BREAKING: The Assad regime has collapsed
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) December 8, 2024
Kurds in the City of Qamishli near the Border with Turkey, topple a Statue of Bassel al-Assad. pic.twitter.com/M9Zl0rKkgV
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) December 8, 2024
An incomplete list of everything this dumb motherfucker has caused because of 07/10:
— ???? ???? ? ?? (@NiohBerg) December 7, 2024
– The collapse of Hamas
– The ruination of Gaza
– The crippling of Hezbollah
– The destruction of Beirut and South Lebanon
– The Israeli anti-war Left with zero power or influence, and a… pic.twitter.com/q0AGMCbRmt
Pray for the Christians of Syria. ?? pic.twitter.com/9IblKvZspv
— ?? ?? (@Beogr940) December 8, 2024
— IEA_313 (@IEA_________313) December 8, 2024
American rightwing accelerationists: Actually this is great for Assad. Once he's out of power and the people of Syria get another 4 years of collapse they'll finally be ready for REAL Ba'athism.
— Mystery Grove Movie List Co. (@MysteryGrove) December 8, 2024
As President Trump said, this is not our fight and we should stay out of it.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) December 8, 2024
Aside from that, opinions like the below make me nervous. The last time this guy was celebrating events in Syria we saw the mass slaughter of Christians and a refugee crisis that destabilized Europe. https://t.co/rUsbudKtZP
Trump knows his foreign policy
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) December 8, 2024
? pic.twitter.com/pTRiI6rngx
?BREAKING: Israel ?? is announcing that they are capturing territory from Syria ?? in the Golan Heights buffer zone pic.twitter.com/Y7XfjozBBA
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) December 8, 2024
It is over.
I agree with Nioh Berg’s take on Sinwar.
A year later, it is unquestionable that the big winner of October 7th was Israel, which unleashed a genocide on Palestinians in Gaza, crippled Hezbollah in Lebanon and eliminated the Assad regime in Syria. Israel has become something like a regional superpower that dictates terms to its enemies. The Palestinian cause will now be written off as hopeless and has likely been defeated for a generation. No one should be surprised when the Saudis throw them under the bus and normalize relations with Israel.
My understanding is that Assad protected Christians. Now it means uncertainty for Christians in Syria, more refugees in Europe, more deaths in Syria. Assad was the lawful government in Syria to the best of my knowledge.
I have only met one Syrian in my life. She was/is a Syrian-American girl going to a Catholic school in the USA. Her family has been in the USA for decades. She is a sweet girl and for those keeping score she is fairer of skin than myself.
The fall of Syria does not appear to be good news to me.
” she is fairer of skin than myself.”
Syria is a very mixed bag, with various armies sweeping over it for 1000’s of years, Romans, Greeks, French, Arabs, Mongols, Persians.
Who knows what ?
This is the logical culmination of decades of US foreign policy under the control of the Israel Lobby.
It is some consolation to know that the catastrophes of the past 4 years – the tragic brother’s war in Ukraine, the Gaza genocide, and the Al-Qaeda takeover of the birthplace of Christianity – happened under explicitly Jewish leadership.
The Jewish core officials of the “Biden” administration – Blinken, Garland, Yellen and Mayorkas – can’t scapegoat evangelical Christians for the crimes committed by Jews this time.
The 2003 Iraq war was equally the fault of powerful Jews, but George W. Bush and his evangelical base provided the Jews with a convenient scapegoat.
Hullo there.
Highly likely that Syria fractures. Alawis, various Sunnis, Shiites, Christians. Could turn into peace love and understanding but not than likely it will be more wars. Suddenly the Israelis have to deal with inheriting the south of what is now Syria. Was this northern alliance intended to completely sweep Assad and the Alawites out of Damascus or just restart a conflict for liberals to gloat about on social media? Tel Aviv, did they really want Assad gone like this, rather than just weakened? Is this what Erdogan wished for when he allowed NATO to equip and train these Jihadists in southern Turkey? Has Assad resurfaced in Russia yet?
Vance’s take really is quite impressive. I’m glad he’s VP. Perhaps we need to see more of this guy in the next 4 years. His basic approach is sound.
“Highly likely that Syria fractures.”
Now, just who would benefit from that ?
John B,
Completely irrelevant to this topic but since when can a girl stay on track?
Do you remember last year when you did not understand how it is difficult for us to pronounce sugar the way Americans do?
