? UPDATE: Daniel Penny is celebrating his innocent verdict at a NYC bar – NYP
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) December 9, 2024
That's one happy American Marine ?? pic.twitter.com/AnSlcoD4ay
He’s free. Praise God.
— Joel Webbon (@rightresponsem) December 9, 2024
Now stop criminalizing being white. pic.twitter.com/uDgSHIiDnv
“Daniel Penny Not Guilty? Guess you can call that a White Pill.” pic.twitter.com/1BfGLlmHgn
— Antio (@plantationdrip) December 9, 2024
Daniel Penny: *found not guilty on all charges*
— David Santa Carla ? (@TheOnlyDSC) December 9, 2024
Black Twitter: pic.twitter.com/KvcQRb4nbD
The acquittal of Daniel Penny in the death of Jordan Neely has effectively given license for vigilante justice to be waged on the Black community without consequence.
— NAACP (@NAACP) December 9, 2024
It's a painful reminder of the inequities in our justice system. Jordan deserved compassion. Instead, he was met… https://t.co/JOdxjZJXBi
BLM AFTER PENNY VERDICT: "These wonderful white people, I hope they celebrate their Christmas while the Neely family is praying & asking God for comfort. G-d damn them & G-d damn America" pic.twitter.com/Ieb88TkbwS
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 9, 2024
BREAKING: BLM leader Hawk Newsome calls for "black vigilantes" to get active following Daniel Penny's acquittal pic.twitter.com/YoBUXOW9Yr
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 9, 2024
A vibe shift in New York.
A victory for the good guys.
Absolutely unambiguous great news.
The fact that anti-Whites are left sputtering in rage is the icing on the cake.
One more thing … the thread that connects Darren Wilson, Derek Chauvin, Kyle Rittenhouse, Daniel Penny, Douglass Mackay, Trump himself, Trump’s inner circle and everyone who got railroaded over Charlottesville and January 6th is the justice system in Blue America. There is a meaningful difference!
Note: New York City swung to the Right in 2024.
The Irish, they do not fear God, but they should.
R.browning, if you and hawk gruesome, would have been sitting there together, holding hands, you would have both been happy and nappy, that the IRISH cat, D.PERRY, was to heir to save you and hawkstein …….. And you know it
And on a much more “secular” note:
World famous Irish songwriter/singer and member of the famous Beatles, Sir James Paul McCartney, was the primary song-writer of “Penny Lane”. A coincidence I guess… Maybe a lot of towns across the country will start naming streets “Penny Lane” going forward.
“Penny Lane” is a song by the English rock band the Beatles that was released as a double A-side single with “Strawberry Fields Forever” in February 1967. It was written primarily by Paul McCartney and credited to the Lennon–McCartney songwriting partnership. The lyrics refer to Penny Lane, a street in Liverpool, and make mention of the sights and characters that McCartney recalled from his upbringing in the city…
“Penny Lane” was kind of nostalgic, but it was really [about] a place that John and I knew … I’d get a bus to his house and I’d have to change at Penny Lane, or the same with him to me, so we often hung out at that terminus, like a roundabout. It was a place that we both knew, and so we both knew the things that turned up in the story…
— Wikipedia: Penny Lane
McCartney was born on 18 June 1942 at Walton Hospital in the Walton area of Liverpool, where his mother, Mary Patricia (née Mohin), had qualified to practise as a nurse. Both of his parents were of Irish descent…
— Wikipedia: Paul McCartney
The Beatles – Penny Lane
And to add a little extra “drama” to the story about that road in Liverpool named “Penny Lane”…
Now I think almost everyone knows that radical anti-White Blacks most definitely hate all of us White people. No surprise. They have even gone after and tried to remove the name of road in Liverpool named “Penny Lane” believed by some to be named after a slave trader.
Naming controversy
In July 2006, Liverpool City Council discussed renaming certain streets because their names were linked to Liverpool’s role in the slave trade. It was initially believed that the street was named after 18th-century Liverpool slave trader James Penny. Officials said they would modify the proposal to exclude Penny Lane as it was generally accepted that most people associate the street with the Beatles song rather than the slave trade.
In the wake of the June 2020 George Floyd protests, which formed part of the international Black Lives Matter movement, Penny Lane’s street signs were defaced. Research corroborated by the city’s International Slavery Museum subsequently found no historical evidence linking its name to the slave trade.
— Wikipedia: Penny Lane, Liverpool
Even it was named after a slave trader Whites should never allow their history and heritage to be trashed especially by people who once owned slaves themselves. Yes, these “angelic” Black people once sold their own people into slavery and even owned slaves themselves but they never mention that at all. Wonder why?…Not…
Look at Brownie taking the side of a dangerous mentally ill black criminal over that of a fellow White man. How disgraceful.
Hopefully Trump will pardon Daniel Perry.
