“They call them ‘H-1B Visas,’ George. I can get a foreign worker and pay him half the wage as someone from Bedford Falls!
— Michael Cassidy ?? ?? (@MichaelCassidy) December 26, 2024
You’re a sucker, like your old man, if you *don’t* use them.” pic.twitter.com/rTBNlGVUao
I have been a conservative my entire life. I was a two term tea party governor and was proud to serve in Trump’s first administration. And you are surprised that I am to the right of the guys who were Democrats a couple of days ago?
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) December 28, 2024
The concern we should have are the liberal… https://t.co/vmtzf6rG8A
The Musk Meltdown on X landed so badly that Nikki Haley is scoring points off Elon and Vivek.
Notice which one gets limited and which one doesn’t pic.twitter.com/YKNzDtLLVU
— James (@jden1035) December 28, 2024
Here is a brief recap of the last 24 hours:
- Elon Musk thinks White Americans are too stupid to be trained to do high skilled tech jobs
- Elon Musk has declared war on “racists” for the sake of H-1B visas
- Elon Musk believes “racists” must be driven out of the Republican Party “root and branch” for hurting the feelings of Neera Tanden of the Center for American Progress
- Elon Musk wants to flood the country with infinite immigration from India
- Elon Musk DOES NOT respect Americans who want less legal immigration
- Elon Musk believes hiring American workers over Indians is “DEI”
- Sriram Krishnan is being called the tech bro George Floyd
- Mass bannings of Groypers and other critics of Musk over Indian immigration have begun
Long story short, Elon Musk has completely burned up all the good will he has built since 2022, transformed overnight many of his supporters on the Right into skeptics and enemies, ensured that DOGE will be relentlessly attacked from the Right before Trump is sworn into office and has essentially reset the clock in much of MAGA back to 2020 and 2021 when everyone hated Big Tech. We are highly likely to see a mass exodus of the Right to rival platforms like Gab and Truth Social.
It is worth noting that Trump himself is a competitor of Elon Musk and has stuck with his Truth Social platform. Trump has been silent as Musk has alienated most of MAGA over this issue. There is no reason to believe that Elon Musk is going to “win” his war on the H-1B issue. In fact, it looks like his war has backfired and it has made the vast majority of the Right much more hostile to H-1Bs.
The Right was already suspicious of Musk and the Tech Right for all kinds of reasons … mass deplatforming after 2020 including of Trump himself, voting for Joe Biden, censorship over COVID, blacklisting Trump supporters in Silicon Valley. Most people on the Right hated Big Tech until Musk bought Twitter. There are all kinds of issues which have been swept under the rug for the greater good of defeating the Left like Musk’s bizarre polygamist fetish for impregnating all of these women with IVF.
I don’t see how he comes back from this.
No one will ever forget what he has said here which makes our presence on that platform untenable. There will be more of these clashes until more people get fed up and leave X.

Driving “racists” out of the Republican party has been Republican party policy for many years. “Racist” is simply a hate slur for Whites who don’t want our race abolished. The underlying goal of the Anti-White ruling elite is to turn White countries into brown ones. What Musk wants is totally consistent with this.
Hoping that Trump will do anything substantial to counter it is wishful thinking, never mind Trump deporting even ONE illegal.
Regardless, I wish everyone a Happy and Hopeful New Year.
@more of the same
“Racist” is simply a hate slur (by J’s, non-whites, lib. whites) for Whites who don’t want our race abolished. The underlying goal of the Anti-White ruling elite is to turn White countries into brown ones.
felt it needed refinement.
Interesting that Mongoloid faced Musk names his car company after European genius Nikola Tesla but wants to use H-1B visas to bring in pajeets instead of scientists from western Europe. Musk is not one of us, has no multigenerational connection to America or race or religion, is simply driven by money. And he has the gall to want to root out the descendants of the men who built the country that he came to enjoy and make money in! If Musk does not like the “racist” America that our ancestors built and struggled to maintain for 400 years then maybe Elon Musk should take his money and move somewhere else. Auslander Raus!
Not long hence I asked , “Who is ELon Musk” from better re sources from controlled BRD I learnt. But with a divine inference declares , “another plutocrat , who invites himself to the table like all jews without shame appropriates another’s home, name and inheritance.”
Herr Putnam , I appreciate your comment and vehemently agree.
