Luigi Mangione caught scarfing down hash brown at McDonald’s before arrest for UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s assassination https://t.co/7a1KuHDwLW pic.twitter.com/TRhUh9sY3P
— New York Post (@nypost) December 10, 2024
Part of Luigi’s manifesto: pic.twitter.com/1it0XgVKS4
— Rathbone (@_rathbone) December 10, 2024
Taylor Lorenz on how it felt to watch CEO Brian Thompson's execution: "I felt joy"
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 9, 2024
Luigi Mangione was unable to have sex because of severe back injury, former roommate says https://t.co/Ih0ZvbqfTV pic.twitter.com/oobEKamNTq
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 10, 2024
BREAKING: Alleged UnitedHealthcare CEO killer has outburst while being led to extradition hearing
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 10, 2024
“This is completely unjust and is an insult to the intelligence of the American people and their lived experience!” pic.twitter.com/7QQEHhDxsK
A customer at the #McDonalds where accused #UnitedHealthcare CEO shooter #LuigiMangione was arrested recounts seeing him in the store — and what let to his arrest. Full story and video here: https://t.co/TYsVdjSCfu (?: Fox News Digital) pic.twitter.com/ogENb4fQMk
— TMZ (@TMZ) December 10, 2024
I have three thoughts on this episode:
1. First, the current broken American healthcare system is ridiculous, complex and unaffordable. I try to avoid dealing with it as much as possible. We need to replace it with an affordable national healthcare system. In a less polarized age, this is what politicians should be doing.
2. Second, we just had a national election in which the healthcare system barely registered as an issue. Instead, the focus was all on immigration, trannies, abortion and “Democracy.” Democratic extremism on all of these cultural issues is what props up the current healthcare system.
3. Third, murdering people is always sinful and immoral, doesn’t advance your political cause and should remain deeply taboo. When activists wink at this and suggest that murdering people is actually a legitimate tactic, they are inviting schizos and psychopaths into their midst. We have repeatedly seen how much damage tolerating unstable people like this can do to our organizations.
Note: Lots of activists chose to fully embrace Hamas, endorse October 7th and praise Yahya Sinwar as a once in a century strategic genius. A year later, Israeli tanks are on the outskirts of Damascus. As a tactic, a nihilistic, emotional outburst of rage backfired and only left Palestinians worse off. Ultimately, it was a permission slip and dream come true for the most militant Zionists in Israel.
Another killer with a manifesto. Why do some many of these killers have manifestos? Do you feel like you are being lied to? Because I sure do.
Personally I think it’s way more telling that you all are so afraid to live what you say you believe in, do you actually have convictions and principles, or are you just a bunch of cowards who hide behind a keyboard, plus it seems like everyone here cucks for the jew
United Healthcare CEO Killer Arrested – Luigi Mangione has been charged with murder; a guy that has an IQ off the charts, plays Assassin’s Creed in real life. That’s very Jewish of him.
He’s Italian.
it’s a joke…
@Charlie and Henry McCantry,
He’s not just an Italian. He is a Papist. Assassins usually are.
ANOTHER (((Papist))) Assassin ?? they’re crawling out of the woodwork.
Related to Nancy Pelosi.
@November Russbot,
“Related to Nancy Pelosi.”
And both are Papists. Assasination, racketeering, gangsterism, subversion, unAmericanism, all go hand in hand amongst Papists. Its a family thing.
Definitely in the case of that crime family. Mangione-Pelosi clan was basically the Baltimore branch of the mob back in the day. Probably still involved in some way even though the front men are all kneegrows now.
They don’t make eye-talian pistol pete’s like Sacco & Vanzetti anymore.
A very good article with it’s three thoughts.
Yes read it to my Wife!
HA! Thank you.
“First, the current broken American healthcare system is ridiculous, complex and unaffordable. I try to avoid dealing with it as much as possible. We need to replace it with an affordable national healthcare system. In a less polarized age, this is what politicians should be doing.”
The very term “healthcare system” is part of the problem, Mr. W. By using it—I shall be blunt—you make clear that you do not understand the problem. We’re talking about medical care, not health care—and there shouldn’t be a “system.”
