"Antisemitism" has changed
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
In the late 20th century, Jews were the top dog in the American elite, and "antisemitism" was strictly verboten. It was relentlessly policed by the MSM and "watchdog" orgs and relegated to the fringes of society
This is the world we all grew up in and are accustomed to with Dr. Pierce railing about the lemmings bamboozled by the Jewish media, but that world is … increasingly archaic?
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
The analogy that is stuck in my mind is how the Southern planter class was gradually eclipsed by Northern industrialists. Slavery became controversial when it was becoming antiquated. It suited the interest of Northern industrialists to have the public outraged at the Slave Power
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
Similarly, it suits the interests of Silicon Valley tech barons to have the mob, so to speak, outraged and fixated on the Jews or anything else like race. It is actually useful to them
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
Elon can present himself as the slayer of the mainstream media. You are the media now. The old 20th century Jewish MSM is antiquated and collapsing. Elon & Co. owns the "media" now and it is a partisan outrage washing machine like the late 19th century media
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
The big picture of the Civil War era is how American traded one elite – the old antebellum Southern planter class – for a new one which was the Gilded Age Northern industrialists. That's who "won" the war. Not pathetic freedmen who were forgotten, but the railroads ?
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
Silicon Valley and tech is the modern equivalent of the 19th century railroads. They have "won" the 2024 election. Government policy is going to favor tech and it doesn't harm them to have people raging against the old declining Jewish media elite
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
To put a bow on this:
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
In 1820, an activist calling for the abolition of slavery was speaking Truth To Power, but by 1850 that type of activist had become a useful instrument of rising Northern industrial interests. Antislavery was mainstream
That's like us today ?
The trajectory of tech from the 1990s to 2024 is reminiscent of the railroads and the telegraph from 1825 to 1865
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
BTW, Lincoln was a railroad attorney, and a puppet of these interests in the Republican Party. Trump is Lincolnian in this sense
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
Anyway, hope this explains why you can name the Jew now ?
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) January 2, 2025
I have a hot take for you today.
Jews are a declining elite like the antebellum Southern planter class in the 1850s and 1860s. Silicon Valley is like the 19th century railroads and industrial interests. Antisemitism is going mainstream. This is reminiscent of how antislavery went mainstream. Just as it suited the interests of rising Northern industrialists to have the North outraged at the Slave Power, it suits the interests of Silicon Valley tech barons in our own times to have the public outraged at the Jewish liberal establishment.
Note: This occurred to me after Elon demonetized Jake Shields, Dr. Loupis and the other anti-Zionists who have spent the last year raging against Israel on X. Elon didn’t mind the “anti-Zionists” and probably found them useful until those accounts began criticizing him over H-1Bs. He wasn’t willing to “go to war” over racism, anti-Semitism or Israel or anything except his own financial interests.

I think Jews have lost a lot of their moral capital they obtained from the Holocaust (and for all practical purposes it does not matter if it was real or not because what people believe to be true is more powerful than actual truth) with the invasion of Gaza. We need to ditch the word anti-Semitic and instead adopt the term Counter-Semitic. Counter implies you are fighting against something that was projected at you whereas anti-Semitic implies innocence on on their part and hatred on yours.
The Usual Suspects’ power has diminished somewhat but remains fundamentally intact. They took heat for Gaza but not so much that they changed their extermination/expulsion strategy by one inch. There is some criticism about the miles wide river of money and weapons disappearing into the black hole of Ukraine but never a peep about the much larger river of money disappearing into Our Greatest Ally’s bank accounts. There hasn’t been any accounting or reporting of the amounts involved and zero curiosity from the Lügenpresse, of course.
The Usual Suspects’ power will end when financial calamity overcomes GloboHomo Empire because of the enormous criminal, unpayable debts wracked up over the last century. The rate of increase in the debt recently is going vertical; interest payments are rivalling the (so-called) “defence” budget. This is not sustainable especially since the “economy” is largely rackets made up of various real estate, finance, insurance, medical and other frauds. The productive economy couldn’t even produce sufficient WWII style artillery shells for Ukraine as well as more sophisticated armaments since de-industrialization/financialization of the real economy started with Reagan in 1981.