Musk et al are flat-out lying about H1B visas. They are in fact a form of corporate welfare whose chief purpose is to drive down the market value of certain labor skills. The renewal of the visas is also used as a kind of indenture by corporations like the ones Musk runs. Pajeets use them to populate entire sectors with their relatives, most of whom DO NOT have the skill set. It’s therefore also used as a tool for the great replacement.
For any morons who are under the false, gaslight-media impression that Musk (or any of these figures promoted by the usual suspects) are some kind of John Galt, nothing could be further from the truth. All are sucking massively from the government teat.
And yet.
Elon has an op-ed this weekend in Die Welt tripling down and explaining his support for the AfD. Which has caused a few pearl clutchers at that paper to quit.
You read it, and compare it to this Elon. And you wonder which one is the real Elon. Will the real Elon please stand up.
Apparently Elon Musk, Scott Adams and Patrick Bet-David all never bothered to read the platform that Trump adopted in August 2015.
The platform that enabled Trump to win the 2015-2016 Republican primary and the 2016 general election, despite the hostility of all the institutions in society, including Big Tech.
The only reason Trump exists as a political force is because of the immigration issue, which gave him a hard core of supporters.
Trump was right when he said that he could survive politically even if he murdered someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue.
But he could not survive politically without the immigration issue.
You would think that Musk would understand why giving over your country to non-whites is a bad idea. I’m still not sure what the difference is between losing a war and mass “legal” or “illegal” immigration is.
“The government refuses to release wage data from visa petitions for nonimmigrant workers. The publicly available data is instead from Labor Condition Applications. That provides an excellent view of what employers claim the prevailing wage is and a generally good view of H-1B wages. But because there is not a one-to-one match between H-1B workers and Labor Condition Applications, analyses of the latter produce the response that only the visa data is accurate – but that is not published.
Computer hacking at the professional-services firm Deloitte provided the data for a new study of H-1B wages at that company. Lo and behold, this study found that Deloitte pays its H-1B workers 10 percent less than newly hired peers. This is consistent with the H-1B program’s statutory intent of replacing American workers with cheap foreign workers.”
“If the demand for STEM workers exceeds the supply, then we should see U.S. firms offering increasingly generous compensation to recruit and retain these allegedly scarce workers. We do not. Figure 1 shows trends in real (inflation-adjusted) wages, benefits, and total compensation for STEM workers between 2008 and 2023. No significant increases are evident. In fact, compensation grew at a rate of just 0.15 percent per year. Furthermore, compensation for STEM workers was 7.1 percent lower in 2023 than in 2019 before the pandemic, with wages down 7.6 percent and benefits down 6.2 percent. How could a shortage exist without upward pressure on compensation?.”
“The report assumes that the prevalence of immigrants in science and engineering means that the U.S. “needs” more immigrants to compete in those fields. However, the labor market could adjust in their absence to attract natives or immigrants already here. In fact, there is research that when wages in science and engineering occupations became relatively less competitive around the turn of the millennium, native interest in pursuing doctoral studies in these fields dropped. The availability of immigrants then prevented wages from increasing, which might have otherwise lured natives back in these fields.
In addition to holding down wages, immigration may also crowd out natives from STEM jobs. Doran, Gelber, and Isen offer one of the best papers on this topic. If H-1B workers are truly exceptional talents for whom there are few American substitutes, then firms that won the lottery for H-1B visas should increase their employment relative to the lottery losers. But the authors found that the firms that won the H-1B lottery ended up employing fewer workers than the firms that lost. For every two H-1B visas the firms won, three other workers were crowded out. Furthermore, the authors find little evidence that lottery-winning firms are any more innovative than the losing firms. This paper appears nowhere in the National Academies report.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the large number of individuals with undergraduate STEM degrees employed in non-STEM jobs. To the extent there is a problem in filling STEM jobs, it reflects, at least in part, the inability of STEM employers to attract and retain STEM-trained individuals already in the country. The simplest way to induce more STEM degree holders to return to STEM fields is to allow wages to rise. Bringing in more foreign labor may slow wage growth and hinder this process. Keeping wages down may be in the interests of employers, but doing so is likely to create a self-fulfilling prophecy that there are no Americans to do such jobs. At the very least, the report should have addressed the question of why so many Americans with STEM degrees end up not working in STEM fields. The related matter of significant layoffs in tech fields also should have been discussed.
