leader says no…
Transfer of Taurus missiles to Kiev would be mistake, German chancellor believes
Olaf Scholz has consistently ruled out the possibility of supplying Ukraine with Taurus missiles, which have a range of approximately 500 kilometers
BERLIN, November 20. /TASS/. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated that, for various reasons, he considers the potential transfer of Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev a mistake and reiterated that he does not intend to supply them.
“In my view, supplying cruise missiles would be a mistake for many reasons,” Scholtz said, explaining that in light of their capability and effectiveness to strike far inland, there would be no other option but to control the pick of targets. “This would mean involvement [in the conflict], which I consider inappropriate,” the German government’s press service quoted Scholz as saying.
“So, I make it clear: I stand by my decision not to supply this weapon,” the chancellor emphasized…
— tass dot com
meanwhile; Kikes keep busy
“Schumer Moves to Silence Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech With ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act’”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is trying to ram through the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” to silence criticism of Jews and Israel as hate speech and empower the federal government to crack down on anti-Israel protests on college campuses.
Schumer is attempting to pass the bill by adding it to the so-called “must pass” 2025 National Defense Authorization Act but is drawing pushback from House Speaker Mike Johnson.
Johnson already passed the bill in the House and agrees with the bill in principle but just wants it to be a standalone vote. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) plans to reject Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) proposal to add the long-stalled Antisemitism Awareness Act to the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, throwing the legislation back into limbo.
Johnson suggested that Schumer is trying to avoid putting senators on record about the bill with a standalone vote, and that the legislation could be outside the scope of the annual defense and national security bill, which routinely serves as a vehicle for a host of other legislation. “It has been reported that Leader Schumer wants to avoid a vote of accountability and instead attach the Antisemitism Awareness Act to the annual NDAA legislation. By necessity, the NDAA will be strictly limited to matters pertaining to national security,” Johnson said in a statement to Jewish Insider.
“The House passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act more than six months ago. Leader Schumer should simply put the Antisemitism bill on the Senate floor without delay, give Senators a chance to debate this very important issue, and pass this bill on its own.”
The American people just voted overwhelming for the (ostensibly) free speech candidate in the 2024 election and this is how our AIPAC-owned Congress responds. Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who resigned just two days ago after Trump nominated him to be Attorney General, called out the “hate speech” bill earlier this year (in a tweet he deleted just yesterday) and said it would criminalize the Gospel itself. This evening, I will vote AGAINST the ridiculous hate speech bill called the “Antisemitism Awareness Act.”
Antisemitism is wrong, but this legislation is written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words. The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill!
The bill says the definition of antisemitism includes “contemporary examples of antisemitism” identified by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). One of those examples includes: “…claims of Jews killing Jesus…”
The Bible is clear. There is no myth or controversy on this. Therefore, I will not support this bill.
This bill is a blatant attack on the First Amendment and a pledge of allegiance to the Israel Lobby. Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie also called out the “unconstitutional” bill as a blatant violation of the First Amendment:
All the bad actors and näive fools who are doing cartwheels celebrating zion Donald Judas Trump’s nominees personally selected by über zionist fanatical jew Howard Lutnick are the types of people who would buy left-handed scissors and elevator passes from the like of ashkenazi globalist cabal troll and his tribe of “fellow whites,” as freshmen in high school.
Hi Christina, nice to see you back.
If you’ve been reading OD, you know who some of the näive fools and bad actors
I am referring to in regards to Trump and other topics.
Stop back in when you get the chance.
Lutnick’s view of tax, tariffs and trade policy is identical to Pat Buchanan’s analysis.
“Lutnick’s view of tax, ….”
That’s all part of the ‘suck up’ process, to ingratiate themselves into the power structure. This is how they all work to embed themselves into any system, be it monarchy, republic or communist.
This is how Kissinger ‘snow jobbed’ his way into Nixon’s admin, then filled national intelligence with fellow Jews
They do this in government, corporations, schools etc.
““Lutnick’s view of tax, ….”
That’s all part of the ‘suck up’ process, to ingratiate themselves into the power structure. This is how they all work to embed themselves into any system, be it monarchy, republic or communist.”
If you could find me an Anglo-Protestant financier who is experienced in international trade negotiations, versed in the American School of Economics, has publicly supported a Trade Protectionist regime, and a plan to implement it, by all means get him appointed first. Hell, I’d even take a Papist who meets all those qualifications (Buchanan doesn’t meet them but should be appointed in policy except he has retired from government). As it is, it appears that on America First Trade policy agenda, its “Duh, Jews,” who are most based. Sorry, but not sorry.
“This is how Kissinger ‘snow jobbed’ his way into Nixon’s admin, then filled national intelligence with fellow Jews.”
There were always Jews in National Intelligence. Although, sure, they weren’t as big as now. But, neither were the Papists.
