I’m just going to say it.
I am increasingly aggravated with “anti-Zionists.”
The funny thing about it is that it has nothing to do with Jews or Israel. I have written 26 pages of articles about the Jewish Question on this website over the span of 16 years. There are 11 pages of articles on Israel. Pretty much everything that I have ever written about the topic is negative.
Since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th, Israel has descended to new depths with its genocide in Gaza. I spent a month here posting gore videos of Israeli atrocities in Gaza which I tagged as “Israel At War” until it got so bad that I just couldn’t watch it anymore. I spent much of the year ridiculing House Speaker Mike Johnson for being such an over the top, obsequious stooge of AIPAC. Most Americans have a more negative view of Israel, myself included, than they did when the war started. Israel hasn’t done anything over the past year that has helped its public image even with conservatives.
In spite of this favorable shift in public opinion, activists have somehow seized the opportunity to transform Israel and anti-Zionism into a divisive issue. There used to be a soft “anti-Zionist” consensus in our circles that AIPAC and wealthy Jewish donors have corrupted our politics and no one likes or supports Israel. At the same time, the consensus was that it was equally important that we cared about a host of other issues like race, heritage preservation, nationalism, trade, free speech, the economy and so on. “Anti-Zionism” was part of this mix, but it was far from being the only thing or the most important concern. After all, there are lot of things that are important in the world beyond our view of Israel / Palestine like racial demographic change, cultural decline and our anti-White liberal elites.
This is the crux of the matter.
Over the past year, some activists have decided that Israel / Palestine is the most important issue, the only issue of any importance and that nothing else matters. They have rebranded their cause as “antisemitism.” I’m not making this up. I’ve seen lots of people embrace this label to emphasize that what they are about now is just straight up monomania about Israel and the Jewish Question. They are full time, professional “anti-Zionists” who are focused entirely on foreign policy and Israel.
In the case of Nick Fuentes and the Groypers, the shift to “antisemitism” meant building a multiracial anti-Zionist movement that was allied to black and Muslim social media influencers like Sneako and Sulaiman Ahmed. When riots broke out in the UK after the Labour victory this summer, Fuentes was defending the Muslims in Rotherham and attacking remigration activists like Steve Laws because of “anti-Zionism.” He spent the entire 2024 election attacking Donald Trump and cheering on and all but endorsing Kamala Harris. He ultimately said that it would have been better for Kamala Harris to win.
In the case of TRS, I watched that whole crowd go even further around the bend than Fuentes because of “anti-Zionism.” I was only dimly aware of this until recently. I had heard in our comments that TRS was focused on attacking rural Whites these days. Today, virtually every episode of TRS is about shitting on Trump supporters, “Rightoids,” “Whiteoids,” “Christoids,” creekshitters, bumpkins, etc. Mike and Jesse voted for Kamala Harris solely to own the Rightoids. I’ve watched as Mike has started wearing Hezbollah gear on his show. There was a funny moment on X shortly before Jesse was banned when he had parked at a Texas Roadhouse in Pennsylvania, put up a Palestinian window shield in his SUV and tweeted out “Death to America, Free Palestine.” The show now seems entirely focused on Palestinian advocacy.

There are other activists like Lucas Gage who have devoted themselves to this. Gage appears to have suffered a mental breakdown after slashing an Israeli flag with a Roman gladius in his backyard in a viral video posted on social media. He made videos about how his wife had left him after he caught her in bed with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s nephew. He was banned from X and sent back to Rumble and Telegram. I’m not sure what he is doing now, but he cracked his mind like an egg on “anti-Zionism.”
Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign has exacerbated the divide between “antisemitism” and “anti-Zionism” or whatever it is this camp is calling itself and other pro-White activists who supported Trump. Since he first arrived on the political scene in 2015, Donald Trump has always been a “Zionist” and “pro-Israel,” but he is also an immigration restrictionist, a trade protectionist, promises a less bellicose foreign policy, a less anti-White federal government, a better economy with less inflation, protection of gun rights, less censorship and so on. There was a lot to like about Trump’s 2024 campaign which is why a lot of people supported him who dislike Israel, but who are more motivated by issues like demographic change.
My problem with “antisemitism” or “anti-Zionism” as these activists have framed it is that it is politically incompatible with all other issues. Their position is that everyone should either 1.) vote for Democrats like Kamala Harris or 2.) sit out every election until, presumably, “anti-Zionism” has triumphed. As a result of thus, “anti-Zionists” are essentially committed to politically demobilizing and marginalizing Whites for the sake of Palestinians and other foreigners. In order to oppose “Zionism,” they are willing to go along with the Democratic agenda and in some cases, actually endorse and vote for it, on demographic replacement, anti-White discrimination, amnesty for illegal aliens, changing election laws, gun rights, censorship, the economy, and so forth. What’s even worse than that is that some “anti-Zionists” are so angry with ordinary White people for not being obsessed with Israel that their politics have become pure spite.
None of this is necessary.
Alternatively, we could sit back and allow Israel to destroy its own public image. We could find a lot of common ground with Trump supporters while just being critical of Israel. Many of them are undoubtedly uncomfortable with the human rights abuses in Gaza. It is extremely unrealistic to expect White Americans to ever prioritize foreign policy and Israel in particular over other issues like inflation which are closer to home and eroding living standards. This more moderate position, however, is not going to fly with “anti-Zionists” given the track they are on which is likely only helpful to Israel.
If activists force people on the Right into a binary single issue choice between “anti-Zionism” and immigration or all the other issues that motivate them, they will lose all the people are outright pro-Israel. They will also lose the people who dislike Israel, but who care more about other issues, which effectively reduces support for “anti-Zionism” and further ghettoizes and marginalizes it on the Right.
Perhaps the goal though is to just get more people to listen to the show or the podcast? It is not to actually do anything about “Zionism,” but to exploit resentment over it?
