It’s now “gay” to
— Smash Baals (@smashbaals) November 27, 2024
*checks notes*
Have a wife? pic.twitter.com/C88C5ZpiOJ
The mulatto Muslim pimp and “anti-Zionist” Fuentes ally Andrew Tate has chimed in.
The same guy who spent the entire fall promoting Tim fucking Walz wants to tell you that loving your wife is a sign of cuckservatism. pic.twitter.com/6zSrW11Lnl
— Christian Heiens ? (@ChristianHeiens) November 26, 2024
Why are people "deradicalizing" and leaving our le based "dissident" movement? ? pic.twitter.com/9BmvNdKheJ
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) November 26, 2024
Everyone else has submitted to Big Women. https://t.co/AgkVLhJfeN pic.twitter.com/Z9M1ierFuc
— Fredrick Zoller (@fredrickzollerr) November 25, 2024
If you had any doubts that Fuentes's gay FBI-protected cult is seriously disturbing, look no further than their "art."
— JD THENKFUL Fren ????? (@CatholicJDFren) November 26, 2024
Consistently, Fuentenites have written sick fantasies replete with graphic violence against White women. If you still in any way catboi guard, go f yourself. pic.twitter.com/wbQWKm4vZ9
No, the whole point of wifejak is that women are all essentially the same in a lovable/ wholesome way. Its lighthearted commiseration between married men. The inversion of the "take my wife" style of humor
— J. Burden (@_jburden) November 26, 2024
Wifejak is tremendously endearing. That's what's so good about it. It's to the point where when someone makes an ultra negative one, regardless of how funny it is, it's ruined. We simply like them because they represent a certain sweet naivety and quirky stereotype that makes us… https://t.co/Tyv4KRTkHL
— 9mmSMG (@9mm_smg) November 22, 2024
Nick destroys 9mmSMG and other simps glazing Wifejak. ?
— ?????-???? (@etherXwave) November 26, 2024
“When they imagine what a woman wants, in their minds it's a pattern of behavior that is non-threatening, (but) what kind of guys do women go for?”
– Nick Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) pic.twitter.com/DXkGt5YGWp
Nick Fuentes on Traps: pic.twitter.com/Pj4aPcmfUf
— Chris Brunet (@realChrisBrunet) November 25, 2024
Contrary to popular opinion, having a wife does not make you gay… pic.twitter.com/wC5pxxuaNU
— ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?? (@creation247) November 26, 2024
W us pic.twitter.com/8C9b94vpPL
— Pragmatic Culture (@PragCultBack) November 26, 2024
Just your average Fuentes enjoyer. pic.twitter.com/5ywPx1bd2A
— Sky_Frog (@Air_Fr0g) November 26, 2024
WLP.mp4 pic.twitter.com/gzBVbzL5FF
— Lightning Patr¡ot??????? (@lpbr0012) November 26, 2024
The Wifejak controversy explains a lot about the Dissident Right.
For those who are unfamiliar with Wifejak, it is a meme that mostly married rightwing Millennial men share on X about the slightly annoying, but endearing things their wives do. Examples include things like ordering too many packages from Amazon, spending too much at Target, going to Starbucks too much, Civil War 2 posting, pretending to be fine while really being upset, hogging the covers, etc. Nearly every stable married rightwing Millennial man is familiar with these little moments.
The overwhelming majority of White men do not hate White women. There are lots of people who have gone through bitter divorces, but most White men love their wives and daughters. Thus, it should not come as any surprise that the popularity of the Wifejak meme has triggered Nick Fuentes and the sort of embittered incel activists who started celebrating Elliot Rodger Day several years ago.
I’ve never cared for these people.
Andrew Anglin, Weev and Nick Fuentes started spreading this cancer in the Alt-Right. It is one of the key reasons why I moved away from the scene. The constant drumbeat against Christianity in those circles is another example. The fact that so many activists are genuine political retards is another. I wrote a whole series of articles on that this summer in which I explained how the realization dawned on me that activists, not Donald Trump, are to blame for their own misfortunes. It is not Trump that is standing in their way or holding them back. It is the fact that so many of them are antisocial freaks and losers.
It is not just their absolute inability to attract women. It is not just how they always destroy their own organizations and do everything in their power to stay marginalized and cultivate a toxic public image. It is also the issues which are they focused on like creating a “multiracial anti-Zionist alliance” with Muslims and then working to sabotage Trump’s campaign and elect Kamala Harris. They sit there seething all day about Israel in between watching gay porn and attacking everyone who is not completely dysfunctional. They are wondering why people are “deradicalizing” by fleeing their circles in droves.
Everything about these people is a dead end – politically, culturally, biologically. Women aren’t attracted to them because they scream school shooter loser. The women are actually right.

> They sit there seething all day about Israel in between watching gay porn and attacking everyone who is not completely dysfunctional. They are wondering why people are “deradicalizing” by fleeing their circles in droves.
I wonder how many of these rocket scientists know who the major profiteers from gay (and other) porn are – as they attack everyone outside their little circle-jerk? Seething all day about people you’re supporting with your time and money while claiming those who don’t agree are dysfunctional. They seem to have adopted Hebraic behavior with none of the upside (endless $$$$).
That’s all porn whether straight, LGBT, or softcore it’s a pretty sure thing that jews are behind it, and raking in the shekels, as they spread their mind venum to gentiles.
Christianity has not prevented the exponential spread of pornography, and I suspect many of the most pius Bible thumpers are the biggest users of kink pornography, and according sex workers request the most bizarre fantasy acts.
Under current definitions of freedom in modern countries it means degeneracy is allowed while legitimate concerns and actions against evil are condemned.
As for modern Christianity? It is now in the image of the world not God.
Societies where humans are involved will always be in the image of Mankind whether “Godly” or godless. It has been that way from prerecorded times till now.
Maybe we can begin to get back on a healthier civilizational footing, if we have bonfires where the obviously degenerate materials are burned, as they were during the last genuine expression of European man during the 1930s.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Thank you once again. Going to eat lost of Turkey? I help prepare the food since I am one of the oldest daughters and I love to cook.
” pretty sure thing that jews are behind it, and raking in the shekels, ”
Even beyond that, it’s a great vehicle for laundering money from their vast dope businesses. Same with rap/pop music.
Ever wonder how jez bought control of almost all music labels ?
That was already a fait accompli by the 1920s (when recording labels were in their infancy). The Kosher Nosetra controlled the sheet music business by then. There was even a major court case over their control which was largely ignored. By controlling the copyrights they ended up controlling what was recorded – and ultimately what the proles listened to. The KN still control the whole music industry – even the “Christian” music biz. If someone has unlimited funds thanks to the ability to create money ex nihilo there’s hardly anything they cannot buy their way into. That includes churches as well as governments.
“That was already a fait accompli by the 1920s ”
Yep, but that was also dope money, Arnold Rothstein et al.
There are only two groups of people who thought Trump and the alt right are the same thing.
