Border Czar Tom Homan Revives COPS

I think it is great!

We need fresh content like this every day!

Joe Biden never understood the importance of selling his policies!

Activists also lost the plot on Trump 2.0’s immigration policy. Tom Homan is correct to initially focus on rounding up the worst, most indefensible illegal alien criminals. It is an even better decision to make a big show out of rounding up and removing them because it builds public support for Trump’s policies and puts House and Senate Democrats in a weaker position to block reform in Congress.

Note: As many people have already pointed out, Tom Homan is going to become one of the most popular figures in the Trump administration.


  1. 1500 a day is a nice start. That’s over 2 million in four years. Can only hope for many, many more though. Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump them up!

  2. It would be totally an American approach to turn this into a reality show for regular streaming live online.

    God I hope they do it.

  3. The Trump presidency will likely drive a lot of leftwing activity underground. They will not co- operate, flout the rules, etc.
    They can experience what it’s like to be on the fringes, rather than in the mainstream. Serves the bastards right.
    They’ve had it their way for too long.

    • This will have posititsve secondary effects.
      When word gets out about these arrests it will have A significant effect on those trying to enter the country.

      Why pay a coyote 1500 when you risk losing it and just get deported?

    • It’s way too early to make that conclusion.

      This is the honeymoon period.

      Let’s check-in on the tangerine turd in 6-12 months.

      When midterm elections begin next year, I expect the GOP and Trump to go soft, in order to keep both houses of Congress. If the democrats recapture one or both, Trump will be a lame duck, so enjoy the ride now.

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