Wifejak must d¡?. pic.twitter.com/61CGbKRMtj
— ?????-???? (@etherXwave) November 29, 2024
— Delusional Takes (@DelusionPosting) November 29, 2024
Groypers are now openly pedophiles btw. Hundreds of such comments associated with daughterjak. Disgusting pigs who are rightfully shunned by society. https://t.co/WOY9oQwCKw
— Zoomer Spectator (@GenZ_spectator) November 28, 2024
Hell hath no fury like a Nazi femboy scorned https://t.co/zVilzAnXEw pic.twitter.com/5kOvBgPtMH
— Chris Brunet (@realChrisBrunet) November 28, 2024
On KanYe's Nitrous Situation pic.twitter.com/jzaYLFCHON
— ignatz (@ignatzs) August 11, 2024
Let's be brutally honest here:
— Kiki (@kikisknees) November 29, 2024
The RW on Twitter has a pedophile problem. So called "Dissident Right" incels, truecels, and various other forms of fat-gutted, fedora wearing, anime-pr0n-stroking degens are lousing up our movement with their horseshoed leftoid fat-fold-grease. pic.twitter.com/rz9BMuL06h
Notice how only white men post wifejack memes and other races know better.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) November 28, 2024
White people are ruled by their wives, let their wives decide to limit their genetic potential (I dont want more kids), plus liberal BS from listening to chicks.
Bye bye white people.
You let… https://t.co/CDvBHmlZE0
- Fuentes went viral with the “your body, my choice” remark after the election. The clip was shared by every Democratic influencer on social media. The sole purpose of sharing it was to drive a political wedge between White men and White women and to make the Right look toxic
- I’ve already shared some of the violent fantasies about White women that Groypers are posting on X when they lost it over the Wifejak meme before Thanksgiving
It has only gotten better.
They have doubled down on it.
- Fuentes is now fantasizing about murdering the Wifejak cartoon like Elliot Rodger
- Groypers are sharing their pedophile fantasies about raping the Daughterjak cartoon
- A femboy Nazi troon is trying to fight Chris Brunet to defend the honor of Fuentes
- The mulatto Muslim pimp Andrew Tate has chimed to talk down to White men who love their wives and to defend his “anti-Zionist” ally Fuentes
The Wifejak / Husbandjak / Daughterjak memes depict nothing more than a wholesome White family doing normal things that ordinary married couples can relate too. It has absolutely enraged the Groyper camp of activists who are weird, toxic, antisocial, degenerate closeted homosexual freaks.
Anyway, it says a lot about the judgment of activists that this is one of the key figures who they have rallied behind since the demise of the Alt-Right in 2017. I can understand the suspicion and skepticism about Trump after his disappointing first term, but this illustrates a deeper problem. When your thought leaders are people like MILO, Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes who you have given millions of dollars, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when you remain stuck forever on the fringe.
I have a feeling that some people, I repeat some people in the U.S., take politics as a game. The ‘idea of politics, world and society they have is based: either on a transient and strolling phase (of the series I am a neo-Nazi in my twenties, then in my thirties I will have the liberal phase and then the radical chic phase), or on taking things too much as a joke or antics (for example “but yes I was joking that Hitler was great and that immigration and globalism are not good”, or again “I am an out gay man and I support pedophilia but I support traditional society and I am against woke”). So as far as the transitional phase is concerned, someone who at the age of 20 has not yet matured a fixed idea about society and the world, who does not yet know whether he has conservative/anarchist/liberal values, and worse still who does not know in his 30s……..is a buffoon, he is like a child who has rap/rock and other genres phases. Shit it’s not like they are 14 years old. In my neck of the woods if you are right-wing at 20, you are right-wing at 30/40/50…….until the end of your days (of course making criticism of right-wing candidates as well).
Regarding the other point, I greatly admired the alt-right and still have admiration for many aspects of that model, but politics is not for clowns, for those who don’t really believe what they think and preach. Anyone who says certain things just to get visibility or to make dumb jokes is a jerk. Politics is a serious thing that impacts our lives whether we like it or not and those of our children. Still talking about my areas, I have never met people who have political ideas so as a joke or who say exaggerated things and then say “I was joking.” If you joke don’t do politics but go to the circus.
The fertility rate in the United States and many places elsewhere is quite low.
It is either declining population or barely at replacement value. 2.1 is break even. All races except Pacific Islanders are below replacement level with the Islanders barely breaking even.
Sex and babies are weapons.
Tell that to the Amish, their population is exploding.
Typical families of 8 to 14 children.
“Be fruitful and multiply” and they do.
I notice your posts have gone from “women should participate in white nationalism” to “women should be good wives.” I like that more personally. I don’t like what Fuentes has to say about people who don’t have money.