I bet you do not remember. Males only chat us up. Anyway here is a Mexican song with our pronunciation of Sugar.
slight clarification:
A song sung in Spanish by a Spanish group not a Mexican band. I saw the group name and immediately assumed. Both groups were before my time. In this case a distinction without a difference for myself and some others on pronunciation.
Hey Christina – you should be careful. If you keep posting these beautiful Mexican Spanish pop versions of American songs, with beautiful, traditional Mexican young women. Many OD male writers and commenters will start proposing marriage to you … maybe some have already done so.
We’re not Hispanic, but… any future children we might have are likely to be half Hispanic – John Wayne chose beautiful Latina wives and look at how beautiful his grand daughters turned out.
Love U
You made my day. I am pretty that is guaranteed. My sister on here received 6 marriage proposals. I have received nada. Naturally I flirt and I tease for I am a woman and that is what Latin girls do.
We belong to man. Are all Australian men so gallant?
Umm….do you mean Guest or me? Anyhow, Australian men can be very unsophisticated, manly and rugged.
We’re not refined at all……but friendly and outgoing. 😉
Ayyy. I automatically thought it was you. Oh well. My comment stands both for Guest and Goose. Rugged, friendly, and outgoing is good.
Shia, Sunni, and Kabala fanatics are no good for Dixie!
Seriously to the Federal Government reading this post you are idiots getting us involved for your death sentence in the afterlife!
I’m staying out of the conflict, I want to Win!
As always in the middle-east, the West has succeeded in destabilizing the political situation.
“As always in the middle-east, the West has succeeded in destabilizing the political situation.”
Nah, we didnt have anything to do with it. The Middle East is always in some point of destabilization. Its because its full of Moslem Sand N@ggers. They are descendents of pirates, brigands, robbers, all united by Jihad. They will never stop fighting until they are eliminated. So we gotta deal with them. Sadly, we don’t deal deal with them appropriately. That would be the old Colonial Way.
Probably the best way was how the Papist fascists Italians that Christina Romana Alva and others here like so much. That way the Italians recovered Libya back into the European orbit after 1,200 years of Sand N@ggerism had turned former White cities and farms into sand.
But, you all unironically want to grill instead and larp at Blaming America First. You all fail to realize the Sand N@ggers are still fighting and will continue fighting until they get here and fight you here. Either you fight them there are some day you will fight them here. Its that simple. And its also that tragic.
@Aryan First of all I’m Italian (not “Papist” because I’m not religious) and I’m proud of it……
The West has always destabilized the east, feeding Jihadists for control the situation in the east. Is not an accuse, it is simply the truth. Assad, Gheddafi and a lot of other leaders have been defeated only for political and economical control over those areas.
Surprisingly thoughtful and truthful remark from Vance the New Haven Hillbilly. Maybe he’s better than I thought … I said at the time that Trump could have picked someone much worse. Another reason to remain cautiously optimistic. Keep in mind, it’s only December and middle-east is at least partly off the table now. The home front is way more important for Trump so this is not altogether a bad thing.
Successful stunt is not a victory. Victory is long lasting outcome by destroying enemy fighting capabilities.
Many armies have done successful stunts. US kicked Taliban out of Kabul within week back in the 2001. Saddam Iraq fell with 2 months or something.
Jew tactics is simple. Break enemy moral with genocide and cool stunts like those exploding pagers. Only when enemy moral is not braking, there is no plan B.
Many people do not know that despite youthful image, in reality Assad was old school Arab ruler with all the old school problems. For example, Syrian Army is old good corrupt dysfunctional monster like 50 years ago when Jew crushed one Arab Army after another. 50 years of tribal relationships are not easy to break so Assad was incapable to reform Syrian Army to modern mobile fighting force like Hezbollah or Hamas. Now with Assad gone, all obstacles to form Super Hezbollah in Syria are also gone. So Syria will be Lebanon on steroids.
Jews hope permanent civil war to keep Syria weak but Hezbollah or Taliban style fighting forces are absolutely immune to country collapse. Afghanistan was also very poor country and despite this, Taliban was very effective.
I don’t see that Jew is winning, I see that Jew is in greatest trouble.
> Many people do not know that despite youthful image, in reality Assad was old school Arab ruler with all the old school problems. For example, Syrian Army is old good corrupt dysfunctional monster like 50 years ago when Jew crushed one Arab Army after another. 50 years of tribal relationships are not easy to break so Assad was incapable to reform Syrian Army to modern mobile fighting force like Hezbollah or Hamas. Now with Assad gone, all obstacles to form Super Hezbollah in Syria are also gone. So Syria will be Lebanon on steroids.
