It is easy to feel it’s hopeless – that everything “we” (Patriotic Immigration Activists, ha wite identitarians, Southern Nationalists) try to do fails. And we’re doomed to suffer the fate of ha Whites in Santo Domingo Haiti/Rhodesia, French Algeria or Memphis TN, Birmingham AL or places I’ve lived on the West and South Side of Chicago.
I recommend avoiding racial doom and gloom porn.
“We” had an AMAZING presidential election victory – defeating Antifa, BLM, LaRaza, ADL, CNN, MSNBC, Oprah, Rachel Maddow, LGBT, Tim Wise, and best of all pushing aside the Bush and Romney Family, Jonah Goldberg/David Frum, Max Boot Je*ish Neo Con men. “NR Unpatriotic Conservatives” (Link)
Best of all, we’ve knocked down or even converted the know it all, race denying, open borders immigration R&R Paul Libertarian cult! (Link Ron Paul’s brain stops working on live video .
Yes – Rand Paul (American Renaissance Traitor of the Year Link) has apparently come back to our side. He’s come back to immigration sanity – strongly support’s President Trump secure the borders.
“Trump Can Fix the Border on Day 1 – KY Sen. Rand Paul The American Conservative Link
Let’s hope Rand Paul starts walking back some, most of his horrible pro BLM – pro heroin, opioid “Justice for Breonna Taylor Link” Black drug trafficker, Black criminal treason.
Do OD readers remember when an Antifa/BLM Washington DC mob attacked Rand Paul and his beautiful blonde wife ( video link )? Please watch this video as Rand Paul takes the Antifa/BLM mob’s side saying they were just misinformed, “idiots” . RP panders that the Antifa/BLM didn’t understand he was on their side; he sponsored the “Justice fore Breonna Taylor Federal Act” prohibiting no knock warrants against heroin/Fentanyl opioid gang leaders such as Breonna Taylor and St. George Floyd!
What a coward! What a traitor!
The good news is that Rand Paul, or at least his Congressional staff has come around to securing the border. This St. Paul has he apparently “seen the Light on the road to Damascus Syria” (now terrorized by ISIS). RP’s epiphany might be connected to a stereotypical Black thug nearly murdering one of Rand Paul’s staff members. (Video Link of the attempted murder of Rand Pauls’ staff member)
Let’s do the simple, easy, day in and day out things to support reformed racial, immigration traitors coming back to sanity, coming back to our ha Wite side.
Plase contact Rand Paul’s Congressional Staff members (the ones that haven’t been crippled or murdered yet by DC Black thugs) and say a short simple “thank you” for RP’s sensible “Secure the border on Day I) article published in The American Conservative magazine/blog: Washington, D.C. Office (202-224-4343).
Chief of Staff – William Henderson
Scheduler – Drake Henle
Legislative Director – John Maniscalco
Press Secretary – Kelsey Cooper
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