By 2032, a Democratic nominee for president won’t be able to win the Electoral College even after winning all three “Blue Wall” states due to reapportionment. Florida is already larger than New York. The South already has a population twice the size of the Northeast. More people now live in the South than in the Northeast and Midwest combined. COVID accelerated the exodus from Blue States.
Instead of “Civil War 2,” we ought to be imagining a Gilded Age 2, but set in the Sunbelt which is rapidly becoming the dominant region of the country. Tesla, SpaceX and now X are based in Texas. The demographics of the Northeast were irreversibly changed by Great Wave migration.
Note: I’m not celebrating this.
Interesting theory. So why not break off and leave shitlibia to their own perverted devices? Maybe if there were a way to split off the cities from the rural areas of states like CA, NY, IL, NJ, etc… so these sinkholes could just become what they desire: San Franshitsko writ large. Nobody bails them out – ever.
Rural Revolt.
The South is also geographically the area that more and more central and South American migrants tend to concentrate in, for obvious reasons. I definitely think this is trending a greater backlash toward immigration in the South than anywhere else.
Hopefully, Trump will start cleaning illegals out of the South. Every governor here is eager to cooperate
Okay. I have to ask this why is the South so much more conservative than the rest of the USA?
My grandmother did live for a few years in the South in the 1950’s and she thought you people were wonderful. This was mentioned before to Ivan Turgenev who I miss greatly.
Merry Christmas, My Dear Christina!
And to you, as well, Dear Mr. Griffin!
Glad to see you are still here. I heard you had health problems. Hopefully, you are doing better. Until a month or so ago I had not written on her since the summer of 2023 if I remember correctly.
Merry Christmas as well!
I also thank you for the sweet comment down below.
It might be noted that I have lived more years in the United States than Mexico.
Merry Christmas, Ivan.
I thought that either you moved to Hungary or bought the farm.
Good to see that it was not the latter.
God bless you, Dear Christina!
“It might be noted that I have lived more years in the United States than Mexico.’
My Dear, you can live anywhere you want, and pick up some influence, but, it does not fundamentally change who you are.
Notwithstanding your individual quirks, the tribe to which you belong is that of the lower level Mexican aristocrat.
This is not only dictated by your blood and class, but, infinitely reinforcet by the environmental influence with which your specifick family has stampt you.
But, of course, I respect you right to identify as you wish.
For my part, I will always see you as a Mexican with citizenship in our country.
At this point there are untold tens of millions with this kind of dual/hybrid identity in The U.S.
Our optometrist is like this – a U.S. citizen, but a Vietnamese first.
His conversations have made that abundantly clear to me.
As before much thanks. I will never change nationality like one change jobs. Actually I have never had a job.
However regardless of nationality I am always Mexican first. I have relatives on both sides of the border and have had ancestors like this since the late 19th century.
My grandmother holds US citizenship since she was born before WW2. When asked what she is she always replies –Mexican. She is disgusted by illegals however.
Blood was created by God while the USA is now just a United Nations in miniature.
I have come to be fond of many aspects of the USA however despite myself. The Anglos I have gone to school with are overwhelmingly nice and the guys are sweet.
I have a story to tell you. My family has/have land in the USA as well as Mexico. When we still had property in New Mexico we went there when I was a little girl.
New Mexico is a beautiful eerie land. Anyway while on our land we spotted a tarantula. My older brother picked it up causing us to shriek but it did not bite him for some reason.
We found a jar and punched holes in it to give it air but it died after awhile. Moral of the story? Maybe leave nature alone and that guys are crazy.
New Mexico seemed more Indian to me than Mexican but my memories are blurred by now. California and Texas especially the southern parts seem very Mexican.
I do not support the replacement or the genocide of any people regardless of who is the aggressor and who is the victim. I stand by that.
Excellent commentary, as per usual.
Yes, my opinion of the New Mexico area is that it is haunted by Apache/Navaho ghosts that are still so incencet about the loss of their lands, they refuse to go on.
Yes, guys and gals hare fundamentally different mentalities. Just watching little boys plays and then little girls, is a stark illustration of that.
Like you, I am against the replacement of any peoples, or cultures arising thereof.
Nevertheless, the unfortunate reality of this world has always been that a people may only keep a specifick piece of land only so long as they are strong enough, as a group, and desirous enough, to defend it against all comers, and comers there will be.
In recent decades I have wondered if Western peoples of The West, will, as a whole, show themselves up to the current threats of Globalism to dispossess them – us.
Though I see some signs for optimism, I still am unsure if all the Western Nations are going to survive.
One glaring example?
That the British are well on track to being a minority in their own land, the name of ‘Mohammet’ now the most popular name of those children born in England.
With things much the same here, and in other countries like France, I realize that the crux of this matter comes down to how long it takes for Western People to throw off the intense anti-tribal conditioning to which they have been long subject.
The Leftists, who align themselves with the very Globalists they claim to despise, on anti-capitalist grounds, seem to believe that no Western Nation has the right to live.
This is incredibly vicious thinking, and yet so many Whites, not at this site, still seem unable to grasp this.
“As before much thanks. I will never change nationality like one change jobs. Actually I have never had a job. ”
Well, as a woman you have the most important of all jobs – nurturing those around you.
I am glad that you come from a family that understands and enables this, for the most fundamental flaw of the current U.S. society, is that it does not.