No matter what may be said by the woman who’s babbling in the Piers Morgan clip you’ve posted here, there is no private medical insurance in this country. The putative medical-insurance companies are proxies, who administer the government’s medical-care system. Their only function is to try to prevent money’s hemorrhaging from the so-called system, which is designed so that there is, in effect, no way to prevent money’s being spent. That’s why they spend all their time denying claims. That’s what they’re paid to do. They’re hired to play the role of medical-insurance executives, so that the socialism for which America’s majority has voted can be presented as capitalism. This Mangione is part of the problem, along with that witless woman who was speaking with Piers Morgan.
More to the point: You yourself are part of the problem, you and all the other Americans who think socialism can be not socialism if you call it something else. Your first two sentences in your comment I quoted above contradict each other.
John B,
An interesting view on a system you know way more about than I do. An American doctor married to the older sister of a friend once told us that even if people cannot pay that they will still get care in a hospital for any serious or life-threatening issues.
So somebody is always going to pay.
Allow me, Christina, to adjust your statement. Everybody is always paying—every moment of every day. The so-called system is a constant stream of outgoing money, poorly disguised, by paperwork, as a series of decisions and expenditures. Pleas for a “national healthcare system” are simply cries to the effect that the charade is not yet big enough.
John B,
I seldom mind correction since all my views are based on current knowledge/beliefs. My personal experience with healthcare is visiting family or relatives in the hospital or listening to my father gripe about his taxes that help support the system.
He pays taxes in both countries. When tax season is around he gets grumpy.
“He pays taxes in both countries.”
Lucky him.
Mr. Bonaccorsi,
Demand for “health care” (i.e. medical care) is, for all practical purposes, infinite. Money, as a proxy for doctors, nurses, hospitals, medical equipment, drugs and all the other apparatus of modern medical care, is finite, thus the tension between ends and means. The U.S., being a democracy and based upon bribery and extortion will always have loathsome politicians promising everything to win elections while never being able to directly pay for all of it. Most of the electorate either doesn’t care or doesn’t understand this situation, perhaps both.
Being a democracy i.e. a government of factions (Plato’s Republic) the businessmen faction will always rig the health system to get a disproportionate share of loot from Government when administering the Government’s health system. Naturally this causes resentment as payments are denied to most people while the business faction, after paying suitable bribes to Congress, gets enormously wealthy. This same pattern has been repeated by those able to “work the system” elsewhere such as Elon Musk who has received enormous payments from the Government.
Elon is described as the wealthiest man in the world and perhaps he is. A good part of his wealth comes from various business schemes such as Solar City and Tesla which are intertwined with the U.S. Government which guarantees their revenue stream until they go bust. Then the taxpayer is left holding the bag. Musk’s Flacon X and other rocket projects are also huge, quasi-Government affairs launching DOD payloads for the Ukraine and Israeli wars most of the time. The U.S. Government always pays so Elon doesn’t have to worry about deadbeats.
Whether or not the value of Elon’s various projects are proportionate to his payments is debatable but that is where most of (not all, yes PayPal) his money came from, the U.S. Government.
The takeaway is the fundamentally flawed system of “healthcare” in the U.S. is typical of late stage democratic capitalism as various factions devour the wealth of the country through the political process. This system is neither reformable nor sustainable. It will crash sooner or later. Huge, unpayable debts, galloping inflation, an unhealthy, diabetic, overweight population addicted to sports, gambling and debt are signs of an unhealthy society, in more ways than one.
“Huge, unpayable debts, galloping inflation, an unhealthy, diabetic, overweight population addicted to sports, gambling and debt are signs of an unhealthy society, in more ways than one.”
Unsurprisingly, the America that began with T. Jefferson’s flattery of the masses has become, in effect, a huge low-grade household: Debt-burdened, crime-friendly, slovenly, and in poor repair.
