? This has to be a NEW RECORD.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 28, 2024
MAGA is on top of the world tonight. The border is CLOSED for business.
Just 22 days after winning an election and nearly 2 months before assuming office, President Trump takes MAJOR ACTION on a top priority for Americans.
Remember that… pic.twitter.com/TtRF4tjviP
This is how quickly the Overton window can and will inevitably continue shift to our position. Keep poasting. pic.twitter.com/U2LTRNepoM
— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) November 26, 2024
YouGov: Do you support or oppose the following Trump policies – Funding a wall that extends along more US/Mexico border?
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) November 27, 2024
Support: 59%
Oppose: 36%
• White: 61-32 (+29)
• Black: 44-37 (+7)
• Hispanic: 47-40 (+7)
• Ages 18-29: 49-36 (+13)
• Ages 30-44: 52-35 (+17)
•… pic.twitter.com/IJnvhr6yto
Support for mass deportations remains high, weeks before President-elect Trump takes office.
— Camilo Montoya-Galvez (@camiloreports) November 24, 2024
Our @CBSNews poll finds a majority of Americans (57% v 43%) approve of a plan to deport all immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.
Hispanics are divided: 48% approve v 52% disapprove. pic.twitter.com/iTHBYVbl1O
Good morning.
As we saw in the last article, immigration is now one of the most salient issues in the country. It is the third most salient issue for voters (27% nationwide) and the second most salient issue for Republican voters (47%). Recent polls have all shown a tectonic shift toward restrictionism whether it is on building the border wall, cutting immigration levels or approval of mass deportations.
After threatening to impose tariffs on Mexico and using the U.S. military to destroy the drug cartels during the campaign, Trump is claiming that the president of Mexico has already agreed to shut down migration and work with him to secure the border. We will see what happens in January.

Well I will be glad to keep these people out of Mexico.
I do not like Mexico to be a highway to the United States. To the best of my knowledge the only illegals we like in Mexico are the more than 1 million illegal Americans residing in Mexico.
Claudi Pardo is a Jew. Stephen Miller is a Jew. Problematic for the Kevin Macdonald / David Duke types. Benjamin Judah was a Jew. Lawrence Auster was a Christian of Jewish ancestry. Looks like Jared Taylor and Ian Jobling should be happy although who knows what Jobling thinks now.
I predict Trump to blunder foreign policy as Kamala would have blundered it too, but I do predict that he’ll actually try to do something about immigration.
“Remain in Mexico” is using Mexico as an immigration buffer state. Buffer state, a concept that Americans have a hard time wrapping their minds around. As Bismarck said, two sides by docile neighbors, the other two sides by fish.
Re the vast change in public polling on immigration this time delta eight years ago. It’s not that the problem is that proportionally worse now than eight years ago. (The Biden treachery notwithstanding.) It’s that top of the skyscraper executive leadership and unilateral bully pulpits still matter, even in this era of supposed “democracy.” Plain words, Trump dragged America by the scruff of its neck into taking immigration enforcement seriously. Just like Elon dragged America by the scruff of its neck into restarting a serious space program, and to a lesser extent, the EV era.
There is one way to stop invasion of your home ; and it ain’t nice !
As some of us have remarked many times here in these pages over the years, all huffery and puffery about “mass deportations” is deliberate bullshit with a two-fold appeal: 1) Magatards will believe they’ll actually send out the legions of Stasi to deport the millions of illegals, despite the massive logistical issues not to mention the blackrobes who issue decrees; 2) The gaslight media and its owners are sent a cue to start the sob stories of poor brown folks cruelly deported despite being model citizens, budding rocket-scientsts, etc. plus tales of rotting crops in the fields.
If anyone were truly serious they would go after a couple of hundred thousand biznisses who hire the illegals and use RICO laws to arrest the assets of the numerous well-funded NGOs – including churches of all types – along with the officers and staff of said NGOs on charges of high treason (yes the one where they can executed if found guilty). Until we actually see something along these lines, all else is a dog-and-pony show for idiots and morons.
Okay. I have a pro-immigrant song. I love Vikings.
