On a submarine, if the collision alarm sounds, you immediately shut the nearest watertight door, and cinch it tight. There is a line that we have that is the equivalent of that collision alarm.
— Douglas Wilson (@douglaswils) November 26, 2024
If people we used to be associated with cross that line, then we will simply do our… pic.twitter.com/pxDtz2HpjR
The left said that Trump was literally Hitler. America said “what a joke,” and elected him anyhow.
— Douglas Wilson (@douglaswils) November 21, 2024
The anons argued that it was not enough to say joke, it was somehow necessary to become the joke, and started to work on the choreography of their kick-dancing. pic.twitter.com/61p0zSawDI
Doug Wilson and his children appear to be suggesting in this clip that if a woman’s husband has what they consider to be abhorrent “right-wing” views, that they should rebel against their husband’s authority and go straight to church leadership with their “concerns.” pic.twitter.com/lGMDEkGXW3
— Mack (@kenzietuff) December 1, 2024
"Best No Quarter November ever" @canonpress pic.twitter.com/tWObLIPvay
— William Swollace (@WBS_Meme_King) December 3, 2024
Canon Press as they hemorrhage subscribers: pic.twitter.com/YaJiRT01k4
— William Swollace (@WBS_Meme_King) December 3, 2024
Doug, Nate, Rachel, & Bekah encourage wives whose husbands are too right wing to disobey their husbands.
— Eric Conn (@Eric_Conn) December 1, 2024
Doug equates men noticing things like the fact that Jews run the porn industry or Hollywood as "going the Nabal route," and encouages wives to be like Abigail who disobeyed… pic.twitter.com/rbnwtd5cd6
Last week, the Antioch Declaration dropped—and boy, has it caused a stir. Is this the bridge to end the 'brother wars' in Reformed Christianity, or just another log on the fire? pic.twitter.com/Mer4emUDSc
— Joel Webbon (@rightresponsem) November 28, 2024
It is December.
“No Quarter November” is over.
Doug Wilson spent the entire month lashing out and burning bridges with various other influencers in the Christian nationalist movement. It culminated in the so-called “Antioch Declaration” on various “racial ideologies threatening the church” which can essentially be summed up as having a huge public meltdown because too many young Christian men on X are “racist” and “anti-Semitic.”
Before anyone even had the chance to chime in and respond, Doug and Canon Press anticipated the response and rolled out an official Boomer Cringe hat. He officially self branded his operation as #BoomerCringe and two weeks later released the Antioch Declaration in which he drew a line in the sand and invited everyone else in the Christian nationalist world to sign on and embrace his Boomer Cringe or else. If you don’t swear allegiance to Yoram Hazony and Israel, you are anathema.
I found it all hilarious.
I couldn’t believe our good luck.
In November, I largely ignored it because we had far more important things going on like the outcome of the 2024 election which was hanging in the balance. I also thought it was unwise to interrupt one of our enemies when they were making a huge mistake. I’ve never cared for Doug Wilson and Moscow which has zero appeal to me, but other Christians have been willing to put up with this out of nostalgia for the old man. It was better to say nothing and let Doug alienate some of his oldest supporters.
Long story short, the Christian nationalist movement has long been divided between Doug Wilson and Moscow at one pole, which is anti-White, philo-Semitic and Zionist, and Stone Choir and the Dissident Right at the other pole which is pro-White, anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist. Doug Wilson is furious that he is losing power as a gatekeeper because the pro-White pole keeps growing. He sees the middle of the movement – people like Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries – drifting away from him.
Overall, I think this is an exciting and necessary development. Boomer Cringe is rapidly losing value in the marketplace of ideas. Sanctimonious declarations aren’t going to reverse the tide. It is just a sign that the old mainstream conservative consensus on race and Israel has badly eroded.
Antisemitism to me is when you make a big deal about someone’s Jewish ancestry on a purely racial level and just can’t get over it. That’s cringe to me. Criticizing Jews because of their political positions (including liberal views on social issues) is not antisemitic to me. Attacking the chosen political ideology of a Jew is not antisemitic. I know the difference. Extremists on both sides of the issue act like they don’t know the difference. I am one of the few moderates.
My definition of antisemitism is forcing reality to fit the theory.
I judge people like Stephen Miller, Michael Levin, Norman Fineklstein, Lawrence Auster and the President of Mexico on their own merits. I also judge the ADL on their own merits.
Miller – Good immigration position. Probably pro-Israel but it doesn’t matter because he’s not in a foreign policy position.
Levin – More racialist than I am.
Finkelstein – Good anti-zionist position. Probably not great on social issues, but that’s not his speciality.
Auster – Sane social issue stances, but too pro-Israel.
President of Mexico – Good on immigration.
The ADL – few merits. Pro-censorship, pro Israel, liberal on social issues.
The ADL – few merits. Pro-censorship, pro Israel, liberal on social issues.
> Zero merits. Started in 1914 to get a jew pedophile murderer-rapist off the hook. Endless spawn-of-satan evil ever since.
I believe the correct moral attitude is to condemn Jews and others when they do wrong and to praise Jews and others when they do right.
For every time I have condemned Jews I have condemned my own people 20 times or more. The enemy from within is always deadlier.
From a Catholic viewpoint the great goal is sincere conversion.
The only definition of “antisemitism” which matters is the IHRA definition, which is referenced in multiple state and federal laws.
According to the IHRA definition of “antisemitism”, perfectly reasonable criticisms of Israel are “antisemitic”.
The New Testament is also “antisemitic”.
Yeah, I think that’s a perversion of the term. Too bad these people have influence.
Antisemitism: pointing out the vicious malevolence of Jews as outlined by the most prominent minds for over 2000 years.
I prefer this definition: Anti-Semitism is simply the consequence J&ws experience as a result of the malice and treachery they inflict upon Goyim host populations.
Well said
“My definition of antisemitism is forcing reality to fit the theory.”
Seems that is a better definition of Judaism.
How do I hate them? Let me count the ways: anti-goyim & anti-Christian hate in the Talmud, Federal Reserve, Balfour Declaration, Bolshevik revolution & subsequent Red Terrors, (((Hungarian))) SSR, (((Bavarian))) SSR, vom Rath assassination, Gulags, Holodomor in Kazakhstan, Russia, & Ukraine, Morgenthau Plan, assassinations of Lord Moyne, Folke Bernadotte, & Colonel Serot, King David Hotel Holocaust, Nakba atrocities, Suez Crisis, Lavon Affair, nuclear asset theft, 1967 “preemptive” strike on Egypt, USS Liberty Holocaust, Yinon Plan, Samson Option, Gazacaust, ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, HIAS, domination & weaponization of news, entertainment, education, publishing, law, & other critical institutions against White goyim, etc., etc., etc….
How do I hate them? Let me count the ways:…exploiting the unfortunate in their time of dire need.
If Doug Wilson lived 2000 years ago, he would surely scream for Jesus to be crucified – because by Doug Wilson’s definition, Jesus was an “Antisemite”.
Christ was the biggest antisemite ever. And that is why I love him. And because he died for me.
How true.
Too bad all the Catholics I know are not like you.
That was a sweet comment. Thank you.
While I am a loyal daughter of the Church I am also a daughter of Eve. Therefore I recognize our strengths and weaknesses.
Well written as always.
@Hunter Wallace,
I watched some of this debate over this disgusting weirdo, and it appears to me to more Papist Jesuit mind phuckery. Typical with that group they use disinformation, deception, mental reservation, secret evasion, and misinformation to split a target audience (conservative Protestants) and get the low information listeners to join a hegelian dialectic of two opposing camps, both controlled oppositions, and synthesize them under Papist control. Don’t get trapped into his Zionist v Anti-Zionist dialectic.
Hunter, as a Lutheran, you must learn the history of the fight by the Papists against your Lutheran sect and our Christian Reformation in general. Its real. There is a reason so much of your activities have ended up like water in your hands, slipping between your fingers. You were operating with only half a deck, lacking the Anglo-Protestant half, against a Papal syndicate who had all the cards and undermined all your activities.
For example, this Wilson dipshit with his cigar smoking, is meant to grab a certain type of market: late Gen X, entrepreneur, Conservative symps attracted to the Christian religion and the American nation. Like a Jesuit, he makes a contradistinction statement to both deflect from Papists and gather to his side a certain type found within our movement. He mentions that people who say Jews control porn can’t be part of his group thereby creating a false strawman (Jews control porn) and deflecting from the fact that its Papists who control porn.
