St. Paul, the former Je*ish Pharisee high priest “Saul of Tarsus” supposedly had his “epiphany” “on the road to Damascus” (Syria) predicting a new universal order of peace and brotherhood where:
Galatians 3:28-29
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Certain critics of the Je*s such as German philosopher Freiderich Nietzsche accused St. Paul/Rabbi Saul of simply lying to the White European Greeks in Syria. Nietzsche noted that Je*s back in the Greco Roman day and his/our day have tended to be extremely ethno centric seeking to kill, enslave or ethnically cleanse various non Je*s – classical Ha Wite Greeks then, Palestinians now (link). It doesn’t look like a great time for Ha Wite Americans or other Western Christians to visit Bethlehem this Christmas. It’s also not a good time to hang out with the well dressed Alawites (Mr and Mrs Assad’s ethnic group), Lebanese Maronite Christians (they used to win international beauty contests).
The “facts on the ground in the Holy Land/Middle East are that the Talmudist, Zionist Chosen People AND the Al Qaeda, ISIS “Religion of Peace” nut cases have taken power everywhere; this area is simply a very bad neighborhood for folks who look and think like us. Our/my European kinsmen the Russians had (temporarily) driven back the ugly, swarthy 8th century Islamists from Syria, but thanks to the Neo Cons/Zionists/Biden Administration restarting the Cold War in Ukraine, Russian military wasn’t there to save White/mostly White civilization in Palmyra Syria as they did 8 years ago. (Link)

What do Amurikun Christian Religious Right GOP Christian leaders such as Mike “the Huckster” Huckabee (“the Huckster” will soon be the US Ambassador to Israel) or Mike “so help me God” Pence have to say about Christians being pretty much genocided in the Holy Land/Middle East?
“That’s not my concern” (Link)
Do any of our Christian OD readers have some good news for us this Christmas season? I have some – Hollywood Je* pervert Oligarch Harvey Weinstein is no longer around to mass open some sick, violent hate White people, anti Christ movie such as “Bad Santa” or “D’Jango Unchained” ON CHRISTMAS DAY!

That’s good news. How about our OD readers share some of their good news? “The Gospel” was once meant to be “good news”.
What’s your point? You are all over the place.
I liked the pictures showing the differences between the Presidential family and their adversaries. It is doubtful that this change will be good.
Hello Jay,,,
You’re an inspiration for me in your style of writing, combining knowledge, erudition, sarcasm and irony.
Some of the readers in my own webzine “The West’s Darkest Hour” often complain that I have too much gravitas, so I’m trying to change a bit and be more attractive, especially for Aryan youngsters and normies.
The good news that I have to share is that I’m reconverting, meaning I’m returning to the Holy Catholic Church after spending two decades in a very dark place (I’m not referring to African or mudblood countries but my own miserable psychological condition).
I’m a National-Socialist from Mexico, a hard-core Hitlerist, a priest of the 14 words and a believer in the one-drop rule (albeit to my own detriment) but after reading dozens of books about Uncle Hitler I came to the conclusion that the Führer was a Christian, and would be the foremost defender of the faith had he won the war.
Hitler believed, correctly, that Our Lord Jesus Christ was not a Jew but a tall blond Aryan with a splendid visage and a healthy athletic body, so in my latest soliloquies I realized how wrong I was in fighting for so long the Christian faith !
Our Lord Jesus rose from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life!
Well, who exactly is this “Aryan Christ” (anointed by whom?) from 2000 years ago to return a second time?
Give it another 10,000 years. They’ll still be waiting. That is, if humans haven’t managed to exterminate themselves.
Thank you C.T. for your kind words. I really appreciate them.
I don’t receive “a lot” of positive feedback on my writing. I try my best and yes, I do it “my way”.
I was very proud of my comics that I did with the White African artist Farstar, but I never was able to get anyone to publish them on a regular basis, much less pay me/us for them.
Farstar got tired of dealing with American White Nationalists, as I was the only one that paid him for his/our work.
Our “movement” ( I hate that term) has always had lots of good writers, very few great or even good artists, singers, actors under the age of 80 years old. Our enemies especially the Js work to see that we can rarely get or keep young, talented artists – so we are stereotyped as biter old White men.
Thanks again.
You and Farstar should try Arkhaven – run by Vox Day. He’s the one who always says we need to build our own platforms and he’s actually put his money where his mouth is. All of the old comics have been taken over by woketards who are destroying them altogether. Arkhaven is going places as a result of their collapse.
I’ll have to find a new artist to put on canvas my ‘Brilliant” comic ideas. Farstar doesn’t want anything to do with American White nationalism or sadly with me anymore. I think I’ve heard of Arkhaven. Vox Day you say? Do you have links, contacts? Is that where there was a running series of comics that were very Tolkien with Orcs, Hobbits but also Roman soldiers? Thanks brother.
Here is the website. There are a lot of different comics there. Tolkien has obviously been a major influence on Day’s own writing (which is actually not comics but novels). In fact he recently commented on what has been happening with the Tolkien legacy since the death of Tolkien’s son and the copyrights were sold to the usual suspects – who Day refers to as Hellmouth in his post about it.
Your movement is nothing other than global monarchical communism…. And treason to support any move for these Republic’s to be destroyed or place under a foreign alien monarchy’s sovereignty!!!
Pound sand!! The dialectical propaganda is so obvious!! example C.T.’s esoteric 88 bulls-it…
First good overview in English about Syrian events. For all antisemites, behind the link are some good news.
It was clear from the beginning that something does not add up. Russians, Iranians and other hard players in this neighbourhood don’t run away and leave everything to the enemy just like this.
Thanks for the link .
Sounds dreadful .
The Islamic Turkish Ottoman Empire basically working hand in globe with Israel – International Js ( Zionism , Neo Conservatism , the Great Replacement of our Ha Wite Western People im Greece , the Balkans , Cenytal and even Western Europe UK , USA , Canada with tens of millions , hundreds if millions if nasty Arab , Turk , Pakistani young Muslim migrants of military , rape ha wite girls age .
Js and Arab Muslim Moors worked together to achieve this in Spain for > 700 years until they both were expelled or Js forced to convert to Converso Catholic Christiany under the Inquisition.
Somehow , I think this worst ever Pope Francis won t sponsor any Crusades to take back Jerusalem and Syria from the Muslims or the anti ha wite Talmudists .
As King Elrod told Gandalf on hearing that Sautaman the ha wite had gone over to Sauron :
“ Our list of allies grows thin”
Well, that was fast.