1) The alt right itself while Trump was still “God Emperor.”
2) The MsNBC crowd.
Nobody else in their right mind thinks the people who did January 6th and Charlottesville are the same people.
Trump is not anti-Zionist. Despite the attempts to confuse the two, most politically astute people can distinguish anti-Zionism from old school antisemitism as an extreme racial prejudice. I like people with such a moderate position.
The problem with a multiracial anti-Zionist movement is that it’s liberal leaning on social issues. It’s pro-amnesty, pro-transgender etc, pro affirmative action etc. If the multiracial anti-Zionist took my views, which are to synthesize left economics with sane views on social issues, I would probably be more supportive of it. It’s the liberal positions that they take on social issues that put me off.
Okay. Finally an article on a white nationalist website that is pro woman without being liberal. I never heard of Nick Fuentes except on this website.
I am one of 11 children and when I get married I want lots of children I want my husband to work, have money and I will spend it wisely taking care of family and home and dressing good for him.
My family will pick a good man for me in the future.
As an aside I love the American holiday Thanksgiving. I get time off from school and I love turkey and mashed potatoes.
“white nationalist website that is pro woman ”
For many white nationalists that is a core issue.
We want a better society for the safety of our wives, mothers , daughters and WHITE women in general. We know that violence against women will be an intrinsic part of a diverse culture.
As always I thank you for your thoughtful comments. What you want is just basic decency and happiness.
“It is not just their absolute inability to attract women. It is not just how they always destroy their own organizations and do everything in their power to stay marginalized and cultivate a toxic public image….”
The more I read about Fuentes, the more I believe Exalted Cyclops is right about Fuentes group being an FBI shepherded op.
I’m on the fence about Fuentes being a Fed op.
Tucker Carlson is definitely a Fed op, and has begun to take extremely ridiculous Christian fundamentalist positions such as he was attacked by a demon, and the White House is run by satan. Neither is true, so his long Mockingbird op has taken a new direction towards the most gullible and least rational of the retardican base.
Welcome back Christina. I’ve always enjoyed your commonsense posts/replies and willingness to engage the naysayers and antisocial commenters in an adult fashion. We need more people like you in dissident circles here in America. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
That is very kind of you. I also would like to wish your family and yourself the best for Thanksgiving and beyond. Your compliments mean I have to act the part for high praise means high behavior.
Thank you once again.
clarification: My family will help me pick a future husband not pick one out for me.
“Nick Fuentes and the sort of embittered incel activist”
“embittered incel”, is that the new codeword for faggots too afraid to admit they’re a faggot ?
These fools are stepping into the trap jews set with toxic feminism, they are countering with antagonism against women instead of addressing the source social cancer.
Why aren’t they attacking the media masters that introduced and cultivated toxic feminism ?
Right-wingers believe the same thing about women that shitlibs believe about blacks. RWs think that female nature is entirely the product of the environment.
It’s like when shitlibs say that, yes, black people are violent and prone to crime, but it’s the result of subconscious racism, lack of opportunity, white privilege and slavery i.e. black behavior is a result of the environment.
You’re saying the same thing. You’re saying that Jews programmed women to be the way they are with toxic feminism. Women are blank slates with no underlying nature.
Feminism didn’t begin with Jews, even if they amplified it. It began with unmarried women demanding political representation and independence from their husbands.
It is all against god. A women’s natural inclination is to produce children and to have and nurturing a family. Leading them back to god is our job. And it is very easy to do. Women love kids. They are all the same. Put a small child in the room at watch their faces.
You’re saying the same thing. You’re saying that Jews programmed women to be the way they are with toxic feminism. Women are blank slates with no underlying nature.
Nope, not at all.
All people have good and bad attributes.
The kosher media has amplified the very worst of female nature and done everything to crush the best in female nature.
Women, most especially young women are very suggestible and their behavior needs to be closely guided.
Women’s character is very malleable .
The art looks similar to the GOAT cartoons “Murdoch, Murdock”. Does anyone know what happened to them? Any contacts? I liked to show them my/Farstar comics. Maybe we can work together. Farstar doesn’t want anything to do with American pro Whites, Identitarians, I’m the only one that ever paid him for his GOAT comic art.
i’d like to see “Murdoch, Murdock” again, too
Leave it to those on the left to hate women or be faggots. The Western population is saved by having children and educating them in the healthiest way possible.
Re: above graphics of violence on women
Do they make the same violent memes on say, rappers, rabbis etc.?
Thought so.
Nor do they make such cartoons about Mohamed. Ask Charlie Hebdo about that.
Just more clueless prattling from Hunter Wallace. Read the original tweet at the beginning of the article carefully, it’s about the attempt to persuade the people to ignore the jew and pretend everything is OK and you should just live your life as a loyal goy.
All Women valuable ?!??
Offended by everything. Ashamed of nothing. Entitled to everything. Contributing nothing.
Now you know why Haiti and Liberia look like they do.
What a nice nation we could have without these POS, safe , clean , efficient, affordable, friendly.
SARMAT and Oreshnik will knock some sense into the dullard queef hive.
Si se puede!
Feminism began with Adam’s first wife in the OT named Lilith who was the prototype of modern feminists.
The Old Testament is what jews call the Torah, and they wrote every line of it.
Lilith is nowhere in the OT. But she did appear in much later Jewish commentaries.
Yes, exactly. You need to read the actual OT November. The problem with a lot of people is that they have this quaint (and false) notion that the tribe regards OT as its primary scripture. Not true. OT is filtered through the Satanic lens of the Talmud, which is the main system of writings used by Kosher Nosetra.
The older Christians in the west – both Catholic and Prot – understood that Kosher Nosetra were the “Synagogue of Satan” referred to in the NT by Christ himself. Since the “enlightenment” nearly all churches in the west have abandoned these teachings. Even Martin Luther penned a book entitled “On the Jews and their lies” after he made an attempt to preach the good news to some. So, if a government is controlled by Jews (and all western governments are thanks to the power of fake money created ex nihilo by Kosher banking cartels), that government is controlled by Satan – through his agents on earth the Synagogue of Satan. This is not a difficult concept to grasp but thanks to two-plus centuries of widespread lies and heresies most self-described Christians would describe this statement as crazy. It’s not crazy at all. Cyrus Scofield was a reprobate liar and those who don’t reject his heresy are seriously deceived.
@Exalted Cyclops,
I am awake that the talmud is the primary source of judaism. Jews do call the OT the torah.
As a legacy Christian, I have not put much effort into studying the bible since high school. Christianity plays no roll in my day to day behavior, and as the fictional character “Rust Chole” said on True Detective Season One, “If divine reward is making someone behave then that person is a piece of shit.”
My reference to Lilith came from Sarah McLachlan’s all female concert tour of feminist banks. She cited Lilith as her inspiration for that concert tour, and explained the mythology came from the Old Testament.