When financial ruin overtakes GloboHomo their power will evaporate like the morning dew and they will mostly decamp for greener pastures somewhere, they always have in the past.
Financial ruin is for Main Street, not Wall Street. The unpayable debts will lead to a collapse alright, but not to the end of the Usual Suspects’ power – quite the opposite in fact. The collapse of the hyper-indebted financial system has in fact been long planned (decades) and will be conducted in the form of a controlled demolition, at the appropriate time. The replacement financial system is called “Stakeholder Capitalism” by the WEF, although techno-feudalism is a more realistic name. The WEF are quite open about the fact that they want to do away with the present capitalist system btw. Gee I wonder why the wealthiest folk on the planet would want to do that. What they don’t say is that their Great Reset will result in the greatest concentration of wealth seen in all of human history – at least that’s the plan.
In 2023 a very smart ex hedge fund manager actually figured out how it will be done. He has called it “The Great Taking” https://thegreattaking.com if you are interested. The plan is an engineered financial collapse that results in all collateral everywhere being used to capitalize the systemically important banks – you know, the ones owned by the Usual Suspects. Think 2008 on steroids. The result will be you will get to own nothing
and be happyand the Usual Suspects will get to own pretty much everything. CBDC’s are to be the basis of the new system and the Dollar will pass into history – along with all that debt, conveniently enough. The plan is as audacious as it is fiendish. If Trump (or Musk) come out and support the development of FedCoin, the domestic CBDC, you’ll know the fix is in.Alt Walt;
You have a good point about CBs, unfortunately. Vicious as their intentions are their hubris will hopefully be their undoing, we shall see.
The book you referenced is now on my list, thanks for the reference.
What scare me about Musk is that he’s not a man of values like us, he’s a man of interest (money interest). So as long as it suits him to support our ideas, he does so, but his loyalty will always be in question.
Elon and the super wealthy are completely amoral, wealth is the tin god they worship. They are despicable creatures.
I agree. Elon Musk is a slimeball that tries to insert himself into whatever may be popular at the moment in order to exert his influence and power. I cannot understand why so many people on the right worship him.
Total nonsense. Musk said he was “a jew by association”, he was forced to go to Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro to very publicly show who his bosses were. There also the jews like Zuckerberg, Google is a totally a jew run operation, Silicon Valley is utterly run and ruled by jews, to claim otherwise is ridiculous.
Musk has said plainly that he was raised as a Jew. But normies prefer their fantasies.
Even so, Musk is just a front man for the real power. The Alphabet agencies and the Jews that own everything in the ZUS, Blackrock, Goldman, and State Street. Could add Magellan. All Jews.
Your thesis fails.
Did you see the yarmulke on the home grow jew terrorist in Vegas? What is next, jews per capita are the largest consumers of bacon and ham?
Alex Karp is a perfect example of a dangerous Jewish supremacist who is deeply embedded within Silicon Valley.
Palantir’s spy technology and military AI are a serious threat. Now is no time for complacency.
Yes you are absolutely correct. You might be interested in this piece from Simplicius. Especially the part about “Biden’s” (= Deep State) plan to establish a totalitarian state on steroids via AI. Listen to the quoted statements from Marc Andreessen and Eric Weinstein. Looks like the regime in Sodom-on-Potomac has enjoyed this ability to outlaw all kinds of things by fiat since the 1917 espionage act. A mere 4 years after the traitor Woodrow Wilson sold the country to a banking cartel.
Here’s the link to the Dark Futura article. (sorry)
Elon is either in cahoots with the Jews or controlled by them. Dig deeper. Whether it is a self-serving strategy or something else is up for debate. He admits he went to a Jewish school.
A well-known and well-respected remote viewer viewed him at Eyes Wide Shut parties.
When it comes to siring children, he is a wigger with plenty of baby-mamas. The quality of the baby-mamas speaks volumes.
Sleaze is the cream that rises to the top.