“They do this in government, corporations, schools etc.”
Maybe your side should try it. Seems to work. Or keep grinding about “Duh, Jews,” and forever be locked out as a weird troll sabotaging your own side, like Nick Fuentes, who can now claim to single handedly being responsible for allowing “Cocaine” Mitch “China Doll” McConnell to secure hobble an America First Administration. Typical Papist troll skullduggery.
Would Pat Buchanan choose the same people for his hypothetical administration as Lutnick has for Trump’s?
Rhetorical question, of course.
Have to seen or read what the guests on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s YouTube channel “Judging Freedom ” opinions are on Lunick-Kusher-Trump picks for cabinet secretaries?
Even Tulsi Gabbard has gone rogue from her more reasonable positions over the last few years.
MAGApedes in my opinion and Napolitano’s guests have been sold pyrite, but they think it’s 24K gold.
I always have time for you. Yes I have a very dim view of Trump but I am being low key about it on Jaye Ryan’s article since I do not wish to upset people. I have started to look at OD again here and there. OD makes me uneasy but the main stream media is worse.
Just read on the news an arrest warrant has been issued on the Israeli Prime Minister. That should have the Americans in a frenzy.
If you respond I will catch it in a few minutes or when I get back from school.
What Jack/Jaye Ryan references as me being “rude” to the some of the female posters on OD was an exchange between myself and his biggest supporter/flatterer. In that matter, his fan wanted me to post 10 things I like about Anglos. As I had previously wrote about my admiration for English achievements in science, engineering, and literature, I didn’t feel the need to fulfill her “shit test” (my words). You are well aquatinted with my positions in regards to British military interventions over the past 150 years, and Anglo cooperation with jews in “The New World.”
Mr. Ryan’s fan girl also thought that Europeans of non-Anglo ancestry should show some genuflecting gratitude towards her ancestors. Of course, I pointed out that the US colonies would have never won the Revolutionary War without the assistance of the French Navy, General Von Steuben, and Casimir Pulaski.
As someone whose family line on my French side goes back to the early nineteenth century, had ancestors in this nation fight and bleed in its many immoral wars, been persecuted by the predecessor of the FBI for being Germans, though three generations in America, and have been upright citizens.
It goes without saying that I deeply admire the Bill of Rights the founders enshrined in the US Constitution.
It would be prudent, if European Americans understood how Shay’s Rebellion was a catalyst for the Bill of Rights, and that federal judicial overeach was due to the court case Marbury v Madison (1803).
As someone who witnessed my heated written exchanges with “Denise” aka “Disease,” you understand that I do not suffer fools lightly. That’s always been my nature. It’s those that allowed fools and bad actors to proceed without pushback that paved the way for the “progressive judeo-liberalism” we are experiencing now.
Okay. I am fine with all this. Some parts of what you wrote are of course none of my business though I appreciate your explanations on such matters.
I also remember Denise. How can anyone forget her? Her worse insults were directed toward my sister who quit this website several years ago. Sis and I shared the same room, same Windows 7 computer and same created email address only used for political discourse as compared to our real private ones and a created user id which actually is a combination of personal and family names.
Does not the Federals know who everyone on here is anyway?
And yes it is true that without Britain during the American Revolution having to fight not only the French Empire but the Spanish and Dutch as well never stood a chance. The British rebels won because of European intervention something Americans usually forget.
Obviously November is dangling a carrot here and talking about me. So I will respond.
You make it sound like I demanded for you to praise the Anglos for no reason at all. No, it is because a lot of posters like you never have anything good to say about them ( Anglos, Protestants etc…..).
I honestly could care less if Russians living in Russia bash us or Croatians in Croatia. I do however take issue with it constantly being done within pro white circles in America or Canada or Australia or Britain for obvious reasons. It is creating a lot of division in our movement and the people provoking it should expect a backlash especially on a site like this that is Southern based where you will see a ton of British heritage.
And once again, I never denied that the British colonists had some help during the Revolution. But most sources say around 85% of the people living here were from the British Isles and the Founding Fathers were 100% from there. It isn’t far fetched to give British Protestants most of the credit for creating America.
I am someone who sees good in all white groups. But I however resent my own group constantly being bashed in our circles. In an American branch of the movement it makes little sense. So I will continue to stand up for my particular group despite anyone protesting it.
“Of course, I pointed out that the US colonies would have never won the Revolutionary War without the assistance of the French Navy, General Von Steuben, and Casimir Pulaski.”
First, the French Navy was commanded by a Protestant. General Von Steuben was a member of the German Reformed Christian Church and hated Papists. Casimir Pulaski was a crypto-reformer Catholic like Lafayette and like him also a “dastardly” Freemason.
Its almost certain that Independence would’ve won without Steuben. It would’ve even been won without the French Navy. It would’ve certainly been won without Pulaski. True, all of them in combination provided the knock out blow necessary to defeat the British by 1781.