In fact, every single impulse of this society, from economick to cultural is against the having of children.
Yes, currently, every macrocosmick consideration comes before allowing women to do what the clearly do the best, and so much better than men – nurture.
Underpinning this all is the lunatical presumption of equality, and, to that end, the Jew England Yankee Nation is hellbent to make sure that all distinctions between people, above all women and men, are destroyed.
So long as we refuse to acknowledge the fundamental reality that no one is the same or equal, we will be, collectively, out of our heads.
Your family is not afflicted with the equality illness, a consequence of that being that you are perfectly sane and wholesome.
Happy Holidays!
Hi, Christina:
I think that the South is so much more conservative is that there is a stronger “Blood and Soil” situation going on. The South is filled with the original founding Anglo-Celtic population from the British Isles and because the Southern states remained largely agrarian, they did not get this big influx of Europeans from Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe the way the North did.
I am not just including European “papists,” but Germanic Europeans from Scandinavia and even Germany herself – Benjamin Franklin, in his time looked at German immigrants with great suspicion. To him, White only meant someone from the British Isles.
So, when I was visiting my mother’s old Polish neighborhood, a couple blocks away lived the Irish on one side, and the Italians on the other side, and there were Greeks a few more blocks over. Many of them eventually intermarried. I know that the second and third generations even moved further out west and eventually marrying Protestants. For example, my cousin who is half Italian and half Polish married a Norwegian Protestant girl when he moved out West. They joined a Non-Denominational Christian Church, what I like to refer as Gateway Protestantism for disaffected Catholics, LOL.
Anyhow, I don’t think the divide between WASP and American English speaking European Catholics is as wide and unbridgeable as Aryan Globalist Bro believes. Growing up Catholic, there was a lot of Interfaith Projects my church conducted with various Protestant sects and I didn’t feel at all out of place when I attended Protestant services.
Frankly, I don’t think the differences are as big a deal between various Christian sects – even the Mormon Church – in this country as the divide between the Muslims and the Jews. The Buddhist and Hindu religions are too dissimilar to the Abrahamic based faiths to register yet unless the demographics change dramatically.
But I digress. The South to me is Americana. All the history of the Founding Heritage Americans is there. The Southern men fought in the Revolutionary War for Independence and then they fought for Southern secession from the North during the War Between the States and they have made up the bulk of our fighting forces even in wars after that.
A very detailed and thoughtful letter. Perhaps the best definition on the WHY reason that I have encountered.
I am glad you are still on here. My output of course will go down once school begins again.
Much affection.
I agree that the differences between baptized people is far smaller than between us and the others for they are outside the Church.
The fact that apparently a high proportion of whites in the south are Anglos is also telling. Might it also be that the large amounts of blacks in Southern Society also contribute to your realism?
Your analysis and perspective are what I see, as well.
I do not think that your statement about The South, and it’s relationship to the empire in which is currently wishes to play a part,is subjective.
You need to work at the state and local levels too, HW. Trump might be halfway serious this time around if we’re lucky. I am not for a minute forgetting his endless catalogue of betrayals and sellouts however. For example, NGOs. These are non-profit entities who are exempt from state taxes. You live in very red AL where the the R-jerseys control the legislature. Why can’t they adjust the state tax laws there to deny AL tax exempt status to organizations who are participating in illegal activity like harboring the Venzuelan who destroyed your car and just walked away. He had to sleep somewhere and somebody provided him with money for things – probably a lot more than your realize too. Many of these NGOs are church-related. For openers they should have the living hell taxed out of them. War is logistics. To fight and win the war against the great replacement the logistics networks have to be targeted.
Count on new immigrants to turn areas (such as suburban Atlanta) blue. I mean legal immigrants such as educated and well-paid engineers from India, 70% of whom register as Democrats once they take their naturalization oath.
That is one reason why I am opposed to “highly skilled” immigration from India- even if these folks generally obey the law and pay taxes, most support far-left politics in the USA while, with inconsistent hypocrisy, supporting Modi’s far-right ethnocentric politics in India.
Good observations, Hunter. My favorite part of this write up is your note at the bottom saying you aren’t celebrating this. I am not celebrating this either. The quaint Southern culture that still existed from the 1930s through perhaps the 1970s and that still exists in Mississippi and Alabama and in large pockets of other states, will be no more if these trends really continue. If people want to use the South as the future “ white ethnostate” where whites from all over flee to it as a future red state refuge,….. well, ………fine …..I guess, but you won’t have what we know as Southern culture anymore. You can’t have both at the same time. It is a very sad state of affairs.
@Courtney from Alabama,
I agree Courtney. I remember as a young child that other South. I didn’t at the time realize it would be gone. I look back with bittersweet memories. It could still be recovered. But one thing must happen above all else: ZERO IMMIGRATION.
Immigration is the most salient policy and demographic cause for change sweeping the South. Without it, most of the Black population that left the North East and West to go South wouldn’t have left. The Black population in the South would be anywhere from 25-35% or even more smaller than now. Likewise for the many Northern and Western transplants who would be practically non existent there now. Throw in all the Hispanics and Asians, and the South’s population would be around 80,000,000 maybe even less, instead of the 125,000,000 it has now. It would certainly still have more money than previously, a little more growth, but the changes would’ve been easily assimilated. Most cities would be by far majority White and the rural population would still have a sizable if not majority power.
