The killer parked his car in front of my house and approached my door with his pistol drawn and what appears to be a crossbow. I was livestreaming at the time.
— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) December 19, 2024
He rings the door bell, tries the doorknob and yells “yo Nick!” pic.twitter.com/5y1LF3Dv56
A deranged murderer showed up at Nick’s house last night to kill him while he was doing his show. This isn’t a joke.
Note: I will reiterate what I said last month about stirring up all these crazy people and creating so much unnecessary grief.

AGB wack anyone in Southern Illnoize on his way to dispatch the Gay Inquisitor?
Exalted Cyclops,
That was pretty good!
Reply to Exalted Cyclops
12 10 24
@Exalted Cyclops,
“”AGB wack anyone in Southern Illnoize on his way to dispatch the Gay Inquisitor?”
Well first off, in all seriousness, I wouldn’t wack some Southern Illinois Cracker family to extermination. Bad for The People. Its also not our style. That’s for N@ggers and Latinos.
Second of all, although Fuentes is an increasingly bad dude, and an obvious Papist covert agent, I still pray for his soul. He needs to be fought in the marketplace of ideas and exposed for what he truly is. Making him a martyr is the last thing we need. Having a bunch of Roman Retards, Papist Punks, and Zoomer Zombies putting up pictures, paintings, and icons of him surrounded by gaudy Papistware, candles, and votive offerings? Good grief, Mexicans like CRA already put up little altars to Santa Muerta throughout the country or in their cars. The last thing we need is Zoomers and Millenials doing the same thing with bobbing heads of Fuentes icons surrounded by lights on the dashboard of their Uber vehicles.
Thirdly, if as it is increasingly looking like, that Fuentes has some dark powers of the Anti-Christ surrounding him, he cannot be killed by normal means. It would require one of the Daggers of Megiddo. Those are extremely rare. The Vatican, like Lord Sauron, has been busy trying to gather them. Theyve been able to recover at least two of them and secured them for protection of the Anti-Christs. In contrast, at least one or perhaps two, are held by the ancient Vatican foe, the Templars, waiting for a moment to strike. One just was recently recovered. These are the only weapons that can kill a Nazgul-Anti-Christ such as what Fuentes might actually be.
Finally, you don’t even want to people to know you have one of these. The guy who advertised this on YouTube has disappeared. Lol
Jesus, someone just killed three people in Mahomet last night, a nearby town, I wonder if this is the guy? Everyone at work was talking about the triple homicide. I had assumed it was a domestic violence thing but was it related to this?
Same guy
Was there any kind of connection between Lyons (killer of three who was killed) and Fuentes – apart from Fuentes living very near where Lyons got into a gun battle with cops? Yes Fuentes never misses an opportunity to be a drama queen (so what else is new?)
It’s always kind of interesting to pickup on how the gaslight media and regime folks (like police) handle this type of thing. The fact that the badge-gang just killed him in the exchange tells me Lyons is white. In Obamaland (which is what Illnoize – a god-forsaken shithole – should be renamed) badge-gang gundas would do everything they could to avoid killing a groid. Gaslight media coverage of the murders in Mahomet is very minimalist and mundane, which tells us that some honkeys are dead (no big deal). The coverage would be much different if the three dead were dindoos, especially if the shooter was white – something they salivate for and where enough hand-wringing and Church of Woke litanies win journalism awards and get a whore moved to the big city.
I was super confused why there was a town named Mahomet in the US (that’s how Muhammad/Mohammed is named in French, the founder of Islam) but it’s because of a local Native chieftain name apparently, seems very weird to me.
Yep, literally right on cue. I wrote earlier when Nick first had his house on Home Ave in Berwyn Illinois doxxed. Which you can find at publicly available records through the Crook County assessor office. I also wrote at the time, that Nick would undoubtedly use this doxxing as an opportunity to victimize himself and claim damages in court and/or the public. Little did I realize the platform sourced for the doxxing was Elon Musk’s multi-billion dollar X formerly known as Twitter.
Nick, being the fag that he is, has a history of victimizing himself to clout chase and grift shekels from Midwestern Midwits, Millenial Morons, and Zoomer Zombies. For example, he claimed TSA put him on a terror no fly list. He got loads of shekels to help his legal fees to pull him off it. In fact, he wasn’t put on a no fly list. He was bounced from a single airline for like 14-30 days or less for being a biatch on a flight. Didnt matter, Fuentes the Mexican, claimed it was for being White Supremacy and he got enough money to pay for air travel for years.
Fuentes also has obtained money for creating events, selling tickets, and then deliberately getting the event cancelled so he didn’t need to pay for his vendors thereby pocketing the difference. He has instructed his followers to also play this game. I witnessed his college catspaw organizations work this grift several times at various universities to the detriment of students, community vendors, and even senior elders of the movement.
My take is this was just another grift. Today we found out about the supposed attack. Yet all we have is some geeky groyper looking guy ringing his doorbell, holding a gun and a crossbow and saying “Yo, Nick!” was later seen shooting and killing two dogs which Nick hates, before being shot dead by police nearby Nick’s home. This is hardly a home invasion.
At this point the facts are the guy who was deceased was named “John R Lyons.” He was about 24 years old, and he lived not far away from Nick in a community called Westchester, Illinois. Nick lives in Berwyn, Illinois a straight 4.5 miles away. Lyons is the prime suspect in a triple homicide in downstate Mahomet, Illinois, over 2 hours away.
If Ryan is in fact the murderer, then Ryan after murdering an entire family of white folk, mostly females, someone whom were young ones in the early 20s, the age Incels like Nick hates, drove 2 hours northward back to his home and at some point stopped by Nick’s neighborhood.
There, Ryan was seen by police at the same bloc as Nick’s house jumping over a fence into a yard opposite Nick’s home. He then shot two dogs dead who were in that yard. He then jumped back over into Nick’s yard or another nearby home and was in a gunfight with police and was killed.
We know this wasn’t a home invasion. We know Ryan did attempt to contact Nick and was recorded calling out Nick’s name on his doorbell cam. We know Ryan was the one shot and killed near Nick’s home. We know Ryan is a suspect in the triple homicide. Thats it. Thats all we know.
Meanwhile, Nick is claiming assassination attempt like the biatch he is. He is asking for loads of money to move to a new place and set up a new studio and pay for more security (he currently already has security but not 24 7). People are crying over their Dear Leader’s close call at the Wolf’s Lair just like dear Adolf. Nick is being consoled by his mommy, just like Eva consoled old Adolf. All will soon be well after Nick sues Elon Musk and obtains control of X, formerly known as Twitter, soon to be known as Cozy.tv
Whether Ryan was a folower of Nick’s, is still to be determined, but, he fits the general profile. Whether Ryan shot the victims in Mahomet is still to be determined, but, its likely. Whether Ryan was there to drop off the weapons, attempt to kill Nick, celebrate the murder, or whatever, is still to be determined. But, clearly, for Nick to state this was an attack on him, just as he is in a court proceeding for assault and battery, by someone who appears to know him, but who didn’t try to break down door, and who killed two dogs Nick hates, is just too coincidental given Nick’s long history of past fraudulent activities.
