Since Donald Trump won the 2024 election, the war in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah has ended in a ceasefire. It turns out that Trump wants a Gaza ceasefire before the inauguration.
“President-elect Trump wants to see a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza before he assumes office on Jan. 20, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Axios in an interview. …
But Graham — who speaks with Trump frequently and advises him on foreign policy, especially on the Middle East — said Trump wants a deal to free the hostages and end the war as soon as possible, preferably before he takes office. …
Graham contended that Trump needs a deal in Gaza before he can focus on his key foreign policy objectives in the region, like Israel-Saudi normalization and a regional alliance against Iran. …”
Iran called off its retaliatory strike on Israel, threw Hamas under the bus and encouraged Hezbollah to reach a separate peace agreement with Israel. Iran wants to avoid a war.
“There are factors that work in Mr. Trump’s favor, however. Iran, which blessed the cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah, is trying to show the incoming Trump administration that it is again open to a negotiated deal over its nuclear program, diplomats and analysts say.
With its allies Hezbollah and Hamas badly damaged and its own air defenses shown to be vulnerable, Iran wants to avoid a direct military confrontation with Israel and obtain economic relief from punishing sanctions over its nuclear program, they say.
So Tehran has been eager to display a renewed willingness to bargain over its rapidly expanding nuclear enrichment, which is within weeks of being weapons-grade, before Mr. Trump enters office.
The Iranians, along with everyone else in the Middle East, are trying to appeal to Mr. Trump’s “deal-making ambitions,” said Sanam Vakil, Middle East director for Chatham House. They are showcasing their compliance in Lebanon and have re-engaged with the Europeans, dangling the potential for a new nuclear deal, she said. …”
What happened?
We were told for months by activists that Trump was going to start a war with Iran and that tens of thousands of White American soldiers were going to “die for Israel.”
Activists always have to keep their mouths in motion. Since many are quite unencumbered by the thought process (as taught in publick schuls) – all kinds of nonsense comes out. Attention whores are going to whore for attention. This goes even for those who are not feds.
Thousands of American soldiers have already died for Israel, and trillions of dollars of American wealth have already been squandered for Israel.
In the past year alone, American soldiers and Navy Seals have died or been wounded for Israel, and hundreds of billions of dollars of American wealth have been squandered for Israel.
But this has been worse than merely just a waste of American blood and treasure. By weakening Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, we have strengthened our own enemies, Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
ISIS has been increasing its attacks this year.
The Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, is now conquering Aleppo.
The best way to defeat the real enemies of America, the people who did 9/11, is to stop supporting the enemies of their enemies.
Stop bombing Yemen. Withdraw US soldiers from Syria and Iraq. Stop giving military foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel. End economic sanctions against Russia, Iran and Syria.
This will end the wars. This will destroy America’s real enemy, Al-Qaeda. This will enable the refugees to return to their homes, instead of flooding into the West. This will preserve the existence of Middle Eastern Christianity. This will end the waste of American taxpayer dollars. This will increase American exports. This will bring American soldiers home safely. This will end the risk of nuclear escalation.
But the Israel Lobby doesn’t want this.
“rapidly expanding nuclear enrichment, which is within weeks of being weapons-grade,”
We’ve been told that for over 30 years
Iran “open to a negotiated deal over its nuclear program,”
So was Gaddafi.
Kim Jong Un wouldn’t.
Who’s alive, who died a tortured death ?
ANYTHING from NYTimes is ALWAYS stained with a false and twisted narrative.
But all our readers should understand that the Js and their dentures servants ( Christian Zionists , Ayn Rand Paul Libertarians , Conservative Inc, ADL, J Media mafia etc) … the Zio plan us to ethnically cleanse all the Palestinian Arabs left alive in the Gaza Strip and dump them on us in what still remains of White majority countries , societies in “ the West “ .
This plan to replace Whites in the West with Arabs , Muslims , Pakistanis was openly published and demanded n an Op Ed published in the Wall Street Journal the official Conservative newspaper of record in the USA.
And this J “ Conservative “ plan to replace us with Arabs , Pakistanis , Muslims is nothing new . Supposedly tough law and order J French President Nicolaus Sarcozy won election by stealing a Jean Marie Lepen’s nationalist support to end Algerian Arab riots and crime in French suburban slums , once in office Sarcozy proposed uniting both sides of the Mediterranean Sea in s common market so all the tens of millions of low skilled hateful Arab “ Youths” in Algeria , Tunisia , Egypt and Morocco would have the right to migrate and raie our girls Italy , France , Spain and then on to Germany, Sweden and England .