He’s controlled. His wealth is fake – essentially a giant welfare recipient with numerous gubmint deals running. Ditto for Bezos. He’s a public billionaire so he’s given a certain amount of leeway. They (the highest level oligarchs) could destroy him easily enough if he got too far off the reservation, which is very unlikely to happen.
Anglin pointed out cleverly the other day that Musk is essentially a reification of tony stark from the iron man franchise. That’s where the idea came from. My theory is that the establishment wants to push electric cars in order to shut down the Texas oil patch, which is one of the last uncontrolled sources of working class white wealth.
Bezos, I’m not so sure. He maintained an incredibly high level of free speech for a long time on Amazon. It took a lot to bring him to heel, it seems.
Jews are being increasingly forced to grapple in the mud with other tribes of elite Great Replacers. On the Left you have the “Squad” intersectional Africans and Muslims while elite South Asians seem to be finding a niche on the Right. These groups, often hailing from S-hole countries, lack both the “essential decency of the white man’s culture” and the specifically European-White vulnerability to Holocaust guilt-tripping – and are thus far more formidable opponents than the flyover-country folks who’ve been brainwashed into fervently supporting Israel.
“Jews are a declining elite like the antebellum Southern planter class in the 1850s and 1860s. Silicon Valley is like the 19th century railroads and industrial interests. Antisemitism is going mainstream. This is reminiscent of how antislavery went mainstream. Just as it suited the interests of rising Northern industrialists to have the North outraged at the Slave Power, it suits the interests of Silicon Valley tech barons in our own times to have the public outraged at the Jewish liberal establishment.”
What in God’s name are u talking about ?? Jews, if nothing else are STONGER than they’ve ever been – they tell the Govn. what to do !!!
Maybe HW is seeing farther over the horizon than we can see.
Taking a decades long view, jwz have grown ever stronger, decade over decade.
Good grief. Face palm emoji.
Right you are. Nothing in that statement is or was true. The Southern planter class of the 1850s and 1860s was by NO means a “declining elite.” They remained in TOTAL control of the South in every way and by every measurement.
Nor did antislavery go mainstream. Antislavery was almost exclusively a New England Phenomenon; the VAST majority of Yankees and the VAST majority of Union Army soldiers AND officers did not give a tinker’s damn about slavery or about Negroes, as even a cursory glance at the laws of Illinois (as an exemplar of the whole extra-New England North) will amply demonstrate: Illinois law made it unlawful for Negroes even to live in that state, which today is known as “the land of Lincoln.” The records and laws of the Yankee states outside of New England are quite clear on these things as are the diaries of Union soldiers and officers and their letters home.
Antislavery was never “mainstream” in the North at any time, nor was the antebellum Southern planter class “a declining elite” at any time. It was invasion and war that destroyed the antebellum political and social structure of the South. This is not arguable. So you are quite right to ask what on earth the writer is yammering about.
A couple points, HW.
First, not only has Jewish ethnic interest declined precipitously in power, it is no longer the real determinant of power politics as demonstrated by the total revolt of the democrat orc horde against their former masters, and the loss of the taboo about naming them in the mainstream. Yes they have major representation in industry, media, government etc. but their ethnic cohesion is shattered irreparably. That was the source of their strength, historically.
Second, you missed the opportunity to compare Elons avarice for cheap labor in the form of H1B’s as a parallel to that of the northern industrialists who wanted the slaves freed to flood the labor market in their sweat shop factories. If you are gonna characterize him as a modern day robber baron, you may as well go the whole hog.
My thoughts on the whole subject of the JQ is that its lost its relevance, and will only serve to make it clear how anachronistic the dissident right is that they can’t bring themselves into the new paradigm and can’t get past it rhetorically.
We now have bigger fish to fry, and I’m tired of the bs about the JQ. It no longer holds any great explanatory force in my mind for the bizarre events we are living through.
The more I hear it feverishly insisted upon, the more I begin to suspect that malign forces are pushing this again through agents provacateur to try and foist this obnoxious autism onto MAGA again the same way it was done with CVille, which for better or worse became an albatross for Trump that he never needed to be burdened with.