Erdogan publicly brags about occupying Syria:
“The cities that we call Aleppo, Idlib, Damascus and Raqqa will become our provinces, like Antep, Hatay and Urfa !
“It was clear from the beginning that something does not add up. Russians, Iranians and other hard players in this neighbourhood don’t run away and leave everything to the enemy just like this.”
These so called hard players, really aren’t that hard. Iran continually gets punched back down whether by the US or Israel. Syria has been on the ropes even AFTER the US disengaged.
Basically, America has the power to end all those players in the Middle East. It just lacks political leadership who are willing to do it. In contrast, Russia and Iran have a political leadership willing to do it but havee far less power. In essence, Russia, Syria and Iran only got so far because of weak American leadership.
Once Oct 7 happened, Israel’s leadership wasn’t going to wait any longer. Despite resistance from the ((Biden Administration)) the Israelis outside a war fighting strategy that eliminated Syria’s main support in the region. Russia doesn’t have the strength to reinforce on the level it thought necessary to maintain Assad. The game was finished.
It just goes to show what the US could’ve done in the Middle East between 2002-2008 but chose not too under weak Republocan political leadership. The subsequent 8 years was just a slow retreat of an otherwise still potent US military presence by yet another even weaker Administration. Ny the time of Trump, US assets were smaller still. But under his strong leadership, even flexing a little muscle caused defeats. Its sad to think of the misery in the region that could’ve been ended amd the strategic wealth could’ve been secured by America under strong American leadership.
The US couldn’t pacify a ragtag bu ch of insurgents in Iraq without Petraeus bribing them in muh surge. Afghanistan speaks for itself. After the US went into Iraq and was put on its heels by AQI they dropped any plans for Iranian action. The US was pathetically weak 20 years ago. They could do no better than they did
Also , the US never disengaged from Syria. Troops remained and bombs kept on falling since 2015.
Our resident hasbara (who pretends to be white) likes to wax on about how mighty the Murikan military is. He forgets that today’s post-Christian woketard shithole is not the same place it was in 1940. All the tech in the world won’t save the sorry collection of retards and dindoos. He just wants bodies for the meat-grinder. Showing himself as a true disciple of hell. Send whatever white boys they can find to die for Israel while their own countries remain open to invasion from orc-legions from the south – aided, organized and abetted by every single jewish organization plus not a few others claiming to be “Christian” (whether nominally Catholic or Protestant makes no difference. Apostate is apostate regardless of what you call yourself). DON’T FALL FOR IT. IT’S A SCAM.
> The Islamic Turkish Ottoman Empire basically working hand in globe with Israel – International Js ( Zionism , Neo Conservatism , the Great Replacement of our Ha Wite Western People im Greece , the Balkans , Cenytal and even Western Europe UK , USA , Canada with tens of millions , hundreds if millions if nasty Arab , Turk , Pakistani young Muslim migrants of military , rape ha wite girls age .
Yes, Erdogan the Great Sultan of Snakes behaved true to form. What’s been amusing is the behavior of the gaslight media (entirely owned by usual suspects). It’s Deja-vu all over again, to quote a old baseball guy. Now we’re being told that these latest head-choppers from Al-CIA-Duh are really liberal democrats (this is kind of true, but not in the way consent-factory says – the so-called liberal democrats like Liz Cheney, Micron, 2-Tier Kier, et al are really no different from head-choppers, despite the suits).
Remember back in 2022 how certain actual Nazis became good-guys, as if by magic? The magic involved is the seal of approval by the Kosher Nosetra. Powerful magic indeed. Nazis (complete with swastikas, death’s heads, black-suns) suddenly transform into heroic freedom fighters against Pootler. Now certified head-choppers have been magically transformed into heroic freedumb fighters for liberal demoncracy – dressed up like an even swarthier version of the handless maestro of Kyieeev (sure to give retarded bitches and whores of all 57 genders throughout the western world a tingle). Erdo has been selling the oil stolen by Murikan tards in uniform to Satanyahoo for a decade or so.
I too wonder if there just might be a subliminal racial context to the underlying Syrian conflict. I can’t help noticing that President Bashar and most of his clique could very easily pass for members of Victor Orban’s government in Hungary, whereas most of the so-called “rebels” look like they could be loading up donkey carts in Lahore, Pakistan. Could there be a DEI component to our Syria policy? Will Colin Kaepernick soon become a minister in the new “rebel” regime? Just some food for thought.
@Ulises Landis,
“Could there be a DEI component to our Syria policy?”
The Alawites are a psuedo-Islamic tribe that most Moslems consider to be crypto-Christians. Most Orthodox Christians consider them to be likely descendents of various heretical Christian sects from the late antiquity and early Middle Ages with some European and Armenian admixture from the Crusader era. The French liked them enough to entrust them with being proxies in the colonial era.
Unfortunately, the Alawites joined up with the Baath movement and Nazi stay behind groups and helped overthrow their former French backers. Eventually, the Alawites overthrew their Nasser backed Arab allies. This consistent gangsterism, back stabbing, and authoritarianism is the only way local Moslems stay in power and under the Assad crime family, Syria was the epitome.
Despite their White looks and Western dress, the Assad family were nothing but gangsters. They also were hard core Jew haters. So during the Arab Israeli wars they sided with the Arabs. The Soviets also aided with the Arabs. So, Syria become a client of the Soviets. After the later fell, the Syrians remained clients of Russia. Rather than join up with Americans, the Syrians remained within the Russian orbit proving erksome to the Americans. So, we tried to overthrow them. Now here we are. C est la vi.
The good news is that there are millions like me. We will never give up and we are not going away. Our souls are on the line.
Would it be out of line if I were to write that I find Huckabee and John Hagee disgusting?
No, not out of line at all – just being ….
Yes, we your devoted fans he wish you to be the next 9 (well actually the 1st) Trad Catholic Queen of Mexico and give the nod to an Inquisition to ya, know – change that Converso bit** Je*ess President of bad cartel Je8 Mexico!
OK, men… let’s go to work finding Miss C R A a handsome prince, king. I see Enrique is already taken, the beautiful Russian tennis player, beautify queen Anna K has taken that prince. Let’s find another.