During WWII, the Wehrmacht had “Gott Mit Uns” on their belt buckles. By the conclusion of that vile war, it is fair to say “He” wasn’t with them, but mythological satan was certainly with the All-Lied forces. So much a based “God.” Both the North and South thought that “the Almighty ” was on their side, if do, then He chose both the judeo-Anglo and atheistic Soviet forces and the Yankees as his teams.
Christians would be thrilled, if jews converted to Christianity, but how has that worked out in the past and present? We get crypto-jews that like your quote from Cicero allow them inside the gate.
PS: Just to show what has happened to Luther’s church in the land it was founded: AdD members are no longer allowed on church committees. Full Church of Woke convergence.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“PS: Just to show what has happened to Luther’s church in the land it was founded: AdD members are no longer allowed on church committees. Full Church of Woke convergence.”
While this is outrageous and shows the extent of Papist penatration of the Lutheran Church, the fact is, this rule is not throughout the Lutheran Church. It was made within the Church of a specific diocesen province in Germany. It is of course being contested and will likely be overturned. I hope to see its promoters disciplined by the Lutheran Church and removed from their positions.
Lilith is nowhere in the OT. But she did appear in much later Jewish commentaries.
Leave it to jwz, to create another monster.
Did you know, according to judaism, as Adam named the animals he had sex with each of them ?
There’s no greater achievement for a man than to marry a great woman and have at least three children with her.
But men must keep their hoedar detecters adjusted.
Many women have higher body counts than a small town cemetery.
If you see tattoo’s everywhere, piercings, too much makeup, and an inability to strong a sentence together without swearing at least ten times……avoid!
Western society is so in the sewer now that it’s impossible to find the sort of women that previous generations took for granted.
I liked your comment. Yes even the first woman made from Adam and without original sin easily fell for flattery and then brought Adam down with all of mankind.
We love being chatted up. Women need tenderness but also a firm hand. We despise cruelty and weakness in men at the same time. Women are made for men however and thank God for that.
My son brought home this young woman about six months ago who had the dress sense of a street walker. After she left, I pulled him aside and said, son, she’s likely slept with 50 or 60 dudes. Just look at her. In marriage, once she gets bored with you and the real world, she’ll start being unfaithful. Sure enough, a third party later confirmed it, she’s laid about 90 men!
Once every man is married, he should check her digital activity once per month, until he’s certain he can trust her, and at the point of birth of a newborn, have DNA test carried out to confirm paternity. Such is the world today. Paternity
Fraud is rampant.
I did not know that about paternity fraud. Glad the woman was found out before marriage commitment.
I believe the percentage of men unknowningly bringing up children who aren’t their own in otherwise normal married environments stands at about 30%. This is in the West across all races and backgrounds. What has feminism done to us? They’re pretty shocking statistics, really.
Twenty years of a man’s income wasted on someone else’s creation. It isn’t fair.
If the actual father is good enough to sleep with, then he’s good enough to raise his child.
If the legitimate husband isn’t good enough to not cheat on, then he’s also not good enough to raise the child with his money and home.
Goose, I think your second paragraph is a little excessive. Believe it or not but many young white men today have NOT needed to monitor every move their wife makes on their phones or do paternity tests. They are able to find good women. And men actually cheat as often as women do.
Fair point. Men certainly do cheat as well. I’ll own that. Statistically, it’s far easier for women to get sex than men as they require less effort.
Several sources have calculated that 70% of men born in the 90’s are single and celibate,and aren’t looking for partners. Only 30% of women the same age are in that situation. That tells me that the top 30% of men are sleeping with the top 70% of women.
The bottom 70% of men are getting nothing, while the top 30% are getting multiple women.
Now, I’m uncertain of the credibility of the sources claiming this. Make of it what you will.
I’m sure you’re a lovely lady….but you’re not most women. Women are naturally promiscuous, and studies have concluded that they crave sex more than men do…..on average.
Husbands and wives should check each other’s digital activity once per month until they’ve proven they’re being faithful. I should have said that. As for paternity tests, when a wife gives birth, well quite obviously, she’s the mother, she just gave birth to it. But there’s no proof at that point that the husband is the father, and statistically, many turn out not being so. The father is justified in demanding proof of fatherhood, particularly if the wife has a history of promiscuous behaviour. And also, the child has a right to know his real ancestry.
Goose. Thanks! I will admit I am pretty skeptical of these claims in our circles about most women sleeping with a small percentage of men. There is definitely an imbalance for sure but I doubt it is as skewed as is claimed.
And most people in our circles say it is because women are hypergamous and constantly leave their husbands. I think it has more to do with older men ending up with younger women more. When older people divorce, the men usually remarry while older women stay single. These younger single men will have their time to shine once they get older and established. I agree the current situation isn’t the best.
You also mention that women crave sex more than men. How is that true if women get it more easily? If women get it more easily then that means men are more willing to do it. Men are also more likely to pay for sex than women are. I have heard other men in our circles claim women are more sexual but I don’t see the evidence for it.
Feminists tend to only blame men for everything while too many people in our circles blame women for everything. Both approaches are wrong. I think Christ’s approach is best. If He returned today He would be preaching to both sexes equally about bettering themselves and would have plenty to say to both feminists and far right activists about casting stones on these topics.
If I remember correctly you are from Australia. Well I found a song to honor you and your countrymen. Perhaps there are better versions of this song.
Ummm…..thanks for that. Maybe search deeper. I’m sure there’s more recent material available if you wanna get into Aussie music.
Enjoy. Lol.
Girl is wise beyond her peers.
When you start using the epithets of the Left to characterize the people who don’t want a disaster like the first four Trump years, it’s never a good sign. Take a look in the mirror. You don’t have to like Fuentes or Anglin to refrain from repeating GOPe talking points about the election.
I will be honest with you HW with women!
Southern White Anglo Women, who have traditional values make better spouses than yankee women!
God Bless Dixie!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
I don’t understand how men expect to find good women in pick-up bars. How can HE be there for only one thing if SHE’s NOT?
My uncle was married four times. He married his high school sweetheart and cheated on her with his second wife who cheated on him, ending his second marriage. He met his third wife in a bar who cheated on him, ending his third marriage.
When he complained to his mother about “modern women,” his mother told him to stop trying to make wives out of whores you find in bars. He snapped at her, “Where do you expect me to find a wife? In a church?” She said, “Yes, go to church if you are serious about finding a wife. Otherwise, frequent the tramps, if you must, just don’t put a ring on them!”
He went to church and met his fourth wife. He had two children with her and lived happily with her for the rest of his life.
Stay out of the bars. Meet women at church or other activities, like sports hobbies, book clubs, local political and/or charitable activities. Don’t hook up with just one woman. Make lots of women friends. Date several women. Then get to know their friends and their families.
A useful rule of thumb: Look for a woman who has a loving, healthy relationship with the man who raised her, be it her father or her stepfather. If he was a good man, his daughter will be a good woman. The chances are very good that he will still be married to her mother. A woman from a solid marriage knows how to make a solid marriage.
