Martin Sellner – Remigration: A Hope for Europe
— National Conservative (@NatCon2022) November 27, 2024
Speech at the 2024 American Renaissance Conference
Please tell @ElonMusk to fulfill his promise and unban @JarTaylor & @AmRenaissance
Video posted with permission. pic.twitter.com/vJFMGSjPEF
British Liberals have begun capitulating on immigration. Thank you to all our international friends who helped apply pressure through twitter. This is a huge victory. More will follow. pic.twitter.com/q1YypjZCXx
— ALBA RISING (@rising_alba) November 29, 2024
The Tories lost control of our borders.
— The Labour Party (@UKLabour) November 28, 2024
Labour is taking it back. pic.twitter.com/NJwAMJKJCC
The Tories lost control of our borders.
— The Labour Party (@UKLabour) November 28, 2024
Labour is taking it back. pic.twitter.com/VhRsu7xKEV
? NEW: Keir Starmer BLASTS the Conservatives for running an ‘open borders experiment’
— max tempers (@maxtempers) November 28, 2024
"This happened by design, not by accident. Brexit was used as an excuse to turn Britain into a one nation experiment in open borders." pic.twitter.com/ZUGRpzGTwz
Starmer's approval rating is -38%..that's minus.
— ????The Resistance???? (@Resistance20001) November 28, 2024
The lowest for anybody in British history. pic.twitter.com/ra3vqqxkoJ
this is why their attempts to import the american culture war into the uk fail so badly btw.
— thelefttake (@thelefttake) November 26, 2024
trump has something like a -40 point approval rating in britain. GBNews watchers/Reform voters do not understand how much the median British voter despises them. https://t.co/XARfd9n6hy pic.twitter.com/khc9bkYdXH
At the American Renaissance conference, the European speakers were excited about the implications of Trump’s victory and the sort of campaign he ran for their own countries.
Note: Donald Trump is more popular in the UK than Keir Starmer.
I know nothing about labour, but perhaps they don’t play identity politics with immigrants and focus on economic issues. I’ll have to research.
Yeah, but….
Lib, Leftists here in the USA and Canada on occasion make these “spins”, so do Cuckservatives “Democrats are the real White racists”.
“OK, yes… mass illegal immigration, mass migration is out of control so we need comprehensive immigration Reform , illegal immigration is bad, legal immigration stamping green cards to all foreign college student grads (Yeah, Mittens Romney said that)”.
The worst IMO was a very recent YT Video by Hollywood Lib Canadian Primeminister Justin Trudeau (we’re talking like last week). Trudeau put together a propaganda video about mass migration that would have put Leni Rafenstahl to shame.
He looks it to the camera with those George Clooney handsome good looks ad admits that Canada’s immigration, student visas policies have had some “issues’. He then shows (Ha White as Jared Taylor Says) White Canadian business leaders talking about the extreme labor shortage that Canada’s economy desperately needed. He then admits some problems with fake college programs, scams, and rising rents.
So he assures the Canadian public that he and his Lib Government will reduce immigration starting next year. But this is a real lying spin. He’s not reducing or reversing mass (Indian continent which has over 1.4 billion pooping shura low caste Indians) instead he’s scaling back just a bit the great replacement FROM 500,000 new Indian Shudra poopers, Arab convenient store rip off, sexual groomers, instead the plan is to only take ~400,000 new migrants each year for … forever.
Pretty much all these Indian, South American, Black African migrant, rapists invaders to Canada go to Toronto, Toronto suburbs or Ontario border communities, Quebec or Vancouver. Nothing to the Tundra frozen interior – same as mass 3rd world migrants now invading FROM CANADA only go to places like LA, Orange Country Southern California the Virginia, Maryland suburbs of DC or to set up rip off , toxic food convenience stores in Food Deserts near me in the ‘Hood in Chicago, Detroit etc. These Asian merchants are hated by poor Left behind underclass Blacks and are targets of Pogroms same as the Rodney King BLM pogroms against Korean Merchants in LA
Here’s the link to Lying Canadian PM Trudeau.
Good Black Friday OD Publisher and readers. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I did.
Hunter, I have updated my “Nope” blog focusing on that Grima Wormtongue Bush speech writer, Canadian J, J once IN Canada Neo Con man David From
Please look over. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll post this evening.
Thanks Brother (s).
So Mr. Pot (the Pol) now screams that Mr. Kettle is “open borders”. As old George Wallace liked to say: “not a dime’s worth of difference” (or not a penny’s worth if you prefer the UK equivalent). They are both from the same tribe. Amusing. Maybe they’ll kill one another. Even better if some grabbed Schlomo and imported wogs to use as shields, along with the royals.
being able to co-exist with traitors ??