Immigration is the cause of this. Its been a kind of invasion and conquest. Folks with ties to the Southwest like myself have been beating this drum, warning and resisting since before you were born. All assets should be deployed on forcing these damnable remaining Republicans to end immigration. Then you can stop the hemorrhaging of Southern power and work on rebuilding the old Dixie socio-economic power. If immigration isn’t stopped we are doomed, in a very short time. Otherwise, imagine a world were people like November and CRA get to say how they are Southern and you aren’t welcome and Nick Fuentes talks about how Robert E Lee was actually a Spanish speaking Papist Mexican and based.
Its happened everywhere else. The Yaquis, Papists, Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans, Chinese, Hindus, Moslems, Blacks are coming in their Democrat Zulu Impi armies. Time to pull up the drawbridges, circle the wagons and form the Laager. Close out anyone who isn’t from the South in all works of life and politics and religion. I am just the last surviving member and messenger of a long gone Patriot movement from the front coming back to the homeland to give warning: They are coming in overwhelming numbers and are already amongst you. We tried to warn the Republican folks out West before.
https://youtu.be/e_fVek_sbbo?si=mQNT6rPnFmYVPhB5. The didnt listen. There are just now a few scattered about in the West, with the largest under siege in Texas. The rest were all massacred. https://youtu.be/mX5TrSCJ64w?si=Nxirzg_aN7uH4VbL. Don’t make the same mistake the others did.
AGB, thank you. My only point of clarification in response is that as a Southerner I have never seen it as a good thing that blacks moved up North. They don’t belong up there and never did. I think it is better for them to have a chunk of the South or the Caribbean to themselves. The South already has a distinct black belt where they could have their own country even. Whatever.
I agree that nonwhite immigration is our biggest issue.
My biggest beef about Northern whites moving here is that they are most likely to intermarry with us and “ blend in” over time while slowly transforming our Southern culture. You can go to the South now and it is just instantly obvious if you are in an area where 90% of the people have Confederate ancestry vs if you are in an area where most people have parents from Michigan, New York or Pennsylvania.
@Courtney from Alabama,
“AGB, thank you. My only point of clarification in response is that as a Southerner I have never seen it as a good thing that blacks moved up North.”
Our ancestors thought otherwise. They passively encouraged the migration of Blacks to the North after the war. Also, the Immigration Restriction Act, ended the Yankee Robber Barons’ and their Papist labor contractors’ access to cheap louse ridden part Turkified and port Morrish Eastern and Southern European labor. So, they reached down South for Black Labor. We Southerners were happy to oblige.
“They don’t belong up there and never did.”
They don’t actually belong here either. They are an invasive species. Even the invading legal and illegals are less invasive than Black Americans. The later were literally brought here without their volition of power and introduced into a social, economic, political, racial, and national environment foreign to their own. That meets the criteria of invasive species. They should be transported back to Africa thereby allowing us to atone for the sin the leftists say we have for bringing them here in the first place.
“I think it is better for them to have a chunk of the South or the Caribbean to themselves. The South already has a distinct black belt where they could have their own country even. Whatever.”
Well my ancestors were among the first planters and privateers in the Caribbean and among the first settlers in America. Its a settlement arc many Southrons descend from. Though some did not, most of mine eventually did have slaves. We brought our slaves in family and community groupings, and the socio-ecpnomoc relationship built much of the South.
Consequently, they settled and developed with their extended family, social network, and slaves, along areas that were especially conducive to commercial crops which were predominantly worked by White and Black Slave labor and later exclusively Black Slave labor. As a result, we still have land in those areas, where Blacks are almost or in some cases the majority population. We and most of our fellow Americans will not part with that land as part of American posterity without a fight.
Contrary to the Leftist revolutionaries, we built those areas after many fights, tragedies, blood, sweat and tears. We worked with our slaves unlike how modern Hollywood portrays it. Neither, did Black Slaves provide the design, engineering, and capital, nor did they provide the fighting to secure it. They have no right to it.
Likewise, I myself wouldn’t mind recovering the West Indies from the invasive species which has overgrown and almost chocked the life out of that region. Many Southerners are like myself partially descended of early West Indian colonists. Thise places is supremely redeemable and of great historical consequence to our people. They shouldn’t be given away.
Black Americans deserve respect and honor for taking part in this, but the people they follow today are encouraging them to take more than their share. At this point after all the trillions of dollars given them already and the blood shed over freeing them, and the blood shed caused by their crimes because they were freed, they deserve to have their 30 acres, farm equipment, housing, capital, skills and training, and armed protection…..in Africa. In the meantime, we ain’t giving them shit.
“I agree that nonwhite immigration is our biggest issue.”
If it isn’t ended it means the destruction of the South and what remains of America. Its that important. In fact, its immigrarion that is flipping Georgia, North Carolina, and already flipped Maryland and Virginia. Yes, Northerners are responsible too, but the leftwing tilt is stronger among the immigrants than even the Northerners.