I do think that when anti-zionism does become a political force, it will happen in the Democrats before it does in the Republicans. With Republicans, the base supports Zionism. With Democrats, the coronated politicians support Zionism while the base opposes it. I’d bet that the first anti-Zionist candidate to make a serious run at it will be in the Democratic Party. You can argue that Sanders is already that person, as he did make a serious run at it just didn’t win. The debate isn’t whether Sanders was a serious force, but whether he is anti-Zionist enough. A lesser evil, I’d clearly say.
I do agree, however, that there are a host of other issues and since Dems rigged the primary in 2024 (I do think Sanders legit lost in 2016 and 2020 even though I support him), it makes sense to consider those other issue since the Democratic base didn’t get a voice on Israel. However, what prevents me from saying Trump is the lesser evil is that I think the record is mixed on those issues. Like I said on X, on immigration and gun rights Trump is better (and on Trans issues). However, he’s not better on free speech if you factor in his flag burning stance and his desire to shut down anti-Zionist protests. He may be better for right wing free speech, but not free speech in general. I also don’t think he’s better on economics or healthcare.
In the end, I decided to vote my conscious and voted Green. Both candidates are bad on foreign policy. Both have mixed records on Domestic issues. I’d rather not be associated with either candidate. But if one candidate was really awesome on domestic policies, I might have taken the position that I would vote for the lesser evil. But I didn’t see either candidate as having an across the board set of correct foreign policy positions.
I have to say though, that if Greens took an explicit position of putting men in women’s sports, that would have been the end of my support. They didn’t, however, Butch Ware came out against it. Unfortunately the base seems to have the potential to force them into that position, just like the base fortunately is anti-Zionist on the left.
“Since he first arrived on the political scene in 2015, Donald Trump has always been a “Zionist” and “pro-Israel,” but he is also an immigration restrictionist“
** Before the COVID-19 pandemic during the period from January 2017-February 2020, the average number of green cards issued per month was only down about 0.5 percent under Trump compared to from January 2013-February 2016 under the Obama administration
Well said, even on my country the left is obsessed with Palestine and anti Israel sentiment but, as I always say, leftists care more about a foreign situation or problem than their own country problem. It’s the logic of global ism, care more about the others and don’t see your internal problem. Obviously Israel is a murderer state and Jews perceive themselves as untouchable but this doesn’t mean that we have to unit and sympathize with Muslims and anti-Israel radical left. They’re both our enemies and be sure that they will not show us mercy when the time will come. When the war will be finished, Muslims start again to call us infidel (they never stopped) and leftist to persecute us (even in this case they never really stopped).
The error is always support the today global woke left, whatever your argument are, if you support today’s leftists you make a mistake.
Your summary of Nick’s position is inaccurate.
He didn’t vote for Trump, but that is a far cry from actually supporting Kamala’s demonic agenda.
Nick has done good work reporting on the Thiel network which is replacing the Neocons as the dominant faction within the mainstream right.
There is good reason to be concerned that the following will happen:
1. The Trump administration won’t actually deport a significant percentage of illegal immigrants, given who has been appointed to key positions. Personnel is policy.
2. The Trump administration will significantly increase legal immigration while simultaneously giving a massive financial windfall to liberal academia. He promised to “staple a green card to every diploma”.
3. Our First Amendment rights will not be respected. Trump has promised to crack down on “Antisemitism”. His Zionists supporters use the very problematic IHRA definition of “Antisemitism”, which essentially outlaws Christianity, nationalism, race realism, nativism, isolationism, and social conservatism.
4. The conservative point of view will lose ground on all the social issues. Compared to the Republican old guard they are replacing, Trump and his allies are social liberals.
5. We will sink deeper into the Middle East quagmire. Trump promises to give even more support to Israel than Biden did – is that even possible?!? He promises “maximum pressure” against Iran. He claims there were no wars when he was president because he enforced “peace through strength”. It would be more accurate to say there were no NEW wars, despite his dangerously outdated “peace through strength” motto. In fact he continued or even escalated the unnecessary counterproductive regime change wars which Obama had initiated in Syria, Ukraine and Yemen.
6. Worse, our people, white evangelicals, will be scapegoated for the crimes of the Jews. As long as Biden is president, the Jews own Israel’s crimes. All the key positions in the US government are currently held by Jews, including Chief of Staff, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Senate Majority Leader. When the world sees the horrors of Gaza, they (rightly) damn Anthony Blinken and his people. All that changes in January. Jews will still be making the decisions behind the scenes, but they will no longer be the public face of US support for genocide. Mike Huckabee will be the new lightning rod attracting the undying hatred of the entire world.
7. Worst of all, Trump’s popularity combined with his extreme Zionism will cause the heresy of “Christian Zionism” to continue to spread in our churches, endangering the eternal souls of our people.
8. The apparatus of harassment directed against us, which was so powerful in 2020 but so weak this year, will regain its strength. Antifa, the ADL and the SPLC suffered a major decline in power this year because their traditional bases of support, including young people and Blacks, were thoroughly disgusted by the Democratic Party establishment’s support for Israel, while simultaneously impressed by the brave stand against genocide taken by Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. As soon as the Democratic Party reorients itself into its new position as the opposition party, and rebrand themselves as “moderates” opposed to the extremism of Huckabee and Trump, they will begin to regain their lost “street cred”. When that happens, repressive institutions associated with the establishment wing of the Democratic Party, including Antifa, the SPLC and the ADL, will be reinvigorated.
If we want to avoid these dangers, we need to be realistic about their existence. This necessarily involves a critique of the Zionists who control the mainstream right, including Donald Trump himself.
The greatest White Nationalist thinkers are currently deluding themselves into thinking that Donald Trump is just like Pat Buchanan, plus some harmless Zionism.
It is more accurate to think of him as Sean Hannity, but a memberr of the Kushner crime family.