Name yourself “ZOG globalist bro”, that is what you are.
@Aryan Uprising,
Your obviously a Nick Fuentes fanboy. You should rename yourself Anti-Christ uprising.
Nick don’t mess with women!
You will lose
Not Win!
Notice how the killer is a doofus that points the gun at his foot and his untied shoe. Literally the best the left has LOL
Okay. Two dogs murdered by AGB’s sycophants. Now, that is a redline that I cannot abide.
You have gone too far, and you didn’t even have you Tel Aviv Candidate hit his mark.
Agreed and well said.
Let’s work to convince Hunter W to ban this troll AGB.
November do you know how to get IP addresses etc.
Hunter successfully banned HAC who was using sock puppets on the comment section here.
Thanks N. Long time No C
@Jaye Ryan
AGB could be using a VPN, so his IP address could change, and he could return under another sock puppet account(s).
The hasbara troll has a unique way of spewing venom that should be easy enough to detect while under review for publication.
Lord knows that he couldn’t hide his utter hatred for Catholics and love of wars for pissrael.
Without saying anything hateful directed towards me, can I ask why AGB should be banned? I am asking as someone who doesn’t agree with him on everything myself, but agrees with other things he says.
If there is a plot to ban him because he is a troll, I can understand that, but there are other people on here who come across as trolls as well who nobody seems to want to ban.
If it is because of the content that he says, I don’t think that is a good road to go down. You think he is too mean to Catholics? Well there are four times as many people on here bashing Southerners and Protestants all the time. Do they get banned too?
Do they compare to the insults I have received on here. Like saying I should be raped, sodomized, forced to my knees and serve donkeys in Tijuana or your mad reverend last year saying my Mexican puss_ should be fucke_?
Or being called a greaser etc by your hero AGB?
All the sweet Ivans, Seceshs and others can NOT undue someone like AGB. A group is only as good as their weakest link. There are numerous AGB’s on here. Get rid of one and you get others.
I have written this before–I am a fool to come on here and support you people. I doubt if you are worth it.
My family despises this website and with good reason. I am probably going to withdraw from here soon.
So you people can breathe in the same air you breathe out.
If I were you, I wouldn’t want him)she)it to disappear either, as the hasbara troll is you ally.
You still cannot see the forest because of the trees.
Christina, I never saw AGB write that stuff to you so I am not picking a side. And the men on here shouldn’t be picking sides either if they never saw AGB write that.
I have been nothing but nice to you. I find it strange that so many people on here let what one person, AGB, writes, get to them so much. If Hunter is against banning him, you have to ignore him and what he writes.
November, as expected, you turned the discussion to attacking me instead of answering my question. I tried.
Are the critiques accurate of Southern Protestants?
You probably do not believe so, and I would say I agree with many of the criticisms. That doesn’t mean that I consider Northerners anywhere near perfect, after all, they too are ignorant of the causes of the wars for jewish hegemony over the West. Northerners were contaminated by what your people call “Yankee” mind pathogens from its reservoir of the Mayflower descendants. They were the abolitionists, launchers of “women’s suffrage,” weaponized capitalism, ad nauseum.
You seem to have difficulty in understanding that I am simply pointing out what is evident, and you take that as a slight. Tbh, take it however you care to, as that’s your prerogative.
Also, I have not been a champion for the Vatican or the RCC. One would need to be blind to not see many of the pernicious activities they were involved in, but they aren’t responsible for being the undertakers and gravediggers of Western civilization because those black roses belong to the judeo -Anglo unholy alliance that is as thick as thieves today, and it was when the first British elite married a Rothschild in the 1840s.
This isn’t my blog, so I have no influence on who is and isn’t banned on OD.
That being said, I will reiterate that I understand why you would want to keep the pro-Southern WASP charlatan around.
In a perfect world, Dixie would have been allowed independence from the USA, kept their African bioweapons, and remained neutral in conflicts on the European continent.
November, as someone who is frequently on James Edwards’ show, The Political Cesspool, I have mentioned that Northerners have attributes that Southerners don’t and visa versa. Northerners have better infrastructure, have more charming towns that remind you of Europe, more of a variety of restaurants….. the list goes on. You took a jab at Southern doctors once compared to Northern ones, and I said your comment made me laugh. It wasn’t because I was offended or disagreed but because I just didn’t care and agreed some and found the comment predictable.
However, on the topic of who is more conservative between Northerners and Southerners, Southerners win by a long shot. The main reason I get irritated on here is over that particular topic. I see so many people complaining about Southerners and picking at us when I don’t really see any merit to it.
To answer your other question, yes there have been plenty of ridiculous criticisms of Southerners on here that are downright not true at all when discussing the conservative topic. Other criticisms on the conservative topic are true but come across as petty and as beating a dead horse when Northerners aren’t criticized in comparison. On the flip side, maybe AGB says some things that sound far out there about Catholics and ethnic whites and other Northerners, but he says other criticisms that are in fact true as do others.
In the discussion above it sounded like people wanted to ban him because of the content he says and to me that is wrong. Either debate him or ignore him. If you want him banned that puts up a white flag that you can’t debate him and see him as a threat. If what he says is really 100% or 75% goofy then people would be laughing about it, not wanting him banned.
You also said some things about Anglos above and that is another one of my points of disagreement with people on here. It is ridiculous for one white European ethnic group to get blamed constantly for all these problems now. It is absurd.
On the topic of Anglo , Protestant Americans in general, not just Southerners, I need to see more evidence that ethnic Catholic whites up North are more conservative than their Protestant Mayflower cousins up there. I haven’t seen the evidence. As it stands, I don’t see either group as equally conservative as Southerners. Sorry.
In closing, I am not going to criticize Christina, but the amount of fawning over her here is very strange to me and others on here have commented on it too. I say this as a married woman with young children as opposed to someone who is trying to compete with her. Has anyone met her in person? ( Jaye and Hunter have met me many times ).
I am not bashing her, ….. she is probably a very delightful and beautiful woman. But in this setting on a comment board like this, especially one men in our circles frequent, I have never seen this level of white knighting in lock step before for just one woman that not all of you can simultaneously marry anyways.
I really should not even devote the time to answering you post above. However, a few things need to be made perfectly clear.