The fact is Papists control porn. The top owners, producers, and agents are Papists. Specifically, the largest group operates out of Montreal, which has turned into one of the largest ((Mafia)) centers in the world. Its the group most responsible for pushing mass immigration into formerly Anglo-Protestant Canada.
You doubt it? Here is the list. Fabian Thylmann, a German Papist from Aachen Germany. Ferras Antoon, a Byzantine Syrian Papist from Syria. Stephane Manos, Byzantine Greek Papist of Lebanonese ancestry. Ouissam Youssef, Syriac Arabian Papist, from Syria. Matt Keezer, a Papist German Canadian. All of these turds live in Canada. Some of them even formed a syndicate, which they named one of their top porn channels after “Brazzers.” Its a Levantine Papist term meaning Brothers. In turn,, they are backed by Franco-Italian Papist Mafia. No Jews.
Rather than discussing his misuse of Protestant dogma to corral slowly awakening Patriots amongst our people, we are forced to choose either Zionism, Philosemitism or Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism. Rather than discussing how our old Reformation Faith was married to our Anglo-Saxon customs and should become the basis of American Christian Nationalism, we get to talk about other b.s.
This Boomer Cringe dude and his false dichotomy is best fought using the old theology of your sectarian and Reformation faith. Luther, Calvin, Tyndall, T Cromwell, Cranmer, Knox, etc. These people all recognized issues with Jews and Moslems. But, they recognized the chief danger was the far larger and more insidious threat posed by the Papacy which occupied their lands and continues to occupy much of Europe, and thanks to immigration, America. It should be fought using the beliefs of our national leaders from George Washington to Bill the Butcher, and Theodore Roosevelt to General Lee.
Indeed, in all of European Protestant history, not one Religious or Secular leader was assassinated by Moslems or Jews whereas there is a bloody sea made by the Papists. Despite the horrendous losses caused by Moslems in America, it pales in the number of deaths caused by Papists whether Latino Papist drunk drivers, Mexican Papist Sicario killers, Sicilian Gumbah Hitmen, Irish Paddy murderers, or other Papist assassins like the would be killer of Trump.
This ding dong donkey idiot fighting us over Christian nationalism, is a joke. One person on your Twitter made a reply satirically laughing about how our coalitions are unstable, hinting that its because we are nut balls or our issues are crazy or something. In reality, as you can see on your own Web Page at OD, the real troublemakers in our movement are all Papist in background. Courtney in Alabama even has recognized the Anti-Southron bigotry that divides this OD board is chiefly Northern oroginating from ethnic White Papist Rif Raf.
People like this fellow you are lambasting are the our Papist enemy’s natural allies. Fight them by falling back to our ethno-sectarian Anglo-Protestant and Anglo-Saxon-Celtic identity rather than go down his Zionism v Anti-Zionism or Liberal Jesuit b.s. Otherwise, you run the risk of being squeezed out. Then you will find yourself surrounded by Papists and neutralized like dear old Peter Brimelow who now has left England, left Canada, left the Christian Faith of his fathers, and has ended up in communion with Rome, the chief architect of his downfall. His property is now controlled by a Papist syndicate, and his VDare and castle a trophy on the wall of a notorious land grabbing Papist Carpetbagging family. Don’t end up like him and see your fishing hole bought that Papist Psuedo-Dixie family that now controls the remnants of VDare. https://x.com/LutherEnjoyer/status/1863692395281281165
That’s one heck of an example of jewish projection..
You’re hasbara chief will not be impressed by such an obvious jewish trick
Look up the names and tell me I am wrong. Its not any more of a trick than the fact the US Government gives four times as much to the foreign government of the Vatican than it does the foreign government of Israel.
At least the later actually do useful things for us like kill Jihadis, meddlesome Islamists, troublesome sheiks etc. All the Vatican does is use the money to pay for the extravagant buildings and lifestyles of clerics, propogandize young students into thinking illogically, sodimize children, purchase our land, and lobby our government to let in more brown and black people. But, by all means keep beating the dead horse that its “Duh, Jews.”
ahskenazi globalist hasbara bro,
Too late. The goyim know. Hopefully, the Zundel prophecy comes true, and your tribe gets a true holocaust.
You are here to rile up the philosemetic Christian zionist base to keep being your military golems. Blacks are moving away from the jews as their “muscle” against Whites.
Book a reservation in a chabad tunnel when Gentiles turn on you like the villiagers in “Frankenstein.”
By the way, confederate ‘hero’ John Wilkes Booth was likey half jewish on his father’s side, and of course, British on his mother’s.
Everyone who read OD should already comprehend israel’s roles in both the JFK and RFK assassinations. I could cite a myriad of sources on those murders tied to a jewish and CIA (Anglo) conspiracy.
What exactly are you trying to explain by staying Booth was possibly a jew? Why do you use quotes around hero? That link doesn’t explain or say anything concrete. What kind of conspiracy are you claiming? Just curious.
@ Rusty Wade per November’s comment::
The 1790 Nationality Act, Dred Scott correctly adjudicated by SCOTUS and the office of POTUS to execute the law …
“ Many Americans think of Abraham Lincoln, above all, as the president who freed the slaves. Immortalized as the “Great Emancipator,” he is widely regarded as a champion of black freedom who supported social equality of the races, and who fought the American Civil War (1861-1865) to free the slaves.
While it is true that Lincoln regarded slavery as an evil and harmful institution, it is also true, as this paper will show, that he shared the conviction of most Americans of his time, and of many prominent statesmen before and after him, that blacks could not be assimilated into white society. He rejected the notion of social equality of the races, and held to the view that blacks should be resettled abroad. As President, he supported projects to remove blacks from the United States.”
@November Red Guardsman,
“By the way, confederate ‘hero’ John Wilkes Booth was likey half jewish on his father’s side, and of course, British on his mother’s..”
Obviously, because some link says ((John Wilks Booth)) was half Jewish means its true. Boothe was raised an Episcopalian and was an early member of the Order of United Americans (OAU), a nativist neo-masonic patriotic society opposed to Catholic immigration. However his sister and others around him converted to Whoredom and he did too. In fact, much of what we known of the OUA comes from John Wilks Booth who turned turned traitor and agent in place exposing its actions. Ultinately, all of the other direct action members of Lincoln’s assassination plot were Papist. But all the roads directing him lead to Lincoln’s inner circle surrounding Stanton and Papists agents in Canada.
The fact is the assassination of Lincoln was done by Radical Republicans who were aided and assisted by Papists. In return, the Radicals had to let in millions of more Papists by relaxing immigrant controls at the State level, and allow Papist bankers into the US by relaxing regulations on foreign capital in US Banks. By the assassination they were able to justify impeaching President Johnson, and essentially placing him under house arrest in the White House and seizing the reins of Executive government in 1867, expelling and arresting the former Confederates elected to the reunified Congress in 1867, arresting all of the Southern State governments in the same year, and erecting a military dictatorship which didn’t end until 1877. This was the beginning of America’s corruption which extends to our modern day.
As it was, the investigation into Lincoln’s assassination revealed the extent of Papist connection with the assassination. It was enough to get the 1867 Congress to cut off ties to the Vatican before the Radicals destroyed the Re-Unifed Congress. Every Confederate in Congress voted for it because they realized that Lincoln had been the only friend they actually had left in the North by 1865 and by conspiring with with traitors around Lincoln, the Papists had eliminated him thrreby allowing the Radicals to subjugate the country military dictatorship and foist on the country immigrants like you.
The Booth family were likely Rothschild agents. Lincoln was killed for double-crossing the City of London by printing greenbacks to pay off the billion dollars borrowed for the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic. Booth’s father penned a letter to Andrew Jackson threatening murder over the latter’s abolition of the (((Bank of the United States))). No surprise if they turned out to be crypto-jews.
@Rusty Wade,
Well, his sister and brother considered their father to be a jew.
Are you saying he wasn’t viewed as a hero in the defeated CSA? Booth murdered the tyrant that was the Commander in-Chief of the military forces that made General Lee surrender.
Not everyone thought Booth’s assassination of Lincoln was the act of a hero, especially, members of The a Army of the Republic and republicans.Therefore, I used quotation marks on hero.
Here is where the conspiracy takes place with very kosher.
I’ll let you read the links between Booth, Judah P Benjamin, John Suuratt, and the Rothschild family.
@always thank you. I’m aware of all that about Lincoln. The Real Lincoln by DiLorenzo is a good read. Just curious why if and big if here that Booth was a jew, why would he want Lincoln dead. Idk just confused and curious I guess but appreciate the response.
Thanks for the explanation. I now have yet another rabbit hole to go down. Haha.
the papists control porn?
