Trump Announces Redesign of North America


Economic union with Canada

Annexation of Greenland

Renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America

Maybe using the military to retake the Panama Canal


    • “get rid of that artificially drawn line” between Canada and the U.S.

      Trump is off his rocker, still better than Biden.

    • Putin and Stalin were also Jewish shills.
      Such things come clear only when all shitshow plays out. I think that Jews will get with Donald same surprise as they got with Stalin and Putin.
      Hungary Orban is also Soros hand picked and schooled.

      So let’s wait and see.

  1. Empires in crisis get put of them one of two ways, consolidation to the heartland in a defensive curl, or through aggressive expansion.

    In this current age where the power disparity between us and so much of our long list of “allies” is so great, and all our actual enemies are far from home, which seems more appropriate?

    The Republic died when Lincoln declared economic war against the south and conquered it by force after it seceded. We’ve been in an imperial age ever since.

    There’s like 60 thousand innuits and Danes in Greenland. This is net irrelevant to us demographically, but the strategic importance of Greenland in the next century is huge.

    Canada is as White as we are. Western, Christian etc. No major demographic impact.

    I don’t really care. Its pragmatic. I don’t think its in our national character to adopt a defensive curl about anything, and this cuck energy by the left and conservatives about managed decline is the most dangerous poison to indulge in.

    Overall I think its hilarious. It could be the first invasion by memes in history.

    • Most of those in Greenland aren’t even Danes, but Inuit (related to Eskimos). As for Soviet Kanuckistan, we just think the woketard leftists in the NE and Kalifornistan are bad… Even the conserviltards are fully woke up there. Total clown show. Adding them as a state would be like adding another Massachusetts. Better to render them as territories so they can’t vote in federal elections. It’s all hot air of course.

    • “Canada is as White as we are. Western, Christian etc. No major demographic impact.”

      I’d check that fact; might be surprised. We are 60 % white now – in 1960 we were about 95% white

  2. There are ultra conservative mostly rural provinces in Canada, who have to endure the tyranny of urban, populated Ontario. Wouldn’t it be cool if Saskatchewan and Alberta seceded from Canada to join a Red state confederacy, while Ontario melded with the East Coast liberals into their own New American Union, while allowing Quebec to depart to do their own French thing, and then this could also free B.C. to merge with the Pacific coast liberal states to form whatever they all desire.

    I am NOT at ALL an open borders libertarian. However, I don’t see any logical reason why treaties between geographic regions that promote cultural solidarity shouldn’t be considered from time to time. many of the political borders that make up the United States are sort of arbitrary. Does anyone really feel they’ve crossed a real boundary when they drive from Des Moines to Omaha? How about Mobile to Pascagoula? Yet, we all know that Seattle couldn’t be more different than Dallas, and Chicago couldn’t be more different than Boise. I’ve always seen Ontario as culturally part of the Northeast sect of the Great Lakes region. Not altogether different in character from Alabany, Toledo, or Maybe Minneapolis. Vancouver and Portland, is there really a difference?

    I don’t know exactly when it happened, but sometime since the 1960s, the internal turmoil of this country began to defy the logic of the “Union”. The only thing that kept it together was the vague threat of communism and nuclear proliferation. That threat diminished, and in the 90s a growing right wing populist pushback occurred after Ruby Ridge/Waco etc but it wasn’t strong enough, and a rebound of federalism occurred with post-911 “patriotism” emboldening the surveillance state. Since then, the police state is what has kept it from unraveling. It took us longer to get here, but this mirrors the Iron Curtain, a truly phony political boundary if there ever was one.

    It still holds true though. Relative Economic prosperity is all that keeps it from unraveling tomorrow. But even that seems to be weakening.

    Oh, and @IronicSock.
    You and HW are the most rational people on this site. Thank you for your posts.

  3. Trump is an egotistic, narcissistic, maniac. Apparently, this is his plan to be added to Mt. Rushmore someday.

  4. The “Gulf of America” thing is silly, the historical name of the place is Gulf of Mexico and that’s what people use. I hope Fox news doesn’t start calling it “The Gulf of America” on it’s broadcasts the way they forced that silly “Homicide Bombing” term after Bush Junior used in during one of his fumbling speeches.

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