Citing being a frequent guest on The Political Cesspool as a flex is not the own you believe it is. Christina was right when she said that TPC is basically edgy paleoconservatism with a Southern twang. Yawn. Tbh, I am surprised other guests that are closer to my POV like Warren Balogh and Tim Murdoch go on that show.
When you chirp about the South being more “conservative” than the North in voting and cultural norms. All I hear is that the republican party they supported in 2020 and 2024 is more liberal than the democratic party was in 2004, and that the North has an advanced case of judeo-cultural marxism. Because you failed to understand my previous explanations of how urban area as well as rural and suburban were (some still remain) as “conservative” and race conscious as your beloved South. MLK understood that but you do not.
Courtney why are you unable to comprehend when I wrote about the radical social movements that were birthed by Northeastern Protestant churches both urban and rural that set in motion liberation theology in America. They were the blue haird, tattooed, social justice warriors’ vanguard.
Yeah, you caught me. I recoil at debating a POS like AGB and others of his ilk. ROTFLMAO! Nice bit of female passive aggressiveness there kitten.
Lastly, I am not “white knighting” for Christina, or any other female that posts here. That’s so very AGB of you to infer.
What you witnessed was her mingling with people on OD that she hadn’t communicated with in over a year. She is a teenager, so forgive her for being exuberant.
From my understanding, Christina is 18-19 years old, so she is way too young for me. Therefore, I have no intentions of proposing marriage to her or anyone else.
To my knowledge, none of us have met Christina IRL.
Perhaps, the reason you find “Anglo bashing” on pro-White sites is that the criticisms were earned. You never did go into detail about what was said or written.
One more thing, being of “founding stock” doesn’t give one a ‘get out of fu*k ups’ card or making the rules.
Bless your heart, and I hope I wasn’t too “hateful.”
November, I never made any comments about feeling above you because I appear on a show. I was just referencing what I have said on there. Nor did I say anything about not being able to set comment rules if you aren’t of Founding Stock. I have said that it is odd that there are so many anti Protestant and anti Southern comments on a site based in the South.
I was very fair above about complimenting the North and it is for things I genuinely believe. The main thing I argue for with the South, is that it is more traditional and conservative than the rest of the country. You come across in your response as not wanting to give the South credit for being better at anything.
This is the same thing I detected from you when debating about Anglos before. You come on here shocked that I am upset about all the Southern, Protestant, Anglo bashing, when there is so much more of it than the reverse. And now you want to insist all these criticisms are true??? I think it has more to do with Southerners, Protestants and Anglos always being expected to suck it up and take it unlike other groups. The criticisms aren’t mostly true, and yes I have explained many times why to you.
We have gone back and forth on this many times. Southerners vote for a dying Republican Party because they feel they have no other option. Where does this leave the North where you have whites voting for Kamala in very large percentages? Even in areas where it isn’t most of them up there, it is either 50/50 or 40% almost. You see nothing like this in the South.
There is something deeper going on there than just a rural vs urban issue ( the South has cities too you know) and there is also more going on than just blaming those dreaded Mayflower descendants you blame everything on.
Last time I am going to post on this thread.
I didn’t mean that you make the rules on OD because you are Southern founding stock. Because of the lack of irl back and forth such as one can have on X and Telegram, misunderstandings happen.
What I meant was that American Southerners of “founding stock” no longer get to set the rules for other European Americans.
The “Get out of Fu*k ups Card” comment was to suggest that when “founding stock” Americans screw up (too many examples to list without getting carpal tunnel syndrome) causing the people and nation harm, they are NOT pardoned from their unintentional and intentional errors both big and small simply by being the descendants of the “founding stock.”
At this point, we are both firmly set in our positions. It makes no sense to attempt to resolve our difference of opinions. We can agree to disagree.
November, I wish you would have addressed some of my other points and it is strange you didn’t. I find that very telling. Plus, your final post here is once again very loaded with things and accusations of my people that should probably be explained a little better. I guess we are parting ways where I am back at point A with you in regards to my original assumptions on where you stand on these topics. Our debates somehow always end where you come across to me as being more smug about your particular white ethnic group’s attributes than I am of mine, and where you come across as having a far lower opinion of my group than I do yours. Sorry I feel that way but I feel you haven’t explained this part of you very well. Or you try too, and then end up circling back to square one again.
Okay.Tbh, your feelings or assumptions about me mean little, so…
Have yourself a Happy YF 136.
Well written. I am suspicious of anyone who would support or defend that freak. And I mean anyone.
I will say goodbye for now. If it has to be controversial to ban a monster then this is an immoral website. Which is what my family has told me time and time again.
When will I ever learn? You people can have AGB and all of his supporters. This website deserves him.
Unfortunately, if you answer I will never see it. I might comment on Blackpilled once in a while.
An extremely controlling woman. Don’t bend to her every demand and you are “immoral”.
Goodbye. I have had it. Last time I was gone for more than a year. Well I have a life to live and debating a freak like AGB is not part of that. Significant that Courtney supports him.
I pulled my punches with her because of you but enough is enough. You have my private email if you wish to reach me sometime.
Reply to Jaye Ryan and November
12 25 24
@Jaye Ryan Gaulieter and November Red Guardsman,
@Jaye Ryan,
Quite your projecting. I will continue to counter your psuedo-nazi narrative sh!tposting as well as counter other anti-Southern, Anti-Protestant, and Anti-American bigotry by Nick Fuentes fan boys to prove to rhe audience there are real Patriots here and not Feds. As none of you are Southern, or Protestant, or derive from Colonial Settlers, but instead love to bash us on what is ostensibly a Pro-Southern, Pro-Protestant, Pro-American website, you should be careful about demanding bans. None of you fit the profile of an audience that existed long before you arrived.
Nothing works further to show the illegitimacy of Hunter’s and mine movement than the garbage that comes from you alls mouths. Given my knowledge of rememberi g you Jaye Ryan back to the 1990s and reading November Red Guardsman anti-Soutern hate, I will remain here to continue to point out the illegitimacy of your representations until Hunter decides I shouldn’t. Which he won’t, because it would make him complicit with the self self sabotaging damage you all and Nick Fuentes have done to our movement.
As to Fuentes, its my conclusion that his incitement of violence against Wifejack caused one of his followers to lose his mind and go on a murder spree against some family he had angst with. John R Lyons proceeded to run Nick’s place and tried two times to get Nick to let him as he ducked from the police. John R Ryans is also a Catholic, a former student at the nearby local Catholic school, and a groyper. His relationship with Nick is being looked into. Ryans has more in common with the Papists here and is exactly the type of person most responsible for destroying legitimate American Nationalists. This time, it looks like the type merely associated Nick Fuentes with thd violence, including against dogs which Fuentes has publicly stated he hated. Which is why Nick hasn’t been online too much, cuz the Staties and Feds are looking into it too. Good luck Papists.
