UPDATE: My wife’s X account has been impacted by whatever change Elon ordered his Indian H-1Bs to make last night in his fit of rage. It is either that or the Indian employees are acting on their own.
I’m still not sure what started all of this.
The divide between MAGA and the Tech Right on X seemed to widen over Christmas Eve and Christmas until the the rift triggered a major earthquake yesterday afternoon. Like most people, I was trying to focus on my family and enjoy Christmas, but the debate kept growing and growing.
My vague impression is that Laura Loomer, who is still nursing a personal grudge after getting ejected from Trumpworld, started driving the wedge by drawing attention to Trump’s appointment of Sriram Krishnan as senior policy advisor for artificial intelligence. This kicked off an extremely divisive debate about legal immigration from India, the country caps on H-1B visas and green cards with our side obviously being completely against any attempt to increase legal immigration from India.
“President-elect Donald Trump’s backers in Silicon Valley are at odds with his MAGA loyalists over a key issue: immigration.
In recent days, Elon Musk and others in the tech sector have increasingly shared support for visas that allow companies to hire highly-skilled workers from overseas. The move has riled up Trump backers in favor of stricter immigration rules in the process.
The recent debate came after Trump offered Sriram Krishnan, a Chennai-born, Indian-American investor, a role as a senior policy advisor for artificial intelligence — a move that triggered heated criticisms online. …”
I have never seen such a spectacular political collapse.
Just last week, Elon Musk’s name was being thrown into the ring by some Republicans to make him Speaker of the House. He had singlehandedly killed the CR in the House with a few tweets. It took him less than 48 hours on Christmas to completely burn through all of his good will on the Right.
“A MAGA-world civil war erupted over Christmas when a social media post on American culture turned into a pitched battle over race, immigration and billionaires versus the working class.
Why it matters: The fight exposes one of the MAGA movement’s deepest contradictions: It came to prominence chiefly via the white, less-educated, working class but is now under the full control of billionaire technologists and industrialists, many of them immigrants. …”
It would be an understatement to say Elon Musk swallowed the bait.
When I logged off last night, Musk and the Tech Right had gone full mask off. Their position is that everyone who doesn’t support “high skilled,” legal immigration from India is a racist and a retard. The backlash was so enormous on X that Musk changed the algorithm to de-verify, demonetize and shadow ban his critics. CNN devoted a twenty minute segment last night to covering the divide.
A few years ago, the populist Right hated Big Tech and Silicon Valley, which really only changed after Musk bought Twitter in 2022. We seem to be on the cusp of returning to that.
Note: As I said on X, it wouldn’t be Gilded Age II without oligarchs and their unquenchable thirst for cheap labor becoming villains for the way they treat their workers.
Trump already long ago promised to bring in millions from India. There is no actual divide. All the Trump people are united on the Great Replacement. Just more pajeet and less MS-13 in the mix.
Everyone else, ordinary Americans that is, don’t matter. We are all nothing to Trump.
Trump’s supporters don’t care. About any of it. All they want is for Trump to President.
I read the Vivek comments, which I don’t think you included in this post so I know the debate was going on. I would say there are a few very talented engineers and programmers from India, however nepotism also plays a role in why big tech hires Indians over non-Indians.
@Metal Gear/Iceman/DB
“I would say there are a few very talented engineers and programmers from India, however nepotism also plays a role in why big tech hires Indians over non-Indians.”
They cheat and lie to no end. Most programmers get jobs hat required credentials they cheated to earn. Then there are those who are kind in old pagan spiritual way. In the end India is a land of devils. Just read what the British thought of them.
Kipling said something along the lines of educating them without converting them would be like giving new advanced tools to cunning little devils. Well it happened. Without Christianity to protect us, the devils are entering our countries in armies.
By the way, one aspect which our side is failing to mention is that Musk and the “Tech-Bros” are lying when they make assumptions about their hiring practices being “meritocratic”. There is a very simple way to disprove this: Those hired under the H1B sacred cow are to be paid equally as the US citizens. Bet you’d see some serious excuse-making about their practices of using what amount to indentured servants. (Why, Wall Street made us do it…) At the end of the day, all these “Tech-Bros” are owned by the blob and folks like Larry Fink. Stop falling for gaslight media bullshit about them being latter-day John Galts. They are not. They are “made” men in every sense of the word.
This year Numbers USA gave separate scores to the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
Trump himself got a B-, but JD Vance got an A+.
