More Donald Trump Cabinet Picks


The trend continues.

Donald Trump is on track to appoint the least diverse and least Jewish Cabinet of our lifetimes.


  1. MIGA cabinet all the way.

    No way Gaetz gets confirmed. He resigned and now he gets the ethics investigation against him dropped. How convenient.

    • @SC Rebel,

      “No way Gaetz gets confirmed. He resigned and now he gets the ethics investigation against him dropped. How convenient.”

      You are looking at it the wrong way. He gets confirmed by the GOP and they in turn are spared. They got the goods on him and he them. All is good. Modern politics in Post-America America.

  2. Stephen Miller is a Jew, but a right wing Jew.
    Tulsi Gabbard to my knowledge is Indian.
    Marco Rubio is hispanic.

    I would be more optimistic about the Gabbard pick if it was for Secretary of State. But, instead he placed Rubio there.

    I kind of see us (me and hunter) as having opposing predictions. I think Trump will be a foreign policy sell out, he appears not to. Only time will show who is right.

  3. Hegseth describes himself as a “recovering Neocon”.

    I hope he makes a complete recovery.

    Someone please give that man a copy of Pat Buchanan’s book “Where the Right Went Wrong”.

  4. Not only least Jewish, but most importantly least PAPIST! There haven’t been this few Palists in a GOP Cabinet since at least GHW Bush, probably even Richard Nixon or perhaps even Eisenhower.

    That is the real reason so many of your ((commentators)) are black pilled and angry. Lesson learned. If you want to be successful, don’t involve Papists in your movement, politics, or operations.

  5. If we can get a couple more Conservative Nationalist Southern/Western Protestants in the Cabinet and add it with other appointments to say FBI, Homeland, DIA, NSA, etc, we will have the most non-North Eastern dominated government since God knows when. Seeth harder ((NadSacks)).

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