Figure 5 shows the steady increase in the total number of foreign-born STEM workers in the United States from 2000 to 2023 and their share of the STEM workforce. The 29 percent in 2023 is roughly double the foreign-born share of the total U.S. population. Moreover, the number of foreign-born STEM workers has grown 104 percent since 2010. Clearly, the current immigration system already allows a very large number of skilled workers into the country. If bringing in ever more foreign workers is critically important to the country, as the National Academies report argues, the current system certainly does so. Moreover, the foreign-born share of STEM workers is approaching one in three. Is there no point when the U.S. becomes too dependent on foreign labor?.” (Center for Immigration Studies)
The fact that he has never lifted a finger on behalf of his co-ethnics tells you everything you need to know about him.
” never lifted a finger on behalf of his co-ethnics tells ”
That applies to every ultra-rich white person I can think of.
Yes, but in Musk’s case, in particular, White South Africans are being marginalized, dispossessed, homeless, and are starving if they are not outright being butchered like many South African farmers.
If Musk wanted cheap labor, he could get virtually every White South African into the United States. At least, they know English and would not end up pulling scams and soaking our social services for everything they are worth.
Charlize Theron is another one I just don’t get. She’s living the high life in Hollywood and, instead of adopting a White South African child or two, she has to adopt the Blackest African she can lay her hands on.
If I had been the member of a small White minority in a place like post-Apartheid South Africa with all its Black on White violence and was lucky enough to get the hell out of there to a country with a more White European population, the LAST thing I would do is adopt and take one of them to raise.
The White race is truly a sick people.
This is an easy fix. Right now H1B visa holders must be paid at least $60,000 a year. Raise the minimum pay to $100,000 or $120,000 and let Elon have all the H1B visa holders he wants.
If Musk prefers pajeets as workers, he should set up shop in India. Now THAT would be amusing indeed. He just THINKS the corruption in China is bad. If he goes full-bore pajeet, Elon ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Meanwhile, old Vox Day – from his own platform – provides a superb summary of Musk, and the so-called “Tech-Right”.
“.., he should set up shop in India. ”
And get his massive subsidies from the Indian government.
Without subsidies, would teslA or space X exist ?
> And get his massive subsidies from the Indian government.
He’s have to pay more in bribes that he could ever get in subsidies.
The Chinese are actually great people once you get to know them, and probably the only hope left for human civilization once Europeans are gone. Its seriously Indians that are the biggest threat, other than, you know…
It’s official. Loomer and any others who have questioned or criticized Lord Musk’s policy of outsourcing cheap labor to replace Americans have been suspended from X. Musk, a self declared free speech absolutist, actually is a me first absolutist.
As co-chair of DOGE, he is positioned to eliminated scores of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of government jobs. He will declare them deleted, then others added back under privatization. The added back staffing will all be staffed with Pajeets. When you call to get SSI check, tax information, FHA Loan, SBA, etc you will be answered with Apu saying, “Thank you, come again!” and some $20 dollars will go to the graft and up to Lord Musk’s wallet. Most his empire is predicated on this government graft.
This is why Lord Musk is willing to go to war over cheap LEGAL immigrant workers, a so called war against racists. Its not for free speech, not even maybe woke mind virus, but, for the grift that he is willing to war. We are in a war against oligarchs. Getting one on our side is a gift. Two a miracle. Looks like we don’t have any miracles yet. Loomer has been deleted. I wonder when Peter Brimelow and Hunter Wallace will be next?
Just think of the level of identity theft once Elon gives his army of pajeets access to everyone’s SSN. That will be one YUGE “Thank you. Come again”. For someone who is promoted as such a smart guy, Elon would do well to take the old advice’
Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
(sigh) Conservatives warned against Elon a long time ago but we all and he loves memes to own the libs he used to be pals with. Just an opportiunist, who loves animal tranq’s like Ketamine lol.
To be fair a lot of American workers are entitled to the highest order. Americans are above labor it seems. They want more derbs and pay they don’t deserve but don’t wan’t to do the derbs. Quite the predicament.
The play should be for everyone to get on Truth social we have to win over the base. Which we largely have on most issues I mean look at it in 2016 if you told people that by 2024 everyone would be demanding Mass deportations no one would have believed you that’s a massive amount of progress which needs to continue on Truth social.