Not in the least. In fact, Andrew Torba just yesterday dropped a massive bomb on all of he stinking heretics and apostates like Hagee, Huckabee and Doug Wilson:
>The book of Hebrews makes it crystal clear: the Old Covenant is obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). It’s done. Finished. Over. The New Covenant in Christ’s blood has replaced it entirely. The Church fulfills God’s promise to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him (Genesis 22:18) and his seed, who is Christ. (Galatians 3:16-18)
> The belief that ethnic Israel retains a distinctive status apart from the Church misinterprets Scripture. It neglects the transformative nature of Christ’s work. He did not simply enhance Israel; He fulfilled its purpose and extended it to embrace all who believe.
> If your pastor is preaching anything else on this subject, you’re not in a church.
> You’re in a synagogue of Satan.
The Synagogue of Satan is not limited to the ethnically “pure” members of a certain tribe.
Oh my. Have I been short changing Protestants? It appears many know the truth. This is very encouraging.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Not in the least. In fact, Andrew Torba just yesterday dropped a massive bomb on all of he stinking heretics and apostates like Hagee, Huckabee and Doug Wilson
“The book of Hebrews makes it crystal clear: the Old Covenant is obsolete
“The belief that ethnic Israel retains a distinctive status apart from the Church misinterprets Scripture. It neglects the transformative nature of Christ’s work. He did not simply enhance Israel; He fulfilled its purpose and extended it to embrace all who believe
“The Synagogue of Satan is not limited to the ethnically “pure” members of a certain tribe.”
I endorse these points. But, lets also be clear. Jesus and the Evangelists did not deny the Jews ultimate salvation. Indeed, they warned not to boast of our own grafting into the Promise. For as we have been cleaved onto the trunk, and an original branch has been broken off, how much greater will that tree be when the branch is regrafted on? Let us be sure in turn, we are not broken off either.
At any rate, when it comes to foreign policy and national interests, we are not bound to only deal with Christian countries, certainly not just Protestant ones. There are plenty of countries we have alliances with which are not Christian. Supporting the current State of Israel is not forbidden by scripture or national interests. Thats the only difference I would add.
> Supporting the current State of Israel is not forbidden by scripture or national interests.
I would say it is as long as Satanyahoo is running it. Perhaps in the future it could be an ally in fighting a revived Ottoman Empire though.
2Aryan Globalist : You have confused The Lord Jesus with the imposture of “SAInt Paul.” Saul of Tarsus with his wonderful transformation.
Very well put. And encouraging.
There in is the big lie as they are not ethically or even racially pure… Afro-Asiatic’s, ie. mixed Ethiopian Cushites (Zipporah) with “King of the Universe Sargon’s Akkadian descendants..
Bibliography: https://www.academia.edu/90037370/WHO_WERE_THE_HYKSOS_Torino_4_September_1991_
We are in the midsts of the 4th Punic war… https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/aeon-byte-gnostic/gram-pong-on-the-origins-VYLHqZo2UD1/
Y’all are delusional as your wont of a “man-god, lord, and king” is of the out of Africa Zipporahite Cushite race y’all rail about day in and day out… doublethinking and posssed. Y the foreign alien mind of their “anointed” one you fools! (Dixie is a confederation of REPUBLIC’s for good reason, and GIVING AID SUPPORT AND COMFORT TO ANY “second coming” earthly foreign racial alien kingship trying to destroy Dixie’s republic’s is TREASON (Artcle III sec 3)
The Islamist, Turkish Ottoman wanna be Sultan is insulting all remaining Ha Wite Christians over Christians being wiped out in Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem and rubbing our noses in Turk Muslim poop that St. Sofia the greatest Christian cathedral in the East is now, forever Islam.
Here’s his quote:
“‘Istanbul (as Constantinople was called in 1453) is Muslim, and with the Grace of God will remain so forever,’ the Turkish president said
The 571th anniversary of the dour fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks, which marked the end of what later historians would refer to as the Byzantine Empire, provided the latest opportunity for Recep Tayyip Erdogan to launch into a chauvinist and Islamist-tinged address to supporters.
Among others, the more-than-two-decades leader of Turkey charged that “Istanbul (as Constantinople was officially renamed in the early 20th century) is Muslim, and with the Grace of God will remain so forever.”
He also pointed to his administration’s controversial reconversion in 2020 of the Hagia Sophia, the greatest of all Christian basilicas in the East, from a museum back into a mosque.
“It (Hagia Sophia) was liberated from its chains…” he said, adding that the sacking of Constantinople in 1453 by a huge Ottoman army and their vassal allies is a “source of inspiration for achieving the goal of the Century of Turkey.” The latter is a campaign slogan used in last year’s election, which resulted in the re-election of Erdogan and his AKP party.
“We will not allow Istanbul to be separated from the spirit of conquest of the Mehmet the Conqueror, even though today they still do not accept this,” he said in reference to the Ottoman sultan who armies overran and sacked the Bosporus metropolis.
As such, he opined that Istanbul is the “legacy of the conqueror, our ancestors, our holy army and the fallen…”
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J Ryan resumes:
Any remaining ha Wite Christians in North America see their Religious Right, whatever became of the 700 Club, BYU Church of tax exempt Latter Day Sissies even “notice” that Christians and all ha whites are being persecuted, ethnically cleansed, our pretty fair girls take as the 3rd, 4th wives, concubines of these nasty, swarthy, hairy Islamists? Anybody see George Dubya Bush or his brains Karl Rove notice this?
Me neither.
Never trust a Turk.
> He also pointed to his administration’s controversial reconversion in 2020 of the Hagia Sophia, the greatest of all Christian basilicas in the East, from a museum back into a mosque.
“It (Hagia Sophia) was liberated from its chains…” he said, adding that the sacking of Constantinople in 1453 by a huge Ottoman army and their vassal allies is a “source of inspiration for achieving the goal of the Century of Turkey.” The latter is a campaign slogan used in last year’s election, which resulted in the re-election of Erdogan and his AKP party.
There you see the face of Turko-Islamic supremacism. The city remained as Constantinople on all western maps until after the establishment of Ataturk’s secular regime in 1923, even until after WW II in some cases. The magnificent building was also the scene of great Muslim butchery in 1453 as all sorts of civilians had fled inside for safety. The Eastern Roman Empire (often called Byzantine – but the formal title of the last emperor who died fighting the Turks on the walls of the city held the title Basileos Romanoi – lit. King of the Romans) was permanently weakened by the disgusting Fourth Crusade (1202) where instead of fighting Muslims they chose to attack and loot Constantinople, whose walls were not actually breached until 1453 – nearly a thousand years after they were built and then only with giant guns designed, built and manned by western ‘Christians’.