Excellent point. Moshe Dayan even admitted that the chief reason for his spectacular victories wasn’t the super quality of the IDF but the absolute total clownish nepotism and corruption of the Arab armies, so bad there were literally more high-level officers than grunts – each fancy uniform with its own price tag. Vox Day summed it up pretty well here complete with a trenchant warning to whites in Kwanmurika and the open-air gulag called the EU:
> Russia didn’t offer much assistance; as Andrei Martyanov pointed out, there is no point in assisting those who will not fight for themselves, a lesson that Americans and Europeans should keep in mind as they meekly submit to the invasion of their various countries.
Why should Xi, Putin or anyone else help us if we continue to meekly submit to the invasion of our own lands?? Stop looking for some outside savior.
ISIS head-choppers pose absolutely no threat to Israel.
They are only good at terrorizing religious minorities, or infiltrating western countries to conduct terrorist attacks on civilian targets.
“Jews hope permanent civil war to keep Syria weak but Hezbollah or Taliban style fighting forces are absolutely immune to country collapse. Afghanistan was also very poor country and despite this, Taliban was very effective.”
Not a bad assessment, but its still incorrect. You are conflating US NATO notions of warfare and victory with Israeli notions of warfare and victory. They are definitely different. What we need to do is adopt the Israeli firm of warfare. It should be easy. Because they actually got that type of warfare from us.
What you all don’t get, is the Israelis got it from our colonial settlerism experiences. They learned it reading early American frontier stories of Rangers, Pioneers, and Indian Fighters while in our New York ghettos, they lived it in our big city racketeering atmosphere, they saw it with Russia imperial frontier cossaks, they were trained and refined by the British special operations community, and they took part in the total war national mobilization of WWII. All that came together in the last years decades of the 20th century with the Israeli colonial settler development and Arab-Israeli wars.
US-NATO, despite making vast strides to react to non-European conventional and even unconventional warfare, especially against the communists and Soviet Union, are still stuck in a liberal international 20th century Euro-Statist world order mindset. In contrast, the Israelis have adopted a type of old Euro-American colonial settlerism type of warfare. Its even further ahead than what the Rhodesians, South Africans, and French Algerians did. Its literally a modernized form of American and early European colonial frontier warfare mixed with Swiss style total national army warfare.
If the Israelis had our resources, they would just simply clear out Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Sinai, of much of its Arab populations over a period of about 25 years and settle it with Jews. But they don’t. So they do the next best thing: Scout, Intel Reconnaissance, Infiltrate, Counter Infiltrate, Fix Leadership, Find concentrations of forces, Eliminate the leadership, Destroy the concentrations of power, Push out the enemy populace. Sure, Hezbollah and Hamas will survive in the current state disintegrated environment, but against ongoing Israeli style of warfare, without massive support from another power, they wont last long in such a conflict.
Its likely, Hezbollah Hamas mobile national armies will survive as burning embers, and with constant irregular snipping and killer raids like the Apaches, Comanches in the American Southwest or the even more formidable Indians in the early America Republic and colonies. But, the Israelis are ready to deal with that. The lawn just needs to get mowed and the Israeli leadership has gotta be willing to do it. Sooner rather than later, the lawn will be reshaped, Syria will look different.
In summary, had we the foresight to “Wonder What Would the Israelis Do,” back in 2002, the Middle East would’ve long ago been pacified. Under that scenario scores of millions of Sand N@ggers would have been resettled, and in their place scores of millions of Middle Eastern Christians from the Diaspora and Euro-American colonists would be restoring civilization to the empty sea of Sand N@ggerism that is there now. Instead we blew a chance that last 20 years. The Israelis have done in a year what we struggled with in decades. What the Israelis did was fight to win. Thats how you fight. You fight to win.
Note, if any of you want to buy some beach front property with historic ruins, and great food in the Eastern Mediterraneum, let me know. Shalom.
I agree with Nioh Berg’s take on Sinwar. (Huh ????)
A year later, it is unquestionable that the big winner of October 7th was Israel, which unleashed a genocide on Palestinians in Gaza, crippled Hezbollah in Lebanon and eliminated the Assad regime in Syria. Israel has become something like a regional superpower that dictates terms to its enemies. (Israel has become a regional superpower because of America)
” the Saudis throw them under the bus and normalize relations”
The Saudis have been surreptitiously pumping more oil than their allotment, to keep oil prices down so as to weaken both Russian and Iran. This is a quid pro quo favor to the US, in exchange for future favors from the US, like much higher oil prices.