Oh yes, here’s another huge gang of “papists” who are running the porn rackets.
There is a theory about a “black pope” who runs various rackets from some dungeon beneath the Vatican. Some years ago a fellow named Tupper Saucy wrote a book about it entitled Rulers of Evil. And to be fair, getting into a monomania about Jews leads to being blind to the many examples of treason in our midst – Douglas Wilson being a fine example of it. Wilson is a Prot who has embraced the dispensationalist heresy and a collection of Boomertard lies. He and the present clown on the Vatican cathedra would see eye-to-eye on most issues.
That isn’t a very good list. At any rate its rather small given the large size and history of the porno industry and its antecedents in B and C rated early Hollywood movies movies and the soft porn of that era, and the even earlier dirty pictures of professional and part times whores of the Victorian and early Edwardian era which was run by Papists and Prots, and enforced and regulated by the early Sicilian Mafia PRIOR to the arrival of the Jews. This isn’t to say they aren’t involved in a manner above their ratio in America, but worldwide or even just the Atlantic area, its the Papists and Orthodox Bros who dominant until you get to Asia, when its a whole other group of no goodnicks.
As to the list in question, a few of the people in there aren’t Jewish at all, like ((Tracy Lords)), or Nina Hartman a Judeo-Lutheran whose father was a Midwestern German Lutheran who became a hippie, met Nina’s mother, a Papist educated daughter of a Judeo-Communist from Alabama and in turn was raised a Buddhist. Others are named as sole owners of companies which actually are majority owned by Papists, like Vivid owned by ((David James)), others own Jewish firms, that no longer exist and which were actually controlled by either the ((Sicilian)) Mafia or the ((Irish)) Mob.
For example Al Goldstein’s Screw Magazine was a joint venture with one ((Jim Buckley)), whose involvement with the Irish Mob was ended once that Papist was found to be a bisexual who was apparentely but typically abused by his Papist Priests. Without Irish Mob protection it fell under the control of a Sicilian mobster before eventually splitting into a gay porno magazine owned by Buckley but actually controlled by the New York Mafia who used it to blackmail well connected subscribers. The heterosexual magazine Screw, in turn split into a East Coast section which was folded into a larger Mafia controlled network and a West Coast Section. The later eventually dissolved into nothingness. The magazine was notorious for publishing nude photographs of ((Jacqueline Kennedy)) who was some sort of naughty Catholic scho girl behind the scenes or something. The picture of Al Goldstein is probably not even him.
All in all, you can find more Mexicans involved in Porn today than Jews. While Jews were a large percentage historically, they were easily outnumbered by Papists and Prods even in the past. The later which were the smallest of the ethnic representation and as far as I can tell, without a criminal cult syndicate like the Papists and Jews. The point to remember is this industry has its origins in prostitution, a criminal industry almost completely organized in by Papists n the late 19th century before the arrival of “Duh, Jews.”
> The present clown on the Vatican cathedra would see eye-to-eye [with jews and their worshippers like you] on most issues [they wave their banner openly, you try and hide yours – not very well tho].
Actually that would nearly every single issue at hand. I’m quite fine with going full Stalin or even Genghis Khan on the Lavender mafia [Koba liked to say: With a person there is always a problem. No person, no problem]. Same for the Synagogue of Satan, plus not a few Prods and Orthodox. All who have taken the devil’s ticket. [One final solution for all ticket takers. Step aboard! The train is fine, the millstones are light].
And yet here you are day after day, telling us that you’re a southern white boy. Uh-huh – you’re about as convincing as Lady G is.
Bad as you are, it is still useful to know more about the Lavender mafia. Even the Hyper-Catholic Barnhardt more-or-less admits they run the whole ball of maggot-spaghetti in Rome. A very nasty collection of bitches indeed. Lots of subversion and infiltration going all the way back to the 600s and before. Small wonder that it’s all circling the drain. Best not to gloat as it does not bode well. I suppose the folks over in the middle kingdom might be entitled enjoy a bit a schadenfreude after their century of humiliation at the hands of objects of your worship, their Lavender partners and various Prot and other sellouts.
“the papists control porn?
Don’t be LAZY and a Low Information tool. Look up the names I provided. They have a virtual monopoly on the porn industry. Before them the Kennedy’s were the major providers via their control over Hollywood. Joe Kennedy was the original Eastein had he had all sorts of files of businessmen, military brass, politicians, judges, etc with top notch hookers. It took a long time before the Mafia caught up. But, to the Papcy, both were the same, loyal Papists.
Your Svengali smoke and mirrors don’t work on those of us with jewdar, and IQs higher than room temperature.
Once you realize that the Catholic Church is a sex and child abuse organization, the per-occupation of many Papists with porn becomes explainable.
It was the Papists that introduced porn and perversion on television to Germany and the UK.
Tutti Frutti is the German version of the Italian game show Colpo Grosso (“Big Shot”). It was the first erotic TV show on German television and was also available to viewers across Europe as it was broadcast without encryption via the Astra satellite which could be received over a wide area and was popular with ‘early adopter’ satellite enthusiasts in the UK. The show caused substantial outrage at the time, as partial nudity was a central feature (the show featured scantily dressed and stripping women).
@Tutti Frutti,
“Once you realize that the Catholic Church is a sex and child abuse organization, the per-occupation of many Papists with porn becomes explainable.”
Exactly. If anyone knows their history and the early domination in Europe of the Roman Pagan Empire, followed by the Roman Catholic Empire, and the historical existence of both legal and illegal prostitution during those periods, the use of eunuchs and castratto (Castrated singing boys) for Papist nobility and clergy, and all simultaneous with Jewish segregattion and ghettoization, Papists had the prostitution industry cornered centuries ago. In turn, since Porn grew from it, the Lorn industry was early dominated by Papists.
Jewish involvement in Porn in America is an anomalous historical development owing to a vacuum of Prods not being big with criminal cults unlike Papists and Jews, with the later managing to get involved thru sheer opportunism and living in communities next to Papists in lawless urban America (Thank you Yankees oligarchs for immigration). All in all blaming Jews for Porn is a travesty of fact given the historical and contemporary domination of it by Papists, and of course Orthodox, especially the Russkies.
Actually the perverse Dionysian (Bacchic) pagan cults have been from the earliest times incorporated into the Catholic Church, that is why today you see so many child abuse scandals in the Catholic Church.
This is how Fomenko describes it:
Dionysian (Bacchic) pagan cult prevailed in Western Europe in the Middle Ages, that is, in the XIII-XVI century, and not in “distant antiquity.”
N. A. Morozov in his analysis of ecclesiastical his-
tory has paid attention to the known, albeit often-
times withheld, fact of the openly Bacchic practise of
Christian officiations in mediaeval Italy and France,
where liturgies often transformed into orgies, convents
would frequently serve as houses of ill repute, etc.
The eminent humanist Giovanni Pontano tells us
that in Valencia the Spaniards had free access to the
convents, and that it was hard to differentiate be-
tween these holy tabernacles and houses of ill repute.
N. A. Morozov cites plenty of
data showing that, for instance, official prostitution
was an integral part of the mediaeval Western Euro-
pean Christian liturgy.
Wasn’t it Al Goldstein that said he liked porn because he got to see Catholic girls degraded.
Yes, and he created “Screw” magazine as a literal “Fuck you to Christianity.”
@November Jesuit Red Guardsman,
“Yes, and he (((Al Goldstein))) created “Screw” magazine as a literal “Fuck you to Christianity.”
Actually, he created with ((Jim Buckley)) who was the actual artist of the two. Goldstein though had some journalistic skills so it had some interesting reporting that went along with the porb. This was a joint Judeo-Papist op, which eventually became a solely Papist op with Al as little more than a slave to Papist mobsters. Also, from like generation or two ago. Meanwhile, the Jesuit Red Guardsman ignores the centuries and world wide scale of Papist controlled smut.
@jew in WASP’s clothing,
I am sure you’ve heard of crypto-jews. The most infamous case being the Marranos.
Lyndon Baines Johnson was a crypto-jew who passed himself off as a Southern WASP, and was as corrupt, zionist, and anti-white, as the day is long.. His wife “Lady Bird” was Southern founding stock though.
It’s more than obvious that Long’s assassin Weiss was one of those crypto-jews.
By the way, I have no fondness for the papacy or the Vatican.
The Vatican was printing fake baptismal certificates for jews during WWII faster than the (((federal reserve))) prints fiat money.
As Christina quoted Franco, the Vatican was undermining him though he and his government was Catholic.
I am not a friend of any Abrahamic theology that suppresses natural laws, promotes ignorance, and is egalitarian.