I remember how much you love dogs. The animal kind rather than the human ones.
Getting Doxed sucks.
But, give the Devil and the Children of the Devil their due.
Doxing works.
I suggest we learn how to dox and start doxing our worst traitors and real, flesh and bloody enemies who are alive now, instead of trying to get everyone to focus on the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, refitting lost wars, trying to go back to the wholesome Ike 1950s —- Happy Days when most of us weren’t even alive.
The “Suspect” that apparently tried to do an armed home invasion of Nick Fuentes’ home in suburban Chicago has apparently gone on a murder spree killing ~ 3 people in down state Illinois then returning to Nick’s neighborhood, being spotted by neighbors and reported to Chicago police.
The (probably Antifa terrorist) engaged Chicago Police in a gun battle and is now dead.
The local Chicago Fox TV affiliate omitted the facts that the now dead murderer was filmed attempting a home invasion of Nick Fuentes.
Please share this with your social network followers.
Looks like an excellent first-rate grift opportunity for Fuentes. One clown-show follows upon another. Just a year ago we were dealing with Yedolf’s meltdown. Mahomet IL is near Champaign in the eastern part of the state. Dead are 61 yo female (mother) and likely son and daughter (or maybe son and wife) in 20s. From the names they are more likely to be white than black – though that area has no shortage of dindus imported form Crook county over the many years of welfare racketeering. But since Nicky is a federale, what do we expect? Clowns are going to act out.
Mahomet (interesting name) is about 1.5 hours outside of Crook county. Not exactly next door. Who knows, if Lyons was indeed the killer of the family and a follower of Fuentes, maybe it will be dubbed as the Wifejack murders or something.
No, Mahomet is where all the middle class whites who want “good schools” buy homes. Where I work “the brothers” are afraid to go there because it’s a “racist town”…or so they imagine. I looked up the name of the guy who was the intended victim and someone with his same name was given probation for dealing drugs on campus in Champaign a few years back so this may have been a simple drug dispute or something. The video from NF’s porch he posted was used on our local newscast about the incident so I suspect the guy really was considering taking him with him too.
Thanks for the info. The neighborhood where the Masons were killed looks to be a fairly decent white area. The town was named after an Indian chief (Mahomet Weyonomon) from Connecticut’s Mohegan tribe who travelled to London to appeal the loss of tribal lands – along with a white supporter named John Mason (same last name as the three victims). Mason and Weyonomon both died of smallpox in London while waiting for a court date.
Jaye – this would be a good story to write up as there are some interesting aspects about the case. The town Mahomet seems to be about 90% white and is a suburb of Champaign, which is where University of IL is located (and no doubt a major node for Antifa in the state).
If you are pro white then the status quo is the worst possible thing, accelerationism is what is needed, more political violence is exactly what America needs.
Are you kidding? Violence is the worst thing that can happen now? I’m just really tired of all the crap over the last 5 years and hope for a return to normalcy. At this point I’d even welcome Bush Jr. back I’m so sick of all the meltdowns from unhappy young radicals of all persuasions.
While the present is the peak abnormality, the Bush Jr years were neocon controlled foreign policies, Wall Street shysters reaping in undeserved shekels running among others lending obscene amount of money to subprime (i.e., poor credit) loans during the “housing bubble which the US taxpayers bailed out to the tune of trillions of dollars to (((banks))) “too big to fail,” and Bush Jr’s administration was a signature away from making 10s of millions of illegal immigrates citizens through an amnesty package supported by the US Senate’s infamous “Gang of 8.”
Your proposal is lame and desparate.
Does Fuentes know the guy? They are both from the same generation, Fuentes age 26, Lyons 24, and are both from the same area. Fuentes went to Lyons Township High School in Lyons Township, Illinois and the killer was named Lyons, indicating an ancestral land connection. An unforgotten old score that needed to be settled, it appears to me.
Lyons is Irish, so non compos mentis and doing the bidding of the Christ killers are other possible motives.
@Robert Browning,
“Does Fuentes know the guy?”
That is the bug question. John R Ryans’ address in Winchester is just about 4.5 miles away from Nick’s address. John appears to be a typical groyper. The murder is what makes this seem weird. But, weird always happens with these crimes involving fags.
Like did John just lose his crap over Wifjack? I mean Nick was non stop discussing about having her wiped out, crushed, strangled, shot, murdered. Did Nick and John have a love affair and John felt to keep Nick he had to wax the only Wifejack couple he knew and then came to Nick’s place to celebrate it. This whole episode seems fishy, starting with the fact Nick was so quick to complain he was almost assassinated just as he is in court for assault and battery with prison time. It’s just too coincidental and needs to be looked at closely by detectives.
Occidental Dissenters,
For Christmas and for you. Someone wonderful person on here mentioned about Cubans being the number 1 Latins. Well I think we are but this song is great.
marrano like most all the pope’s … all about the dialectic toward establishing the global Trotskyite corporation run neo-feudal communist monarchy …. just ask peter and messianic judeao-christian neo-reactionary global corporation monarchism advocate Curtis the Moldbug about the need for an end to American Dixie’s and Yankee several sovereign Republic’s to come to an end, and for corporate-run technology zones to become the new political landscape with sovereign joint-stock corporations whose “stakeholders” (large owners) elect an executive with total power ,a messiah of the out of Africa mixed multitude, but who must serve at their pleasure…
https://youtu.be/qqHueZNEzig https://youtu.be/klRb0_BAX9g https://www.dailygrail.com/2024/09/the-contrarian-peter-thiels-bizarre-interview-on-the-joe-rogan-experience-podcast/
Tait, Joshua (2019). “Mencius Moldbug and Neoreaction”. In Sedgwick, Mark (ed.). Key Thinkers of the Radical Right: Behind the New Threat to Liberal Democracy. Oxford University Press. pp. 187–203. ISBN 978-0190877606.
Judges 20:8 Then all the people stood as one man and said, “And all the people arose as one man, (possessed … like mindless borg’s of the foreign alien Levite mixed multitude’s (Ex 12:38) messiah/christ their mind, lord, god, and king saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house. as one man. Judges 20:1,11 Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was gathered together as one man…
The dictionary defines “corporation” as “a number of persons united in one body [and mind] for one purpose.” Corporate entities date back to medieval times, observes Columbia law professor John Coffee, an authority on corporate law. “You could think of the Judeao-Catholic Church as probably the first entity that could buy and sell property in its own name,” he says.