I want to add that it’s a great idea if young men establish themselves and are solid in their own identity first. The last thing a young man with no strong sense of identity to do is end up with a young woman with no sense of identity. Figure out what you want and then find a woman who wants the same things you do.
Men are more careful about employing people than they are about marrying them. If you are ready to get married, use the same criteria to find the right fit for your home as you would at your company. Someone who is loyal, moral, responsible, and a team player.
One of the very frustrating issues with a lot of people on the far right, is that just like with a lot of leftist groups, they repeat “ statistics “ over and over that suit their narrative but aren’t really reflective of reality. One of the recurring topics in our circles is “ how terribly white women vote”. No it isn’t just trolls in comment sections repeating this, but also big names who I won’t mention.
We have a larger regional voting gap than an overall sex voting gap within our race. Hunter provided stats after this election showing that white women in Southern states voted anywhere from 15 to over 30 percentage points more for Trump than white women in various parts of the Midwest did. When comparing to the Northeast or Northwest it has to be an even bigger gap.
Meanwhile the overall white sex voting gap ranges anywhere from 5 to 7 to 10 at most percentage points each election. Southern white women even vote better than white MEN in other regions. The red states you see in the Lower Midwest (as opposed to Upper Midwest), Lower Prairie states, and Interior West are the only parts of the country voting similar to the South and those are areas Southerners settled.
We see these same patterns every election by the way. Why aren’t we talking more about regional differences as opposed to some hypothetical battle of the sexes when it comes to whites voting? I don’t think women should vote when we have an ethnostate again, but in our current situation, it doesn’t make sense to repeal the 19th amendment having nonwhite males voting but not white females.
Voting is just one topic that comes up in our circles, driving an unnecessary wedge between the sexes. There are plenty of other “ stats” that keep getting repeated that aren’t reflective of reality. White men along with white women have many flaws to work on in modern America. Neither sex should be pointing fingers at the other.
You may not like it that the Democratic Party is the party of women and minorities and the Republican party is the party of white husbands and fathers but that is reality.
There is no greater threat to the white race than feminism, and yet Trump is going to go out of his way, especially when he’s not facing re-election, to insist that women need to be put ahead of men as a political priority.
Southern whites vote Republican because the alternative is black rule. As we can see, that doesn’t solve our problems. You don’t get Gaetz, the guy with the Southern expression on his face, you didn’t really Sessions. You don’t get real representation. When someone like Roy Moore who actually promises to represent the people of Alabama runs, the masonic GOP and the women sink him.
The truth about the South is that many states are near a tipping point. The rural heritage of the white South is gradually wearing thin. You can see enormous margins in many rural areas throughout the country, not just the South. Do not confuse the fact that New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Milwaukee, Detroit, Minneapolis-St. Paul have many white women in them who vote Left confuse you about rural white voters in the Northern part of the country.
You have many Left-wing white women in the large areas in the South, and the problem may well get worse, especially if Trump’s term is a disaster.
JPS , I am going to address each of your points:
1) Your first paragraph:
Yes the democrats are the party for women in general but not white women. I was talking specifically about white women.
2) Second paragraph:
I agree that feminism is a problem. I don’t think I said anything in disagreement with that.
3) Third paragraph:
The bottom line is that Southerners vote drastically more red than Northerners. We can explain it or justify it however we want but I am focusing on drastic margins in voting patterns, some of which I went into above.
What do you mean in regards to women sinking Roy Moore? 60% of white women in Alabama voted for him compared to 70% of white men. Both percentages aren’t as high as whites typically vote red in that state, but most white women in Alabama were obviously on his side. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was outside Yankee agitators stirring the rumors up about him.
4) Paragraph 4:
The South is dying because of Northern transplants. You can keep trying to justify what we keep seeing over and over with voting patterns, but the fact remains that the patterns are still there. The Southern states that are under threat of being purple have the most transplants.
What you say about rural white Northerners voting red doesn’t mean much if the liberals in your Northern cities are mostly Northern themselves by heritage. And you have plenty of white men in Northern cities voting stupidly with the women. In the South we still have many cities where most whites vote very red. So this rural vs city excuse has never meant much to me.
5) Fifth paragraph:
Where is your evidence for this? How many of these white women are native Southerners? Again you are trying to excuse an obvious statistic you don’t like….. that white women in the South vote drastically better than white women up North and also better on average than white men up there. Brad has looked at exit polls and posted the results. I have examined them as well.
Look at the number of counties in Northern states like Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, with very high percentages for Trump. It’s not just rural Southerners. And you have to remember these people are not Southern Baptists with the Zio angle.
The native Southern population was always overwhelmingly rural until relatively recent times. They started to vote Republican when the Democrats turned into Black Rule advocates. A big part of the reason Southern whites vote Republican in such large numbers is that they have no choice. Now rural Northern whites are feeling more pressure, they are voting more Red too.
Southerners are not as conservative as they put on. Of course the word conservative and Republican can have disreputable connotations, but I mean in the sense of being seriously right-wing, they’re pretty “flexible” (Brad’s wavering over the years is a pretty good example).
Oklahomans were still getting married in their early twenties a decade ago, yet Oklahoma has a reputation of not only being the reddest state, but also a very wild state. Going to evangelical mega-church may make you vote Republican. It does not make you conservative.
Native Southern whites should not exaggerate their importance in the national electorate. Virginia is blue and Georgia and North Carolina have already gone blue in recent times. They’re losing the influence to put somebody like “aw shucks, 911” GWB into the white house the way they did in 2004 and 2008.
Trump won the popular vote by winning a much larger percentage of votes in many states where Republicans are effectively disenfranchised. Many of those people are every bit as conservative as Southern whites, who are lucky so many blacks left the black belt 100 years ago.
Sorry JPS but I am having a hard time understanding your overall argument. When you talk about Southerners voting Republican, you downplay the significance of it and go into how Republicans aren’t conservative anyways. Then when you talk about Northerners voting Republican you talk about it like it is a good thing that I need to acknowledge more. It can’t be both at the same time.
Then you talk about how Southerners aren’t that conservative. Compared to who? Is the average Northerner more conservative than Southerners? Not only do white Southerners vote more Republican than white Northerners, but they also attend church more.
You mention Southern states turning blue and I already addressed above that the states with the most transplants are always the ones going that route.
If we are comparing which whites in the country are the most conservative then we have to base it on something. You can’t try to diminish the relevance of voting patterns or other stats just because you don’t like what they show.
“Southern whites vote Republican because the alternative is black rule.”
True. Had the Democrat National Committee not been taken over by Northern Papists and became n@gger lovers to subordinate their hated ethnic opponents the Southrons, the Democrat Party would still run the South and would be both conservative, populist, and Dixie ethno-sectarian. The battle inside the GOP South and RNC has been to change the GOP into a populist party and one which not only support Dixie Ethno-Sectarianism but actually puts its Pro-White propoganda into execution. So far, this hasnt been successful which is one reason the GOP only gets 70% of the White vote there when it should get 80-85%.