Neo Conservative J &$”@ William Kristal proposed the same . And our side the White Christian Doanish expelled the Js or put them under the Inquisiition for taking the Arab Muslim side against us in 1492.
So I wouldn’t t take the David Duke route of trying to make alliances with Arabs and Muslims against the Js .
The Js gave beaten us to that
Excellent article. Whatever problems exist on the Jewish question should not mean supporting Moslems against Europeans or automatically considering them better than Jews.
Both are an enemy though I think I would be safer in a Jewish neighborhood than a Moslem one.
I’ve got a lot of personal experience interacting politically on the streets.
You would be perfectly safe at a Muslim pro-Palestine demonstration, but Jewish Antifa would curb stomp you.
The pro-Palestinian demonstrations of the past 14 months have been remarkably peaceful, in stark contrast to the Antifa riots of 2016-2020.
I did not know that. That is hopeful information. I would never attend a demonstration without personal bodyguards. My family has influence and they would never throw me to the wolves.
Thank you once again.
Stay strong, sister.
Another thing to keep in mind, on the subject of Muslims and violence:
There have been many Muslim terrorist attacks in America since the first major instance in 1993, the year of the first Trade Center bombing.
No Palestinians were involved in any of these attacks.
No Christian Arabs were involved in any of these attacks. (Most US citizens with Arab ancestry are Christian, not Muslim)
No Shiite Muslims were involved in any of these attacks. 20% of all Muslims are Shiite, including Iran, President Assad of Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq – collectively known as “The Axis of Resistance”. Even though they have never targeted the American homeland, they are listed as “terrorists” because they fight against Israel.
All of the actual terrorist attacks against the American homeland and Europe were the work of Wahhabi (aka Salafist) militants such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The Wahhabis are the extreme Sunni Muslim sect which predominates in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Russia and the Axis of Resistance have been fighting against Al-Qaeda and its offshoots since 2011. This is why Iran and Russia have been targeted with major terrorist attacks by ISIS-K this year.
Under the influence of the Israel Lobby, the US government’s foreign policy is based on an adversarial relationship with Russia and the Axis of Resistance. This foreign policy benefits Al-Qaeda. For instance, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), recently captured the major Syrian city of Aleppo and promptly started persecuting the local Christians. They were able to do this because years of economic sanctions, proxy wars and airstrikes, all paid for by American taxpayers, have weakened Russia and the Axis of Resistance.
I remember 9/11. From my house, I could see the smoke rising from ground zero for months afterwards. I hate Al-Qaeda. I hate the foreign policy which has been foisted on the US government by the Israel Lobby, which benefits Al-Qaeda.
I recommend everyone read the book “The Israel Lobby”, written by Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer. This will help everyone understand why American foreign policy is such a disaster.
Thank you for the detailed letter you wrote me. A lot of information to digest. I had heard that the Sunni’s were more involved in terrorism than the Shiites.
I will write down that book “The Israel Lobby” for future reference.
It has been mentioned that Assad has protected the Christian minority in Syria. If true that is good news.
I almost did not see your comment since there are so many comments on these threads they can easily get lost.
Iran and Syria are not responsible for dumping millions of Muslim refugees in Europe. Israel is, along with turncoat EU officials and (((human rights NGOs))). Israel is causing the “refugee” crisis by supporting the Sunni Muslim terror groups that are trying to overthrow the secular government of Syria and Shiite government of Iran, and by launching its Gazacaust against the Palestinians.
Hello. I am not sure if you are addressing me. The indented comments are hard to line up with it’s intended recipient.
Yes the information I have been given supports your comment. I did not know that anyone would disagree with what you wrote.
Thank you for further mentioning this.
Hi Christina! My post addressed specifically the last point you made in your post. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria are (mostly) Muslims who do NOT want to migrate to Europe and saturate your communities as “refugees”, as indicated by their determination to stand their ground on their native soil back in the Middle East. It’s the (((other side))) that is determined to remove the fighting-age male population there and dump them all over Western countries, so they can turn Gaza into kosher beach resorts, Yinon-plan their goyim neighbors into anarchy, and demographically mutilate White-majority nations. Vaya Con Dios!
Your point is well taken. As always, my comments reflect my current level of information.
> So I wouldn’t t take the David Duke route of trying to make alliances with Arabs and Muslims against the Js .
> The Js gave beaten us to that.
This is exactly true. Look no further than the response to the genocide of Gaza (chiefly Muslim) population. There are several Muslim states in the region (Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) with large enough militaries and treasuries who could have intervened to force at least emergency aid to the victims. Not one of them has lifted a finger. Erdogan the snake (who sees himself as a rising Caliph) actually sided with the Jews and the Empire of Lies in Syria. Perhaps the Muslim populace of such places are outraged, but not enough to depose their leaders. Ditto for all the colonists in the west. Still, always remember there are lesser enemies and greater enemies. Never forget for a minute who the greatest enemy is, and has been for 2000 years.