We gained a point when we elected Trump and the Republicans on the basis of his promise to build the wall, deport the illegals, reduce legal immigration, and end the wars.
Nick’s reporting helps us think about the proper strategy for holding Trump and the Republicans accountable for these promises.
I think the answer is to frankly confront Trump for giving his primary loyalty to Israel, not America.
But you make a good point about avoiding the excesses of TRS.
Nick spent the whole election cycle trying to get Kamala Harris elected, repeatedly told his followers not to vote for Trump and said on his show after the election that it would have been better if she had won. Thus, I would say he absolutely did embrace Kamala Harris and her agenda, and persuaded many of his most gullible, deluded supporters to vote for her. Many of them took pictures of their ballots and posted them to X to show they had voted for Harris.
Let’s go through this point by point:
1. Trump appointed Noem to DHS, Tom Homan as border czar and put Stephen Miller in charge of immigration policy. It is too early to say how many illegal aliens will be deported under Trump, but it is simply false to suggest that his nominees reflect an unwillingness to act on mass deportations. He picked people who were experienced, loyal and indifferent to media criticism. Trump’s team has repeatedly vowed to start mass deportations on Day One in January.
“Anti-Zionists” see no difference between Trump’s team and Alejandro Mayorkas who let in over 10 million illegal aliens into the country. What’s even worse is that after witnessing that disaster they endorsed it and were willing to let Kamala Harris let in another 10 to 20 million to make some kind of point about “Zionism” and to own Blumpf.
2. “Anti-Zionists” have spread the lie that Trump is going to dramatically increase legal immigration and let in millions of Indians. Work visas like H-1Bs are capped by existing immigration law. Also, changing legal immigration levels to *increase* immigration would require Congress to reform the immigration system, which hasn’t happened in decades, doesn’t have the support required in Congress and is politically impossible because of public opinion both in Trump’s base and in the country at large. Most importantly, Trump didn’t run on increasing legal immigration. He just said that some people would immigrate which is what current law allows
3. When Trump was president, our First Amendment rights were trampled by an unprecedented wave of censorship spearheaded by progressive activists all of whom supported Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The entire Right was deplatformed and censored up to and including Trump himself and his family. The incoming FCC commissioner has vowed to use his power to destroy the censorship cartel. The people who whine about Trump censoring the internet are doing so on X, which is owned by Elon Musk, and Rumble which is also owned by people affiliated with Trump who gave them platforms after they all got banned from Twitter and YouTube.
Trump has vowed to use the Insurrection Act to crush violent Antifa protests. Kamala Harris would have also appointed awful people to the Supreme Court and all federal courts who would have convicted our people like the January 6 protesters and limited our free speech rights in new precedents. “Anti-Zionists” were fine with that so long as they could virtue signal about Palestine
He’ll “monitor the situation,” and post on Truth Social “Law and Order.”
Don’t hold your breath on Trump keeping his promises whether vowed or not.
4. “Anti-Zionists” who endorsed and voted for Kamala Harris embraced her agenda on all social issues … anti-White discrimination, abortion, transgenderism, etc. States like Alabama and Tennessee have very different laws on these issues than Minnesota and Massachusetts. Trump will allow and expand the ability of Red States to carve out their own social policy.
“Anti-Zionists,” of course, were opposed to this. They were fine with and willing to endorse whatever Kamala Harris planned to do on abortion, transgenderism, anti-White discrimination in the job market just to make some kind of absurd point about Israel
5. We didn’t “sink deeper” into the Middle East when Trump was president. He finished off ISIS. He negotiated the withdrawal from Afghanistan. There was no war with Iran. When Trump left office, the Middle East was quieter than it been in decades. Also, we were not at war with Russia, and a devastating war in Ukraine backed to by the hilt by NATO was unthinkable.
In order to own Blumpf, “anti-Zionists” were willing to give Kamala Harris four years in office to do her worst on Ukraine. When Trump was president, Israel wasn’t at war with Hezbollah and Hamas. There wasn’t a genocide in Gaza.
In 2020, these morons said that Trump would “go to war with Iran” and that Biden would “restrain Israel.” Exactly the opposite happened. Today, there is a proxy war with Iran in the Middle East with Iranian backed militias attacking American bases. Gaza has been pulverized worse than Japan and Dresden in World War II
Trump was the idiot that pushed for the “Abraham accords”, which is the root cause of the current Middle East conflicts. It is no accident that Netanyahu wanted Trump to win, despite Biden giving Israel total support, he knows that Trump will start a war with Iran.
@Aeyan uprising,
“Trump was the idiot that pushed for the “Abraham accords”, which is the root cause of the current Middle East conflicts.”
Sure. The root cause of the current conflict goes back just a few years. OK. Not.
Trump was able to defeat ISIS and Al-Qaeda thanks to assistance from Russia, Iran, Assad and the Houthis – despite the fact that Israel gave assistance to ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
He would have defeated ISIS and Al-Qaeda sooner and more decisively if he hadn’t engaged in hostilities against the people who were helping us.
He provided lethal military aid to Ukraine for the Donbas War, which was an escalation compared to Obama.
He bombed Assad’s forces in Syria, which was an escalation compared to Obama.
He continued Obama’s policy of providing logistical and intelligence support to Saudi Arabia for their genocidal war against the Houthis.
He assassinated Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian general who masterminded the defeat of ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Iran responded by attacking American bases in Iraq.
American taxpayer dollars were wasted, and American servicemen were attacked, because Donald Trump, at the behest of the Israel Lobby, on these four occasions, engaged in limited hostilities which targeted nations who are our defacto allies in the fight against ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
This year ISIS-K committed deadly terrorist attacks against Moscow and Tehran (Soleimani’s tomb on the anniversary of his death) as revenge for the crucial role which Russia and Iran played in the defeat of ISIS and Al-Qaeda. ISIS has also increased its attacks against Assad.