“You don’t get real representation.”
Suthrons get representation through the Southern GOP, they certainly get better representation that any other White Protestant group gets inside the US. But, yes, its nothing like what it got in the past with the old Democrat Party. One way to break this is to break the identity the Republican Party has with the North during the Civil War. One way to do this is get the State Republican Parties to pass resolutions apologizing for Reconstruction and demanding the RNC do the same.
“When someone like Roy Moore who actually promises to represent the people of Alabama runs, the masonic GOP and the women sink him.”
Judge Roy Moore is a Freemason you fool. If you doubt it you can see his ring here. Being an Anglo-American Protestant Southron. His family was like many in the South who first broke to the Republicans during the campaign of Barry Goldwater, chiefly, because Lyndon Baines Johnson was an absolute disgusting, criminal, racketeer and a disgrace to Texas and the South.
“The truth about the South is that many states are near a tipping point.”
This is true. But its chiefly because of immigrants, who are Latinos with significant numbers of Moslems and Asians and of course Haitians settling in the South. Secondly, its because of Northern Papist transplants. Thirdly, its because of Yankee transplants. Fourthly, its because of Northern Blacks moving into the South. In a distant fifth, its because of Jews.
“The rural heritage of the white South is gradually wearing thin.”
Again true. But not because it has less people. Rather it has less people as a ratio of the whole populations. Its also because of the growth of non-local businesses, chiefly franchises, almost all of whom originated in the North. Its because of the gross commercialism of modern day mass corporate consumerism.
This is all being pushed by Republican majorities that control the levers of power, dog whistling Whiteness, do nothing about it, but instead enrich themselves at the expense of local businesses and farmers. What solves this? See above about condemning the Civil War era Republicans for establishing military dictatorship and Reconstruction, and forcing thru populist pro-local economic policies at state and local levels. This is what the League of the South was supposed to be organized.
“You can see enormous margins in many rural areas throughout the country, not just the South.”
There is a truth to this. Interestingly, the rural areas of the Northwest and North East are where remnants of the old Americans, the Southrons cousins, albeit Yankees, reside. A classic movie that captured a remnant of that world, which certainly has mostly vanished by now in Connecticut, is the movie Parrish which featured old WASP Connecticut Yankee tobacco money, working class WASP, and even a bit of ethnic white. And yes, those old North Eastern WASPs were actually that attractive, I am old enough to remember the last of them as my family at one time held farms and property there. And yes, it talks about finding everyone’s true WifeJack https://youtu.be/bhOR1x2ex1I?si=y_Mi9E18ErpyAb0t
However, their political nationalist support are not near the levels seen in the South. But, in the the face of leftwing progressive insanity and unbridled Corporate Capitalism, the normie Rural Yankee can been relied upon to a degree. Its in saving the Southron and his country where we can hope to salvage the country. But, if there is hope to rebuild this country to greatness it must be found in a way to reunite these bonds between American core nation.
That is an interesting point, AGB. What is the actual ancestry of most rural whites up North? Is it mostly Founding Stock? In some areas it would probably be 1840s German and Scandinavian immigrant though. Would be interesting comparing how different rural whites up there vote. I don’t believe this idea that keeps getting repeated about how ethnic whites are more aware than Yankee English whites up there.
@Courtney from Alabama,
“I don’t believe this idea that keeps getting repeated about how ethnic whites are more aware than Yankee English whites up there.”
They aren’t. That is a foolish belief akin to the idea that Latino Catholics are naturally conservative. Its promoted to us from a psychological place where WASPs of all classes gave up their rights to being American because of liberal WASPs like the Rockefellers, while Papists retained their conservatism cuz some reason and therefore immigrants are better. It rests on a bunch of manufactured assumptions. Its a small part of the Big Lie, which is told to confuse and neutralize Americans like us from raising our self conscious national identity out of the gutter from which it was thrown in the post WWII and especially post 1965 eras.
“That is an interesting point, AGB. What is the actual ancestry of most rural whites up North?”
It varies considerably. In the New England region it remains predominantly if not dominantly Yankee. But, the slow growth and assimilation into the Judeo-Yankee-Papist combine by ethnic groups like the Irish-Americans, also means many of them are moving into the rural areas. The Yankee rural population in Massachusetts is practically gone except in a few Counties. In Connecticut the rural areas have been extensively paved over m, but there still remains Yankee controlled rural counties there and even in Papist run Rhode Island.
In places like New York, rural communities are a hodgepodge, but again here as in say New Hampshire and Vermont it is predominantly Protestant Yankee. Unfortunately, the old WASP elite there has been pretty well broken since the 1990s and with the growth of finance in campaigns since the 2000s, New York City capital pretty much runs the entire stats now. As a result, the Republican Party, the principle representation of Yankee Protestant power is a minority power even in most rural areas.
In Pennsylvania, the rural area remains decidedly majority Protestant and even much of the rest of the state still has a significant WASP representation. However, in PA you have significant numbers of so called Dutch Americans, these being German Protestant colonials from British Empire days. So, the ethnic identity is pretty mixed up, except for top tier state wide officers where WASPs can still predominantly influence. Traditionally GOPe and WASP Dave McCormick, successfully followed our consultants in creating a large rural GOTV, ballot chasing, campaign machine, combined it with his own WASP network and overcame the well organized and deeply corrupt and mob controlled PA Democrat machine to win the Senate race. As a scion of colonial America, who actually ran as that, he holds promise in rebuilding our community at the national level.
This Mid-Atlantic and New England area, the core of old Yankeedom was a WASP run area well into the 1960s. The rural areas WASP run until the 1990s perhaps. Demographic changes brought about by Great Wave immigration, the migration of WASPs fleeing nasty little shitty Ellis Island Rif Raf Papists to places like California, and the migration of that dandruff Rif Raf from the inner cities to the suburbs, broke the demographic hold the Yankees had by the 1970s. They still retain significant influence in the North East, but aside from PA, it is a minority power, except at tier one upper class level. There, they are worse than useless.
Yet, even until the 1940s and 1950s and even 1960s, WASP power was sufficient that even in the inner working and middle class suburbs, everyone could tell the nice all White neighborhoods from the bad all White neighborhoods by how well their trashcans were laid out and their lawns kept. The WASPs were the nice ones, the Papists were the bad ones. In the North East, that distinction in the metro areas is gone and only remains in the rural areas and even then only in portions.
In places like Ohio, Indiana, they remain heavily Protestant, with ancestry of both Southern and Yankee origin. Michigan likewise but with significant minorities of Dutch Protestants and Dutch Papists (The so called Dutch Coast). Illinois is a mix with large numbers of immigrant Whites mixed with Yankees in the rural areas. Further West is when you get to ever more increasing German and Scandinavian and other European immigrant communities.