Interesting parallel to what we see in Syria today. The absolute worst type of Muslim head-choppers aided and abetted in their extermination of the tiny remnant Christians in the region by other so-called Christians (there were no Protestants in 1453 = Luther’s 95 Theses date to 1517): nominal Catholics in the 1200s and 1453, Heretics like Hagee/Huckabee, et al today.
Back to the Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), bad as Erdo is – the structure is likely safer than it would be in France, the UK, Germany, Ireland or any place in the Post-Christian west – where countless churches – even major ones like Notre Dame and the Cathedral at Rouen – have been torched by Muslim colonists and their Church of Woke enablers, while the loudest cheers of all for Notre Dame going up in flames came from the Synagogue of Satan.
Exalted Cyclops,
Good observations. I think the Byzantines were just Eastern Romans to friend, foe, and themselves.
Erdogan appears to be very untrustworthy. Good thing Turkey is not militarily powerful to my knowledge.
That was very valuable information. I did not see that in the mainstream news.
@Jaye Ryan,
“Any remaining ha Wite Christians in North America see their Religious Right, whatever became of the 700 Club, BYU Church of tax exempt Latter Day Sissies even “notice” that Christians and all ha whites are being persecuted, ethnically cleansed, our pretty fair girls take as the 3rd, 4th wives, concubines of these nasty, swarthy, hairy Islamists? Anybody see George Dubya Bush or his brains Karl Rove notice this?”
Those are good points. I noticed long ago, that George Bush, Karl Rove, and other GOPe guys could care less about Christianity in general and Middle East Christians in particular or even Christians in Europe. Those two dingle brains representing a dingle brain faction in the ruling class lobbied mightily to get the EU to accept Turkey. We struggle equally as hard to stop it, pulling out all networks in Europe to counter lobby. Thankfully, we succeeded chiefly thru an undisclosed former President of France. Had Turkey been incorporated, Europe would’ve been flood by even more Middle Eastern refugees as well as millions more Turks and Kurds.
Likewise, we noticed how the 700 Club and the other Christian “Evangelist” media groups did little to frame the GWOT as a civilizational war let alone a war being waged by Islam which Christians should counter. It was totally up their alley. For decades they had championed Israel in its struggles against Arabs. But, if you watched carefully, they never really described it as Moslem v non-Moslem, but continued with their worship of Israel and dog whistles against Arabs.
What was going on here, is that Bush and its phucktard bisexual consiglieri are nothing but opportunistic representatives of oil connected globalists. Its this group, not the Israelis, who pressure Christian Evangelists to not frame GWOT as a religious war. The reason is simple, those guys are directly in bed with the oil sheiks, suppressing anti-Islamic or Counter-Jihadi movements brings them more cash from the Oil Sheiks. Thus, for these robber baron globalists, GWOT never officially was part of the Arab Israeli struggle, was never a religious war of Christianity defending against Islam, and in fact, Moslems were cool cuz they’d make great Europeans like the Turks and Kurds. It’s just those baddie who misuse Islam we must fight with one hand tied around our balls.
That insanity seems from the centrist Globalist connected Republican and Democrat wing. That includes both the LDS, who now has economic trading relationships with Oman, Yemen, Saudis, and Gulf States, the Papacy, which is the single largest stock holder in this enterprise, and of course Americans both Prods and Papists in it for the buck.
In contrast, Israel would’ve have liked nothing more than to frame GWOT as a GWOJ (Global War on Jihad) or especially G-WOG Global War on Wogs. That would’ve allowed for massive escalation to wipe out the Assad regime, and knuckle under the Gulf States. But, that would’ve upset the venal system created by people like the Bush’s and the Oil Sheiks. Likewise for Turkey, being European, an idea meant to bring Turkey into the EU in order the EU controls oil routes to Europe, and gets more cheap but educated labor from Turkey. In these objectives, Hagio Sophip isn’t even a diplomatic asset to be compromised away.
Meanwhilez, the Turk continues to expand his influence. Both Turks and Kurds can cower the silly fat Germans into obedience, and the Greeks and Balkan Slavs can be overwhelmed with new Moslem colonists not just from Turkey but Syria and Iraq. Better still, if an Islamo-Arab Caliphate is created, the Turk knows we will turn to him to counter it. Overall its not so much about some vaste Jew conspiracy, as it is about just a bunch of selfish Westetn racketeers. They’ve turned Christendom into a market whore for their short term gain by helping very dangerous and corrosive nations inimical to Western Christendom.
Jaye does not understand what Paul was talking about about in his letter to the Church in Galatia, and his misreading of St.Paul should not go unanswered.
The Church in Galatia was Judaizing, falling back into Judaism. They were requiring members to be circumcized, obviously only the males. Paul’s letter was against the Judaizers.
His answer was that Christians are baptized, not circumcised. All Christians, whether male or female, Greek or Jew, slave or free, all are baptized. Concerning baptism we are all the same, we are baptized. It is not that way in Judaism, not that way with the circumcision.
American Christianity fell when they allowed the Jews to circumcise everyone (males). That was around 1900 when the Jews took over American medicine. They told the people it was a medical requirement, otherwise the children would get disease. There was no St. Paul around to oppose them.
If nothing else, understand that when the parents started having the sons circumcised, that is when American Christians Judaized. They should have followed St. Paul instead of the Jewish doctors.
Even today they are circumcising the sons. Such a people has no future.
Very interesting article. Traditionally speaking Catholic parents who allow their boy babies to be circumcised commit a mortal sin. Exception being grave health reasons.
I do not know enough about male health issues on how a baby boy could have such health issues but I only give you our rules.
That’s an excellent point Rangewolf. Absolutely true. I’d place the takeover of medicine in the US a bit later (1920s) but you are absolutely correct about the whole purpose of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. The Galatia referred to here was a place in present day Turkey which was populated by Celtic tribes, whose language was related to those of Gaul (France). Paul’s rebuke was about their adoption of various practices of the old Hebrew law like circumcision.
There is also a Galicia in far Northwest Spain where the natives once spoke a Celtic language. Galicia also refers to a region in the Carpathians sandwiched where Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania all have borders. It was mostly part of the Austrian empire until 1918. These are sometimes confused with the place in Turkey.
@Exalted Cyclops,
First, references to Galatia do refer to an area of Turkey occupied by Celts who originated from Gaul. They occupied this region following some sort of vast Celtic crusade around 300 b.c. which saw them conquer and sack Rome, take over modern Spain, subject modern day Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, and finally crest in modern day Central Turkey.