Yes. I expect the US is far too large of a society for any type of socialized medicine to be workable. It does actually work in at least one place, the island of Taiwan. Taiwan is very different in many respects so no real comparisons can be made.
a) The population is 90% or more Chinese, many from the Southern part of China (Fujian). The later arrivals (after 1945) were more of a mixed lot from all over China – fleeing Mao and the communists. There is a small population of Aboriginals, who are closer genetically to Filipinos. These folks – widely abused by the Spanish, Dutch, Chinese and Japanese – are an interesting example of largely successful missionary work on the part of American Protestants.
b.) The entire population of Taiwan is less than 25 million. A far cry from 300 million or more.
c.) The one-time single party of Taiwan, the Kuomintang (KMT) is a Chinese National Socialist party whose founder Sun Yat-sen is also revered in the mainland. Probably the only long-term more-or-less successful example of a National-Socialist party I can think of.
Taiwan has an unusual history. The first foreigners to arrive in any significant number were the Dutch (oddly). Their arrival prompted an invasion by the Southern Ming dynasty in the latter part of the 17th century. The Ming’s successors, the Qing dynasty was Manchu and not very interested in the place except when Brits and French started to show up for the opium trade on behalf of the usual suspects. The Qing gladly ceded it to Japan in 1895, who ruled it as a more-or-less successful colony until 1945 – investing quite a bit in infrastructure. The place is kind of strange to visit as it has a very Japanese look and feel with a Chinese population and food. Though semi-tropical, it is 2/3 high mountains so one can literally grow anything – from coffee to cocoa. Fantastic place to visit. Literally ate like pig and lost weight. A fine place to avoid the groid too.
All profit in healthcare is embezzlement.
Everyone must get paid but there is something unseemly about making vast profits off of people’s medical misery. This is doubly true when one considers the total compensation, not just salary of top management of insurance companies. Top executives do not add value commensurate with their bloated pay, not even close. That is done by doctors, nurses, lab techs et al., not businessmen.
The businessmen at the top of publicly traded companies, like politicians, NGOs, universities, so-called “Think Tanks” (e.g. Rand Corp.) etc. are part of the class of Extractive Elites who are talented at working the corrupt system of late stage “democratic capitalism” for self-aggrandizement at everyone else’s expense. They are like burglars, pick-pockets or car thieves. They have a skill at making money but it’s a disreputable skill unlike the surgeons and other medical professionals who are well compensated but nothing like the executive class’s compensation.
I doubt he’ll endure a hard time in jail. He’s up there with those who are mean to the tax department.
Sometimes, we’ve just had enough and want to lash out. I wouldn’t do it myself, but can understand the sentiment.
He’s already a folk hero.
I have great admiration for the Ukrainian people and my heart breaks for their suffering. They are an incredibly strong and brave people. But consider this; If the Ukrainian nation could produce 5 maybe 10 Luigi Mangione’s they wouldn’t be in the predicament they find themselves in.
Sic semper tyrannis.
Once again, it seems, we’re up against Oscar Wilde’s putative observation: Americans are great hero-worshippers—and always take their heroes from the criminal classes.
PS Just about the entire Ukrainian nation is Luigi Mangiones. That’s how they got themselves into this idiotic mess.
Something sure seems off. Nobody can be this stupid, unless he just wanted to be caught.
I think this is just like the Israel/Palestine thing. The Left, thanks to Taylor Lorenz now owns this guy as a martyr, which they think is a win, and corporate America got a lesson in how vulnerable they are, surrounded by people that hate them.
I can’t make myself care about the dead guy, and I sure don’t care about Luigi going rogue and giving up his life to scrag the dead guy.
We are at war with a corrupt system, and one of their mid level officers got got for the price of one grunt from their own team… its a litteral fragging of one of their own elite, and I have no incentive to take a side.
The fallout of the Left endorsing overtly political assassination is a second order effect that these sociopaths/mental defectives are too dumb to understand, and its an effect that can only benefit me as a law abiding citizen. The Left is sewing the wind of their downfall and they are facing four years of a justice department and FBI that will likely look for any opportunity to wield power against them, which I endorse. They will reap the whirlwind.
File this under unequivocal wins for populists.
If you want to win a war, you can’t do it by clutching your pearls.