‘This town is not for them.’ Residents react to white Christian nationalists moving to Tennessee
Charlie, I didn’t watch the entire video. It looked to me like the “ natives” at that town hall were a mix of native Southerners as well as Northern transplants who were protesting the “ new community”. I find it a bit ridiculous that a tiny town in Tennessee now has Northern transplants who consider themselves locals now.
The bottom line is that the South is getting overwhelmed. Too many liberal whites, normie whites or even whites in our circles, are fleeing here. The South won’t survive as a culture if this continues. I wouldn’t be so upset about people in our circles moving South if there weren’t already so many transplants down here. Most of them need to go back home and then I will be more welcoming to movement whites coming here in small numbers.
At some point though Northern whites need to do their own thing to save their own counties and regions and states up North. They can’t just keep running down here all the time. It isn’t our obligation to let everyone in.
Hi! It’s me again.
I don’t live in America. Are you sure your issues are a Southern vs Northern thing or just a city vs rural thing?
Surely someone from rural Ohio is more conservative than someone from say, Atlanta?
In Australia, rural communities anywhere in the interior are more conservative than the coastal cities are, regardless of state they’re in.
Our cities have bigger populations than the rural areas, which gives the impression that most Australians are liberal, when only the cities are.
Thankfully, the cities are where most migrants end up. Nah…..they won’t come out here. Unless it’s a town with at least 30 thousand people, they’re just not interested.
Goose, no there is more to it than that here in America. Atlanta is mostly liberal because of transplants. Southern cities that still mostly have native Southern whites are still mostly red. The most liberal Southern cities have tons of transplants. This isn’t just something I am speculating about. It is well known which cities have outsiders. Plus there has to be a bigger explanation as to why such a larger percentage of white Southerners vote red compared to white Northerners. The discrepancies between the two are much larger than the overall sex voting gap everyone makes an issue about within our race here in America. And I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of rural areas up North aren’t as red as rural areas in the South when comparing percentages. That would be an interesting study.
Does the involve the National Alliance settlement in eastern Tennesse?
If I could, I’d take back all the northern transplants, and return all the black bio weapons to the South.
Would you be amicable to such a hypothetical deal?
November, I have never felt that the blacks belonged up North. If they came back down here I am sure Southern states would still be red and white Southerners would be even more on fire than they already are. The best solution is for them to maybe have a part of the South to themselves one day.
The South still has most of the blacks by the way. We didn’t send any up to you. They went up themselves because Northern whites seemed welcoming.
Blacks were brought north to undermine wages, and increase profits of the 1 percenters.
Managerial class liberals live in areas that are super majority White with some Asian professionals making up a minority.
No one welcomed blacks in the north, except wealthy and egalitarian WASPs and jews. Working and middle class Whites in the north were adamantly against blacks being here. They would never call it “The Great Migration.”
Anyway, they would not be here but for greed, laziness, and not having foresight of the long-term ramifications by the usual culprits.
There used to be laws against black settlement in some Northern states
Don’t you remember the Lincoln-Douglas debates? Douglas predicted that abolitionists would abolish slavery in the South and would unleash a tidal wave of black immigration into states like Illinois. That’s exactly what happened too when the first civil rights laws were passed during Reconstruction. Even back then White libtards were striving to create the system we have now.
Also, the idea that no one was trying to welcome blacks to the North is false. John Brown, for example, went to Kansas to murder slaveowners and then tried to ignite a race war to liberate blacks. Frederick Douglass was a celebrity in Massachusetts and married a White woman
“best solution is for them to maybe have a part of the South to themselves”
Emphatically, NOOOOOOOO !
Resettlement to Africa, as President Monroe wanted.
“We didn’t send any up to you. They went up themselves because Northern whites seemed welcoming.”
No , the north recruited them for the war factories, while the white boys and men went to die. The southerners sent them West to California in the 1940s by the bus loads.
I’d like to make a return.
John Brown was a egalitarian, Christian liberation sociopath that was a murderer, proto-bolshevik, and Connecticut Yankee.
Brown and his family and acolytes of abolitionists were extreme outliers. Fagtifa’s “shooting club” is named after him is all you need to know about what type of freaks he inspired in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries.
You could say the people affiliated with “The Underground Railroad” welcomed negroes, but they too were almost all oddballs in that era.
Often these communities were located in proximity to Quaker and other abolitionist strongholds. Extended families and church communities formed the cornerstone of these communities, which offered safe havens for fugitives and sometimes a place to settle.33 Congregations of Quakers, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Baptists, Methodists, and African Methodist Episcopalians helped organize these efforts. In the sometimes deadly and often contested flights to freedom, safety could be found by support from a group of people working in concert. Blacks worked with each other and some trusted white abolitionists. Whites who had left the South over disagreements about slavery such as Presbyterian Reverend John Rankin and Quaker Levi Coffin became engaged in the work of actively assisting freedom seekers.