They did this in the 1980s, to collapse the USSR with super low oil prices at 10 bucks a barrel. It wrecked the USSR.
The Saudis are like all Arab leaders – not really leaders at all in any traditional sense of the term – but a collection of Baksheesh Boys. Same applies to Jordan, the Gulf States, Egypt, etc. And the gaslight media had all the tards of Murika screaming about the great Mohammedan jihad in the wake of 9/11. AQ was indeed the hands-on perp there, as our resident hasbara always likes to claim. What he’s not telling you is the correct spelling of AQ, which is really Al-CIA-duh.
So are the Kurds going to get push back now from Turkey? You do know the Kurds have their hearts set on acquiring a portion of Turkey. The Kurds are also a key ally of the pentagon. How does Blumpf play this? Not our fight, we are going to mind our own business, doubt it.
Clown World will either keep the Kurds afloat as a hedge against Erdogan the Snake-Sultan suddenly turning against it, or allow them to be destroyed if that’s what Satanyahoo wants.
Yeah, the Yids got a win via their alliance with Turkiye. Erdogen got a big win too. The pipeline will be built, running through Turkiye into Europe. And Erdogen got a few steps closer to Palestine, and that is the main prize.
You can always win if you don’t care what side you’re on, HW.
Desperation move.
How many billions did they have to pour into Syria to achieve this. It’s a pyrrhic victory.
On a different note, I’m glad to see Americans united in their support of the NYC hooded assassin. This is a very good development.
Sic semper tyrannis.
While I have little sympathy for Brian Thompson, a typical wall-street looter, I suspect there is more to this than narratives about a person whose family might have been victimized by the criminal organization known as United Health Care. For openers, the shooter was obviously provided information on the exact door of the giant NYC hotel Thompson would be exiting for his 6:45 AM walk. Normal folks aren’t given access to such information.
The shooter was not a professional assassin as evidenced by his requiring two shots (from very close range) to kill his target with a silenced pistol. He had to cycle the weapon’s action to achieve the second (fatal) shot, which is is likely due to underpowered sub-sonic ammo – perhaps custom loaded – being used in a weapon not designed to handle it. At least two pictures of the shooter were taken by the NYC panopticon (something a pro would know how to avoid). The silenced pistol and sub-sonic ammo were likely provided for him along with the directions and Thompson’s exit point. Silencers are totally illegal for civilians to own in NYC, and even owning a .22 pistol of any kind is difficult unless you have connections. This looks more like Seth Rich kind of event than some random pissed-off dude.
Thompson was under investigation by the feds for an insider-trading racket which involved figures like the Pelosi crime family. I suspect the shooter was a cheap hire who is already at the bottom of the ocean encased in concrete beneath some FBI warehouse. Given the folks Thompson was possibly ratting out, it would be no surprise at all to eventually learn that the entire operation was conducted by the FBI on behalf of our overlords, since the FBI itself is nothing but a heavily armed unit of murderous criminals who operate under the color of law.
As for liquidating folks like Thompson, it does not have much of an effect. UHC will have no difficulty in finding another clown to fill his shoes and continue with their raping and looting while virtue-signaling about their DIE, climate-change initiatives, etc. They’ll just hire more security goons to protect the honchos. Broader strategies are needed to destroy wall street in general and the entire fictional-reserve usury racket of which UHC is merely a small cog. When sufficient numbers of normies hold Wall Street in the same low regard as they do the gaslight media, the overton-window will start to shift against the enemy. This requires long-term thinking.
Whitney Webb
Recent events in Syria very likely would not have happened if the US had not prevented the Syrian military from attacking the Syrian “rebels” (i.e. HTS) several years ago. For instance, the first Trump administration threatened multiple times to militarily attack the Syrian government if they attacked the “rebel” stronghold of Idlib, even though Trump’s special envoy on ISIS had called Idlib “the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11.”
The Obama and Biden administrations (more so Obama, whose State Department essentially instigated the war at Israel’s behest) are absolutely to blame as well, but Al Qaeda is ultimately a US creation and the current chaos in Syria is a direct consequence of horrific US foreign policy decisions, many of which are neoconservative in nature, meaning they conflate Israeli foreign policy goals with American foreign policy goals.