“These wonderful white people, I hope they celebrate their Christmas while the Neely family is praying & asking God for comfort. G-d damn them & G-d damn America”
— a Black women reacting to the Penny verdict
She included all White people. So a Black woman hates White people. Who cares? BUT will she get federal hate crimes filed against her as the law abiding citizens, the McMichaels, who are serving federal hate crime sentences along with their state convictions mostly based on evidence of them or one of them posting on social media negative slurs and other things related to Blacks?
Now free the McMichaels who have been on the other (guilty verdict) side and have been subjected to the Left’s woke campaign that even led to racial hate crimes with evidence of posting negative freedom of speech comments against Blacks in the past when a repeat felon grabbed a gun of one of them who were making a citizen’s arrest (who could have shot and killed Arbery before he came even close enough to grab the gun if they intended on killing him as the prosecutor/judge/etc claimed their intentions were and have everyone believe). And Repub Governor Brian Kemp was the one who switched the case away for the local people who saw the shooting of Arbery as a case of self defense since both he and Travis were fighting over Travis’ gun to radicals who wanted to make a racial circus out of it to benefit all the legal people and Governor Kemp on how politically correct they all are.
The McMichaels had every reason to believe Arbery was involved in thefts in their neighborhood since one of them had a gun stolen from his truck. Arbery was caught on security camera prowling around at night in a house under construction in their neighborhood. Even if Arbery didn’t steal Travis McMichael’s gun he assuredly knew who did since Arbery along with anyone else prowling around in the neighborhood under the cover of darkness would have come in contact with each other.
Trump who was/will continue to be subjected to this Commie woke lawfare needs to pardon all these people where possible who have been subjected to these Commie show-trial lawfare racial circus scams.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
No, black women are the nastiest Trump haters of the whole coalition, save maybe the sexual perverts…an unusual mid fifties white guy from a small grain elevator rural town on the outskirts of our county is the janitor at work. I thought it was highly unusual to see someone from his demographic hating Trump. But then I saw his face on the sex offender registry and read his rap sheet on the county court website. A whole spate of flashing incidents coming 3-5 years apart for his entire adult life culminating in a 4 year prison sentence for showing some woman his dick in the ketchup aisle of the grocery store. The newspaper even said when the cops arrested him he told them “hey, well, I’m a peeper!” as if he has his own color stripe on that flag, a “peeper” float in that parade in June, and is part of some sort of “peeper’s rights” coalition. Someone said that old indie film “Barcelona” was fundamentally conservative because it’s message was following along after sexual irresponsibility, comes political irresponsibility. Well, just like the “sexual minorities” black women are the most irresponsible sexually of all the demographics. Whenever some “club” burns down in the hood, the obituaries always list all these bastard children they had…somewhere while they were out partying in the club at 3am on a weeknight. Sistah’s know the gravy train of free money and housing coming from the white liberal chumps is threatened by a streetwise, real man like Trump. They know they don’t really deserve their status either through welfare, or cushy gov’t jobs and it’s too good to last. Sort of the way the Great Gatsby realized his crooked bootlegging money still didn’t allow him to belong to the high society he pined for.
Ultimately however the Neely death belongs on the shoulders of the authorities in NYC for allowing mentally ill and drug addicts to roam freely and molest the normal citizenry. Perry shouldn’t even had to intervene because this bum never should have been on that subway in the first place. I think this whole debacle going on in the country pretty much proves that the broken window theory was correct.
BREAKING: BLM leader Hawk Newsome calls for “black vigilantes” to get active following Daniel Penny’s acquittal
This greater-NY BLM leader, Hawk Newsome, drove down (he had some car trouble on he way) to Charlottesville on 08/12/2017 in time to get in on all the action — an all-out brawl — with the Unite the Right people. In an onsite interview (I have never been able to find that video again, even on wayback machine) probably a short time after the rally was cancelled due to the VA governor declaring it an unlawful assembly Hawk Newsome declared to the interviewer that his side had won, just like some football victory! He said we came here to stop this rally and we did! He even stated in the interview that he was in on the fighting himself that BOTH sides were engaged in. He also said that had never been to a rally like this and said he been to protests and rallies all over the country but he had never seen the police back off and let the two sides go at each other like what happened here at Charlottesville. I guess this video was way to honest for the narrative the left-wing anti-South media wanted the world to see. I wish I had downloaded it and saved the video. But Hawk Newsome told the truth that the Heaphy report later verified and the lying media even ignores the official report and instead goes along with all their earlier lies they have spewed out to taint the true history of what actually happened at Charlottesville. History is often written by liars — President Jefferson Davis was spot on!
“Tradition usually rests upon something which men did know; history is often
the manufacture of the mere liar.”
–Jefferson Davis
Oh I don’t know, I have faith in the activist brain’s ability to discern the dark cloud in this one too.