But, there is only one man who in absence would’ve cost us independence. That man is deservedly called the Father of his country, who also was a British American, a Protestant (Anglican), and a Freemason.
No one listens to your disinformation heeb, except some <midwit Southerners that unfortunately eat it up like after Halloween candy on clearance.
Lying kike. The Continental Army were ragtag state militias that didn’t know how to fight or use tactics that contemporary European armies used. Von Steuben changed all of that. He turned them into 100 man companies of troops.
The US Army still uses a portion of his instructions on drill to this day.
Baron Von Steuben literally saved the American Revolution from defeat by whipping them into an organized fighting force.
This discussion over who helped who during the Revolution is petty at best. There isn’t a single European country that ever did anything entirely on their own. And there were many times when Britain was the helper whether we are talking about a scientific discovery or something else. In our original discussion I never disagreed that America had help during the Revolution.
Most of my areas of disagreement are when I am constantly seeing Anglo Protestants getting bashed on here by certain posters while next to nothing good is said about them. In response I will point out good things they have done just like how other white ethnic groups have done good things. For anyone to take issue with someone like myself reacting in that way is, ….. odd. Especially in a country that was obviously mostly ( mostly) created by British Protestants.
“Baron Von Steuben literally saved the American Revolution”
You forgot a mountain of French gold, the French fleet blocking Chesapeake Bay, more French soldiers at Yorktown than Americans, French ambassador telling the English if they didn’t quit north America then England would be made a colony of France.
“North America owes it’s independence to the excellence of French powder.” Lavoisier
It’s not “petty.” It is a response to the statements that other than Anglos, and I guess Scot-Irish Protestants than Europeans that do not fit that definition should be “grateful ” to be citizens of the USA.
My point was to make it crystal clear that without the contributions of Europeans that do not fall into those two categories the US Constitution and independence from the crown of England would not have happened, at least, in the 1700s.
British scientific, engineering, and literature are without a doubt splendid and of rare peerage. I’ve never argued otherwise.
But I will not just sit back, and not cite how for all the British have contributed to Western civilization, it has been the Anglosphere from the late 1800s to the present that are responsible for bringing us to the current existential crisis due to their establishment elites and patriotically gaslit proletariat in conjunction with primarily jews that have taken the European race from unrivaled world domination to the Great Replacement in all of our respective homelands.
Thank you for acknowledging the achievements that you are aware of in regards to the British. In regards to America’s founding, even though America had help it isn’t far fetched at all to say the founding was mostly a product of British Protestants. I thought this was something pretty normally acknowledged. I have even heard podcasters in our circles who might otherwise attack Anglos, acknowledge that.
If I moved to Argentina, it wouldn’t offend me that that country is mostly a child of Spain despite letting in so many immigrants later. I would happily acknowledge that. That is why I say what I say about America. It doesn’t make sense to me for so many pro whites to be living here while constantly bashing the creators of this country and the source of the largest plurality of ancestry while I am at it.
In regards to what you say about the British from the 1800s onwards, yes I agree , and have before , that Anglosphere leaders haven’t been making good decisions in a lot of cases. But putting the blame entirely on one group sounds far fetched to me. You can’t tell me plenty of other European leaders in other countries haven’t done plenty to lead to our current situation.
Again I like using America as an example. Evangelical Southern Protestants continually vote against liberal candidates in far higher percentages than any other white group in America. You can go on about us being neocons but I guess white people up North voting for Kamala in higher percentages than they should is somehow better.
Ever since I have been voting going back to the Bush W years, it is always the parts of the country with the most ethnic whites as opposed to Anglo whites that are either blue or on the verge of being purple. The Southern states on the verge of going purple have the most Northern transplants. I would say the northern parts of the Interior West, like the Dakotas, are the only solid red states that are more German or Scandinavian than Anglo.
Also, The Political Cesspool radio show once listed all the presidents who were racially aware. It wasn’t until Kennedy that things really changed in that regard for the worst. I wonder why.
Just seems there is a lot more to the story than putting the blame on Anglos for our current situation.
” that Anglosphere leaders.”
Right there is the crux of the evil.
I was raised in the Episcopalian Church that at the time was so Anglocentric that every vicar was literally ordained in England at the church were I was in the choir. It does get more Anglo-American Protestant than that. It was a compromise between my Lutheran mother and Catholic father. At the time, Episcopalian and Catholic services were so close in doctrine that on occasion our vicar would conduct mass at the Catholic Church a block away, and vice versa. Obviously, in the decades since, they are no longer close. I only bring that up, so you and others understand I do not come from a place of ignorance or prejudice towards Anglos.
After Napoleon, France was no longer an empire. It had colonies around the world, but it got its ass kicked in the Franvo-Prussian War of 1870-71, and lost the territories of Alsace and most of Lorraine that were German speaking regions.
