BREAKING NEWS: The manslaughter charge against Daniel Penny has been dismissed!
— William Wolfe ?? (@William_E_Wolfe) December 6, 2024
Manslaughter charge dismissed! It’s not over yet though.
BREAKING: Jurors in the Daniel Penny case say they are deadlocked on the second-degree manslaughter charge after three days of deliberations.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 6, 2024
Daniel Penny’s prosecutor is fueled by a
— Mel (@Villgecrazylady) December 4, 2024
“sense of responsibility as the daughter of a Holocaust survivor with grandparents murdered by Nazis…”
She is apparently obsessed with “white supremacy” and “NeoNazis.”
You just know she was licking her chops the second she saw Daniel. pic.twitter.com/4pVf8nOPdZ
You could either live in a world with Daniel Pennys or a world with this: pic.twitter.com/JUx0LNr8rQ
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 6, 2024
NYC IS A TOTAL SHI*HOLE: A mentally disturbed person is publicly urinating in the subway, pissing on a public transit system that pisses away $700 million a year in fare evasion.@RitchieTorres pic.twitter.com/cPVP8ujbd0
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 6, 2024
“A jury of your peers” in a multi-ethnic multi-cultural hellhole like New York City is laughable, especially if you’re a White man.
— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) December 6, 2024
I didn’t write anything yesterday because I was expecting a verdict in the Daniel Penny case which never came. The jury is currently deadlocked on the manslaughter charge.
Note: Galaxy brain activists insist there is “no difference” between facing “a jury of your peers” in a New York City courtroom or going in front of one in Cullman County, AL. We should have learned that lesson after the debacle in Charlottesville vs. the Amren conference in Dickson, TN. The cultural and political climate of these cities and who wields state and local power is extremely important.
It looks like the United States wants to be like Great Britain. I do not even understand you people anymore. Is this regional insanity or is it national?
If it was up to me I would consider him a hero.
“If it was up to me I would consider him a hero.”
He is a hero and should be rewarded, not punished.
The jewfiend is using lawfare to punish him.
Jewz always use their position of power to promote their agenda.
There is no sense of justice among jewz.
Nice to hear from you as always.
Absolutely. It’s corrupt and insane that charges were even brought. There are still some places in this country where they would not have been.
I thought and hoped that was true. Yet the powers that be consider people to be animals where only their masters (the police) can defend humans. Even a slave has the moral right to self-defense.
I’ve always thought that there should be rewards for citizens who do the cops job, plus all the money they save the public. Like 50,000$ for stopping a murder, or more.
Anyone remember Todd Broom, shot and killed a murderer in a Dallas mall parking lot. He saved taxpayers a bundle and maybe saved other lives.
“Mar 28, 1990DALLAS — A grand jury Wednesday declined to indict Todd Alan Broom, 25, who pulled out a .44 Magnum pistol and killed a gunman after seeing the man fatally shoot a woman in the parking lot”
(Black who killed his black g/f)
“Jul 1, 2008HOUSTON ? A grand jury on Monday refused to indict a 62-year-old man who fatally shot two burglars last November as they fled his neighbor’s house. ” (Joe horn)
Moral, if you’re going to shoot a criminal, do it in Texas.
Texas and New York appear to be from a different world. Other rights are not worth much without the right to self defense.
Even the most cucked out patriotard cannot genuinely believe there is a ‘rule of law’ in America.
You give the general publis too much credit, they have very little sense.
> Galaxy brain activists insist there is “no difference” between facing “a jury of your peers” in a New York City courtroom or going in front of one in Cullman County, AL.
I’m curious who these “Galaxy Brains” might be? Is this a new term for what was once called a ‘Metropolitan-Opera Tenor-Brain’ (one that’s the most expensive because it’s never been used) in some circles? Or, perhaps those who are merely unencumbered by the thought process?? For some reason I can readily imagine Richard Spencer making a statement like the one above.
Daniel Penny’s mistake was in not getting the eff out of there the second he could. On the other hand, its possible the entire NYC N@gger controlled Gustapo (NYPD) would’ve mounted a huge effort to track him down and perhaps enlisted the Bureau, and together with the media launched an AI, Facial recognition dragnet over the whole world to identify, find, and fix him.
Its even possible that if Danny fled to a non extraditable country or say Russia or China, Biden would’ve launched World War Anti-Racism and threatened launching nukes to obliterate the whole world. Demoncrats like Biden would never miss an opportunity to launch some pogram and war, rather then let one White guy get away with killing a non-White criminal who was about to murder innocent people.
