I should have more to say tomorrow.
I’m busy right now with family, but I wanted to share this new post-election poll.
A whopping 4% of Americans rank “Middle East conflict / Israel-Palestine” as one of their top three political priorities. It is also only 4% of Republican voters. 3x more Republican voters care about “poverty / hunger / homelessness” than what is going on in Israel.
Activists are out of touch with political reality:
- Activists are obsessed with Israel, Americans are not, Republican voters are not, even Jews are not obsessed with Israel. Only 9% of American Jews say Israel is one of their top two issues.
- Activists are far more likely than the average American to perceive Republican voters as being motivated by support for Israel. 7% of Americans think Israel is one of the most important issues to Republican voters. The actual number is 4%. It is probably like 90% of activists.
- Americans and Republicans are pro-Israel, but support for Israel is shallow. Most people don’t care or think much about what goes on in Israel and the Middle East. They might have a vaguely positive opinion of Israel, but it doesn’t motivate or move them.
- The “anti-Zionist” political strategy is to sit out every election, demobilize Whites and surrender every other issue like immigration, which unlike support for Israel actually strikes a chord with voters, until presumably “Zionism” is defeated. The problem with this is that NO ONE CARES about Israel or Zionism except a small number of obsessed wealthy donors and activists. Punishing White people with mass immigration and other destructive policies until they care about Israel / Palestine as much as activists is absurd and a political dead end.
Anyway, the point is that the overwhelming focus by activists on “Zionism” and “anti-Zionism” is a losing political strategy. Americans do not prioritize foreign policy. They don’t look at what goes on in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon and see it as having any direct impact on their lives.
Contrast crime and violence (20% nationwide and 25% with Republican voters) with the 4% who rank Israel / Palestine as a top political priority. Crime is perceived as 4x to 5x more relevant. All demographic groups rank the “cost of living” as the most important issue.
Activists have shifted all of our attention toward the Middle East at the expense of far more potent issues in this country like immigration, cost of living, jobs, healthcare, free speech, etc.

What this implies though, is that non-Jews are largely complicit in America’s pro-Israel policy which has been my stance for some time now. Jews and non-Jews have greater variation within their respective communities than between them. Two Jews different Jews are likely to have two different opinions on Israel, the same with non-Jews. This means that anti-interventionists still shouldn’t single out Jews, since non-Jews are just as likely to support Israel. While I’ve abandoned philosemitism, I haven’t accepted antisemitism. This is not an unpopular stance broadly speaking – many people are anti-zionist without being antisemitic. It’s only an unpopular stance in VNNforum style circles.
You have a lot of faith that normies in America are well informed on events inside and outside their nation. They aren’t. Consider the MSM literally the stenographers of USZOG.
Normies POV=Garbage in and garbage out.
There are still low information posters on this site that post the (((All-lied))) WWII blasphemy, and one would hope that they’d know better.
How many ‘normies’ can properly connect the top concerns as mostly attributable to overpopulation pressure, immigration ?
Normie does what is norm. Now question is, who decides what is norm.
When they get their guys to office then norm is that Israel must supported.
When we get our guys to office then norm will be that Jews are entitled to free housing in Auschwitz.
Normie never thinks, normie is only afraid. Because of that, it is pretty useless to talk with normies. Normie understan only rules and our guys must get into offices to make the rules and norms.
This was another good article describing the malignancy within the Rightwing. The only problem I have with its conclusion is the broadbrush it applies to all activists. For example both Hunter Wallace and myself are both long time activists with impeccable credentials in the Movement. However, neither of us is suffering from the malady Wallace is describing.
I think a better term is to apply the adjective Papist to Activist. Papist Activist more closely approximates this group which is if not insane is evil. Possibly as much as 95% of the activist having this malady or Papist or Culturally Catholic. We see their writings here where they continue to fixate on Jews, and not just Jews, but Israel, and are willing to destroy their fellow Whites (how convenient for them) if it means eliminating Israel.
If we were to be assigned into categories by our ethnic-sectarain identities, much like the Papist Activists do with Jews, it would become apparent who the real troublemakers were. Much as Poles were divided into various categories by the Nazis, with some considered assimilatable, others as worjer serfs, and Jews and other undesirables sent to Concentration Camps, we could do the same with Rightwing Activists.
For example, we could arrange to round up the various commentators on this board. Divide them by ethnic-sectarian and ideological identity. Almost the entire Undesirable categories would be made up of Papists and Cultural Catholics. Think Nick Fuentes to November. Perhaps 95% of the people who want to destroy Whites in return for obliterating Israel are Papists and Leftists.
