Just a reminder that the algorithm is trying to maximize unregretted user-seconds.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2024
If far more credible, verified subscriber accounts (not bots) mute/block your account compared to those who like your posts, your reach will decline significantly.
Trump gets it.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 27, 2024
Donald Trump: “If you graduate from a U.S. college—two-year, four-year, or doctoral—you should automatically get a green card to stay.
Too often, talented grads are forced to leave and start billion-dollar companies in India or China instead of here.
That… pic.twitter.com/ElpR8PFk7h
“They call them ‘H-1B Visas,’ George. I can get a foreign worker and pay him half the wage as someone from Bedford Falls!
— Michael Cassidy ?? ?? (@MichaelCassidy) December 26, 2024
You’re a sucker, like your old man, if you *don’t* use them.” pic.twitter.com/rTBNlGVUao
Here is why I was already considering giving it up in 2025:
- It is a massive time sink. I constantly find myself neglecting more important tasks because of mindless scrolling and notifications are robbing my attention
- I developed my posting habit a decade ago in the pre-censorship, pre-Trump era, but the app has fundamentally changed since then. Initially, I hoped the Musk era would bring back the old Twitter, but it is clear now that is never going to happen
- The 2024 election was a lot of fun, but that is over now
- If you are not paying for their shitty service, you are essentially posting to a spam folder. You don’t have “freedom of reach.” The reach is the whole point of spending time on social media
- Even if you do pay for X, you are punished for posting outbound links. You don’t even have the reach of pre-Musk, Jack Dorsey draconian censorship Twitter
- Fundamentally, X has become a place for people like Ian Miles Cheong to post slop. It is not an organic platform. I spent months posting tongue-in-cheek jokes about how Elon Musk is “the boss” because the platform is so obviously his rigged little playpen
The final straw came last night when Musk had a meltdown over all the criticism about Indian immigration and started de-verifying, demonetizing and shadow banning people on the Right who had criticized him. He followed it up by retweeting this clip from Ian Miles Cheong.
Instead of further wasting my time on X and the Pajeets who run that shitty app, I am considering trying out Substack which encourages long form articles instead of hot takes, which no one is going to see anyway. Also, the writing is on the wall at X after the events of the last 48 hours.
Keeping out infinite Pajeet H-1B immigrants is about *checks notes* … your personal gain.

My account on X is tiny as you know. It definitely is a platform where if you don’t know people, then your posts don’t get out.
Substack has the same problem though. If you don’t have followers nobody sees you.
The forum format is the best for unknown people to start topics. The biggest forum website is reddit, but it heavily censors the right.
Reddit is all Feminism all the time. It’s infuriating to even be around it if you aren’t a tranny or a 22 year old woman who hates her father.
Brad, your follower will follow you even on substack.
Stop using what amounts to an enemy platform. Go over to Torba’s Gab is you’re into social media. This goes for all kinds of things. Oh, and start building more of our own platforms of all kinds. About the only two folks on our side of all this who are actually putting their money where their mouths are are Torba and Vox Day.
I was netcopped off of Twitter since March 2022 (pre-Elon), because I called out a stabby Somalian as such.
I have a burner account which I just started utilizing only to use Grok (their AI), but not other than that.
Now, suddenly, I’m glad, and perhaps it’s all for the best, that I’m not on Twitter/X anymore. Would rather not live in Elon’s ego, even for the other good things he has done.
And, in all reality, even if I was still on Twitter/X, I wouldn’t be reaching any more people than I would with me using Gab, Minds, Telegram, Gettr and Truth (plus my own blog) that I actually am right now. The main reason is that I don’t have a clickbait-y personality, and I don’t instinctively go with the takes that gets a lot of reposts and thumbs up.
“Two year college” = “Talented grads”? Has he ever met a community college student? It is frankly embarrassing that they would try to lower the bar that far. Even grad schools would be pushing it since you can include a paint-by-numbers MBA in that.
In California i remember a local JC that had become a hotbed of visiting Japanese students for some reason. Well-behaved as they were i don’t remember anyone saying they were the lifeblood of America.