Sources: https://mintpressnews.com/idlibs-rebels-unite-under-al-qaeda-banner-while-syria-prepares-offensive/252045/
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Whitney Webb
Recent events in Syria very likely would not have happened if the US had not prevented the Syrian military from attacking the Syrian “rebels” (i.e. HTS) several years ago. For instance, the first Trump administration threatened multiple times to militarily attack the Syrian
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Whitney Webb
While it remains to be seen what the incoming administration will do beginning late next month, cabinet picks and rhetoric suggests there will be a covert or overt (leaning toward the latter) embrace of Israel’s government’s pursuit of the Greater Israel project. The fall of Assad has been called for by American neoconservatives who embrace this ambition since the late 1990s, as noted in the “Clean Break” document Richard Perle wrote for Netanyahu. Also, Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails revealed that the US-brokered fomenting of the “rebel” chaos in 2011 was done for Israel. The mass killing in the Middle East won’t stop until the conflation of Israeli foreign policy goals with US foreign policy goals ends and that seems unlikely over the next 4 years, unfortunately.
5:58 PM · Dec 8, 2024
Mic drop.
Here’s a quote from Llord Beelzebubba’s favorite general, the notorious papist Wesley Clark – kind of a clown-world mirror-image of a real general like Smedley Butler:
“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”
Looks like they’ve almost achieved their objective. Six down, one to go. If Iran’s leaders are sane at all, they’d damned well better nuke-up ASAP. In a sane world, Wesley Clark’s lifeless carcass would be rotting on a gibbet after being hanged for treason – serving as food for crows, maggots and other creatures.
I don’t who the rebels are exactly, I hope what I usually hope for, which is some know it all in the American government doesn’t involve the US
The FSA as well as ISIS and SDF are ALL backed and supported by the United States and Israel… not Turkey.
Quite a lot of Syrian refugees and families dancing and celebrating in the streets of Australian cities, prompting me to ask; if things are so good there now, are they going to return and be part of the change they’ve been pushing for?
They’ll happily flee to the West the minute their leaders are mean to them, yet suddenly reluctant to move again when things normalize or go their way.
Hello Goose,
The blessings of diversity descended upon Western Europe, the U.S., Australia etc. like a cancerous cloud as the U.S. Government brought the wonders of democracy at gunpoint to Syria, soaking the country in blood through support for terrorists and driving refugees out. The Syrians and all the other wogs are trying to flee from themselves when they flee to the West but they take their wogishness with them no matter where they go. It’s their nature to be, act and think like wogs no matter if they travel a million miles from their homelands. Dropping 500 Lb. bombs on them from 30,000 feet certainly doesn’t help their situation though.
The ones I sympathize with are the Syrian Christians and the few other peaceful groups over there like the Yazidis who have been the biggest victims of U.S. and allied policies promoting terrorism. In spite of sympathies I still don’t want any of these people in the West regardless of their tragedies. They are like a fish out of water when they live in Western countries, wreaking havoc as intended by the evil, corrupt ruling class in the West.
If it were not for Our Greatest Ally’s control of U.S. and allied politicians through bribery and extortion (see Jeffrey Epstein for details) and the evil, corrupt, degenerate nature of ‘democratic’ politicians none of this would have happened. Policies of terrorism, such as U.S. funding of Al Qaeda, ISIS et al. were pursued for the benefit of Our Greatest Ally, not the U.S. or allies. If the U.S. were not under the control of The Usual Suspects the catastrophes of peace and prosperity would have broken out in the Near East, Ukraine, Iran; everywhere.
I’m predicting that the removal of Assad will mean an influx into the West of refugees who backed him, whilst Syrians already in the West who are celebrating his toppling, won’t head back there to help the country function. We really just can’t win.
Many casual observers have no understanding of the dynamics or politics behind it all. They just know that they don’t want them migrating to their country, and that their stay is never temporary.
Every little issue in the third world, be it economic, political, religious, or natural disaster related, means another round of boat trips or border crossings into the West. We’re damn sick of it.
“I’m predicting that the removal of Assad will mean an influx into the West of refugees who backed him, whilst Syrians already in the West who are celebrating his toppling, won’t head back there to help the country function. We really just can’t win.”