May I brag a little about the health care in Mexico? Mexico still has States Rights to a certain extent. For instance Mexico allows abortion but in some States it is punished.
Healthcare in Mexico is a multifaceted system comprising public institutions overseen by government departments, private hospitals and clinics, and private physicians. It is distinguished by a unique amalgamation of coverage predominantly contingent upon
individuals’ employment statuses. Rooted in the Mexican constitution’s principles, every Mexican citizen is entitled to cost-free access to healthcare and medication. This constitutional mandate was translated into reality through the auspices of the Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar (English: Institute of Health for Well-being), abbreviated as INSABI;[1] however, INSABI was discontinued in 2023.[2]
Many Americans who are able, go to Mexico to buy pharmaceuticals, which are obviously much cheaper there.
How true and to Mexican nursing centers where the elderly are better treated since old people should be honored not shunned.
I also commend your Note where you rightly condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization. It is immoral to murder, rape, and kidnap non-combatants. Israel stealing all the land from the Palestinians is wrong but there is a right way and a wrong way to fight.
Morality aside it did give Israel a free reign to kill, bomb Gaza and Syria. I wonder when moslems and white nationalists will realize when to fight and when not to.
Both Moslems and WN’s need subtlety. I read somewhere there is an Arab saying that goes—The hand you cannot bite you kiss.
For now that is my attitude toward the United States. They currently own us.
Here is my senator making the same point as it pertains to Syria.
Not my fite either.
Folks need to grow up and realize that not every situation can be reduced to a black and white dichotomy. Sometimes there isn’t a correct choice, just less bad ones. If you have any problem understanding, I’ll make it even simpler. If it doesn’t benefit White people, its not our problem.
Stop wasting time in false dichotomies and intellectual cul de sacs.
Correct sir, and well said. But let’s ask the ancient question: cui bono?
To ask is to answer.
The fall of the Assad government is a shocking catastrophe, but it’s hardly the fault of Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Houthis and their recent counterattacks against ZOG Arguably, their initiatives might have actually prolonged Assad’s rule by forcing ZOG to divert men & materiel away from Syria to deal with Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen. The chicken-swingers might have reached Damascus, but Napoleon and Hitler reached Moscow, and their glory proved fleeting.
Even if the 7 October counteroffensive is a lost cause, what were the Palestinians supposed to do, lay down inside what is essentially an open-air death camp while ZOG keeps p!ssing & cr4pping all over them with impunity whenever it wishes? Hamas et al have done splendid work knocking ZOG back on its heels, and the video clips of Resistance snipers and tank-busters excelling in their work indicate that ZOG is stuck in a really gooey quagmire that endangers its existence. ZOG’s atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon have provoked disgust in the hearts of all decent and observant Goyim throughout the world, even in countries afflicted with ZOG-puppet rulers, at a time when the Zoggers are in bad need of friends to survive.
Good points. Sometimes no path is entirely right, and under pressure in confusing circumstances, mistakes are easy to make.
My theory about the Luigi shooter is that he was sunk in healthcare costs. I read he had had a complicated back surgery and I bet he lacked insurance. With high debt, this may have been his form of suicide.
Never think that I believe that Israel on the whole is a righteous country for I do not.
Unfortunately, Hamas gave the Israelis the excuse they were looking for to genocide ALL the Palestinians in Gaza. And sorry, not sorry, there is no way that those Palestinians are looking thrilled that their six month old infant son Ahmed is up in Paradise knocking boots with 72 virgins. The expressions on their face match what one would think belong to parents who are forced to bury their children.
These people didn’t volunteer their homes to have bomb factories and armories built beneath their homes and schools. They were VOLUNTOLD. They are as much hostages of Hamas as the Israelis they took from those settlements.
In fact, I would not blink an eye if you told me MOSSAD had infiltrated HAMAS and orchestrated the October 7th event to keep Benjamin Netanyahu in office as the Unity Candidate protecting the country from an existential threat.
There was something very havey-cavey going on. Female Israeli soldiers reported that there were attempts to break through Israel’s defense continuously as long as a year ago under Netanyahu’s predecessor.
