Donald Trump Breaks Colombia’s President

This all unfolded yesterday while I was driving home from Memphis.

In case you missed it, Colombia refused a deportation flight on a U.S. military aircraft, Trump angrily threatened to impose extreme tariffs on Colombia as retaliation, the gay socialist president of Colombia offered to send his presidential plane to pick up and return the illegal aliens, then threatened to impose tariffs of his own before ultimately capitulating in an epic meltdown on X.


  1. This is sad that the head of Columbia had to be pressured to take his own people back and I don’t understand why they don’t go South, coming to the us from there is going over a thousand miles of rainforest full of big cats and all kinds of other wild life, the Amazon has piranhas so you can’t even go in the water unless you know it’s safe. If I lived in Columbia and wanted to leave I’d go to Argentina, it’s better than Mexico and I wouldn’t have to go very far and they speak the same language.

    • @Jay,
      what the F is wrong with u ? they weren’t pressured to come here, they invaded of their own free will. good riddance.

      • Jay didn’t say anything about the Colombians being pressured to come HERE. He questioned why the Colombian president had to be pressured to to take them back.

      • Many are paid by NGOs to come here. The reports of not only Columbians but numerous invaders from Africa and all over the world showing up with thousands in cash have been coming out since the previous Trump administration.

    • “. If I lived in Columbia”

      First , you’d have to live in Colombia.
      Second, most just fly in.
      Third, Amazon is on the other side of the Andes.
      Fourth, big cats are rarer than gold nuggets.
      Fifth, Argentina is full up on Venezuelans and Peruvians.

  2. That’s gotta be some kind of record. Colombian dude went through the full Kübler-Ross 5 stages of grief in under 50 minutes and beclowned himself bigly in the process.

    Tweet loudly and carry a big stick. Loved this episode of the Trump Show.

  3. This is all the result of Obama. Lots of resources went into Colombia first to defeat the many Leftwing terror groups, then the many Narco Cartels, and then to establish peace between the various factions in the country and reduce cocain production. It all worked. Then Obama came.

    He ruined all the initiatives, broke apart the righwing paramilitaries, legitimized the leftists and presided over a massive increase in cocain production. Lots of unsung American and Colombian heroes, put their lives to restore Colombia’s honor and freedom, and many of then died. A lot of violence, espionage, Supreme danger and intrigue pitting these devils against one another and then using the rightwong paramilitaries to crush them. Now thanks to that Mulatto Commie Obama, Colombia is Leftwing Narco state run by this gay tranny loving Leftist Petro. Total tragedy.

    P.S. Obama also presided over the creation of a Leftwing Anti-American alliance of Banana N@gger Run Latino states. They are all meeting on Jan 30, 2025, to deal with Trump and MAGA, and may hold a meeting even sooner. Time to kick Banana N@gger @ss. Again.

  4. “Amazon has piranhas so you can’t even go in the water”

    You watch to much TV!

    People go on the Rio Negro (mid brazil) and swim among the piranhas.

  5. To average about 7,530 illegals deported per day to remove about 11,000,000 in 4 years is a challenge to say the least.

    You need hundreds (maybe thousands) of retired military/police/etc “bounty hunters” who are paid by the head to help do this. (Or else specially built, super strong and advanced AI robots that we don’t have yet.)

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

  6. “…People go on the Rio Negro (mid brazil) and swim among the piranhas”

    Hey maybe we can make some money packaging this as a vacation “sex change” and “swim among the piranhas” package deal. We’ll all get rich!

  7. First they came for the illegals…

    Then they came for Antifa, BLM, Obama, Joe Biden and the entire Democrat/Marxist/Commie/Anarchist/etc etc crime syndicate…

    Now then, you would be cooking with gas…

    Just maybe if you finish working on the effects and get rid of the real cause of all the immigration problems, there will be no more crooks around who would open up our borders again to let in the whole world in their attempt to obliterate the White founding stock of this nation…

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

  8. Immigrants are still flooding in. About 10,000 per day of legals, and the illegals, very very many. 500 arrests per day won’t change anything. The invasion continues.

    A serious government would arrest 200,000 or more per day, and no one would be returning on a plane. The Mexican border would be completely shut, absolutely nothing would come across, till all 50 to 70 million of them are gone.

    It would be easy to do. There is no will to do it. We get this 500 per day thing and call it victory.

  9. Is El Salvador’s based president going to take back MS-13 members?

    How telling is it that El Salvador destroyed MS-13 and other violent gangs, and the USA still has gangbangers/domestic terrorists running loose.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. WSJ: Venezuela Agrees To Accept Migrants In Deal Paving Way For Deportations – Occidental Dissent
  2. Mexico and Panama Cave To Trump – Occidental Dissent

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