This is hilarious.
The “journalist” even lists his Bluesky account in the video.
Here are few reasons why I am whitepilled:
- Unlike in the 20th century, it doesn’t matter anymore who controls the “mass media.” The vast majority of people on the Right do not trust the mainstream media
- The “mass media” doesn’t reach huge swathes of the population. It doesn’t shape the masses like it used to a few decades ago. It has been shrinking. Media is balkanizing.
- “Journalists” are now widely perceived as activists and as the enemy of the people
- Most young people get their news from social media, not from watching television
- Antifa are perceived as the enemy by the entire Right now
- Sputtering about “racism” and “white supremacy” and the KKK doesn’t work anymore
The world has changed since 2017.
At the time of Charlottesville, no one really knew who Antifa were and Republican senators could get away with comparing them to the American soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the Nazis. Three years ago, Twitter was still a heavily censored libtard echo chamber. Today, there was nothing said at the Amren conference which isn’t said every day and amplified on X.
Crying on local television or Bluesky or holding a small token Antifa protest isn’t going to move the needle. We are never going back to the way things used to be.
And I’m sure Jared Taylor would love to just tell them what he tells his audiences. He has nothing to hide, and wants his message in the public domain.
Whenever you’re “confronted” by the media, just tell them what you say and think everyday.
Allow for the fact you could be edited to suit their context and agendas so keep the message consistent.
I recommend never doing an edited TV interview
Do what David Duke has always done so well
Only go on live .
In an edited TV interview they just choose what they want then include photos and videos of starving J concentration camp survivors , Civil Rights protesters getting neared , sprayed with high pressure water hoses , Rodney King getting beat .
Well said.
May I play an upbeat song that I personally played for you before? This is for the whole website.
It is not the Mexican mentality to be always gloomy. Life is made for living and enjoying. The comments on here are grim including my own. So:
As always
Thank you so much Miss Christina . This was a great song . I love everything about thus song , the story and the back up (Ha Wite) female singers . He’s Black gospel rock and roll back up singers were often very good ( did anybody see the documentary 39 feet from stardom? ) but , our talented Ha Wite gals can also sound great
People have understood the danger of the left in general: from the woke elites to their street warriors (antifa).
This is calm before the storm. They don’t go quietly into the night.
They make last desperate attempt to grab back control. And then comes Q.
It is important to understand why Antifa is now so weak, because we want to keep it that way.
By 2020 the entire right understood and hated Antifa, yet Antifa was still strong because the left was united in support of Antifa.
Now, however, the left is bitterly divided over Gaza.
The establishment Democrats, the ADL and the SPLC support Israel, because the donors support Israel. Most Jews, most AWFLs (affluent White female liberals) and the Never Trump Neocons are still “resistance liberals” and continue to support the institutional left. Antifa is, and always has been, the street soldiers of the institutional left, and they can still count on Jewish and AWFL support.
On the other hand, Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, most young adults and many Blacks are bitterly disillusioned with the establishment Democrats, because the establishment Democrats perpetrated the genocide in Gaza. The pro-Palestinian coalition has been peacefully protesting against the Gaza genocide, despite persecution at the hands of establishment Democrats and the ADL. They are not interested in rioting at the command of resistance liberals for silly “Woke” issues.
As nationalist populist reactionaries, we have long been in favor of a non-interventionist foreign policy. The biggest obstacle to a non-interventionist foreign policy is the Israel Lobby. All of the wars, foreign deployments, economic sanctions and foreign aid of the post-Cold War era have been enacted solely at the behest of the Israel Lobby for the purpose of benefiting Israel. That is why we contemptuously refer to the US government as “ZOG” (Zionist occupied government).
Our longstanding desire for a non-interventionist foreign policy entirely coincides with the pro-Palestinian demand to end all US aid to Israel. From a foreign policy perspective, the anti-genocide demonstrations are America First.