It is interesting to note that Vance, a protege of tech oligarch Peter Thiel and the husband of an Indian immigrant, got a higher score than Trump himself.
Thiel and Alex Karp are co-founders of Palantir, a tech company specializing in surveillance and weaponized AI. Karp is an absolutely terrifying enemy of free speech – look up the clip of a wild-eyed, deranged Karp vowing to use his technology to covertly torment the families of anyone who criticizes Israel.
Well, Alex Karp is an idiot. Whether we like it or not, part of the job requirements for every political office throughout this land is being pro-Israel and everyone in Congress, except Thomas Massie, who somehow slipped under their radar, got into office by pledging unfettered support of Israel, and has their own AIPAC guy to yank their leashes.
Trump himself has a daughter who is a Jewish convert who is married to a rabid Zionist and has Jewish children. I don’t get the hysterics of the Alex Karps, because any criticism of Israel doesn’t need to be censored; it will be ignored by all the people who count; the Congress Critters with their AIPAC Guys in Clowngress. Likewise with any “antisemitism.” Not a single wealthy Jew is going to lose any money if a Nick Fuentes or Kanye West slams the Jews.
Most of the attacks on Jews seem to be from the Arabs and Muslims they themselves changed American immigration laws to let in. Attacks from Americans of European descent are rare to never. Yet you think that we have Blue-eyed Blonde Nordic Neo-Nazis and Klansmen kicking down the doors of every synagogue to waste every worshipper inside. Up North, we’d say, “What a load of hooey.”
The Democrats felt they had to whine about the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza to pay lip service to their voters, but privately cut their own deals in smoke-filled rooms with Israel and showered them with lethal aid, because the Arabs weren’t fooled and were so mad that they punished them by voting for Trump.
Whatever you have to say about Trump, he does not want to put American boots on the ground, fancies himself as a master negotiator, and will cut a deal that will effect a compromise that might eventually even benefit the Palestinians.
Benjamin Netanyahu is still on Trump’s shit list for being the first foreign head of state to recognize Biden as the new president even as Trump was going through court to overturn the fraudulent election of 2020. And I suspect that Trump felt that a media he knew was majority Jewish and the Tech Bros which were majority Jewish wouldn’t have collaborated to throw him out of the White House if Netanyahu had leaned on them hard enough.
This, after Trump handed everything Netanyahu and his party wanted on a silver platter, moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and put through the Abraham Accords. Under the naive assumption that one hand washes the other and Israelis would pressure the American Jews to let him build the wall, cut down immigration and produce more jobs for Americans.
Vance is a mixed bag himself. I don’t think he likes White WOMEN very much. His drug addicted mother was a hot mess. His father walked away from it, leaving him to his mother, even signing his rights away when his stepfather adopted him, but the new Dad couldn’t handle it either. Though he lionizes her, “Mamaw” was not a role model for a young man even though she was tough as nails.
But I do believe that Vance feels a strong connection to working class White MEN and is smart enough to recognize that all the forced busing and forced integration, Affirmative Action, DEI,our porous borders and all these disastrous trade agreements have led to conditions that demoralized White men and degrade the White family.
Even that grossly fat POS, Michael Moore, succinctly spelled out the deteriorating conditions of the White working and middle class that made President Donald Trump possible in his famous YouTube summation, “Why Trump Will Win.” It was so powerful that Trump used it as a campaign commercial.
I am not as concerned by the number of millionaires or billionaires writing big fat checks to and bowing the knee to kiss the ring of Trump. Trump has forgotten or forgiven what they did to thwart his first term and drive him out of office. He’ll take their money and jovially slap them on the back, but he can’t and won’t be running for the presidency again and may kick their asses but good for them.
Even the latest nonsense with ELON MUSK is going to backfire in a FUGLY way on him. Trump’s support of H1B Visas is tepid. I suspect Trump thinks Musk has got too big for his britches and is allowing him to hang himself. Musk has pretty much scuttled twitter-X, because it has competition, even the Libtarded Blue Sky, Trump has his competing social media, Truth Social, and there is Gab, Parler and Rumble.
I’m glad that Elon Musk lowered the mask early in the game. No one elected HIM OR RAMASWAMY President. All the DOGE can do is give recommendations; they have no power to enforce them. And the more they piss off the American people, the less relevant they will be. Better sooner than later before they can do real damage to Heritage Americans.
