Episode 42 – On our podcast, we have all kinds of guests to have all kinds of conversations. So when people say David Duke is an evil person, and has no platform to speak for himself, we want to give him that platform. We go over his true ideals, how his name has been smeared,… pic.twitter.com/889M9xaJfG
— Twins Pod (@TheTwinsPod) December 6, 2024
David Duke Exposes the Sackler Family pic.twitter.com/C4s8aLAvd9
— Twins Pod (@TheTwinsPod) December 6, 2024
David Duke Is A Real One pic.twitter.com/6FjiFBlwmb
— Twins Pod (@TheTwinsPod) December 6, 2024
This clip is funny because they both know exactly who the Sackler family is
— Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) December 7, 2024
Theo Von is pretending to be finding out they are Jewish and Vance is extremely nervous since he works for Israel
The noticing will continue pic.twitter.com/NdMLxms5af
David Duke is teaching a MasterClass here in how to talk about these issues.
When I criticize activists, I am not talking about people like Duke on the Jewish Question or Jared Taylor on race or Peter Brimelow on immigration. I’m talking about people like Fuentes who will make valid points which are obscured by their own personal contrarian, sociopathic nonsense.
Note: The platforming of David Duke is the latest example of how far the Overton Window has shifted. See also Theo Von who drops red pills on his show.
“people like Fuentes who will make valid points which are obscured by their own personal contrarian, sociopathic nonsense”
Because people like Fuentes, as i said in the previous article, take politics as a game and joke. So it doesn’t matter to them the kind of words they use or the behaviour they have……the important is capture the attention like the children when they play a game. This kind of people are moron because politic is a serious thing and not a game for retard people.
If activist = Fuentes
Then activist = kooks
While I haven’t watched the interview, I’m quite familiar with Duke and his work and I know his hobby horse is to blame Jews for supporting Bolshevism. This is not a point of grievance for me and doesn’t turn me against Jews.
Hobby horse?Sounds like you love some Jewish schwanze.
Duke has been a dedicated advocate for WHITES for over 50 years and he has never received adequate support commensurate with his efforts.
Agreed.I’ve admired Dr Duke for many years.The Duke Report is something all dumb shit Americans should have gotten their information from instead of the Jewish media.Americans to a degree deserve their fate.The masses always are too dull or cowardly to make the right choices.To allow ourselves to be ruled be a race of misshapen dwarfs is a badge of dishonor.Great comment.
Here’s an ironic twist: The best thing Donald Trump could do for David Duke (and all the overton-window shift he represents) would be to follow his donors’ orders to arrest him on federal charges of anti-semitism. That would do at least as much as showing the idiocracy the 59 standing ovations from the gathered whores given to Satanyahoo – over and over, like a hell-loop from The Gulag Archipelago.
The truth of “Voltaire’s” axiom might start to penetrate the decades of endless gaslighting. Keven MacDonald is good on the JQ also. Here’s one of his latest exposures of a monster. Just one of many, of course.
Voltaire rocks!
Have to agree here. Hodgetwins were doing pretty routine normiecon stuff in 2020. Having Duke on is a big deal. David Duke really suffered from the media control over information just prior to the Internet age. So he really got stigmatized where many others after never did, even though they were far less careful in their rhetoric than Duke.
We all really owe him a debt of gratitude. He was first over the wall and absorbed some punishing damage while the rest of us were able to get into position.
@Hunter Wallace,
“When I criticize activists, I am not talking about people like Duke on the Jewish Question or Jared Taylor on race or Peter Brimelow on immigration. I’m talking about people like Fuentes who will make valid points which are obscured by their own personal contrarian, sociopathic nonsense.”
Sorry, but saying Jew in the most venomous manner over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again in a single paragraph while haranging over, and over and over, and over, and over again on some issue, is sociopathic. David Duke long went past being a legitimate and effective activist into beclowning himself on behalf of the intelligence community. Its obviously some form of late stage devolution from brainwashing he is evincing.
David Duke didn’t use to be this way, I should know as I listened to him before almost anyone here except Jaye Ryan and perhaps Exalted Rusbot were even alive and even supported him in his quest to be a Congressman before the Cold War ended. David Duke was originally focused on bread and butter White man issues. It was still rather simplistic Paleo-White Nationalist stuff, but, it was loads better than the recent descent into literally thinking a Jew was under very rock and was responsible for lightning striking David’s radio tower.