It was the British (Rothschild) empire that was the premier world power at the beginning of WWII. In the 150 year span I mentioned before, it was involved in two wars against the Boers/Afrikaners in South Africa in which they were the first nation to use concentration camps against civilians including women, children, and the elderly. Upwards of 50 thousand Boers died in those camps.
We all know that the British could have stayed out of WWI, but chose to engage in yet another unnecessary ‘brother war’ out of conceit and envy of the upstart Germany’s increasing power on continental Europe.
It was the Royal Navy that imposed the starvation blockade of Germany that forced Germany to sign the atrocious Treaty of Versailles. Of course, the French were almost as awful in the setting the terms of the treaty because they still held a grudge against the Germans from the previously aforementioned Franco-Prussian War. Yet another ‘Brother War’ that the British voluntarily engaged in, but this time they drew in the United States for their and jewish advantage.
I don’t think I need to go into Britain’s role in being the antagonist for WWII in Europe. Anglo-American president FDR was chomping at the bit for war against Germany, as far back as 1937. Again, it was a nexus of Anglos and jews that were responsible for the most deadly war in European history.
The West never recovered from WWII in prestige, culture, or society, an the post-war outcome was jewish hegemony of all of our institutions bit by bit.
And as you most certainly understand, after the British Empire collapsed, the Anglo-American Empire took its place.
As far as JFK being the first US president that didn’t have a pro-White racial POV, I would disagree. Truman desegregated the US military, and Eisenhower desegregated Little Rock High School in Arkansas at the point of bayonets. You may also want to look at the men and their religious affiliation on the US Supreme Court that gave the ruling on Brown v Board of Education. Iirc, it was eight Protestants and one jew or Catholic.
JFK had many faults, as did his brother RFK. I am not arguing otherwise.
A very strong argument could be made that Anglos in the hierarchy CIA, FBI, Secret Service were in an conspiracy with Mossad to assassinate JFK.
So my points stand.
November, I don’t want to go back and forth with you more before Thanksgiving. I am aware of mistakes Anglo leaders made during WW2. But this idea of only holding them responsible for what has happened to whites all around the world ever since, is the part that is far fetched to me. Many European leaders of many countries ever since WW2 have happily rolled over to introduce multiculturalism and third world immigration to their respective countries. Were Anglo Saxons standing in the room with them every time with a gun to their heads? I doubt it.
Britain was still over 95% white in the early 90s. Blair really pumped up the amount of immigration to that country and many of his European cousins in Europe were happily doing the same thing at the time on their own. Look at Angela Merkel. Were English people standing in the room forcing her to do what she did? Perhaps there is a different common enemy that we should all be focusing on more.
In regards to the examples you give, of Protestant traitors in America, yes we all agree there have been Protestant traitors, although I would have to personally double check some of the claims you made above. But I don’t see anything good that has happened to this country once we saw Protestant Anglos losing more power, and also once we started seeing more Catholics in power. Things have just gotten worse. For every Protestant traitor you mention, I can mention Catholic traitors as well. Look at Hart and Celler. One was Irish and from Pennsylvania and one was from German immigrant parents in NYC.
To be fair, I wouldn’t want to see what happened to America happen to any white country. The founding population shouldn’t get replaced. I wouldn’t want German Protestants pouring into Spain and changing things. I am not a supporter of Americans or Brits pouring into Russia which a lot of people in our circles support. I think for any country, replacing the native people and how they do things just spells disaster.
White Protestants typically vote more conservative in this country than white Catholics do. When Biden was elected the gap was 17 percentage points and there were times before historically when the gap was much larger. When you only focus on Southern Evangelicals in comparison, the gap is 20 to 30 points or more! And as I mentioned before, the heavily Catholic and ethnic Northern parts of the country are typically blue or on the verge of purple.
I can understand why you might be upset with Anglo leaders during WW2 but blaming Anglos in America as a people in general when looking specifically at America’s problems, makes little sense to me.
Anyways, have a nice Thanksgiving!
Wow, Aryan 8200 got really hot and sweaty when someone suggested abolishing CIA. Ok, that clears that one up.
The least Jewish Cabinet of our lifetime? It was a policy back in the day to have a Jew in the cabinet, even though no one wanted that, they would do it. There were a couple years when Nixon had no Jews in his cabinet. He hated Jews right much, but he did put Kissinger in as Secretary of State, in ’73. Kissinger of course promptly went about conspiring to destroy Nixon, which did happen.
But yeah, for younger people, all they’ve seen in their lifetimes is Jews and more Jews. And that continues. Trump has named a right large Cabal of Jews, and a lot of Pajeets too. Pajeets work for the Jews, clearing out white ppl. The Great Replacement in action.