@Metal Gear/Iceman/DB,
“I notice your posts have gone from “women should participate in white nationalism” to “women should be good wives.” I like that more personally. I don’t like what Fuentes has to say about people who don’t have money.”
White women marrying White men, having White babies, and being good White wives is a CORE element of the White Nationalist movement. In some ways, it IS the White Nationalist movement. Men who have such wives should be grateful and feel blessed for their good fortune.
Nick Fuentes has been an Op since day one. He has grifted hundreds of thousands of dollars, been financed by dubious sources, coordinated with known foreign intelligence services, worked with and pimped for known gay e celebs, abandoned his followers who obeyed his orders to enter the Capitol, and all in an effort to corral rightwingers into this slaughterhouse which his movement has become.
Again, I will point out the severe damage associating with him has done to people like Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor, who despite many warnings continued working and promoting him until very recently. Much worse, they did this despite the warnings of people who had decades of providing proven policy support and intelligence to them. Brimelow and Taylor, apparentely believed an emotionally stunted, bisexual Incel test tube Mestizo baby was the way of the future. Ooops.
Don’t want to be micromanaged by women at every level of society? Don’t want families with just 2 kids on a good day because muh female independence? Tough shit, you are now a closeted homosexual. Lol. I understand that fuentes and co are obnoxious, and that Tate is a mulatto, but even a broken clock is right twice a day as the saying goes. Hypergamy is real, women breaking up families over I’m bored is real, no fault divorce is real. It’s statistically a matter of time rather than of whether you will have to deal with it or not for your age group. Shitting on Fuentes & co won’t do a thing about it.
75% of divorces initiated by women, gives me pause to think.
Curtis Preim, cofounder of Nvidia, could be the richest man in the world if not for his violent shrewish wife, who tore his life apart.
No woman is worth sacrificing 400 billion, especially an ugly shrew.
To be fair, the divorce statistics are another thing that is highly misconstrued in our circles ( just like several other things are). One out of every two women isn’t just going to leave their husbands because they are bored but stuff like that keeps getting repeated and it is destructive.
Matt Walsh, who by no means supports feminists, and other people like him, have broken the stats down better to make more sense and it sounds far more reasonable. There was a video where Matt Walsh broke the statistics down by himself that I can’t find but this is another one where he interviews a divorce lawyer:
I don’t support feminism or women who behave badly but we need to have more reasonable, nuanced, and calm discussions on this topic instead of driving white men away from their women the way feminists have tried driving women from men.
Absolutely! I have zero love for Fuentes but to throw the baby out with the bathwater is disingenuous at least and possibly just as damaging as turning a blind eye to female indiscretion at most.
To be deeply angry at women is a natural discourse at this point in time. No, it doesn’t warrant fantasies of REDRUM, but it also shouldn’t just be dismissed because “my wife is my best friend.” In that way, you’re just a blind and misguided.
“Nazi femboy”
Who came up with that oxymoron?
That would be Christopher Brunet of the jew filled and financed (((Manhattan Institute)))).
Hell hath no fury like a Nazi femboy scorned https://t.co/zVilzAnXEw pic.twitter.com/5kOvBgPtMH
— Chris Brunet (@realChrisBrunet) November 28, 2024
I think a small dive into Chris Brunet is necessary, since HW is citing him as an ally.
Brunet supports interracial marriage, and writes that 97% American also support interracial marriage.
The reactions are encouraging though.
Chris Brunet was one of the leading voices on the koshervative right to remove Gentile Ivy League presidents that allowed free speech on the genocide in Gaza that he and fellow shabbos goy Christopher Rufo found to be “antisemetic.”
The excellent investigative journalism at The Daily Rake in the article linked above is worth a few minutes to read, in order to understand what kind of goys are working at the “conservative” Manhattan Institute.”
IMHO, Brunet is the newest and younger version of a Mockingbird op similar to the one Tucker Carlson continues to fill on the alternative media GOP, but in Brunet’s case, in a koshervative ‘think tank.’
“MILO, Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes who you have given millions of dollars”
I certainly never gave them a cent.
I really doubt that many on this forum did.
Can’t Fuentes just be dismissed ?
No AIPAC, Fuentes will not be dismissed. He is a fed that the left wing constantly promote in their media, and bloggers on the right are paid to write about him. It is all AstroTurf and lies, but federal money talks
Ok, another ‘poison the well operation’ to keep realistic people away from the noble cause. Smear it with crazy sauce.
Well, I can’t see how anyone could consider him other than a comic parody show.
The behavior of KanYe, Diddy etc. is typical for blacks.
The remainder just haven’t been publicized, yet.
“it’s a joke guys, just a joke” Fuentes
Yes, Fuentes is a joke , a very pathetic one.
Fuentes is a fed. Just a different flavor than the Spencer operation. You’re seeing its intended results now. Even the resident hasbara admits as much. For once, he’s not altogether lying. BTW, Satanists of various stripes are required now and again to “reveal the method” to their targets – most of whom are way too clueless to see what’s afoot.