This is why when White people go to these shithole cities, you need to mask up, dress down, and blend in with the other rif raf. Had Danny worn an anti-Covid mask and it remained on, and then ran out of there the second he could, the surveillance state would have had a hard time tracking him down.
Lesson learned: When going to places like New York City, then Gear up. Wear level 2 or even 3 disguises going from location to location. Or if you can afford it, limit public locations and use private transit to locations, but again, preferably on some sort of disguise, at least with a face mask. Things won’t change until we’ve burned the entire Anti-White edifice to the ground.
Jewish Globalist troll,
I noticed that you made no mention that Penny’s prosecutor is a lesbian anti-white Gentile hating dysgenic jewess. Not a “papist, ” but a living embodiment of what I and others understand are the enemies of mankind.
I never heard of the term papist in Mexico, California, or even Texas. At least not openly. I have learned new words on this website. Interesting.
It’s a British slur for a Catholic, but OD’s jewish occupying hasbara troll uses it to delect from his tribe’s malevolence, subterfuge, malfeasance, er al of jewish plague which is our misfortune.
Yes. I could tell it is insulting. So should I start calling the Anglo–Gringo?
That is also a slur. As you might have imagined I am controlled and not allowed to retaliate. So I have to pretend. Many commentators on here use the word “papist”.
Any idea why they hate someone like me?
That insane minister last year wrote about how the only reason Jaye Ryan and Brad liked me was that they were fuckin_ my teenage Mexican puss_.
It is very difficult for me to support your people.
Thank you for the information. It temporarily hit me hard. Men are made for the roughness of strife. I am not.
Still if I am part of the comments section I will just roll with it. Girls/women can be witchy–way worse than most of the males on here and we all deal with that.
I am over it. It is amazing to me that there are women on here. They must be hard and flexible to survive.
Christina, I myself get involved in these Protestant vs Catholic debates as a Protestant, but have personally never used the word Papist. I see others use it . I honestly didn’t even know it was a slur really. I try to refrain from slurs.
I personally wouldn’t even be involved in these debates as a Protestant, if I didn’t see Protestants getting attacked so much, not just on here but in our circles in general. I show up at a lot of events and see people in our circles in person and in those settings people are very kind and cordial. I have met Brad and Jaye in person and many others like Jared Taylor and James Edwards. I am friends with a lot of them. I treat comment sections as a separate world from reality.
If you were on a Mexican site and you saw a bunch of Americans on there saying “ Papist” then I think you would be fully justified in saying gringo in return. But for better or worse, this is a Southern based site with lots of Protestants on it, so my best advice is to just ignore it, when people say Papist, especially if Brad allows it.
You posted another comment about women being on here, which I agree with. I am not on here all the time. I take long breaks from posting. I will show up and get involved in a few discussions then disappear again. I agree that as women, being as sensitive as we are, it can be draining. I have small children and they take up enough time! 🙂
Since you like posting songs , is The Lilongo big in Mexico?
@November, Courtney from Alabama, and Christian Romano Alva,
“It’s a British slur for a Catholic, but OD’s jewish occupying hasbara troll uses it to delect from his tribe’s malevolence, subterfuge, malfeasance, er al of jewish plague which is our misfortune.”
Typical Lying Popery. Papists love to claim they are being abused while they flail alive Protestants and Orthodox and even Catholics who don’t recognize Papal Supremacism. They are literally worse than Jews and Blacks who they taught how to do this when they loved together in the ghettos of America and the frontlines of Europe’s Religious Civil War.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word Papist was first used in 1528, and was used by those Catholics who supported reformation such as the Lutherans and later the Anglicans and others Catholics including the Councilar movement which wanted to limit the powers of the Papacy and especially the Pope. They referenced the word Papist against those who supported the continuing accumulation of power by the Pope begun in the late middle ages and especially against those who believe the Pope was over and above all other Christian rulers and Patriarchs as the Vicar of Christ on Earth, ergo Papist. Orthodox also use it. But, ironically, all the Russian symping Anti-Americans here, including Papists, don’t realize Putin himself hates the Papists.
“Yes. I could tell it is insulting.”
Typical Papist deceptive victimization. Its like a royalists saying its insulting to be called a royalist.
“So should I start calling the Anglo–Gringo?
That is also a slur. As you might have imagined I am controlled and not allowed to retaliate”.