Another factor is that the 2024 Trump campaign, especially in Pennsylvania, taught White Americans how to work the same system that Democrats successfully used against Trump in 2020 and other Republicans before then. Trump’s supporters have had a taste of power and they want more.
I talked to friends all over the country and election polls which had Early Voting had lines of Early Voters wrapped around the building from start to finish EVERYWHERE. And a gay Trump Supporter by the name of Scot Presler even got the Amish and long-distance truckers and people at gun shows to fill out mail-in ballots and mail them in.
We can and should duplicate Presler’s efforts especially during the mid-terms and smaller races, because all these people who end up in Capitol Hill started out on School Boards and City Councils in Somewhere, Some Flyover State, USA and those people are who we need to concentrate and vet for national office to further push National Populism.
So just as we turned the machine ON to get Trump and several Republicans elected by his coattails, we can also turn the machine on AGAINST and PRIMARY any Republican who pulls a double cross. And we never lost the power of the purse when it comes to what we purchase as Bud Light, Target, and Disney learned – the hard way.
We are already seeing newsreels with sniveling RINOS like Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and others who are up for re-election in 2026 who are being inundated with calls from Trump-supporting constituents threatening to PRIMARY them if they sabotage any more Trump Appointees.
I am reasonably sure that Vance will do so, but it doesn’t hurt to sharpen his focus on performing the task at hand – limiting both illegal and illegal immigration – by doing everything in our collective power to ensure that he can easily be replaced by someone whose presidential ambitions are as strong as his are.
I am not being a blind optimist. We got here because people like Presler did the work, Trump did have a big number of hardcore supporters, even with the many failures of his first term, and enough normies preferred the 2016-2019 Trump Tenure to the 2020-2024 Biden tenure AKA Obama’s Third Term.
The one take away from this Election of 2024 is to get exorcise ourselves of any of our OWN Trump Derangement Syndrome. IOW Trump is NOT God-Emperor. It was BILL CLINTON who suggested that Trump run in 2016 to blunt JEB BUSH. Trump probably IS a con-man who agreed to run for President to make his personal brand more marketable. No one was more surprised than he was when he won.
But once he got in, his ego was big enough to try to keep what promises he could despite strong headwinds and lots of open and covert sabotage even from members of his own cabinet.
We owe it to our own posterity to take any ball he fumbled in his last term and might fumble in this term and take it down the field so that it is passed on to a series of successors who not only secures any wins he gets this time and builds on them. If that’s Vance, hooray. If not, we need to have several viable players on the field.
In any case, I think the one thing we can take from this is that 2024 gave us the legal tools to collectively organize and mobilize to advance our own interests just like all these ethnic minorities who have been cleaning our clocks have done for years.
Take another page from their book and realize that NO election is too small or unimportant or should be overlooked. All these people in Washington have to start somewhere. We should take the position that that city council seat or school board chair should be occupied by one of our people.
Trump said he supported endless legal immigration. Musk bought Twitter because his child changed genders and he thought that this would be a way to fight back against the woke ideology.
Both of these individuals were never in fact pro white, their only racial loyalty was to jews. So those that thought supporting these traitors was a good tactic for white interests were predictably fooled again. If somebody is pro jew they are anti white, it is that simple.
The thing is @Aryan uprising you see Brad will still say he “won”, and things are going into a new gilded age. I said before Trump took office that his true colors would show. Brad is either in denial, stupid, or doesn’t care because all he has to do is change ideologies again when Trump doesn’t deliver.
In would have been to our collect benefit had they actually self-destructed themselves from pollical influence, but I assure you that for them this is simply a tiny speed bump.
Over the past few months, I have been trying to ward people here, on X, Telegram, and IRL of the coming Big Tech oligarch tyranny using the in-depth research by the whip smart and incredible independent journalists Whitney Webb primarily with assists by others affiliated with her.
Who knows how far these soulless tech billionaires will go to maintain their newfound status with other generational elites in (((international and domestic finance))). Recall that it is Musk that has thrown shekels at the brain neural link that will create for a lack of a better term ‘altered carbon’ and consciousness.
These big tech CEOs are not indifferent to normies, and cannot even feign any empathy for their plight, as some other elites have practiced but not perfected for the cameras and microphones.
If what very well might become a 1984+Skynet+Brave New World+A Clockwork Orange tomorrow, future European rebels will curse us for allowing this dystopian nightmare to come to fruition.