Perhaps someone thought Israel needed it’s own Pearl Harbor or September 11 Terror attack to get behind their leader. It worked for George W. Bush, didn’t it?
The Zoggers were already genociding the Palestinians long before the 7 October Gaza Ghetto Uprising. It was just being slow-rolled under the table, so that most people outside of the region wouldn’t notice. Pissrael had kept a tight gauntlet around Gazauschwitz death camp, severely restricted the influx of food and other necessities into the area to render the population chronically malnourished and sickly, and frequently bombed apartment buildings and public spaces, indiscriminately slaughtering thousands of families because “some Hamas guy” was supposedly in the area.
The Christ-killers’ overreaction to the Hamas Uprising has exposed their innate malevolence for the entire world to see, and blaming Hamas for the suffering in Gaza is like blaming the Vietcong for the My Lai Holocaust. “Israel” pulled the trigger, so it gets ALL the blame. If the J&vvs had a right to their Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943, The Palestinians have a right to their uprising in 2023, and if the Zionists get to detain Palestinians indefinitely without charge, then Hamas get to do the same thing with invasive settlers and suspected IDF/Mossad spooks.
At best, 9/11 only “worked” short term for GWB. After he invaded two countries that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, his party lost Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008. ISIS and Al Qaeda (the alleged perpetrator of 9/11) subsequently emerged and flourished in Iraq (backed by “Israel”), and have done so again in Syria and Libya, thanks in large part to the remorseless Zio-American crusade against secular Arab nationalism.
Hamas was founded by Mossad. The thing that is now more-or-less revealed (with Hamas’ celebration of the conquest of Syria by proxies of Israel, the Empire of Lies, and Erdogan) is that Hamas is still run by Mossad. The events of 10/7/23 were allowed to take place and the IDF implemented their barbaric ‘Cannibal Doctrine’ to slaughter hundreds of their own people. The Palestinians have turned out to be the biggest chumps of recent history. The whole thing was an operation to keep Satanyahoo in power.
@Exalted Russbot,
“The whole thing was an operation to keep Satanyahoo in power.”
There is another Papist lie which goes with one above. It is this: Hitler was a Jewish mind control agent.
Anyone who propagates this is so stuck in their filth and poison they are incapable of realizing how insane they actually sound.
It also takes the limelight away from the known fact. The assassin was a PAPIST.
Ah yes, the flak intensifies when we’re over the target. Even Israelis admit Hamas is the creation of Mossad. They also are the ones who blew the whistle on the stand-down order just before the hang-glider jihadis attacked and the IDF’s use of hellfire missiles (Hamas has none of those) on fleeing Israeli civilians. The Israelis (most relatives of those sacrificed) who protest too much are jailed – another fine example of clown-world ‘rule of law’. There are a very small number of jews who will actually admit truthful things now and again – even though it is in their own long-term self-interest. Kosher Nosetra is the most ruthless enforcer of omerta.
The whole damned thing is a racket. As Gen. Smedley noted so long ago, it nearly always is. Satanyahoo gets his ‘greater Israel’ empire, the Arab baksheesh-boy rulers get to cash in on a nice port to export oil via pipelines to Gaza, Jared and his type get shiny bechfront palaces for cheap (probably at US taxpayer expense), Erdogan gets to expand his new Ottoman empire. When money talks, truth keeps its mouth shut.
Oh and I also forgot – all those jihadis imported into the west by the millions will indeed be of use to your team. Looks for more incidents – aided and abetted by the criminals operating under color of law like the FBI – to terrorize the retards into signing up for the military to fight more wars for Israel. All of the gangsters – Kosher Nosetra, Sultan Erdgan the Snake, the Baksheesh Boyz in the Magic Kingdom and elsewhere in the Ummah, the Carlisle Group, Chuck the Turd & Co. (just to name a few) – will thank those with their arms and legs blown off for their service – even more than the Sacklers did.
@Exalted Cyclops
“Hamas was founded by Mossad.”
Of course it was. Thats because Nazis were founded by Jews, and Hitler was a crypto-Jew.
Exalted Cyclops,
I did not know that. Thank you for the information.