Community Colleges are the new grift of the public education system. Super cheap for the community members but they still charge more for people who aren’t part of the community. Like with Universities, the TechBros would like to use community colleges for training cheap labor but of an even lesser quality than at Universities. Community Colleges want it because they get new resources to educated foreign coolies, mestizos, chinks, etc, and they get paid more to do it for foreigners than local natives. TechBros get even more new labor.
Universities, Community Colleges, land and housing programs, business grants and subsidized loans, all are available and being programmed to support Big Business. Its all so heavily subsidized and under Trump TechBro you will undoubtedly see plethora of classes for semi-skilled and cheap technical jobs for IT, semiconductors, etc. Our entire system, which was built to subsidize Native White i.e. British Colonial Settlers and their Posterity, has been hijacked and is now used to subsidized our antithesis. It was this way before Trump and Techbros. Nothing has changed except the actors, which fortunately are more friendly to us. Bit they still have their problems.
Although the Trump takeover of the Administration, MAGA takeover of the GOP, and Techbro takeover of the old corporate establishment are steps in the RIGHT direction, we still aren’t there yet to full National Liberation. We still kinda live in occupied territory. But, the lines have been drawn between the Patriots and the Traitors, between the new Nationalist MAGA America and the old Internationalist Liberal New World Order. Its like the movie Casablanca, the old occupied regime has been exposed, people have chosen sides, we have new leaders who’ve pushed back the occupiers. Overall, for us in Patriots in America, its like just like 1942 Casablanca, at the end of the movie, as we sense the tide is turning, we’ve made our deals, and Trump and White Hatters are walking away into a future hope of final victory, but we know there are still coming battles.
Lazlo and Isla (Patriot MAGA) have been in Casablanca (our current occupied political system), dealing with an originally cynical businessman with Patriot tendencies, the Casino owner Rick (Trump). He has his various sidekicks like Sam the Piano Player (Black Platinum), Senor Ferrari and Ugart (Dirty businessmen and Operators). His initial relunctance to leave his business to really help MAGA or simply use it has changed. We have finally turned his relunctance into full blown support. Originally defeated, Rick (Trump) has come back into the fight (2nd Election Campaign), and has made a deal with Captain Louis (White Hat Deep Staters and TechBros), so Isla (MAGA America) and Laszlo (Deep cover Patriot Resistors) can go onto to organize the rest of America to take on various Nazis (Democrats, Black Hat Deep Staters, Commies, actual Nazis, Globalists, etc). Now, what happens next, is up to us.
I recommended Elon Musk just put Andrew Torba in charge of Twitter so that Musk himself can concentrate on his real passion project, Space X.
If he turns X into an echo chamber, he will get bored. The only reason he had ever had any fun on Twitter/X is because it exposed him to genuinely new ideas he never would have otherwise encountered. Why even bother signing on just to read sycophants like Cheong repeating Musk’s own ideas?
X like Space X like Tesla like Facebook like Amazon etc are all jew and DARPA military fronts for surveillance, track and trace, consolidation of power, bio digital convergence. Musk is an idiot as is Bezos, Zuckerberg etc they are just the faces presented to the stupid public and shields for the international jew bankers out of the City of London, Geneva, Basel, Brussels or wherever their banksters hide.
this is guy is talking about gun rights, saying in part:
“…what government is if it was a human being it’s why we have to do things like sue them and you know destroy them politically and you know that’s the only thing they really understand …”
sub the word ‘Jew’ for ‘human being’ and you’ll see the course we need to be on.
Yeah well, the election is over, so time to cull the herd. You were only needed until election day.
(((Elon Musk))), the CIAs top front man, IS the right now, along with the homosexual PayPal mafia, and the California Jews and Pajeets from Sillycon valley. That is the right the CIA has built. It’s a small club, and we ain’t in it.
I am surprised Substack is still standing. Probably (((Musk))) will buy it soon. Telegram is still good. That will be the last ditch, after Substack falls. But set one up and I will be a paid subscriber
I’m back on Gab
I might give Substack a whirl next year. Musk blocks links to it
These Asians just don’t get it. We don’t care if they studied here for whatever number of years. We DON’T want to be replaced. Take your degrees back home to benefit your own country, and effing leave us alone.