I noticed that you stay clear of the jewish Archbishop of Canterbury’s resignation due to massive sexual misconduct inside the Church of England that he oversaw.
“@jew in WASP’s clothing,”
“WASP”….Slowly accepting reality, but still obstinate Papist RedGaurdsmen. Your crawling but your are moving towards the right direction. “Marco!” “Polo!” Come on Novemberist. You can do it. Say the word…
“I am sure you’ve heard of crypto-jews. The most infamous case being the Marranos.
“Lyndon Baines Johnson was a crypto-jew who passed himself off as a Southern WASP, and was as corrupt, zionist, and anti-white, as the day is long.. His wife “Lady Bird” was Southern founding stock though.”
I’ve literally never heard that LBJ was a Jew. I knew he liked to show and tell his big c@ck to reporters, secretaries, and elected officials like he had all the power in the world. A thoroughly repulsive human being. But, I am quite certain he was just Texas White Moral Trash and will continue to believe that until I see more facts than your statements, not because you can’t be factual, you can, sometimes, just that I am pretty well versed on LBJ.
“It’s more than obvious that Long’s assassin Weiss was one of those crypto-jews.”
Marranos were Jews AND Christians who had converted to Islam following the conquest, been acculturated to Moroccan Berber Moslem ways, then reconverted to Christianity after the Reconquest. I am well informed on Morranos, Crypto Jews, Jewish involvement in the Morrish conquest, etc as I was one of the first to bring it to attention in our circles back in the last century.
Consequently, I am here to tell you, Weiss was a died in the wool Papist. His mother was a Irish-French Papist with great grand parents in Ireland, Italy, and French colonial settlers. Likewise for his father’s mother. There wasn’t a Jewish mother in the Weiss family tree until his great great grandmother on his father’s side. Not a crypto-jew. He was a Papist thru and thru.
“By the way, I have no fondness for the papacy or the Vatican.”
Until you deny and denounce the Papacy without equivocation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in you whatever you will be considered a Papist agent by the inner line.
“The Vatican was printing fake baptismal certificates for jews during WWII faster than the (((federal reserve))) prints fiat money.”
Hyperbole. The Nazi Pope didn’t give two licks about the Jews. There were Jews and many others who were given this via another member of the Vatican Secretariat who had been recruited by French, Polish, and then British intelligence. They used this Vatican agent to among other things to aid escapees, resistance, and refugees. The Pope was aware of it and unless the escapees paid dearly, they got nada. Thus, only persons of intelligence value, escapee POWs, high level political refugees, or people with private wealth got them. In turn, the Nazi Pope did the same thing for Nazi Germans Fascist Italians, and other Axis persons. They too had to pay dearly.
Nice attempt and trying to deflect from Papist neo-nazism. Sadly, your dealing with someone who is well connected himself. Our man in Rome at the time, who was one of the men who opened this can of worms to US government policy makers, and later became chief liaison to the Vatican’s Intelligence Service, was James Jesus Angleton. Through him and his Vatican agents, his British connections, and later Israeli connections we obtained intelligence on the whole scheme. Many a supposed Nazi Papist who was later inserted into the global rightwing network were none other than anti-Nazis, including Jewish ones. The Papacy got its shekels, we got the intel. To this day, almost the entirety of the Far Right, Fascist Right, Neo-Nazi Right is totally controlled opposition.
“As Christina quoted Franco, the Vatican was undermining him though he and his government was Catholic.”
Franco Spain, as well as Portugal, some countries in South America, various political parties across the world from Lebanon to Taiwan and Peru to Spain, had far right Catholic sandblast, integralist, phalangist, throne and altar Papists well into the 1970s. As you mentioned these were slowly assimilated and undermined by the Papacy. Because the Papacy realized the old reactionary right was a losing movement and they needed to get these other Papists behind their form of globalism, and this remains the case today.
“I am not a friend of any Abrahamic theology that suppresses natural laws, promotes ignorance, and is egalitarian.”
Abrahamic theology in and of itself doesn’t suppress natural laws or promotes ignorance. Its egalitarianism is rooted solely in spiritual equality as divine souls created from God. Such souls can only be equal as they spring from the source. That has nothing to do with genealogy of nations and their unique laws and customs, except the similarities they have from the same ultimate source, the first man, Adam. It is superstitions, false dogmas, human errors, that create beliefs which hold man back from his full potential. Just ask Eve how those happened.
@November Red Guardsman,
I noticed that you stay clear of the jewish Archbishop of Canterbury’s resignation due to massive sexual misconduct inside the Church of England that he oversaw.”
Actually, I was unaware of it, but I looked into it. In fact it isn’t a sexual abuse scandal, which is what you Papists secretly relish it is. Rather it appears Smyth was accused of using corporal punishment on boys and young men, as well as running a COE sponsored training school where they had to be hosed down in cold water, swim in cold rivers, run, do warrior rituals, and be anointed in oil naked as old knights after completing their agoge style prayer and physicality training. Sounds pretty much like traditional old school Anglo-Saxon training and education. But, in today’s neutered Britain, such things are SCANDALOUS! LOL
Nonetheless, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Welby, did in fact resign over not following up on a report, written in 1986, in which some of the boys disclosed their problems with Smyth’s system, and which Welby only found out in 2013, at which time Smyth was already teaching overseas. Eventually, nearly 40 years later, Smyth’s system was found to be abusive by some people and they wanted him called back to answer for them but then, Smyth already old, died in South Africa.
This is not a sexual misconduct case nor is it even truly a physical abuse case, but in today’s P@ssy UK, was likely to result in a trial. Under these circumstances for bot responding sooner, after discovering the report 40 years ago, Archbishop Welty resigned. Good for him. Unlike Papists, we WASPs hold ourselves accountable even for underlings behavior and if Archbishop Welby found he had failed standards of due process, then as a good WASP, he resigned. I on the other hand wouldn’t have resigned but if after researching it found that Smyth was simply being blamed for being a hard ass, would have told everyone to Eff off. So, us WASPs can go either way depending on our ethical interpretation of the situation.
In contrast Papists, who are notorious sh!tbags and corrupt with little ethical standards, not never answer for anthing, they have no standards of behavior for themselves except raw power. Papists are historically proven to cover up actual vaste pedophilia and wickedness and protect it by never forcing their Priest Abusers. Further, Papists, actually give their factual Priest abusers sinecures in Vatican City, allowing them to retire to places elegantly, and never losing their priesthood.
Overall, the Welby-Smyty case seems more a hit piece by Papist backed liberal globalists out to hold every traditional Protestant accountable for being a traditional Protestant. Welby held himself to a high standard of due process conduct and felt he had failednit by not investigating more fully. Smyth appears to be getting a raw deal and won’t be able to defend his name now that he is dead. Lastly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the crypto-Papists and secret Jesuits in the COE have a dirt bag Sand N@gger, Leftwing homo, and/or Papist leaning successor ready to replace Welby, who appears to have been a good Archbishop ready to fight for the COE against its detractors.
@United States of AIPAC,
“Wasn’t it Al Goldstein that said he liked porn because he got to see Catholic girls degraded.”
Probably. But only because a Papist mobster made him film Florida Southern girls getting degraded first.
Glad to be aware as always on why we are called the Church Militant while on earth. Unfortunately nowadays we are the Church Worms.
We are supposed to always be at war because that is life.
Solomon Friedman is the name of the rabbi who owns Pornhub.
“Solomon Friedman is the name of the rabbi who owns Pornhub.”
Utterly false. Pornhub started and continues to be run by Papists (()). Independent companies are often used to do actual filming, but most are underwritten by (()) crime syndicates and various silent small capital funders. Pornhub in turn helps provide capital for these independent companies. As a result it now dominates even downstream.
Pornub was started in 2007 by ((Matt Keezer)). In 2010, the company was purchased by ((Fabian Thylmann)) as part of the ((Manwin)) conglomerate, now known as ((Aylo)). In 2013, Thylmann sold his stake in the company to ((Feras Antoon)) and ((David Tassillo)). I provided a list of the associated “Brazzers” of this Montreal Papist Crime group. Keep spreading disinformation on behalf of the Papists and I’ll keep reinforming on behalf of Patriots.
Rabbi Solomon Friedman is a partner in Ethical Capital Partners LLC, the firm that bailed out Pornhub.
He is “on a mission to save Pornhub”.
“Rabbi Solomon Friedman is a partner in Ethical Capital Partners LLC, the firm that bailed out Pornhub.
He is “on a mission to save Pornhub”.”