DJT is going after BRICS…Maybe all the Southern States should join BRICS…then maybe we could wave goodbye to our long time nemesis the wicked Yankee Empire…bye…bye…
Trump wants to set 100% duties on BRICS goods if they create single currency
“There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the US dollar in international trade and any country that tries should wave goodbye to America,” he added
NEW YORK, November 30. /TASS/. US President-elect Donald Trump said he would introduce 100% duties on goods from BRICS countries if they create a new currency or drop use of the dollar.
“The idea that the BRICS countries are trying to move away from the dollar while we stand by and watch is over. We require a commitment from these countries that they will neither create a new BRICS currency, nor back in any other currency to replace the mighty US dollar or, they will face 100% tariffs and should expect to say goodbye to selling into this wonderful US economy,” Trump wrote on his page in the Truth Social network.
“There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the US dollar in international trade and any country that tries should wave goodbye to America,” he added.
The BRICS currently comprise Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia.
update maybe:
The BRICS now comprise Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky…
Tiffany Trump married a Lebanese guy, Michael Boulos in 2022.
That really is good news!
From what I’ve read, Massad Boulos belongs to a staunchly anti-ISIS, anti-Al-Qaeda Lebanese faction.
Compare to Amos Hochstein, he is more likely to serve American interests, rather than Israeli interests.
The Trump wins are so many, already even before inauguration, that the silence from the NadSacks, Neo-Nazis, Papists, Jesuit operators, leftists, Neo-Trotskyites, and Never Trumpers, is literally deafening.
As to the Dixie Bros on here, well done compatriots on holding the line! You’ve followed the Gen Xers to smash the barbarian Demoncrats! Finish the hand to hand fight in the next year. Then learn best practices from this last election and start organizing the bejezzus out of your communities while we have the chance. The battle maybe over but not the war. America Victor!
Nuclear weapons within “weeks” oh no
My memory is getting old but i think they were already running that line in 2001
Weeks in bible prophecy weren’t this long
A ceasefire after the entire region has been turned to rubble. Great. And what makes you think Trump will maintain this peace stance for the next four years. He’s already threatening to combat BRICS.
Looks like China is preparing for negative changes to try to combat coming sanctions…I guess no more wars doesn’t cover trade/economic wars which hurt civilians as the American South learned firsthand about 160 years ago…
Anti-Russian sanctions 1 Dec, 02:21
China studies Russian methods of countering Western sanctions — newspaper
According to The Wall Street Journal, Beijing is also interested in Russian “incentives for the development of domestic production” in the face of sanctions pressure
NEW YORK, December 1. /TASS/. China is studying Russia’s methods of countering Western sanctions, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources.
According to the newspaper, Beijing has set up a special “interagency group” to study the impact of sanctions on Russia and prepare regular reports for the country’s leadership. The purpose of such activities is to learn from Russia’s experience in mitigating the impact of Western restrictions. To this end, Chinese officials reportedly visit Moscow regularly and meet with representatives of the Russian Central Bank, the Finance Ministry and other agencies.
China is also interested in Russian “incentives for the development of domestic production” in the face of sanctions pressure, one of the newspaper’s sources said. According to The Wall Street Journal, Beijing may fear that if the situation around Taiwan escalates, the United States and its allies may impose sanctions on China similar to those imposed on Russia in connection with the Ukrainian conflict.
The newspaper’s sources emphasized that the work of this group does not mean that China is preparing an invasion. The Chinese Foreign Ministry told the newspaper that Beijing was committed to “conducting normal exchanges and cooperation with all countries in the world, including Russia, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.”
Speaking at the Valdai International Discussion Club plenary session on November 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the West had tried to deal Russia a crushing blow and cut it off from global politics and economy, but had failed.
Beyond 2016 groypers have been a detriment. Literally never right about anything, and only make the right look petty and evil.
> Literally never right about anything, and only make the right look petty and evil.
It’s almost as if they were designed that way … from the outset. Think of them as a kind of ‘dank republican’. A training camp for future Lady G’s and lawn-jockeys like Mister Tim.
300 Groypers marched several miles through Detroit this June chanting “America First” and “Christ is King” before holding a demonstration against the Israel Lobby across the street from the TPUSA conference where Trump was speaking.
The entire event was very positive and successful.
The United States is known to kill any leader that messes with oil profits or tries to make a commodity currency based on oil or gold.
Trump demands immediate release of Oct. 7 hostages, says otherwise there will be ‘HELL TO PAY’