In Australia, we’ve always known that Indian and Chinese student visas are just a back door to permanent residency. A total rort.
As for Musk……those who support the driverless, EV transition are usually also leftists who support mass immigration. He pretends to be on your side by opposing illegal immigration, whilst supporting our replacement via LEGAL immigration which is a far greater threat because it’s bigger and goes largely unreported and unchallenged.
Billionaires don’t give a shit about us. They spit on the working class. Never trust, or praise them.
In November, the American electorate had a choice of being replaced by millions of more Latin American by the democrats, or being replaced by millions of pajeets by the republicans.
Of course, with Trump’s amnesty and road to citizenship for DACA illegals, we will have the misfortune of both plus no mass deportations.
Trump’s jewish donor will get both accelerated White replacement and a war against Iran.
MAGA was a con job from the time Zion Don came down the escalator at Trump Tower in 2016. There was never any intention of doing what his loyal base of MAGAtards desired most. Neo conned again.
Every white nation pretends to offer the populace a choice by having two political parties to choose from. One presents as leftist, the other slightly less so. They give the impression of difference by arguing over miner issues nobody cares much about, whilst secretly agreeing on the big things like immigration, human rights, Israel, etc.
At least the leftist party say they’re leftists and to take it or leave it. But the conservative side? They become leftists as soon as the election is over, and suddenly forget what they promised the voters. They hardly ever do a thing that makes you think…..gosh I’m glad I voted for them! They stand for nothing. Jews control both sides.
But……your vote counts n shit.
You’re told you have a vote…….but you’re never asked what YOU want. We never asked for mass immigration, endless wars, Jewish infestation in everything or anything else detrimental to our way of life, but get them, anyway. We’re asked to tolerate those who are replacing and changing us.
Why don’t more people realise all this?
“Why don’t more people realize all this?”
it is realized; problem is – if u acknowledge that u know you’ll be hounded to the ends of the earth or possibly imprisoned. so ppl. shut up.
I went to US(ZOG) federal prison for several years for noticing, and shitposting to the max. It culminated in zog sending their golem thugs to trick me in my naivety to buying guns off them (instant arrest prison sentence). They used my posts and opinions as the justification. So you ain’t kidding. It was a flash in the pan but highly publicized case. But here I am, out and free, still standing, and frankly doing better than ever. Our captors only have as much power over us as we allow them (through fear). The peaceful way to change this mess is a White baby boom. And raise them right. My first is on the way.
Sigh (I Know at least one OD reader hates when I write “Sigh”)
X (formerly Twitter) is having it’s short time as the place to be for ha wite free speech, kind of like Talk Radio with Rush Limblob/Howard Stern Opie and Anthony was back in their day.
X is feeling a lot like “MySpace”.
Can’t this Elon Musk by some TV cable news networks, feature pretty ha white female news presenters like Meagan Kelly or now Brett Cooper?
Hey B/Hunter W – I have the annual year end “White Majority Traitor of the Year” nominations blog ready in blog. It’s nothing controversial . I’ll post tomorrow unless I hear differently.
Thanks brother.
PS. Let’s consider ending reader comments in 2025 – or I might just walk away , go the Amish route. We’re seeing some cat fighting, flame wars, not much networking to reverse the decline and fall of ha Wite Western Civilization.
If I can’t have my say, I won’t read the articles, and won’t even visit this website.
People should be allowed to throw opinions and ideas around, even if they create disagreements.
Banning speech is a leftist thing.
We’re going to keep the comments, but there needs to be less flame wars. I might try out Substack in 2025. Not sure yet
At most, he should hide problematic content or move them to a dump site page. I don’t like the idea of deleting a heated exchange. And removing comments altogether is especially lame. But if Hunter got sick of moderating them, I would understand.
>“We’re seeing cat fighting, flame wars, not much networking to reverse the decline”
Yeah, welcome to the dissident right.
I never use substack I just come here. Not too interested in all the bloviating overly intellectual articles on that website.
I never trusted Musk or Vivek from the get go when they started their white pandering. I’m glad the mask came off.
Vivek is the most obvious Indian con artist that I have ever seen. Ann Coulter nailed him. There was nothing left to say about him.