I’m not interested in this fight with Elon. H1B’s are already being abused, and that isn’t going to change. This wasn’t a fight that was meaningful in real policy terms, only in scoring some abstract coup against the industrialist oligarchs that are coopting the populist movement whether we dislike it loudly on XTwitter or not.
If you want to influence the narrative, you need to build a platform of some kind that you can stand on top of to shout into the void more efficiently. You won’t do that by posting on twitter, or using twitter as the bulk of the content on the blog. Ironically, the best platforms seem once again to be podcasts, which dissident right folks have little access to now because they made it a point to make themselves utterly toxic and obnoxious about the JQ. I don’t really know that any alternatives exist. Substack maybe if you want to actually write longform again, which I always appreciated when it was the norm.
The total revolt of the democrat orc horde against their former masters is exactly why Zionist Team Red is about to take over from Zionist Team Blue.
“If you want to influence the narrative, you need to build a platform of some kind that you can stand on top of to shout into the void more efficiently.”
Exactly what Vox Day has done, to his credit.
Just starting to comment here, but I’ve been following this site heavily for over a year now and am grateful beyond words for the insights and knowledge I gain from it. I first heard of Hunter’s work back in 2018 from a wiser, older wignat friend while at a bar outing in Manhattan. At the time I was heavily under the influence of “Colonel Andre”‘s Daily Stormer. Slowly, I became a man and put the childish things away. This is where it’s at. You get just as much from the commenter’s as the posts.
I disagree. Israel is more powerful than ever before. The “Resistance” is pathetic and demolished. Iran is doomed. Syria is gone. Iraq is long gone, Hezbollah is in tatters. Sunnis are ever the good goyim.
Twitter/X was nearly destroyed by the ADL when Musk first bought it, after which Musk began his own form of censorship and the Jew topics suddenly began slowing. Is it any coincidence the ADL backed off? That’s because the ADL won. This coupled with what is essentially an identity verification with the blue check mark algorithm introduced another mass chilling effect onto the site. Twitter is now just as locked down as it was in the dark ages of post-2017 but with a kosher-right bias. Instead of being outright banned, you are shadow banned by having zero reach. If you rock the boat anyway, you’ll be stripped of your little badge.
Musk and Peter Thiel are yet another band of Ayn Rand lovers. Ayn Rand is conservative Jewish gospel for dumb gentiles. Palantir has all the same enemies as Israel. Palantir is just a software update for the Military Industrial Complex, which is to say ZOG. Gaza was turned into a glass floor and no one batted an eye. Jew worship paraded like a cavalcade around the political circles ever since. US “resistance” fighters like Bowman were massively primaried and vanquished by Jewish money. The others like AOC shut up and went back to lecturing whitey. Michael Edison Hayden was hilariously run off from the SPLC for getting uppity over Gaza. The entire “left” collapsed over the Gaza debacle.
This system is as Jewish as it’s ever been. I’d say that because of the all consuming nature of modern social media, our world is even more Jewish. Look at how Tiktok was attacked and continues being demonized for being outside the American i.e. Jewish sphere. The recent H1-B spat. All the good goyim “conservatives” and Democrats formed a truly bipartisan show of support for Musk and Trump’s advocating of Conservative Great Replacement. It’s Jewish.
I agree Israel is definitely more powerful than ever. It is a regional superpower in the Levant now. It can easily stand on its own two feet. I was talking about the relative decline of Jews in the American oligarchy.
“I agree Israel is definitely more powerful than ever. It is a regional superpower in the Levant now. It can easily stand on its own two feet. I was talking about the relative decline of Jews in the American oligarchy.”
You need to explain more the nuance between Israeli power and American Jewish power. I understand what you are saying but too many people here conflate the two together and miss your point. There are plenty of Americsn Jews, who oppose Israel. In fact, there might be more American Anti-Israeli Jews, than there are American Pro-Israeli Jews.