I always believed and still do that so-called White dissidents those endgame is to keep Whites on either judeo-republican or judeo-democrat teams were de-radicalization agents of the powers that be with the lies of changing jewish teams red and blue from the inside. They are judas goats keeping Europeans on the USZOG plantation.
That’s the op.
Wifejak is just another unfunny forced meme from the millennials ruining everything at Langley.
“Anyway, it says a lot about the judgment of activists that this is one of the key figures who they have rallied behind since the demise of the Alt-Right in 2017.I can understand the suspicion and skepticism about Trump after his disappointing first term, but this illustrates a deeper problem. When your thought leaders are people like MILO, Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes”
With all due respect, I think this is confirmation bias. It’s not as bad as you think. All these figures are generally irrelevant outside of Nick and his small army of homosexuals. MILO is seen as toxic by everyone. I haven’t even heard of Anglin in years. Spencer is running a behind closed doors Apollonian cult that has numbers less than 100.
The real fault regarding Nick Fuentes and the broader movement is how everyone gave him a pass years and years ago. Everywhere I saw people say “Ah, he’s young, he’ll be better when he gets older. I’m impressed by his organizing ability” when he was always a douche. He was always starting fights with people, always attempting to steal others momentum, always an effeminate NEET shut in. He put dumb cartoons like spongebob squarepants and movies like despicable me at the forefront of his support groups. He was insufferable. It’s been great seeing him get dragged into the light and revealed as the weirdo that he is, since all the signs were obvious before to people who didn’t envy his army of gay manchildren.
After MILO and Spencer flamed out in 2017, the movement shifted toward Anglin and Fuentes who laughably promised “good optics” and political pragmatism. That’s who it has chosen and rewarded as its “leaders”
“thought leaders are people like MILO, Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes”
For the mindless.
@Exalted Rusbot,
“Fuentes is a fed. Just a different flavor than the Spencer operation. You’re seeing its intended results now. Even the resident hasbara admits as much.”
Actually, I am the one here who first exposed him as some sort of Fed Papist Op. We were kong watching him and collaborated with him on a number of ventures. It was then we discovered his deep cover.
Eventually, the little faggot sabotaged a number of campaigns including a very large effort at establish an international alliance of rightwing nationalist parties. Although, it succeeded to a degree, we were still able to keep a portion of the alliance alive and are now having multiple conferences across the world. But, the involvement of the US is extremely limited due to the damage he and his subordinates caused.
We strongly encouraged Hunter to disengage as the Gay Grand Inquisitor succeeded in infiltrating everything from VDare to AmRen and the GOP to Patriot groups and TPUSA to College Republicans. Nonetheless, Hunter has certainly saved himself. Slowly, our counter-actions have slowly boxed Fuentes and the Groypers in, but sadly not in time to save VDare or see AmRen undamaged, or to see Alex Jones smeared by association. The Gay Grand Inquisitor is a very damaging little snake who will be well rewarded by his Papist masters.
There is a certain paradox with Nick Fuentes (who is a castizo with Italian ancestry) exposing the Jews, considering that one of the most significant Jewish groups, the Ashkenazi Jews, have Italian genetic ancestry. On the other hand, in another field, the best and greatest fighters against the Mafia have always been Italians. It takes one to know one.
Here are some studies showing the close relation:
Under a variety of conditions and tests, there is a consistent and reproducible distinction between “northern” and “southern” European population groups: most individual participants with southern European ancestry (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek) have >85% membership in the “southern” population; and most northern, western, eastern, and central Europeans have >90% in the “northern” population group. Ashkenazi Jewish as well as Sephardic Jewish origin also showed >85% membership in the “southern” population, consistent with a later Mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups. Overall, the analysis of sequence variation allowed the authors to distinguish individuals with northern European ancestry (Swedish, English, Irish, German, and Ukrainian) from individuals with southern European ancestry (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek). Interestingly, Ashkenazi Jewish individuals tend to group together with individuals from southern European countries.The results show clear evidence of large differences in population structure between southern and northern European populations. Interestingly, those participants who indicated Jewish ancestry in the New York City participant set had a majority of “southern” cluster membership.The finding in the current study that individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are predominantly “southern” European further suggests the later migration of this ethnic group from the Mediterranean region. Regardless of the European country of origin, each of those participants with four grandparents of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage showed this predominant “southern” cluster membership. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1564423/
for Tunisian Jews the most similar pair consists of Sardinians and Palestinians (? = 0.42 for Sardinians). Consistent with studies that have incorporated a single Jewish population in a broader European context, southern groups from Europe are placed closer to the Jewish populations than more northerly groups
Genomic microsatellites identify shared Jewish ancestry intermediate between Middle Eastern and European populations https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2797531/