You actually provided some new evidence. Apparentely, Ethical Capital Partners just finalized completion in the last few months of the purchase of Aylo, the holding company thru Mindgeek of Pornhub. It still doesn’t change the fact that Pornhub and many others porn companies were started, owned, managed, and performed by Papists.
In fact, Ethical Capital Partners is still overwhelmingly owned by Papists despite having a rabbi on its board. Here is the list of prime shareholder and their representatives on the board:
Chairman: ((Rocco Meliambro))
Managing Partner: ((Fady Mansour))
Chief Financial Officer: ((Mike Cosic))
Partner and VP of Compliance i.e. Internal Affairs: ((Solomon Friedman))
Partner, VP of Law Enforcement Relations: Derek Ogden
As one case see, the Rabbi is only a partner of this large private equity firm, and he is dealing with compliance. That service is oriented toward ensuring the company, shareholders, CEOs, managers and employees are following laws, rules, and regulations. Regardless of what he is doing, the fact is that ECP, the most recent owner of Pornhub, is a majority controlled Papist private equity firm where Papists are in charge of running a Papist founded, owned, managed, and performed Pornography industry.
Overall, the near monopoly Papist have on Porn, especially thru Pornhub remains. The last guy listed on the Board, Derek Ogden, might be the one actual Prod. He is former Chief Superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mountain Police (The Mounties). His role is to liais with Law Enforcement. In turn, this ECP take over of Aylo and Pornhub, appears to be some sort of whitewash unit meant to investigate and clean up the Porn Industry. At least that appears to be the claim by the Rabbi and with a former Mountie in it, that might indeed be the case. At any rate, even if this is true, Pornhub and porn remains controlled by Papists, which will clean up their dirty mess and try to deflect from Papist villainy. They won’t get away with it easily, even if with the Papist apologists here at OD.
*Partner and VP of Compliance i.e. Internal Affairs: (((Solomon Friedman)))
you should make a website informing Patriots about the Papists
there are thousands of websites like jewishcontributions.com, which of course is a good thing
but information on papists is scattered across crime databases, criminal statistics etc, but not centralized
“you should make a website informing Patriots about the Papists
“there are thousands of websites like jewishcontributions.com, which of course is a good thing
“but information on papists is scattered across crime databases, criminal statistics etc, but not centralized”
MPC, that is a good idea, but dangerous. Papists are the predominant power in America and have been for awhile. So, you know such organized criticism is rarely allowed by the Papists.
In former days, the FBI and local law enforcement used to keep such databases. But the ethno-sectarian identities went away under political pressure starting in the early 20th century, leaving only ethno-national identities. Then those too went away under pressure, leaving only race. Now those too are going.
Overall, establishing such a database is needed. I guess starting with Papists would be a step forward. But, folks back east might not like it.
It wouldn’t be a bad idea. The recent hit in NYC carried out on the clown in charge of UHC likely had more to do with some insider trading involving the target and the Pelosi crime cartel than it did with victims of UHC’s denial of claims. It wasn’t a pro who carried out the hit, though he clearly had info on where the clown would be and what exit would be used. The hitman is probably already at the bottom of the ocean – never to be found. The Lavender Mafia is not an insignificant player in this circus.
Dr, Carl Weiss who assassinated HW’s hero Huey Long was half jewish on his father’s side just like Booth.
Look at his physiognomy. Pure jew.
@November Jesuit Red Guardsman,
“Dr, Carl Weiss who assassinated HW’s hero Huey Long was half jewish on his father’s side just like Booth.
“Look at his physiognomy. Pure jew.”
Of course, after I’ve discussed all the cases of political assassination of Western leaders traced to Papists, you find the one who is a so called Jew. But, in fact, Dr Weiss wasnt Jewish. He was in fact a……..PAPIST!
Dr Carl Weiss Weiss was born in Baton Rouge to a Dr. Adam Weiss and a Viola Maine. Dr Adam Wiess was a prominent ophthalmologist and we know alot about him. Dr. Adam Weiss (Dr Carl’s father) did have Jewish ancestry on his father’s father side. He was 1/4 or 1/8 Jewish descent paternally. However both he, his father, his grandfather had been born and raised Papist and his maternal ancestry was likewise all Papist. His paternal grandfather was an organist and choirmaster in a Bavaria Papist church before he emigrated to Louisiana in 1870 after the Papist Great Conspiracy following the Civil War. Dr Adam Weiss’ mother was of Papist Colonial French and Papist Immigrant Irish ancestry.
Thus, both of Dr Carl Weiss’ parents were Papist. Dr Carl was actually educated in Catholic schools and graduated from St. Vincent’s Academy, a Catholic school. Dr. Carl Weiss was a baptized and confirmed Papist. Just like many Fraco-Italian-Hispanic Papists, he does look slightly Jewish, because like many Franco-Italian-Hispanic Papists, he does have some Jewish blood, like 1/16 or 1/8 at most. I think he would’ve passed in Hitler’s Papist Nazi Germany according to Aryan Laws of descent.
Governor Huey Long was a populist in the notoriously corrupt Louisiana. That state has a big cultural divide between Papist French colonials and Protestant American settlers. It also has a huge organized crime problem based in New Orleans which featured various ((French)), American (believe it or not actual Prods), ((Italian)), and ((Irish)) crime groups vying for dominance. New Orleans is in fact the first place the Sicilian Mafia appears in official American court records after they assassinated a crime fighting Sheriff in the late 19th century. This in turn resulted in a war of reprisal which stretched all the way up to Chicago and New York city and even Italy, including the literal lynching of most of the New Orleans ((Sicilian)) Mafia by angry Dixie vigilante mob. It ultimately almost started a war with Italy and revealed the full extent and size of the Mafia, nearly a hundred years before the FBI admitted it existed.
Louisiana also has a well established and very traditional elite planter class of French ((mostly)) and American heritage throughout the state and a rural populace that is notoriously quick to violence. Even during the hunt for Bonnie and Clyde by famed Texas Rangers, they thought they had stumbled onto a corrupt semi vigilante Sheriff, only to find out he was just vigilante (he was later used in the gunfight which filled Bonnie and Clyde with lead). To this day, the Feds find investigations in Louisiana troublesome both with scurrilous rural folk and law enforcement.
Finally, due to its geographic location and historical role in the post-bellum America, New Orleans has a Yankee element. Loads of Yankee money has seeped into that city along with New York City and Chicago Papist money, especially since the War. The combined ethnic representatives inside the city compete for support amongst Black politico-crime groups for advantage thereby making a witches brew of city and state life. This makes the state a pretty topsy turvy criminal, vigilante, and political riden state.
The South, and especially Louisiana, Southern Mississippi, and New Orleans metro has a unique politico-criminal society. Its not exactly Papist, let alone Jewish. It features as top dogs a unique Prod class that is ingrained with local political bosses and police. Judeo-Papist OC groups down south kept a low profile because local American Dixie political bosses run everything and function as their own mob. They work with organized crime in joint stuff, robberies, vice crime, raiding other criminal groups, embezzlement, money laundering, corruption, having rival politicians shot etc whatever. The south does things differently and it’s own way: the good old boys network controls it all. Thats it right there. That is where Heuy Long screwed up. He tried to screw over the good old boys.
So even today this unique form of organized crime down south that thrives: Vietnamese gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, the modern offshoots of the Dixie mafia (Prod dominated), Judeo-Prod country music nashville, Texas Prod gambling syndicates, Dixie-Black and Irish-Black crime in Memphis. But in the end any organized crime is going to have to pay up and play ball with the Dixie political bosses and the law to survive. They don’t care who you are or who you work for. You can’t blackmail a southern sheriff who will drag you out to the woods with his buddies and hang you from a tree or drag you down the road from the back of a pick up truck and then feed you to alligators or make it look like an “accident”.
Huey Long took on all these parties and upended the carefully created balance of power. In New Orleans he took on the city’s old Sicilian Mafia, an action applauded by the native ((French)) and American politico-crime groups, but then he brought in criminals both Jewish and Papist from outside the state thereby angering the locals. He also went after the established Planter and Merchant class with his economic populism thereby undermining their wealth and weak but still extent political dominance in the state. He then took on the National Democrat Party leadership then under the dominance of Roosevelt and North Eastern Yankee liberals.
All in all, Huey pissed off everybody. All we know today is that ultimately it was a Papist who killed him, New Orleans organized crime became more Papist, things disintegrated from thence until a new equilibrium was reached and wouldn’t you know it, the good ol boys were still on top. In the process politics and lives were ruined, but people had to go on living despite Papist skullduggery. A moment dramatized pretty accurately in the movie “All the King’s Men.” https://youtu.be/NQnTY18Q9tc?si=qxBlmzzIsIM2ZnVX I should know. My family is from there, and even Hunter’s family had a role to play in this history, but thats all you’ll get on the family secrets.