In contrast, its almost certain all the Activists deemed salvageable like those Slavs the Nazis thought could be Germanized, would be White Protestants. The Officers of this new Rightwing Community would of course be Native Americans, i.e. British Protestant Colonial Settlers. The elite of this group, would of course also be Southrons. Think attach a Son of America Revolution with a Son of Confederate Veteran with Protestant Church and poof, you habe your new elite leadership activist class to draw upon
In fact, now that we have our ghetto community here at OD, I suggest Hunter Wallace begins compiling lists, much like the German occupation authorities did. We might even gst some Cultural Catholics to act as Kapos. This way we can more easily round up their extended networks and discipline them, both true blue Americans and Americanized Cultural Catholics into proper Americans (like White Protestants or Americanized Catholics willing to publicly denounce the Papacy). We send the rest of the Papist Activists, especially the NadSacks, Neo-Nazis, and Leftists for final disposal.
Patriots serve America.
Traitors serve Israel.
“Only 9% of American Jews say Israel is one of their top two issues.”
Why should they care, they know AIPAC controls 98% of Congress ?
What’s to worry ?
There are more aspects to the “Israel Problem” than the Palestinian issue. In case you’ve forgotten, we fought a serious war on the behalf of Israel, under a false pretext, not too long ago which our children’s children will still be paying for, and if the pro-Israel stuff continues, we may have to fight another war in the Middle East in the near future. I think avoiding another destructive war is more important than mouth-breathing “normies” having to pay a few more bucks at the grocery store. Call me petty.
The main priority for politicians is Israel, and secondary priority is turning every country in the world into a ZOG state. Instead of Hunter Wallace addressing this fact, he would rather attack “activists”, when all we are doing is pointing out the fact ZOG exists and that it just makes jews the priority and this is bad for whites.
There are a small number of extremely wealthy Jewish donors like Paul Singer and Miriam Adelson who are obsessed with Israel. Those people are nowhere close to representative of what American Jews think about Israel. A large number of young American Jews are “anti-Zionists” who dislike Israel. The average White American doesn’t care about Israel and “Christian Zionists” are a tiny fraction of Republican voters. Activists are bent on becoming the mirror image of ultra-Zionist Jewish donors at the expense of being completely out of touch with White Americans. Unlike Singer and Adelson, they don’t have billions of dollars to spend on elections.
Paul Singer is also a big promoter of the entire sodomite/tranny agenda, as are our resident hasbara’s favorite whipping-boys the “Papists” (more accurately described as the Lavender mafia – who does in fact control the whole Roman Catholic organization since Vatican II). Make millstones great again.
Here in Australia, you see libtards on the streets protesting weekly about issues overseas that we not only don’t give a shit about, but can’t do anything about, anyway.
They cry about poverty in Somalia, whilst homelessness and cost of living at home is what most want something done about.
Poverty in Africa? How about the Africans do something about it?
That is great news!
If Israel is not a priority, then we can stop sending them billions of dollars, right?
If Israel is not a priority, then we can stop waging wars for Israel, right?
If Israel is not a priority, then we can resume exports to Israel’s adversaries, thus creating jobs for Americans, right?
If Israel is not a priority, then we can stop supporting Al-Qaeda in Syria, right?
If Israel is not a priority, then we can stop engaging in nuclear brinksmanship with Russia on Israel’s behalf, right?
Unfortunately, the 4% of people who consider Israel a top priority include the President, the Vice-President, the entire cabinet, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the big donors to both parties, the Ivy League presidents, the owners and managers of the news media, social media and the entertainment industry, powerful NGOs like the ADL – and even a few pathetic Uncle Tom Quislings preachers like John Hagee.
ZOG is not popular, but it is certainly powerful.
Activists are absolutely correct to point out this discrepancy.
96% of the American people don’t care about Israel, and yet the government squanders the lives of thousands of American soldiers and trillions of dollars of American taxpayer money fighting wars for Israel – and now they’ve even brought us closer than ever before to the brink of nuclear war, all for a country only 4% of US citizens care about.
Such polls mean little. It might even be close to true that “96% of the American people don’t care about Israel, and yet the government squanders the lives of thousands of American soldiers and trillions of dollars of American taxpayer money fighting wars for Israel”.
As Mark Twain and other have noted: If voting actually changed anything it wouldn’t be allowed. Such votes are essentially fake votes, mere window-dressing serving as a fig-leaf of moral and legal legitimacy for an utterly immoral and lawless regime. The only votes that actually count are the donor votes. As “Voltaire” (Kevin Alfred Strom) famously stated: If you want to know who rules over you, find out you you cannot criticize.