@Morrano’s and Joint-Stock Stakeholder messianic communism,
Not bad Marrano. Moldbug and others of that il, can I supposed be considered the other wing of the same globalist bird of pray feasting upon the heroic White nations and their cultural icons and leaders. There is a singular important truth to what you are saying that makes alot of sense from my own experience.
“You, will be the new feudal lords….”
-Undisclosed Lord Sauron (figure it out) type fellow to various up and coming businessmen, politicians, and bureaucrats.
Hopefully, the last good boomers will redeem themselves, the Xers will rally together, and the Millenniums and Zoomers will finally prove worthy of standing before the darkness that descends to feast upon our people. God help us.
Sorry for joking this got tragic, and Holidays coming
My condolences to those victim’s Families/Friends
The truth is that I don’t particularly like Fuentes but playing around with doxing and assassination is very dangerous.
I can find someone common ground with you on the Huey Long and Andrew Yang stuff, but Fuentes is basically a spoiled rich boy. But to advocate murder is going too far.
You don’t have to be woke to hate Nick, he’s a very unlikable guy.
AGB is not one of my people. We are 180 degrees apart. If you reread my responses to him, you’d comprehend that immediately.
AGB is an israeli hasbara troll. His mission here I have laid out multiple times.
I wrote a comment and it disappeared. Maybe it is the system or not.
Anyway Courtney is a cyka. Yes I speak Spanish, English, and Russian. She has not addressed my concerns and does not care. I have much to offer to the Anglos here but if they refuse then so be it.
I will take my talents elsewhere. The deranged Trump is their God. You can bet your last tamale that I am young and pretty.
So you are stuck with a Jew and a southerner. My grandmother who knows the South said that the Southerners love Jews and hate Catholics. How true.
Notice how that freak AGB started attacking me when I condemned Jews?
I am in contact with Jaye Ryan. At this point I will only contact Jaye or you for no one else has taken my part.
So much for Ivan or Senech or anyone else.
I do bitterly regret that I ever came on here.
Wow, Christina, sorry you feel that way. I never called you a name or anyone else a name on here. I just googled Cyka and that most certainly isn’t nice. I hope others google it too to see exactly what you have said to me here.
Too bad. You support a monster. So you are one. Do not despair for my time here is short and you and AGB can bond.
I hope they do google it. That is what you are. In English you are a bitch.
I now think that the Federal Army should have burnt down the South. To hell with these freaks. No yankees have ever insulted me like these Southern freaks. I have been on Jewish sites and they never insulted me like these damn Southerners.
Did I miss something over Christmas?
Yes you have but it does not matter.
I don’t think that the Union Army should have burnt down Dixie. Built a wall that extended to the exosphere would have been beneficial for both the radical Mayflower descendants and the class-centric Southerners.
It’s sort of amusing to imagine watching the CSA like a contained ant farm going about its business, while being isolated from the rest of the West sans cuck island. Fascinating mind experiment.
Dixie’s weapons manufacturing, military bases, railroads, etcetera should have been hit by Type IX U-Boats launching V-2s during WWII though. Don’t fret Southrons, Admiral Donitz wouldn’t leave out the Northeast.
Am I abusing your hospitality by playing this song? Let me know please since I guess you have my email address. I am just having too much fun on here.
It is very ironic that recently some Italians like Fuentes and Gage are some of the loudest critics of Jews. This seems to be a rather new thing. Or can anyone remember any earlier Italian Jew critics? Even Evola never promoted racial anti-semitism, seeing the Jews not as “representatives of a biological race”, but rather as “the carriers of a world view, a way of being and thinking”.
Perhaps the close genetic connection that Italians have with Jews gives them insights into the Jews that other gentiles lack? This would make them particular good critics of Jews, it takes one to know one. It’s the same with some alt-right Jews who are big critics of Judaism.
This image of the autosomal genetic distance matrix captures the proximity of EEJ (Eastern European Jews) to Italians and other European populations. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2964539/figure/F1/
“It is very ironic that recently some Italians like Fuentes and Gage are some of the loudest critics of Jews. This seems to be a rather new thing.”
It is relatively new. The Papacy was relatively Jew friendly after WWII. Its now changing course. On cue, just like Commies and Nazis do when given command, the various Papist commentators are making a 180 degree turn.
Its embarrassing enough to compare to when the Commies all of a sudden went from hard core Anti-Nazis to becaming hard core Pro-Nazis after the Molotov-Ribbontrop Treaty.
Its more about ideological controls than it is racial genetic controls. This is the problem with Catholicism. It breeds subservient yes men for tyrants. Always has and always will.
So (((Janice)))), let’s just for the moment accept your BS.
What about all the millions upon millions of other Europeans that understand how diabolical jews are at the macro level. Even non Europeans can grasp their malevolent nature towards Gentiles.
Are David Duke, Candace Owens, and Dan Bluzarian secretly jews because in your illogical premise, *It takes one to know one ”
Out of curiosity, how many Palestinians have you and your cohorts murdered since 1948?
These Jew critics may be entertaining but they bring nothing new to the table. The best Jew critics are people like Ron Unz, Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shakak who know what they are talking about.
And the Italian Jew critics are also effective because they know the psychology of Jews since they are so closely related genetically, see:
“EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are closer to Italians in particular and to Europeans in general than to the other Jewish populations.
“EEJ (Eastern European Jews) are Europeans probably of Roman descent who converted to Judaism at times, when Judaism was the first monotheistic religion that spread in the ancient world. Any other theory about their origin is not supported by the genetic data.
“Future studies will have to address their genetic affinities to various Italian populations.
“The resemblance of EEJ to Italians and other European populations portrays them as an autochthonous European population.
“EEJ seem to be mainly Italian (Roman) in origin, which is easily understood, considering the historical evidence presented above.
In fact the distance between EEJ and Italians is the smallest distance in the matrix. The similarity of EEJ (Eastern European Jews) to Italians and Europeans is also supported by the X chromosomal haplogroups. X-chromosomal haplogroups demonstrate the same relatedness of EEJ to Italians and other Europeans
Both the autosomal and X-chromosomal polymorphisms demonstrate that EEJ do not occupy an intermediate position between European and Middle Eastern populations, but rather a strict European one. From table 11 it is clear that Italians are as close or closer to the other Jewish populations and Palestinians as EEJ.
Ashkenazi Jews are not at all close to the Adygei population, and similarly to what is seen in table 1, their smallest distance is to Italians and then to Greeks. Unlike the assertion of Need et al. on the midway position, and again similarly to what is seen in table ?table 1, Italians and Greeks are closer to the Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews.