Jews at Treasury and Commerce, and no, Lutnick is not anything like Pat Buchanan. He was a big Clinton supporter, and he represents Wall Street not Main Street. At State is Marrano Rubio, although normies will never catch on to that. And of course the Big Guy, the Jew President, the Orange Savior, our third Jew President, after Eisenhower and Johnson.
Hoghshytte is there to inspire foolish young white normies to volunteer to die for the Jews. That will, too. Zog isn’t joking. They need their cattle to step up. Which is why Trump was selected by Zog over Camel.
“The least Jewish Cabinet of our lifetime? It was a policy back in the day to have a Jew in the cabinet, even though no one wanted that, they would do it.”
That really only started as best as I can remember under Hoover and if not thrn it began certainly under Franklin Roosevelt. There was a time from about WWI until the Depression when Yankees were all getting worried as Jews climbed the socio-economic-political ladder. This happened because those dumb assed Yankees brought them over to begin with as cheap laborers, low grade accountants, and grocer bill collectors. Next thing they knew these Yids, were all speaking a kind of English accent, applying to their Ivy League schools, and filling up their classrooms. With all the Prod Rednecks they were recruiting from Appalachia there were few seats left for Ken and Barbie. So. They went all A.S.Sperger for awhile, until they came up with athleticism requirements for Ivy League, used the Kosher Nostra to kneecap the Irish Papist Mob and monitor the Guido Papist Mob, and then come to an agreement dividing up wealth trading on Wall Street. Stupid Yankees.
“There were a couple years when Nixon had no Jews in his cabinet. He hated Jews right much, but he did put Kissinger in as Secretary of State, in ’73. Kissinger of course promptly went about conspiring to destroy Nixon, which did happen.”
Kissinger was part of Nixon’s cabinet on Day One. Kissinger was National Security Advisor before Secretary of State. They complimented each other famously and pulled off some political coups. Both being politicians, they were in the end meant to stab each other in the back. Thats what politicians usually do.
“Jews at Treasury and Commerce, and no, Lutnick is not anything like Pat Buchanan. He was a big Clinton supporter, and he represents Wall Street not Main Street. At State is Marrano Rubio, although normies will never catch on to that. And of course the Big Guy, the Jew President, the Orange Savior, our third Jew President, after Eisenhower and Johnson.”
First Lutnick is the most American Firster in Trade we’ve had since probably Nixon’s time. He definitely is going to put in Buchanan’s policies, which I might add aren’t his own just copies of standard American trade policy before Vietnam. As to claiming Eisenhower was one of our most Jew Presidents, simply makes your agenda look like clown world.
“Jews at Treasury and Commerce….”
Nominee Bessent isn’t a Jew. In an earlier posting I said give me a Protestant or even Papist international financier who supports America First Trade Protectionism and I’d support him. Bessent is one such person. He is an old Anglo-Protestant, from a founding family of South Carolina, and God knows probably a relative of mine and Hunter’s. So, we got our Dixie Protestant Colonial Settler who supports an America First Trade Protectionist policy. BAM!
Has any Jew or other non-White ever been silenced/sued/charged/convicted/etc of hate speech/hate thoughts/hate crimes/etc against another race? And if so, how many “perps” are in this category?
I would like to know. I only know of white people being subjected to these political shenanigans.
And if the answer is no then anti-antisemitism is just another lie along with the Left’s favorite: “racism”.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
In case you see this, remember I told you to keep an eye on that jewess Claudia Scheinbaum. Isn’t it odd about a female jew becoming president of a nation that identifies as over 80% Catholic?
Did you notice that (((Larry Fink’s BlackRock))) had emissaries meeting with Scheinbaum within days of the election? I am sure it’s just my mind playing tricks on me, and not the usual parasitical behavior of the ‘chosenites.”
On the topic of Abrahamic faiths, there was a fascinating article on how Latinos in USA 50% Protestant by 2030 (yep, the philosemitic kind), and Latin America will be less than half Catholic.
The rise of Evangelicalism has become a matter of interest in recent years due to its rapid growth, which would seem to have been partially backed by the United States since the Nixon administration as part of a geopolitical strategy aimed at regaining control over the continent.
Ultimately, the growth of far-left terrorism in Latin America, accompanied by the emerging Liberation theology, convinced the US strategists of the urgent necessity to act in order to prevent its backyard from falling into the Communist bloc.
Liberation theology – a political-religious doctrine combining Catholic and leftist elements, teachings and world visions – emerged as the main result of the ideological ferment that upset the Western Christianity in the post-War era, and as a response to political and economic failures in the region.
Secretly, the United States kept funding the expansion of Evangelical churches in South America, seeing them as a way to “Americanize” and turn the region away from Communism and Catholicism while simultaneously promoting American national interest and worldview.