It is outrageous that America’s blood and treasure have been used in a manner which benefits our enemies, ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
You’re so close, it’s right there in everything you wrote. ISIS and Al-Qaeda are CIA/Mossad backed operations. I thought this was common knowledge at this point.
Historically, the largest amount of aid to Al-Qaeda and its offshoots has been from Sunni nations such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.
The US government has also foolishly provided indirect assistance at times via Operation Cyclone and Operation Timber Sycamore.
Israel has, at times, worked with ISIS and Al-Nusra Front in an extremely cynical and self-serving manner.
Don’t forget the Far East. I was living in Japan during the Trump presidency, and people there were pleased as punch to see the deescalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Trump chilled out with Comrade Kim on the DMZ, and the rocket launches over the Sea of Japan paused during that time.
6. Trump ran on ending the wars in the Middle East. Israel has already vowed to end the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon as a gift to Trump and because the whole north of Israel has been evacuated. Elon Musk has met with Iranian officials to ease tensions.
“Anti-Zionists” actually don’t want the wars to end. They want to live vicariously through Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. As long as missiles are hitting Israel, they don’t care how many people on either side end up dying
7. There is no reason to believe that Dispensationalism is becoming more popular or that Israel is becoming more popular. Quite the opposite
8. The ADL, SPLC and Antifa are now all wildly unpopular on the Right, but instead of celebrating this “anti-Zionists” would rather side with Antifa than conservative normies and send Kamala Harris to the White House to make some kind of point about “Zionism.” They want to empower our political enemies and alienate people who are sympathetic to our issues
Finally, the case of TRS shows that some people can go so far down the rabbit hole of hating Jews that they end up hating White people
Fuentes is a goof.
TRS has gone off into their own world.
Devon Stack AKA “Blackpilled” has taken similar positions ats both Fuentes and TRS on zion Don and zionism which is jewish supremacy cloaked as jewish nationalism.
Not one of them is sympathetic to fagtifa which is a jewish financed domestic terrorist militia. Pastor Wiles of TruNews understands that succinctly.
This retreading of Peggy Noonan’s catchphrases of Reaganism is lulling European Americans back to sleep about what are the real threats to them actually are.
Again, the simple fact that USZOG has rolled over and is playing nice with Trumpenstein should be a red flag. Biden intends to attend Trump’s inauguration.
Trump isn’t a threat to USZOG. He endorsed Randy Fine one of the most virulent anti-free speech zionist jews in America to fill the US congressional seat of Trump’s terrible national security adviser Waitz.
Would it come to anyone’s surprise, if Laura Loomer ends up with a position inside Lutnick-Kushner’s administration?
You do not need to read tea leaves or be Cassandra to see where the “Trump Train” is headed. Its track is laid out in the shape of a six-pointed star.
Instead MAGAtards are swallowing (((Hazony’s)))) “National Conservatism” which is civic nationalism with a few populist bells and whistles.
Hunter Wallace,
We’ll see if 1-8 or any of them come, true – but I’d not hold your breath
I agree it’s too much to ask for the average amerikwan to care their government is unflagging in its support for the Jews to commit genocide and start wars of aggression but perhaps they will see it as an “issue close to home” as they escalate further and Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz and the price of oil explodes. Tho I’m sure Trump supporters could be made to blame Iran for that and understand we have to bomb them now. The future will not be decided by the sentiments of the masses that consume propaganda from a trough but by those with power, in this case the Zionists that control Trump. You and the amerikwan voter may care about those “other issues” but Trump doesn’t and neither do the Jews running him. They care about ruling the world.
Hope Dixie Boys don’t go to war for another war!
God Bless Dixie!
I think Hunter knows my opinion by now and it probably doesn’t make sense to keep repeating it here. The only thing that will settle this debate is time. So I’ll outline my position one last time so we can go back in a few months/years and see if I was right.
My main argument against Trump is that he isn’t Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan on foreign policy. Will I be proven wrong? We’ll just have to wait and see. My secondary arguments against Trump are that his economic policies favor the rich and he aims to suppress free speech (I’m not denying that liberals also suppresses free speech).
My thinking is that when Trump does sell out (particularly on foreign policy), you don’t want to be too attached to him so you don’t look bad with him. I’m not very big (although back in the day I had my following). You have a bigger following and more to lose than I do. But even I don’t want to be embarrassed by what Trump does.
Let’s just have patience and wait and see who is right. If Trump ends the wars and fixes the economy I’ll admit I erred on the side of cynicism. If not, I’ll claim to be an accurate predicter. I made the mistake of supporting Obama the first time around, believing that he would take on US imperialism and learned my lesson to not trust Trump when he promises to do the same thing (especially given his Howard Stern interview and posts about Gaddafi). GWB talked anti-interventionist prior to 9/11 too.
I’ll close by pointing out that Trump has had nothing positive to say about the withdrawal from Afghanistan and WU actually made some good points towards the second half of his writing.
> Alternatively, we could sit back and allow Israel to destroy its own public image. We could find a lot of common ground with Trump supporters while just being critical of Israel. Many of them are undoubtedly uncomfortable with the human rights abuses in Gaza. It is extremely unrealistic to expect White Americans to ever prioritize foreign policy and Israel in particular over other issues like inflation which are closer to home and eroding living standards. This more moderate position, however, is not going to fly with “anti-Zionists” given the track they are on which is likely only helpful to Israel.
This is actually the smart move. Forget Fuentes (likely a Fed anyway) and the other monomaniacs. Satanyahoo, the ADL, AIPAC, et al are doing a fine job of discrediting and gradually exposing themselves as what they actually are (the Spawn of Satan). There are even Jews who’ve gotten disgusted with the mess over there (Ilana Mercer, for example). Whatever happened to the notion of ‘never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a fatal error’? Our fellow reader Juri gave an excellent short summary of how Stalin dealt with the JQ on Remembrance Day (which I believe is a more appropriate name for the day than “Veterans’ Day”). Greater enemies and lesser enemies. Use one against the other – and vice-versa – always keeping the end goal in sight (our enemies’ destruction).