Good point Goose. The levels of Middle Eastern immigration into Western Europe and North America were lowest during the years we were most actively engaged in the Middle East. After we stopped engaging the levels ramped up. They ramped up the most when we virtually abandoned the entire region during the first years of Joe Biden’s Administration contrary to the expectation here at OD and other neo-isolationisy rightwing groups.
This inverse relationship between White involvement in the Middle East and immigration is also historically proven. North African immigration to France, Italy, and Spain was virtually non existent when they occupied North Africa. Immigration to Western Europe exploded when they ended colonialism and pulled out. Now that France has been virtually ejected from the Black run Sahel region, Black immigration has exploded.
Overall, reducing America’s involvement in crisis areas does not appear to increase immigration, it appears to increase it. Salvadorean immigration to the US increased massively after we abandoned the place. In turn, the Syrians in America will never go back unless we send troops there to secure areas for them to resettle. No one here at OD wants to do that cuz “Duh, Jews” or something. Meanwhile, despite having removed troops from this area, immigration continues.
In summary, the neo-isolationists here won’t be happy till all troops are removed from around the world and 20,000,000s of immigrants are flooding our borders. There is reality and then there is wishful thinking. Reality: Immigration is inversely related to the level of US military involvement in regions of crisis. Wishful thinking: Bring all troops home and no more immigrants will come.
Good points. Yes when white colonialism ends, they follow us home. They’ve tasted civilization.
I tend to believe we needs troops out of foreign wars, and secure borders and tough immigration policy to keep them out.
Pull troops out of the Middle East, Africa and Asia, then strengthen the borders to keep them out of the West. We need to just…….. disentangle with them.
Eternal war and other insidious meddling are always the answer, right kike? How about whites become White again, and have the guts and willpower to keep “the Other” the hell out of our homelands?
I recommend getting high tech cameras, telephoto Zoom lessons to document exactly who, what, where these TP and Soap avoiding Islamist Syrians are and exactly what they are still doing in Australia now that Syria is supposedly free.
Make a list, dox them, offer free boat tickets home to FREEDOM in Syria.
There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.
So Syrians, go home.
Sounds good in theory, but I just don’t have the time. I live nowhere near the cities they inhabit. I run a farm and wifey would be wondering what on earth I’m doing. It’s the logistics of it all. It won’t achieve anything, given I’m sure the government has them on record, but are reluctant to act. I’m one person. The government is many.
But……it would be a good idea if I lived nearby and had the time.
The zionist parasitic entity in Palestine and its supporters are the most hated groups of pariahs on planet Earth.
May all of the above find themselves on the ash heap of history.
@November Red Guardsman,
“The zionist parasitic entity in Palestine and its supporters are the most hated groups of pariahs on planet Earth.
May all of the above find themselves on the ash heap of history.”
The Israelis have now eliminated most of the Hezbollah leadership, all of the Hamas leadership, destroyed most of the Hezbollah offensive capability, wiped out Hamas, and now it helped topple Assad family, the longest term enemy of Israel’s existence, predating even Iran. Israel is now a regional super power. Magical thinking will not change that. Shalom.
Again let me reiterate. Israel has won. Solidly. Because you guys banked on Sand N@ggers, they blew sh!t all over your face when they massacred little babies, women, and old people, singing praises, calling mom and dad to brag about it, and otherwise behave like Sand N@ggers. I still fully remember the post Hunter provided of the Sand N@gger men sitting at a house in Gaza, smoking chakh laced hookah and sipping coffee, and a boy smacking a kitty cat against the wall all bloodied till it was dead just before a missile rained down and blew them all to sh!t. We were supposed to feel sorry. Sorry not sorry.
Actually, that isn’t true, I am sorry we weren’t involved more. The last year and a few months since Israel’s own 911 experience on Oct 7, 2023, has seen Israel make rapid gains against its enemies. In 14 months its dismantled and eliminated terror armies that took 45 years to create. If we had been involved we would’ve eliminated the whole edifice and have a chance to secure the Christian minority and resettle the Syrian diaspora to build a proper Euro-Syrian Christian state. As it is the Israelis did most of the work and are in the control chair. https://matzav.com/netanyahu-we-dismantled-45-years-of-iranian-warfare-in-14-months/ I remember the day those Mountain and Sheep N@ggers overran our embassy on Iran and started this new age of warfare. Many of us stated the way to fight them, was to consider “What Would Israel Do” (WWID). It took us a generation to build the capability and get the chance.