That is why it is so important to stand firm on the America First foreign policy:
1. We suddenly have new allies who can help finally achieve meaningful foreign policy change.
2. This is a wedge issue which could help us permanently break the power of Jewish Antifa.
In Germany, Antifa carries Israeli flags and attacks pro-Palestinian protesters. Syrian Kurdistan is Israel’s closest ally, and Antifa is their official ideology – Seattle and Portland Antifa trained in Kurdistan before seizing control of “liberated zones” in those cities in 2020.
Unfortunately, Trump is poised to implement the worst possible foreign policy – Lindsey Graham substance with Donald Trump style. Bloodthirsty Jews like Jared Kushner and Howard Lutnick are appointing screechy AWFLs like Elise Stefanik, Pam Bondi and Suzy Wiles. They plan to persecute peaceful anti-genocide protesters. Trump is threatening massive ruin and destruction in the Middle East unless the Axis of Resistance unconditionally surrenders to Netanyahu.
If Trump actually implements this insane ultra-Zionist agenda, Antifa will come roaring back to life stronger than ever. Establishment Democrats, the ADL and the SPLC will be able to pose as “moderate Zionists” compared to Trump, and they will re-integrate pro-Palestinian left. They will claim that Christian Zionists are the real extremists, but Jewish Zionists are reasonable and moderate.
We urgently need to do one of two things – either pressure Trump to radically change direction on foreign policy and the First Amendment, or we need to clearly and decisively dissociate ourselves from him.
Very good points. It will be interesting to see how long it takes Two-Tier Kier in the totalitarian open-air gulag for YT known as Cuck Island to arrest this woman for telling the truth.
The Right is divided over Gaza as well. The moderate Right supports Israel, the hard Right doesn’t.
There is nothing “moderate” about the Neocons who support Israel. They are radical leftist on all the domestic cultural issues, and their foreign policy is radical Zionist. It is wrong to even consider them part of the right at all.
The Buchanan brigades, on the other hand, are common sense American nationalists and Christian conservatives. Unlike the Israel-First Neocons, they don’t support Al-Qaeda affiliates such as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.
We become stronger when we drive the Neocons out of our midst back into the Democratic Party where they belong. Just look at how much better the Republicans did in 2024 compared to 2008 – that is the benefit they gained by giving the nationalists a seat at the table while driving out Neocon warmongers such as Max Boot, David Frum and William Kristol.
We will gain even more ground if we can successfully drive Bill Ackman and Paul Singer back into the Democrats where they belong. Their money does little good, but their evil ideas do much harm.
Jewish Antifa is currently weak because the left is divided over the Gaza genocide.
If we help the Palestinians break their chains, we will also break our own.
If we help the Jews rivet stronger chains on the Palestinians, we will also be riveting stronger chains on ourselves.
In Germany, Antifa carries Israeli flags:
In Germany, Antifa attacks pro-Palestinian protesters:
Antifa is not currently rampaging much because they have no budget. The billionaire Jews and FBI have put them on a leash during the entire four years of the current administration.
The Antifa army is a contract army. They literally sign detailed contracts with the Jewish Usurers specifying pay and all their obligations.
If Trump will disobey orders in the slightest, the Jews will bring out the contracts and muster their Army. Antifa will be back in action.
If that smarmy looking Hindu should become FBI director, the federal agency in charge will change, or they will organize a group of former FBI to be the controllers.
A lot is going on. The Palestinians have been abandoned by everyone, so the next year probably centers around killing them all if they won’t move out. There are valuable hydrocarbons offshore there, and miles and miles of prime waterfront land.
Jared Taylor, lol. What a loljak. Never could summon the moral courage to face our problem honestly. Too weak to even name the enemy. By doing so, he became the enemy. Ultimate Boomer Cringe.
> A lot is going on. The Palestinians have been abandoned by everyone, so the next year probably centers around killing them all if they won’t move out. There are valuable hydrocarbons offshore there, and miles and miles of prime waterfront land.