De-catholicization does not mean dechristianization but the rejection of Catholic beliefs and teachings such as hyperdulia, the veneration of saints or the papal primacy. The most important Evangelical denominations are characterized by their strong support of Atlanticist positions, particularly regarding the War on Terror and Zionism.
Do what you will with this intelligence report.
I appreciate the time and effort that went into your article. It will take time for me to go over it. I do know that a smart person on earth is always at war with their enemies and you can never relax.
My family and others consider Mexicans who switch to Protestantism to be race traitors as well as abandoning our relgion. It is thought that they wish to be more acceptable to Anglos.
My sister remembers you fondly. You once told her that when drinking you drink the hardest liquor first and then the lighter ones next. Or did I get that story backwards?
I do not recall making that statement about drinking liquor.
What I’ve heard is, “Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.”
The above information was just in case you and your family were unaware of that overt operation to flip Latinos from Catholicism to Evangelical zionist Protestantism.
The first time I experienced this was during an in real life conversation with a very conservative Puerto Rican that resembles Jim Cavisal than Roberto Clemente. Anyway, I was bringing up jewish malfeasance, subversive, and pernicious agendas, and he countered by saying that, America is blessed by the jews.” It was startling to hear this come from a man 65 years old.
My personal position is that the last thing Europeans needs is to have the diminishing White Evangelical zionist “Christians” being replaced in strength and numbers for our enemy’s advantage.
As you wrote, we must never underestimate the lengths they will go to undermine us. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion should have been more than enough evidence that was their endgame.
Anyway, be well, and give my best to your family on Thanksgiving and beyond.
Thank you for that. I will convey your wishes to my family. As for that Puerto Rican? That was disgusting.
Okay. So it is hard liquor before soft. I do not like beer but I am allowed to drink red wine at home and margaritas at restaurants. Mexico is more lenient on drinking laws and enforcement. My father more than once let me sip from his margarita when I was quite young.
They are quite tasty.
Crucifiers of Christ ought to be held in continual subjection. (Pope Innocent III) 6
It would be licit, according to custom, to hold Jews in perpetual servitude because of their crime. (St. Thomas Aquinas) 7
The Jewish people fell from the heights because of their faithlessness and condemned their Redeemer to a shameful death. Their godlessness has assumed such forms that, for the salvation of our own people, it becomes necessary to prevent their disease. Besides usury, through which Jews everywhere have sucked dry the property of impoverished Christians, they are accomplices of thieves and robbers; and the most damaging aspect of the matter is that they allure the unsuspecting through magical incantations, superstition, and witchcraft to the Synagogue of Satan and boast of being able to predict the future. We have carefully investigated how this revolting sect abuses the name of Christ and how harmful they are to those whose life is threatened by their deceit. On account of these and other serious matters, and because of the gravity of their crimes which increase day to day more and more, We order that, within 90 days, all Jews in our entire earthly realm of justice — in all towns, districts, and places — must depart these regions. ~ Pope St. Pius V (From his Bull, “The Jewish Race,” Feb.26, 1569; PAC, p.648).
Notice how they are called a race as well as a religion. And are called the Synagogue of Satan.
My sister is amused you forgot that about liquor. Do you even remember that she wrote about the university she would attend a few years ago and that it was located in Guadalajara? You sent a musical video with a Mexican singing that famous song.
I bet not. She just laughed and said we remember all that males tell us while they forget much very conveniently. She told me just to expect that in my future.
I searched for a song for you. Here it is.
every halfway decent pick (and they are at best only halfway decent for our benefit) will be replaced by either a super zionist or someone useless who will be managed
Hope you’re wrong.
Look at those names on this list (e.g., General Mark Milley, Jared Kushner, and Dr, Robert Fauci). Trump gave them Presidential Commendations for “Operation Warp Speed” AKA ‘The Vaxx.
Trust the plan.
@Novemberist Red Guardsman,
“Lying kike.”
You are such a little child Papist, so focused on Jews, you call a Pure Nordic Aryan a Kike just cuz he disagrees with your idiotic Anti-Zionism Activist Brain.
“The Continental Army were ragtag state militias that didn’t know how to fight or use tactics that contemporary European armies used.”
False. The American colonials had been fighting using European contemporary tactics since day one. After all they were Europeans. They were led by British Protestant Aristocrats, most of whom studied the arts of War, religion, and the liberal arts not just in America but often in the UK.
The colonial forces were used heavily in the Britain’s wars against her European foes whether fighting with General Wolfe to capture Quebec, storm the defenses of Louisburg, seize French fortresses in the Caribbean, and even served fighting in Europe defending Gibraltar and even on European battlefields. American forces were used in running armed convoys to the UK like in WWI and WWII but in the 1600s and 1700s. Colonial Rangers and Marines were raised to fight overseas. Entire regiments were made up of mostly Americans. It all culminated in the massive 7 years war which saw Americans fighting even as far away as India.