He is a hero, but America is a society that worships scumbag CEOs instead. And before the patriotards here come with the usual “I love corporations and free markets”, the mega corporations overwhelmingly support leftist causes.
Agree. The socialized healthcare systems in Canada and U.K.are failures.
My reply about Canada and the UK was meant for John Bonaccorsi upthread.
My reply to Aryan is that corporations are legal fictions created by government to grant certain privieges to owners and exectives. They would have no place in a free market economy.
That’s an interesting point, Statistically, about the validity of corporations—i.e., the legal entities—in capitalism. It’s probably a point I’ve seen discussed, here and there, across the past several decades, but I’ve never really looked at or considered it.
No Hunter, Communism is not going to solve our problem. Your proposal of a Communist national medical system would only make things worse.
At the links below, Rangewolf, is a recent, two-part article that is relevant to your comment and that might be found interesting by you and other Occidental Dissent commenters, not to mention our blog-host, Mr. Wallace. In tracing a connection between Southern politics post-Civil-War and Donald Trump’s disruption of the Reagan-wrought Republican party, it starts out by limning two factions of the old all-Democrat South …
“For the Redeemers, as those who ‘redeemed’ the white South from Reconstruction were called, the next goal was economic: to restore the fortunes of the South by attracting Northern investment in projects like railroads, mines, and factories. While they did not scruple to support and in some cases to lead the racial violence and terrorism associated with the Ku Klux Klan in the effort to break Yankee and Black political power across the South, their approach to economic development involved cooperation with Northern financial interests and the promotion of reconciliation between North and South.”
“Redeemer economic policies did help catalyze a Southern recovery from the Civil War, but the harsh impact of some of their policies and laws energized populist revolts in state after state. Often seeking allies with populist movements outside the South, and occasionally making common cause with poor Blacks, populist politicians like Georgia’s Tom Watson, Arkansas’ Jeff Davis, Mississippi’s James Vardaman, South Carolina’s ‘Pitchfork’ Ben Tillman, Louisiana’s Huey Long, and Texas’ Jim Hogg … fought back against the pro-business agenda of the Redeemers, and later on the partisans of the New South.
“Their left-wing economic views went along with what would today be considered a right-wing take on social issues.”
“Right up through the era of Alabama Gov. George Wallace and beyond, the traditions of left-wing economics and support for segregation and other hard-right cultural shibboleths would largely, though never universally, define the politics of Southern populists.”
“The differences between these two factions were as deep and bitter as the cleavages between any two parties in American history, but one of the peculiar features of white Southern politics back then was that these two movements both belonged to a single, all-embracing party: the Democrats. In my childhood in the 1950s and 1960s, across most of the South the ‘real’ election was the Democratic primary contest. The general election in November was a formality as no serious opposition to the Democrats existed.
“Political competition between the two wings of the Democratic Party in the South revolved not only around policy differences, but also culture and symbolism. Populists often adopted the kind of rogue clown persona that attendees of Donald Trump’s rallies will have little trouble recognizing.”
The author is Walter Russell Mead.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Russell_Mead
The links are the following …
The MAGAtard right has a strong overlap with the viewers at home and in-person audiences of the (((Jerry Springer))) show.
Instead of chanting, “Jerry. Jerry,” they chant “MAGA. MAGA!” Cut from the same cloth.
It’s such a numb skull flex to pat oneself on the back to virtue signal as the base supporters of the tangerine turd. It’s not the own they believe it is.
Cohencedentally, both Springer’s financial backers and Trunp’s are from the same tribe.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s patriot. The founding fathers of Pissrael were psychotic Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah terrorists who unleashed multiple bombings, assassinations, and other atrocities for their “promise land”. ZOG reveres them as heroes, and some of them became presidents and prime ministers.
Israhell keeps a lot of Palestinian hostages who are detained without trial, and ZOG jailers have openly bragged about sodomising them. The drugged out slags at that orgy-rave that Hamas crashed on 7 October were young military age, so they may be considered either active-duty or reservist IDF combatants. Moreover, Mossad is so effective and ruthless in its dirty work, every J&vv in the world may be presumed to be a Mossad operative unless proven otherwise.