The same phenomenon is seen in the table of Fst distances of Atzmon et al. North Italians (Bergamo and Tuscany) are a little closer to the Jewish and Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews. The Italians from Tuscany in Behar et al. are also closer to the Jewish and Middle Eastern populations than Ashkenazi Jews. The Italians from Tuscany are in fact the closest population to Ashkenazi Jews in Behar et al.
@Jaye Ryan et all,
“The local Chicago Fox TV affiliate omitted the facts that the now dead murderer was filmed attempting a home invasion of Nick Fuentes.”
It is not factual that John R Lyons attempted a home invasion. You don’t attempt a home invasion simply by ringing a door bell, waiting, ringing again, then saying into the doorbell cam recording you, “Yo, Nick!” and then when no answers walk away.
That is not a definition of a home invasion. A home invasion means someone busts down your door and takes over the house. But, by all means, if you want to spread the little phuckers propoganda so he can collect more shekels from Midwit Midesterners, Roman Retards, Catholic Catboys, Papist Pukes agitate more harder. Its just when he moves down to Alabama with his loot and becomes the Chief Secret Agent for the SPLC and helps them sieze Hunter’s home and fishing hole, dont cry about how unfair the world is.
It could have been an “attempted” home invasion at most. Even then there are still all kinds of questions about what if any connections there are between Lyons and Fuentes.
Is Nick right ?
At least 2 dead and 60 hurt after a car drives into a German Christmas market in a suspected attack
I don’t care about Fuentes. He deserves what will no doubt be a long miserable life wearing the albatross of his toxic faggotry around his papist neck.
In other news, I thought this article was nice.
A couple billion people really could wipe themselves out in our lifetime. Asia is a shit hole. Like Africa, they realized too late they were better off with Whitey in charge. We realized too late they were never worth the trouble.
I think the possibility of a Western revival is far greater than the likelihood any of these animals rise from their mire to challenge even our remnant cuck civilization.
Our necessary rivalry with China will be the competition we needed all along to get back on our feet.
I’ve never been more glad I’m White. That article reads like a horror story.
while (((IronicSockAccount))) stews over nothing, in the real world Biden serves his “J” masters:
“Former federal prosecutor in death row case speaks on Biden commuting murderer’s sentence: ‘My heart aches'”
but for OUR OWN, Biden says FU.
“The Three Death Row Sentences Joe Biden Did Not Commute”
Merry Xmas !
That article was also on AmRen. One of the more interesting things about it is that it was actually written by an Indian in an extremely rare example of self-criticism. (Indians rarely will say anything bad about the corrupt sewer they come from).
Kunstler came out with a rather amusing update of the Dickens classic – set in the declining days of the reeking cesspool of the ‘Biden’ regime in Sodom-on-Potomac.
> Nobody ever called Joe Biden “Hitler,” but around his gloomy place-of-business, known as the “White House,” they sometimes called him “Joe Biden,” with a titter and a smirk, as they called “a lid” on his bewildered day and stuffed him into the nearest broom closet.
In honor of the memory of the murdered “Peanut” the squirrel, I present a little-known family friendly Christmas gem of a movie.
“A Christmas Wish” AKA “The Amazing Rupert” from 1950.
Anthony Cumia (he spoke at the last Amren conference and was a very successful Shock Jock on AM radio in New Jersey and New York City in the 1990s. He was briefly on Satelight radio before he was banned by Cancel Culture.
Anthony Cumia has a very good commentary on Nick Fuentes (very recent) showing the cops’ body cam interviewing the Woke, LGBT, Antifa bitc* that Nick F pepper sprayed and pushed down his steps.
Anthony Cumia “Notices” that Nick Fuentes narrowly escaped being murdered by an Antifa terrorist that did kill 3 people and killed 2 dogs in Nick’s neighborhood and the killer died in a shoot out with Berwyn suburban Chicago police.
here’s the link:
@((Jaye Ryan)),
“Anthony Cumia (he spoke at the last Amren conference and was a very successful Shock Jock on AM radio in New Jersey and New York City in the 1990s. He was briefly on Satelight radio before he was banned by Cancel Culture.”
I’d live to debate the Papist ((Anthony Cumia)), especially at an AMREN Conference. It wouldn’t be fair to him though, but the world needs to know he ain’t all it. For example, it isn’t known what was the motivation for the murdering Papist ((John R Ryans’)) to go to the ((Gay Grand Inquisitor’s)) house. Just because ((Ryans)) had murdered what appears to be a Protestent Wifejack type family over two hours away before going to ((Nick’s)) doesn’t mean he was there to murder ((Nick)). Given ((Ryans’)) background it doesn’t make sense.
In fact, ((Ryans)) came to ((Nick’s)) house twice. While on the run from police searching for the ((murderer)) nearly two hours away, is when he came to ((Nick’s)) house and videotaped while it was still daylight. This is when he had his weapons. When ((Nick)) didn’t answer he left to a next door neighbors house which is when he shot the dogs that ((Nick)) hated. This is when Police sent a several officers to the location.. Some time later is when (Ryans)) came back to ((Nick’s)) house.
On his second arrival he didn’t have his weapons showing and was repeatedly ringing ((Nick’s)) door. You can’t hide a crossbow and the pistol in what he was wearing, so it looks suspiciously like he had dropped them off somewhere else after shooting the dogs. When police arrived he took off running and again didn’t appear to have any weapons.
Either at that point or at the first visitation, he had dropped off his identity cards in ((Nick’s)) allyey way. That is very unlikely for someone trying to committ a murder. The initial police unit were searching the alley way when they found the docs just moments before they heard gunshots in nearby houses.
This appears to be the moment when police found him in another yard some distance away and he apparently had a weapon and engaged the police which is why the police shot him. It looks like from the chronology if events that *(Ryans)) had stashed the weapons at some other neighbors house after shooting the dogs. He went back to it after the second attempt to visit ((Nick)) failed. It looks like a second unit of police found him retrieving the weapon or had a weapon in hand when the gunfight started in which ((Ryans’)) was killed.
All of this is on various videotaps that have been released. Making talking points for ((Nick)) so he can grift more shekels and get out of prison for assault and battery makes me suspicious of you ((Jaye)). Without actual evidence and even evidence to the contrary you are symping for the ((Gay Grand Inquisitor)). It may in fact be that John R Ryans was there to kill Nick. But at this point, there is more evidence suggesting he was there for help from Fuentes in evading a manhunt for his murder of a family. A family I might add that meets the Wifejack definition of which Nick called to be literally murdered. Until, I read otherwise, that is where I am leaning, and I expected better of you than being a mouthpiece for that faggot, even if you are part ((())), part (()), and joined the heretical LDS.
