I’m pleased.
I know the “nationalist” position in some parts of the “movement” is that we are not supposed to like or identify with ordinary Americans or care about anything else except Israel and “Zionism,” but having Peter Navarro in charge of trade policy and Stephen Miller in charge of immigration policy is a lot better than the alternative. As was the case in Trump’s first term, I have no doubt that the real obstacle to meaningful change in both of these areas and on foreign policy will be the Republican Senate.

Hogshytte is doomed at DOD. The tattoo of the Jerusalem Cross did him in. The Yids are enraged by it. They have axed Hogsytte for sure.
Miller will not be “in charge” of immigration policy. He will have no actual position, no budget, and no boots on the ground. The one thing he might or might not have is the President’s ear. But probably not. Kushner will have that, and open borders Kristi at DHS, that fag at Treasury, open borders Marrano Rubio at State, and that libtard Bondi at Justice. But Miller? Doubtful. He can go on the Boomer Box and deceive the Zombies, and that is probably all that Trump wants him to do.
Don’t get me wrong. Miller is pretty sound on immigration, but he will just be a voice in the wilderness, howling at the moon, no one in the Mulatto House paying him any mind.
Same with Navarro. No real position for him. Getting named some kind of advisor is cool, and will get him on the Boomer Box, where he will say good things. But the Big Jews will come and tell Trump what to do, and he will do it.
Try to remember, as Trump bends America over and sodomizes the nation on behalf of the Synagogue, do remember, you knew he was a snake, he even told you flat out literally he is a snake, but you supported him anyway.
“Hogshytte is doomed at DOD. The tattoo of the Jerusalem Cross did him in. The Yids are enraged by it. They have axed Hogsytte for sure.”
Utter ridiculous hyperbole. First, a significant part of Israelis like and respect those who bare the Jerusalem cross. Second, the real opposition is coming from an intersection of Papists, who were keen to cement their dominance of the DoD, and Leftists who are fearful he will reset all of their credit woke agenda b.s. going back to the Clinton years. It means putting warfighting back at the center of what the US Armed Forces do. It means no more Wokism, social justice, politically correct measurements of how we conduct wars. It means restoring, lethality, meritocracy, readiness, Americanism, accountability, and war winning at the center piece of what the DoD does.
If Hegseth is successful, large numbers of ghe what remains if military capable men will begin volunteering and the veteran community will likewise, thereby rebuilding our manpower. Hegseth is the main line of attack now and all efforts of the ruling establishment and their globalist masters are at work to undo him. We are outnumbered. But its onky like 3 to 1. The old code requires us to stand our ground in the name of Christ, and by his grace we will be victorious in the confirmation, rebuilding the US Armed Forces, and winning the next wars.
“First, a significant part of Israelis like and respect those who bare the Jerusalem cross.”
Are those the israelis who won’t use a standard plus sign because it looks too much like a cross, or the israelis who will spit on anyone wearing a cross?
You. are. daft.
If you really cared about American workers, you would oppose the Israel Lobby’s economic sanctions.
The best way to increase net exports and stimulate manufacturing would be to end the sanctions which are keeping American products out of potentially lucrative markets such as Russia, Iran and Syria.
“The best way to increase net exports and stimulate manufacturing would be to end the sanctions which are keeping American products out of potentially lucrative markets such as Russia, Iran and Syria.”
There were large trade barriers against American products in those countries. Russia had the smallest as I recall though. At this point, we need a full scale government intervention in trade organized to redevelop American industry. We are almost starting from scratch. Even with returning to normal trade relations with those counties, such trade wouldn’t be enough to reignite American industry. On the other hand, it would be a start. Good point to consider.
Gubbermint policy in recent years throughout the West; deport the manufacturing, import the hordes.
The reverse of this should occur.
“Gubbermint policy in recent years throughout the West; deport the manufacturing, import the hordes. The reverse of this should occur.”
This appears to the be corollary of invade the world, invite the world: Export our industry, import the goods. We need to put a stake thru the heart of that policy.
Do you agree with Matt Parrott??
“Do you agree with Matt Parrott??
That was an interesting article and more thoughtful than the usual White identity political statements usually seen around here or at AmRen. It would be better than what we have now as government domestic policy.
However, I don’t see why we can’t go back to the Americanism educational approach we had between 1890-1960, especially what was promoted between 1920-1940, when it was almost a WASP identity. At this point, most White ethnics are pretty rooted enough in America that we could push an overtly British American Protestant identity that is the core of America.
For example, 25% of Italians have intermarried with other ethnic Whites, with nearly, 35% of that intermarriage with German or British American Protestants. Irish Catholics are at 25% intermarriage with British American Protestants. Sadly, modern education in the North, especially in the North East has practically erased the historic ethnic Yankee core from memory. That should change.
Overall, the program discussed, would be an atavastic regression. Strengthening ethno-sectarian identity within hyphenated Americanism seems problematic. I think it would just further balkanize America. On the other hand it is better than the bland Americanism that is taught today. Most of what we get to identify as Americanism comes from commercialism. That sadly is actually overtly anti-Americanism. We have a huge task to reform, so ideas such as this article you mentioned shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand.
I have to ask, as you seem aware that the powers that be will not allow any profound change and do everything they can to prevent these guys ever making any decisions, what is even the point of getting excited about these picks, or Trump in general? The same thing happened first time around, and the system is well designed to prevent the peasants revolting. I don’t see how anyone can manage to be so invested in this outside of sheer delusion or being paid to care.
@Hunter Wallace,
I agree this is a good choice. Peter developed an excellent trade policy and had it not been partially thwarted the first term, we would’ve really stuck it to the foreign enemies and globalists. As it was, even the partial success forced them to deliver Russiagate, Spygate, COVID, etc. All of these things revealed the extent of evil inside our country. Thats a first step. Now comes the rapid punching. We need to celebrate our wins in light of the fortified occupation we are facing. We’ve stormed a wooden keep, and the Dissident Dissenters are unhappy cuz…well, what needs said more.
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield says it won’t cover anesthesia after certain time limits in 2 states
“Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield says it won’t cover anesthesia after certain time limits in 2 states.”
Literally, a problem enunciated by Leftists as justifying assassination of Brian Thompson. Was the assassination carried out by a Jew? Nope, it was by a Papist, specifically a Guido, named Luigi Mangione.
Its been awhile since the old Guido’s has been involved in street work sufficient to make the news. His methods while not rudimentary in execution, where nonetheless not professional. They should’ve hired an Irishman, at least.