No one knows for certain what caused this but it matches previous Nordic mass invasions which terrified the ancient Mediteraneum World. Myths and legends speak of both sacred defilements by the Mediterraneum people as well as control over trade routes for causing this periodic mass invasions. Not coincidentally, such invasions continued to the fall of Rome and even the Crusades.
These Galatians in Turkey had Red, Auburn, and Blonde Hair, fair eyes, and spoke Gaulic all the way until after Emperor Justinian in the 500s A.D. They were for all intents and purposes a distinct ethnic group and had great impact on Anatolia (Turkey) until the later smashed them to pieces. But prior to that they became a centerpiece of Christian Civilization in the East.
Other portions of Europe named Galicia are likewise etymologically descended from regions which were also occupied by Gallic tribes who, not coincidentally, also early on converted to Christianity. Bohemia, modern Czech Republic, is named after the powerful Bohema Celtic Tribe, and early Christian artifacts are found among their archeological sites dating from the 200s A.D. Practically the whole of Europe had Celtic tribes with many making the early transition to Christianity and making them them arguably the bedrock of European civilization. The Galatians in Turkey became among the first Christians in history and had great impact on the Christian Church.
Second, “Paul’s rebuke was about their adoption of various practices of the old Hebrew law like circumcision.” This a patently incorrect interpretation. He wasn’t denouncing the use of circumcision per se, but rather the requirement by some in the early Church requiring circumcision to be considered Christian. The Galatians Church joined this fad and Paul was denouncing it as judaizing the Gospel. Paul never said getting circumcised was UnChristian or damnable as some stupid Popish traditionalists proclaim. People like Nick Fuentes and Christina Romana Alva say this bullshit as a means of deletimizing anyone on the Christian Nationalist movement who is circumcised. Its typical psycho-Papist manipulation. Just as circumcision doesn’t give your salvation neither does circumcision prohibit your salvation.
What you say about the issue of non Jews (White Greeks) converting to this new/old religion of Judeo Christianity and the issue of adult non Jewish men/Greeks/Gentiles having to undergo circumcision, yes that was true but that’s not mentioned in the quote Galatians 3:28-29, which I will repost here again:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
I Jaye Ryan respond. St. Paul, the former (look at the Mosaic I included – he’s a dark, swarthy, Jew like creature, not a handsome classical White Greek man) Jewish Rabbit, Pharisee High Priest Saul of Tarsus explicit states that the divisions between Greeks (White Gentiles, all Gentiles) and Jews, divisions between Free and Slaves, even men and women would soon become a thing of the past, implying as so so many other Communist Js and other misguided White Gentiles (Tommy Jefferson the Declaration of Independence – All Men are Created Equal, why well it’s supposedly some TRUTH that’s self evident that the 10th illegitimate child of some Mike Tyson Black hood rat and a Black crack cocaine addict Welfare Queen their son will BE EQUAL to our healthy, high IQ White children. And when that doesn’t happen, which it never has… there are….
Slave Revolts – Haiti , Santo Domingo 1804?LBJ’s “Great Society Civil Rights ,War Against Poverty – 1967-68 in Newark NJ, Detroit, Watts, here in Chicago (West Side, fortunate not on our South Side).
Other times certain (smoking MJ, Opium?) Je*s and White Gentiles got this Universal equality, brother hood of all men (There are now > 2 billion non Whites, Shudra, Afghan Mountain Muslim Tribalists, Shudra untouchables on the Indian Continent) in and after the French Revolution:
Liberte, Fraternity, Egalite.
John Lennon’s “Imagine” ” imagine there are no nations, no religions, no possessions, no heaven above or hell below, just everyone living for the day and the world will live as one.” (John and Yoko Ono wrote these lies about no possessions when they were living in the Dakota and Central Park West in Manhattan in New York City. So is the entire 3rd world in hell holes like the Black Hole of Calcutta, the worst slums in Monrovia Liberia, Haiti or Camden NJ supposed to move in to the Dakota on Central Park West in Manhattan NYC? What the F#*@#?
The remaining NS Germans open to some race realistic forms of Christianity (Alfred Rosenberg, sometimes AH Grand dady, ) proposed “Positive Christianity” – getting rid of the genocidal anti Gentile, Je* Centric Old Testament Bible ( no way to make Exodus, Esther work for us except this Identity Christianity – WE’RE THE REAL JEWS” NOPE!) and also the intrigues of St. Paul, Rabbi Charisse Saul of Tarsus.
The German Philosopher blamed St Paul/Rabbi Saul for subverting the Greco Roman Empire with this nature denying, race denying, Universalist slave religion Judeo Christianity which then and now is no match for Talmudic Judaism or later Islam.
Here’s what Frederich Nietzsche wrote about St. Paul and Early Christianity:
“A mere copy – for the Christian church lacks all claim to originality as compared with the “holy race” . . . Because of their capacity for distortion, the Jews are the most fateful people in human history. In the course of their operations they have hoodwinked mankind so much that, even to this day, the Christian can feel anti-Semitic without realizing that he himself is the logical consequence of Judaism…
The Gospels are invaluable as evidence of the corruption which had already attacked the early Christian community. At the death of the savior, a process of decay began which Paul, with the cyclical logic of a rabbi, merely developed to its conclusion. These Gospels cannot be read with too much care; there are difficulties in every word of them. I admit, and I hope it will not be held against me, that it is this very fact which makes them such a delight for a psychologist. For they are the reverse of a merely naive corruption: they represent an ultimate refinement, an artistic triumph of mental rottenness…
Here we are among Jews: this is the first thing to be remembered if we don’t wish to lose the scent. in this book, the illusion of personal “holiness,” which literally amounts to genius, and has never been even approached in other books or by other men; the elevation of deceit in attitude and phrase to the status of an art – is not any accident due to the exceptional talents of any one individual. It is a racial matter. in the formulation of Christianity, the art of concocting holy lies, which is the essence of Jewishness, after many centuries
of earnest apprenticeship and practice in Judea, has reached technical perfection. The Christian, who is the last word in falsity, is the Jew repeating his type – thrice a Jew…
Little super-Jews, fit only for the madhouse, reversed all values to suit themselves, as if the followers of Christ alone were the meaning, the salt, the standard, and even the supreme court of mankind… Such a calamity was only possible because a species of megalomania, similar to this one, and racially like it (orthodox Jewish) was already in existence. When a division appeared between official Jews and Christian Jews, the latter had no alternative but to employ the self-protective measures peculiar to the Jews themselves, whereas the Jews had used it only against Gentiles. The Christian is only a noncomformist Jew…
It is advisable to put on gloves before handling the New Testament. The presence of so much filth makes this precaution advisable. We would as soon hob-nob with Polish Jews as with early Christians, and there is no need to elaborate our objection: neither smells good…
Paul, the Jew, the eternal and perfect Jew – Paul the genius – realized that, by means of the small sectarian Christian movement which had broken away from Judaism, a world conflagration could be kindled. He realized that, by means of “God on the Cross,” everything underhand, seditious, and a product of rebellious intrigues within the empire, might be welded together into one immense power. “For salvation is of the Jews”. . . (The Antichrist)”
I agree with Fredrich Nietzsche’s observations and Alfred Rosenberg’s suggestion of a “Positive Christianity” getting rid of the anti Gentile Je* centric Old Testament Bible and the lies and intrigues of St. Paul/Rabbi Saul of Tarsus.