The same thing happened out West. While, Northerners initial caused the damage and the stupid policies that allowed immigrants to enter and gain privileges and power over us, it was the immigrants that pushed the electoral demographics against us. Today, Californians are regularly blamed for changing places like Arizona and Texas but its really the Latinos. Most Californians who fled their state are Conservative and have driven the push against gun control laws and for immigration restriction laws and regs in states like Arizona and Texas. Otherwise, the Southrons there had been until recently (beginning of late 20th century) asleep at the wheel on those issues. It took Hunter getting clunked by a damned wetback to figure out how bad its become. But for those immigrants, GA would still have two GOP Senators, VA would have two, all the other GOP Senators would be more conservative and probably there would be dozens if not scores less Democrats inn the House. Immigrarion has been a disaster and soon it will be catastrophic to the South.
“My biggest beef about Northern whites moving here is that they are most likely to intermarry with us and “ blend in” over time while slowly transforming our Southern culture. You can go to the South now and it is just instantly obvious if you are in an area where 90% of the people have Confederate ancestry vs if you are in an area where most people have parents from Michigan, New York or Pennsylvania.”
God, I know. Its the same everywhere. The Western US has loads of Southerners and people descended from them. I’ve seen more Confederate Battle Flags in California than anywhere else outside of Mississippi and Alabama. But each place was originally ruined by those Northerners. Some, usually from the lower Midwest or countryside, are okay in small numbers. Many Northerners in the beginning were pretty conservative. But, even then, socially, they are not the gracious but strong Southerners we know.
Sadly, today we don’t get small numbers of Northerness and we get mostly Democrats now. But, in shear naturalization numbers, its the immigrants who are the biggest drivers of change to the Left in the electorate. Because of immigration, instead of a continual stream of Southrons moving North to change that region, we are getting these Ellis Island Rif Raf and Yankees coming down changinng our region. End immigration and that change is halted.
Sorry for the long replies. But, there is background that needs providing to understand where I come from with my responses. Thank you for your patience.
“My biggest beef about Northern whites moving here is that they are most likely to intermarry with us and “ blend in” over time while slowly transforming our Southern culture. You can go to the South now and it is just instantly obvious if you are in an area where 90% of the people have Confederate ancestry vs if you are in an area where most people have parents from Michigan, New York or Pennsylvania.”
God, I know. Its the same everywhere. The Western US has loads of Southerners and people descended from them. I’ve seen more Confederate Battle Flags in California than anywhere else outside of Mississippi and Alabama.””
With respect – Northerners have influencet our big cities but have had very little effect, on the whole, over the vast terrain and populace of Dixie.
We have plenty of conservative Northerners in Eastern North North Carolina and the only influence they have had is the increase in golf courses and small housing developments.
They do not have a say over our culture, because we are so very very insular, our outward friendliness nothwithstanding.
As to Yankee children, down here, they become much more like us than their parents would like, and their grandchildren?
Hard to tell the difference between them and us.
Southerners are in charge of The Southern future.
It simply comes down to wanting to exert a vision, which, currently.we lack – other than the one we got from Yankees after WWI.
Ironick, because, while we seem to cherish Yankee Doodle Dandy, too many Northerners to count no longer do.
Same with Christianity, Whiteness, and our traditional customs.
We hold on to them, while the North, ever progressing towards some unseen glory on the horizon, has jettisoned them.
Of course, I am speaking macro – so one can find all sorts of exceptions to these observations, BUT, exceptions do not speak for the general trends.
Ivan, I guess what I am noticing is very different from what you are noticing. Any areas where large numbers of Northerners settle, becomes less and less Southern over time. I got confused when you mentioned how their grandchildren blend in. Sure, if there are just a few of them in our communities that is possible, but not with the large numbers of them moving here.
Let’s say what you see, in this regard, is absolutely right, and my perspective on Southern communities with large constituencies of Yankees is totally wrong.
I still would say this to you : those things which have brought the most damage to The South are, and, indeed, have been, firstly, the willingness to believe radio and televised mass media and non-Southern -infiltrated institutions, for more than a century, that we are being told the truth, and that these ‘truths’have our interest at heart.
We have been both dupet and, as well, acting purposefully naive.
2nd : we continue to refuse to identify as our own unique group with our own unique interests.
When one shirks one’s interests it is not possible to expect wholesome results, or, at least, not for oneself.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that the media has become so decentralized and, indeed, largely independent, Southerners are slowly recovering our own front-porch making opinions that we lost with the advent of radio.
We seem to be developing a new consensus that reflects our old consensus.
Proofs of this?
The snowballing Southern state laws regarding election integrity, Christian/biblical position in society, Right to Life laws, and an evolving resistance to LGBTQ culture.
This manifests imperfectly in the fact we have morpht into an almost entirely solid South vote, electorally, for President Trump.
Trump’s idea of America is late New Deal Era economicks with a McKinley Era foreign policy point of view.
To average these basick impulses, is seems that The South is opting for a model, or feeling around for, of America that is somewhere in the early mid-20th century.
What I expect to see next is the revocation of gay marriage, followed by a slow reintroduction of race conscientiousness that manifests as citizen requirements that revolve around culture faith, though, some Southern state may not stay there, but, go past that.
The South seems to be slowly manifesting a collective vetoing of the unraveling our our society during The Warren Court years.
I do not think what I have expresst here, concerning The South, is subjective or unique, for I hear many on the Left and Right voicing a similar thing, although they do so in different terms.
ashkenazi globalist cabal troll,
Never you worry about me ever living in Dixie. I’ll just leave at that.
It’s a shame that some Southerners are so welcoming to the yid fly.
My other message did not get through. Yes, I agree but I do have to pretend civility when dealing with unusual types on here. Of which there is currently only one perhaps.