One could understand Zionism being issue No.1 for Muslims, but Muslim reaction to it seems to indicate that it’s not even a very high priority for them. As I noted over at Unz’s place, very few of the Muslims marching in protests against Israel’s genocide of Gaza are willing to put their asses where their mouths are. The only Muslims in the middle east doing anything at all besides lots of huffery and puffery are the Shiite Houthis (who’ve chased the US Navy out of the Red Sea in case you didn’t notice), the Shiite Hezbollah and the Sunni Hamas fighters in Gaza itself. So if Fuentes & Co. really feel so strongly about it, I’m sure Hezbollah would take them into their equivalent of boot camp. I expect Fuentes wouldn’t last very long there.
From Turkey’s Erdogan to Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the Dar-al-Islam has made much noise while not taking any significant steps to fight Satanyahoo and the gang – not even uncontroversial ones like neighboring Egypt intervening to force open Gaza to humanitarian aid with food and medical care. Instead they continue to invade Europe and Murika – where they generally side with the Church of Woke and all manner of leftoids – including most Jews – against whites. Whites who put ‘muh Gaza’ first are just a retarded as those who put ‘muh Izrael’ first.
HW is right, to be focused entirely on one subject is self-defeating.
I always thought anti-zionism was an evasion to avoid being called an anti-semite, kinda cowardly evasion.
I dismiss both terms as being slanderously categorizing .
Both terms have been mired with mass media condemnation, so Jews can just toss someone in either category and say “eww, yucky bad person”.
I think ‘jew aware’ is a far better term. ‘anti’ has a connotation of having an unjustified bias.
I’m always looking for a better term, something that shows a knowledge of Jews and their methods, something that is free from media slander.
Well said, HW. I am well aware of the subversion to our government by Jews. But even if we could miraculously deport every Jew in America, we would still have Yankees and Jesuits, and both are equally subversive. Right now the Jews are doing a great job of discrediting themselves. Did you see Cenk destroy Allan Lichctman?
Trump will not be perfect, but if he only slows down the migrant invasion we will be ahead of where we are now. But let’s hope for more. He is bringing back Russ Vought who is a professed Christian Nationalist. That’s a step up from the current administration right there. Goodbye Rachel Levine.
With the rise of the Soviet Regime Jews have been granted rights not accorded even in the most advanced countries. The state, which previously did not employ any Jews, now employs in White Russia 61 per cent Jewish officials. A Jew is commander of the Ukrainian Army; a Jew is President of the State Bank; Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions; universities, professions, judiciary and administration, now have a greater percentage than any other nationality. Anti-Semitism has been declared a state offense, and is punished as counter-revolution.
In Jewish Opinion, December, 1933. As quoted in Common Sense, No. 485 (December 15, 1966)
When even a former staunch supporter of the Zionist regime starts posting articles like this one, there’s really nothing useful folks like Fuentes can add to the debate.
If your Christian your a Zionist as Zionism
is messianic global monarchy… the bs in the middle east is mere distraction and tool for messianic zionist global dominionist monarchy… the christians haven’t figure out that they will be slaves of the monarchy… google doulos…
Chris “Nationalism is a misnomet as it really is messianic second coming if a Jew to establish global jew dominion monarchism… WTFU Hunter
Christ was not a jew. How could he have been? The traits and personal characteristics of Christ are not to be found in jew blood.
Jew and Christian….If your Christian your a Zionist as Zionism is Judean messianic global monarchy amd the Christian god is a jew… the bs in the middle east is mere distraction and tool for messianic zionist global dominionist monarchy… the christians haven’t figure out that they will be slaves of the monarchy… google doulos…
I recommend going to my favorite of , Instauration article /blog :
“ 1492 Spain might have had some good reasons to…”
This shows the seemingly impossible reality that Js then and now we’re/are allied with Arab and other Muslims to replace us , enslave us in supposedly white European countries .
White Spanish Christians had to fight both the Muslims and the Hs in the Reconquest , and after the military victories in the 15th century victorious whites expelled all the Arab Muslim Moors and the Js or forced Js who wanted to stay in Spain to convert to Christianity under the Inquisition .
Js and Muslims remember 1492 in Spain like it was last year . Js in Israel and in the Diaspora in the USA, UK, Europe are openly calling for all the Palestinians in Gaza , soon on the West Bank to be resettled in the (White) West ( USA, Canada , England )
Palestinian and other Muslims want, demand no restrictions on mass Muslim migration in to our West .
It doesn t matter if we take the anti Israel side in the Gaza slaughter , Muslims and all Arabs ( very few almost no Christian or Paki Christians) . Muslims, Arabs and all Jews are working to replace us in UK, Europe , USA, Canada – the west . In practical election politics , being anti mass Muslim immigration is easier to do than trying to educate regular NFL TV watching Whites about the JQ.
The Judeo-Muslim Coalition?
Any real opposition to Israel in American politics can only ever come from Democrats because a substantial portion of their base is brown and black people, and Democrats can successfully communicate Israel as a relic of white supremacy and colonialism. It’s certainly not white supremacy but it is technically a colonizing project, not that the voters care. Thus they have the moral high ground. The only things Republicans can do is invoke Hitler and the Holocaust. Republicans just have no room to maneuver on the issue. They might be able to get a contradictory Ron Paul libertarian that hides behind platitudes about noninterventionism or something, and which no one takes seriously. Trump blatantly says two different things out the sides of his mouth. He publicly courts disaffected Muslims and then turns around and celebrates Israel. What does he actually believe? Trump is naked pragmatism, which is not reliable and can go in any direction.