(Ok that was a lot)
Jaye: I do not particularly make reference to Nietzsche , not forgetting he was Pole , and premature death. But eminent of his time to reveal the hypocrisy , following Kierkegaard and even earlier , E. Kant.
But your conclusion i fear is sagacious and has troubled me a long time. Since in conventional Christian churches the Gospel , which is divine is preempted by Saulus in his epistles , which is not.
Do you think that Ayran Globalist Bro has a crush on me? He sure likes to write to me. I will be honest–I am pretty but I do have black hair and brown skin.
So not exactly a WN dream date.
Just having a little fun. If too far off topic feel free to delete.
Pretty much all males here have a crush on you Christiana .
John Wayne preferred fun , traditional Latina ladies . Don t we all ?
What a sweet flattering comment to make. Thank you.
I like white nationalist better than American Nationalists. While I am just having fun I would rather be the sex slave of Jabba the Hut than form any liason with that other person.
Okay. I need to go to school soon. So my parting comment is that I am winding down. This website can be fun.
My impression is that the WN’s on this website are hard-bitten hombres with a cigar in one hand and a glass of bourbon in the other. So they may be getting tired of this interplay.
It is the Latin way to have fun while the Anglo solves all the problems.
@Christina Romana Alva,
“So not exactly a WN dream date.”
Also, I am not a White Nationalist. I am an American Nationalist. If you read my posts you will understand why I say that.
Syria was too ha wite, they needed more diversity, said by the intelligence community asset himself. Even if the diversity are utter savage animals. Like Rome making their deals with their animal mercenaries which sacked their capital. The devil’s bargain our “slop” corrupt government made with the savage mercenaries are bringing them here under horse”slop” asylum. We are under the rule of the insane who are told they are smart and paid on the side by foreign governments. Americans, like the Romans of old are too decadent and entitled and they will learn the hard way.
@Christina Romana Alva,
I heard you mention me.
“Do you think that Ayran Globalist Bro has a crush on me? He sure likes to write to me. I will be honest–I am pretty but I do have black hair and brown skin.”
Christina, I am an Aryan. All Aryans are Gentlemen, aka Gentilhomme (FR), Hidalgo (SPA), and Kavalier (GER). Also, all Gentlemen prefer blondes.
Or in my case both Blondes and Strawberry Blondes…well red heads as well. Actually I am good with any that is pretty, thoughtful, loyal, fun, humorous and intelligent. Also, must be okay with guns, hiking, travel, and former military people and dancing.
Also, please note, I am heir to a fortune in land in Texas and Louisiana from Tejano empressarios, American pioneers, French colons, and Italian nobles in exile. Tragically, for us darling, if you are thinking something long term, the inheritance terms are clear. I can only marry a White Christian woman, so since you aren’t, dont get any ideas, because marriage is ultimately out of the question.
Yet, dont give up hope. The terms also say placage is okay and it says nothing about dating. So, if you are willing for fun with understanding anything long term, if you are good, means placage only, we can talk. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pla%C3%A7age
BTW, any traditional Catholics here should read this review of an new production from Pedowood – wholly owned by (((those who cannot be named))). The review points out all of the total lies presented as factual by the film, like the alleged presence of radical right-wing cardinals who oppose Vatican II (There are zero such cardinals in reality. Of the 130 cardinals under 80 eligible to vote for the next “pope”, 97 have been appointed by Fwanciss aka High-Fellatin’ Fwanny – an anti-pope if ever there was one). Be prepared as the Boy Scouts used to say before the Gay Old Pedoburo subverted them entirely. Vatican City is now probably even more infested with Sodomites and Pedos than San Franshitsko and the Republican Convention combined. Conclave (or The Death of Fwanny) looks to rival The Death of Stalin for sheer clownery – the the clownshow of the latter was intentional.
Exalted Cyclops,
I will have to add your suggestions to my list of what to read. Luckily Christmas vacation is almost here and my school and classes are just marking time until vacation dismissal.
At school this is the best time of year–no studies, no homework, festivities, and more socializing at school. Everybody is relaxed.
Unfortunately, there are way more girls than guys at the school. Catholic schools are always like that I think.
I read that review of Conclave. Thank you. There is little to no resistance to the agenda at the international level, perhaps even at the national level as well.
There might not be one righteous country on earth.
“!Their might not be one righteous country on earth” at the moment NO, but in the future, there will be … THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC ……. A new ATLANTIS ……..
Sounds alright to me.
Miss Alva, Thank you M’am, it will be a Beautiful thing, what America always should have been, you be sure and come see us now …..
What a wonderful response! And I thank you for the invitation.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Vatican City is now probably even more infested with Sodomites and Pedos than San Franshitsko and the Republican Convention combined.”
Vatican City always had more Sodomites and Pedos than San Francisco and the RNC. Trad Papists probably had the highest ratio as witnessed during the Benedict Papacy. Thus, while the Jesuit Pope probably added less Sodomites, he also let in more Liberals.
The Papists have decided to move Left in their bid for total global Papal Supremacy. Its happened many times before over the centuries. These shifts in the Papacy aren’t unusual and merely reflect broader global strategies to meet changing global conditions. But the aim is always the same: Total Global Supremacy!
shipwrecked is a jewish supremacist kike who slanders real Christians as “fake Christians” for speaking the truth of the Bible.
I give this beautiful song to all of us during the Christmas season.