So, the American were well versed not just in British conventional tactics but in strategies. They knew well how to regulate and drill according to British conventional tactics. In fact, the main issue the colonials had with the British imperial authorities was the over reliance on European tactics in North America. It caused multiple disasters in fighting the Indians and French special forces. Centuries before your Franco-German Papist ilk came here, we already had mythic history behind us telling us what really happened.
Not until the British used a combination of American militia frontiersmen, well trained militia expeditionary units, and British regulars did the British Empire finally defeat all its enemies in America, in Europe and in India. What the Americans lacked to fight the British Empire was a large well trained army and an institution to run and maintain the army.
When it was forced to fight the entire Empire, and decided to fight it conventionally, there wasn’t a large institutionalized cadre to build a large conventional army. Thats were bitter ender Patriots met Von Steube and his Blue Book. All Von Steuben did was hand craft cadres of Bitter Ender Patriots into force multipliers, and organize them with Washington to create an Military Establishment and a Continental Army capable of defeating the British at all levels.
Overall, it is true that Von Steuben helped discipline the Continental Army into a force capable of fighting conventionally in large formation battle with the British. But, he wasn’t the only one and the Continentals had already bested the British in a number of battles. To give it all to Von Steuben is ridiculous.
“The US Army still uses a portion of his instructions on drill to this day.”
Yeah, no kidding. I trained under it. As a result I studied Von Steuben. I found he didn’t like Papists. He also was a kind of paleo-Zionist and thought Jews should go back to the Holy Land. Oops. Silly little Midwit Kraut doesn’t even know his Prussian Protestant hero was a Zionist.
@November Sour Kraut Red Guardsman,
“It’s not “petty.” It is a response to the statements that other than Anglos, and I guess Scot-Irish Protestants than Europeans that do not fit that definition should be “grateful ” to be citizens of the USA.”
The core constituencies of America are best described in the book “Albion’s Seed.” Read it and then you won’t sound so much an insufferable bigoted fool.
“My point was to make it crystal clear that without the contributions of Europeans that do not fall into those two categories the US Constitution and independence from the crown of England would not have happened, at least, in the 1700s.”
Of course they would have happened. And in the balance, they did as it was the British Protestants who provided the overwhelming force behind independence in America. The fact is, 80% of the White population of the colonies were British Protestant (including Irish Papists who converted from Whoredom). The remaining 20% were again overwhelmingly Protestant of German, French, and Scandinavian origin. Many were already part British by intermarriage. As to other Europeans, we owe most to the French who arguably ensured Independence happened when it did.
Therefore, the biggest amd most decisive contributors to the War of Independence of American colonials were ipso facto the British Protestants themselves. The Patriot leadership was even more British Protestant than the Patriot population. The greatest contributors of this British Patriot core were Southerners, who were overwhelmingly British and not just British but English. Even the so called Scots-Irish were made up probably of around half Anglo-Saxons. Americans are at their core, British Protestants. Everyone else is just visiting. Especially you.
“But I will not just sit back, and not cite how for all the British have contributed to Western civilization, it has been the Anglosphere from the late 1800s to the present that are responsible for bringing us to the current existential crisis due to their establishment elites and patriotically gaslit proletariat in conjunction with primarily jews that have taken the European race from unrivaled world domination to the Great Replacement in all of our respective homelands.”
Your facts to support that contention have all been proven false. The fact is, it was the faggot Germans who brought Europe to its knees with their inflated egotism and determination to imperially expand Germany at other Europeas’ expense. The Germans started both Brothers Wars in the 20th century. It was Germans who began the third world national and religious revolutionary War movements, including the use of modern terrorism. Germans developed War by Terror. Germans developed War by Starvation. Germans started mass industrial warfare. There isn’t any significant wound European civilization has suffered since the 20th century that weren’t caused by those German sons of bitches!
“I was raised in the Episcopalian Church that at the time was so Anglocentric that every vicar was literally ordained in England at the church were I was in the choir. It does get more Anglo-American Protestant than that. It was a compromise between my Lutheran mother and Catholic father. At the time, Episcopalian and Catholic services were so close in doctrine that on occasion our vicar would conduct mass at the Catholic Church a block away, and vice versa.”
I was raided in an Episcopalian Church, was an acolyte, a lay reader and became an Anglican Deacon and Biblically educated Christian. There are similarities between all the liturgical churches with the Orthodox and Eastern ones being most different. But, there are also clear differences between the Protestant and Papists too. No Papist was ever allowed to conduct the liturgy in the Episcopal Church and vice versa. You were obviously raised in some crypto- Catholic splitist Parish. In turn, obviously this was a secret Romanist subversive Episcopalian Priest. He probably was a child abuser who deliberately brought infamy to the Episcopal Church. I bet most of its members are now Papists. You were all Papist mind phucked. Lastly, the differences between Papists and the Anglicans are so obvious starting with the gaudy neo-pagan gilted ornamentation of those Papist shithole buildings.