You are always cordial. That’s a sign of a good upbringing.
Yes, Christina has been raised very well.
She is a Mexican/Castilian aristocrat, which means that she is not out of her mind, no, not in the least.
Her poise is at the extreme end of good for a young woman.
She also has great courage to follow her curiosities, something which does not so much bespeak her nurturance, but, rather, her individual soul.
Thank you for your compliment. I come from a good family.
Isandlwana was one of two instances that year where western armies made the fatal error of thinking their firepower made them invincible. The second one (smaller in scale) was the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The Brits even had Gatling Guns but were unable to deploy them in time. Yes their firepower was far above that of the Zulus or Indians (though the Sioux et al were more of an even match) but there are always limits. The notorious ‘Fuzzy-Wuzzies’ in Sudan were able to brake the famous British square, something Napoleon never did. Roarke’s Drift was a better demonstration of the Brits’ Martini-Henry in action against the Zulu.
@Courtney from Alabama:
Hi, Courtney, my father’s business brought my family to South Carolina in the early seventies. Because this state seemed the epicenter of the Confederacy, we spent all our time exploring the state and visiting museums and memorials. We even visited the Boone Family Plantation and the slave auction museum in Charleston, SC.
In any case, though the South Carolinians were hands-down the absolute best in Southern Hospitality. However, hey had two sayings. Yankees come down and spend their money. Damn Yankees come down to live. There was even an honest-to-God association of Yankees who moved there called The Damned Yankees Club.
Even though I enjoyed the two years we lived there, I am very sympathetic to your viewpoint about outsiders moving in an changing the very culture and surroundings they found so attractive. I have seen that in New England from New Yorkers moving out because the cost of living was less.
My father’s business caused us to move a lot, so fifty years or more ago, when I was a girl and young adolescent, there was a clear difference between one region of the United States and the other. Even all the states were uniquely different.
Now it seems like America is one big strip mall. The same restaurant chains, the same type of housing, etc. A lot of these places we once visited while we drove from one coast to another just aren’t there anymore.
You make a good point. I would say that if we have sufficient determination, we can preserve our Southern culture. A precedent is what happened in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania after the Soviets took them over in 1940. The Soviets aimed to extinguish their national identities by flooding them with ethnic Russians. Despite this demographic assault, the Baltic states maintained their identities and eventually regained their independence. We can do the same. Again, the key is determination.
They could survive Soviet communism but they can’t survive clown-world “liberal democracy”. Yes the USSR urged Russians to move there so as to have a population less friendly to the Germans. Still, they are designated as the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SSR (three republics) and the languages were never banned. State-run presses churned out all kinds of stuff in all three languages. All socialist-approved of course.
They already worship the holy negro in all three EUSSR/NATO satraps and will be extinct in 50 years or less if clown-world has its way. The natives are way too stupid to realize that they’re being set up to be Kalergied out of existence altogether.
Blesst with many longterm Russian contacts, I would say the following :
By the 1960s many Russians had grown cynical about their establishment and the ‘official messages’.
Our people, however, have been much slower to awaken to our collective situation.
Many Southerners, where I live, still generally believe in the system and in Yankee-Doodle Dandy, as well.
To the good, however : many here have awakened, particularly because of 2020. Still many many are in a deep snooze, and, if you dare try to awaken them, you will not be treated kindly.
In The South we have a long tradition of believing what we want to believe, reality be damned.
That’s has it’s advantages, but, in an era like the last 75 years, it is mostly disavantageous.
Ivan, if Southerners have a hard time believing reality then where does that place whites up North? They seem to be further into la la land.
Yes I think by all measures whites outside the south are even further into denial of reality. There are some parts of the midwest which are pretty close to the south in terms of whites being less likely to be poisoned by woke insanity, but the northeast and west coast are very much la-la land.
Excellent point.
If Southerners, in the last 5-10 decades have a hard time believing reality, it is chiefly from a desire to not be placet into vise that forces then to be confrontational and risk themselves.
If Northerners seem also divorcet from reality, it is because they are chasing idealogical abstracts,which, you will be quick to see, seems to be similar to Southerners, but, it actually an entirely different piece of ground.
The Southern spiritual drift is to approach the future from the point of view of tradition, while the Northern is to approach the future from the point of view of looking for a as of yet undevised form of betterment, of, if you will, ‘perfection’.
Unfortunately, these two drifts are antithetical,and, therefore, make a marriage an endless ground for unresolvable contention.
To be clear, both regions have a conspicuous minority that are antithetical to these trends, but, it does not change the trend.
The Northeast and The South have never been in a common direction, although, 60 years ago, by dint of endless media manipulation, common experience in war and celebrity culture, it seemed like we we not so diverse from each other.
We are not, and, if the last several hundred years are any indication, we will never EVER be marching to the same drummer.
Could we be friends are neighbours to each other?
Yes, it’s possible, but, a married couple, as we have long been trying to be, no, I cannot see it.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Thank you, Ivan, Merry Christmas.
Exalted Cyclops, thank you as well .
The Whites up North “talk the talk,” but never, ever “walk the walk” if they possibly can get away with it. Not sure about Northern Protestants, but Northern Catholics still have a lot of Catholic K-8 schools operating and every parish is angling to get a Catholic High School built in their city.