Oh please with the Holy Martyrdom nonsense. Go ahead and use Gringo. We Anglos take and are proud of the bad words our enemies use against it. We usually appropriate it as a mark of distinction against our soon to be vanquished enemies. Papists though are like “N@ggers” and go to great lengths to suppress any naughty words about them, or like Jews, suppress any discussion of them outside of approved “magisteriums.” Again something the Jews learned from Papists.
“So I have to pretend. Many commentators on here use the word “papist”.
Any idea why they hate someone like me?”
No one hates you CRA. Just most Americans here at OD are American Southrons, and basically are sick and tired of all the Papists, Hispanics, and other foreigners who are occupying this space and turning it into a garbage den of neonazis, fascists, Mexicans, Irish, Yankees, and other assorted rif raf who do nothing but blow up our initiatives and then blame us Protestants for their own subversion.
“That insane minister last year wrote about how the only reason Jaye Ryan and Brad liked me was that they were fuckin_ my teenage Mexican puss_.”
Whoa ah. Now hold on here young lady. I didn’t know you were a teenager! When I asked how old you were the other night you said old enough to know how to do something. Lol Naaah, just kidding.
I personally have no problem with dating Papists, if they are of legal age, and have considered it a missionary duty to convert them as hard as possible. I almost married one. But she refused to convert at the last minute. So, we discussed putting her in placage, something my French ancestors once did. Her father wasn’t happy with that so that was that.
“It is very difficult for me to support your people.”
Well, if you are referencing November’s people, that is correct. November isn’t one of us. He is an Ellis Island Rif Raf Papist immigrant and not a true American like most of us here who descend from Colonial settlers and thus are true Native Americans. They definitely are a pain in the ass, and give us Gringos a bad name when they go overseas. Most incidents of ugly Americans overseas are perpetuated by his Germanophile, Midwest, Midwit type.
“Christina, I myself get involved in these Protestant vs Catholic debates as a Protestant, but have personally never used the word Papist. I see others use it . I honestly didn’t even know it was a slur really. I try to refrain from slurs.”
Its not a slur. It distinguishes those who refuse to accept Papal Supremacism, i.e. Protestants, versus those who do i.e. Papists. I think CRA is some sort of Mexican Catholic. In actuality, most Mexicans are recalcritrant Papists. They are culturally perhaps even religiously Catholic, but they reluctant Papal supremacists if at all. Perhaps CRA is one such Mexican, and under proper tutalage can be brought from darkness to see the light. I’d be more than happy to help.
“I personally wouldn’t even be involved in these debates as a Protestant, if I didn’t see Protestants getting attacked so much, not just on here but in our circles in general.”
Correct. Those attacks are not accidental or even coincidental. They are conspiring to destroy our groups and eject Protestants from leadership.
“I show up at a lot of events and see people in our circles in person and in those settings people are very kind and cordial.”
Most of these Papist and Commie agent provecetuers are too scared to show up at our events. The rest of the time they vex our online groups. The Papists and Commies only send their best in to our in person groups.
Sadly, and paradoxically, they are usually rapidly accepted by the Elders, especially when they are young, good looking, articulate, and Papist. We have an entire team of phuctards who ruined our initiatives and every single one was a good looking educated Papist promoted by the Boomers.
For various reasons, those Boomers have an axe to grind against the Xers who should be the natural new leaders, but instead, the elders keep skipping our generation (which includes Hunter’s). Now they are even looking at the even more retarded Millenials and Zoomers, who don’t even need to be White anymore, such as was done with Nick Fuentes.
“If you were on a Mexican site and you saw a bunch of Americans on there saying “ Papist” then I think you would be fully justified in saying gringo in return. But for better or worse, this is a Southern based site with lots of Protestants on it, so my best advice is to just ignore it, when people say Papist, especially if Brad allows it.”
Ms CRA is a Mexican Papist and November is a Germanophole Papist. Both of their ancestors were likely in league with one another in WWI and WWII. During WWI, they were particularly damaging when German Imperial agents funded and armed both groups into massacring thousands of American Southrons on the border. Now their descendents have the actually cojones to come onto a Southron Dissident site and complain discrimination.
Personally, I don’t know why Brad has allowed the comment site to become filled with such a garbage pile of non-Southron, non-WASP, non-Americans. It really discourages the more enlightened and sophisticated to not waste their time here, leaving only stay behind Gladio types like me to deal with them.