Today, WASP power is practically broken in its entirely in the North East, except in New Hampshire perhaps Maine, and outside of PA, in a few islands of communities in Mid Atlantic. It retains an element of influence in the upper Midwest, especially Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, where working and middle class and rural WASPs still have majorities in significant parts of the various states.
How to get them to work with us is problematic. It starts with rebirthing their identity. WASP identity has mostly retreated to a kind of preppy upper class characiture. The Yankee working and middle class identity of it has mostly vanished. So, you must get them to rediscover their WASP roots as part of the distinct AMERICAN ethnic identity that today is mostly held in parts of the South and especially in Appalachia.
We Southrons of course have our distinct ethnic Dixie identity but we should remember we are part of the American nation which consists of other British American ethnic communities like the Yankees, as explained in the book Albions Seed. We rediscover that in our communities, we can build a solid foundation for the reconstituted American nation taking back control of the country it founded and in which we still remain the single largest group in the country.
There are a lot of German descended Republicans in the North. Rural voters are voting more Republican than in the past. In particular, Appalachian types, because the Democrats abandoned them economically and are pushing anti-white rhetoric.
You’re asserting that Southerners and Southern women especially, compared to other women, vote very Red. This may be true, but it is important not to exaggerate what it really means in comparison with other states.
1) they do not vote especially more red than other white rural parts of the country
2) they are not more conservative in actual fact than in other parts of the country, but they vote red in larger percentages because of the alternative is to let the negroes run roughshod over them.
3) Heritage Southerners are losing their grip on the Southern states, if the negroes that came North from the South were sent back, then the votes in the Midwest would be much more Red and the votes in the South would be much more Blue.
4) White women vote more for the Democratic Party, basically everywhere. Without white women, the Democratic Party would be in a very bad strait.
5)Deep red states like Oklahoma are culturally Republican, this is partly because of the absence of very large cities with huge numbers or immigrants.
6) Urban culture in every state is increasingly Left-wing.
It was Gen-X voters who remember what America was like before multi-culturalism had swamped the whole country who elected Trump. Trump narrowly boomers and their elders, Millennials and GenZ voted narrowly for Kamala.
If we want to really understand the election then it’s important to look at the Catholic vote. Trump won 56% of the Catholic vote, which is approximately the same as his percentage of the white vote overall. Considering a large percentage of the Catholic vote is non-white or centered in very liberal areas in Northeastern states, this is remarkable. It would be nice to see a geographical breakdown to see where the Catholic votes for Trump were concentrated, but it’s apparent that Catholics had a large role in electing Trump.(which they may regret – I did not vote for Trump because he is a tool of the Jews, very dangerous to the cause of Right-wing politics, nevertheless, I’m glad to see Catholics voting for the Republicans over the Democrats at the same level as the white population – NOTE CATHOLICS VOTE MORE RED THAN WHITE WOMEN – GENERALLY SPEAKING REPUBLICANS WOULD DO MUCH BETTER THAN THEY DO IF WHITE WOMEN DID NOT VOTE)
JPS did you see Hunter’s article where he was comparing how white women voted around the country? Those were major gaps and differences between Southern white women and elsewhere. For white men there are differences too even if not as large. White Southern women on average also vote better than Northern white men. You have many states up North where white men vote red in the 50s and 60s ( probably most states up there) while meanwhile most Southern white women vote red from 65% into the early 80s. It just seems to me like you are conveniently ignoring statistics or only focusing on bits and pieces that you want to.
Where black people live in this country doesn’t mean anything. We are comparing only how white people vote. The South still has most of the blacks.
In regards to Southern cities leaning left, again this is mostly due to Northern transplants of all races. The states with the least amount of transplants down here are for some reason still the reddest Southern states.
I find it very odd that you bring up white Catholics, attributing them to Trump’s win. White Protestants always vote far more red than they do. In the 2020 election the gap was approaching 20 points. Historically it was wider. When you only look at white Southern evangelicals, you are talking about voting percentages for Trump into the 80s!
Courtney, not White Catholics, just Catholics, voted as Republican as the white population, and more Republican than white women.
Understand that identification as a Catholic means that you were baptized, and haven’t identified as an atheist or an evangelical. Evangelicals self-identify as such, so it’s going to make a big difference.
You need to understand there are a lot of very conservative people in the Midwestern states, there are many people who moved South from the North who vote Republican, and there are many people in the North who vote Democrat who originate in the South. If you’re going to blame the Southern states starting to tip Blue on transplants then understand how many niggers you people sent up here.
JPS I have actually looked at how WHITE Catholics vote compared to white Protestants. It is pretty well known that white Protestants are more conservative. Look at the 2020 exit polls as well as the exit polls for this past election. The stats are there. And yes I am specifically talking about WHITES from both groups.
You conclude your post doing more of what you have been doing the entire time. You are making speculations about a little sample here or there instead of looking at overall statistical patterns that we keep seeing every election. And it sounds like you keep missing certain points I am making.
It doesn’t matter how many blacks are up North when we are only looking at how whites up there vote. This entire time I have only been talking about stats on how whites vote. In regards to transplants, obviously Alabama and Mississippi have the least amount yet are the reddest Southern states. Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia obviously have tons of transplants on the other hand and aren’t nearly as red anymore ( Virginia has gone blue). Meanwhile the typical solid red states that aren’t Southern tend to be states where Southerners settled.
You can assume that whites up North are more democrat due to Southerners moving up there while the South is more red because of Northerners moving down here but the stats don’t seem to be backing that assumption up. If the South is more red than the North every election, then it makes far more sense to come to the conclusion that it is because of the native whites down here as opposed to transplants.
Oregon is one of the states with a large percentage Yankee and a proportionally smaller number of Catholics than other states with lots of Yankees. It barely shifted towards Trump in 2024 at all. One of the most liberal states in the United States.
What part of “evangelical” is self-identified do you not understand? Their are mainline Protestants, who vote more or less the same as the Catholics from the polls I’ve seen. There are evangelicals, who vote right. But “evangelical” is an assumed identity. Like a “devout Catholic” or “every Sunday” Catholic or “conservative Catholic” or “trad Catholic.” “Evangelical” doesn’t just mean from a Protestant family that attended Protestant church as a child. It is SELF-IDENTIFYING WITH THE POLITICS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.
New England Yankee descended whites are the core of the left-wing white voters in America.
Illinois shifted towards Trump, Trump won Wisconsin, Trump won Pennsylvania, Northeastern states shifted towards Trump. Northwest states DID NOT. Partly the Jews control elections in states like New York, but it was Catholic voters shifting towards Trump that made the difference and the won the election for Trump. It wasn’t white women in the South. SORRY.
JPS, this entire time I have referred to actual stats and trends we see over and over again. On the other hand, you haven’t done that.
Sure these elections come down to how Catholics and Northern whites vote only because those groups don’t vote red as high as they should. This is pretty well known.
White Catholics and whites up North in general vote red typically in the 50s and 60s percent wise. Many of them tilt blue.