When my father’s work brought us to South Carolina, we could not get over the fact that they had good neighborhoods (code for White) and, right next door, they had bad neighborhood (code for Black). My parents stuck us in Catholic school to keep our education more even. There was a desegregation order that was imposed shortly before we moved there and a bunch of small Christian (possibly Non-Denominational) opened.
Up North, White and Black neighborhoods were divided by “the tracks” which was the industrial area where the trains transported products in and out. You either lived on the right (White) side of the tracks or the wrong (Black) side of the tracks.
My mother’s family (which immigrated from Poland) lived on the wrong side of the tracks. It took them years to do so, but the moved to the other side of the tracks as soon as they got enough money together. In the meantime, her parents sent them to a Polish Catholic school (to learn English and develop skills that would make them attractive to WASP employers).
During the Great Migration from the South, a newly arrived Black guy asked another Black Guy who had lived in the North how things were and the Northern Black told the Southern Black, “Down South, they don’t care how close you get as long as you don’t get too high. Up North, they don’t care how high you get, as long as you don’t get too close!”
I would say even now, there is less intermarriage up North than there is down South, because the Whites and Blacks had their own neighborhoods on opposite sides of the city.
I can remember an uncle of mine being very unhappy that his son was seeing a White single mom with two children whose father had been Puerto Rican. He would have preferred if she came with no children at all. But he wouldn’t have had such a problem if his son was stepfather to children who were half Italian, because he didn’t consider Puerto Ricans White.
I like New England. The people there don’t share the fame for or claim to hospitality that Southerners do. In fact, they are very hard to get to know. But once they do get to know you, they are fiercely loyal friends.
How true. Hard evil is easier to resist than soft evil–degeneracy. Easier to be a martyr against brutality than to fight against the passions and comforts of being seduced.
Roland, good points.
Further to my previous post. Breaking off from shitliberia would also allow the new Southern Republic to set rules about who is allowed in. Just because some rich clowns from Illnoize doesn’t like paying out the arse for taxes to go to endless corruption and graft from Guvna Jabba and his 40-million thieves doesn’t mean they should be allowed in – even if they look very white. You don’t need clowns who will simply repeat what white tards from Californistan did to neighboring western states – referred to in AZ at least as “Californication”. Shitlibbery is a mental illness and nutters shouldn’t be allowed regardless of how much money they have.
If this is true, it will mean a collapse of whatever public sphere is left in the country. At the very least Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security will finally be eliminated but the GOP will do nothing to rehabilitate cultural or family bonds to replace those safety nets. On the contrary, they will facilitate even greater “legal” immigration to drive down the bottom line as far as possible. It’s the old “trickle down” canard. The GOP is the “business” party, the “I’ve got mine” party. The gun speak and performative “Christian Nationalism” is just bait to keep the proles in line. At the end of the day, it always goes back to the policy of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. This will accelerate the browning of the country from the top down because any impediment to money, like race, sex, children, or immigration, is a very bad thing – it’s “bad for the economy.” Republicans love boasting about how “the economy” is the great unifier and melting pot where all petty differences of the past wither away in the face of bourgeois living standards and growth. Is it possible to deport 50 or 60 million people? The consolation is that this Great Gutting will free up capital for investment and growth. Does anyone believe that? What capital? You’re going to re-shore 50 years of outsourcing without causing inflation to skyrocket even more, on top of tariffs? This is not policy, this is a clown show.
Democrats have only themselves to blame. They had an opportunity and they tripled down on every worst instinct. This is the inevitable dialectic of post Roe America, a constant shuffling between two camps of morons. The Trump thing back in 2015 and 2016 was fun because everybody used Trump as a figurative shiv to stick it to the right people but I doubt anyone took it seriously. Everyone was trying to use Trump for some ulterior motive. Now everyone is expected to take Trumpism seriously. There was never any Trumpism lol. It was all a hoax.
“Post-Roe America” – this shows that nothing you wrote, even if there are elements of truth in it (the Republican Party may seem unchangeable but there are ways to influence its policies)is actually motivated by being a Roe supporter. The atheists in the electorate ranked abortion as their top issue. It’s all about abortion, that’s why any Republican who is soft on abortion is enabling the highest priority of their worst enemies. (and it’s the Jews who are the strongest impetus behind abortion).
That’s why these Southerners are ultimately soft on abortion. If they were really against abortion they might come into conflict with their precious Jews, the kike-maggot filled apples of their eyes.
JPS, Southerners are soft on abortion? That sure is news to me. Lol.
JPS’s words are lies. Its because of who he is. His hatd about Southrons are typical of the sort of leftwing and Papist lurkers and trolls who frequent these haunts now that Lord Griffin has abandoned his fiefdom for some unknown parts.
But JPS has the added bonus of not only being a Papist but a N@gger Papist. You see he is part eggplant. His maternal side slept with N@ggers as did his paternal sides maternal ancestry. He has some sort of Scottish name via his former master’s name. See he got it as a slave name and the rest comes from the Guido side.
All these Leftists and Papists commenting here, whether our local Radio Havana La Raza Troll CRA, the Gay Grand Inquisitor’s agents, are Papist liars and haters of Southrons who have eggplant blood flowing thru the veins. Every single one. Just let the guy here explain it.
America is getting ever more non white, this is the only thing that really matters in the end. This blue or red thing is retarded, have a country run by the red ZOG faction that consists of Indians, jews, and other such non whites is a total fail.