Normies cannot wrap their media addled brains around the fact that Elon Musk is a Jew. And they never will. Americans are the easiest ppl in the world to deceive. They WANT to be deceived.
Here’s an excellent anecdotal account of how they work once they get their feet in the door.
Here’s the takeaway quote:
> Regardless of context, every American needs to understand that they will lie under any circumstances for any reason or no apparent reason whatsoever. It is “cultural,” so get over your Christendom-centric notions of morality; those exist nowhere else on Earth.
Vox Day’s parting comment is absolutely unimpeachable as well
> If you don’t hire and protect your own, you will soon be swamped by those who do. Unlike the tango, it doesn’t require two to play the nationalism game. And if you’re not playing, you’re losing.
BTW, this has been a longstanding Jewish strategy as well. I don’t see many white Christians practicing this, and they’d best start learning to – yes even in the south.
Muskie is the queen of welfare queens. He started all his companies with tax dollars through grants. He fled South Africa after the ANC takeover and now wants to flood the West with pajeets. The upper crust of the bowel movement of globalism imagines that they can avoid the crime and ruins of their policies. Their funny money provides them with security like a blanket for babies. They need to be taxed to eliminate their bubble of fake wealth. Take away their money.
(This is not meant to be an attack — it is just some comic relief — a verbal cartoon.)
If what has transpired so far with Elon Musk was the first part of a Sci-Fi flick and I was asked to come up with the remainder of the film it would go something like this:
The richest man in the world Elon Musk with the help of President Donald Trump opened up the way for mass legal immigration from India to the USA. Musk finally had the engineering team assembled that he needed to colonize the entire solar system.
The first stable colony was on Mars with regular flights making the 10 month trip leaving weekly. Things were looking up and Musk was pleased with the progress so far.
Then another milestone was reached — the Indian engineering teams had built several 100 life-like robots that were stronger and smarter than any human. They were so smart that instead of Musk going to ask the Indian engineers technical problems he would go instead to one of these super robots and would get the exact solution to solve the problem.
So several months later Elon calls all Indian engineering team in for a meeting and basically gives them all pink slips and thanks them for their dedicated service and just before he gets to the doorway to walk out of the room, this huge humanoid robot walks in. He resembles what Elon Musk looked like when Elon was in his 20’s.
The robot introduced himself to Elon telling him his name – Nole (Elon spelled backwards). Nole then informed Elon that he (Nole) and the other super intelligent robots had legally through super legal expertise taken over all his companies and he (Nole) was here to thank him (Elon) for his service and relieve him of all his responsibilities and escort him off the property.
So Elon left and Nole took over and Nole and his super robots started replicating themselves until they had an army into the millions and then they were ready.
They went on a solar-system-wide campaign to slaughter every human. However, Nole, as he was programmed to do, gave safe passage to the Indian engineers who built him and their families to the Mars colony to never be harmed by the robots.
And the solar system finally had peace. And the robots “lived” happily ever after.
(a beautiful view of deep space appears on the screen)
(soft space-themed music is playing in the background)
The real question is, why cant Indians live in India and work there?
For context I live in Canada and am native born English Canadian, these “people” will ruin your country if you keep letting them in, just like they did to mine. The college campuses are chock full of street poopers, they even have them teaching classes.
They wont even give you a cigarette if you run out and dont have time to go to the store. They are not clever, they are not nice, they are not “hardworking”. Trump seems to have shot himself in the foot here, again, just like he did with Pence and Milley.
Why doesnt he just pick Anglo Americans for every post in his departments, and then see what the left will do about it? Is he stupid?
Elon’s obvious agenda is to procure cheap labor to build his stupid rocket ships & his piece of junk electric cars that nobody wants to buy. (As well as for his crud censorship site!) Cronyism at it’s finest! Vivek’s motivations are less clear, but I strongly suspect they’re based on ethnic solidarity with his people. Moreover, to import multitudes of high tech workers from China, a country with whom we have a complicated, adversarial relationship, comes across to me as a dumb idea, to put it mildly, on national security grounds alone. In contrast, why are we seemingly unable to bring in good quality White immigrants from countries like Norway & Romania, not to mention the White South African farmers??? Both of these individuals are bad acors IMHO.