Repeating the same failed strategy over and over again (supporting republicans) has never worked and never will work absent the party being purged of creatures like Lady G and Mitch ‘Bibi’s Bitch’ McConnell. Old Rev. Dabney knew what the Gay Old Pedoburo were about way back in 1870. It’s not even December yet. We’ll see if anything of genuine significance happens soon enough. The most likely best case is that the march to a totalitarian regime like that ruled over by Two-Tier Ken over on Cuck Island has been slowed somewhat. The gravest mistake we could make as a people would be to assume that all is now back on track and we can return to watching Talmudvision (sloth) and gluttony – like last time. Trump is not – and never was – your savior.
NLF gives a fine summary of the entire structural purpose of the GOP here. It also applies to conservatism, whose very name is a lie. The true purpose of what is called “conservatism” is to conserve the gains made by the progressive vanguard, not to conserve the nation (people), its history, religion and culture. The “conservatives” are, if anything, even more dedicated than Marxists in erasing all of the above. John Hagee and his type are even worse enemies than Kali the Drunken Kumswallow-wallah.
Inflation – we have this because US foreign policy is too expensive to be paid for via taxes alone, so the Federal Reserve prints to make up the difference. Without ZOG’s foreign policy, we could live within our means and wouldn’t need to print our way out of a deficit. The connection between war and inflation should be intuitive to Americans – the worst inflation we ever experienced was during the Revolutionary War, and in the South during the Civil War.
Immigration – the biggest supporters of ZOG within the Republican Party are also the worst on immigration. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake, the 4 Republican members of the Gang of Eight, the Republican Senators with the worst Numbers USA scores, were also the 4 biggest Israel-First warhawks in the Republican Party. The same people who betray American interests on foreign policy will also always betray American interests on all other issues, including the most important issue – immigration.
The economy in general – The easiest way to instantly boost the American economy would be to end all economic sanctions, thus boosting exports. The Chinese have a huge advantage over us because they export to all nations, while the Israel Lobby has a veto on which nations America can export to.
Good article. This obsession in the Far Right with what a Middle Eastern country is doing or isn’t doing also has created this strange behavior of finger pointing and obsessing over what white Southerners are doing wrong instead of focusing on bigger issues like big blue Northern city white liberals, feminists, atheists, and other whites mostly outside the South who are a big problem for us.
Courtney, I submit that John Hagee and his heresy/apostasy is a far bigger – and more profoundly dangerous – problem for the white Protestant remnant concentrated in the South (who you have bravely defended here) than the ‘big blue Northern city white liberals, feminists, atheists, and other whites mostly outside the South’, who wave their depraved banner openly. It goes back to Cicero’s famous and very astute observation:
> “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But, it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But, the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government, itself.”
People making excuses for their region’s Christian zionist chicken hawks are butt hurt that others notice their century long philosemitism.
November still doesn’t explain how Northern whites are better people overall compared to Southerners.
Northern American urban Whites were more anti-war and just as and segregationists
as Southerners through the 70s in the latter without a history of chattel slavery.
MLK said the most hated he ever experienced was in Chicago.
Are they more openly liberal now, no question about it, but I suspect that many holier than thou types in the South hide their perversions.
For all their multitudes negative aspects, I would prefer to have a White Northern University educated liberal doctor and surgeon over a “conservative” White Southern University educated doctor and surgeon for reasons that I hope don’t escape you.
Personally, I don’t believe that the South is getting more liberal because of Northern liberal transplants, but that native Millennial and Zoomer Southerners have taken on the jewish degenerate zeitgeist of contemporary US culture and its trappings.
I would not say that northern Whites due to their geographic region are better people than southerners, but they are more welcoming to other White European Gentiles than southerners are, less enthusiastic for wars for jewish and British interests, have a positive view of intellectual pursuits, and have let go of the US Civil War, as a bone of contention between White Americans.
I do think that old school country music and bluegrass are terrific though.
November, I will never believe this stuff about Northern urban whites being historically just as aware as Southerners. Abolitionists were Northerners, Reconstructionists were Northerners, Desegregationists were Northerners, the people behind Hart and Celler were Northerners. Feminists and Abortionists certainly didn’t come from the South. I could make a long list here. In regards to Southerners today being fake and hiding some hypothetical liberalism you insist is there, yes, sure…. we are just supposed to ignore obvious voting patterns we see over and over in regards to who votes the most red in this country every election.