How many times did the Palestinians take pot-shots at the USS Liberty? How many times did they blow up the King David Hotel? How many of them assassinated Lord Moyne, Folke Bernadotte, or Colonel Serot? Did they ever mail a letter bomb to President Truman?
@Gaza Poverty Law Center,
“Even if the 7 October counteroffensive is a lost cause, what were the Palestinians supposed to do, lay down inside what is essentially an open-air death camp while ZOG keeps p!ssing & cr4pping all over them with impunity whenever it wishes?”
You disgusting filth of lies. The Sand N@gger Hamas where given billions of dollars. They could’ve built a modern day city state power house.
Instead, like Sand N@ggers they ate for free, lived in shitty buildings, screwed, had tons of babies, raised them to hate Westerners, Americans, Israelis, Christians and Jews, and gave all the money to build tunnels, buy weapons, make arsenals, and in general act like Orcs from JRR Tolkein novels.
“Hamas et al have done splendid work knocking ZOG back on its heels, and the video clips of Resistance snipers and tank-busters excelling in their work indicate that ZOG is stuck in a really gooey quagmire that endangers its existence.”
Spoken like a true Sand N@gger lover. Celebrating paragliding Sand N@ggers landing into parties and killing everyone around them, proves you are probably working to help them do the same here. Would you like that Sand N@gger lover? Would you like to see Southrons, men, women, and children at Hunters Fishing hole slaughtered by the thousands?
Indeed, there are thousands of Jihadis now in the US. At least 1,000 are known to be preparing to launch multiple Oct 7, Mumbai style attacks across the US. The Feds are all over the place trying to track them down. But with some 40,000,000 illegal aliens,, 37,500,000 legal aliens, and 37,500,000 of their children, its prwtty hard to do it. Hell, they are probably planning on blowing up the Trump inauguration and the Capitol. You’d celebrate that too I am sure.
“ZOG’s atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon have provoked disgust in the hearts of all decent and observant Goyim throughout the world, even in countries afflicted with ZOG-puppet rulers, at a time when the Zoggers are in bad need of friends to survive.”
Actually everyone in the West is now talking about problems with the solution starting with: “What would Netanyahu do” (WWND). You’ll failed gou disgusting Sand N@gger lover.
The killer is a homosexual. His so-called heroic act was probably driven by the rage these folks hold inside them. He’s to be pitied and abhorred, not admired.
“Oh but he’s so handsome and irresistible!”
So sayeth the insane and ruined women of the USA.
@Stephen Dalton,
What is your evidence that Mangione is a fag?
Had he assassinated an abortion doctor, many Christians would be hailing him as a hero, and not slander him.
A beautiful song that I have often danced to.
I am partial to Mariachi Vargas. How say you and your family?
Thank you for sending that to me. That type of music is popular in the State where most of my relatives/family/ancestors are from. Western Mexico loves it. My grandmother loves it especially.
The singer has a good voice.
She is from well before your time. Her name is Linda Ronstadt. Ronstadt was one of the greatest female vocalists in America during the 20th century.
I will have to look into her other songs.
I have a blog in draft mode about Syria. Can you look over? I’ll post today unless I hear different.
Made his millions based on how many health care claims he rejected.
I feel no sorrow.
There are no good guys in this sordid little soap-opera.
Insurance company denies covering cost of life-saving medicine for woman
hellonly if she is chosienite
A dago sacrificing his own life for the greater good – that is indeed rare for them. Normally they are all clannish and only care for their own clan and family, see the Mafia.
Prior to the invasion of Sweden by migrants fleeing wars for pissrael by GAYTO, but especially the USA, Sweden had an ethnostate where socialized medicine functioned like a Swiss wristwatch. Sure, their taxes were higher than in Weimerika aka New Jerusalem, but they were a happy, functional, healthy, safe, and society and people.
It can work marvelously, but not when capitalist hand rubbers like fictional characters such Ebenezer Scrooge and Mister Potter are entranced by the jew’s XO deity mammon.
Catchy song.
When will Trump’s USAG Pam “Bimbo” Bondi prosecute him for hate speech?