That’s true and the ones primarily responsible for helping them (Arab Sunni Muslims and Sunni Muslims in general) have been busy taking bribes from ZOG and organizing terrorist groups like ISIS who only ever attack Muslims and Christians (carefully avoiding jews). As I’ve noted before, Egypt and Jordan are right there next door to all the slaughter – doing nothing. Erdogan, self-appointed “Caliph” to the Ummah – with the largest army in NATO – talks tough now and again but still sells Satanyahoo the oil stolen by the Murikan military in Syria (still there despite Trump’s direct order to leave in his first term) and doesn’t even force humanitarian aid. The Saudis, Gulf States, Pakistan, etc. – all in the neighborhood sitting on their collective arses. The white man is too chained up to pick up that old White Man’s Burden (which was a load of crap to begin with). YT isn’t the only one whose elites are wholly owned by the usual suspects….
The only ones resisting are the Houthis – who aren’t even Sunnis, but Shiites. They even wiped out a column of about 70 of Satanyahoo and hapless Murikan clown special ops last fall – who bravely earned their Darwin Awards with Kosher-klusters. Satanyahoo thanks their families for their servitude (until he strips them of their assets too). You just can’t fix terminal stupidity.
Please do the basic day in day out things we need to do for Civilization. Stuff like taking out the trash. Cleaning the family bathrooms, getting good sleep and exercise .
In this case… please contact this Nashville Station to politely complain about this typical, biased, SPLC, ADL scripted hatchet job.
I did using * 67 to hide my phone number. The person at the news desk was polite.
Here’s the contact info:
ontact Newschannel 5 by mail
NewsChannel 5
474 James Robertson Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37219
Contact by phone
Main line: 615-244-5000
Contact the newsroom by email:
The biggest names in hate, do not hate the innocent like the Christ killers do. And that is a fact Jack.
I see Tim Walz is now works at Channel 5, Nashville. He spent more time interviewing antifa than Jared Taylor, & not one attendee at the conference. (Channel 5 will say that’s bc of Jared’s requirement not to photograph an attendee’s face, but I’m sure many attendees would have been happy to appear on camera.)
I attended the AmRen conference every year from 2012-2016, then 2018 & 19. In all that time I saw one “fair & balanced” media report about it, a written news article by a libertarian reporter from North Carolina.
Hunter’s comments below the Channel 5 report are right-on.
Republicans will turn around and acclaim Antifa for a mass church-burning campaign if the Jews tell them to. The same way we have these people endorsing the Vax and Trump’s Jew agenda.
Anti-whites insist that whites (and only whites) can never advocate for themselves as a group.
Yes that is true. So why do so many whites accept this and go along with it?
It really does go back to the “Voltaire” quote from Strom:
If you want to know who rules over your, find out who you may not criticize. Notice anyone here who always is busy deflecting criticism from a certain group? Yes, it’s true there is a Lavender mafia in charge of the Catholic Church – it’s been running things (into the ground) since at least 1965. And they do work very much hand-in-glove with those who cannot be named. Pretending to be a Protestant of some kind, our resident hasbara troll neglects to mention the massive infiltration and subversion of Protestantism, which is also in very serious trouble. Not quite as bad off as the Catholics, partly thanks to the somewhat de-centralized nature of Protestantism. The bottom line is that all western societies are post-Christian. Protestants would do well to start burning Cyrus Scofield’s heretical bibles, a they’ve already been defiled by Scofield’s lying commentaries.
I believe the Church starting liberalizing in the 19th century picking up speed after WW2. From 1593-1946 the purity of blood laws prohibited the Jesuits from having any member with just one drop of Jewish or Moorish blood.
The lifting of the law in 1946 clearly shows the importance of losing a war. Jewish subversion used to be clever but not so much anymore.
All this is well and good and certainly raises the spirit! But at best it gives us breathing space. I am convinced the only rational solution is red state secession which includes red congressional districts and red counties contained within liberal blue state America. Let blue states and red states peacefully separate. A red state nation would be bigger than the confederacy and bigger than most European nations. Then the Greater White Heartland of America could adopt a “Whites Only” immigration policy along with armed neutrality. It would be like the fusion of Orania and Switzerland.
““Journalist” stalked the 2024 American Renaissance conference”
You mean a “Jewnalist” stalked the 2024 American Renaissance conference