Completely agree. It’s still gonna be Brazil North….a country of consumerist mongrels, completely detached from the founding stock and principles. Not something I care about or want to contribute to.
In the Antebellum era the overwhelming majority of Whites were of Scottish ancestry. Indeed, the famed Confederate battle flag was patterned after the Scottish flag. In retrospect what should have happened was mass deportation back to Africa. That was the moral thing to do to make up for the immorality of slavery. And not just drop them off but build an area for them. I know that is what Libera was supposed to do but Capitalism wanted ex-slaves to remain in the United States as a cheap labor source. As did the Reconstruction Congress so they could use the newly freed slaves as a battering ram against Southern Whites. But there comes a time in which a nation is too big and too diverse to govern itself effectively. We have now reached that point in the United States. Ditto with Countney’s idea about an independent Black Belt Republic. Of course, the Communist Party of the United States had that exact idea. In fact, it was mentioned in the book Toward Soviet America by William Z Foster, National Chairman, Communist Party of the United States. (Circa 1932) Now with the advent of Cultural Marxism Communists have jettisoned Class Struggle and replaced the Proletariat with people of color as the vanguard of the revolution. Someday, maybe even our lifetimes, the United States will break up into Ethno-cultural regions just like the Soviet Union did.
> Indeed, the famed Confederate battle flag was patterned after the Scottish flag.
Yes, the St. Andrew’s Cross.
> Someday, maybe even our lifetimes, the United States will break up into Ethno-cultural regions just like the Soviet Union did.
Some of the ethno-cultural regions (republics) of the old USSR were indeed manufactured out of whole cloth (Ukraine and Belorussia – both of which are largely ethnic Russian and created for political reasons) while others existed either before the USSR or were homelands to distinctive groups (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizia, Turkmenia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova) – some of whom were independent kingdoms even before the rise of the Russian Empire (Lithuania, Georgia, Armenia). There were something like 55 different recognized ethnic groups in the USSR – ranging from Koreans in the far east to Karelians in the far northwest. The USSR is not a very good comparison. There might indeed be ethnic enclaves established but my impression of most whites is that they still are poisoned with the lie that all peoples are just the same – interchangeable economic units according to the finance-capitalist credo. Equality is one of the biggest lies ever told. A form of the lie is even there in the Garden of Eden:
> Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Satan’s lie is a toxic brew of equality and Nietzsche’s ‘Will to Power’.
Overwhelming majority were of Scottish ancestry? Really? How much? If that is true it may be because the freemasonic and crypto-kike lowlanders (Lord George Gordon converted to Talmudic kikery, even our famous early “conservative” Edmund Burke sniggered at it and mentioned him in his reflection) were the worst kidnappers of gentile children. Stealing and enslaving children was Scotland’s Presbyterian past-time.
Scottish ancestry can mean a lot of things. My surname originates with a descendant of Somerled and Donald, does that mean I’m part Scottish? Descended from the Scotti tribe, I can believe. Probably more so than most Scots.
@Whitelast Revolutionary,
“Of course, the Communist Party of the United States had that exact idea. In fact, it was mentioned in the book Toward Soviet America by William Z Foster, National Chairman, Communist Party of the United States. (Circa 1932) Now with the advent of Cultural Marxism Communists have jettisoned Class Struggle and replaced the Proletariat with people of color as the vanguard of the revolution.”
EXACTLY! Whitelash brought up something vitally important for all sincere Patriots reading OD. These secession balkanazation of America stuff, originates most recently with the Left. That is because most of its promoters here are in fact Leftists. But not just Lefists.
You see, the Communist idea of breaking America up along ethno-racial lines actually started before them with German Papists who agitated Mexicans and Mexican Americans did break up America. Before them, it was actually Papist Dictator of Mexico Santa Ana’s idea. Before him it was the idea of all the Papist colonial powers, especially Spain.
In the end, this break up of America is a very un-American and therefore unWhite thing. You see, its really a Papist plot behind the veneer of Leftists, who in turn are pretending to be Southron Patriots and Neo-Nazis. OD has a serious infiltration problem with Cubans, Cartelists, Northern Palists, etc which is hobbling its exposure and expansion.
Your hero Trotsky was advocating the same things from his visit to NYC (to raise money from NYC banksteins like Schiff). He specifically advocated agitating blacks against whites. The NAACP did not have a black president until 1976. The first presidents were Moorfield Storey (Yankee Prot 1909-29), Joel Elias Spingarn (Jew, 1930-39), Arthur B. Spingarn (Jew, 1940-65), Kivie Kaplan (Jew, 1966-75). While it’s true there’s no shortage of “papist” skullduggery on such issues, those you hold so dear are hardly as spotless as you love to portray them. Neither are Protestants – especially those from New England.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“Your hero Trotsky was advocating the same things from his visit to NYC (to raise money from NYC banksteins like Schiff). He specifically advocated agitating blacks against whites.”
Why do you keep insisting Trotsky is my hero?
“The NAACP did not have a black president until 1976. The first presidents were Moorfield Storey (Yankee Prot 1909-29), Joel Elias Spingarn (Jew, 1930-39), Arthur B. Spingarn (Jew, 1940-65), Kivie Kaplan (Jew, 1966-75).”