Southerners are more close minded about other gentile whites than Northerners because we have something the North doesn’t have….. a homogeneous white ethnicity that goes back to the founding. We could go back and forth over and over. The way you hint at Southern doctors being dumb is hilarious by the way.
The main thing that bothers me is that Northerners aren’t staying put anymore. They are moving down here in droves while still thinking the North is better. If they think the North is better, they should stay put up there and the ones down here need to return home. Why post on a site made by a pro Southerner if you have such a disdain for the South?
I think Southern Whites are the best White Americans.
That is precisely why I hate seeing what the Jews are doing.
Jews are trying to make Southern Whites into scapegoats for the crimes of the Jews.
I didn’t say southern doctors were stupid, just that northern medical schools are superior in their training.
Any Big 10 medical school is more prestigious than Baylor and Rice? Duke’s reputation is built on professors that came from elite norther university programs.
Abortion was/is a Catholic issue that George Wallace co-opted to win Catholic votes in Florida. Before that, abortion didn’t really register as a priority issue in the South.
By the way, abolitionist and feminist origins in America were the products of New England WASPs.
Hart-Celler Act would never have been a thing hadn’t American WASPs and jews taken this nation into the two world wars. World War Two’s aftermath led to Frankfurt School judeo-liberalism in our institutions and Hollywood.
Do you blame Northerners for Operation Windrush that began the influx of non-whites to the UK in 1948?
As a wrote prior, the only people I know that moved south were retirees (i.e., senior citizens) because the weather was better for their arthritis, or they wanted to play golf year round.
For having a British ethnostate for centuries, it seems that your cultural landmarks have been flat foot dancing, sweet tea, grits, and enjoyable hillbilly music.
As you may know, my political ideology is National Socialism which would remove all the degenerate ailments being suffered in America, so I am not going to defend liberal democracy whether Jeffersonian or otherwise.
Sorry, but not sorry that my comments on the South cause you distress.
November, I wouldn’t say your comments cause me distress anymore than my comments cause you distress. Southerners just want to be left alone. Even within our movement we are constantly getting lectured on how “ a Southern ethnostate is divisive and you need to be more inclusive “. It is really nobody else’s business in this movement if Southerners want to have pride or do their own thing.
Outside of the movement, how are you not aware of how many people have been flooding the South? It has been the region of the country receiving the most migration in the last 10 to 20 years? You can easily google the topic and tons of articles will pop up.
So again who is really more obsessed with who here? I most certainly don’t waste time on National Justice Party forums ( when it still existed) arguing with Rust Belt whites on why they should see things the way Protestant Southerners do. I could care less. I focus more on my own people and standing up for them and it would be nice if Southerners could have their own organizations where Northerners aren’t constantly infiltrating and dictating what can and can’t be discussed.
I am not going to argue with each of your points above because it will go on forever but Hart was a Catholic and Celler was half Catholic and Jewish. Not everything goes back to WW2 all the time. Of course I don’t blame Northerners for something that happens in England. And I said before, I recognize that Anglo wasps up North have been traitors but this addition of Catholic ethnic whites up there hasn’t helped this country either.
My point about abortion was that Southerners weren’t responsible for creating it. Evangelical Protestants are the most vocally against it. I don’t believe everything you went into above and some of it is irrelevant.
Not sure why anyone is on here trying to argue that Northerners are just as conservative or religious as Southerners. It is an argument you won’t win. Several of you are doing it. Even your liberal white gentile cousins up North ( there are a lot of them) make fun of the South for being conservative. Why are you denying it? Give it up.
I believe that we can both agree that the South should have been allowed succession from the USA, and should be an independent entity for similar and different reasons.
Observant Christians who favor Israhell should consider undertaking a simple thought exercise. First, read what the Islamic Quran says about Jesus and the Virgin Mary, then read what the Jew Talmud says about Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Which one venerates them almost as much as the New Testament does, and which one claims they are in hell boiling in excrement?
BTW, the poll showing what normies think Repuke issues are vs. what actual Repuke priorities are is based upon a false premise. The priorities ascribed to republicans are presumably those of the rank and file, whose opinions and priorities count for even less with the Gay Old Pedoburo and the donors they serve than those of normies.
Apart from a single member of congress (Massie), the entire Repuke party gave Satanyahoo 59 continuous standing ovations when he appeared before the assembled whores. The D-jerseys would have been nearly identical except some were permitted to walk out “in protest” to pander to the D-jersey POX imports. Stop kidding yourselves.