Look at his physiognomy. Pure jew.
Yep. Half jw my a__ !
Kinder , Kirche , Kucher
> If you don’t swear allegiance to Yoram Hazony and Israel, you are anathema.
Fellate the Schlomo-schlong or we order your wymyn to point and shriek “Nazi!”. I somehow expect Dougie is fine with a certain gang of nazis work work with Joey and Hunter though… Some nazis are more equal than others, you see. Another donkey in the Clown-World Cirque de merde sets itself ablaze. ‘Tis the season to be jolly….
The only based Doug Wilson was the NHL Hall of Fame defenseman.
This Doug Wilson must be known within white nationalist circles but I now just heard of him. I struggle to imagine how christians can with fervor support people of another religion. This is not natural.
The Doug Wilson that HW wrote about was unknown to me, as I and most others in the WN sphere do not follow the inside drama of the Christian Nationalism.
Being gaslit on one hand, and on the other hand having rabbi Schlomo sliding you an envelope filled with shekels across the table at Mordechai’s delicatessen can make judas goats of some non-secular Christians.
By the way, are you familiar with the YouTube channel of Zoomer Historian? He is a British chap that is sympathetic to National Socialism and is Christian.
I think you and your family would enjoy a lot of his videos, particularly his video on the Spanish Civil War.
I am not familiar with Zoomer Historian. My familiarity with white nationalist organizations is generally limited to OD, sometimes Blackpilled, and rarely Political Cesspool (which just seems like mainstream Republicans to me).
Thank you for that link. The subject is fascinating.
I still prefer “counter-Semitic”; i dont want to obsess but i do like to notice things
That is certainly better than antisemitic.
I just prefer jew-aware until I find a better term.
Yahweh forbid that you don’t obsess.
Eye roll emoji.
You might want to get a bit more autistic about the JQ/JP.
Not sure any of this exists outside of Twitter, which I’ve never used and will never use.
HW, another niche microcosm of the larger political realignment has been going on with gamergate 2.0, and is culminating in the demolition of Twitch as a streaming platform (another social media platform I won’t use) because it has been throwing in with Hasan Piker and the antisemites/antizionists.
A war has been going on for over a year now against woke video game studios that have sunk billions into leftists propaganda in games that are flopping entirely and destroying western game studios.
All of this is being forced through by radicalized normies who just want their games back from the blue haired freaks and anti white queer advocates.
Its been interesting to watch all this happen parallel to the election season.
This really is a culture wide realignment. I never thought I’d see so many people defending whitey in my lifetime. Its a balm to a cynical soul that took too many red pills.
Its worth discussion. Our enemies and adversaries are litterally self immolating. Jews will never recover from the damage they’ve done to their facade of eternal persecution. And we didn’t have to ally ourselves with the Palestinian animals either.
Excellent point. The self-immolation of various clowns has been one of the more striking features.
Who paid for this decades long op in Moscow? Follow the money. I would bet the trail leads straight to Langley Virginia.
Or I should have said, the money trail originates in Langley. The route is complex, with cut outs and shell companies and complicit banks.
Probably so. It’s kind of like how they created Kwanzaa, a kneegrow holiday unknown in Africa. One that’s more celebrated in Kwanmuriqa gubmint schuls than Xmas (das ist verboten). When your little gang can create money ex nihilo which retards around the world accept as payment, there’s not many things, nor people, that cannot be bought. For those to refuse to sell, there’s always payment in lead. Plata o plomba. What will it be, goy?
Doug Wilson is a joke. I recall an essay at Tribal Theocrat from two years back where they quoted Doug Wilson as saying that he was 2% Jewish ethnically and his wife 11% Jewish, and that it would thus bother him more to see Israel overrun by terrorists than to see Vermont overrun by terrorists. Wow. If one and their wife are majority White and of the Christian faith, and they live in a (nominally) Christian country of White people who speak their language, why would they care about Jews and Israel more than their own/White people? Because Doug Wilson does not like ethnonationalism -except when it is for Jews.
I think 2% Jewish Dougie is more pro-Jew than Hitler (who let mischling 2nd degree/aka those 25% Jew serve in the Wehrmact) was pro-German. Doug Wilson is not a Pentecostal wacko; he knows what he is saying is outside the Reformed tradition. Wilson has been confronted with truth on race and the JQ and rejected it. Why? I will leave that to everyone to ponder.
Thanks for reposting my article Joe. I’m glad you liked it!
It is an excellent article. Glad to have discovered it.
Who created the nations if not the Lord himself? What Wilson and his kind seek to do (though they are largely dishonest about it) is to Kalergi all nations except one out of existence altogether. What God died and left Doug Wilson and his kind in charge? That’s what I would call Satanic, which is hardly surprising from a gang named by Christ himself as the Synagogue of Satan.
Here is a fine quote from Solzhenitsyn, speaking to an assembled group of stupefied Swedes too blind and drunk on their own arrogance to appreciate it. A pearl sadly cast before swine.
“The disappearance of nations would impoverish us no less than if all men became alike with one nature and one face. Nations are the wealth of mankind, its collective personalities; the very least of them wears its own special colors and bears within itself a special facet of God’s design.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
@Exalted Cyclops,
The judas goat Jordan Peterson could be considered Wilson’s kimosabe
Off topic completely. Last year I was stung by a scorpion. My sister has been stung twice and one of my brothers once.
Am I trying to proof that I am tough? No. The scorpion was the tough one. I cried like a baby.
Sorry to hear about you and your brother and sister being stung by scorpions.
Were they hiding in your shoes?
What are the best treatment for scorpion stings?
Reminds HD me again which scorpion has the nastiest sting that you encountered.
A friend of mine was bite by a snake in a Mexican resort when her went to the ice machine. Luckily for him, it wasn’t venomous. Though, he earned the nickname “Snakebite Ray.”
>l have no idea how HD was inserted Ito my reply.
Please ignore it.
In Mexico the smaller brown ones are more dangerous or so I have been told than the large black scorpions. An ice pack was applied but the pain lasted for hours when the ice pack was removed.
If no ice pack available then mud. If no water available to create mud maybe just dirt. At this point I am not sure.
I forgot to mention that at my great-grandfathers house there is a dead preserved black scorpion measuring over 6 inches. The first thing we used to do when going there after the greetings was to go and look at it.
Naturally it was from Durango.
I was stung on my small toe when in the middle of the night I went to the refrigerator. The whole household was awakened by my incident.
@Joe Putnam,
Your judeo-christian ignorance is a sight to see.
Claiming Hitler was not pro-Germanic is perhaps in the top 3 most clueless posts by commenters on OD.
You’ve obviously never read what Rudolf Hess and endless other Germans that knew him best said about Hitler.
It pained me to hear about Church officials creating false documents on a Sacrament. That would have to be sinful. The Church is a human as well as a divine organization. Only in defined dogmas do we claim infallibility.
Abuse of the holy Sacrament of Baptism is appalling.
He didn’t claim Hitler wasn’t pro-German. He claimed that the mischling Doug Wilson (with only 11% Jew ancestry) is more rabidly pro-jew than Hitler’s regime was pro-German since they allowed even quadroon-jews (25%) to serve in the German army (probably a bad idea). It’s a revealing observation about a supposed Christian and his supreme loyalty to the Synagogue of Satan.
Now that we’ve dispelled some of the illusionary debate points (Boomerism, Zionism, Anti-Zionism, etc) raised by Moscow ID and their opponents, exactly what do you have a problem with the Antioch declaration?
@Hunter Wallace,
Also note, that many of the debate points are without merit. For example, no where did Wilson or his guests and children state that husbands voting for Trump or becoming rightwing was just cause for wives to rebel against their husbands. These fallacious talkk points or to me just insidious attempts by Papists to manage the whole movement and especially the Moscow group in particular. Let these folks leave and take no part in the division. Its a set up. You’ll find that most of the people leaving will be Papists attracted to Wilson’s Classical Christian Education (old school Papists have tried to corner that market for generations now since the Mainline Prods dropped their observance of PROTESTANT Classical Christian Education). Don’t join them.
“Our enemies and adversaries are litterally self immolating. ”
I only wish.
So what is Porn?
The Band: Porno for Pyros!
We make great pets!
Seriously win!
Dixie or Merry Old England!