Yes. That is true. Most people don’t realize that much of the NAACPs board and leadership have been White. Im fact I made acquaintance with one of Storey’s descendents. I stopped analyzing it because, when researching it, I kept coming across involved White people who made total sense on like 80% of the issues but, were stuck on the egalitarian complex. I eventually concluded they were deluded on most racial questions, were simply out of touch, and lived in make believe faery tale land cuz they had money and “morality.”
…More people now live in the South than in the Northeast and Midwest combined. COVID accelerated the exodus from Blue States.
I am going to have to stop posting for a while…
If I have to leave one thing to remind the South about something that I have learned in the last few decades and is not stressed at all and I think is necessary to save our heritage it would be this:
If we say that slavery is a sin we have TOTALLY lost the argument – TOTALLY!!! We deserve to be overrun/destroyed/genocided/etc by “Yankees”, etc. WE DESERVE IT!!!
I know today, we have mechanical devices that are much better than human slaves — so slavery is not a real issue today. But our ever growing closing-in-on-us enemies use slavery as a tool to rip down our history/heritage/identity/the “South”/etc and try make our society something that exalts their heroes Lincoln, Marx, Lenin, etc. And why not? The South is one of the last bastions of slavery and needs to be replaced so they think.
However, God knows the MASTER-SERVANT relation applies to His people. (Those who receive His Holy Spirit and retain it for the rest of their lives will become more than just servants but become part of the household of God and will live forever!) We are all to become servants/slaves of God. If people don’t want to serve God and His Son Jesus Christ then He will turn them over to be servants/slaves to CRUEL masters to wake them up. But the bottom line is slavery is sanctioned in the Bible and it is an institution that is legit in God’s eyes just as the institution of marriage is legit in His eyes. To allow invaders to rip down our homes, institutions, heritage. future, etc over something God endorses shows a lack of understanding of God and His Word. So don’t let these invaders play the slave card against you in their attempt to destroy you!
It has been said that General Jackson “fought for slavery and the Southern Confederacy with the unshaken conviction that both were to endure.” This statement is true with regard to the latter, but I am very confident that he would never have fought for the sole object of perpetuating slavery. It was for her constitutional rights that the South resisted the North, and slavery was only comprehended among those rights. He found the institution a responsible and troublesome one, and I have heard him say that he would prefer to see the negroes free, but he believed that the Bible taught that slavery was sanctioned by the Creator himself, who maketh men to differ, and instituted laws for the bond and the free. He therefore accepted slavery, as it existed in the Southern States, not as a thing desirable in itself, but as allowed by Providence for ends which it was not his business to determine. At the same time, the negroes had no truer friend, no greater benefactor. Those who were servants in his own house he treated with the greatest kindness, and never was more happy or more devoted to any work than that of teaching the colored children in his Sunday-school.
— Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1892) (reprinted, Harrisonburg: Sprinkle Publications, 1995) 142-143.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
I agree that slavery is not a sin under all conditions. That makes me more pro-Southern than most on here. I almost did not write this but the truth must always be told.
Is it because of men like you that I am still here even though my soul and mind have been hurt beyond words. Only you have mentioned how difficult it is to be on here. I used to be very scared to be on here.
Even now I carefully write my comments for I fear an insult is just around the corner.
But then you have 3 daugherts so you know us well. Because of men like you I have stayed. So I give you my sweetness as before.
Glad I came back one last time.
You are so very sweet and I appreciate your unvarnisht vulnerability.
Try to keep that, forever, and, hopefully, your family will find a young man for you who will cherish that and protect that by his gentility with you, especially when you say those cross things that women will.
You are driven here because something about being here nurtures your soul. Maybe you are driven to be around hard men, because unalloyed Anglo-masculinity is a persistent threat in this site.
Some of us are, of course, not just hard, but, loving, as well.
Others are just brambles and barbs, but, alas, it often is in life that to get the best honey the bee must fly into the barbs to get the prized nectar of the Holly’s flowers.
Now, My Dear Christina, I am going to go away for some time to come, this principally because I have grown tired of saying the same things with others who already know it all so well.
I will, however, be reading your comments and smiling, as I always do.
My affections will always be with you.
I have cried much on this website. No my enemies have never made me cry. But sweetness from someone like you has done this. So all my sweetness to you.
“Maybe you are driven to be around hard men, because unalloyed Anglo-masculinity is a persistent THREAD in this site.
This colour symbol for political , social profession is a new advent. And red or blue symbolically can deceive . After the fear of the “cold war” of 50’s. 60’s red could not be conservative nor blue betrayal to ultra liberal subversion.
As news is heard or the contrived indoctrination called journalism one learns as they follow congress or the English parliament leading to the syncretism in congress and in each state of the USA .
Alabama perhaps the most loyal, while Virginia Commonwealth (don’t laugh) the most blue . But essentially they obey Washington DC or Tel Aviv if you are religious.
Congress will quarrel and quibble passionately , whether they should advance one centimeter or retreat one inch . They celebrate a compromise and agree to stay where they are.
This is the status quo . But there is no status quo . Life gets better morally or it degrades , degenerates radically with either. In my confession it is not getting better.
There is to save us the temporary psychosis of a new election. Donald Trump wins again. I think he is red . But before his first year is finished some will repent of thier error or wonder what thier vote has wrought? But pray for the next saviour from the generation of psychopaths and mountebanks. Thus it is perpetuated.