In the South whites vote red from the upper 60s into the 80s. White Protestants overall vote red in the low 70s. In the South it is in the 80s.
Not sure what is hard to understand. I never said white Southern women won the election. I said white Southerners of both sexes vote better than whites up North of both sexes.
Northerners who are both Catholic and Protestant don’t vote as red as Southerners.
Everyone knows that Evangelicals are typically Protestants in the South and West.
How do you know what percentage of Oregon is wasp? All I know is that the parts of the country with the most ethnic whites descended from immigrants also seem to be the regions that are the most lightly red, pink, purple or blue as opposed to solid red. You mentioned Oregon but a huge chunk of waspy English Maine was red too unlike the blue clump further South of it in the Northeast where lots of ethnic whites settled.
“women and minorities” = whores, niggers, and racial aliens who are brought in to supplant whites.
Voting for Trump is not a conservative act, and the majority of women who voted Trump was very slim. Democrats are just scapegoating white women because they are white. It’s a reflex. Muscle memory. They can’t berate white men anymore than they already have because no one expects white men to support them at this point, so totally have they been crucified by now, so the next closest white thing is the women. The infamy of Trump’s reputation may deter border crossings but Republicans routinely and vocally support increased legal immigration and work visas to undercut domestic labor in the market. That’s all Republicans are and ever will be, a fiercely ideological market fundamentalist party that cares about nothing except the bottom line. Republicans would love to escape the Roe shadow and support abortion. The right wing reaction to Roe v Wade is a relic from a bygone age, it has no place in the contemporary political landscape. There is hardy anything “Christian” about the modern Republican party, or anything at all in America for that matter, besides very superficial jingoism. It’s all about markets.
Trump does not believe in God. He isn’t a Christian. He almost certainly secretly supports abortion. So without the vague and probably meaningless calls for reducing “illegal” immigration, all the while continuing to brag about a “Big Beautiful Door” in the nonexistent wall, what is there left that can be called “conservative?” Women’s sports? In all likelihood women were just voting for lower prices along with the men, and as far as the young go Gaza was a debacle for the Democrats.
There is nothing in this election that says women are willing to abandon their massively inflated modern privilege that revolves around perpetual sex, birth control, abortion, and pornography, and suddenly become mothers with families again. They are still going to college en mass. They are still competing for the same jobs as men in the market place, buttressed by the momentum of decades of affirmative action. They are competing for houses in the real estate market as *single* women. They are still not reproducing in any meaningful way. They are still dressing like whores. Marriage rates continue to tumble. Abortion won almost everywhere except Florida. So notwithstanding the grimly logical response of men to this, what’s changed? Nothing.
Anonymous , white people vote for Republicans because they feel it is their only option. And in your post, just like with others in our circles, you are only focusing on what white women are doing. White men only voted for Trump 7% percentage points higher than white women. So only focusing on white women and beating up on how they voted doesn’t make sense.
Then in your last paragraph you go into the typical laundry list of everything only white women or just women apparently do wrong. How do you know most women are doing these things? Plus you list some things that men are either complacent with or that they are guilty of themselves. For instance you mention that too many white women to college. A lot of times it is because their fathers insist they go and they don’t know better.
Pornography is another one. Women shouldn’t sell their bodies online but too many men are supporting the behavior by paying for it!
A lot of stuff white women get picked at for in our circles is either usually highly exaggerated, or it is being supported by men, or men are just as guilty of the particular sin as women are.
“The right wing reaction to Roe v Wade is a relic from a bygone age, it has no place in the contemporary political landscape.”
You sound like one of the liberal Republicans who really just want social approval from the Jews and their lackeys who control the GOP (or money from Peter Thiel), and the Democrats control DC, and have since FDR’s time – Jared Kushner and Ivanka are still there, even if they’re temporarily out of site. Talk about “inevitability” and “obsolescence” always has a Leftist pedigree. I bet the Jews and Homos and Leftists in Germany thought the same thing in the 1920s. Not to mention the Shah in the 70s.
You mention that men are more likely to pay for sex than men. Well yes, because if they’re average looking they often have to, wherest women can just show up in the right places, draw attention to herself, and get it for free.
You also touched on effort required vs sex drive. Yes men must make more effort to get the sex….. that’s his role. It doesn’t mean he craves it more. It just means he’s playing the role that nature and society expects of him.
I know plenty of men who have gone without sex for years at a time. Ask an average woman to do the same? She’s moody, depressed, goes on Tik Tok crying like a baby. They’ve likely rejected fifty Brads, yet bawl their eyes out when rejected by Chad.
I don’t think the Right is against women per se. We just want men to act like men, and women like women.
Goose, I still find it hard to believe that women crave sex more than men. I am not sure how this can even really be proven. I don’t see how it is a bad thing anyways for men to crave it more if they do. I always just saw it as part of their role and nature. So what? It is really strange to me when someone like Fuentes tries to shift that role to women.
And I never said the right in general is anti woman. I am not a feminist. I also never said I am against proper sex roles. But there is a large element of pro white circles and far right circles that blames women for everything just like feminists blame men for everything. Many people in our circles have talked about this problem. Not just me. It is part of why Brad wrote this article. There is a difference between taking a Christian approach to proper sex roles, which I myself follow, and blaming women for every problem or most problems just like feminists do to men.
I agree that in current times the idea of not letting white women vote but letting non-white men vote is ridiculous. Why should the men of another race be more important than your own women?
I write this even though I am not a poster girl for white nationalism.
In a sane world I should not even have to be on a website like this. I should spend all my time being a woman and enjoying life. Men have failed us and by extension they have created this bizarre world we all now live in.
Thank you Christina!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
You are welcome and thank you.
“the idea of not letting white women vote but letting non-white men vote”
Who’s proposing that whack idea ?
United States of AIPAC, I am referring to how people in our circles focus so much on the 19th amendment but they never talk about repealing the amendment that allows black men to vote. I never hear it talked about actually.
Well, my thesis has always been total separation of races, by oceans, so black voting is a meaningless issue.
I certainly think well educated mature women should vote, same for men.
All this is just a silly waste of time. As long as races are mixed together there will be endless social troubles, on this issue and a thousand more.
How we practically separate races i just don’t know.
My same thought again.
With illiterates in the electorate everything goes to hell.
Ha! You are actually more lenient than I am on women voting. I don’t think women should vote in a healthy ethnostate. They shouldn’t have voted during the American Revolution or if the South broke away, they shouldn’t have voted there. But in this large multi racial empire we live in now I definitely think white women voting isn’t our biggest issue for sure like people make it out to be in our circles.
After the War between the States, negro males were allowed to vote, but White American women were not, until the infamous 19th Amendment.
Was the USA “great” back then? Haha.
November, I think America started losing its way in the 1840s and it escalated after the Civil War. We went from being a nation to a multiethnic empire.