Rather, this change of format in the David Duke show appears to have begun at some point in the early 21st century when he lived in Ukraine (major red flag) and then also broadcast from Russia (another major red flag). Despite this obvious suspicious foreign activity which would earn both Bureau and Agency interests, he hasn’t suffered anything other than not being welcomed by anyone not wanting to hear the word “Jew” in every vitriolic sentence.
While Nick Fuentes is an obvious fraud, and a Papist, his discussions on Jewry were actually more sophisticated than the stuff David Duke was recently dishing out. It got so bad with David, I actually started sending up the wire, invitations to drinking games to the David Duke show. Whenever he said the word Jew, you had to to take a shot. Very quickly everyone became sickly within a 10 minutes of the show. So we switched to beer. Some people could make it thru the whole show but were definitely drunk at its end.
Eventually, David Duke got word of this and cut back his abusive venomous vitriolic use of the word Jew. Which is good, because David is actually an old gentleman but tough hand at the Movement who has loads of knowledge to share. Listening to this obsession was sad. I havent listened to him since he came to be grifted by invitation from Nick Fuentes, so perhaps he has fallen off the bus.
Regardless, I could care less. Almost all movement leaders appeared to have gone full retard in the last few years. Likewise, when David couldn’t stop himself from arriving at Nick Fuentes most recent grift and scam in Detroit, I gave up any hope for David. There he was interviewed amongst the disintegration of Nick’s newest grift event where he embarrassed himself along with Jared Taylor, Fitzpatrick, etc when they all talked about how edgy Nick Fuentes and the groypers were for being cancelled. The grift was the fact Nick knowingly had the event cancelled, not telling anybody, have them all wasting money on flights and hotels, and then running off with hundreds of thousands of dollars and pictures of these grand old leaders surrounded by chaotic scenes, lights flashing, yelling, and and screaming girly boys all at a cancelled event ending with egg on their face. Poor David, an old hand at the White game, reduced to shilling for Putin and playing a supporting role in Nick Fuentes Great Gay Grift.
Note. Nick Fuentes was recently arrested in Cook ((Crook)) County, IL. But he wasn’t arrested for fraud, he was arrested for spraying mace on an annoying little leftist biatch who came to his doxxed doorway to annoy him. He sprayed her, knocked her around, took her phone, and smashed the phone on the ground before stomping on it acting like a typical girl groyper dude. Instead of arresting him for his fraud and RICO activities, he will attempt to parlay himself as the next Daniel Penny and scam hundreds of thousands of dollars from midwits, chiefly Papists, many of them readers and commentators at OD, who will think poor Nick is being persecuted. This b.s. gets really old.
Once again you prove yourself either a Jew or their b.tch boy.I have followed Dr Duke since the 1970’s and he was talking about Jewish domination of media and their orchestration of the”Civil Right Movement” then.You cant talk about our problems without identifying the cause:the kikes!You represent Jews and everyone here knows it.
I didn’t say he never talked about Jews, he just didn’t say Jew, Jew, Jew, about 10 times in an entire paragraph. Focusing on Jews at that level is beyond even activist brain, its become a psychosis. Not even the stupidest Klan of the 60s focused this much attention on the Jews as the cause of all problems. Your movement and its representatives consist of about a dozen or people, all of whom comment here on their breaks from work at the local fed, police precinct, or Papist school for children.
These guys are kind of clownish, but it’s good that a lot of MAGAtards will probably see this.
David Duke looks about 100 in that image. Gosh he’s aged since his YouTube channel came down. He was always a fitness fanatic.
I haven’t listened to it yet, but just know what he’ll say. If you’ve heard one of his podcasts, you’ve heard them all……Jew, Jew, Jew. It’s great he keeps it in the open, but it’s all he talks about.
I’m a big fan, though.
He has cancer.
That’s why he looks so weak.
That’s terrible. I hope he gets through it!