Ava Maria now? Good grief. When will CRA call upon Nick Fuentes to officiate a Popish Mass to us heretical Protestants and submit to Rome here at OD? Perhaps we Rednecks could cover ourselves with Brown chutney and proclaim undying fealty to the Mexican Overlord as our White Nationalist Furher?
AI Overview
“Is Ava Maria a Catholic Song?”
Yes, “Ave Maria” is a Catholic song:
The prayer “Ave Maria” is an ancient Catholic prayer that addresses Mary, the mother of Jesus. The prayer is often used during Marian feasts and celebrations.
The song “Ave Maria” was composed by ((Austrian)) composer ((Franz Schubert)) in 1825. Schubert’s melody was adapted for use with the traditional Catholic prayer, but Schubert did not intend the song for religious use.
The song’s lyrics include “Hail Mary, full of grace,” “Mary, full of grace,” and “Hail, Hail, the Lord”.
Many composers have set the prayer as a hymn, vocal solo, or for various choral combinations. Schubert’s version is perhaps the most well-known.
Use in Catholic liturgy
Opinions vary on whether classical versions of “Ave Maria” should be used in Catholic liturgy, especially for weddings and funerals. In some places, it is discouraged or forbidden, while in others it is considered acceptable.
Our resident hasbara is correct that Schubert’s melody was not composed as an Ave Maria. It was originally titled as Ellens dritter Gesang and the original text was a German translation from Walter Scott’s Lady of the Lake. Ave Maria is an example of what’s known as a contrafact – putting new words to an existing tune. A famous example of this is Elvis Presley’s Love Me Tender, set to a civil-war era tune called Aura Lee. That said, Schubert composed several masses and other Catholic liturgical pieces. So he was a “papist” in the parlance of AGB. The Ave Maria is an example of applying Martin Luther’s dictum about church music: Why should the devil have all the good tunes? Luther was a halfway decent composer in his own right, too.
Has anybody looked up Kemal Ataturk? He is dead now but considered the Father of Modern Turkey. However, he hated the Ottoman Empire and Islamic domination of Turkey. He would have hated the current leader of Turkey. I think he (Kemal) fought in WWWI and bested Wiston Churchill in battle.
@Whitelash Revolutionary,
“Has anybody looked up Kemal Ataturk? He is dead now but considered the Father of Modern Turkey. However, he hated the Ottoman Empire and Islamic domination of Turkey. He would have hated the current leader of Turkey. I think he (Kemal) fought in WWWI and bested Wiston Churchill in battle.”
Yes, Kamel hated the Islamists and the old tradition of the Ottoman Sultan. The court of the later was little more than a mix between a Ghengis Khan conquering pirate mixed with Islamic Jihad. The harems of the Sultan were infamous for the hundreds of European women, usually Slavs, but also other Christians and even semi-moslem tribal women like the Circassians. Kemal despised it as barbarous. He also hated the Ottoman Imperialism because he saw it, probably correctly, as limiting Turkish national consciousness. Kamel was also a Freemason.
Kamel’s success was due to being one of those guys who is at the historical moment in time. He was there at Gallipoli at one of the most critical machine gun posts facing the vaste Allied invasion. He personally helped halt the landing and gave us enough time for the Turkish forces to reinforce and eventually bottle up the allies. He was literally a person he was right there at the right moment. Divine Providence. Churchill admired him immensely.
Also, Kemal arose thru the ranks of the Young Turks (yes that’s where the term comes from) at just the right moment to lead the nationalists when the Sultan and the reformed regime which had joined Germany, was overthrown. Kemal was also a noted supporter of Germany, but by no means was he subservient to it. He was by all measures a Turk First.
After World War 1, and the allies were preparing to dismember Turkey, Kemal also just happened to be at the right moment and location to reorganize the Turkish forces in Central Anatolia. From his position throw back various armies: the French into Syria, the Italians to the Rhodes Isles, and the Greeks to Smyrna on the Turkish coast. He eventually recovered Constantinople from the Allies. Churchill was deeply angered by this victory of the Turk, but in private accepted it had something to do with Divine Providence. He and others ceased trying to ejected the Turks from Constantinople.
Kamel, became President or actually Dictator of a rump Turkish State. He continued various shows of force, use of insurgents, and heavy diplomacy managing to get small pieces near the new Republic Georgia, but he lost the rump of modern Armenia to that new Republic. He did get a small chunk around Antioch from the French. These are the borders of today Turkey.
This rump but solid Turkish state was at the time it severely backward, almost primitive. Its imperial power, which primarily rested upon a small Ottoman clique exploiting the talent and commerce of various subject, especially Christian peoples, was gone. Kemal spent the rest of his life trying to modernize Turkey.
That life was spent hating what we would now recognize as Islamism. But, again, this fit with the historical moment. Moslems across the world were looking askance at their past Islamism as barbaric and backward. They were looking at the West, itself becoming post Christian, as the direction to go. Secularism was riding high throughout most intellectual circles, especially in Al Islam. So, despite some fierce domestic resistance he brought the reluctant Turkish population into the modern age.
By the 1980s, Turkey was pretty secularized. Most Turks were barely nominally Moslem. Many would say they were atheist or at best gnostic. It was industrialized and literate. But, you can’t quench the spirit of God, even in its barbaric form of Islam. People yearned for something more. Christianity was pretty well totally suppressed except as a zoological tourist attraction in Turkey. So, the Gospel was forbidden from spreading there.
This post WWI and WWII vacuum was accordingly filled silently and in the dark by the Moslem Imams. Kemals successors vigorously tried to suppress this movement. At times, Moslems, Socialists, Communists, etc almost recovered power from the Kemalites only to be overthrown by a secret inner guard set up by Kemal. This inner guard had become modernized by NATO liaison services, which developed a security and intelligence net which was second to known. It became the first known description of a “Deep State” in political literature.
The Turkish Deep State periodically reared its head various times after WWII. Usually against Commies, especially the Kurdish variety, sometimes against leftwing Social Democrats, especially of they relied upon Moslem support in Parliament. It also was involved in various criminal and psuedo terror operations. Turkish politics was a byzantine and dangerous world during this era and Ankara and Constantinople, then renamed Istanbul became scenes of pretty vicious espionage even fighting between various foreign intelligence and criminal organizations. We had Turks, the Soviets had Bulgarians.
There has been some books speculating on this Deep State. The best seem to clarify upon networks in the military and business which upon close inspection are related to Masonic lodges. Some, have managed to research this further at great cost to themselves and traced it back to Kemal’s former Masonic Lodge. Steve Sailer has written about it and afterwards thought better. This origination would make sense given the sheer influence Kemal had on modern Turkey.
