"Elon, what did you do?" ? pic.twitter.com/vlP4W75RXX
— Autism Capital ? (@AutismCapital) December 28, 2024
Steve Bannon refers to Elon Musk as a toddler. pic.twitter.com/VETEBec7ha
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) December 28, 2024
BREAKING: Tech Bros are now confirming that having a nation, with borders, and citizens with common history, culture, and traditions is actually DEI.
— Gavin Mario Wax ?? ? (@GavinWax) December 28, 2024
Tech Bros confirming ending this practice is how we defeat the “Woke Mind Virus”!
If you just joined us, we’re at the “yes the great replacement is happening and it’s good actually because the natives won’t work 80 hours a week” stage of civilization.
— Stephen Wolfe (@PerfInjust) December 28, 2024
“They Want A Tech Feudalism.” Steve Bannon Claps Back @elonmusk And Exposes The Darker Element Of The H-1B Visa Program pic.twitter.com/CMNYSH9UBx
— Bannon’s WarRoom (@Bannons_WarRoom) December 28, 2024
“The H-1B Program Is A Total And Complete Scam.” Steve Bannon On Tech Oligarchs Hatred For America pic.twitter.com/OX76BCoK94
— Bannon’s WarRoom (@Bannons_WarRoom) December 28, 2024
I’m not blackpilled.
As I have explained, I was already considering changing platforms in 2025 because X is a scam in which you pay Elon Musk for the privilege of tweeting into a spam folder. If anything is true, the events of the last 72 hours have shifted the Overton Window on legal immigration.
The main reason why I am not blackpilled though is because the UK has already run the Elon Musk experiment. The Tories under Boris Johnson were swept into power in the 2019 election by breaking down Labour’s “Red Wall” in the north of England. The Conservatives used their electoral mandate to radically increase “high skilled,” legal immigration from outside of Europe. It is the reason why Rishi Sunak led the Tories to their most crushing defeat in two centuries over the summer.
So, Donald Trump and MAGA have a choice to make: do they side with Elon Musk in World War Jeet and hit the gas pedal on “high skilled” legal immigration from India and court the fate of the Tories when it blows up in their face, OR, do they side with their base which wants less legal immigration? I believe Steve Bannon and MAGA, not Musk and the Tech Right, will prevail on this issue.
We know exactly what will happen if Musk gets what he wants.
UPDATE: I see that Bannon took that personally.

What you’re betting on is that Trump is a traitor to his own class. But given Trump’s foreign policy record, I’d say Trump is loyal to his class. So if I was a betting man, I’d bet on Trump selling out.
It is going to badly for Elon and Vivek that Nikki Haley is dunking on them. That ought to tell you where this is going
I just did a spit take reading that Nimrata is stinging musk and vivek, after the hornets nest they kicked.
Haley is still piping mad with her fellow jeet over how he humiliated her in one debate after another. She wants a pound of his poo stained flesh.
How can DOGE go forward now?
(Shakes head and drops face) Brad you will never learn and it’s so clear now. What ideology will you embrace once Trump proves that he is just a sellout?
Trump has no clothes at this point.
He thinks Indians will be marginally better than the scallywags who sold him out after the 2020 election.
He is scared or something.
The Conservatives replaced the Indian with a Nigerian female as leader. Clearly the only thing they are interested in conserving is their fanatically anti white ZOG regime.
The Cuck Island conserviltards double-down on their way to a well-earned Darwin Award.
the natives won’t work 80 hours a week
I don’t think that is true at all.
I am a former coder who would work 15+ hours a day staring at a computer screen who looked forward to the Fall when the time would change so it would give me an extra hour to code (that’s how bad it was). It is an addiction.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
It is extremely unreasonable to make working 80 hours a week the new status quo.
Life is short. Why give that much of it to a heartless company that will replace you with a younger worker that can do your job at a fraction of the price? Add in that you need 7-8 hours of sleep. Time to bathe, eat, commute, relax, and spend time with your family, if you have a wife and kids.
Were you aware that the average worker’s salary and their CEO’s gap exceeds that of America’s “Gilden Age?”
“the natives won’t work 80 hours a week”
That’s worse than slavery.
There are Chinese factory girls who work 120+ hours a week. Then when their health breaks in their early 20s, they get tossed to the streets. It makes a few billionaires and the rest poverty stricken cripples with permanently wrecked health.
I thought the whole idea of civilization was to have ever higher standards of living.
The filthy buggers at the top of the business garbage heap do have ever higher standards of living, if money is the only yardstick used to measure such things. That’s all they care about and that’s how the corrupt, wonderful, system of democracy we currently enjoy, coupled with finance capitalism, works. With a political system based upon bribery and extortion dominated by The Usual Suspects (think: Epstein) what other outcome could there be?
My we have the strength and fidelity to serve this God.
Most people don’t know but Bannon is right, H1B is a fraud. There are HR consulting companies that stage educational seminars teaching HR people how to get around supposed controls and limitations in the H1B program. I believe these seminars were already around in the 90’s but they definitely picked up after the dot com crash.
For example, there’s something about having to try to find an American for a job but if you fail, you can import someone. What they’ll do when they have an open req is to post it (or, back in the day, place a newspaper want ad) and then reject anything that comes in (i.e. your typical White engineer). They have the proof an opening was posted, but “we couldn’t find anything.” All of a sudden the opening is filled with an H1B Pajeet. No doubt, there are many other tricks available. This one I witnessed myself.
This scam has been going on since the 70’s. WSJ has done several articles on it.
The foot in the door for Indian H 1B programmers was the so-called Y2K “bug” that would supposedly cause all computers to crash at the end of the millenium. The H 1B programmers were brought to the USA by “big tech” to write code to ameliroate the predicted computer disaster in the year 2000. Once they completed that task, they never went away.
“How Trump Plans to Deport 4% of the U.S. Population | WSJ”
whatever happens, it’s white ppl. who’ll pay the price:
Everyone will feel the inflation of Trump’s tariffs, if he follows through on that threat.
If you thought groceries and other items are overpriced now, just wait until commodities, textiles, and other things the US imports goes up 25-100%.
Where (((Trump))) stands has always been clear. He hates Americans and wants to replace us.
Now that (((Trump))) has today said on “Truth Social” that he totally supports (((Elon))) and the other guy, the pajeet, what is to be done?
Nothing. Nothing can or will be done. (((Trump))) Will bring in his millions of Pajeets, just as he promised to do during the election. From a country with a mean (average) IQ of 78. (((Trump))) has gone way beyond laughing at us, he is pissing on us while laughing.
Torba’s take, tweeted from his Gab ghetto, is that (((Elon))) got 6 billion from Blackrock three weeks ago and now this shit show. Might be something to that.
When the Southland gets some kind of sovereign state, they cannot stay here, none of them. There is plenty of room for them up north, and out west in places like Commiefornia.
Elon is quite the paradox.
He backs H1b, yet he endorses the AfD .
1940’s……..”India for the Indians”
2024……..”we enrich the West, and have so much to offer. Keeping us out would be waysis”
Highly skilled Indians ?
Fake credentials are so easy to obtain in India that it’s a standing joke.
“Safety Engineering bro”
I once worked a part time job with an Indian Engi student who thought a covid mask would stop toxic heated cleaner fumes.
Im talking Angstads bro! Come on man!
Canadian friend here.
Indians love cracking the whip on YT, once they take over a business they fire all the whites and hire their own exclusively. They are absolutely insufferable.
Again, why doesnt Trump just appoint only native born, American WASPs to his cabinet? Does he not know the score by now, or is he still a little compromising ‘fraidy cat? Did he learn nothing from the Pence/Milley thing?