Since you are both posting Latin origin music videos, let me list one here, an old famous Mexican psychedelic song now unironicaly perfected by gringos
I think the word ‘papist’ used to be a slur way back in the days of wars between Catholics and Protestants. The only person who’s regularly used it here unironically is our resident hasbara pretending to be a protestant of some kind. He’s the first poster here to regularly use the word in its 18th century sense. The term was used sometimes here in the US as late as the 19th century when lots of Catholics from Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland and other places migrated here in that century. Not a few migrated to Mexico in the same era, as you probably are aware.
As November mentioned, it’s used to distract from the endless list of crimes, subterfuge, malfeasance and general evil carried out by the Synagogue of Satan (the troll’s employers and likely relatives). Both Catholic and Protestant churches in the west are basically terminal, so there’s also the distraction from the poison which is killing both.
I missed that crackpot Pasteur’s comment towards you. That is way over the limit in ugliness and slander.
If it makes you feel any better, no one here supports him, and if you’ve seen his photo, it correlates with his disgusting comment.
You are correct. It can get “rough” in these discussions. Though, I would add that based on my interactions with Hispanics and blacks irl, this is preschool level rowdiness, sans the sexual comments you’ve received. Those would be par for the course with most male blacks, and a significant chuck Hispanic teenagers and young adults.
You mentioned women’s ability to be witchy and bitchy. In my experience, women speak amongst themselves as bad or worse than men’s”locker room ” banter. I was taken aback when I heard some of the topics and discussions you ladies engage in. Maybe not you personally, but women in general.
Jaye Ryan and I were raised in a PG-Rated society that because PG-13 pretty quick, and moved onto being R-rated, and now it can only be considered X-rated.
If you caught my response to the video you posted with the girls dressing and behaving like girls once did 50 years ago, I provided some context and reasons how much things changed for the worse.
Do a web search on the Hays Code that reeled in jewish crudeness in Hollywood films, until the SCOTUS in 1952 ruled that Hollywood movies and tv shows were protected by the First Amendment. For the record, maybe one Catholic was on the US Supreme Court then. It had at least one jew, and the rest were Protestants. I only point that out, because the Hays Code was made possible by Catholics upset at the tumbling morality being shown in American cinemas.
>became, not because.
“That insane minister last year wrote about how the only reason Jaye Ryan and Brad liked me was that they were fuckin_ my teenage Mexican puss_.”
I forgot to ask who the heck is this minister that said this and in what context. It does sound over the top.
@Exalted Russbot, November, and CRA,
“I think the word ‘papist’ used to be a slur way back in the days of wars between Catholics and Protestants.”
First, the wars by the Papists on Christ’s flock never ended. They are heating up tremendously now that the Jesuits and traditionalists Papists have take control of of the Papacy.
Second, only Papists consider it a slur word, and do so whilst calling Christians the “Protestants.” The fact is, both are useful words which describe two different camps in Christendom, those who continue in the Faith in Christ (Protestants), and those who have returned to the dog’s vomit that is the Faith in the Pope (Papists). Its pretty simple.
“As November mentioned, it’s used to distract from the endless list of crimes, subterfuge, malfeasance and general evil carried out by the Synagogue of Satan (the troll’s employers and likely relatives).”
Actually, we think this whole obsession you Papists promote about Jews, is the true distraction from the vastly larger and more documented crimes of subterfuge, malfeasance and general evil carried out by Papists rather than the so called Jews. As it is the Papacy, is the Whore drunk on the blood of saints which rides the Dragon (earthly powers), and presides over the true Synagogue of Satan, which yourselves vomited from her mouth of lies.
@November Red Guardsman,
“Jewish Globalist troll,
I noticed that you made no mention that Penny’s prosecutor is a lesbian anti-white Gentile hating dysgenic jewess. Not a “papist, ” but a living embodiment of what I and others understand are the enemies of mankind.”
It is true, Dafna Yoram is a Jew. Not surprising in a city where nearly half of all White people are Jews. Dafna isnt just a Jew, but a Red Diaper Jew child of Commie Partisan fighters and Israeli Hagana or Irgun types. Sadly, she has fallen from Judaism and her Israeli patriotism by taking up with a Latino Papist from Peru, Ana De Orbegoso.
Ana introduced Dafna to Lesbianism, Latinoism, Black Live Matterism and Catholicism. Ana supposedly administers the Papist sacraments to Dafna in psuedo-Catholic rites. They celebrated this just recently when the Prince of Whoredom, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka the Bishop of Rome, Francis, celebrated LGBTQ Papist week, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.breitbart.com/faith/2024/12/07/pope-francis-proclaims-special-jubilee-lgbtq-community/amp/, while putting Jesus in a manger with a Kaffiye hhttps://m.jpost.com/christianworld/article-832590.