When I was referring to Northern White not welcoming blacks I was writing about the so-called “Great Migration.”
Have you read “Hillbilly Highway: The Transappalachian Migration and the Making of a White Working Class” by Max Fraser, or “Black Folk: The Roots of the Black Working Class” by Blair LM Kelley Ph.D.? The former delves into Southerners ‘Great Migrations’ into the industrial North, and the latter with what I was referring to.
No doubt that both North and South have had their “copperheads” and “carpetbaggers” and still do.
This is in response to United States of AIPAC and November. I have to clarify that since you can’t reply under every comment. Not complaining,…. It is just how it is.
United States of AIPAC, everyone thinks it is best if they return to Africa, but I don’t see how it is realistic. It isn’t the same as repatriation of nonwhite immigrants post 1965. These blacks have been here since the 1600s and 1700s and have at least a quarter of European ancestry. They wouldn’t fit in in Africa. I think sending them to the Caribbean would make more sense where there are already a ton of people there of similar make up to them. Or they might have to have part of the South.
In regards to bus loads of blacks going to California in the 1940s, I find it extremely hard to believe that there weren’t white Californians strongly involved with that.
November, …. Same thing with blacks going North. It wouldn’t have happened without Northerners acting holier than thou than Southerners constantly, and yes I am talking about the Great Migration too.
In regards to Southern whites that went North in the past, a lot of people might think this is extremely divisive, but since white Southerners are mostly of Founding Stock heritage I think they should be able to go where they want in this country. If Founding Stock Northerners take issue with it then I fully respect their concerns…. but if whites up North descended from immigrants take issue with it, it just goes over my head and I really don’t care as much.
But the North is what it is and I respect the preservation of different white cultures up there just like I want the preservation of white Southerners. I am a huge fan of whites being attached to soil instead of constantly moving because of jobs etc…. In any case, over the past few decades the movement has mostly been South and not the other direction. The South has overcompensated at this point to make up for any whites who have moved up there ( we discussed the blacks who are a different matter).
In regards to whites moving South, I am more tolerant of Founding Stock whites or descendants of Southerners doing so. But a lot of Northerners are mixes of things we rarely see in the South, so yes, I see tons of them moving here as an issue. That might sound hateful, but if people would put themselves in the shoes of Southerners who have been here for 300 to 400 years, it would make sense and sound only natural.
As a side note, November, I am not sure why you insist that ethnic whites up there are so based compared to wasp whites. I hear ethnic whites constantly celebrating their immigrant heritage and using it as a reason to be tolerant of immigrants who come now.
Remember the Zoom meetings for Kamala? There was one meeting that was Italian Americans for Kamala and I decided to watch it. It had Italian American celebrities mostly. Just about every one of them went into how they themselves were descended from immigrants and how Trump is hateful for hating immigrants. It was despicable. I see it all the time from those types of whites.
I found a song for you. I hope you like it. If you respond I will get back to you later. It is meant to be positive.
Thank you Christina, I like it!
Was it the southerners who sent the dindu bioweapons to the north, or was it northern oligarchs who wanted cheap labor to bust the unionizing whites in the first decades of the 20th century? I expect the white southerners did nothing to stop the ‘great migration’ and maybe even smiled at the yankees who had been so passionate about Uncle Tom’s Cabin and similar fables funded by foreign banking cartels.
There would have been neither Underground Railroads or “Great Migration” had the negro bioweapons not been brought to colonial America.
If I could, I’d take back all the northern transplants, and return all the black bio weapons to the
It’s a free country, as far persons moving within its borders, and you don’t own the south. Personally, I prefer the north for its colder winter weather and less oppressive summers. Didn’t think of you as divisive until your post above; considered you very level-headed and objective. Disappointing
Astrid, I wouldn’t say these things if there were only a few thousand Northerners moving here who really love the South. Instead there are millions coming here who are across the political spectrum. They are turning red states purple or blue. They are driving up the costs of homes. Most importantly, Southern culture is quickly getting erased.
There is absolutely nothing divisive about being concerned about your culture getting erased. You have states like North Carolina that now have more people born outside the state than in the state. This is a serious problem we need to be discussing more. Southerners have every reason to be concerned about it. I will continue to talk about it.
It doesn’t mean I hate Northerners. I have many friends up there I would help if they were ever in trouble. But losing your culture isn’t something to take lightly. It is a natural concern.
This is the best news in America Imve heard in a long time – very similar to White Dutch Afrikaners establishing a self sufficient all White Afrikaner town Orania. I hope these White separatists Christian in Tennessee are interacting with good folks in Orania SA. I hope they are learning some Afrikaans.