Criticizing Israel as “white supremacy” however is also a problem for whites because it is yet another direct attack on whites and then only secondarily an attack on Jews, and not really on Jews but on “Zionism” which is understood to be something apart and separate from Jews. This is why Jews also dominate the Palestinian movement. They can easily pretend to be reforming Jewry to be better in line with Jewish values while shedding off some of the nastiness whites rubbed off on them over the dark centuries, and all in the name of helping poor brown people, with full knowledge that nothing serious will be done about it as the bodies pile higher. If anything is to be done about it, it will be at the expense of “white supremacy.”
It’s another crap sandwich. Neither side really benefits whites. The Republicans will gladly keep their status as the token Golem. The Democrats will slide Israel into the cabinet of white guilt and line up for yet another reparations deal.
^^@Anonymous – Most coherent, reality-based, intelligent and true statement I’ve read about the whole bloody mess.
TRS had lost the plot by the end of 2020. Haven’t listened since.
This is very simple to explain, the whites that support Israel are outright traitors. This should be very easy to understand and explain to the most dim witted patriotard, if they still refuse to support America over Israel then they should considered as nothing more than the enemy of the white race. Trying to win tactical political battles with these type of people is delusional.
The notion that Mike and Jesse genuinely care about brown Palestinians is laughable. In reality these two dickheads are really just anti-white commies (Mike IS a Jew after all) who, now that they’ve lost all hope of growing their audience, are just going mask-off. I stopped watching their garbage in 2020, but even then you could see this process playing out. NJP was the last gasp to keep their grift going, and since that fell apart they’re just openly operating out of spite for the people they were supposed to be appealing to.
Hunter has been sparring with non entities for a long time now. People that do not matter and have no influence. The CIA succeeded in luring the normies back onto Twitter and it has been the end to free speech, except on Telegram, which alone still stands.
My position on Palestine has always been neutral. I don’t care who lives there, it is not any “Holy Land” and hasn’t been for 2,000 years.
But now a big change has taken place. America has determined that anyone who is not Jewish is Amalek and needs to be killed. That means Palestinian Arabs and Christians, Ukranians, Russians, and it means us. All the “Goyim” are Amalek. That is the actual viewpoint of the American Government. And as Putin said many times, America is not being run by the elected leaders. The real government is in the shadows and is unelected.
The real unelected Government in America is Jewish, and it is Genocidal toward all non Jews. With the Genocidal vaccines, the war against our food supply, the CPS, the war against the family, the Jew companies buying up most of the houses while Americans become homeless, and dozens of other actions meant to destroy us, the same godforsaken Jews that destroyed every school in Gaza and killed the children, and then sang songs celebrating that Genocide, are conducting a parallel genocide against us.
And there you are, immersed in that CIA psyop called X, with all of its speech codes, and you cannot see any of it.
Start advocating for Secession again. Get off of that CIA mind control site. Run for office based in a sesessionist program. Call for a vote in Alabama on Secession. Get back into the real battle.
Perhaps the goal though is to just get more people to listen to the show or the podcast?
This kind of thing has probably always been a problem ever since humanity invented politics. However, the social media era has taken it to new and ridiculous levels.
When I saw Mike Enoch defend and promote Ilhan Omar, I know he was truly full of shit. This woman is anti-white to the core, hates the historic American nation, wants to take away our guns, and is open borders…..but Mike Enoch is kissing her ass because she is anti-Israel and happens to be right about AIPAC? Give me a break!
mean while
“Adolf Hitler FULL SPEECH in ENGLISH Al Reconstructed Audio “Freedom or Slavery” Subscribe and Share
Adolf Hitler FULL SPEECH in ENGLISH Al Reconstructed Audio “Freedom or Slavery” Subscribe and Share
Adolf Hitler First Speech After Becoming Chancellor 1933
For those that don’t speak German, a recap in few words: He argued that society should not be divided by wealth or status; instead, the role of politics is to bring all classes together, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, under a unifying and higher ideology that includes everyone and leaves no one behind.
More current than ever before.
Hitler’s positions were the antithesis of the class first British and American cousins.
Even the two black twins that are “conservatives” on YouTube recently said on their podcast after watching a Hitler speech translated by AI that they wanted a leader like him.
Jews ?!!???
“Epstein Connections SCRUBBED From Bill Clinton’s Wikipedia Page! w/ Ian Carroll”
Surprised it took Wokepedia this long. This is an example of how utterly stupid whites are – still using Wokepedia as if it were not completely enemy-controlled. There are several alternatives using the same basic platform but they’re largely unused and suffer as a result. Same applies to X vs. Gab. They won’t censor you for saying something less than obsequious about the master race on Gab. Try it on X and see what happens.
“Epstein Connections SCRUBBED From Bill Clinton’s Wikipedia Page! ”
That’s one of several bad attributes of the internet.
The problem is your generation grew up watching the computer screen instead of going outdoors. It has made you very aloof and selfish, and it is obvious that you would back stab anyone to lift your own profile. Fuentes doesn’t represent ordinary people who are struggling paycheck to paycheck. Fuentes is an obvious degenerate, but it is wrong to associate the causes he promotes with his own character. That’s like saying that no one should advocate for whites since Matt Heimbach porked Matt Parrott’s wife. Whites need to be advocated for despite somee of the unsavory characters that we’ll never entirely get rid of.
The so-called right siding with and voting for pepsi’s over “anti-semitism” is so illogical that the people involved are either retarded or “intelligence community” members. “Anti” in any word should be a clue it’s another Orwellian fed made up term to put you in a cage both physically and mentally. I even cringe at the term “anti-Whiteness” feels like just another layer of the control.
anti-JUDAISM is the answer.
zero tolerance anti-judaism
but that means no more cuckstianity… so, getting out of this crap is a no-go
There was a form of proto-Zionism in the time of Christ. One of its proponents tried to recruit Jesus. I believe his name was Simon (not Simon Pater) anyway Christ condemned his belief in proto-Zionism. One thing I have noticed is that I see a lot of Israeli female solders when I brose Tic Tok. Some look Jewish but the overwhelming majority of these female soldiers do not. Most are fair with light brown, blond or red hair.