What about the Mason family qualified them to be killed under some alleged Wifejack rule? There was a mother (age 61) her sone (26) and daughter (24). Lyons – who you keep on referring to incorrectly as Ryans – seems to have been in trouble with the law in the Mahomet area for drugs at some point, and apparently was involved in some kind of lawsuit with Caleb Mason (the son) or perhaps others in the Mason family.
Lyon’s certainly knew who Fuentes is – hence the “Yo, Nick!” in the earlier video from Fuentes’ door. If Lyons was Antifa (feds) it could be that they tasked him with getting rid of Fuentes (also fed) because Fuentes (being a gay drama queen) was about to get off the reservation and expose some of their endless catalogue of criminal activity. That would be a common fed motive. I expect they would have employed someone more competent – but this is the Shitpants administration. Seth Rich was eliminated in the more classic way – feds hire some cartel hitmen to kill Rich who were themselves eliminated.
@Exalted Cyclops,
You are correct. My typeset has been autocorrecting to Ryans from John RLyans. Very frustrating. Thank you for correcting the mistake. I was waiting to find out out what was the relationship with Lyons and Mason. If Lyons had been been collared for drugs in Mahomet there might be an angle with the Masons. Again not a lot to go on there.
But, there is a petition in court by Lyons against a Caleb Mason for some 15,000-25,000. This appears to be the Caleb who was murdered. His sister not his wife as originally understood, Sarah, tweeted that a man was outside here home in a motorcycle helmet wanting to speak to her brother. She was scared. Her brother was killed and she and her mother were heavily wounded and taken to hospital were they later died.
What we do know is Lyons has the profile of a typical groyper. Catholic. Went to Catholic school. White mostly. Northerner. He dressed more as a groyper than antifi. He also lives nearby Nick. It appears he had some beef with Caleb. But, whereas he invaded a home in Mahomet and killed three people, and then went up North to Nick’s neighborhood and home invaded a second home and shot and killed some dogs that Nick hated, he politely rang Nick’s doorbell and door knocked on side doors. Something smells.
Things that don’t add up. Showing up twice at Nick’s house. Waiving at the camera. Trying side doors. Dropping off his ID’S and checks (we don’t know who made out to whom), by the side door entrance. Dropping off weapons at another location. Returning to Nick’s house without a weapon. None of this adds up to an assassination plot.
Yet, we have the perpetual theater school kids drama politician Nick Fuentes claiming assassination attempt. At the some moment he is in trial for assault and battery. There would be no reason for antifa to try to assassinate Nick as he is going to trial. This is just too coincidental. Yet, too many people, especially Nick, are too quick to claim victim status to gain more shekels. The guy is getting hundreds of dollars of super chats from his followers since this event in every one of his recent episodes.
I tend to agree with your theory here. Looks more and more like Lyons may have been a Fuentes fanboy. As for the “home invasion” on Fuentes, it looks very odd to me as well. Not the same as the one that went down in Mahomet. As you noted, Lyons might have been seeking Fuentes’ help in fleeing the country. If Fuentes had a car he could have packed Lyons in and done a relatively quick (and largely unwatched) trip to the border with Soviet Kanuckistan (still one of Buchanan’s best phrases).
Interesting. Of particular note is that Lyons did say “Yo, Nick!” at Fuentes’ front door. Still know almost nothing about Lyons – who may have been a drug-dealer (to Fuentes?). Was Lyons Antifa? Certainly not impossible but why did he kill the three in Mahomet? If Lyons decided to start shooting a Berwyn police it’s a little surprising they returned fire if we was actually Antifa as police nationwide have generally stood down whenever Antifa (which is run out of the FBI and has all sorts of backing from the usual suspects) targets someone. Lots of unanswered questions here. The shooter definitely know who Fuentes is and where he lives.
Occidental Dissidents,
Here is America’s greatest ally in action. Oh and Merry Christmas! Does your soon to be “great” president Donald Trump care?
I saw the videos of the ZOF (zionist occupation forces) happily destroying the crucifix on top of Mount Hermon. Though it is another anti& Christian provocative by the jews, it pales in comparison to their endless atrocities in 2024.
Fake Christian Donald Judas Trump isn’t offended by any acts against Christianity or the West by his favorite tribe. That should be apparent to everyone.
We all know that Zion Don is the philosemite in-chief, but have any Christian Nationalists, church elders of any definition brought to their audiences that jews hate the sign of the cross so much that they use an upside down Letter T, instead of the + sign in addition in math problems?
I am soon gone for there is no way that Brad will do the right thing. He is friends with Courtney of Alabamy and that is that. So I am on the way out. It is long overdue but not to worry for you get AGB comments and Courtney’s comments.
Oh my how profound.
Talk to Jaye for he has my email address if you wish to talk to me. I think that I will see what Blackpilled has to offer.
Have you noticed that very few of these so-called southern gentlemen cared about the rape. bestiality insults toward me? Or being called a Mexian whore, insect or animal. Nope.
I wish I would have been General Sherman’s wife for I would have goaded him on to burn and destroy all of them.
A massive mistake to come on here again as my family told me. I am not very smart.
If you choose to depart OD, that is certainly your prerogative. My own suggestion would be become like a duck and let insults and slurs roll off your back like water. They are harmless, and they only have the power you allow them to have on your psyche. Do not permit them to live in your mind rent free. As a Latina, I understand that you are passionate and fiery. Perhaps from the old Iberian Celtic blood that runs through your veins.
Take my advice or not. You are a young adult now.
I am a skeptical, contrarian, extroverted, and outspoken by nature, therefore, these debates are for the most part tiresome, ignorance should always be pushed back against, so it doesn’t flower in more gullible minds.
She is angry over an insult from Pastor Martin Lindstedt who I haven’t seen post here in ages
I’m only 50/50 (lukewarm) on Nick Fuentes; he does have some good ideas admittedly and he is erudite – that said, is he a plant?, don’t really know.
TikToker Poisons Food At Walmart As a “Prank”.. Instantly Regrets it..
we have to get away from these “people”
He won’t regret it. Just another pathological dindu criminal walking around. There will be 50 jew lawyers working to make sure he never goes to prison for it faster than you can say “boiled asparagus”. If by chance he does end up in the pen, he can look forward to Kushner nagging Cheetohead to get him off as a ‘Platinum Murikan’ or maybe a pardon.
“Candace Owens SCHOOLS Piers Morgan & Brings Receipts!”
of course Netanyahu knew ; he’s always planning some crap !
“If they’re black, then it’s a gang; if they’re Italian, it’s the mob; but if they’re Jewish, then it’s a coincidence, and you should never speak about it.” — Chapelle
> “If they’re black, then it’s a gang; if they’re Italian, it’s the mob; but if they’re Jewish, then it’s a coincidence, and you should never speak about it.”