This all follows that Prince of Whoredom’s creation of a Special “Catholic” Confluence for Sodmites. https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2024/08/03/pope-francis-acknowledges-conference-for-lgbt-catholics/ This all Papist Leftist b.s. and Dafna is their mind control agent. Papal leftism usually follows a period when the Papacy pursues rightwing b.s. What you all miss, is its neither left nor right, but all about Papal Supremacism, the most dangerous movement in America today.
I have to leave for final tests but I give you this song.
Gracias, and good luck on your exams. Though luck will only play a role in multiple choice answers. Haha.
Thank you as always for your comments and support. I am back on track after a honest though emotional comment. If any Mexicans were rude to you then they have my full disgust.
Thank you once again. I could not find that video I posted.
Only God gets to take a life and Daniel Penny ain’t God and neither are the Irish.
You think he killed him intentionally? You’re dumber than most of thought if you do.
You sicken me you disgusting Irish filth, and Mick I will wage dollars for donuts you sicken god too. You are filth, diseased disgust filth. And I will spit it in your ugly fucking face. Do you understand me you fucking Irish retard? Just like us, tell me again you are just like us Christ killer. Tell me retard.
You need mental help, Brownie.
He is a LITERAL bastard. I do mean LITERAL! And he has even confessed it. And this has affected his brain/mind. He really hates everybody. And he knows it.
He’ll bring up God a lot except where God speaks negatively specifically against him. If there was such a thing as “Bastards Anonymous” then he needs to join it.
Deuteronomy 23
1) He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
2) A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
3) An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever…
Great job, Mr. Penny!
He must be doing something right if the bastards hate him…
Man can take life in self-defense, executions, and a lawful war. I do not understand the Irish bit.
We all have a small computer we can car and record ourselves in the moment of life .
If a situation arises that you need to defend yourself, record a video of you justifying your actions and send it to to group text.
State the obvious if it could be used against you with ethnic groups or crazy violent individuals/ groups.
It’s Time to protect and Win!
Stay Safe !
Please do the research and recommend easy to operate , small concealable video cameras . IMO smart phones are too large and the thugs notice them
We want something we can edit sane as ZOH
Chris Cantwell had good coverage of this on his show tonight, if anybody wants a deeper dive.
Goes without saying this Penny goy is being railroaded. Big surprise in the current year.
If there had been a verdict on the manslaughter then the lesser charge could not have been considered. That is why the judge dismissed the manslaughter, hoping to get him on the lesser charge next week.
I have no doubt that cucked white men in Alabama would throw one of our own under the bus just to prove how totally not racist they are.
“I have no doubt that cucked white men in Alabama would throw one of our own under the bus just to prove how totally not racist they are.”
Such a cucked White would inevitably be some White man colonizing from up North, and probably a Papist.
Am Ren did a fantastic topic on this! On an unrelated note, I always though NYC would look good in a mushroom cloud.
“why won’t the people in America use mass transit ?
They just have a love affair with their car.”
Always funny, to hear American and Europeans comment on how clean , safe and efficient asian subways are.
They’re just too stupid to see the obvious patterns.
NYC wipes it’s disgusting butt with the constitution. He’s doing time no matter what. Just ask Chauvin or the McMichaels about political show trials.
Well, he’s not going to be doing time, but he faces a civil suit, and he would probably be well advised to get out of that city for a Whiter area.
Btw, what a strange picture. I, thankfully, have never been embraced by my mother like that as an adult. Weird.
Black Label,
I caught your reply on another popular thread that is fading so I thought I would acknowledge it here. Thank you for sending me that thread on Pope Francis. The modern Church hierarchy continue to amaze me.
Just when I thought how much lower can our Church leaders go they surprise me. Probably matters will get worse before they get better.
Courtney from Alabama,
My original comment came from emotion, my follow up comment came from a clear head.
It is already almost gone from my thoughts. I cannot imagine me using slurs on a regular basis after all.
A very good idea to take breaks.
As for lilongo? My grandmother and mother did not immediately recall the song.
Thank you for your courteous letter.
Courtney from Alabama,
I am quite familiar with Jaye. He is wonderful and in good shape for anyone much less a middle age man. My sister had a crush on him until she went to university and then–well you know how that works.
clarification: No one in my family have personally met Jaye Ryan or Hunter Wallace.
He has just been extremely kind to sis and me in the comment sections etc.
No one in my family has personally met Jaye or Hunter Wallace. He just has been highly supportive in the comment section.