Laura loomer is a grifter with no redeeming value and too much baggage. Nothing she says is worth listening to, simply because she isn’t trustworthy. Like Milo.
Get off twitter HW and come back to the real world before you get back into senseless black pilling over nonsense again. Trump hasn’t even taken office yet ffs.
No one likes Fuentes, Groypers or cares about Laura Loomer.
If Musk hadn’t lost his mind over it and outright endorsed the Great Replacement, it would have blown over
It sounds to me like the ever present forces of autism on twitter had another fit and are now retard raging on both sides of this making things more convoluted and complicated than it actually is.
Musk and Curry Ramaswami are corrct in the short term we do have a shortage of high skill labor. We have it because the uniparty, including conservatism, have for a generation been mismanaging everything from education to trade policy and we have now a culture of academic mediocrity which is impossible to argue against.
What they are incorrect about is their prescription for solving the issue which has both a long term and short term aspect which are very different.
Short term, CORRECTLY, administered visa programs can be a good stop gap to continue technological development while long term pur education system (which they are supposed to be figuring out how to make more efficient and functional) can beging again to domestically create the skilled labor that we need for the new economy, at which point all immigration programs become unnecessary.
Because they are politically green and incompetent because of their narrow tech focused autism, an actual political leader would have realized that both sides are correct and it was their job to recognize it.
Instead, they lit a brush fire that Trump now has to put out.
My suggestion to all involved, shut up and stop making Trumps job harder than it needs to be. Start instead doing the hard work of crafting the change that is needed to address this issue long term for our kids, since our generation is basically screwed now.
We don’t need a political coalition comprised of people that have to wear foam helmets to prevent self harm. We need functional patriotic adults to actually can fix stuff instead causing problems online. Elon is autistic, and unsuited to politics. He needs to get busy on the mechanics of government change and get out of public view where Trump is supposed to be front and center.
This is planned political CRAZINESS…
I need to stop posting…I am too busy now…but I can’t resist commenting on this craziness…
Look! DJT and Elon need to put legal immigration issues on the far back burner now. Bury it for a while and dig it up later. It almost seems as if they know they are NOT going to deport all these illegals that they claimed who were going to be moved to holding areas before they can be ejected out of this country — maybe this is all a big political promise (known as a lie) to just get elected. The focus needs to be on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!! These legal immigrants have lower crime rates for sure. They can be dealt with at a much later time.
Why are DJT and Elon allowing this issue to interfere with getting the illegals out and getting rid of 13 million invaders. Again, this is crazy (or is it all planned).
Elon is not a politician. He is a tech guy and a good one. Let him stay focused on helping to get the illegals out and taking a meat ax to the federal government and getting all the waste out. We can deal with all these legal immigration problems after 13 million illegals have left the country. Who knows, maybe all the green card holders may be forced to do the jobs the illegals were doing to handle the vacuum left with the workers in the 13 million so we can put all these legal immigrants to do something really constructive.
Again, it makes me think that the illegals are going to stay and this is just a political way to back out of the whole immigration issue altogether. How could they lose the national focus on illegal immigration and removing these invaders so easily.
Get back on track, DJT and Elon!
But there is a simple solution for everything:
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
I guess tech people and billionaires love both legal and illegal immigrants who help them do their work and make them much richer.
Maybe when the world’s currency, the US dollar, finally gets replaced the White founding stock in this nation will suddenly increase in “value” again and consequently in our poverty we will take back the nation or at least the southern part of it. Rich intelligent powerful people (the global mobile moguls) sure won’t.
I really didn’t think the immigrant invaders would be removed (there is still a little hope left).
I do hope the J6 people are all freed and maybe the McMichaels are finally set free (at least their federal hate crimes pardoned) and that will more than expected…
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
The oligarchs are only interested in getting more cheap labor. The US has a category for outstanding individuals with no caps – the O-1 visa. What is coming in on H1B are not “outstanding.”
I recall back in the day (I’m a retired engineer) when we were hiring in huge numbers (1990’s), one Indian VP (VP in a non-engineering function) submitted an Indian engineer. I interviewed him and discovered the guy couldn’t speak English, at all. I told my manager who had to provide an explanation to the VP. Luckily, at that time at least, we weren’t forced to hire him.
Heaven help you if you ever have an Indian manager or supervisor. I had 3 over my career and one Pakistani. Horrible. I’ll even go so far to say I’d rather have a White woman as a manager (although that comes with its own set of problems) than an Indian.
Elaborate on the differences please