We tried to get the US government and Capitol Hill to apply that lesson in the ME after 911. We mostly failed. As a result, our stupid policymakers had us fight a Special Operations Low Intensity Warfare mixed with light conventional nation building hearts and minds b.s., provided very few troops for securing total victory, and pushed the “Muh, Democracy” liberal international b.s. After 20 years it collapsed massively.
Looking back, Israel also made some YUGE mistakes. It too tried an accomodationist approach. It allowed its frontier forces to atrophy, and took a back seat to US policy objectives. But, it still had a massive total national army and excellence military and intelligence services. So, thanks to a fine and patriot nationalist leader with outstanding military and intelligence background, Israel has recovered under Netanyahu. The new plan we will push forward won’t be called “What Would Israel Do,” it will be called “What Would Netanyahu Do” (WWND), especially in regards to Iran.
Listen to this kike-lover. He’s never hidden that he was with the fedgov.
“Listen to this kike-lover. He’s never hidden that he was with the fedgov.”
Yes, listen to me. Listen because you an America Last Sand N@gger lover who loves filth, and the filth you deserve to hear Sand N@gger lover, is that you and your Sand N@ggers lost. Keep losing.
Why the gloating X/Tweets? Assad falling is a bad thing for various reasons. I hadnt heard of Nioh Berg but she is an Iranian Jew so you can get her attitudes.
By the way have you ever come across the Social Nationalist Party of Syria and its rather unusual flag and symbol?
Are our OD and other Dissident Right, immigration patriot readers familiar with the AMAZING Brit YT, social media commentator Paul Joseph Watson?
PJW is one of my favorite. He does short, very humorous “noticing” attack videos, noting the stupid, treasonous stuff Hollywood Lib celebrities, idiot Woke Westerners do regarding radical Islam, 3rd world migration, violent crime etc.
As far as I know, he doesn’t touch the JQ, but he doesn’t kiss the Js as* either. I think that’s a good tactic.
Well here is PJW on the Syrian “Rebels”, “Freedom Fighters” overthrowing the Assad regime in Syria and the various useless idiots in the media trying to spin this as a great victory for Democracy and Freedom and Syrian migrant invaders in Europe, the UK, here in Chicago wildly celebrating but also choosing not to return to their Syrian homeland now that it’s “Free” run by a dirty, hairy Islamic extremists that was bragging about his leadership of Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist groups.
Hey, is it against these people’s religion to use TP, soap and ever bathe and shave?
I understand why people go in for …
Stuff like the Beatles, 1950s “Happy Days” (No Negro criminals in Happy Days, that’s one of the reason everyone was so happy) but what’s with this Islamic nostalgia for the 8th Century?
Here’s PJW Paul Joseph Watson giving his take on the Fall of Damascus Syria. I guess the locals didn’t get St. Paul, Rabbi Saul of Tarsus’s message of universal peace and brotherhood between Je*s and Greeks/Ha Wites, male and females (women lose all rights under Al Qaeda), free and slave – we’ll either being tortured and killed or made slaves if these Islamists take over the remaining safe Ha Wite places outside of Dearborn MI.
“A year later, it is unquestionable that the big winner of October 7th was Israel, which unleashed a genocide on Palestinians in Gaza, crippled Hezbollah in Lebanon and eliminated the Assad regime in Syria. Israel has become something like a regional superpower that dictates terms to its enemies. The Palestinian cause will now be written off as hopeless and has likely been defeated for a generation. No one should be surprised when the Saudis throw them under the bus and normalize relations with Israel.”
I respond:
Agreed and sadly very true.
Please let any remaining Christians in North America know the Jerusalem, Bethlehem and pretty much the entire Holy Land, the Middle East is lost for Christians.
There are just a handful of old Slavic Russian and Polish Christians still hanging out in Bethlehem lamenting that no Christian pilgrimages, tourists are coming for Christmas anymore.
I joined, then sadly left the last majority White LDS Christian church in the former University neighborhood I grew up in and spent most of my life. I tried to get some people in this church, any people to go with me to local movie theater that wa mass opening pervert J*W Hollywood oligarch Harvey Weinstein ‘s “D Jango Unchained” on Christmas Day. Just to meet with theater managers and express our opposition to this Christian, Christmas desecration. I couldn’t get even one “Christian” Latter Day Saint to go with me. So I went alone and expressed my honest feelings.
How hard is that to do simple things like that?
I know openly call these LDS (Don’t Call us Mormons anymore that was RACIST” the Church of Latter Day Sissies.