Some of those characters are so in love with their despair they can’t stand any good news at all. Definitely a white pill! Sometimes good news is just that. Penny must have had one hell of good lawyer to get that verdict in NYC – a total shitlib hellhole.
The thread that is going on is that Trump is going to launch major wars, in Iran and elsewhere, and DOD needs to reel in stupid young white normies to fight and die for Israhell. That is why the nigra mayor of NYC was saying Penny is innocent, and the jury was told to acquit.
Not the right time to make a martyr out of Daniel Penny, a retired Marine.
As a sidenote, it is a fact that the jogger Penny subdued was put into the ambulance very much alive. It died later, apparently on the way to the hospital. We have no idea what the EMTs did to it. But it was put into the ambulance still very much alive.
I hope we find out more about Penny’s family background. I guess there are more than a few “Bill the Butcher’s” kicking around. Even today.
I hope and pray some blacks follow hawk tuah’s prompting and start some of their monkeyshines around me. Believe me I’m more than prepared.
By the way, my previous comment was not a typo. Daniel Perry was unfairly charged and convicted of a crime in Austin, Texas for defending himself against Antifa. He was a U.S. army Sergeant at the time. Can you imagine being in the U.S. army where you are supposed to be “fighting for freedom” in “the land of the free” and being sent to jail for rightly defending oneself against violent thugs? Sadly, Mr. Perry learned the hard way that the U.S. military is not “fighting for freedom”.
Interesting how black criminals become black heroes after their demise, allegedly at the hands of some murdering White person. Separation would solve every problem they incessantly complain about but only a “racist” would suggest separation.
Do the NAACP or BLM ever have anything to say when blacks kill whites? And remember this case had no racial overtones at the point of death. These groups brought race into, like they usually do. Penny would have done the same thing with a white perp.
More good news about Whites winning over their anti-White haters.
Remember how almost every anti-White individual / group / etc in the nation piled on the White lacrosse players at Duke? Well, the one who accused them or gang raping her admitted it was a lie:
On December 11, 2024, in an on-camera interview, Mangum admitted to providing false testimony against the Duke lacrosse players, stating: “I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t, and that was wrong, and I betrayed the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me. [I] made up a story that wasn’t true because I wanted validation from people and not from God.”
— Wikipedia: Crystal Mangum
This incident caused a train wreck of events back then.
The Duke lacrosse coach was forced to resign. Lacrosse, lacrosse players, college lacrosse programs across the country in general were all vilified.
The liberal Duke faculty turned on the program / coach / players vilifying slandering one was accused of giving a player a failing grade in his class and one of them telling the mother of one of the players in an email that she was “the mother of a farm animal”. Etc.
Not a month goes by when I am not reminded of the damage those accusations have had on my reputation and the public’s perception of my character. Sometimes only time can heal wounds.
—?anonymous Duke lacrosse player (Wikipedia)
And just as sure as the rising of the sun the racial radicals of the Black race had to make their views known. Jesse Jackson said that even if she was lying he was still going to still pay her tuition.
“In 2006, Jesse Jackson promised the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition would pay the college tuition for Mangum. Jackson said the tuition offer would still be good even if Mangum had fabricated her story.” (Wikipedia)
And as at the McMichaels “fair and just” trial the New Black Panthers showed up at the Duke campus “wearing knives on their belts” wanting to conduct an independent investigation and interview lacrosse players “to ensure an adequate, strong, and vigorous prosecution.”
The allegations have inflamed already strained relations between Duke University and its host city of Durham, with members of the Duke lacrosse team being vilified in the press and defamed on and off campus. On May 1, 2006, the New Black Panthers held a protest outside Duke University. Many of the protestors were wearing knives on their belts. “Before entering the campus, a leader of the protest said ‘We are conducting an independent investigation, and we intend to enter the campus and interview lacrosse players. We seek to ensure an adequate, strong, and vigorous prosecution.’ How scary is that? How could these kids be safe, in class and on campus? It tells you how out of control the thinking was, how crazy the moment was.” The case drew national attention and highlighted racial tensions within the Durham area.
— Wikipedia: Duke lacrosse case
At the university I attended unlike the football, basketball and other sports the lacrosse team was all White except for one and he was full/part Indian (American) and was the leader on the team and a three-time first team All-American lacrosse player (which should be expected for Indians since they invented lacrosse) at that.
I’m glad I was wrong. Self defense and defense of others should have been a forgone conclusion under American law but we live under blatant corruption. I really dislike the petty tit for tat and Whites devolving into behavior of their of color counterparts. “See we won this one, nah nuh nuh, nuh nah nah”. Whites should always be above this horse”slop”. It’s so clingy, vain, and embarassing with the greatwhitehopism. I can’t stress being humble and subtle enough.