Exalted Cyclops,
Thank you for your kind letter and explanation. I had an emotional moment and now I have recovered. It is true that everyone on here but one has been kind to me. Disagreeing with any of my ideas and/or our crackpot religious leaders is something I understand and agree with.
For what it is worth no cruel comment has made me cry but sweet comments toward me have.
Thank you once again.
Courtney from Alabama,
I think limiting my comments and exposure would be the right move. Every comment carries the risk of a conflict and I am not made for daily warfare on the serious topics discussed here.
Unfortunately, I write like I talk—–a whole lot. No guy would ever be bored taking me out.
He might want to gag me however.
Hey Christina! This is the song. It is from a very old Disney movie about Latin America .
Thank you so much.
The color on that film for such an old movie was impressive. Your second link gave me the full experience of dance and song. Thank you once again.
I forgot to congratulate you on your children. I have younger brothers and sisters and they can be fidgety.
Also because one unusual minister mentioned I was a teenager does not necessarily mean that I am one.
I do not claim or disclaim any particular age.
Christina, glad you liked it. And thank you for the kind words about my children!
Yankee Papist signing in.
My Polish maternal line showed up – with my family’s usual impeccable timing – right after a Polish anarchist assassinated President McKinley. The WASP elite were finally prevailed upon by the WASP working class to put tight controls on immigration especially from Southern and Eastern Europe. My family barely made it in.
My French paternal line showed up right after the Napoleonic Wars and a generation or two after. What brought me to Occidental Dissent was the great historical articles I found here. Another reason was that my great-great grandfather actually ended up fighting on both sides of the WBTS.
He was a yeoman farmer who was drafted into the Union Army near the end of the war. He fought on that side until one decisive battle where there was so much smoke from musket fire that he ended up disoriented and had crossed enemy lines. He initially thought that he had met up with another Union troop, but it was actually a Confederate one.
They were in such dire straits that they were stripping Union dead of their clothes and their ammunition so they could fight on. A small number of them were still in rags. My ancestor became very afraid of becoming a POW, because he rightfully figured out that if the Confederacy couldn’t afford to take care of their fighting forces, very little would be left to their men.
My ancestor passed, because though he could speak English, he stuck to French and the unit he met up with assume he was from Louisiana and welcomed him. He spent some time with them, fighting alongside them until he could get back to the other side. Unfortunately, he was not only close to his original Union comrades but had become very fond of his Confederate comrades. He never quite understood why things had gotten so bad that largely WASP Americans, with so much in common, were killing each other. So, he’s the reason I was curious about the South and I have learned things here at OD that I never learned during my years of schooling up north.
My family couldn’t figure out how he blended in, because we thought that surely, the French Louisianans would have markedly different accents, but we learned later from a French foreign exchange student who had heard the story and traveled to Louisiana to speak with several of the old-timers there that the French there had Northern French accents. My ancestor’s people were from Alsace Lorraine, so that’s how he passed.
In any case, much as the very creative Aryan Globalist Bro’s anti-“papist” posts make for a fun and interesting read, the Catholic schools both sides of my family attended were about getting them fluent in English and educating them and teaching them skills that would make them attractive candidates for employment by the WASP elite.
There was no plot to dispossess WASPS; it was all about assimilation (except or the part about going to Mass on Sundays and holy days) particularly for the Poles who were on America’s shit list for a few decades, i.e. Dump Pollack jokes. Both my French and my Polish side came here, because we admired the WASP system and the opportunities it availed to anyone who was prepared to put in the work. Both sides of my family have men who fought for the country when they were called, so I think that, for all the complaining about them, the WASPS were very inclusive and did not stand in the way of anyone who honestly and honorably were trying to improve their lot in life.
The longer we have been here, the more we have moved away from the ethnic areas we once occupied and there have been family members who married WASPS and joined their churches. I am a disaffected former Roman Catholic myself, so I am still shopping around for a church in which I feel comfortable.
I know a lot of people like to point at Jews as a hostile elite in this country, but I think that the term I heard for the elite during the short time I lived in South Carolina while my father was doing business there sums it up beautifully. They called the elite, “The Old Boys Club.”
The Old Boys Club is not just filled with Jews, but “Papists,” Protestants, Hindus, and Muslims, etc. Like the comedian, George Carlin, once said, it’s a big club and we’re not in it. We are suffering a strong sense of misguided loyalty when we assume that a co-religionist isn’t going to stab you in the back when every family has some member who has engaged in treachery against their own.