This bone fide Christian cringe is unfortunately not at all boomer-specific. I don’t spend my time shitting on Christians, but when you build a religion on the principles they have (everyone’s welcome, grandstand for the weak/poor etc), you get what you get. Spoiler alert the big fancy cathedrals were not built by christians with horse carts dragging stones on dirt roads. But that’s another story thats outside the scope of the “dissident right”.
We Catholics control porn?!Then all those books that I’ve read that were written by Jews telling me how the Jews created and control the porn industry must be wrong!
@Stephan E Dalton,
Papists also predominant in Publishing. So, yes, they will deliberately try to smother any dissent against them and their Papacy. To refuse to accept Papist involvement even domination in porn, given the length of its historic dominance in all European affairs for centuries, including in crime and pornography, sounds foolish.
AGB, you got us living in your head rent free!
I salute your courage for being on a southern white nationalist website as an Anglo Catholic. Since these are your people your commitment is high. This website has value of course or I would not be here.
There are some very knowledgeable people on here.
The papist TV show Tutti Frutti was the first erotic TV show on German television and acted as a kind of “erotic wall opening”. This papist tv show opened the floodgates for porn on TV.
Jewish porn is also a problem and is better known because the Jews are proud of it whereas the papists are hiding it (until yet another Catholic Church child sex abuse scandal makes the news). That is the reason it is less well known.
Porn and perversion goes back to the earliest time of the Catholic Church, here a description of perverse sculptures, paintings, caricatures and poems in Catholic cathedrals and even Bibles (!):
The number of such erotic “caricatures” in mediaeval
manuscripts that have reached our age is great enough.
Incidentally, Pope Pius II, for one, was the author of
“numerous erotic poems and an extremely obscene
[by current standards – A. F.] comedy titled Chrysis”
([492], Volume 1, page 156).
“Many a time, studying the ancient cathedrals, and
trying to unravel the secret reason for their ribald or-
namentation, all of my own explanation seemed to me
as comments to a book written in a language that is
alien to me… What could one possibly make of the
bizarre sculpture that one sees in the shade of a col-
umn in an underground hall of the mediaeval cathe-
dral in Bourges?” ([1064], quoted in [544], Volume 5,
page 661, see fig. 7.19)
The sculpture in question is an effigy of human
buttocks protruding from the column in a very erotic
manner, done meticulously and with great expres-
sion. How could the monks and the parishioners of
the times before the era when this sculpture became
a tourist attraction from the days of yore, have abided
it in the temple that they attended every day?
Another example is the stone sculpture allegedly
dating from 1100 that is now a showpiece in the mu-
seum of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral in
Spain (see figs 7.24 and 7.25). We see a naked woman
in a very explicit position. The museum plaque tells
us that the sculpture had been kept inside this very
cathedral prior to being made an exhibit.
Attempts to explain away all these mediaeval sculp-
tures and images (of which there are quite a few left)
as “caricatures” of the clergy carved in stone on the
walls of holy temples, very simply don’t hold water.
Champfleury proceeds to cite the most modest ex-
ample, presenting it as a caricature [!], which is a pic-
ture of a supper enjoyed by monks together with “their
ladyloves” from a XIV century Bible (which is a fact we
feel worthy of emphasizing), see fig. 7.19 taken from
[1064], The National Library, Paris, No. 166. But how
could this “caricature,” if this is indeed the case, wind
up in the Bible, a holy book? The miniature depicts a typically Bacchic scenario: a
monk and a nun are entwined in a passionate embrace
in the foreground, and the same actions are performed
by a larger group in the background.
@Tutti Frutti,
Excellent observation. Such things have been remarked upon for some time. There are even many famous illuminated manuscripts in which sometimes a rather pornographic image is intricately incorporated into them. Its thought these were the product of rather mischievous little artists who laboriously copied them into the format. It just goes to prove that Man has always had a fallen nature that sometimes likes to rebel even in Ecclesiastically Christian organizations. The idea that in the past women didn’t have sex, men shat marble, and horses sang in battle is romanticizing the past. As is the idea that only Jews have ever controlled pornography. Thanks Tutti, your name is well remembered.
The jewish troll(s) would have us believe that the pornography and maxist books burned by the Germans in the 1930s was ALL a papist op against the jews.
Since the laity as well as the clergy are the Church then it has always been believed and taught that as long as there is one true Catholic on earth then there is the Church.
We all know what the modern Church authorities are like of course. Back when the Church was the Church:
Ungrateful for favors and forgetful of benefits, the Jews return insult for kindness and impious contempt for goodness. They ought to know the yoke of perpetual enslavement because of their guilt. See to it that the perfidious Jews never in the future grow insolent, but that they always suffer publicly the shame of their sin in servile fear. (Pope Gregory IX) 5
Crucifiers of Christ ought to be held in continual subjection. (Pope Innocent III) 6
It would be licit, according to custom, to hold Jews in perpetual servitude because of their crime. (St. Thomas Aquinas) 7
Let the Gospel be preached to them and, if they remain obstinate, let them be expelled. (Pope Leo VII) 8
The Jews wander over the entire earth, their backs bent over and their eyes cast downward, forever calling to our minds the curse they carry with them. (St. Augustine) 9
As wanderers, they must remain upon the earth until their faces are filled with shame and they seek the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Pope Innocent III) 10
The most holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the Mosaic Law cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. Every one, therefore, who observes circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the Law, the Church declares not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation (Council of Florence) 14
The above declaration of the Council of Florence is the Extraordinary Magisterium and is Defined Dogma based on it’s formula. Any Catholic great or small who goes against it commits sin.
To argue with a Jew and their supporters is like arguing with the Devil himself. Let them rant all they want but they can not change the Truth.
I agree that they are an “accursed race, ” but disagree that they were ever “chosen.” Calling themselves “the Chosen people ” was one of the first psychological operation in recorded history.
“The jewish troll(s) would have us believe that the pornography and maxist books burned by the Germans in the 1930s was ALL a papist op against the jews.”
The whole book burning episode was cover to destroy all evidence of Hitler, some senior levels Nazis, some SA leaders, and various Papist prelates performances in gay porn.
@Christina Romana Alva,
“I salute your courage for being on a southern white nationalist website as an Anglo Catholic.”
Indeed. Anglo-Catholics aren’t Southrons. They are race traitors and fifth columnists. The only acceptable ethnics in the Southron mileu from a Catholic origin, are a sub category of ethnics like French and Spanish speaking colonial settlers. This group has proven its loyalty to their larger community, States, and America. They’ve fought for and as Americans over many generations and many wars and are not only often partially British American themselves, but as a community are almost half Protestant as well.
Although, total descendents of these French and Spanish colonial settlers, which many British American Protestant Southrons are themselves partially descended, are unknown, the numbers of its recognized ethnicity are not. Its not an insubstantial population, but still relatively small percentage of the Southron population, perhaps at around 5,000,000 or about 10% of the original Southron population or about 7.5% of the total White population in the South. Perhaps twice that number in turn are Southrons partially descended from them. But, they have an outsized influence on the Southron culture and notables in its history.
The difference between these French and Spanish colonial settlers and Anglo-Catholics are striking. The former were often recalcritrant Papists from the Huguenot community who out of survival returned to recognizing the Papacy and accepting exile in North America. A few notable Huguenot nobility families were allowed to keep their faith and also settle in North America. The overwhelming majority of French and Spanish settlers were patriotic common Frenchmen and Spaniards who helped tame their colonial areas and rediscovered or re established their old pre-Papist pre-Absolutist liberties. In the South, Americans found this community often held values of liberty of a general Whiteness that they found acceptable. Nonetheless, Americans definitely saw them as different and it took a century of fighting together against Indians, ((Spanish)) and ((Mexicans)), and then Yankees, as well as intermarriage and the conversion of many to the Reformed Faith, for them to be considered Southron.
Anglo-Catholics by contrast are an ideological group, out for blood. They’ve abandoned the true faith of their fathers not just stupidly out of mistaken but sincere beliefs, but also out of a crusading desire to subjugate their own kinsmen to Papal tyranny. Unlike the Catholic Southrons, they eargerly await some foreign authortarian Papist future, where the old Liberties are ignored. They are kind of like Urak Hai of JRR Tolkein, perfected and despoiled creations, made by Sauraman like traitors within our midst. Orcs and Urak Hai from J.R.R. Tolkien were misshapen tortured creations of enslaved freedom loving Elves (Antique and Medievel Christians). Anglo-Catholics thus are not a linguistic group or even a religious group but are an ethnic group of Southrons who abandoned the true faith of their fathers to follow that Whore in Rome. They are are little more than race traitors, less even than n@ggers, they are at the level of Orcs and Urak Hai, beastly untermenschen. They will not succeed in stealing the little people away from us.