Fuck Trump. Fuck American “Exceptionalism”. Why aren’t other countries allowed to have any success? These fucktards’ strategy of keeping the rest of the world in poverty isn’t going to work for anyone in the long run. Let them prosper like the West, insofar as they can. Let them reap the rewards of feminism, so their population growth slows and the West doesn’t have to be the relief valve for the rest of the world. The West thinks it’s the King of the Mountain, but its greed is rotting the foundation.
Ending reader comments will not help OD.
If you want a true Southern writer to replace Jaye Ryan, I would be honored to be of use. I have always espoused that the idea of preserving our Southern heritage and culture is a good thing. However, we must prepare ourselves for what is inevitable at this point, which is replacement.
That should be our primary goal.
The South with its lower taxes on businesses and less regulations is becoming the landing zone for big business of every industry domestically. Right behind them will be Chicanos, East and South Asians in droves. You know that native southerners aren’t going to even get an interview for those jobs.
The South might skew redder for a few years, but it is going to trend heavily yellow, brown, and blue with the cultural enrichment from the third world.
Expect the smell of curry to be the new normal.
If anyone wants more proof that “X” is a total waste of time, consider that Richard Spencer is mincing, cavorting, cruising and uttering his customary inanities on that platform with the blessing of Musk (and likely a horde of feds as well). So far, at least, Mike Enoch (real name: Mike Peinovich) and “Jazzhands Mcfeels” (real name: Robert Warren Gasiewicz) aren’t hustling bitcoin contributions there yet, but,hey, give it time, because all things are possible.For anyone interested in hardcore Nazi LARPing and serious time wasting, check out the likes of Warren Balogh and Eric Striker (real name: Joseph Jordan) engaged in 24/7 mutual salad tossing on Rumble (bitcoin accepted, thank you). As the saying goes, “Caveat Emptor” or, in plain English, “Let the buyer beware!”
I’ve also been very aware of the Indians sneaking in. I never liked Vivek, don’t trust him, anymore than I trusted Nikki Hailey and I wonder about Vance; if that really is his wife or his handler. The threat of replacement of whites is very real. I saw it at a corporation I worked, where dozens of whitevtech workers were ordered to train their Indian replacements or lose their pension. Their anger at this was always heard in the break room.
Musk is loved by a lot of the talk show shills, and I think he is in it for himself. Trump has an uneasy alliance with him, and I suspect all of this “cleaning house” is sincere, but if Trump or whoever is with him stops the Indian visas, then Musk will turn. Besides, I think all the “reforms”, while genuine, will last about a month until we get going to war in the Middle East…which is Trump’ true raison d’ete in getting elected.
Have you seen the photo Vance posted from this last thanksgiving? From what I could see, the deck was free of human feces.
He was the only European surrounded by at least a dozen or more of his wife’s family and his hapa children.
Vance isn’t so intelligent, if he thinks those were the Indians at the First Thanksgiving.
A good new years resolution would be to get off X almost completely and read more paper books. I’ve already started today and it already feels refreshing. The ultimate life improvement would be to ditch the smartphone and get an old fashioned flip phone. And just sit down at a PC for those times you want to be online. Otherwise it would be reading books instead of mindless addictive scrolling. I bet we’d all be far less stressed and depressed.
Couldn’t agree more. Websites aren’t supposed to be a total shitshow for the rest of the normal population who aren’t interested in or can’t afford a paid subscription. The left was right about Elon running the site into the ground. I literally cannot use the platform anymore. I get a ‘daily limit’ notification every time I try to post. Elon found a way to ban people without suspending accounts since I am effectively banned.
Elon has really reached the ‘cry wolf’ point with me. No more empty dog whistles are gonna bring me back into the fold. I don’t care about whatever ‘based’ thing he has to say. It doesn’t matter who your true allegiance secretly is. There’s only so many times you can backstab someone before they stop caring about whatever reasoning there may be for it.
Also, microbloging is the worst form of social media anyways. Low character limits that stifle discussion and enable ‘hot take’ culture where everyone is fixing on posting the next juicy take that will sound smart at a surface level and everyone is binge-reading hot takes like a bee flying from flower to flower and no one ultimately learns anything.