“After Napoleon, France was no longer an empire.”
Of course it was.
“It had colonies around the world,,,”
That’s called an Empire.
“but it got its ass kicked in the Franvo-Prussian War of 1870-71, and lost the territories of Alsace and most of Lorraine that were German speaking regions.”
First, this is just another example of the damage caused by Germans. The Franco-Prussian War was a Brothers War of Aggression waged by Germany. An imperialist war of self aggrandizement that literally later justified WWI. Second, Alsace Lorraine wasn’t majority German. It was majority Franco-German, with the majority speaking both languages. It historically, culturally, and nationally was French. Germany was simply refighting a dynastic war settled centuries earlier. Lame.
“It was the British (Rothschild) empire that was the premier world power at the beginning of WWII. In the 150 year span I mentioned before, it was involved in two wars against the Boers/Afrikaners in South Africa in which they were the first nation to use concentration camps against civilians including women, children, and the elderly. Upwards of 50 thousand Boers died in those camps.”
Lying SaurKraut. It was like 20,000 maybe even less. Most died because after their black servants were taken away, these rural farming families of women and children didn’t know how to properly maintain hygiene in the closed quarters of the camps. Nonetheless, the British tried mightily to support and maintain them.
Indeed, the most Boer fighters even negotiated to send their own families to the camps because their guerrilla war tactics had made civilians and thus their own families in danger and they thought it would be better for them there. The concentration camp was a system to separate the militants from the non-combatants and deprive the fighters of support. It was not a deliberate policy to kill poor little Boer women and children.
Nonetheless, the tragedy of the deaths were responded with alacrity by the British once it became known. Once the British were able to properly secure and hygiene the camps, especially from measles and cholera, the death rate collapsed.
Overall, the deaths appear to be a case of a measles and cholera outbreak exacerbatrd by the Boer’s lack of ability to live without their servants. In comparison some 50,000 British Imperial troops died of disease, chiefly measles and cholera as well. Did the Tommies die because Churchill wanted to kill them?
“We all know that the British could have stayed out of WWI, but chose to engage in yet another unnecessary ‘brother war’ out of conceit and envy of the upstart Germany’s increasing power on continental Europe.”
Laughably insane projection and fantabulatuon. Germany started ANOTHER Brothers War, out of conceit of its OWN power and envy of Britain and France, particularly their empires. The Germans thought they deserved to be the Supreme ruler of Europe and were willing to destroy it to get their greed. They started it but we finished it GOOOD.
“It was the Royal Navy that imposed the starvation blockade of Germany that forced Germany to sign the atrocious Treaty of Versailles.”
More lies. Germany started the strategy of economic warfare and submission of the opposing nations thru starvation via their submarine and cruiser attacks on Britain’s should line. At the time Britain received 2/3rds of its colories from outside of Britain. Most came from far away outside of Europe. In contrast Germany got only a 1/3rd of its calories outside of Germany, and most came from modern Poland and Ukraine (which it conquered) and from Austria Hungary which was an its next door neighbor and ally.
Britain responded by cutting off all of Germany’s non-European trade. This was very effective for those imports but only accounted for about 25% of beef and 15% of calories overall. What it mostly cut off were materials for military applications.
However, the Germans however never cut off Britain’s trade entirely. Their were moments in 1917 when starvation looked possible, but the British went full bore into revitalizing their internal Agricultural economy which previously had been a wonder of Europe before adopting Free Trade in the 1850s. They also developed a significant wartime rationing program that with the French became the standard by which all countries seek to meet in case of war or emergencies. No one tries to emulate the Germans. Why?
Germany meanwhile showed its inner character. It gave priority of its food supplies to the troops, who ate very well. The civilians however were screwed. The imperial government never developed a voluntary democratic patriotic ration system like the Allies, but a coercive authortarian system which paradoxically sanctioned a vast Black Market system that favored the wealthy.
Also unlike Britain, Germany had a huge theft and racketeering system during the war. Typically, this was centered on the Papists who in keeping with their culture of degeneracy embraced wartime black markets, racketeering and theft. As a result, despite controlling Ukraine, Poland, the Hungarian plains, the breadbasket of Europe, and getting most if its colories within Germany, they shat the bed. Why? Because they were arsehole Germans!
“Yet another ‘Brother War’ that the British voluntarily engaged in, but this time they drew in the United States for their and jewish advantage.”
Another Brother War, Germans voluntarily started, and then promptly got their asses handed to them in spades for starting. Good.
The rest of your comments are more foolish lies, so without basis its almost like they were meant not to provide a different point of view, but to simply antagonize and divide people. Its typically Russian and typically German at the same time. The usual suspect Huns once again.