Senor Aryan,
I thank you for treating me with respect and for the time you took for that long letter.
As I will not spit upon you neither will I spit upon Stephen Dalton for all Catholics are united spiritually as being part of the Mystical Body of Christ.
His temporal beliefs are his own.
If you are Jewish then naturally I wish for your Baptism.
“The most holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the Mosaic Law cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. Every one, therefore, who observes circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the Law, the Church declares not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation (Council of Florence) 14”
So basically, if someone has been circumscribed they are cannot go to heaven? So, if someone remembers Passover, they are denied salvation? Or, better still, if someone forbids the installation of graven images in a Church, they are damned?
The logic to that is literally the corollary to the false belief that one must obey the Mosaic Law to get to heaven. It misplaces outward observance with internal observance. No circumsion, or circumsion. No different than what Jesus condemned in in the Bible. Its wrong headed beliefs like that Florence statement which justly caused the Great Reformation.
Indeed, the Council of Florence originally convoked as the Council of Basel, was the final step in final perdition of the Roman Church before the Great Whore’s ascent to so called St. Peters throne. The road to perdition begun by the Papacy began many centuries earlier but nonetheless had seen attempts to renavigate it to its original purity. But, the so called Papal Babylonian Captivity, when the monarchies, Bishops, Priests, Europe and the Popes fought for control of the Papacy marked its firm direction towards its perditious end.
You Palists must understand one thing: The Papacy never originally had the powers that it now holds. First, it was considered just one of the four great patriarchs. Indeed, there were other Patriarchal claims, including one in Iran, and two more in Western Europe amongst the Germans and Celts. The Romans refused to recognize these others cuz of Roman imperial supremacy and expelled them. Then the Emperors demanded a new one be established in Constantinople that the Emporer could more closely monitor.
The Imperial Roman Church eventually settled on five Patriarchs became recognized by the great early Church councils, Rome, Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Constantinople. Rome itself remained occupied by the Emporers in Constantinople. But, eventually, the Pope’s gained control of much of the civil imperial and local government. Finally, the Popes excommunicated all the others in the 11th century. Even then, its powers were circumscribed by the Lateran Council.
Without any imperial oversight and any Patriarchal competition in Western Imperial jurisdicrion, the Pope’s powers increased. The Lateran Council withered under Papal oppression, eventually leading to refusals by the Western European Christian Catholic monarchs to accept the Popes further encroachments. This led to many controversies which led to the German Holy Roman Emperors forced to recognize Papal supremacy in Church affairs.
Papal Supremacy wasn’t recognized in other monarchies or many Episcopacies. They and most other Church proctors, explained that the priests and the church itself are the sources of the papal power and, thus, the church should be able to correct, punish, and, if necessary, depose a pope. Furthermore, that while the Pope could appoint Bishops, he had to obtain approval from the Lateran Council and the monarchy of the jurisdiction.
When the Pope Boniface VIII refused to accept this and attempted to claim this supremacy in France, King Phillip IV, was equally determined to ensure his supremacy. Eventually, Phillip IV attacked Rome and captured Pope Boniface. Eventually, the Pope and Papacy was removed it to Avignon, France during Boniface’ successor, Pope Clement V. Most will recognize that both these two individuals were the ones who conspired to take out the Knights Templars, who was viewed as an impediment to central consolidating power of both the Papacy and Monarchy. Now that they had much of the loot, they began fighting between themselves.
For the next century, the old Medeivel order collapsed with the Crusader states irrevocably lost, Islamic resurgence, the Hundred Years War devestated France, Germany split apart, Northern England was devestated by the Wars with Scotland, Scotland was devestated by its War of Independence from England, Ireland was devestated by a war with Scotland, Spain fell into bickering and faced new Jihads, and the Plague nearly destroyed Europe itself. The 14th century arguably destroyed the original Medeivel world in which a careful balance of feudal knights, lords, Kings, Emporers, Bishops, Archbishops, Pope, and Guilds, Freeman, communs, nations, and religious and military orders existed with certain rights and privileges in a confederated whole.
Faced with a crisis of legitimacy, the Roman Catholic Church attempted to reform itself, specifically with the Councilar Movement to reduce Papal power, restore Ecclesiastical independence from France and the discipline of the clergy. Ultimately, this schism inspired the summoning of the Council of Pisa (1409), which failed to end the schism, and the Council of Constance (1414–1418), which succeeded and proclaimed its own superiority over the Pope. Conciliarism reached its apex with the Council of Basel aka Florence (1431–1449), which ultimately fell apart. The eventual victor in the conflict was the institution of the Papacy, confirmed by the condemnation of conciliarism at the Fifth Lateran Council, 1512–1517. This in turn put fuel to the fire of reformation and the refusal of the Papacy to recognize Councilarism and the reforms codified by Luther and later Calvin resulted in the separation of Reforming Catholics into the Protestant faith. The final gesture, the doctrine of papal infallibility, was not promulgated until the First Vatican Council of 1870. This is why all remaining low information, often low IQ, tyranny supporting Catholics are called Papists. Some of the so called “Council of Florence” which actually comes from the Council of Basel, re-establishing centralized Papalism, is an example of their enstupidation. As is the idea that someone can’t go to heaven because they got circumscribed or ate Passover bread.
It is understood that repentance and/or Baptism can save someone. But all Jews are damned who stay Jewish. It is also understood that the New Law has taken place of the old Law. And that someone has to reach the age of reason to be responsible.
No wonder wise people ignore you.
Quit acting like a 3 year old or a Jew. Figure this out yourself.
“Jews are damned who stay Jewish.”
Do leopards change their spots ?
@Christina Romano Alva,
“But all Jews are damned who stay Jewish. It is also understood that the New Law has taken place of the old Law. And that someone has to reach the age of reason to be responsible.”
This is mostly true. But, we are commanded to spread the Gospel to them as well as equally convicted Papists. The New Law, has superceded and fulfilled the Old Law. The New Law is Christ, whose actions were the fulfillment of the Old Laws prophesies and obligations. By His sacrifice by the Jews (Religious Authority) under Pontius Pilot (Civil Authority), the Old Testament was transformed into the New Testament. Followers of the Old Law, Jews, and ((Judaized Christians)) aka Papists, remain convicted by the old Law and/or the Noahite laws until they are saved by Christ.
As such the Law which convicted us of sin, was through Christ’s sacrifice, justified of us of sin. Eating or not eating Passover, being circumscribed or not circumscribed, has no role in our salvation or damnation, any more than celebrating King Alfred’s redemption of England from heathens, or eating eggs on Easter, or following the old Anglo-Saxon way, would bring us WASPs salvation. Neither would following the old Roman Way (Mass, Romanness, etc) do for Papists. Those are things of this temporal earthly world, not of Christ’s eternal Kingdom.
“It is understood that repentance and/or Baptism can save someone.”
This is an error rooted in Popery. Baptism doesn’t save someone as that is an outward act of human will. All humans are in sin and therefore can do nothing of human act to save themselves. Otherwise, Christ wouldn’t have needed to die for our sins as an eternal and final act of sacrifice.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life,” (John 3:16, NKJV).”
But, by his sacrifice by the Jews under the order of Pontius Pilot, all men are already justified before God, by Christ’s redeeming act. We are granted this grace by Faith in Christ alone.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast,” (Ephesians 2:8-9, NKJV)”
Thus, “by faith in Christ, you are justified by grace” means that a person is considered righteous before God (justified) solely through their faith in Jesus Christ, and this righteousness is a gift from God called grace, not something earned by personal merit or good works.
We are justified by grace alone through faith alone, in CHRIST ALONE.
So, salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not by Repentence and/or Baptism. Nonetheless, repentance is considered a necessary component of that faith, meaning one must have guilt and acknowledge their sins and turn away from them to be saved to receive Christ’s grace. Ultimately, repentance and or Baptism are not sufficient for salvation. Christ is the only sufficiency necessary and by grace it is given to us by our faith.
“No wonder wise people ignore you.”
Papists are not wise despite their thoughts to the contrary, and have been ignoring salvation and enlightenment for centuries. Its not different here. But still, we are commanded to work for the Christ in saving the Papists.
“Quit acting like a 3 year old or a Jew. Figure this out yourself.”
Equitation of a Jew to a 3 year old as a refutation to exposure of your error is typical Popery. As Protestants, we are commanded to spread the Gospel to our Catholic brothers and sisters, who regardless of how beautiful they maybe, are still as children in their faith. Best wishes CRA.