The majority of informative subjects with no Jewish ancestry that scored most highly on PC1 were either of Italian or Eastern Mediterranean descent. This indicates that in a mixed American context, these populations may not be easily distinguishable from subjects with a single Jewish parent.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687795/
The fixation index, FST, calculated concurrently to the PCA, confirms that there is a closer relationship between the AJ and several European populations (Tuscans, Italians, and French) than between the AJ and Middle Eastern populations
Consistent with recent reports, principal component analysis (PCA) using these combined datasets confirmed that the AJ individuals cluster distinctly from Europeans, aligning closest to Southern European populations along the first principal component, suggesting a more southern origin, and aligning with Central Europeans along the second, consistent with migration to this region https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2941333/
PC1 distinguished Northern and Southern European and Jewish and Middle Eastern populations. Of the European populations, the Northern Italians showed the greatest proximity to the Jews, followed by Sardinians and French (Figure 1B), an observation that was confirmed by FST
During Greco-Roman times, recorded mass conversions led to 6 million people practicing Judaism in Roman times or up to 10% of the population of the Roman Empire. Thus, the genetic proximity of these European/Syrian Jewish populations, including Ashkenazi Jews, to each other and to French, Northern Italian, and Sardinian populations favors the idea of non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestry in the formation of the European/Syrian Jewish groups and is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs. The genetic proximity of Ashkenazi Jews to southern European populations has been observed in several other recent studies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3032072/
According to the autosomal polymorphisms the investigated Jewish populations do not share a common origin, and EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.
The similarity of EEJ (Eastern European Jews) to Italians and Europeans is also supported by the X chromosomal haplogroups.
EEJ are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.
In fact the distance between EEJ and Italians is the smallest distance in the matrix.
X-chromosomal haplogroups demonstrate the same relatedness of EEJ to Italians and other Europeans
The resemblance of EEJ to Italians and other European populations portrays them as an autochthonous European population.
EEJ seem to be mainly Italian (Roman) in origin, which is easily understood, considering the historical evidence presented above.
From table 11 it is clear that Italians are as close or closer to the other Jewish populations and Palestinians as EEJ.
Ashkenazi Jews are not at all close to the Adygei population, and similarly to what is seen in table 1, their smallest distance is to Italians and then to Greeks. Unlike the assertion of Need et al. on the midway position, and again similarly to what is seen in table ?table 1, Italians and Greeks are closer to the Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews.
The same phenomenon is seen in the table of Fst distances of Atzmon et al. North Italians (Bergamo and Tuscany) are a little closer to the Jewish and Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews. The Italians from Tuscany (surprisingly the sample from Bergamo was not used) in Behar et al. are also closer to the Jewish and Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews. The Italians from Tuscany are in fact the closest population to Ashkenazi Jews in Behar et al.
EEJ are Europeans probably of Roman descent who converted to Judaism at times, when Judaism was the first monotheistic religion that spread in the ancient world. Any other theory about their origin is not supported by the genetic data. Future studies will have to address their genetic affinities to various Italian populations and examine the possibility of other components both European and Non-European in their gene pool. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2964539/
Sometime in that period, the Middle Eastern and European Jews diverged and the European branch began actively proselytizing for converts.
At the height of the Roman Empire, about 10% of the empire’s population was Jewish, although the bulk of them were converts. Some Khazars were also incorporated during this period.
“That explains why so many European and Syrian Jews have blue eyes and blond hair,” Ostrer says.
It also explains another of the team’s findings ” that the population most closely related genetically to European Jews are Italians.
There are ambiguities in the origin of American Ashkenazi Jewish, but the most accepted theory suggests that their origin is an area, which is currently in Italy (43).
For example, Atzmon et al. (2010) observed that the sampled populations
(Ashkenazi Jews, Greeks, Iranians, Iraqis, Italians, Syrians, and Turks) shared a com-
mon Middle Eastern background and, as such, remained largely genetically indistin-
guishable from one another. This observation is especially important because it
speaks to the potential for shared ancestry for all of these populations in deep history,
and thus to the ambiguity surrounding claims of “Middle Eastern” ancestries for Jew-
ish populations.
Fuentes is really a non-entity. The “Your body my choice” line is hilarious, if you’re worried about offending the baby-butchers because they’re women and you’re scared of women, you’re the problem.
The truth is that these people raging now about Fuentes, then about Anglin, whether intentionally or not, are acting and speaking as though Jewish and female approval is very important to them. Why even discuss Fuentes?
Bizarre cartoon Gore-memes promoting obscenities are meaningless, they can be made by anyone.
Getting self-righteous about something astro-turfed and stupid like many of these “memes” (aren’t they getting kind of old and tired?) is not a good look. Bigger Fish to Fry. Like Pro-Zionist Protestants. Boil them in oil, on Friday.