“see a lot of Israeli female solders when I brose Tic Tok”
Many of those are foreign models.
They are used as IDF recruiting lures.
I’m really glad you brought up TRS. I was a faithful listener for 10 years – a paid subscriber since the paywall went up. I almost never missed an episode (Fash the Nation too). To give credit where credit is due, I learned a lot from those guys. That said, they’ve been really hard to listen to for the last year or so. In that time, they’ve managed to insult ruralites(me), gun owners(me), Trump voters(me), and the list goes on and on. I used to think the whole “contempt for the audience” thing was just a running gag, but it’s not. I’m sure I wasn’t the only listener who fell into one of the categories that they constantly criticize and insult. I believe guys like me were/are the core of their audience. Their takes on the election were absolute garbage. They spent a year saying that Trump couldn’t win the election. The day before the election, Mike said he couldn’t possibly win Pennsylvania. Their political analysis was terrible. I was pretty confident that Trump would win before he even debated Biden and I was very confident he would win Pa. as the election drew near, so this uninformed drivel they were spewing was pretty tough to swallow. I had only posted a comment on the site once in 10 years, but the day after the election, I couldn’t resist. I basically said that their election takes were awful and that they shouldn’t let their criticisms of Trump (most of which are entirely valid) blind them to the reality on the ground. I ended the post by inviting other commenters or perhaps even someone from the Death Panel to tell me what I was getting wrong. That didn’t happen. It didn’t happen because within two hours the comment was deleted. That tore it for me. I didn’t use any obscenity or invective. I just wanted to have a debate. I decided that I wasn’t going to pay money to be insulted by people who don’t even have the courage to allow a respectful debate on their platform. By the way, that first comment that I alluded to above was posted 6 or 7 years ago and was about the strange circumstances of Halberstram’s departure from FTN. That too was deleted very quickly. At the time, I blew it off, but I shouldn’t have. Brad, I’d love to have your take on what’s going on with them.
” they’ve been really hard to listen to for the last year or so.”
Yep, they’ve gone in a strange direction, very counterproductive.
I found them to be very ignorant on several points of judaism.
October 7th ’23 was a huge gift to proponents of antizionism and by extension the JQ. We can thank the liberal left for shepherding the issue of antizionism for the last few decades and blowing it up last year. After all, opposing zionists and their barbarism is the only “mainstream” acceptable way of criticizing anything related to international jewry.
Some of /ourguys/ predictably seized this opportunity to go full bore on the issue, and I don’t blame ’em one bit. However, I agree that some antizionists have spiraled a bit (to put it mildly) since then. I say this as someone who thinks the JQ is the biggest keystone – the master thread that can unravel ALOT of the gigantic tangled ball problems facing our people – whether that bespiritually, politically, or any and all points in between and adjacent.
That said, I also recognize that there are immediate issues and crises that cannot be solved simply by waking people up. That there are genuine and realistic opportunities via politics and policy-making that can improve our situation. I’m also sympathetic to those seeking optimism, particularly while always exercising sensible and prudent caution. No need for fantasies or blind faith. I’m also all for letting normal people celebrating a W. Let ’em grill. Let ’em feel relieved about dodging certain bullets, and that aspects of our enemy’s ideology were publicly dealt a big, humiliating blow.
Problem is alot of the antizionists aren’t content to let people feel good about any of this. They’re afraid of the dissident energy that was building up being dissipated, jewish subversives digging their claws in deeper, and another 4 years of Trump hypnotizing and distracting people. I get it, but some of the antizionists aren’t doing themselves any favors. They’re segregating and ghettoizing themselves with, as you said, a monomania that is increasingly off-putting. Couple this with a rightwing TDS can just be obnoxious as leftwing TDS, and the end results will be the same – with people pointing and laughing. Oh well. I’ll take solace in the fact that Kamala and everything that’d come with her is not in the White House in 2025, and that support for israel and zionism is diminishing across all American demographics – unlikely to ever rebound.
@Aryan uprising,
“Trump was the idiot that pushed for the “Abraham accords”, which is the root cause of the current Middle East conflicts.”
Sure. The root cause of the current conflict goes back just a few years. OK. Not.
I sure hope Marian Adelson is making your car payments.
Get something out of being a good goy soldier.
I really hope that over the next 12 months that there isn’t an OD essay on “The Conservative Case for Greater”Erzatz” Israel.”
What does AI estimate the cost to the European (primarily the other NATO countries) economy if it were hit with an EMP attack?
An EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack on European countries, particularly NATO members, would have significant economic repercussions similar to those in the United States, although there are unique factors that could affect the scale and nature of the damage. These include the degree of technological dependence, the level of infrastructure preparedness, and the degree to which European countries are interconnected within NATO’s collective defense and economic frameworks. Below is an estimate of the economic consequences of such an event.
1. Direct Impact on Infrastructure
Power Grid Failure: Like the U.S., Europe’s energy grid is highly interconnected and dependent on modern electronic systems. An EMP attack could cause widespread power outages, especially affecting the more technologically advanced nations. The length of the grid failure would be a critical factor in determining the economic impact, with estimates ranging from a few weeks to potentially several months for recovery, depending on the severity and preparedness.
Communication Breakdown: Communications systems across NATO countries—including satellites, mobile networks, and the internet—would be severely disrupted. This would disrupt everything from basic personal communication to critical government and military operations, making it harder for governments to coordinate responses.