America had citizens that had moments of greatness, but it would be difficult outside of the years following the US Revolutionary War that any sustained period(s) of time it was actually “great.”
The slogan “Make America Great Again” seems nonsensical in that is attempting to return to something that was just biased American tall tales and mythology.
IMO, America was so wonderful in the years prior to 1840. The African bioweapons were here in large numbers, the British class system was/is used to maintain power with the wealthy elites, brutal exploitation of child labor, etcetera.
Edit:> Wasn’t so wonderful…
Well of course that is how you think lol. Blacks weren’t even citizens during that time. Yes, I think the more America started letting in immigrants starting in the 1840s, it started having more and more problems.
> After the War between the States, negro males were allowed to vote, but White American women were not, until the infamous 19th Amendment.
In the south, that was basically for 12 years after the war, when large sections of the former confederacy were literally under the occupation of the US army. The military left in 1877 – the result of the 1876 presidential election being thrown into the House of Representatives so that that Repukes were forced to make a deal with white southerners and their copperhead allies in the mid-west to seat Rutherford B. Hayes in office. Whites were allowed to vote again after the departure and things like literacy tests were given to qualify one to vote (as they already were in the north). These excluded most negro males.
Half of you guys who are married and put your wives on a pedestal are going to get left by her in the end. Just because Andrew Tate is a scum muzzie doesn’t mean he is wrong about everything. Go ahead and worship the ground she walks on. Fuck around and find out. Maybe you will be part of the 50% that can stay in lala land your entire life re female nature.
The sociopathic content above from Groypers speaks for itself and shows why sick deranged freaks like that deserve to be fringe
Really scares me, that any adult could be so stupid to follow Fuentes. I like to think his followers are teenagers with arrested adolescence.
Yeh, I’m wrong.
John Holmes, I don’t think Hunter or any married man similar to him is advocating for putting their wives on pedestals nor would they claim EVERYTHING Andrew Tate says is wrong. Nobody is claiming that.
Marriage will always be a high social status among Men and Women! Single older Men look like losers to me!
And no children of off spring!
Marriage takes work to stay together! Children are hard to raise
It is a mental disease, focusing on those people. As you said, it is a dead end. But so is Trumptardism
About the wife memes, I hate them. But my wife and I are 20 years now. When I am having a shitty day, I talk to my wife. Then everything is ok. It’s that simple.
Glad you found a good one.
Hope others can.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy as well as turkey and stuffing.
@Hunter Wallace,
“The sociopathic content above from Groypers speaks for itself and shows why sick deranged freaks like that deserve to be fringe.”
Indeed. I am glad you came to your senses about the threat from these freaks, especially the ones gravitating around the likes of the Gay Grand Inquisitor. You started this journey to exit them awhile go which is good. Yet, its sad to see our dear icons like Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, and fellow colleagues like Fitzpatrick, have not only continued to associate with the likes of him but celebrate with them.
Nost atrociously, this after they were all informed what a destruction he caused to building an international alliance with the Nationalist Right in Europe and a University tour beong prepped for them in the States. So, instead of getting a dozen or more MPs and politicians representing various Rightwing Nationalist groups as planned at Vdare’s last conference or Amren’s conference, the aforementioned retarded themselves to such an extent all they could find was a few Border Patriots, and a couple of the Usual Papist suspects to join them with ((Keith Woods)) and ((Nick Fuentes)) himself.
How that last faggot and his dumb minions are reacting to Wifejack is just an example of how wrong our icons were in ignoring incessent warnings to break contact. Now, VDare is obliterated, the Castle under seige for forfeiture, and Amren getting lackluster speakers at conferences. In turn, I still can’t shake the image of Peter Bremelow putting his arm around Nick ike they were the best pals in the world, or Taylor and Fitzpatrick celebratoa most recent grift in Detroit where he made off with over $100,000. Talk about self sabotage. Idiots. Glad to see you are made of better stuff. You play your cards right and you’ll go somewhere grand chappie.
The neo-gaycist right of AmRen, VDARE, and Counter-Currents. Lame opposition that has less traction with alpha male Europeans than an inch of black ice.
The sheenies are as the McDonald’s slogan goes, “Lovin’ It.”
VDARE and AMREN wanted the Pat Buchanan politics without the pugnacity. Pugnacity that you’ll never get from Prods needing Jewish approval. (oh they’ll fight for the kikes like dogs though, they’re proud of being dogs for the Jews!)
Fuentes is a shrimp, the way you talk about him you just magnify his importance. If VDARE and AMREN feel sabotaged by Fuentes (no clear indication that they have been), it just shows that they have been insignificant.
I don’t think you can accurately characterize VDARE as insignificant. They produced a quarter-century body of work on the suicidal immigration policies of the west from several perspectives. I chalk up their failure as more of a managerial one. They should have removed their foundation out of NY State well over ten years ago. They also serve as an example of what can happen when you don’t build your own platforms.
The one figure out there who constantly advocates building our own platforms if Vox Day and he has followed through by practicing what he preaches. This idea needs to be expanded in to numerous areas: finance and banking, law, land trusts, internet infrastructure, security, etc. – a (real) nation within a (fake) nation. The fake one will collapse under the weight of its own contradictions sooner or later. If we concentrate on building our own platforms, the real nation would stand to pick up the pieces worth picking up.
“I don’t think you can accurately characterize VDARE as insignificant. They produced a quarter-century body of work on the suicidal immigration policies of the west from several perspectives. I chalk up their failure as more of a managerial one.”-Exalted Cyclops
Indeed. VDare was a powerhouse, on not just the immigration issue, but the American identity issue, Anglo-Saxon heritage, etc. Its sad to see unforced managerial errors made which brought it low. I watched it happen in slow motion. All of this could’ve been avoided and VDare would most likely be alive, strong, and continuing to serve its vital role. PB and others at VDare, will nonetheless, go down as legends as they deserve.
Once racial commingling is accepted, even forced, the social ills will just cascade over each other.
“The mulatto Muslim pimp …”
Back in the 60s a survey of police records showed that 98% of pimps in London were either black or Arabs.
That was in the 60s !
The ideas that Fuentes and his ilk propose are something i would expect to hear from preteen boys, mixing the ludicrous with the silly.
Like many things in life, there is hardly ever a middle way. You’re either an incel groyper or some slack jawed faggot who is overly enamored with his inconsiderate wife. You’re a pedophile or state numerous times a day, “my wife is my best friend.”
The middle way hardly get recognized because people love certainty. They worship polarity.
I am here to tell you, you can still be aware of hypergamy and hate those who would prescribe it while simultaneously not being a dysfunctional fagboy.
Furthermore we should stop saying “white women.” American culture is global culture. Hypergamous inconsiderate women come in all shapes, sizes, and colors
What a bunch of silly slop. I’m thankful I’m not bored out of my mind to be knowledgable of such absolute nonsense. How a loathsome little fed turd like Fuentes is taken seriously I will never understand. The internet truly is a gift and a curse, use it wisely.