I’m sure the left, lobby groups, brown activists and twenty thousand other victim groups are mobilizing in anticipation of Trump actually keeping his word.
Oh the horror of sending these poor people back to…….well, their own people and country.
Whatever they can offer your country, they should instead be giving to their own nation.
Sorry about that evidently dated Australian song on another thread. In school once we studied Australia for an hour, learned about all the snakes there and that was it. My family did watch Crocodile Dundee a few years ago.
I suppose assuming Waltzing Matilda solely represents Australia is like people assuming the only songs Mexico has are the Mexican Hat Dance and La cucaracha.
Ooops, it’s only now I’ve realised there’s two of you; Cristina and a Christina!
Anyhow, don’t apologize. The song is ok. Yeah go online and find out what you can about Australia. Much of it resembles probably Arizona with a culture similar to British speaking Canada.
There is only one of me that currently has either userid. Recently a new computer was bought for me. So sometimes without thinking I hit comment and under the new computer it defaults to Cristina Alvarez instead of Christina Romana Alva.
I am not claiming or disclaiming either name. Of course probably no one alive is named the later.
A slight clarification. Because almost everything I do is personal. The CRA. user id is a combination of family names. I wish to maintain a little bit of my identity when I post.
The idea of having complete nonsense user id’s like Pancho Villa rides again or Based Mex girl are kind of laughable.
Anyway sorry for the confusion.
All good, mate.
I have to leave shortly for school but I loved being called mate. Can girls be mates? Outside of the obvious.
Down here, everyone calls everyone “mate”…..men to men, women to women, men and women to eachother.
It’s easy to say, and is a good tag to use if you don’t know someone’s name, but we call those we do know “mate” as well. The British may be similar.
Well she’s a Jew, so I wouldn’t hold my breath on this one.
So much for the theory sometimes floated that the Mexicans and others from that culture are more attuned to the nature of Schlomo than the dumb goys here are… The Lavender Mafia has been busy in those places for well over a century now. The Cristeros lost the war at the end of the day, and were only able to win a temporary reprieve.
It’s also the reason you see a lot of the natives moving to Evangelical Protestantism, though they need to be aware of the dispensationalist heresy which has become widespread.
Exalted Cyclops,
Many of us are aware of such matters but the majority of Mexicans are Indians or part Indian and modern democracy represents mob rule. Since the Mexican Revolution of the early 20th century Mexico has been anti-Catholic.
Until 1990 if I remember correctly priests could not appear in public in priestly garb. A conservative government temporarily had control and amended that but Mexico is not ruled by Catholic principles. There is abortion and homosexual marriages.
There was an American book written in 1937 called No God Next Door that shows how anti-Catholic Mexico was. Your president Roosevelt supported the hideous government of Mexico.
I have no use for Franklin Roosevelt.
Forgive the passion concerning Roosevelt. I am aware that Franklin Roosevelt is almost an icon in the USA and I do not want to irritate Americans on such a matter.
Any European with American citizenship that has done any research on FDR from non-establishment sources would come to the understanding that FDR was just as awful as Winston Churchill, but FDR gave the proletariat some social benefits to prevent an uprising against the federal government, before he conspired with his bevy of jewish and Anglo advisers to make war on NS Germany..
FDR was a monster. Only the people ignorant of his misdeeds still hold any feelings of him being a great president..
A few years ago my family while having a house in rural America went to a party hosted by a very conservative Anglo Republican. My older sister casually mentioned to him that as Mexico has the right to kick out all non-citizens that the United States also had that right and should exercise it or you will lose your country.
Well the conservative said my sister was a traitor to her people to say that. This Republican loved guns, was against abortion etc.
So have Republicans really changed or is this all a game?
Yes. I agree with you on Roosevelt. I was merely being conciliatory.
As an irrelevant aside–my grandmother went to work at 12 years old in a department store in a major US city. She recalls when it was raining that the blacks would come in and ask for or buy little paper coverings for their hair since the rain evidently harmed their hair more.
She does not remember if she lied about her age or not. This was the early 1940’s.
That is great. I will tell family and friends about how friendly Australians are.
So for now adios mate!