2. Economic Disruption and Sectoral Impact
Manufacturing and Industry: Europe is a global manufacturing hub, particularly in sectors such as automobiles, aerospace, and heavy industry. A prolonged power outage would halt production across these sectors. Companies that rely on just-in-time manufacturing and complex global supply chains (e.g., Germany, which is heavily dependent on automotive and machinery exports) would face immediate and devastating losses. Even in less industrialized countries, the impact on local manufacturing would be severe. This could result in losses amounting to hundreds of billions of euros in the short term.
Transportation: Disruptions to transportation infrastructure would be profound. This includes everything from air traffic (which relies on electronic navigation and air traffic control systems) to road and rail transport (where modern vehicles and signaling systems depend on electronics). Freight delays, congestion, and a halt in international shipping would cause immediate disruptions to both the movement of goods and people. European economies, especially those heavily dependent on trade, such as the Netherlands, France, and the UK, would see immediate trade bottlenecks and lost GDP.
Banking and Finance: Europe’s financial sector, much like the U.S., is highly dependent on electronic systems, including ATMs, online banking, and trading systems. An EMP attack would cripple these systems, halting transactions, payments, and stock markets. The European Central Bank (ECB) and national financial institutions would face immense challenges in maintaining financial stability. Losses due to frozen assets, bank failures, and trade disruptions could range from tens to hundreds of billions of euros in the short term.
3. Broader Economic Consequences
Supply Chain Breakdown: A significant EMP event would disrupt supply chains across NATO countries. This would affect everything from raw material extraction to food distribution. Countries that rely on imports for essential goods (e.g., energy, food, pharmaceuticals) would face acute shortages, leading to price inflation, hoarding, and social unrest. The economic costs of these disruptions could amount to several hundred billion euros in GDP losses.
Tourism: Europe is one of the world’s top tourist destinations. Disruptions to transportation, communications, and safety systems would cause a significant decline in tourism, affecting economies in countries like Spain, Italy, France, and Greece. The loss of tourism revenue could be substantial, particularly in the short term.
Agriculture and Food Security: Modern agriculture in Europe relies on electronics for everything from automated machinery to supply chain management. A collapse in logistics systems would lead to food shortages, price increases, and potential civil unrest in urban areas. Agriculture-dependent nations such as France, Spain, and Italy would be disproportionately affected. The cost of food shortages could quickly spiral into tens of billions of euros.
4. National Security and Military Impact
NATO Military Operations: NATO countries depend on sophisticated, interconnected communications and defense systems. These would be crippled by an EMP attack, potentially rendering military forces less capable of responding to both the EMP event itself and any follow-on threats. In addition, NATO’s collective defense, including intelligence sharing and crisis management, would be severely disrupted. The financial cost of restoring military capabilities would be significant, potentially running into tens of billions of euros.
Cybersecurity and Espionage: An EMP could have secondary effects on cybersecurity, making it easier for adversaries to exploit vulnerabilities in weakened systems. This could lead to financial losses, espionage, and sabotage, complicating efforts to restore normalcy.
5. Economic Loss Estimates for Europe
Short-Term Economic Costs:
Direct Economic Impact: The European Union (EU) has a combined GDP of approximately €16 trillion. A large-scale EMP event could cause an immediate GDP drop of 5-10% due to disruptions in critical sectors. This would amount to €800 billion to €1.6 trillion in lost economic output in the first year.
Trade Impact: As a major global trading block, Europe would experience disruptions in trade routes, potentially costing hundreds of billions of euros due to export delays, port closures, and damage to international logistics.
Long-Term Economic Impact:
Recovery Costs: The cost of restoring the power grid, electronic infrastructure, and other critical sectors would be immense. It could take years to recover, and the cost of recovery could easily exceed €2 trillion to €4 trillion depending on the severity and duration of the disruption.
Lost Productivity and Growth: The long-term effects of a prolonged EMP attack would likely include reduced investment, lower economic growth, and decreased global competitiveness for European nations. The opportunity cost of lost economic growth over a decade could be substantial, potentially reducing cumulative European GDP by several trillion euros over the long term.
6. Secondary Global Impact
Global Supply Chain: As a major economic bloc, Europe’s recovery from an EMP attack would impact global supply chains. Major European exporters (e.g., Germany, France, Italy) could significantly disrupt manufacturing and trade, leading to a ripple effect on global markets. Countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas that depend on European goods would also suffer economic fallout.
Impact on NATO Allies: A severe EMP attack on Europe would also impact the U.S., as Europe is a key NATO partner. This could reduce U.S. exports to Europe, destabilize international finance, and require U.S. resources for Europe’s recovery.
The total economic cost of an EMP attack on European NATO countries could range from €1 trillion to €4 trillion in the short to medium term, with long-term recovery potentially exceeding €5 trillion to €6 trillion. This would involve immediate losses in productivity, trade, finance, and critical infrastructure, followed by a long and expensive recovery process. The true scale of the damage would depend on the severity of the EMP, the region affected, and the duration of the power outages and communication disruptions. However, it is clear that such an event would be an unprecedented crisis for Europe, leading to severe economic and social consequences.
What does AI estimate the cost to the USA economy if it were hit with an EMP attack?
An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack on the United States could have catastrophic consequences, particularly because of the widespread reliance on electronics and electrical infrastructure for almost every aspect of the economy. The cost of such an event would depend on a variety of factors, including the intensity of the EMP, the region affected, and the recovery time. Here’s a breakdown of potential economic impacts:
1. Direct Impact on Infrastructure
2. Disruption to Critical Industries
3. Widespread Economic Damage
4. Estimates of Economic Loss
5. Potential Long-Term Fallout
Social Unrest:
Rebuilding the Economy:
An EMP attack on the United States would likely result in devastating economic consequences. Immediate costs in the trillions of dollars, along with long-term recovery efforts that could span decades, would have widespread impacts on all sectors of the economy. While it’s impossible to pinpoint an exact figure due to the complexity and uncertainty involved, the potential cost is staggering, likely ranging between $1 trillion and $10 trillion or more.