About them coincidences – they’re better described as ‘cohenkidinks’.
Occidental dissedents and Brad,
I am closing down. There is not much good about this site. As for your Trump? He is demented. You can be smug but you are bereft of morality if you think that the freak called Trump is worth much.
His derangement is obvious. Anyway this site is interesting. No doubt about it or I would not be here. Talk to Jaye about me. He knows me.
I’ve been out of the loop because of Christmas and then Elon Musk’s epic meltdown on X, but why are you mad at Courtney?
What is the context here? I haven’t read these exchanges
She supports a monster called Aryan Globalist Bro. She went out of her way to support him. To support a monster is to be one. I can handle criticism of Catholics if true and you should be able to handle criticism of Prots. But I have been very careful not to insult Protestants even though you people traditonally support the Jews more than we do.
On this site as you might know I have been fantastically insulted and very few gave a damn.
I come from a very good family and they are appalled at what I have suffered here.
If I am to continue here then I demand respect. If not then I move on. I give life, sweetness, and beauty to this site. At school the anglo boys like me as well as the Mexican guys. I am white either completely or mostly. I am pro- white so why should I be treated like caca?
Courtney’s complaints are nothing compared to me being threatened with rape, sodomy, bestiality, or callled a Mexican whore, insect, animal.
So here is how the donkey ate the tamale. Shut down Aryan Globalist Bro. or I leave. Of course I know what decision you wll make. And your Courtney is buds with AGB.
But I not ask this but demand this. If not then I move on. Remember I bring life,excitement and wonder to a somewhat dour overly serious website.
You’re right.
I’m Protestant.
Most Protestants take time off at the end of the year to unplug, reflect and spend time with their families during Christmas. I had a great Christmas, but my son is sick. I haven’t been online much. I hope your Christmas went well.
I haven’t seen any of your exchanges with AGB. I just came back and noticed you were saying the South should be burned to the ground and Courtney is a bitch and a monster. I find that hard to believe. Courtney is polite and her response to you seems like she is trying to calm things down here.
Who is insulting you? I thought you were good buddies with Jaye, November and other people here? I guess I will read the backlog of comments to see what provoked all of this. I haven’t given any thought to Catholicism lately. I just wrote something about the implosion of X
You all must be fighting over religion again. Lol
Thanks Brad! I won’t get involved too much right here but I have to respond to this Catholic vs Protestant thing she brought up. Protestants, wasps, Southerners etc….. suck it up and take criticism all the time within our circles and outside of them. Catholics constantly get treated with kid gloves. I have hardly noticed anything harsh even on here said about Catholics other than by AGB. Maybe that is part of why I respect him…. he throws punches on a topic too many Protestants shy away from even if there are things he says I don’t agree with.
That is my two cents here at least. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas too.
I am good buddies with Jaye and November but not Courtney. But I am tired of being called insults like greaser by AGB.
Quit being fooled by a woman. As I wrote before she supports a monster called AGB. That is wrong rather she is calm or not.
I am aware of course how this is going to end and we both know how.
You have not addressed the previous insults toward me like rape, sodomy bestiality, or being called a Mexican insect, whore, animal etc.
Or your freaky reverend last year who wrote that my Mexican pussy should be fucked or that that the only reason that you and Jaye tolerated me was that you guys were fucking me. Are you denying that?
August 2023. Did you scrub it?
Your courtney lies a lot. Catholics take a beating on this website. What planet do you pretend to live on?
My world is work, family, following the news, trying to find time to write. I haven’t given any thought to Catholicism. I’ve been focused on getting through Christmas and haven’t posted much over the past two weeks
As I wrote before I am on the way out. But at least confront the truth. Of course any Catholic on this website is crazy like me.
There you have it. Your Courtney respects a monster called AGB which is pathetic. And you support that woman? That shows me how warped you and this website is.
I swear to Dog that all this Christian infighting is magnitudes more retarded and divisive than the Shia versus Sunni shitshow.
NS exhibit number 6 million as to why we only need ‘positive Christianity.’
Adam Green is really the Oracle of Delphi when it comes to Abrahamic insanity.
I’ve been spending time with my family on Christmas and writing about Elon Musk.
I presume you all are fighting over religion again in the comments for the millionth time.
As for NS, it is dead as a doornail, as it was a year ago, a decade ago, twenty years ago, fifty years ago, seventy years ago. It is a corpse and you guys are crypt keepers. Let us know when that changes and we will talk about it.
You are a plant, a clerk, sent to collect a debt for grocers.
I haven’t seen most of the trash you have said was written about you. Its fake. Part of your op. You were sent here to gin up support from your fellow Papists to White Knight you and endlessly share stupid videos that had nothing to do with context. They were all message boards behind the scenes though. Then you try to claim victim status and get your white Knights to do your work. Nice try Radio Havana La Raza Troll.
You spout your brown skin brown eyed beauty b.s., proclaim you are Mexican, parade about how wonderful certain White people are, (those you deign to dub), then insinuate anti-Southern and Anti-American talking points that are increasingly common on this site. I’ve never seen such female driven agit-prop out of propoganda war campaigns overseas. Its also earily similar to the groups behind Nick Fuentes. Again, you are a Radio Havana La Raza Troll.
Its likely you aren’t even brown or brown eyed at all but a typical gachopine working for Radio Havana. I called out your b.s. by asking if you had Mongol Spots when born. All mestizos which you claim to be, are born with Mongol spots. You said you didn’t know what they are, proving your aren’t Mestizo. Either you are lying about being Mestizo or you are lying about not knowing or having Mongol spots. Which one is it?
As to Courtney, she isn’t the only one here who has been weirded out by the full frontal White Knighting done in coordination with you by the usual ((suspects)). All of them are Papists, Northerners, Leftists, or a combination. None of them are our people. You aren’t us, so why are you here, other than to lurk, spy, and sobatage?
You are called out Radio Havana La Raza Troll!
ashkenazi globalist hasbara neocon troll,
Rumor is that you had a “severe anxiety” attack while heading to the bomb shelters in Haifa during the most moral military i.e., Houthis) in the world’s missile barrage on the zionist entity in Palestine.
By the way, the so-called (((wailing wall))) is actually the remains of the Roman Legion’s Fort Antonia. So, inform your fellow heebs that the goyim know.
@Hunter Wallace,
“But I not ask this but demand this. If not then I move on. Remember I bring life,excitement and wonder to a somewhat dour overly serious website.”
Take it from one who should know, this statement is so insufferably arrogant, it must came from some overseas rich chick, brown, white, or Eastern European. You rarely find such arrogance amongst Americans. Either way, she hates Southerners. Just like Nick Fuentes.