In turn, a decrease in American Jewish influence might be contrasted with an increase in Israeli inflience to better explain your position. I am almost certain a lot of people here at OD would prefer that Israeli influence decreases instead of American Jewish influence. Which would explain the real agenda behind so many here. They really are just Anti-Israeli and Anti-Zionist leftists pretending to be Nazis. Which explains their other views.
This is dissident right logic right here. Try to join a muslim terrorist organization that explicitly hates white christians, to own the jews. Its conservatard tier caved in head logic promoted wildly on what’s left of the dissident right in the last couple years.
A reminder that our failure to prioritize our own health, the health of our race and our own interests at home leaves young white people rudderless and looking for a way to lash out.
> This is dissident right logic right here. Try to join a muslim terrorist organization that explicitly hates white christians, to own the jews.
Yes and no. Hezbollah does not hate white Christians and has done more to defend the small Christian population in Lebanon and Syria than the Empire of Lies and its ‘Greatest Ally’ – who actively seek and carry out their extermination. Not sure of Hezbollah has Christian members but they certainly have allies among the local Christians there. Molloy was stupid for opening his mouth on social media and should have stayed in Lebanon and taken the needed steps to join if that’s what he believed in. He’s no more guilty of any crime than Brian Mast is (other than having opinions of which the usual suspects and their toadies disapprove). Brian Mast actually joined a foreign military and wore its uniform in Congress.
Elon’s wealth is almost exclusively in his TSLA stock and that is very tenuous, especially with the wild 120 P/E.
Just a reminder since I have now edited two recent comments, …….jabs taken at Wasps, Southerners, Protestants etc….. will be taken just as seriously as jabs at Catholics and ethnic whites. We are treating both matters equally especially since this is a Southern based website.
When naming leaders who have betrayed us, it isn’t necessary to tell us about their specific ethnicity ( wasp, Irish, Italian, Southern etc…..) or which branch of Christianity they belong to.
Use good judgement. If you are about to post something that you know you are intentionally posting to start an inter ethnic debate of some kind, then don’t post it at all.
No matter the Logic and Truth Jews always play the victim card. Perfect example the Movie Harold and Maude.
Thank God Dixie is king of the Railroads, however dated they are to modern technology outside North America.
Everything is who/whom. This is what the Alphabet Agencies are doing to prepare America for Trump’s upcoming war against Iran.
This kind of truth telling is still possible on Substack. As of today.
My guess is “ISIS-inspired” won’t do for the big one. It’ll need a direct ‘Iranian’ (false flag) attack on US soil to get Joe Public to go along with the war on Iran. In totally unrelated news, back when Trump started leading the polls in 2023 this “Iranian Intelligence Officer” popped up on the Miami feds’ most wanted, complete with motive to take out Trump himself (or maybe Bolton).
As Whitelash Revolutionary stated above: ” (and for all practical purposes it does not matter if it was real or not because what people believe to be true is more powerful than actual truth) ”
Jewish Power in America has always relied on the mainstream media to shape public perception and to dictate what groups are allowed to be publicly criticized.
With the rapid, self-inflicted decline of the Mainstream Media (that accelerated post-2016) the effectiveness of Jewish propaganda has weakened significantly. The war against alternative media was a huge failure, and this has caused the mainstream media outlets to ramp up their anti-white rhetoric to a level that simply looks desperate. I would even argue that the level of anti-white mainstream media content is relative to the level of Jewish fear about their loss of power and status in society.
Estonia is far less than 1% Jewish. Your guy Trump is nominating a Jew, Roman Pipco, as ambassador to Estonia. So, that tiny minority in Estonia will get everything, and the 99% will get nothing, from your guy Trump and his Chabad Lubavitcher regime.
That, by the way, is how anti-Semitism is created
Estonia is a small country and they are close cousins to the Finns. Pipco will no doubt be there to ensure the rainbow flag of Globohomo files proud and that Estonia morphs into Afro-Estonia. There are so many fake nationalists such as those found in Estonia, or for that matter Ireland, Scotland and Catalonia. Any so called nationalist who wants to join the EUSSR and NATO is not a nationalist at all, just someone wanting to take the fool’s gold ticket from the Imperium mendacia