Courtney from Al ( I adore you and your family ) these new White Christian settlers are trying to recreate that idealized small Southern town world of the Andy Griffith show, not the New South of Michael Vick Atlanta Falcons NFL. nFL Negro Felon League Football has replaced White Christian Church get togethers as the main religion on Sunday .
IMO Southerners can t see what they ve lost until Spme other White ( Christians) come in to restore this beloved pat in the present .
I m going to find more about this group , if they are sensible about mass immigration,Islam and have at least some clue about the JQ – yes, I want to help them.
Guest, why do Southerners need outsiders to come in and show them how to have a conservative Christian town? The South has more conservative Christian small towns than the North does. Can you clarify what you mean about Southerners needing non Southerners coming in to show them how to do it? If outsiders are needed to teach Southerners a lesson then why isn’t this community being started outside the South where more sensible people than Southerners supposedly are? I am sorry. I am just trying to understand.
“Afrikaners establishing a self sufficient all White Afrikaner town Orania. ”
There’s been a lot of talk about secession of the Cape from s. Africa, as the Cape is predominantly white.
This is one of those cases whereby White people just disgust me! It reminds me when the leadership in Harrison, Arkansas tried to make it more diverse. They even held a MNK day and paid for the hotel rooms of those who intended. Also why do all these White people in this particular town look so unhealthy? They are what Marx called Lumpen proletariat
“This is one of those cases whereby White people just disgust me! ”
I can think of a few thousand.
“Dr. Scott Gottlieb on RFK: He will cost lives in this country if he follows through on intentions”
Gottlieb grew up in East Brunswick, New Jersey, the son of Stanley, who was a psychiatrist, and Marsha Gottlieb, who was a schoolteacher.[7] He is a graduate of East Brunswick High School and received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Wesleyan University. After completing his undergraduate education, he worked as a healthcare analyst at the investment bank Alex. Brown & Sons in Baltimore. Gottlieb attended medical school at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and completed his residency in internal medicine at the Mount Sinai Hospital.[8] He is Jewish.[9]
Every. single. time.
Another know-it-all jew, who will tell us everything to do, then have dozens of irrational excuses why it didn’t work. Just like Fauci, the killer of 7 million.
Let’s play: poisoning the white western world
“Lipidnanoparticles and DNA clip”
Is there a place where I could buy a copy of “Martin Sellner – Remigration: A Hope for Europe” ??
A tiny portion of Brits have never heard of Donald Trump??
I truly wish this website had an editing function for contributers.
Word correction keeps changing words unnecessarily and altering the context of what I say. It’s a nuisance.
Most of the time we can infer the gist of what you’re saying.
I wish this site had a toggle, where we could switch to a tree structure of postings so we could follow a particular topic.
Blacks were brought north to undermine wages, and increase profits of the 1 percenters.
Managerial class liberals live in areas that are super majority White with some Asian professionals making up a minority.
No one welcomed blacks in the north, except wealthy and egalitarian WASPs and jews. Working and middle class Whites in the north were adamantly against blacks being here. They would never call it “The Great Migration.”
Anyway, they would not be here but for greed, laziness, and not having foresight of the long-term ramifications by the usual culprits.
Well, at the least that 1,000 pounder Halfton Window sure has…
Great post, HW!
May the “Brexit” (without any open borders of course) be with all of us…
The Left hates God. They do not believe what is written down in the Bible. If it says homosexuality is a crime that deserves the death penalty then they reject the Bible. If they read that the Bible sanctions slavery then they reject the Bible or try to give it a modern day interpretation.
The men in the past, stalwarts in the South, never did that but today even some Southerners are turning against our great leaders of the past.
Here is an example. Are there any men today of the caliber and understanding of the Bible and militarily as savvy with the help of God as Stonewall Jackson? I say NO!
It has been said that General Jackson “fought for slavery and the Southern Confederacy with the unshaken conviction that both were to endure.” This statement is true with regard to the latter, but I am very confident that he would never have fought for the sole object of perpetuating slavery. It was for her constitutional rights that the South resisted the North, and slavery was only comprehended among those rights. He found the institution a responsible and troublesome one, and I have heard him say that he would prefer to see the negroes free, but he believed that the Bible taught that slavery was sanctioned by the Creator himself, who maketh men to differ, and instituted laws for the bond and the free. He therefore accepted slavery, as it existed in the Southern States, not as a thing desirable in itself, but as allowed by Providence for ends which it was not his business to determine. At the same time, the negroes had no truer friend, no greater benefactor. Those who were servants in his own house he treated with the greatest kindness, and never was more happy or more devoted to any work than that of teaching the colored children in his Sunday-school.
— Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1892) (reprinted, Harrisonburg: Sprinkle Publications, 1995) 142-143.
Be like General Jackson! Our constitutional rights were violated 160 years ago and this has never been made right by this godless doomed-to-utter-destruction Yankee Empire!
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
You are most welcome.