Yeah OK, I trust this poll. < 5% of (Ha White) Americans think Israel/Palestine/Gaza is a high priority. Our regular people are pretty indifferent to what is happening there (genocide of the Palestinians, many used to be Christians back in the day).
I'd also hazard a guess that similar numbers are indifferent to London England becoming minority White British (English, Scottish, Welsh and even Irish).
And probably similar numbers are indifferent to once safe, ABBA 1970s (admittedly annoying Lib Leftist, pro ANC) Sweden having the highest rape rates of any place outside of SubSahara Africa.
The Centers of Christendom as recently as 120 years ago were:
St. Petersburg Russia
Now really only St. Petersburg Russia are safely in the hands of White European Christians.
Our people used to fight all out bloody wars, "Crusades" to keep, win back these places from the Worst Arab, Turk and other POC Islamist and on the way, knock down, drive out the Talmudist, Christ and Virgin Marry Js.
But our (Ha White) Americans don't seem to care about the loss of European Christiandom.
When I left 3rd world immigration destroying, Black rapists and killers, Sharpton Tawana Brawley, Je* Zoo City in ~ 1990 and went back to Nashville TN where I went to undergraduate at Vanderbilt 6 years earlier, I tried to warn all the local Southerners about the horrors that were in New York City and other big cities, LA and were sure to come to Nashville and other Southern cities and towns. I did a one man "America First" anti War campaign against Bush Sr.'s first of many wars to MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR AMERICAN DEmOCRACY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER AS ENVISIONeD BY THE FOUNDERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS.
I was greated very fairly by Nashville, Tennessee media including the then small local J media.
Most (Ha White) Tennesseeans that heard me, conceded I made a lot of good points about security our border, not giving up all our cities to Black criminals, illegal alien, Islamic terrorists (I predicted Islamic Terrorist attacks in New York City, sure enough 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center), but my one man crusade to "Wake up Southern and Midwest fly over state America was not successful.
Most local (Ha White) Americans just didn't care about murder and mayhem in New York City, LA or Chicago and as for the Middle East…. most went along with Hank Willians, Ted Nugent, Toby Keith – "BOMB EM, GET SADAM LIKE WE DONE GOT HITLER".
Our (Ha White) People just didn't really care about these things.
Exactly what do our (Ha White) people care about?
A: 5 Days a week College (in Name only) Negro football, NFL Negro Felon League football, WWF fake wrestling, J porn, golf for the work avoiding WASP elites.
Our (ha White) People really want to be like George W Bush, and Mittens Romney.
I'm up for serious suggestions what those of us who do still care about these things should do now.
I think the Amish and the Dutch Afrikanners in Orania SA are doing the best.
It is the Christmas season and I found this song. Where little girls looked, dressed, and acted like little girls. As much as I liked this it hurt to watch for it shows what has been done by modern society to all of us.
I recommend this documentary, as a partial but very important explanation for why the video you posted is now considered antiquated.
The Hays Code was put in place to prevent jewish degenerate themes in films until 1952 when the US Supreme Court ruled that films were protected by the First Amendment.
Here is a jewish online commentary on the Hays Code, and jews being given free rein to poison Americans and the world.
The ashkenazi or sephardic hasbara troll AGB who needs a dusting of Zyklon-B to remove his typhus lice from OD will wail blah, blah, blah…the Papists.
Trump has picked Jared Kushner’s father Charles as the next US ambassador to France.
I cannot hear replies over the cheers of so much winning.
The guy is a convicted felon !
Pardoned by Cheetohead on his way to Mar-a-Lego as he tossed his followers under the Garfinkel DOJ Striker-bus of Woke as I recall. France deserves Charles Kushner as their Viceroy from the Clown-Empire. Most of the natives there have turned their back upon Christ, their nation, history and culture – and soon to be a minority in their own land. As the Joker noted: You get what you fucking deserve.
Maybe getting to experience the tender mercies of a Kushner will cause some to reconsider…. If enough actually did so, Charles could find himself before the old ‘national-razor’ there, which would be much more mercy than he deserves. Remember all those rat-tunnels in NYC down in the Kushner/Chabad nest?
Israel/Palestine is not a priority for Americans so we shouldn’t be outraged that Jews and their GOP “Christian Zionist” (ie false Christians, by definition – you can’t believe in Christ and support Antichrist – the Zionists represent Antichrist) lackeys make it the #1 priority of the US government?
This is just a debate over words. Most people don’t want to hear about Israel Palestine. I felt the same way as a kid. However, that’s because nobody told me as a kid that JEWS CONTROL AMERICA. The most you’d hear (on the radio) about was some muttering about the New World Order and Shadow Government.