As someone who has visited a Turkish embassy and had colleagues live in Turkey, I can say its political regime and society was very opaque. In fact, the closest similarity it seemed to have were old Commie or Albanian power regimes and their cult of personality. Weirdly though, the individual members seemed very worldly, but also traditional and gallant. Kemalist Turkey and its regime were a mold in its own.
Formerly, the US National Security Community had strong relations with Turkey’s inner government. Turkey’s military were considered among the best and bravest in NATO and fought superbly in Korea during our war there. However, that old Turkey starting receding in the late 1990s.
Starting at the end of the 20th century, Erdogan and others began pursuing a less Westernized and more Islamic course. Various attempts by the Deep State to counter this failed. They probably failed because, like everything else after the Cold War, the old guard atrophied, and globalism undercut its economic power. Erdogan has pretty much smothered the old Deep State and despite attempts to revive it by outside elements, he has only continued to increase the power od the new Islamic Turkish regime. But still sometimes the old Deep State reveals itself. But, even then it serves Erdogan. Kemalist Turkey is gone.
Kemal Ataturk is IMO one of THE best nationalist leaders, political/religious reformers in the last 200 years. He was also very good looking, handsome and very Ha Wite in that Shah of Iran, Persian/Iran/Aryan, Assad Ha Wite way – IMO Kemal Ataturk has lots of European ha with blood in him (sadly from Turk conquests of our women back in Ottoman Empire days).
The Turkish “secular republic”/Kemalism is a system that did work, can work for majority Muslim places which sadly might soon include a lot of formerly all Ha Wite nations/societies such as Greece, Spain, France, Algeria etc.
Under Kemalism – the Turkish secular republic, religion is recognized, protected but limited – it’s not Soviet Atheism. Islam is recognized as the majority religion in Turkey same as it was in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Assad’s Syria, but minority religious groups ie ha with, witer Arab Christians like Maronite Christians are protected, which doesn’t happen in full blown Islamic Republics such as Khomeini’s Iran, or these Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban places, No Go Muslim Pakistani areas of Londonstan.
Yes, I strongly respect Kemal Ataturk and Kemalism , way better than idiot Christian ZIonists, Mike “That’s not My Concern” “So Help Me God” Mike Pence. Mike the Huckster, Jew di** sun*** US Ambassador to Israel Mike Huckabee.
@Jaye Ryan,
“Yes, I strongly respect Kemal Ataturk and Kemalism , way better than idiot Christian ZIonists, Mike “That’s not My Concern” “So Help Me God” Mike Pence. Mike the Huckster, Jew di** sun*** US Ambassador to Israel Mike Huckabee.”
I respect Kemal too. A pretty amazing individual. But, I am indifferent as to whether I like him or not. After all he destroyed what remained of the Christian communities in Turkey, especially the Greek ones, managed to kick the allies out of Constantinople, and eventually changed the name to Istanbul. On the other hand, he suppressed Turkey’s worst religious impulses, tried hard to Westernize it, and kept it from joining the Axis in WWII despite being general favorabile toward Hitler.
It should also be mentioned that Steve Sailer suspected that Kemal was from a strange clan and sect that is suspected of being actual crypto-Jews. Sailer, believed this clan managed to take control of a type of Masonry in Turkey and which ended up being at the core of the Kemalites in Turkey. He started an investigation and then something happened and he stopped and never really talked about it again. Weird.
Lastly, probably not coincidentally, Israel has long had a relationship with Turkey that was better than with most other Moslem countries. Israel definitely seems to have worked with Turkey in the past, but has also had some conflicts with Turkey under Erdogan. So, the relationship seems to ha e cooled, especially since the days of Kemal. So, was Kemal and his associated secret crypto-Jews and Zionists?
I will also note that the Masonry Kemal was a member, wasn’t part of or isn’t now recognized by regular Freemasonry. The later, is the historical origin of Freemasonry and was started by the British and is still headquartered in London https://youtu.be/stLrTAyOFh4?si=iJVVGab0uFa88Ile. This Freemasonry is different than the Masonry Kemal was a member. Despite this fact, Papist Counter-Reformation and Anti-Masonic propoganda and disinformation continually tries to lump Anglo-American and Regular Freemasonr together with heretical versions of it. Such examples include lumping regular Freemasonry with the infamous P2 Lodge, which was a Grand Orient Lodge. Which not coincidentally was Catholic. Typical Papist mind phuckery
The Grand Orient lodge is the progenitor have most provable criminal or revolutionary Masonic conspiracies. The Grand Orient also doesn’t require a belief in God, has rituals that are distinctly nationalistic, and regularly engages in political and religious affairs.
In Anglo-American Freemasonry, a belief in God is required. At higher levels of Freemasonry, one must be a Christian and make Christian oaths to defend Christianity. It is also forbidden from engaging in religious or political activity within the lodge. This is quiet distinct from the Masonry that Kemal was a member of which obviously had nothing to do with Christianity, unlike Anglo-American and Regular Feemasonry.
It should also be mentioned that Papists are usually members of Grand Orient Freemasonry not, Regular Freemasonry. There are geopolitical reasons for this, mostly to do with how the Papacy controlled peoples lives, particularly back in throne and altar days, when the Grand Orient was still a Godly system and developed to meet their unique Catholic needs under absolutist tyranny. Sadly, as a result of Papist infiltration and subversion it is a twisted version of its original self.
Sonce the late 19th and early 20th century most Grand Orient lodges, dont require a belief in God. They are now mostly in Catholic countries. In turn, they were involved via the Germans and Austrians in Turkey. Kemal undoubtedly found his way to Freemasonry through these Papist Germans who were heavily investing and training the Turks. It is said it was Papists in the American Deep State who had the strongest connections with these Israeli friendly even Zionist Kemalites and the Turkish Deep State in the post WWII era. But, lets hear the Papist non-Southrons here try to lie about it, if they dare.
Here is an interesting article on medieval medicine portrayed in a positive light. You asked for good news. This helps to show that medieval people were not just marking time until the modern era but were actually contributing to the world we now live in.
Is Brad on vacation? Shall we take over this website? Okay. Just having fun.
while Brad is on vacation here is some American Christmas music. By now I have spent more of my years in the USA than Mexico.
Occidental Dissenters,
Here is what every normal girl/woman dreams of. The woman has the radiant look and the man looks like he is wondering how things ever got this far.