Sorry to hear that Duke has cancer. I have not always agreed with his political endorsements, but I admire his unflinching activism on behalf of our people and his stalwart addressing of the JQ. I actually reviewed his book *The Secret Behind Communism* with a post at Identity Dixie back in July 2017. Prayers for Dr. Duke.
Dr. Duke received my vote for POTUS on 11/05/24, and I do not regret it one bit.
He’s also what, 73 years old?
I’ll take Dr. Duke at 73 with cancer over Kamala ’round heels’ Harris or Donald Judas Trump. Btw, Trump is years older than Duke, and is several dozens IQ points above both of them on every subject necessary to to be an effective president with a resolve to tell jews and jew adjacent elites to go pound kosher salt.
“If you’ve heard one of his podcasts, you’ve heard them all……Jew, Jew, Jew”
Well, it is the underlying cause of most of our societal problems.
That ratty jew Fauci has caused over 8 million deaths, then the Sacklers have caused uncountable more.
In the face of reality he probably doesn’t talk about them enough.
Fauci is a Catholic. He spent over 20 years in exclusively Jesuit schools, from preschool through high school and college and med school. He is a highly trained Jesuit.
“Fauci is a Catholic. He spent over 20 years in exclusively Jesuit schools, from preschool through high school and college and med school. He is a highly trained Jesuit.”
Exactly. Imagine that. The guy who worked with the Chinese to spread Covid, develop a vaccine that kills, and enriched himself at our expense was a Papist. But, no one here wants to talk about that scheme. Why? Cuz he ain’t a Jew.
So is Collins, who is likewise involved in the racket. The COVID engineered bioweapon was the creation of the US regime. It was deployed against China and against Iran (in the city of Qom, where there are basically zero foreigners). Two bioweapons were deployed against China before COVID was launched. One against their poultry population, the second against their pig population (Chinese love their pork). Unz’s series of articles covered the whole operation in great detail. The wet-market story is pure gaslight media bullshit (quelle surprise!).
Obviously there were corrupt elements in the Chinese regime working with the Clown regime in Sodom-on-Potomac. Xi has been trying to root them out, even executing some. Still has many to catch I expect. There was something like 35-40 years of infiltration before Xi took over.
Right. As soon as anybody throws off on the JQ’s importance I start looking for other clues they’re a shill.
ALL of the sociopolitical curses we’re under are perpetrated and/or driven by the Chosen, including cultural pollution. They freely admit to it in many cases – Barbara Lerner Specter et al.
Year in and year out, it’s the biggest yet most taboo subject in the world.
God bless Dr. Duke.
Wish we had 1000+ of his character and dedication.
The problem with the right that I see is that there is a very small moderate lane on the Jewish question. You either have Donald Trump (extremely pro-Israel) or you have David Duke (over-simplified analysis of Jews that ignores institutionalized antisemitism prior to the Bolshevik revolution).
Such a moderate lane does exist however, but most moderates place themselves on the left instead of the right. I suppose on the right you do have Jared Taylor as a moderate.
Great interview !
It looks like the “ powers that be “ J and Black made the H Twins take down the Duke interviews.
“When I criticize activists, I am not talking about people like Duke on the Jewish Question … I’m talking about people like Fuentes ”
You call Fuentes an activist ???
More like a fringe nutcase.
David Duke has always been a Darwinist, so I have no interest in him or anything he has to say. Darwinism was the biggest Jewish hoax, a thousand times more destructive to our race than the Holohoax. The Rabbis want us to be Darwinist monkeys, but for the Jews, every Jew is taught that the creation is around 5900 years old. And that is exactly right.
Hunter, I had no idea Duke had cancer?
DR DUKE knows how to talk to people and
knows how to make good arguments.
Many stopped listening because of time contraints,
and maybe they know everything, ie (((j…)))
NeoCons, OLigarchs, Ukraine , SYRIA,
destruction of our culture,police state, debanking,
reads the Israeli press for us, etc, where they admit what they are doing and is not printed in ‘West’.
I can guarantee you right now,
DUKE is praying for the Christians in the ME.
Terrorists just took over a state,
the same terrorists USA has been fighting
for decades.
Do you guys have contact with Duke at all? I am curious about the studies regarding gays and serial killers. Would any of you be able to find the reference on that?